Garage with utility block. At what distance is it permissible to build a garage from the fence? The garage is located on the red line

The distance from the garage to the fence as well as the location of other objects (house, greenhouse, shower, toilet, summer kitchen etc.) when developing a site, it is determined by SNiP 30-02-97 (today the updated instruction SP 53.13330.2011 is in force).

If these standards are neglected, there is a high risk of conflicts arising due to an incorrectly installed residential building or household. buildings not far enough from the adjacent border.

Rules for building a garage on a garden plot

SNiP only determines the distance of the garage from the red border (in this case, from the fence on the boundary line), but does not dictate the recommended parameters for this building. Moreover, even the standards regulated in this document are not mandatory. However, if the other party (the owner of the neighboring plot) is against the garage being located too close to a residential building or fence, the court will have to demolish the building.

Buildings on the site, including the garage, must be located at least 1 m from the neighboring fence.

In accordance with SNiP, buildings for various purposes can be erected on the site. The “outbuildings” group also includes a garage; accordingly, when determining the distance between this object and the fence, you can take the standards for outbuildings as a basis.

Not officially required special permission for the construction of a garage if it is being built on a plot of personal property.

SNiP determines different distances from outbuildings to a neighboring residential building or fence for different cases. The minimum value of this parameter is taken as a basis in cases where there are no other buildings on nearby land, i.e. the territory of the neighboring plot is free.

If the owner of adjacent land one day wants to build another object near the border, he will have to take into account the rules against fire safety, according to which the distance between buildings on adjacent plots of land should be 6 m.

But in this situation, you can reach an agreement with the owner of the neighboring plot; you will need written permission to build a garage in violation of SNiP standards.

If one day this lot is sold, and the new owner wants to comply with the zoning rules and regulations, the permission given by the previous owner of the lot will become invalid and the garage will have to be moved. Otherwise, by court order, this decision will still have to be implemented.

Safety regulations

Depending on the type of material used in the construction of the facility, the fire safety class finished design will be different. At the same time, the distance between the buildings and the fence varies significantly.

For example, completely wooden houses According to SNiP, they should be located at a distance from each other of 15 m or more. This will ensure the safety of residents in the event of a fire in the neighboring area. However, you can resolve the issue peacefully and build a building at a distance of 3 m from the fence, and realistically leave 6 m between objects.

But we can implement this option only if a number of rules are followed:

  • There should be a fire shield nearby and a fire extinguisher installed;
  • electrical wiring is laid inside a metal cable channel, and the project itself is made in accordance with PTEEP;
  • electricity is metered, which means it is necessary to connect wires through a meter at the entrance of a residential building, and this measure will also avoid unauthorized installation of electrical appliances;
  • heating is not provided;
  • Safety is ensured by automatic fuses.

According to SP42.13330.2011 clause 7.1. the distance from the residential building (from the windows) to the garage on the adjacent site must be at least 6 m.

Such measures can reduce the risk of fire in the garage, which is also the key to the safety of the neighbor’s property.

How many meters do you need to retreat?

This information should be found in SNiP. Usually a garage is designated as a household. construction This means that if there are no plans to breed animals inside the property, then the recommended distance between the fence and the garage is 1 m.

If your site faces a thoroughfare, then you cannot place the garage directly in the same plane as the fence.

To avoid future misunderstandings and problems with the owner of the neighboring land, which is located behind the red fence line, you need to make the most accurate measurements before construction begins. This is explained by the fact that even a slight protrusion of the garage structure can become a reason for litigation.

Application of SNiP standards

Depending on the tasks that are planned to be solved, you need to use one or another section of SNiP.

The norms during the construction of a fence should be observed as precisely as possible, since their violation can lead to serious consequences.

