Where is Pavel Gubarev now and what’s wrong with him? Donbass People's Militia. Question: But are you currently moving on something?

Born on March 10, 1983 in Severodonetsk, Lugansk region. Studied at high school No. 4 of the city of Severodonetsk, Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region of the Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from the Faculty of History of Donetsk University. Worked in the advertising business. Founder of the Morozko companies, which organizes children's parties, and Patison, which deals with outdoor advertising.


Married, has 3 children

Private bussiness

Initially, Gubarev was a member of the Russian National Unity organization, which arose during the Orange Revolution, then joined the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, from which he was elected deputy of the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk.

In 2006 he was the head public organization"European choice". In 2006-2007 - deputy of the Kuybyshev District Council, head of the Natalia Vitrenko Bloc “People's Opposition” faction in the council. In 2006, he took part in protests in Feodosia against NATO.

In 2007, he resigned his mandate.

In 2010, he was a confidant of the candidate for deputy from the Strong Ukraine party.

Donbass People's Militia

On March 1, 2014, at a rally of pro-Russian citizens in Donetsk, he was elected “people’s governor” of the Donetsk region. Supporters of Gubarev several times seized the building of the Donetsk regional administration and planted a Russian flag over it, but were then forced out of there by the police. On March 3, Gubarev demanded a referendum on the future status of the Donetsk region.

Back on February 25, I was the director of my own advertising agency. For the last three months, I have hardly been involved in business, but have been monitoring the socio-political situation and writing on Facebook. Like, probably, most of my fellow citizens. Business was down, but we were all on our toes.

When I started monitoring the situation, it turned out that there are about 20 [political] organizations in Donetsk, but there is no political force among them that people could follow. Most of them were paid for by the Party of Regions to specifically extinguish the protest. People were paid from eight to 20 thousand hryvnia (from one thousand to two and a half thousand dollars) per day to say that no one would come to Donetsk and everything would be fine here.

It became clear to some leaders of the People's Militia that under all this broth it was necessary to dump the discredited local authorities. Having weeded out those who were paid, I crystallized a group of people who were just as irreconcilably disposed [towards] the authorities. We organized " Civil uprising Donbass,” and at the council I was elected commander.

On March 6, he was arrested by SBU officers in his apartment in Donetsk. Gubarev was charged with Part 1 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (actions aimed at the violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or the seizure of state power), Part 2 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine) and Art. 341 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (seizure of state or public buildings or structures). The next day he was arrested by the Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kyiv. Subsequently, the Russian Foreign Ministry declared Pavel Gubarev a political prisoner.

On March 9, 2014, a rally was held in Donetsk, which attracted about 3 thousand people, at which protesters demanded the release of Gubarev.

On April 25, Pavel Gubarev declared an indefinite hunger strike in protest against the “killings of civilians in Slavyansk.” OSCE observers in Ukraine were denied a visit to Gubarev, and therefore Russian representatives suggested that his health condition had deteriorated sharply. On April 26, 2014, Swiss President D. Burkhalter informed the Russian Foreign Ministry that the OSCE had managed to obtain access to Gubarev and the visit could take place on the same day.

On May 7, 2014, Pavel Gubarev, deputy “people's mayor” of Slavyansk Igor Perepechaenko and activist from the Kherson region Sergei Zlobin were released at a checkpoint in Slavyansk in exchange for three Alpha officers: Lieutenant Colonel Rostislav Kiyashko, Major Sergei Potemsky and Captain Evgeniy Varinsky who were held captive by Donetsk militias since April 27.

In an interview " Rossiyskaya newspaper“After his release, speaking about the situation before his arrest, Gubarev stated that “... two thirds of the activists are already in the pay of the oligarch Akhmetov. A very small group of people remained committed to the idea, but still took money. Everyone took money!” and confirmed his intention to continue to criticize the existing order and power.

Statements and statements

About Yanukovych

About Akhmetov

Under these conditions, leaders of the so-called people's militia began to appear in all cities. And the party in power, our eastern oligarchs, resorted to the same means of bribery that were convenient for them. There was probably no talk of threats anymore, more of bribery and intrigue, so they started working with militia activists. It turned out that two thirds of the activists are already supported by the oligarch Akhmetov. A very small group of people remained committed to the idea, but still took money. Everyone took money!

