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It's hard to imagine a house without an iron. This home assistant allows housewives to keep things in order. Every year the design of irons is improved, they have more useful functions, and new materials are used for manufacturing. But as before, the iron also requires the attention of its owners in the form of periodic cleaning from the outside and inside.

Despite the presence of useful functions, the advantages and disadvantages of the iron are judged by work surface- sole. Common materials for its manufacture:

  • aluminum;
  • stainless steel;
  • ceramic or metal-ceramic coating;
  • Teflon coating.

Aluminum is used to make inexpensive models. Its advantages: lightness, ability to quickly heat up and cool down, disadvantage - softness. Scratches quickly appear on aluminum and the sole catches the fabric. Therefore, carbon deposits often appear on the surface. This metal is subjected to anodizing - processing in a certain way, after which the metal becomes harder and less susceptible to scratches. Do not use sharp objects to clean the iron.

Stainless steel is an alternative to aluminum: it is stronger and harder. The disadvantages include heavy weight metal Suitable for cleaning irons with such soles mechanical methods.

The ceramic coating allows the iron to glide easily, almost no carbon deposits form on it, and dirt is easily removed. But the coating is fragile and is susceptible to scratches. Abrasives and sharp objects should not be used to clean the sole.

The Teflon coating is slippery, does not catch even fabrics that require careful handling, and is more wear-resistant than ceramics and steel. There is almost no carbon formation on Teflon, and dirt from the sole is removed without effort.

Iron soles are also made with other coatings, for example, sapphire coating. This coating is not afraid of any mechanical impact and is second in strength only to ruby ​​or diamond.

Methods for cleaning the soleplate of an iron

It is easier to remove any dirt while it is fresh, and carbon deposits are no exception. To do this, wipe the soleplate of the iron with a damp cloth and iron it with a hard cloth or an old terry towel. The more time the carbon deposits remain on the iron, the more difficult it is to clean it. For cleaning, you can use specially designed products or use what is available in every home.

Folk remedies

Let's look at ways to remove carbon deposits using items that are always at hand.


Video: how to clean an iron with salt

Only metal surfaces without spraying or coating are cleaned with salt. To avoid damaging the iron, first read the instructions for the device.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a mild abrasive; use it only on non-sprayed metal surfaces.

To clean metal surfaces, you can use powder; for Teflon and ceramic surfaces, it is better to make a solution

Dip a damp cloth in baking soda and gently rub the burnt areas. After this, wipe the sole with a clean damp cloth.

Using a napkin and baking soda, remove carbon deposits from aluminum and steel soles

Vinegar or citric acid

Teflon and ceramic coated soles have non-stick properties. But soot appears on them from time to time. More often, the sole becomes contaminated with calcium deposits contained in hard water. Table vinegar will help get rid of such contaminants.

  1. Dampen a cloth with vinegar and wipe the dirty area with it.
  2. Wipe the soleplate of the iron first with a clean, wet cloth, then with a dry one.

If dirt has affected the soleplate and the holes on it, try soaking the iron in hot water. acidic solution.

You will need: a heat-resistant shallow container, the size of which will allow you to install an iron, 2-3 wooden sticks, vinegar or citric acid, hot water.

Video: cleaning the soleplate of the iron with home remedies

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is often used for cleaning different surfaces, including the soles of the iron. Dampen a cloth with peroxide and wipe the dirty areas.

At heavy soot use hydroperite tablets, they also contain hydrogen peroxide. One tablet corresponds to 15 ml of 3% peroxide solution. This product is used both in solution with water and in solid form. Rub the tablet over the heated surface, then wipe the sole with a clean cloth.

Advice. Clean with hydroperite in a well-ventilated area or turn on the hood. When it comes into contact with the hot soleplate of the iron, the product emits a pungent odor.

Microwave cleaning liquid

Moisten the soleplate of the iron with the liquid, pour a small amount onto the spread film or plastic bag. Place the iron sole on the bag and wait 30–40 minutes. After this, the carbon deposits can be easily removed with a sponge or cloth.

Advice. Polyethylene stuck to the iron is removed with nail polish remover (without acetone).

This product is suitable for all types of iron soles, cleans well and does not damage the surface.

