Black ferrets. Forest ferret, a ruthless animal. Eating in the wild

This section discusses the scientific foundations of occupational safety and health and the system of occupational safety standards (OSS). The main provisions of labor protection legislation are given, the issues of occupational hygiene and industrial sanitation, the causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and methods of their prevention are covered. The fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor protection at an enterprise are outlined. Methods for ensuring electrical and explosion safety are described technological equipment, pressure vessels and installations, right choice ventilation systems. Given General requirements safety to technological processes and equipment of woodworking enterprises.

Designed for students of forestry technical schools.

Technical progress in the forestry and woodworking industries provides for a significant expansion of the material base, the rapid development and introduction of new equipment, advanced technology and production organization based on comprehensive mechanization and automation technological processes ensuring a reduction in industrial injuries, improvement, improvement, creation safe conditions labor and gradual displacement manual labor with a significant increase in its performance.

A large program of work is planned for the eleventh five-year plan to further improve conditions, labor protection, and sanitary and health measures. Mechanization and automation of the most labor-intensive technological processes continues.

One of the main conditions for reducing industrial injuries and occupational morbidity is the organization of work on labor protection based on the “System of scientific organization of work on safety and industrial sanitation” and improving the quality of training of specialists.

A textbook on the subject “Occupational Safety and Fire Protection” for forestry technical schools is written on the basis of existing curricula.

Previously textbooks on labor protection and fire protection were written separately for each or two or three specialties. Not all questions are covered in sufficient detail; most questions are duplicated.

In this textbook, significant attention is paid to the fundamentals labor legislation, general issues labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety precautions, protection environment And fire safety. Extensive material was used, including GOSTs, SSBT, standards and Rules for safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

When writing the textbook, the authors took into account the students’ knowledge of safety precautions when servicing technological processes, devices, equipment, machines and mechanisms, the study of which is provided for in the programs of relevant special subjects in forestry specialties, and in this regard they paid special attention to the generalization and systematization of basic safety precautions and industrial sanitation.

Kira Stoletova

The wild ferret is a true predator among small animals. IN agriculture This fast and flexible animal is considered a pest because it often carries chickens and eggs. Catching such an animal is not so easy.

Ferrets have extraordinary intelligence and physical capabilities. A predator can easily smell a human scent on a trap. If the purpose of capture is to tame the ferret, then the task is further complicated by choosing a trap that is safe for the animal. Also, wild ferrets, even under five years of age, will never become the same pets as ferrets.

Description of a wild ferret

Before catching a ferret, you should decide on the breed. The body size of these predators depends on the species, so before preparing a trap, you need to make sure that the breed of the ferret is correct.

Many people mistakenly call all species of mustelids ferrets, but this family, in addition to ferrets, also includes stoats and weasels. But these breeds can be easily distinguished from each other by looking at photos in the animal atlas.

There are several breeds of wild ferrets that are widespread throughout the world:

  1. Steppe ferret. The largest species among other breeds: the male’s body length can reach 60 cm and weight - 0.5 kg. The color of steppe ferrets is predominantly brown, with dark tan markings on the belly and paws. Animals settle in field areas.
  2. Forest ferret. This type of predator is considered the most popular in Eurasian countries. Forest ferrets are slightly smaller than their steppe counterparts, and their color is quite variegated. The coat is predominantly brown, with darkening observed towards the belly and paws. The hair on the face is white. The animals are characterized by a peculiar black mask, by which the predator can be easily recognized in the photo.
  3. Black-footed ferret. This animal lives on the American continent. Due to hunting, the population of black-footed ferrets has seriously decreased, so the animal is listed in the Red Book. Today it is rarely seen in wildlife, catching these predators is prohibited.

If the breed of an animal cannot be determined, one should proceed from standard sizes the largest animal species. A special feature of ferret behavior is the fight for territory. These predators value their burrow very much and rarely change their place of residence. Ferrets also have a rather weak nervous system, therefore, great care should be taken when catching: stress can cause the animal to have a heart attack.

A variety of ferret traps

Ferret traps also differ in their mechanism of action and largely depend on the final purpose of capture. Many of the proposed types of traps are not suitable for catching ferrets for the purpose of taming. Such traps can seriously injure an animal.