“Novorossiya is a space that will unite the Donetsk, Lugansk People’s Republics and other Republics that will make up the territory of the greater Novorossiya”

Question: People ask where is our ideological inspirer, the founder of the protest movement in Donbass, Pavel Gubarev? They say that he left or was forced to leave the political scene and is busy with economic affairs.

Pavel Gubarev: The fact is that when the government, the Supreme Council, was being formed, I had just left the Kyiv prison. I am not active in politics, because... I am not chasing a position, but making my contribution to the work of the new emerging state. I decided to work in those areas that are considered the most important. In the current situation, I think it is more expedient and necessary to do exactly the work that we are doing with our entire team. This is: the socio-political movement “Novorossiya Party”, the goal of which is to form the ideological basis of the future state of Novorossiya, its political and economic doctrine, its humanitarian concept. We write constantly about historical aspects: Novorossiya is not a fiction today, Novorossiya has deep foundations for its existence. Deeper and more natural than the existence of this territory within a united Ukraine. The second type of activity is mobilization, which we began to engage in when I was in Donetsk, and the main military operations were taking place in Slavyansk. The militia were sent to Slavyansk under the command of the Minister of Defense. We succeeded in this activity: during the entire conscription period we gathered more than two thousand people under the banner of the Strelkovites - this is from mid-May to this day. We also found a use for ourselves in the form of organizing a repair service various types weapons: small arms, grenade launchers, etc. There is a group that I help that repairs weapons. We help in the construction of defensive fortifications and checkpoints: we carry blocks, slabs, sand, bags; We help make your places of stay safe armed forces. Yes, this can be called the work of a caretaker, but at the same time I remain a politician. Because in these conditions, real actions are more important; now we need to contribute to the cause, bringing our common victory closer.

Question: Now there are a lot of “Varangians” in the government. Will there be a place for Donetsk people there?

Pavel Gubarev: Indeed, many people, professionals came to our government to work. This is due to the fact that the entire ruling class that we had betrayed its people, it collapsed and fled for the most part. And that’s why we found support and support in specialists from Russia, who are great professionals in their field. Such as Vladimir Yurievich Antyufeev, who has experience working in Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia. And no matter how frightening the parallel between us and these unrecognized republics may be (and we also have the possibility and risk of being an unrecognized republic), it is his anti-crisis management experience, experience in working in security structures that can be most useful. I can say the same about the Minister of Internal Affairs affairs of Oleg Vladimirovich Bereza, Minister of State Security Andrei Yuryevich Pinchuk. This help is very important for us. Because it is very difficult to rely on the local elite also for the reason that they are loyal today, and tomorrow they can stick a knife in the back. These are people whose consciousness disfigured by a passion for material gain, i.e. as soon as they see the opportunity to get such a benefit, you can expect everything from them, even betrayal. That betrayal that you saw on a massive scale when Yanukovych fled. Well, Yanukovych fled, bad, of course. But It was the entire so-called “elite” who betrayed, and not Yanukovych. It (the elite - ed.) in our country was divided into two clans: “Family” - these are clans close to Yanukovych - and “Akhmetov’s”. First, the “Akhmetovskys” betrayed the “family”, the family ones fled abroad, the Akhmetovskys tried to stay here, but in the end both of them are traitors. And such traitors must be identified. Unfortunately, there may be many more of them. Those who have mimicked, changed their mask, but continue their subversive activities within the framework of the Donetsk People's Republic, are trying to occupy the necessary positions, important posts, expand the circles and possibilities of their influence. In order to merge Novorossiya.

Question: What is Novorossiya and the Donetsk People's Republic? How do they relate?

Pavel Gubarev: Novorossiya is a space that will unite the Donetsk, Lugansk People's Republics and other Republics that will make up the territory of the greater Novorossiya. And they, accordingly, will unite on a federal or confederal basis. This is already a question for the future. But today we have a confederal constitutional act on the unification of the Lugansk People's Republic and the Donetsk People's Republic into the Union of People's Republics. This is the first brick in the foundation of the future Novorossiya - a great Novorossiya, which, I am sure, should, in addition to the People's Republics of Donbass, include such regions as Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa and, possibly, part of the Kirovograd region.