The pencil is used to clean any surfaces

How to proceed:

  1. Use a pencil on a surface heated to 130–140 0 C, which corresponds to the “wool” mark or two points.
  2. Place thick paper or fabric under the iron that you don’t mind throwing away - the pencil will melt and flow down. It is impossible to remove stains from it.
  3. Open the windows or turn on the hood - the product spreads when heated strong smell ammonia.
  4. Apply the product evenly from top to bottom onto the heated surface. Remove any remaining carbon deposits with a rag. If the sole is not completely clean, repeat the procedure again.

Advice. After cleaning the soleplate, use the auto-clean function or use the steam function to clear the holes of any possible cleaning agents.

Video: housewives about the effectiveness of iron cleaning products

Cleaning the iron from scale from the inside

Nowadays you rarely see a device without a steam function, which means water is regularly poured into the tank. And although manufacturers recommend using tap water, the salts and minerals contained in it form scale, clogging the steam outlets.

  1. To activate the self-cleaning function, fill the tank with water, set the maximum heating temperature and plug the device into a power outlet.
  2. Cleaning is best done over a sink or bathtub.
  3. After waiting for the appliance to heat up twice, unplug the cord from the socket and, holding the iron over the sink, press the self-cleaning button. Together with the steam, the iron will get rid of internal contaminants.

If the device does not have a self-cleaning function, use the method of soaking in a hot solution with citric acid or vinegar, which was described above.

Carbonated water will help get rid of scale. mineral water:

  1. Pour mineral water into the tank.
  2. Heat the iron to maximum temperature and press the steam button.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times. Dissolved deposits will be removed along with splashes of water and steam.

How to prevent the appearance of soot and scale

The reason for the appearance of scale is the quality of the water: the harder the water and the more minerals it contains, the more often scale forms.

Measures to prevent scale

  • Fill the tank with a mixture of tap and distilled water in a 1:1 ratio (pure distillate is not recommended, as it has reduced vaporization).
  • Buy bottled water. It is cleaner than tap water.
  • Use water that has been passed through a household filter. It retains most minerals.
  • If the previous methods are not available, let the water sit for several hours.
  • Buy demineralized water.

The appearance of soot is most often caused by non-compliance with the operating rules of the device and violation of the ironing temperature regime.

How to avoid carbon deposits on the soleplate of the device

  • When ironing, follow the temperature conditions indicated on the product label.
  • To iron wool items, use gauze or a thin cloth.
  • If necessary, use the steam function; it will create a steam “pad” between the fabric and the sole and will not allow the fibers to burn.
  • Do not keep the iron in one place for a long time while ironing - it will burn.
  • Avoid contact of the heated sole with polyethylene.
  • Protect the surface of the iron from impacts and scratches; it is in these places that carbon deposits will subsequently form.
  • After ironing, wipe the sole with a damp cloth.

Alas, even the most modern models irons that can be seen in stores household appliances, are susceptible to such a scourge as carbon deposits. It would seem, what's wrong with this? But in fact, soot can cause your favorite things to deteriorate: they will get dirty and even burn through. Agree, not a very pleasant prospect. That is why it will be useful for you to know how to clean your iron at home.

Option #1. Salt

Salt is the simplest and accessible remedy for cleaning the soleplate of the iron, because it can be found in every home. It can be used in several ways. The first is to pour salt onto a thick sheet of paper. Then you should heat the iron very high and move it over the sheet until the carbon deposits are completely gone. Another option is to collect it in gauze or other porous material. soft cloth a little salt and then rub it on the dirty area. An even greater effect can be obtained if you preheat the iron a little. You can put salt directly on the soleplate of the iron. In this case, you need to rub it vigorously with a rough, slightly dampened cloth. When the carbon deposits disappear, you should treat the iron with a dry cloth. However, it should be remembered that this method It will help remove only minor stains. And the use of salt is absolutely not suitable for Teflon-coated irons.

Option #2. Vinegar

How to clean the iron if you can’t use salt? There is one more remedy that can be found in every home. This is vinegar. If the plaque is insignificant, it will be enough just to moisten a rag or cotton swab with vinegar and then rub “place X”. If contamination persists, try mixing vinegar with ammonia. This composition can only be used to clean a cold iron. If this does not help, place the device on a rag soaked in vinegar and do not touch it until the morning. During this time, the plaque should soften. To completely get rid of it, it will be enough to vigorously rub the sole with a rough cloth. But this is not yet full list what to clean the iron with.