Experienced farmers usually use methods that are aimed at exterminating the predator. Ferrets, along with foxes, are considered pests in agriculture. They carry rabbits, geese and chickens, destroy chicks and eggs, so poultry and rabbit breeders use traps with poisoned bait.

For hunters, the animal's fur is primarily valuable, so their methods of capturing often end in death for the ferret. For this purpose, powerful traps are used, which almost immediately kill the predator without harming the fur.

Traps for the safe capture of animals

There are several types of traps that will allow you to catch a ferret alive. Some of them are offered in specialized stores, but most can be made independently.

In addition to the trap itself, you will need the following list of items to catch a wild predator:

  1. gloves made of thick fabric;
  2. canvas or camouflage clothing;
  3. meat as bait;
  4. infusion of wormwood.

Overalls are needed to protect against sharp teeth and claws of the animal. Ferrets always resist human capture and can bite through the skin. The bait most often is killed mice or chicks, which predators feed on.

These animals actively respond to strong smell blood. The trap should be treated with wormwood to repel the human smell.

Wild ferret fishing

menacing ferret

A wild ferret got into our house!

Universal homemade ferret trap

For this trap you will need a regular cage with strong bars. As a material would be better suited wood, since metal can scare away the animal. The door should drop vertically when closed. A mechanism resembling scales is attached to the upper beams or branches in the forest. A door is tied to one side of the lever, and the bait is hung on the other edge in the center of the trap. As soon as the ferret unhooks the meat from the rope, the cage will close.

In this way, animals are caught on farms, in chicken coops and barns. A similar design can be used in the forest, but the smell of meat may attract other predators.

Winter version of a ferret trap

This type of trap is notable for the fact that it does not require any material costs. It is popular in cold countries. The method of making a trap is very simple.

Water is poured into a five-liter bucket and left to freeze overnight. By morning, ice is taken out of the bucket and a hole the size of the ferret is drilled in the center. The tunnel does not have to be end-to-end.

The trap is installed outdoors with the hole facing up. This is done to prevent the ferret from digging a way out. Meat is placed in the center of the ice trap, after which the animal crawls inside and cannot get out.

The disadvantage of such a trap is that the ferret may suffocate from panic attacks or freeze to death if he stays in such a cage for too long.

Taming methods

Taming a wild ferret is not an easy task. Predators that are caught in natural habitats will not completely trust a person even after several years. The offspring of wild ferrets born in captivity will be less amenable to training, but to produce cubs you need to provide a pair of animals favorable conditions for mating.

The gullibility of these predators largely depends on age. If a ferret is 1.5-2 months old, then over time it can get used to a person, but it will not become a complete pet. A ferret over 5 years old is not at all tamed and shows aggression towards people. Such animals are very difficult to train, since constant stress can cause a ferret’s heart to break.

At home, wild animals need to be provided with a place to live, similar to their natural habitats. Also, an untamed ferret should be kept in a closed enclosure, since the animal may exhibit signs of fear. high level aggression. The cage for a predator should be multi-tiered, with a system of pipes simulating underground conditions. IN natural conditions Ferrets move around a lot, so housing that is too cramped can cause prolonged stress. You can make such a cage yourself; to do this, you should watch instructional videos or photos on the Internet.

It is extremely important to exclude possible noises and strong odors: animals born in the wild are extremely sensitive to this.

Ferrets recover after being carried for about 2 months. During this time, the animals should be kept at rest. Initially, the animal will hide in a shelter or corner, will not eat, and will loudly gnaw at the cage mesh at night. Over time, the animal will get used to the new living conditions and human presence. It is also important to stay close to the predator while it is feeding. In this case, the pet will begin to recognize the owner’s smell and associate it with food.

You should give the animal a name and constantly refer to it during feeding: this way the ferret will quickly get comfortable and get used to human speech. There is no need to hand feed a wild predator in the first months: it can easily scratch or bite through the skin.

The taming process takes about a year and requires a lot of effort, but a tamed wild ferret will still not become a domestic ferret and will retain its independent character.