The most relevant are the requirements for the fence, since this design is not eternal and requires periodic restoration:

  • the part of the fence that is located on the boundary line between the sections must be transparent, the permissible height of the blind structure is 0.75 m, and the total height of the fence varies within 1.5-2 m, which is determined by the region;
  • a fence running along the boundary line between neighboring plots of land can be built higher than the values ​​​​stated in SNiP, but for this it is recommended to obtain permission from the neighbor, and a section of the fence in the immediate vicinity of the red line of the road can be built higher than 2 m only if this has been obtained consent of the local administration;
  • the degree of transparency of the adjacent fence must exceed 50%, and the section of the fence, which is located near the red line of the road, does not necessarily have to transmit light; accordingly, the level of transparency is less than 50% and tends to 0.

On adjacent plots of land, it is enough to step back 1 m from the fence to build a fence. However, if the site is located so that there is a road on one side and a driveway on the other, then under these conditions the garage should be located at a greater distance: 5 m from the roadway, 3 m from the side driveway.

Fencing construction procedure

Two main stages can be distinguished: coordination of boundary lines of the land plot and the actual construction of the structure. During approval, the boundary plan of the site, as well as the cadastral plan, are considered.

If you plan to make a fence more than 2 m high, it is better to coordinate it with the local administration in advance. Basically, the cost is relatively low, but you will “insure” against possible problems.

The ideal solution when planning the construction of a fence between neighboring plots is a meeting of owners whose houses are located on adjacent land. The result is an act of approval of boundaries, which must contain an image of the plots with designated zones and buildings, as well as the signature of the owners who agree to the construction.

Before you start building a fence around your house, you need to draw up a project future design, present it to your neighbors, and obtain written consent.

Then the foundation is prepared in accordance with the parameters of the fence, load-bearing supports are installed, and the fence sheet is attached. The final stage of building a fence around the house is the installation of gates and gates.

The most common problem is the fence between areas. Namely, some buildings or plantings are located too close to the fence, which disturbs the neighbors. On the other hand, if you build a garage, shed or other object next to own home, it will also deprive you of comfort. For this reason, SNiP was created, which defines the preferred norms and rules for the development of a garden plot on both sides.

Planning a private household must necessarily include the choice of location of all buildings in relation to the enclosing structures. And from this point of view, it is very important that the standards for fence construction are observed as accurately as possible.

In the article we will talk about the main documents that regulate the construction of fences, and also provide examples of the implementation of key provisions in practice.

Legislative regulation of the placement of fences

For many people who recently became owners land plots, the revelation is the fact that even being on their own territory, they cannot place buildings as they please. The location of buildings, structures and enclosing structures is quite strictly regulated by relevant legislative acts.

As a rule, design organizations have a complete list of documents - it is for this reason that it is worth contacting them first with planning issues and resolving controversial issues. But even if you do not plan to do construction yourself, the basic SNiPs for the construction of fences and the construction of buildings are worth studying.

The main documents that contain information about restrictions on the construction of fences and fences are:

  • SNiP30 – 02 – 97. Data building regulations stipulate the procedure for planning private households in gardening partnerships and other similar structures. A separate section of the document is almost entirely devoted to the distances from adjacent fences to various objects.
  • Standard SP 11 – 106 – 97 regulates the process of developing design documents for private houses. This set of rules is more complex and there are several controversial issues in its interpretation, but it is worth having it at your disposal and, if necessary, consulting it.

SNiP for fences is a document whose requirements are highly desirable. The reason for this approach lies in the fact that if the requirements are violated, either neighbors or the administration may sue you settlement, in which a private household is located.

And most often, court decisions are not made in favor of the violator, and therefore it is better to protect yourself in advance than to demolish a building or completely reconstruct a fence as part of the implementation of a court decision.

In addition to the requirements contained in SNiP for fences, there are also local regulations. They must be taken into account, but in this case negotiations will have to be conducted with the administration of the locality.

Practical implementation of SNiPs

Requirements for the fence itself

If you are building a fence with your own hands, then the first thing you need to take into account is the standards for building the fence itself. Moreover, you need to plan the placement of buildings on the site once and for all, but the fence will have to be updated over time - so this information will still be needed.