Option #3. Paraffin candle

You will need, in fact, some thick cotton fabric. We wrap the candle in a rag, and then begin to wipe the iron with it, which must first be preheated. Please note that from high temperature the paraffin will melt. Therefore, carry out all manipulations with the iron in a special tray, holding the device at an angle. This is especially important for irons equipped with a steam function - paraffin that gets stuck in the holes can ruin your things. After cleaning is finished, you need to remove any remaining paraffin and dirt from the sole.

Option number 4. Indelible pencil

The special can now be bought in many stores. This is one of the the best means, fast solving the problem entitled "How to clean an iron?" First of all, warm up your unit well. Then you need to rub the base with a pencil. After some time it will happen chemical reaction. As a result, the plaque will soften and can be removed with a soft, dry cloth. When the device has cooled down, wipe the soleplate with a slightly damp cloth. Do not be alarmed by the unpleasant odor - it is formed due to the presence of ammonia in the pencil. The substances released during the reaction are completely safe for humans.

Option #5. Hydrogen peroxide

The last remedy from the category “How to clean the soleplate of an iron?”, which is worth talking about - Just moisten a piece of cotton wool and wipe the surface of the iron with it. If the dirt is very strong, you can use nail polish remover or acetone. But you need to work with them very carefully, because both products can damage the plastic elements of the device.

As for what kind of soles in terms of cleaning, housewives here have been giving preference for many years to those made of of stainless steel. They are much stronger than ceramic or aluminum ones, and carbon deposits come off faster.

Some manufacturers claim that their miracle equipment for ironing clothes does not require maintenance. Used for making irons modern materials, built-in self-cleaning systems and compliance with operating recommendations, in principle, allow housewives not to worry about how to clean an iron from scale and soot at home. However, hard water, synthetics and our reluctance to follow instructions refute the self-confident statements of manufacturers of small household appliances.

Believe me, sooner or later, you will have to think about how to clean the iron yourself. Firstly: scale inside the iron, soot, deposits and rust on the sole interfere with ironing. Secondly: they can cause damage. Thirdly: going with a dirty electrical appliance to collect debts is, at least, not aesthetically pleasing. The last argument is especially relevant in the context of frequent financial crises.

Important! Follow safety regulations when working with electrical appliances and chemicals.

How to clean the soleplate of your iron

Method 1. Simple and effective method To clean the iron - use the products that our industry produces. The best chemical pencil today is considered to be a special one. You need to turn on the iron, warm it up well, turn it off and rub the base with a pencil. After some time, a chemical reaction will begin, and the softened carbon deposits can be easily removed using a dry soft rag. The substances released during the reaction are safe for human health, and bad smell- These are vapors of ammonia. After the device has cooled down, wipe the soleplate with a damp cloth.

Method 2. You can clean the iron at home using hydroperite. One or two tablets should be enough. The cleaning principle and sequence of actions are the same as in the previous method. The process is accompanied by active gas release, so you need to work in a room with good ventilation. Exfoliated contaminants are washed away cold water or removed with a wet cloth, and the base of the iron is wiped with a dry cloth.

Method 3. There are also traditional methods, how to do iron clean. If special chemicals If you don’t have it on hand, you can clean the soleplate of the iron from carbon deposits and rust with ordinary table vinegar. For cleaning, use a coarse cloth soaked in it, such as a waffle towel. Since vinegar evaporates quickly, try removing stains without turning on the appliance. For better results, add ammonia to the vinegar. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, the iron must be heated and the cloth soaked in this liquid ironed. Make sure to ventilate the room first (especially if). If there is no vinegar, then ammonia alone will be enough.

Method 4. To clean the iron from carbon deposits and rust, finely ground salt is often used. But let me clarify right away that you cannot clean the soles of Teflon-coated electrical appliances using this method. Sprinkle a thick layer of “Extra” salt onto a clean cloth or paper, heat the iron and press it several times over the salt layer, as when ironing things. It is not recommended to use newspaper as a lining - you can stain the base of the iron with printing ink. Best result gives a mixture of salt with crushed candle paraffin, and in this case it is usually possible to restore the surface of the device after minor damage (scratches, roughness).