Daily ration

Menu planning should be done Special attention. Feeding domestic and wild ferrets is not particularly different. These predators prefer mainly protein foods.

The only difference between the diet of these animals and that typical for domestic ferrets is the minimum amount of cereals or vegetables in the diet. It is not advisable to feed a wild ferret such mixtures, since their stomachs do not tolerate grain crops well.

It is forbidden for ferrets to give baked goods and sweets: in large quantities, these products are deadly to the animal.

You should also be sure to purchase vitamin and mineral supplements in specialized stores: without them, ferrets may develop problems with their teeth and coat.

In general, the daily diet of an adult looks like this:

  1. fresh beef or veal - 50 g per day;
  2. food mice, chicks poultry or fresh chicken meat - 70 g per day;
  3. fresh fish - 40 g per day;
  4. finely chopped vegetables - 5 g per day;
  5. grain cereals - no more than 10 g per day;
  6. bone meal - a couple of grams per day.

Wild ferret meat should be finely chopped. It is advisable to mix several types of meat at one feeding.

You should also pay attention to the predator's drinking bowl. Water for wild animals should be settled or boiled. You should not give your animal tap water: ferrets do not tolerate the presence of bleach in the liquid.


Catching a wild ferret natural conditions habitat is not particularly difficult, but taming an adult is not easy. In the first month, the animal must get used to its new habitat and feeding regime.

A balanced diet will help the animal quickly adapt to new living conditions. Wild ferrets must undergo veterinary examination and vaccination, as they can be carriers of serious diseases.

The typical representative of the mustelid family is the ferret. They perfectly complement the fauna of the European part of our Motherland, living on forest edges, in the steppes and near large bodies of water. IN Lately They are often kept in homes, because a domestic ferret is a playful and active companion for any family member. However, of no less interest are the wild individuals of the ferret family - predators, aggressive and brave, who will definitely not allow themselves to be offended.


The wild ferret is primarily brown and black in color, with darker tails, paws and muzzle. White fur goes on the forehead, chin and ears. Lighter fur also appears on the sides and belly of the animal. Sometimes you can find other variations of what a ferret looks like - with completely red fur or albino ferrets - these are called furo.

The shiny fur is not thick, but long - on the back it can reach up to 5-6 cm. The fur becomes fluffier after the molting period - in late autumn, and before that it is not so easily soiled and lighter.

The shape of the head is oval, flattened on the sides. The head has a smooth transition line to the neck, flexible and long. Low ears with a wide base stick out on the head. The eyes are small but shiny; most often, brown eyes are found in trochees.

Ferrets have a very slender build. The animals grow from 30 to 50 cm in length. The legs are short (the hind legs are on average only 6-8 cm), but very strong and ideally developed for frequent digging of the ground. The limbs have five fingers with very sharp claws, so if you manage to catch a ferret, it will definitely be able to fend for itself.



The largest of all ferret species. They grow up to 56 cm, and their weight can exceed 2 kg. They are also called light because of the specific undercoat that shows through under the sparse brown hair. The color on the limbs and tail is dark, while the muzzle is painted with a mask.

It is not difficult to say how many years the steppe ferret lives - their age rarely exceeds 10-12 years.


The color of the forest ferret does not differ in the bright contrast of the color of the body and legs - the black-brown color of the body is complemented by the black color of the limbs and tail. They are inferior in size to their steppe counterparts - 38-48 cm in length, and weight from 500 g to 1.5 kg.

About 14 years is how long forest ferrets live, which is significantly longer than the life expectancy of their domesticated relatives.

Blackfoot (American)

The smallest individuals in the classification - their length rarely reaches 40 cm. Their fur is white at the base and dark at the tips. Overall this gives a picture of a beautiful yellow-brown color. There is a specific mask on the face.

The species is listed in the Red Book, and the life expectancy of black-footed ferrets does not exceed 6-9 years.


Animal populations were distributed in the following geographical areas:

  1. Steppe ferrets in Eastern Europe(Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine), Central Asia, on the territory of Russia (from Ural mountains before Far East) and in the eastern regions of China.
  2. The forest ferret can be found almost everywhere in Eurasia, especially west of the Ural Mountains.
  3. central part North America, namely east of the Rocky Mountains, is where black-footed ferrets live.