Question: Is it true that you personally are given money from Moscow?

Pavel Gubarev: We are really helped by many Russians who transfer money to us for two purposes. There is a humanitarian battalion - money is transferred to the accounts of my wife Ekaterina Gubareva, and this money is spent exclusively for humanitarian purposes. And there is a group of patriots who help us by allocating funds for the publication of the newspaper. We also have many local patrons from Donetsk who also provide financial assistance. They help develop the idea of ​​a new state and promote it to the masses.

Question: There are rumors that you buy suits for $80,000.

Pavel Gubarev: I haven’t worn suits, I don’t wear them, and I suspect that I won’t wear them unless absolutely necessary.

Question: you once went to work on a scooter, what kind of personal transport do you have now?

Pavel Gubarev: I sold my only car, a Nissan Note, in order to publish the first issue of the newspaper. And after the publication of the first issue, a person found me who said: “I have long been looking for someone who will deal with the issues of ideology of the future Novorossiya, and we want to help you financially.” This is how my car became sacred, and in fact, it was from its sale that we published the first issue of the Novorossiya newspaper.

Question: But are you moving around on something now?

Pavel Gubarev: Yes, several Lanos confiscated from PrivatBank and mobilized from Donetsk were officially transferred to the organization state university"KIA", which will definitely be returned.

Question: Is there a confiscation of cars from the population, is it true that these cars are sold in Russia?

Pavel Gubarev: I can only speak about the militia. The militia does not confiscate cars from the population, the militia confiscates state cars, because we have had the nationalization of Ukrainian property, and the militia also confiscates cars from the parking lots of the oligarchs. As for the equipment necessary for the construction of defensive fortifications, we are not confiscating it, but mobilizing it. Because in times of war, it is necessary to mobilize maximum resources in order to create and maintain defense capability.

Question: How do you feel about Igor Nikolaevich Bezler?

Pavel Gubarev: I feel very good, I know that those “Alfa men” who were exchanged for me were caught by Bezler’s people, and I am very grateful to this man for handing over these people to be exchanged for my humble person. As for combat qualities, I know that Bezler’s unit is very disciplined and very combat-ready.

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Biography, life story of Gubarev Pavel Yurievich

Gubarev Pavel Yurievich - Ukrainian political and statesman. Businessman.


Pavel Gubarev was born on March 10, 1983 in the city of Severodonetsk (Lugansk region, Ukraine; at the time of Pavel’s birth - Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic). Finished high school in my hometown secondary school № 4.


After school, Pavel Yurievich entered Donetsk National University to the Faculty of History.


The first time after university, Pavel Gubarev worked in the advertising business. Over time, he realized that in order to become a wealthy person, he needed to do something more than just work for “someone else’s uncle.” This is how Gubarev came to become one of the founders of the Morozko company, specializing in organizing and holding parties for children. Pavel Yurievich’s experience in advertising also came in handy - he founded a company called Patison, whose main activity is creating outdoor advertising.

Political and social activities

In the early 2000s, Pavel Gubarev joined the all-Russian public ultranationalist movement “Russian National Unity”, the founder and leader of which was Alexander Petrovich Barkashov. Around the same time, Gubarev was the head of the Ukrainian public organization “Russian National Unity”. According to some reports, this organization was created by the Party of Regions as a counterweight group during the sensational “Orange Revolution” in 2004. In 2005, Russian National Unity ceased to exist.

A little later, Pavel Yuryevich joined the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine. Some time later, he was elected deputy of the Kuybyshevsky district of the city of Donetsk from this party.

In 2006, Gubarev became the head of the public organization “European Choice”. In the period 2006-2007, he was a deputy of the Kuybyshevsky District Council, and led the People's Opposition faction (Natalia Mikhailovna Vitrenko's election bloc).


In 2006, he took an active part in protests in Feodosia against NATO.

In 2007, Pavel Yuryevich refused to be a deputy and resigned his mandate.