Method 5. To remove carbon deposits from burnt synthetics special means will not be required. It is enough to warm up the iron well, turn it off and remove the melted synthetic particles from the surface of the sole with a wooden stick (sliver, scraper, spatula). After this, run the hot device over the rough fabric several times.

Method 6. If you are the lucky owner of thermophobia, then there are safer, “cold” methods for cleaning your iron at home. Lightly moisten a teaspoon of baking soda with water or dishwashing detergent, stir well, spread the resulting paste evenly over the entire surface of the sole of the device and wait a few minutes for the solution to absorb a little. Then rub the soleplate of the iron vigorously with a wet cloth until the carbon deposits are completely removed. Finally, wash and dry the base of the iron.

Method 7. A good solution for removing contaminants is a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a piece of cotton wool with the liquid and wipe the surface of the iron. There is no smell when cleaning with peroxide. In extreme cases, you can use acetone or nail polish remover instead of hydrogen peroxide solution, but be very careful not to get the chemicals on the plastic parts of the appliance.

Method 8. Folk method on how to make the iron clean. Small stains on the soles can be removed with a wet cloth and toothpaste. In a similar way, various powders, pastes and gels are used for washing dishes. After cleaning the base of the device from dirt, wash it with water and wipe it dry with a woolen rag.

How to clean the inside of an iron

Regular tap water promotes the appearance of scale inside the iron, which clogs the steam ducts and leaves stains and salt stains on clothes. But, I repeat: the self-cleaning system of some models (usually expensive famous brands) copes well with the formation of scale, and the use of distilled water can cause damage to the device. If your appliance does not belong to this category and scale appears periodically, then there are several methods for cleaning the inside of the iron.

Method 1. For electrical appliances with a self-cleaning system. Fill the iron container completely with water, set the temperature to maximum, turn on the device and. After some time, it will automatically turn off. Repeat the operation. Prepare a container to collect liquid and turn on the self-cleaning system.

Method 2. Boil water in a small vessel, dilute citric acid in it, pour the solution into the iron container and turn on the device at maximum temperature. When the iron is hot, press the steam release button several times in steam mode. At the end of the operation, turn off the electrical appliance and remove any remaining acid solution from the container.

Method 3. Boil water and dissolve citric acid in it. In addition to acid, you can use table vinegar or descaling agent. Place the iron in a wide vessel (saucepan, basin) and pour the resulting solution according to the level of its sole. Let the base of the device “soak” in this bath for a couple of hours.

Method 4. Rusty stains on the soleplate of an electrical appliance signal that it is time to clean the inside of the iron. Dilute Antiscale in water according to the instructions, pour the solution into the iron reservoir, warm up the device well, turn it off and leave for half an hour - during this time the scale should fall off. Drain the dirty liquid and rinse the device reservoir clean water.

Method 5. Another one folk method How to make your iron free of scale. Warm up the device well, unplug it, place it securely with the sole up and drip “Cillit” cleaning agent designed to remove plaque and rust into the steam outlet holes. After ten minutes, use a sponge to remove any dirt that appears on the surface, and rinse the device inside and out with clean water. Follow the precautions listed on the cleaning product label.

Tip 1. After purchasing an iron, be sure to read the operating instructions and maintenance devices. Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer and, perhaps, you will not have problems with how to clean the inside of the iron, and you will not have any problems with its sole from carbon deposits, plaque or rust at all.

Tip 2. Set the correct ironing temperature for specific items. For example, silk and synthetics cannot withstand high temperatures; woolen products are ironed through damp gauze.

Tip 3. Do not clean the iron with abrasive materials that can damage its surface. The cold sole of the device can be cleaned with a nylon sponge, while the hot one can be cleaned with a terry cloth and wooden scrapers.

Tip 4. The best way maintaining the functionality of the iron and the safety of things during ironing is timely prevention. After each use, it is necessary to wipe the base of the device with a soft wet rag, select the correct cleaning methods and means, and promptly clean the iron from scale inside and carbon deposits on the sole.

