What do you need to know when carrying out electrical work? Electrical Basics. Electrician training. What an electrician should know Rules for marking

Modern world It’s hard to imagine without machines and mechanisms powered by electricity. The quality of its presentation is also improving. For example, aluminum conductors were replaced with copper ones, and non-flammable insulation was invented. Production facilities began to be divided into zones based on fire safety principles. The idea is simple: a fire that starts in one zone cannot spread to another. The need for qualified specialists who keep up with the times is growing at the same speed. What should an electrician know?

What is an electrician?

A specialist who has received a special education and works in the field of electronics is called an electrician. That is, this is an employee knowledgeable electricians whose main occupation is installation, repair and operation electrical equipment. Repair and installation work can be carried out not only indoors, but also outdoors, including at height. In addition to basic skills, an electrician can always provide first aid to a victim of an electric shock.

The main task of an electrician specialist is to organize uninterrupted operation electrical networks. Both in industrial or residential premises, and on the streets or in production processes.

The main professional qualities of an electrician are accuracy, responsibility, vigilance, caution, attentiveness and concentration.

Professional Responsibilities

This profession is quite common in our country, and job descriptions are formed quite clearly:

  • carrying out electrical wiring or power cables;
  • connecting electrical equipment with preliminary calculation cables;
  • drawing up a plan for the electrification of industrial or residential premises;
  • installation of new electrical networks, repair and dismantling of broken ones, etc.

The studied basics of electrical engineering enable a specialist to install control or protection devices, insulators, mark out equipment installation points, troubleshoot short circuits, and lay cable ducts. And also measure the resistance of insulating materials, carry out preparatory work Before turning on the mechanisms for the first time, install and dismantle alarm or protection systems, connect wires, cables, couplings, etc.

Electrical Basics

The work of an electrician requires a large amount of knowledge. Elementary course: “Electrics for Beginners” provides the opportunity to study:

  • basic concepts and quantities used in electrical engineering;
  • symbols used in electrical circuits;
  • materials and their electrical conductivity;
  • cable markings, electrical circuits and wires;
  • ways and wires;
  • methods for obtaining contacts and other connections;
  • rules for design and protection of electrical installations;
  • methods of connecting generators and engines;
  • procedure for protecting against overloads of electrical circuits;
  • existing types of electrical wiring and methods of its installation;
  • basic safety precautions when carrying out electrical installation work;
  • rules for providing first medical care in case of electric shock.

So, what does a novice electrician need to know? The basics of electricity are the basic foundation of the future electrician. But besides this, it is necessary to have a good command of the basics of applied mechanics, automation and electrical engineering.

Required level of knowledge

Electrical basics are the bare minimum that an electrician needs to work. Here are a few categories that a modern electrician must have information about.

  1. Direct purpose of the device or mechanism that needs repair.
  2. Frequent problems that occur with a specific device.
  3. Rules for operating a non-working mechanism or device,
  4. Basics of safety precautions when carrying out electrical work.

If there is a need to repair the wiring, the electrician must know and present its diagram in detail, and also be able to diagnose the causes of failure.


Training to become an electrician instills the techniques necessary for the job. Specialist learns to read circuit diagrams and assembly, expect to work with measuring instruments, independently assemble simple electrical circuits, and assemble contact connections by soldering or twisting.

Main tool

The necessary equipment for an electrician's work is divided into four categories:

  • hand tool;
  • power tools;
  • measuring instruments;
  • consumables and accessories.

Kit hand tools individual for each electrician. But there is the necessary basis. Having completed training as an electrician, the young specialist will be familiar with how to work with pliers (nippers), assembly or utility knife, a set of screwdrivers and wrenches, hammer, chisel, construction tape, stripper and electric soldering iron.

If production electrical installation work requires more serious intervention, you will definitely need a hammer drill with an adapter chuck and a set of attachments, a grinder for cutting steel angles for a grounding system or laying grooves under cables. You will also need an electric drill, which can work as a screwdriver if necessary.

As follows from the course “Electricians for Beginners”, measuring instruments Today they perform many functions and are necessary in work. One of the main ones is a tester for the presence of a phase in the electrical network. It looks like a screwdriver, but the body is not durable, since the device has a different purpose. More information can be read from a universal multimeter. In addition to basic measurements, it is able to check the correctness installed equipment or laid networks. make it possible to connect without interrupting the network and take measurements.