When a political crisis broke out in Ukraine in 2013, Pavel Gubarev led the armed formation “People's Militia of Donbass”. On March 1, 2014, during a rally in Donetsk, pro-Russian citizens elected Gubarev as people's governor of the Donetsk region. Supporters of Gubarev's opinion several times seized the building of the Donetsk regional administration and planted a flag on it Russian Federation, however, law enforcement officers constantly expelled the rebels.

On March 3, 2014, Pavel Yuryevich raised the question that it was time to hold a referendum and decide the future fate of the Donetsk region.

Problems with law

On March 6, 2014, Pavel Gubarev was arrested by the Security Service of Ukraine. This happened in own apartment political figure in Donetsk. Gubarev was accused of actions aimed at violently changing the constitutional system and seizing power. Gubarev was also accused of seizing public buildings and encroaching on the territorial integrity of the country. Already on March 7, the Shevchenkovsky District Court of the city of Kyiv arrested him for two months. According to Gubarev himself, during his arrest he was kept in a pre-trial detention center of the Security Service of Ukraine and was constantly subjected to torture and abuse. A little later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation recognized Gubarev as a political prisoner.

On March 9, 2014, a loud rally was held in the center of Donetsk, which attracted almost three thousand people. The protesters demanded the release of Pavel Yuryevich. However, their demand was not satisfied.

On April 25, Pavel Gubarev went on a hunger strike, thereby expressing his protest against the murder of civilians in the city of Slavyansk. Soon, the prison administration banned visits to the prisoner, as a result of which the public quickly concluded that Gubarev’s health had deteriorated sharply. On April 26, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe managed to gain access to Gubarev.

On May 7, 2014, Pavel Yuryevich and two other political prisoners were released from arrest in exchange for three officers of the special unit of the Alpha Security Service, who were captured by Donetsk militias on April 27.

On June 5, 2014, Pavel Yuryevich Gubarev was put on the wanted list. The reason is suspicion of committing a number of criminal offenses.

Personal life

At one time, Pavel Gubarev got married. Wife – Ekaterina Yurievna. The woman gave her beloved three children.

Catherine, like her husband, chose a career as a politician. In April 2014, she was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Politicians, economists and public figures discussed the global crisis economic system and prospects for the Russian economy. For the first time, representatives of Novorossiya, former regions of Ukraine after the 2014 referendum, which became separate republics, took part in such a forum.

Among other things, the former people's governor of Donbass, leader of the Novorossiya movement, addressed the audience. He spoke about the current difficult economic situation of the republic and his strategic vision of a way out of this situation. On the pages of our website we publish Pavel Gubarev’s opinion on important issues of building the economy of Novorossiya.

Pavel Yuryevich Gubarev (born March 10, 1983, Severodonetsk, Voroshilovograd region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) is a political and public figure in the self-proclaimed union of the republics of the DPR and LPR (Novorossiya), an entrepreneur. Head of the public organization “People’s Militia of Donbass”, leader of the political movement “Novorossiya”, formerly “people’s governor” of Donbass, head of the mobilization department of the DPR Ministry of Defense. After the coup d'état that took place in Kyiv at the end of February 2014, he spoke first for autonomy, and as events developed, for the sovereignty of the regions that in the past made up the territory of Novorossiya (region Russian Empire), which became part of the Ukrainian SSR after the 1917 revolution and remained with Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Gubarev actively advocated holding nationwide referendums in these territories in order to determine their status. After the start of the military operation proclaimed by the new Kyiv authorities against the territories where the referendum took place, Gubarev withdrew from management activities and focused on community initiatives.

Pavel Yurievich, a lot is said about the historical and political significance of the events taking place in the east of Ukraine and in the republics of Novorossiya. Could you tell us about your vision of the economic component of these processes?

It's no secret that for a year now we have been fighting for our identity, for the right to live on earth according to our own rules. We made a choice along the vector of economic integration (people's republics, on the one hand, and with Russia, on the other - approx. edit.).