Habits and lifestyle

The wild ferret is a predatory animal, which is reflected in its distinctive features- aggressiveness and courage. They will not be intimidated by a confrontation with a larger opponent. Fearlessly taking on a fight is in the order of things for them.

In addition, ferrets are also characterized by ruthlessness towards their prey - by attacking a bird's nest, the animal will satisfy its hunger and then kill every inhabitant. And all this is said about a ferret - an animal that from the outside can be called very cute.

Ferrets do not form packs, but maintain contact with their closest relatives. Moreover, in these relationships one alpha male dominates, which is more clearly expressed both during normal times and during mating. But each of the individuals has its own territory for living, which they mark by making regular rounds.

The activity of the animal occurs at night. During the day the animal sleeps, having previously dug a hole for itself. The burrow can be permanent - with a small hole and a chamber, or temporary - if movements at dawn find the animal far from home. In this case, these small predators do not shy away from using other people’s holes - hare or badger ones. And when the weather is bad, the ferret can spend several days in the hole without leaving.


Ferrets are exclusively nocturnal animals. Only very strong hunger can force one to interrupt daytime sleep and go hunting during daylight hours.

The following representatives of the animal world become prey, namely what ferrets eat in nature:

  • what the ferret eats first of all are small rodents: rats, hamsters, mice, gophers, moles and ground squirrels, hares and rabbits;
  • lizards or small amphibious reptiles;
  • They easily destroy found egg clutches, and sometimes attack birds.

Animals do not consume plant foods due to the characteristics of digestion. However, nutrients From, say, fruit, a ferret can get it by eating small herbivores. It is also worth noting that in difficult situations If it is impossible to find anything that ferrets usually eat, they are capable of eating the carcasses of already dead animals.


The mating period varies depending on the type of ferret: steppe ferrets begin the rut from the end of February, and forest ferrets - from April. Moreover, the rutting period may last until the end of the calendar summer.

Ferrets become mature enough to procreate at 10-12 months of their life. It is not customary for ferrets to have mating games, and the mating itself looks quite cruel: the male suppresses the female’s resistance in every possible way, biting her scruff and withers.

Females carry their offspring for almost a month and a half, and they have 4-12 cubs in a litter. Newborn ferrets are very helpless and are born blind, but development occurs quickly - after only two months of life, the mother begins to feed them meat.


IN winter time The main danger to the ferret are wolves and foxes. An encounter with wild cats can also be unpleasant. birds of prey(eagles, golden eagles or night owls), as well as large snakes.

Among the creatures dangerous to ferrets, humans can also be mentioned. Its impact, namely the destruction of nature reserves, the construction of roads and housing in wild areas, can cause the disruption of the ferret ecosystem and the destruction of their habitats.

Domestication of the ferret

These animals can be domesticated - they are very playful and quickly get used to their owner (especially females). They can be trained to a litter box without any problems, but if the animal likes another place to relieve itself, then another container will need to be added there.

It is worth considering that due to natural influences they will not get along with birds, small rodents or reptiles. However, they are able not only to coexist with cats or non-hunting dogs, but also to be friends.

Curiosity is another one important quality these animals. So, you should prepare for the fact that the animal will regularly and carefully examine all possible nooks and crannies in the house, climb into trash cans (and sometimes fall asleep there), and also dig up soil in flower pots.

There is another point that you can pay attention to - their life expectancy. How long ferrets live at home mainly depends on proper care and maintenance, but on average it is 5-9 years.


You will find interesting facts about ferrets in our video.

African ferret (Zorilla, Zorilla)

The African ferret is very similar to the American skunk. The small animal is striped, its fur is long and very soft. African polecats have very long and sharp claws on their front feet, adapted for digging, but also useful for climbing trees. It must be said that males are always larger than females. Tsorilla leads a terrestrial lifestyle, but is capable of swimming and climbing trees. Basically, zorillas stay alone. The African ferret is active mainly at night. On the contrary, during the day the zorilla hides in the burrows of other animals, or in its own. IN dangerous situations The hair on the body of the African ferret stands on end and the zorilla squirts the strong-smelling secretion of the anal glands onto the enemy.