So, what should the fencing of a private house be like?

The standards for the construction of fences state:

  • It is recommended to make an external fence (i.e. a fence that is not adjacent) no more than 2 m high. The transparency of such a structure should not be less than 50%.
  • This norm is advisory, therefore, it is impossible to legally prohibit the construction of a higher and denser fence.
    On the other hand, if the licensing authorities receive any complaint (for example, a complete high fence obstructs the movement of wind and creates a draft on the street), you may be required by law to reduce the height of the structure.

When planning to erect a fence more than 2 m high, it is better to coordinate it in advance with the local administration. As a rule, the cost of the issue is relatively small, but you will “insure” against possible problems.

  • Adjacent fences should not be made higher than 1.75 m. Optimal transparency is from 50 to 100%.
  • The fence material should not heat the air on the side of the neighboring plot, therefore, when erecting a fence between households, it is worth abandoning the cladding metal sheet.
  • Also, hollow bricks should not be used, as they can accumulate moisture. This can also cause complaints.

Distances from the fence to objects

The following information contained in SNiP for the construction of a fence concerns the distances from the fence to various buildings:

  • The distance from a residential building to the fence on the border with a neighboring household is at least 3 meters. Theoretically, it is possible to reduce this distance by mutual agreement, but in practice, architectural organizations approve such decisions very rarely.
  • Outbuildings (including the garage) must be located at least a meter from the adjacent fence.

In the case of a garage, the main difficulty is maintaining a distance from the external fence, so we will devote a separate section to this issue.

  • Structures intended for keeping livestock or poultry are located 4 m or more from the property line.
  • Sanitary buildings (bathhouse, toilet, etc.) are a potential source of soil pollution wastewater. The distance from them to the boundary line should be within 2.5 m - 3.5 m. When using a separate drain, the distance can be minimal - 2.5 m.
  • Green spaces must also be placed according to certain rules. Shrubs - no closer than 1 meter to the fence, low-growing trees - at a distance of 2 m, and tall trees - 4 m or more. The distance is calculated from the center of the trunk, so there is no need to worry that the distance will decrease over time due to the growth of the tree.

Fence and garage

As we noted above, it is not difficult to comply with the standard for the garage’s indentation from the building envelope adjacent to its neighbors. A distance of 1 meter is enough to maintain the outer wall of the building and to prevent water from flowing from the roof onto the neighboring area.

Another thing is the placement of the garage in relation to the “red line” and driveways.

If your site faces a thoroughfare, then you cannot place the garage as we are used to (i.e. directly in the same plane as the fence). The instructions require maintaining at least a five-meter setback from the fence located on the “red line”, and a three-meter setback from the fence separating your site from the side passage.

What to do if you want to place a room for a car along the line of the outer fence - as shown in the photo?

There is a little trick that allows you to get permission to build a garage with access directly to the street. To do this, we build a fence not on the border of the site, but retreating at least 1 meter deep. This creates a situation that can be interpreted in two ways, which means there is a possibility that decision will be in your favor.

However, the absence of a single document defining the indentation of outbuildings from travel routes significantly complicates independent planning (see also for more details on what it should be). So it’s better to contact an architectural organization: you’ll save both time and, most likely, money.

Fence construction procedure

Coordination of site boundaries

Paradoxically, the process of arranging a fence itself is far from the main difficulty that awaits you. The approval procedure is much more labor-intensive, and in order to avoid mistakes, we recommend that you study this section very carefully.

Beginning work on the construction of a fence involves familiarizing yourself as fully as possible with all the documentation you have for the land plot. The key documents here are the land cadastre (the cadastral plan attached to it is important) and the boundary plan.

After studying the documents, it is necessary to hold a meeting of the owners of the plots bordering yours. During the meeting, you should voice your plans for the construction of residential and non-residential facilities, as well as for the construction of fences. Suggestions or comments may be made. If these comments comply with the requirements of SNiP, they must be taken into account.