Our enemy and the enemy of the other peoples inhabiting modern Ukraine stands on three pillars: Ukrainian Nazism, Ukrainian unitarianism, Ukrainian oligarchism. These are the three things we rebelled against. Actually, the struggle against Ukrainian oligarchy gave rise to an internal demand for social justice, dormant in society, for the reconstruction of the existing socio-economic structure. Together with our political partners and comrades, we formalized all this into certain strategic points. I won’t talk about tactics now, although there are hot tactical issues that require immediate resolution. This is, for example, sowing. Today the peasants have no money, no credit mechanisms, and a significant part of the equipment and grain have been taken away. There is a big risk that the sowing season will be disrupted.

Feeding 2 million people living in Donbass is a very heavy burden, even for Russia. Now I’ll say about strategy - here’s what we think about it: first, we need to determine the material and technical basis of our economic system. I don’t see a big contradiction in, on the one hand, after a military victory, whether it be in Kyiv or Lvov, to restore existing infrastructure facilities (factories, enterprises, etc.), and on the other hand, to change perspective approach to economics. Our perspective is a strategy of programmable structural restructuring, which is carried out on the basis of socially oriented programs. From the point of view of humanitarian goals and at the same time pragmatic life, in the 21st century it is the investment of human qualities, new ideas, technologies and forms of production in life.

Still, the economic blockade carried out by Kiev and some other countries is damaging the economy of Novorossiya. What to do?

The example of Cuba, which was under a severe economic blockade for more than 25 years, is very illustrative, but it must be said that its main income is not the export of sugar and cigars, but the services of its doctors, trainers, teachers, artists, and athletes. We must define a system for regulating the functioning of the economy. In this direction, our strategy involves bringing together the mechanisms of market self-regulation and economic programming on the basis of selective regulation with the participation of the state. Here the citizens of Novorossiya, Donbass, with the help of the elected parliament, discussions, round tables must determine strategic directions, in which the state will take part.

On the basis of what socio-political model is it possible to build such a society?

Today is very important question— is to define a system of property relations. The system of property relations must ensure a compromise in the relations between owner and employee, labor and capital. Workers should not feel alienated from the wealth of capital. And owners and business as a whole must bear social responsibility. It is necessary that the position of property be enshrined in the Constitution. It is also necessary to legislate the specification of property rights and their transparency; accounting and control by employees of production, management and financial flows of enterprises; accounting and control of citizens over the activities of village, district, city and other administrative forces; real socialization natural resources, basic infrastructure facilities, largest banks, most enterprises in areas that form human qualities: education, healthcare, culture, sports, etc.; development social responsibility business, as well as civil society institutions, which must replace the immovable bureaucratic system that has collapsed in the Donbass, on the one hand, fortunately, on the other hand, on our heads. It is probably difficult to imagine when there is no state power in a certain territory.

The third is to determine the mechanisms for distributing income and ensuring norms of social justice. There are several theses: general accessibility to development resources - education, information, healthcare, cultural achievements; guaranteed living wage, at the level of the normal (I emphasize) consumer basket; social protection disabled citizens; mechanisms of social redistribution, etc.

Fourth - defining priorities and methods of development. Here our strategic priority is the people of Novorossiya, their education and development. In the regions of Novorossiya, science has traditionally been developed, and for 23 years, despite destructive processes, we have managed to maintain scientific potential. Special attention Of course, we need to pay attention to education and medicine. If we focus on these strategic vectors, we will succeed. The people of Novorossiya are hardworking, freedom-loving, democratic and today the most advanced people on Earth.

Former "people's governor" of the DPR and leader of the Novorossiya movement Pavel Gubarev, on whom an attempt was made, was transferred from intensive care to a hospital. This is reported by wife of politician Ekaterina Gubareva.

“I returned from the hospital. Pavel woke up at night, looking very pale, general weakness, severe headache. I tried to joke about this situation :)) They transferred me from intensive care to a hospital. Constantly under the supervision of a doctor. I asked for a tablet to write on social networks. Doctors banned TV and computers for at least a week. I conveyed words of gratitude to everyone who was worried about him,” Ekaterina Gubareva wrote on her husband’s Facebook page.

On the night of October 13 on the Rostov-on-Don - Donetsk highway. He told about the circumstances of the incident Head of the Free Donbass movement Evgeniy Orlov, who was driving an SUV: “About 9 o’clock in the evening on Sunday we were driving by car to the city of Donetsk from the Marinovka checkpoint. Our car caught up with another, began to cut in, I heard the sound of shots,” Orlov recalls. He began to avoid the collision: “Our car flew into a ditch, we crashed into a pole.”