Auxiliary devices are not included in the list of mandatory ones, but they greatly facilitate the work of a specialist. This could be a stepladder, a carrier, an autonomous light source, markers, construction pencils, levels, calipers, etc.

When conducting repair work Electrical installation work plays one of the most important roles. This applies, first of all, overhaul in the apartment, country house, office, enterprise or any other premises. This is primarily due to the danger to life caused by interaction with electricity. In addition, an important condition is the initial installation of electricity in accordance with all rules and regulations, because illiterate electrical installation in the future may entail significant material costs and more.

If a person does not know all the intricacies of electrical installation, then, at first glance, it may seem to him that this work does not represent anything complicated. It seems that what difficulties will arise during electrical installation? You take the wires, lay them out on the required surfaces and connect switches and sockets... But, unfortunately, the electrical installation work does not end there. The basis of a professional approach to electrical installation is, first of all, the convenience and further use of the work carried out electrical system, proper installation and connection of this system, taking into account the load and many other nuances.

Before you take on electrical installation work yourself, think carefully - after all, if you save money today, this does not mean at all that in the future you will not have to correct your own mistakes, and, at best, you can correct them only with the help of material means.

First of all, find competent specialists with experience in this field. Only qualified specialists with certain skills and appropriate education will be able to perform electrical installation professionally and take into account all the intricacies of the electrical supply project. In this matter, improvisation and unauthorized retreats are unacceptable, because in the near future they are fraught with significant problems.

Basic methods of electrical installation in residential and non-residential premises

The method of carrying out electrical installation work depends on the planned type of electrical wiring in a given room. Wiring happens open type and hidden. In residential premises it is customary to use hidden option, the most successful from the point of view of aesthetics and safety. In this case, electrical installation is carried out in special grooves in the wall, called grooves. Subsequently, the laid and secured wires are hidden in the grooves with plaster. This option is convenient when building a house or other residential premises. This is how the wiring on the walls is done.

If the ceiling is planned to be suspended or suspended, the wires are laid (attached) along the ceiling.

If a screed is planned on the floor, it is more convenient to lay out the electrical wiring along the floor, for example, in a corrugation. Along with pulling (laying) the power cable, it is advisable to provide for the distribution of low-current lines: Internet cable, telephone, television, audio, etc.

The hidden type of electrical installation includes methods: in pipes, in voids building structures, in metal flexible sleeves, etc.

When carrying out open installation, of course, the electrical wiring is laid outside - on the surface of the ceilings and walls of the room itself and on the surfaces building elements residential and non-residential premises. Methods of open installation: in pipes, in flexible metal sleeves, in trays, in boxes and in special electrical skirting boards, cable ducts, etc.

If there is a need for additional switches and sockets when the renovation of the premises has already been completed, then the best option is the use of cable channels. This makes it possible to keep expensive tiles and wallpaper intact. Moreover, it is convenient to lay low-current lines in cable ducts, if they were not installed initially. The peculiarity of electrical wiring in cable channels is the fairly low cost of electrical installation work, as well as the ease of replacing and dismantling the wiring.

If there is a need to install electrical wiring using one of the open methods in utility rooms or non-residential premises, then it is easier to use a corrugated pipe instead of cable ducts. This material is much more convenient in terms of installation, because you don’t have to cut or make corners. Corrugated pipe also bends easily, which also makes it very “popular”. It is enough to pull in the wire using a probe, and the corrugated pipe can already be secured (for example, with clips).

Electrical installation features

Laying routes.

The routes must be laid parallel to each other or perpendicular. In this case, it is important to strictly adhere to the rules regarding the laying of the protective conductor.

Marking of lines and connections of electrical wiring. Electrical installation in our team involves mandatory marking of all power lines and junction boxes. This is essential for recognizing a conductor by color along its entire length.

Calculation of parameters.

If necessary, our specialists will undertake an accurate calculation of all the necessary parameters: calculation of leakage currents, selection of cable cross-sections, calculation of automatic operation.

In the process of electrical installation, we try to link the installation of low-current lines with the installation of power electrical circuits. Moreover, we always pay attention to the design of the room and build on its parameters. We carry out all electrical installation work in compliance with current legislation.

Everything a self-taught electrician needs to know. Self-instruction manual. Features of the household lighting electrical network. Selfeducation electrical installation (10+)

Electrician's tutorial - Basic knowledge and skills for performing electrical and electrical work

I'm sure I missed something. There may be various private electrical issues that I have not covered. Be sure to write questions in the article discussion. I will answer them if I can.