  • Forest Ferret (Black Ferret)

    The wood ferret, as a rule, leads a crepuscular lifestyle and primarily lives in one place. The activity of the forest ferret directly depends on weather conditions. For example, in the cold and frosty season, a forest ferret may not leave its home for several days. In case of danger, the animal hides in hollows located close to the ground. It is curious that forest ferrets do not dig their own burrows, but use others’ burrows, for example, fox or badger burrows. In addition, forest ferrets often use natural hiding places, such as haystacks and hollow trees. It must be said that forest hori have little attachment to the hole. If they are disturbed, the black ferret leaves its home forever.

  • Steppe ferret (Light ferret, White ferret)

    The steppe ferret (light ferret, white ferret) is a nocturnal animal of the ferret genus of the mustelidae family. Steppe ferret appearance and its habits are very reminiscent of a forest ferret. However, the steppe ferret is somewhat larger and lighter in color. Thus, the body length of male steppe ferrets is 32-56 cm, weight - 2 kg. Females are much smaller in length, and they are also almost half the weight of males. As already mentioned, steppe ferrets lead a predominantly nocturnal and crepuscular lifestyle. However, occasionally the ferret is active even during the day. Steppe ferrets make their permanent nests on dry hills. They build their homes in the fields, especially in the thick tall grass. In addition, the polecat can live near rocks, in ruins, in hollow trees and between roots.

  • Black-footed ferret (American ferret)

    The black-footed ferret is a small North American predator of the mustelidae family. American black-footed ferrets are also called black-footed ferrets. The name comes from the English "blackfooted ferret". It must be said that this animal is one of the rarest mammals in North America. IN modern times American black-footed ferrets are, unfortunately, in danger of becoming extinct. The number of American ferrets is extremely small. This is due to human development of the places where ferrets lived, as well as the fight against prairie dogs, which are the main source of food for ferrets.

  • The wild ferret is a black-brown predator with a fawn undercoat. On the animal's face there is a characteristic pattern reminiscent of a mask. Wild ferret - polecat, or black ferret (tree ferret) belongs to the order Mustelidae. In size, wild ferrets are much smaller than ornamental ones, which can reach the size of a cat. These animals live in sparse forests. Most often they can be found near forest edges and ponds. In addition, ferrets can often be seen next to settlements. However, currently the number of ferrets is small.

    Ferrets were domesticated quite a long time ago, most likely on the Iberian Peninsula. One of the significant visible differences between domesticated ferrets and wild ones is their ability to peacefully coexist with their relatives, as well as with humans. This skill is explained by the fact that as a result of domestication, some of the animal’s defensive reactions were supplanted and replaced by a calm attitude towards the surrounding world.

    Ferrets are solitary animals, accustomed to protecting own plots habitats from brothers. However, decorative ferrets are still able to get along in a community of their own kind, as well as with many dogs and cats. Most often, hierarchical relationships are built in such groups, which are very ambiguous, changeable and poorly expressed. Relationships are influenced not only by the personal qualities of animals, but by the environment, as well as emerging situations.

    Ferrets are crepuscular and nocturnal predators. They navigate in space primarily using senses such as smell and hearing. On the contrary, vision for these animals does not play a primary role. Ferrets form an understanding of the world using olfactory images. It should be noted that this is the main difference between most predatory mammals and humans, whose picture of the world is based on visual images. On the contrary, people are not able to understand what the “olfactory image of the world” is. After all, a person’s sense of smell is very poorly developed and does not play a primary role in his life. Interestingly, the lens of ferrets is designed in such a way that the animal can only see well at close range. But this does not mean that the ferret cannot distinguish objects at all. On the contrary, a ferret notices movement or shadows much better and faster than a person. By the way, ferrets have no need to look at anything up close. After all, their eyes are specially adapted for hunting rodents living in burrows, where no light reaches them at all. Thus, ferrets' eyes are quite adapted to their lifestyle.

    Today, the ferret is becoming one of the popular pets. But you need to remember that a fluffy creature with a long soft tail wild conditions habitat - a formidable predator. Keeping such an animal can be a real pleasure if you follow all the rules for caring for a ferret.