Gubarev and Orlov were heading to Donetsk for a press conference at which it was planned to announce the creation of a coalition between Novorossiya and Free Donbass.

Pavel Gubarev was taken from the scene of the accident to one of the hospitals in Rostov-on-Don in an unconscious state. Abandoned after Car accident disappeared.

According to Orlov, apart from him and Gubarev, there was no one in the car at the time of the attack. The leader of Free Donbass himself was not injured. He suspects a “Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group” of the assassination attempt.

According to representative of the DPR in Rostov region Eduard Popov, the shelling of Gubarev’s car was most likely an accident unrelated political activity. “According to preliminary information, the attack on the car took place on the Rostov-Donetsk highway near the village of Uspenskaya, on the territory of the DPR. Currently operating in this area sabotage groups Ukrainian army, which fire at any transport passing on the roads,” suggested a DPR representative.

According to Popov, Gubarev does not have real power and influence: “The real masters of the situation now are the commanders of military detachments and structures... the leaders have become those who have proven themselves in battle. Pavel was not in any battle, did not hold a weapon in his hands. Therefore, in my opinion, it did not make much sense for the Ukrainian special services to organize some kind of operation to eliminate him,” he said.

This is not the first attempt on the life of the former “people’s governor” of Donetsk. On the night of June 2, Gubarev’s office in the building of the former Donetsk regional administration was fired at from a grenade launcher.


Pavel Yurievich Gubarev was born on March 10, 1983 in the city of Severodonetsk. Graduated from the Faculty of History of Donetsk University. Worked in the advertising business. Founder of the Morozko companies, which organizes children's parties, and Patison, which deals with outdoor advertising.

His wife, Ekaterina Gubareva, was the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPR from May 16, 2014 to August 15, 2014.

Has three children.

Political activity

Pavel Gubarev considers himself a Russian nationalist. He explains his views as follows: “I call myself a Russian nationalist, however, with the caveat that real Russian nationalism is not ethnic, but spiritual, universal. My views today would be more correctly called national patriotism with a left-of-center bias. Russians and Ukrainians are one people, some Ukrainians just forgot about it. I am not a national radical.”

  • In the early 2000s, Gubarev was a member of the Russian National Unity organization.
  • In 2004, Gubarev headed the Ukrainian public organization “Russian National Unity”.
  • In 2006, he was the head of the public organization “European Choice”.
  • In 2006-2007 - deputy of the Kuibyshev District Council, head of the Natalia Vitrenko Bloc “People's Opposition” faction.
  • In 2006, he took part in protests in Feodosia against NATO.
  • In 2010, he was a confidant of the candidate for parliament from the Strong Ukraine party.
  • In March 2014, after the start political crisis in Ukraine, Pavel Gubarev headed the Donbass People's Militia organization.
  • On March 1, 2014, at a rally in Donetsk, he was elected “people’s governor” of the Donetsk region. Gubarev's supporters seized the building of the Donetsk regional administration and planted a Russian flag over it, but were then forced out of there by the police.
  • On March 3, Gubarev demanded a referendum on the future status of the Donetsk region.
  • On March 6, he was arrested by SBU officers in his apartment in Donetsk. Gubarev was charged with Part 1 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Actions aimed at the violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or the seizure of state power”), Part 2 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine”) and Art. 341 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Seizure of state or public buildings or structures”).
  • On March 7, he was arrested by the Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kyiv for 2 months. During his arrest, he was kept in the SBU pre-trial detention center, where, according to him, he was subjected to repeated torture and abuse.
  • On May 7, 2014, Pavel Gubarev was released in exchange for three officers of the Ukrainian Alpha.
  • On June 5, 2014 he was put on the wanted list on suspicion of committing a number of criminal offenses under the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
  • In July 2014, he was appointed head of the mobilization department of the DPR Ministry of Defense. In September he resigned.
  • On October 12, the Central Election Commission of the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) refused to register Gubarev's Novorossiya party for elections to the People's Council.

Who leads the self-proclaimed republics in southeastern Ukraine?