A boundary approval act must be signed, which contains:

  • Graphic representation of the boundaries of the site.
  • Signatures of the owners of neighboring plots of their statements about the absence of claims to the construction of the boundary line.

The act is drawn up by a cadastral engineer and certified by him. If disagreements arise about where the fence should be located on the ground, geodetic services should be involved in drawing up the act.

The cost of geodetic services is very significant, so issues of coordinating the placement of buildings and fences should be resolved “amicably” with neighbors.

The process of building a fence

The construction of the fence itself largely depends on the features of its design. The technology is shown both in the video in this article and in other information materials on this site.

In this case, the general sequence of actions is as follows:

  • If necessary, please contact construction organization, ordering the development of a building envelope project.
  • Ready project we coordinate with the neighbors (we talked about this above) and with the architectural supervision authorities.
  • On our own or with the involvement of specialists, we transfer the plan for the future fence to the area.
  • We make nests in the ground for installation supporting structures or we dig trenches to lay the foundation.
  • We install and concrete bearing structures(pipe, concrete or brick pedestals).
  • After concrete works completed - we assemble the fencing sections, install additional elements.
  • IN last resort installation is in progress entrance group– gates, wickets, etc.

The norms when constructing a fence should be observed as scrupulously as possible, since their violation can lead to serious consequences. negative consequences. And although approval of the project by a permitting organization can serve as a kind of “insurance” against lawsuits, it is still better to focus on SNiP.

Standard distances from the fence during construction

On the Internet you can find many questions about how to properly build a fence, whether it is possible to place a garage near it, and what the distance from the garage to the fence should be. Citizens often bombard lawyers with similar questions during personal meetings. For example, Alexey M. from the city of Saratov is interested in: at what distance is a garage built from the fence? If so, how to warn neighbors about this, what document to show or at least refer to it? The answer to Alexey’s question, as well as the construction standards for the main buildings on the site, can be found in our material today.

What the documents say

Indeed, there are certain sanitary conditions and standards according to which a garage, fence, etc. must be built. The minimum length to the border of the neighbor’s land should be equal to:

  • Three meters if it's a building.
  • Four meters if we're talking about about a building in which poultry and small livestock are kept.
  • One meter if other buildings.
  • Four meters if the trees are tall, two meters if they are medium-sized.
  • One meter, if an ordinary bush.

Since the garage can be classified as “other buildings,” during construction you will only need to step back one meter. These standards are provided for by SP 53.13330.2011 Code of Rules. This is true if there are no nearby buildings on the other side of the fence on the neighbor’s property.

If the garage is located close to the fence at a distance of less than a hundred centimeters, this will already be considered a violation. In this case, garages can be either free-standing or built-in, attached to a garden house or buildings on the site.

Fence standards

For many people who recently became owners land plot, it becomes a real discovery that even on your own territory you cannot place buildings wherever you want. The location of all buildings and even enclosing structures is regulated by legislation.

Returning to the SNiP law 30-02-97, as amended on March 12, 2001, there are certain standards for fence construction. If this is a fence between neighbors, then the areas must have transparent fences (lattice, mesh). This is done with one single purpose - to prevent shading of the area.

What height should the fence be? According to the standards, you can build a fence whose height will not exceed 150 centimeters. Of course, neighbors can agree on a different fence height verbally, but it is better to formalize the agreement in a written agreement. It will have legal force in any matter if the case goes to court.

It is worth understanding that SNiP is not considered a law as such. He recommends specific standards. Please note that your locality may issue its own regulations based on these rules. This is done in order to comply with the climatic as well as regional characteristics of the territory.

For example, in the Volgograd region, it is allowed to build a fence that will stand on the boundary with a height of no more than 2.2 m. Its transparency must be at least 50% of the total area of ​​the fence. If the fence is completely opaque, the maximum height of the fence should not exceed 0.75 m.