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How to clean an iron at home

Cleaning your iron from carbon deposits at home is a simple matter. The main thing is to choose a product that is suitable for the material from which the sole of the iron is made. There are some nuances to this matter:

  • For appliances with ceramic coating. To avoid damaging the surface, you can use a special cleaning pencil or chalk.
  • For metal surfaces. It is best to resort to baking soda or toothpaste.
  • For Teflon. You can care for an iron with a Teflon or ceramic sole using vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or soap.

Now let's take a closer look at these cleaning methods.

6 folk recipes

To clean your iron from carbon deposits, it is not at all necessary to resort to expensive substances; you can get by with budget components:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Vinegar

Wondering how to clean the soleplate of a Teflon-coated iron? Use regular table vinegar:

  • Dilute a couple of tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the resulting solution.
  • Heat the iron (but not to maximum temperature).
  • Wipe the base of the device with a damp cloth. Be careful not to burn your fingers.

During the cleaning process, heated vinegar will release an unpleasant odor. To work without unnecessary discomfort, put on a gauze bandage and open a window indoors.

Method 2. Lemon juice and ammonia

Simply adding a few drops of ammonia to lemon juice will give you effective remedy, which will not only rid the sole of carbon deposits, but also remove the remnants of fabric adhering to the surface.

In addition, alcohol will also disinfect the surface and prevent the formation of fungus on it.

Method 3. Soap

This option is perfect if you are looking for how to clean a Teflon-coated iron from fresh carbon deposits.

Simply rub the sole with a bar of soap, and then remove any remaining carbon deposits with a damp cloth.

Method 4. Nail polish remover

It's very easy to use. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe the dirty areas with it.

Then all you have to do is treat the surface with a clean, damp cloth.

Method 5. Hydrogen peroxide

To clean the surface of the iron, you will not need the liquid itself, but hydroperite tablets, which contain hydrogen peroxide.

Rub the work surface with them (no need to crush the tablet), and then walk over it with a damp sponge.

Method 6. Toothpaste

Cleaning the soleplate of the iron with toothpaste follows the following procedure:

  • warm up the device a little;
  • apply the paste to the sole;
  • rub it with a medium-hard brush;
  • wash the surface.

To prevent scratches on the iron as a result of such cleaning, use toothpaste without abrasive additives.

Iron pencil

You can also clean the iron using a special pencil (price - from about 75 rubles), which is sold in stores with household chemicals. It's very easy to use.

  • Turn on the device and wait until it warms up.
  • Start running the pencil along the sole until it starts to melt. Do not press the pencil too hard, otherwise it will break and small pieces will fall into the holes on the surface of the device.
  • Remove any remaining dirt with an unnecessary cotton cloth.

This option is good for the question of how to clean a Teflon iron or how to restore the metal or ceramic surface of the device.

How to prevent carbon deposits

To ensure that the problem of carbon deposits no longer bothers you, I recommend following simple but important tips:

  • Maintain temperature conditions. For different types different fabrics should be chosen temperature conditions. For example, 110 degrees is enough for silk, 200 degrees for cotton products, and no more than 140 degrees for wool.

  • Use damp gauze. Some items (especially woolen ones) are best ironed through a damp gauze cloth.
  • Treat the iron. After each use, wipe the soleplate of the device with a soft cloth.


I told you about the most effective ways to clean your iron from carbon deposits with your own hands. Choose a recipe based on the type of sole material, and return the device to its original appearance.

An iron is a necessary device in household. Every woman uses it at least once a week, so its surface tends to get dirty quickly. Let's look at a few simple ways how to clean an iron at home.

Features of the device

The iron was invented many years ago. People at all times wanted to look neat and stylish. Even if heavy heated stones were used to smooth out wrinkles on clothes. The first similar instruments appeared in the 4th century in Ancient Greece.

In Russia, for several centuries before the appearance electric iron enjoyed special devices: rolling pin and ruble. Only during the Time of Troubles did the Poles and Lithuanians introduce into everyday use a device reminiscent of today's iron.

An iron with burning coals inside appeared in houses around mid-18th century century. Most widespread received a heating iron, which housewives placed on an open fire or in a heated stove to heat up, and then ironed clothes with it. Iron with heating element invented only in 1882. Today, the operating principle of the iron and its design have changed slightly, but they are no longer made of cast iron, but use a variety of modern and safe materials.