Safety precautions

If you have never carried out electrical installation work yourself, then you should not think that after reading this material, you will be able to do everything correctly, safely for yourself and future users. The article will help you understand how a household lighting network is structured and understand the basic principles of its installation. The first time electrical installation work should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist. In any case, regardless of whether you have official clearance, you take responsibility for the life, health and safety of yourself and others.

Never work with high voltage by oneself. There should always be a person nearby who, in a critical situation, can turn off the power to the system, call emergency services and provide first aid.

Do not perform work under voltage. This is fun for seasoned professionals. Turn off the power to the network you will be working with, making sure that no one can accidentally turn on the electricity while you are doing the installation.

Do not rely on the fact that the wiring was done correctly before you. Get a phase sensor (indicator). This is a device similar to a screwdriver or an awl. He has a dipstick. If the probe touches a live wire, the indicator lights up. Make sure you know how to use this sensor correctly. There are subtleties. Some sensors only work correctly if you press a special contact on the handle with your finger. Before starting work, use the phase indicator to make sure that the wiring is de-energized. I have more than once encountered erroneously executed wiring options, when the machine at the input breaks only one wire, without ensuring complete de-energization of the network. This error is very dangerous, because by turning off the machine, you assume that the network is de-energized, but this is not the case. The phase sensor will immediately warn you of danger.

Main electrical faults

Experts say that there are only two types of faults in electrical engineering. There is no necessary reliable contact and there is an unnecessary one. Indeed, in electrical installation there are no cases when two network points must be connected by a certain resistance. They either must be connected or not connected.

Electrical connection diagrams

The diagram shows typical double-circuit wiring. To the object through the machine ( A2), RCD ( A3) and electric meter ( A4) mains voltage is turned on lighting network (O1). Next, this voltage is divided into two circuits - lighting and power. Both circuits have separate machines ( A4- lighting circuit, A5- power) to protect them from overloads and separate shutdown during repair work. The lighting circuit breaker is usually selected for a lower current strength than the power circuit breaker. Lamps are connected to the lighting circuit ( L1 - LN) and two sockets ( S1, S2) for connecting low-power loads, such as a computer or TV. These sockets are used during repair work on the power circuit to connect power tools. The power circuit is routed to power sockets ( S3 - SN).

In the diagrams, the connection point of the conductors is indicated by a dot. If the conductors cross each other, but there is no point, then this means that the conductors are not connected, they intersect without connection.

Parallel and serial connections

Electrical circuits can be connected in parallel and in series.

At sequential connection, the electric current coming from one circuit enters the other. Thus, the same current flows through all circuits connected in series.

At parallel connection, the electric current branches out into all circuits connected in parallel. Thus, the total current is equal to the sum of the currents in each circuit. But the same voltage is applied to circuits connected in parallel.

In the diagram shown, the input circuit breaker, RCD, counter and the rest of the circuit are connected in series. As a result, the machine can limit the current in the entire circuit, and the meter can measure the energy consumed. Both circuits and the loads in them are connected in parallel, which allows each load to be supplied with the mains voltage for which it is designed, regardless of other loads.

Here is the principle electrical diagram. There are also wiring diagrams. They indicate on the site plan where the wiring should go, where to install the panel, where to put sockets, switches and lighting. There are completely different designations. I am not an expert in these schemes. Look for information about them in other sources.

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If something is unclear, be sure to ask!

Almost any repair, from major to cosmetic, requires contacting electricians. What types of work can you order from them? And how to choose a really good master? We will answer these questions.

Types of electrical installation work

Rarely can any repairs be carried out without contacting electrical specialists. Electrical installation work includes the most different operations. The most popular are:

Wiring installation. Wiring can be open or hidden. Open laying involves fixing wires to already finished wall. To protect wires from environment and giving the room an aesthetic appearance wires are hidden in plinths and overhead cable ducts made of PVC. This method of laying the wire allows you to easily troubleshoot problems that arise if necessary. For hidden installation For electrical wiring, grooves are made in the walls - special grooves for wires and cables, which are then sealed. After finishing the room, the wires are not visible at all: they come out of the walls or ceiling only where they should be connected to lamps or other electrical appliances. If it is necessary to repair or replace the wire, you will have to open the wall in the area with the problem, which means you will have to carry out new cosmetic repairs.

Installation of electricity meters. This procedure is needed in every modern apartment. Electricity meters help to significantly reduce the cost of paying utility bills. If desired, owners can order the installation of two-tariff meters, which will separately count electricity consumption during the day and at night. This provides opportunities for additional savings: night rates are noticeably lower than day rates.