Placement of the garage relative to the “red line”

It was already noted above that it is not so difficult to comply with the norms of indentation from a fence adjacent to neighbors. One meter is enough for you to serve external walls the buildings. And water from the roof of the garage will definitely not flow to the neighbors.

It’s another matter if the personal plot has access to the roadway. Therefore, it is not allowed to place a garage in the same plane as the fence. According to the rules, it is necessary to maintain at least a five-meter distance from the fence, which is located on the “red line,” or three meters from the fence if it separates the area from the side passage.

Of course, this standard is only advisory in nature. However, if you do not follow it, the consequences may not be very pleasant. But there is a little trick that we will tell you about now. It will allow you to obtain a legal building permit with access from the garage directly to the street.

So, all you need is to build a fence not on the border, but by indenting it at least one meter deep.

Safety regulations

So, we found out what the distance to the garages should be personal plot. Are there any norms fire safety?

It turns out that the fire distance between buildings within the same garden plot is not standardized at all. But if the buildings are located on different garden plots, this rule applies and depends on the material of the supporting and enclosing structures. It all depends on the flammability of the materials. If it is a stone structure, the distance should not be less than 6 meters, if a concrete building - 8 meters, if a reinforced concrete structure - ten meters.

How is the distance between objects measured?

It is worth understanding that one person may take measurements and say that the distance between the garage and the fence is 1.2 meters, while another may see only 90 centimeters. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to measure distance correctly. Remember: the distance from the house is always measured by the projection of its parts that protrude, as well as the base. If, due to certain circumstances, the buildings on the site are located at a distance of less than one meter from the neighboring site, it is better to make the roof slope in your direction.

It also happens that an outbuilding comes into contact with a living space on summer cottage. In this case, you need to comply with completely different standards. You will need to make an entrance to each room at a distance of 7 meters.

Six meter law

We talked about the fact that the construction of a garage is permitted if it is located one meter from the fence on the site. However, there is also a six-meter rule. Its essence is that the distance from your garage to the building on your neighbor’s property should be at least six meters. If there are no nearby buildings, then there are no obstacles to building a garage on your property.

But why six meters, and not four or, say, seven? This norm is determined by fire safety rules. If one building catches fire, the flames can easily spread to another structure. This is more than relevant for the garage. So we can draw the following conclusion. We measure six meters from the nearest neighbor’s building and boldly begin construction.

By the way, do not forget that if you are not sure about the suitability of the land for building a garage or something, it is better to order a geological survey of the land. This will make it possible to understand whether the soil will subsidence in the next few years.

Although for the construction of a garage from some materials (for example, from sandwich panels) it is not necessary to obtain permits, however, some aspects of the location of the building on your site should be taken into account so that later there is no conflict with neighbors, which could result in litigation, and if When you decide to sell the plot, you could do it without any problems.

The main questions that our specialists are often asked:

  • How to position the garage relative to the neighbors' fence?
  • What should be the distance from the garage to the fence?
  • How to place a garage on the site?
  • Is it possible to make a garage in a fence?

Let's figure it out.

What the law says

According to building codes minimum distance from the garage to the neighbors should be one meter.

Fire safety standards are more stringent: in accordance with them, the distance between two buildings made of poorly flammable materials located in adjacent areas must be at least 6 meters (and if the buildings are wooden, this distance increases to 10 meters). It is believed that in the event of a fire, such a distance will not allow the fire to spread from the burning building to the neighboring one.

But the legal restrictions don't end there. There are so-called red lines, that is, the boundaries of public areas. Inside these lines there are government facilities such as power lines, communication lines, engineering structures or roads. The distance from your future garage to the red line should be at least 5 meters.

What does this mean in practice?

So, a garage can be built a meter from your fence, but only if there are no buildings on your neighbor’s property in close proximity to his side of the fence. If there are such buildings, then fire regulations come into play (minimum distance 6 meters)

If the neighboring plot on your side is not built up, then the one of you who decided to build first has the opportunity to occupy the best place. If you “get ahead” of your neighbor, then he will have to run around with a tape measure and measure out 6 meters for his garage, bathhouse or outbuilding.