There are several types of irons, depending on the purpose of use and the material from which their ironing surface is made. The type of cleaning method you need to choose and what cleaning agents and detergents to use depend on what material is contaminated. Materials come in the following types:

  • Household electrical appliances with aluminum or stainless steel base rather outdated, but they can still be found in some homes. Their ironing surface is more prone to carbon deposits. You can clean it with any available means; a fresh stain can even be carefully scraped off with a knife. This is not a problem for a metal surface; not a trace will remain on it.

But in the case of aluminum soles, it is strictly forbidden to use citric acid, since the action of acid causes rust and dark spots on the ironing surface. When ironing, clothes can become hopelessly damaged.

  • Most popular among housewives steam iron is an iron that has Teflon sole with non-stick coating. It's easy to use and smoothes fabric well. But such a sole requires regular care with soft or liquid products(salt and abrasive cleaners are not suitable for this type of surface).
  • Irons with ceramic coating more demanding in care. Over time, their surface is prone to the appearance of small cracks and scratches, which make ironing difficult and can even ruin it. Cleaning products microwave ovens or ceramics are perfect for cleaning this type of electrical appliances.

  • Modern irons are equipped with a special water tank, which turns into steam under the influence of high temperature. With a strong flow of hot air, clothes are ironed much faster, but in this case, clean drinking or distilled water should be poured into the iron. A surface with holes requires attention and regular maintenance.
  • A separate type of iron is a steamer. Usually it can be found in studios or laundries, but now it is increasingly being bought for home use. It is more convenient and easier to use and maintain compared to an iron. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the water that is poured into a special compartment; it must be distilled. Some steamers are equipped with filters for cleaning; in this case, you can pour water from the tap, but do not forget to change the filters regularly.

How to use it correctly?

After purchasing the iron, carefully read the instructions supplied with it. If you follow all the manufacturer's recommendations, your household appliance will not need frequent cleaning or repair.

If the iron “spits”

When using an old iron, you may encounter a problem that it starts producing water instead of steam. This is very unpleasant and will definitely lead to damage to your favorite things. This situation may arise when improper use device or in the event of malfunctions. In the second case, the iron needs repairs and must be taken to a service center.

According to the manufacturer's instructions, water should be poured into a special tank before turning on the device. electrical network. The filler valve must be tightly closed to prevent water from spilling onto the laundry.

The water must be clean and free of impurities harmful to metal and plastic. You also need to wait until the device is completely heated; a light indicator is provided for this.

Clothes stick - what to do?

Sometimes clothes may stick to the soleplate of the iron when ironing. Most often these are synthetic items. This kind of burning can be avoided by placing damp gauze on your clothes. In addition, the reason may be non-compliance with temperature intervals when ironing. different types fabrics that are indicated on the labels.

Often, to save time, it is sometimes necessary to iron a shirt and then a silk blouse without switching the heat setting, although you need to carefully read the labels and tags on each item of clothing and turn on the appropriate temperature setting.

How to clean it at home?

Modern irons are equipped with an automatic self-cleaning system. You need to carefully study the instructions and use this useful function as needed. In order not to stain the floor or furniture, you need to prepare a basin and rags in advance for the leaking liquid. Typically, self-cleansing includes the following steps:

  • You need to fill the tank with clean water.
  • Heat the iron to maximum temperature.
  • Turn off the device and press the self-cleaning button.
  • After these steps, all liquid along with dirt should come out of the steam holes.
  • To remove scale and remaining dirt, shake the iron, then wipe the soleplate with a damp cloth.

After any cleaning, do not start ironing immediately; wait until the device has cooled down and start working after a few hours.

Like any small household electrical appliance, your iron needs to be looked after daily. Each time after ironing, do not be lazy to wipe its heating surface with a clean cloth moistened warm water. Then there will be no need to scrub away old stains for a long time, since they simply will not be there.

Popular folk remedies

Despite the variety of types of pollution, experienced housewives They came up with many ways to deal with each of them using available means. There are several most popular methods:

  • Salt Only an iron with a metal surface can be cleaned. To do this you will need a cut cotton fabric or white paper and a tablespoon of regular salt. You need to heat the iron to maximum temperature and turn off the steam supply. Then you should sprinkle the salt in an even layer on the fabric and gently move it over it, without pressing the iron too hard. This will make the sole clean, and the salt will remove all stains and darken.