Intercoms, video surveillance and communication systems, automatic gates and other systems that ensure your safety. In most cases, such services are needed by residents of the private sector, because they independently think through the security of their home.

Installation of sockets and switches, as well as their relocation. Almost all owners of apartments in the old housing stock will need such services, because even in the relatively recent 1990s, apartments were not designed for a large number of household appliances, not to mention the Soviet buildings. In new buildings, the correct placement of sockets and switches will immediately create a comfortable living environment.

Connecting household appliances. Some devices, such as a blender, can be easily plugged into a power outlet. Others require more complexity preparatory stage. This mainly applies to such powerful appliances as electric stoves, ovens, hobs. Often, their correct connection requires special sockets and a network with a voltage of 380 V instead of the usual 220 V.

Lighting installation. This service includes all work related to the placement of lighting fixtures: installation of a chandelier on the ceiling, installation spotlights, installing outdoor lighting in the garden, placing sconces on the wall, installing lighting in the ceiling and much more. Typically such work is carried out in two stages. The first of them refers to the active repair stage: at this time, wiring is being laid, and the wires are drawn, including to the location of future lamps. The second is the installation of the actual lamps after finishing rooms.

Installation of heated floors. If you want your feet to always be warm, but do not want to install water floor heating, an electric heating system will come to your aid. For her proper functioning It is necessary that the installation be carried out by professionals.

Laying cables in grooves or cable channels. Modern city ​​apartment It is impossible to imagine without television, communication and other cables. Electricians also install cable networks.

Installation of technologies like " smart House" Such systems are becoming increasingly popular, despite their considerable cost. They allow you to control the microclimate in the house: air temperature and humidity, and automatically turn on heating, air conditioning, and lighting. For proper functioning " smart home“The coordinated operation of many devices is necessary, which is impossible without correct and high-quality installation.

Installation of control cabinet, distribution board, transformer substations. They make it easier to manage various home systems: from the electrical network to the water supply. The assembly of the shield can only be trusted by highly qualified professionals.

Stages of electrical installation work

Various electrical installation work is carried out at different stages of repair. The first stage begins with drawing up a design for the electrical network. The drawing of the room indicates the location of the panel, marks all sockets, switches, the location of lamps and sensors, and draws a wiring plan. Then the plan is approved by the relevant authorities and, if necessary, adjusted. After this, all logistical calculations are carried out and an estimate is drawn up. Upon completion of all formalities and planning, the grounding contours are determined and the actual installation begins. If necessary, grooves are laid in the walls. Cables are laid out and connections are adjusted, places for switches are equipped, after which the wires and measuring systems. At the end of this stage, devices are connected to the electrical network, temporary lighting is installed for further repair work. In most cases, it's just a light bulb on a long wire. Temporary overhead sockets are installed (they can be replaced with more representative ones at the second stage of electrical installation). The first stage ends with the launch of the electrical system, its testing and, if necessary, debugging and adjustment.

The second stage of electrical installation work begins after the room is finished. By this time, the walls and ceiling should be completely ready: after installing the electrical appliances, finishing works will be difficult. If the wires were laid open method, they are covered with skirting boards and overhead cable ducts. The final sockets and switches are installed. Chandeliers, sconces, ceiling lighting and other lighting devices. The entire system is checked again for any problems and is declared ready if none are found.

Desirable works

Some electrical installation work is not necessary - strictly speaking, you can do without it. However, their implementation will provide you with greater comfort when using electrical appliances, and often with greater safety. For this it makes sense to pay an additional amount - usually not too much. So, what is included in these optional but desirable jobs?

Grounding eliminates the difference between the charge of the device body and the neutral floor on which the device sits. Most electrical appliances, to one degree or another, collect current on the body - at least static electricity from vibration. This applies to computers, washing and dishwashers and other devices. In most cases, this charge is not enough to harm a person, but in some cases there is a high risk of even death. Especially dangerous in this sense are electrical appliances that work with water or in damp areas - for example, in the bathroom. They must be grounded in a mandatory manner, otherwise sooner or later one of the household members will receive a noticeable electric shock. Grounding is also necessary in sockets that are located in the bathroom and kitchen near the sink. Typically, electricians themselves suggest grounding some devices. You should not refuse this offer.