If construction is already underway on a neighboring site, then options are possible.
Situation one: you have a good relationship with a neighbor.
Enter into negotiations with him, negotiate all the distances, record your agreements on paper and, in order to give them legal weight, get notarization.

Situation two: the neighbor does not want to make concessions.
In this case, the six meter rule works against you. You will have to measure six meters from the neighbor's building closest to your site (that is, 5 meters from your fence) and plan an area for the garage at this place.
By the way, it’s better to play it safe and add another half a meter, because if at least one corner of the garage is located closer than 6 meters to any building on the neighbor’s property, then in the event of a conflict, the garage can be demolished by a court decision.

The threat of garage demolition may also arise if the distance to the red line is not maintained. If such a line runs along the external border of the site, then the construction of any buildings is possible only at a distance of 5 meters from it. However, if you are not lazy and agree on this issue, then you may well get permission to build a garage adjacent to the fence, especially if the fence is not built close to the red line, but at least a meter away from it. So it’s quite possible to build a garage in a fence.

Regarding the buildings existing on your site, you can locate the garage in the way that is most convenient for you: closer to the gate or behind the house. All distances between buildings on the same site, fixed in various norms and rules, are purely advisory.

All these restrictions apply to permanent buildings and do not apply to temporary ones, which include prefabricated garages made of sandwich panels.

Own suburban area- a place that you can arrange to your liking. Meanwhile, it is impossible to arrange buildings on the site in any way you like. Their placement is regulated by SNiPs and other standards. Where can you build a garage on a plot and what are the standards for constructing a garage from a fence and other buildings?

Do I need a building permit?

To build a garage on an individual housing construction site, a permit is not required. This is stated in the town planning code, which states that permission is not required in the following cases:

  • to build a garage on land provided to an individual not for the purpose of conducting commercial activities or on a site intended for gardening activities (for example, land owned by a dacha cooperative);
  • construction of auxiliary structures on the site.

Another thing is that built on the site of individual housing construction or private plot capital garage it must be registered, since such a building is also subject to tax, like a house. First, they receive a certificate of ownership of the land on which the building is located, and then the garage itself is legalized. To do this you need to collect Required documents and contact Rosreestr.

If you have an unregistered building on your property, you may have problems selling the property. A garage built in violation of the standards that will be discussed below may be recognized as an unauthorized construction, and by a court decision may be demolished.

Also, permission is not required for the construction of any non-permanent (temporary) structure, that is, a building without a foundation. Such a building is not considered real estate, as it can be moved at any time.

How can you place a garage on an individual housing construction site?

In practice, in many cases building codes and the rules turn a blind eye. However, placing a garage in violation of them can lead to dissatisfaction with neighbors and legal proceedings. If you end up being wrong, the structure you built with your labor will have to be demolished. In order not to waste time, effort and money, before building a garage or any other building on the individual housing construction site, you need to familiarize yourself with the SNiPs.

What matters is the distance of the garage from other objects. It also depends on what materials the buildings are made of.

All measurements are taken from the protruding base of the building, and if there is none, then from the wall. If the roof protrudes more than 50 cm, then measure the distance from its projection to the ground.

The following placement standards are prescribed in SNiP 2.07.01-89. According to the norms of individual housing construction, the garage is classified as an outbuilding, therefore it is subject to restrictions associated with them.

To be on the safe side, add another half meter to these distances.

If nothing has been built on the neighboring site, you are lucky and you can build anywhere in compliance with other standards (distance from the fence, from buildings on your site, from red lines). Construction on a neighboring site, if it starts later, will be carried out taking into account your buildings.

Important! It is the distance to buildings on a neighbor’s property that can cause conflict and judicial trial. Even one corner that is closer than it should be matters. The rules for the location of buildings relative to each other on your site are advisory in nature.