  • Soda They even clean irons made of Teflon, since it has a soft structure and completely dissolves in water. There are at least 2 ways to scrub the soleplate of your iron using baking soda. The first one is faster. You just need to wrap a handful of soda in gauze and rub it on the heated ironing surface. For the second method you will need a little more liquid detergent, it needs to be mixed with soda until a paste forms. Rub the sole with this paste, leave for 30 minutes, then wipe with a cloth moistened with warm water.

  • Toothpaste You can also deal with minor stains. You need to spread the paste on the ironing surface of the device, then rub it with a damp, rough cloth, rinse off the resulting foam with water and wipe dry.
  • Vinegar- an indispensable cleaning product various items in the house, including the iron. You just need to wipe the hot sole with a small rag soaked in vinegar. If the dirt is old and does not come off immediately, then you can leave the cooled iron on this rag for 8-10 hours. After this, all that remains is to wipe the sole with a damp cloth.
  • On the shelves of hardware stores you can see a wide variety special pencils. The sequence of actions is the same for everyone: you need to smear such a pencil on the heated base of the iron, it will melt, removing dirt. Then all that remains is to wipe the sole with a damp cloth.

  • You can remove carbon deposits from the ironing surface regular foil. The thicker it is, the better. You just need to iron the sheet of foil with a heated iron, the stuck pieces of fabric will remain on the foil.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia You can also quickly clean a Teflon-coated iron. It is necessary to wipe the cold ironing surface with a cotton pad generously moistened with one of these products. If the method does not work immediately, you need to heat the iron and repeat the procedure.
  • Hydroperite. You should heat the iron and move the tablet along the sole. The dirt will peel off along with the tablet; all that remains is to wipe the device with a damp cloth. It should be noted that this process must occur when open window and be sure to wear protective gloves, as harmful ammonia vapors are released.

Please note that many cleaning products are toxic and safety precautions must be followed when using them.

Protect your skin and respiratory system from harmful effects and do not forget to open the windows if unpleasant odors appear.

Saving from burnt fabric

A big problem in the daily use of an iron is the sticking of pieces of fabric to the ironing surface. In order to clean such deposits, you need to moisten any rough cloth with acetone and thoroughly wipe the base. The ceramic surface can be easily cleaned using a wooden spatula or scraper. The heated sole should be lightly scrubbed and then wiped with a damp cloth.

Another one common problem– this is the adhesion of polyethylene. Nail polish remover can also help in this case. The heated base should be wiped with a generously moistened cotton wool; when the iron has cooled, rinse off the acetone and get rid of the specific odor using a damp cloth.

How can I clean the inside?

It's the water tank inside that most often suffers. The reason for this is dirty water, which housewives pour into a tank to create steam. Although some iron models have an anti-lime rod, scale and limescale deposits may still appear. Lemon juice or sparkling water are excellent helpers in combating this problem.

To clean the iron reservoir, a glass of hot solution from 25 g citric acid and water must be poured into the filling hole. You should heat the iron as much as possible and, holding the device over a bathtub or basin, turn on the steam mode several times. Along with the liquid, flakes will come out of the holes. limescale. After this, all that remains is to rinse the tank and wipe the sole with clean water.

Carbonated water, as in the previous method, should be poured into the hole and the iron should be heated. The acids and alkalis contained in soda will help dissolve old scale.

Special attention deserve useful holes on the base of the iron, which serve to supply steam. It will take several to clean them. cotton swabs and a solution of vinegar and salt.

Using one side of the stick, which is soaked in the resulting solution, you need to thoroughly clean the holes, then remove all remaining dirt and solution with the other dry end.

Another effective way is to work from the inside. Fill the water tank with distilled water and vinegar. Turn on the iron and wait until it heats up, then turn on the steam mode and iron any towel for 10 minutes. After such actions, the holes will become clean again.

Removing rust from the surface

Rust on the ironing surface of an iron can occur for two reasons:

  • high iron content in the water used;
  • frequent contact of the base with metal fittings (on jeans or jackets).

To quickly get rid of rust, you need to heat the iron, then turn it upside down and drip a few drops of Silit into the steam holes. After some time, rust will begin to appear on the surface. Wipe it with a dry cloth. At the end of the procedure, wipe the ironing surface with a cloth moistened with clean warm water.