Protection against power surges. This function is especially important in older buildings. Their wiring was not designed for the loads that modern household appliances cause, and therefore may not withstand the connection of several powerful devices. But even in new buildings, protective systems will not be superfluous if you want to guarantee the safety of your equipment under any circumstances.

Independent power supply systems. It is not always possible to install such systems in apartments, but they are simply necessary if you live in a house with constant power failures. Sudden outages have a bad effect on the operation of electrical appliances. They are especially harmful personal computers. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to install a mini-generator or other autonomous system energy supply, do it. During a sudden power outage, even the most modest models will allow you to shut down your computer correctly or keep your refrigerator running.

Why do you need a professional

There are many people who offer electrical installation services. Looking for suitable option you will meet specialized companies with staff, and individual entrepreneurs, and single people, “hack-working” in their free time from their main job. Perhaps one of your friends or relatives with a technical education or simply skilled hands will also offer you their help. But don't rush to agree.

Electricity, no matter how banal it may be, is not a thing that can be treated with disdain and done “as it happens.” Not only your daily comfort, but also the safety of both yours and those around you depends on how well the wiring is done. Error in laying the wiring, incorrectly selected wire cross-section, lack of grounding or ineptly assembled switchboard may cause not only short circuit, but also fire. And even if the troubles are limited to one burnt-out socket, correcting other people’s mistakes may require professional craftsmen enormous work, and from you, accordingly, large financial investments. It is more economically profitable to pay a good technician once and not have any problems with electricity in the future than to save on services and then regularly spend money on repairs or endure inconvenience.

How to choose a master

In specialized newspapers you can find many advertisements offering electrician and electrician services. The Internet will offer you even more options. Choosing the only one you need from all this variety will not be easy. To help you, we offer a list of several important points that you should pay attention to when choosing an electrician.

Listen to word of mouth. Who did the wiring for your friends or relatives who recently had a renovation? Do they praise the work of the master, or are they dissatisfied with the work? Consider both options: contact an electrician with good reviews, perhaps it is worth contacting, and the one who did the work poorly should be added to the “black list”. View and reviews on thematic forums: There you can find a lot of useful information.

Remember that experience is one of the main characteristics of a good electrician. But work is different. If you need a master to install the electrical network in your apartment, look for someone who already has extensive experience working in apartments. If you want to illuminate the area around the cottage, you need an outdoor lighting specialist, and someone who worked primarily in apartments may no longer be suitable.

The electrician must be relatively narrow specialist. This speaks in favor of his professionalism, and does not indicate limitations, as many people think. A “jack of all trades,” although he immediately offers a package of services, in reality usually understands all of his areas of activity very superficially, which means he will never do the job as well as an electrical installation specialist.

When meeting, pay attention to the electrician's equipment. It may not look as chic as in a glossy appliance catalog, but good master keeps the instrument clean and tidy. In addition, the tools will be modern: for an electrician with solid practice, this will be prerequisite work. Please note that a truly professional electrician will have all the necessary equipment with him: he will not ask you for a wire stripper or a screwdriver. He also carries a wall chaser and other similar tools with him.

The specialist will first listen to all your requirements and considerations, no matter how vague and contradictory they may seem to him, and will try to complete the task with all his might. He will definitely offer options for optimizing your plans, tell you how many sockets it is more convenient to install in the kitchen or bedroom and how best to arrange them. A good sign It will be that the electrician offers several options for you to choose from and advises on issues that are unclear to you.

When working with the electrical network, not only your requirements are important, but also the condition of the wiring in the house. The electrician must understand this, especially if we're talking about about not the newest houses. If he asks you not only about your wishes, but also about the house (the year it was built and other details), this should add points to him in your eyes.

A couple of days after the first visit and discussion of all issues, the specialist can provide you with a detailed plan for wiring, placement of sockets, switches and lamps. He immediately calculates how much materials it will take and how much work will be required from him, which means he can immediately name the total amount for his services. In the future it does not change. Be sure to discuss this point with the master. Of course, force majeure circumstances happen, but good specialist prices do not increase or decrease several times during the work process.

Electricians high level are well versed in the local electrical goods market. They can always tell you what materials and where you should buy if the purchase falls on your shoulders. Firms and the most reputable private entrepreneurs can purchase everything they need from their suppliers themselves, adding this to the invoice for their services.

Find out in advance whether the individual electrician or the company provides a guarantee for their services. The specialists are not afraid to do this, and in case of problems they carry out repairs without question - their reputation depends on it. If the master refuses to give a guarantee, think about it: do you want to buy a pig in a poke?