Red lines and placement relative to them

Red lines indicate existing or proposed boundaries of public areas and separate public land from private land. Red lines include the boundaries of territories where various communications are laid (electricity, water supply, sewerage), the boundaries of areas where roads and railways pass.

The red lines are reflected in the master plan of the settlement and the territory development project. Standards for the location of objects relative to red lines have been established so that communications, roads, and so on always have free access.

Any private building on your site must be at least 5 m from the red line. It can pass either along the border of the site or be at some distance from it. If the distance to the red line is less than required, the building may be demolished by court decision. The garage can be located differently, for example, so that it itself or the shed is adjacent to the fence on the side of the roadway, by agreeing on this issue with the board.

Fire safety

In addition to the standards for placement relative to other objects, it is also necessary to comply with fire safety requirements. If you comply with all fire safety standards, you can reduce the distance to neighboring wooden buildings. These are the following standards.

  • There should be a fire shield and a fire extinguisher near the garage.
  • There is no heating installed in it.
  • Electrical wiring is made in accordance with PTEEP (Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers).
  • The electrical wiring is laid in a metal sleeve.
  • Electrical wiring goes through a meter installed in the house.
  • The bulbs have factory shades.
  • There are automatic fuses.

Thus, if your garage is heated, then it will not be possible to build it closer than specified in the standards. However, there are other ways to bypass SNiP without risk. To do this you need to come to an agreement with your neighbors.

Is it possible to bypass SNiP

Under certain conditions, it is possible to build a garage in violation of these standards. This requires a written agreement with the neighbors, which should be notarized. This document is valid for three years, after which it must be renewed. The garage must be built in compliance with all fire safety standards mentioned above.

You can also build a garage next to your neighbor's. You can also install a garage in such a way that one of its walls replaces part of the fence. In the latter case, a conflict with neighbors may arise if your building obscures their plantings. Therefore, before starting construction in this way, it is necessary to agree with the neighbors and conclude a written agreement.

Important! A written contract is concluded with specific people. If the neighbors sell the plot, a conflict may arise with the new owners.

At the same time, the statute of limitations for the claim is 3 years, and if no problems arose during this time, then the construction can be considered legal.

Accommodation in the basement

A garage can be built not only as a separate building or an extension to the house, but also as a ground floor the house itself. According to SNiPs, the ground floor is buried in the ground to no more than half the design height of the room, and top part floor is located above the ground surface no more than 2 m.

As for the installation of a garage in the basement, SNiPs recommend sealing its floors and walls so that exhaust gases and odors do not penetrate into living spaces. For this purpose, various insulating compounds are used. It is also necessary to make separate duct ventilation. In the basement it is necessary Special attention pay attention to waterproofing. Walls and ceilings must be made of non-combustible materials.

Accommodation in a residential building

If the garage is located in the house itself on the ground floor, the rules here are the same as when installing it in the basement: duct ventilation and construction of walls and ceilings from fire-resistant materials. If the windows of other rooms are located above the entrance to the garage, a canopy with a width of 0.6 m must be provided above it.

Placement close to home

If the garage is adjacent to residential building, then the distance from the garage and from the house to the border of the site is measured separately. In this case, there must be at least 3 m from the house to the property line, and at least 1 m from the garage. The garage can also be attached to an outbuilding.

As for parking a car on or near the site, there are no regulations for its placement. It is important that a parked car does not make it difficult to travel along the street and does not block the entrances and exits of neighboring areas.

SNiP standards are in the nature of recommendations, but experts advise adhering to them strictly. If your garage is built in violation of regulations, and your neighbors can prove that this somehow infringes on their rights, poses a threat to life and health (for example, violates fire safety standards, blocks a passage that may be needed for a fire truck or ambulance) , then by court decision the building will have to be moved to another place, and in the case of a permanent structure this is not so easy to do.


Thus, the place where a garage can be built on a site is quite clearly regulated by the rules. You can locate it in violation of SNiPs, but only on the condition that the neighbors will not have any claims against you. This agreement must be recorded in writing.