Alpine violet in a pot. Alpine violet or indoor cyclamen flowers. Dividing a bush or bulb

Beautiful cyclamen has several popular names. It is called "alpine violet" and "dryak". Wild boars feed on the roots of cyclamen, hence the interesting popular nickname “pork bread”. He has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the home, this determines the high popularity of the plant among gardeners. What should they be? home conditions For proper care for a flower?

Cyclamen is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Mirsinov family. Under natural conditions, it is found in the Mediterranean region, Spain, Iran, and northeast Africa.

Cyclamen grows in Syria, Greece, about ten species live in the Caucasus and Crimea. The natural habitat becomes clear from the name of the variety: there are Persian, African, Cypriot, Colchis cyclamen. We provide a description below.

Persian cyclamen is very common among gardeners

The leathery emerald leaves located at the roots take on an oval shape with a heart-like base. They bloom on long petioles of brown-red color, reaching thirty centimeters, and are distinguished by unusual gray pattern with a silver tint.

Flowers look exotic. Their interesting appearance is so misleading that it seems as if butterflies with a bizarre pattern on their wings are hovering over the plant.

The flowers are curved back, pointed at the tip, and reach eight centimeters in size. They can be painted in different colors: white, pink, red, violet, burgundy, purple, lilac, dark and light. Delicate flowers emit an exquisite aroma, which is used in the creation of luxury perfumes.

Cyclamen blooms from mid-autumn to the end of March. The specific timing depends on the plant variety and conditions. Flowering lasts for three and a half months.

The most common types of cyclomenia: European, alpine, etc.

There are about fifty varieties of indoor cyclamen. There are several groups that differ from each other in appearance:

  • short (reach fifteen centimeters);
  • medium-sized (reach from fifteen to twenty-five centimeters);
  • standard (reach from twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters).

European cyclamen is distinguished by leathery leaves of emerald color with silvery patterns, shaped like a heart. They reach a size of four centimeters. European cyclamen blooms from early spring until autumn.

Two-centimeter pink flowers with a delicate aroma bloom on it. The European cyclamen is native to southern and central Europe.

Cyclamen "Alpine violet" grows naturally on greek island Crete. He prefers to settle in dark places where the bright sun does not penetrate.

If you have an alpine violet at home, shade the place where it stands

This variety does not tolerate heat, so you shouldn’t place it in hot places. The flower grows actively at the end of March.

"Mix" is not the name of a specific variety. This industrial name, uniting cyclamens different varieties and colors.

How to care at home in summer and winter

Cyclamen actively blooms and develops in the autumn winter time. Recommendations on how to care are given specifically for this period.

Correct lighting and temperature

A comfortable place for placing cyclamen is the window sills of windows with western and eastern orientation. He loves diffused light. On a northern window, it will lack sunlight, and when placed on a southern window sill, the plant will have to be shaded so that the hot sun does not burn it.

How to water, humidity

Cyclamen is necessary moderate watering.

Don't overdry or over-wet the substrate.

Cyclomenia roots are susceptible to rotting, so they only moisten the bottom layer of soil in the pot. When watering cyclamen you should be extremely careful. Avoid contact with plant organs and the center of the rosette. You can water by immersing the pot in a container of water for fifteen minutes.

When watering, make sure that the flower does not rot due to residual water in the leaves.

When cyclamen blooms (autumn-winter), it watered with settled water. At the end of flowering, the amount of water is reduced, and during dormancy, watering is stopped.

Cyclamen feels comfortable in a cool and humid atmosphere. It is not placed near heating devices, otherwise the flower will get rid of its leaves and go into hibernation.

To increase air humidity, place a container filled with wet pebbles near the flower. Before the buds appear, cyclamen is sometimes sprayed.

How to feed a plant for flowering

Feed cyclamen during flowering and active growth. Complex mineral fertilizer helps grow leaves during the period of active development.

You can feed it twice a month. With the appearance of the bud, the amount of nitrogen is reduced and potassium and phosphorus are added.

Choosing a pot for planting and soil

For cyclamen, prepare soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. To obtain the required substrate, mix leaf and turf soil, sand and humus in equal proportions. The soil should be well drained.

A plastic or ceramic pot is suitable. The average diameter of the pot is fifteen centimeters. When replanting, choose a pot two centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one.

Why is peace important for nursing?

The dormant period for cyclamen begins in the summer. It lasts approximately two to three months. With the beginning of the dormant period, cyclamen stops growing. Its leaves wither and are removed completely dry. Water less, the plant is not sprayed or fertilized. It is placed in a place with partial shade.

When at rest, the cyclamen tuber sheds all its leaves.

During the rest period the tuber gets rid of all its leaves, but may leave several instances that cannot be deleted. Cyclamen is placed in a dark and cool room with a temperature no higher than twelve degrees.

They do not refuse to water: the tuber is watered twice a month.

Avoid overwatering, which will lead to rotting of the roots. Once the plant produces new leaves and buds, the dormant period will end. Cyclamen is returned to a bright place and watering is increased.

Time and instructions for transplantation

Cyclamens transplantation is difficult, so it is better to replant the plant after the flowering period. Suitable time is August or early autumn.

The procedure for transplantation is as follows:

Reproduction of indoor cyclomen

In an apartment, cyclamen not so easy to reproduce. It is often grown from seeds or propagated by dividing the tuber.

Propagation of cyclamen by dividing the tuber at home is possible

Growing by dividing a tuber

During the dormant period, the tuber is dug up and cut. Each new part of the tuber must have a bud and roots. The cut areas are dried and sprinkled with crushed coal. The cuttings are placed in different containers and a greenhouse is organized.

How to grow cyclamen from seeds

Seeds can be purchased at a gardening store or collected independently if you have flowering cyclamen at home. Seeds purchased in the store have a shelf life of up to two years, so Be sure to look at the date of manufacture batches of seeds.

In order to collect the seeds yourself, the plant is first pollinated: using a cotton swab or brush, the pollen of one plant is transferred to another. It is better to repeat the manipulations several times. The time for them is chosen in the morning.

Before planting, do not forget to check the expiration date of purchased seeds.

Mature seeds are stored for two months, then they are sown in the substrate, pre-soaked in Zircon. The substrate is prepared by mixing leaf soil, peat and vermiculite in equal proportions. Seeds are placed on the surface, sprinkled thin layer earth and placed in a room with a temperature of twenty degrees.

If temperatures are higher, planting material will go into hibernation, and if lower, it may rot. Containers with seeds regularly ventilate and moisten.

In about a month the first shoots will appear. The container with the plant is transferred to a well-lit place with temperature indicators at fifteen to seventeen degrees.

Cyclamen is susceptible to invasion by thrips, cyclamen mites and aphids. To get rid of pests, use products sold in garden stores.

If the cyclamen mite has attacked the plant, insecticidal agents will help

When growing cyclamen you may encounter a problem when the plant's leaves turn yellow.

Then it’s worth reconsidering the conditions of detention. Leaves turn yellow due to dry and warm air, improper watering, burns due to direct sunlight, lack of fertilizing.


Disease Causes/Symptoms Treatment
Wet rot The disease is bacterial and manifests itself in the form of wilting leaves and flower stalks hanging from the pot.

The florist smells a putrid odor. This disease occurs in warm and humid conditions.

Cannot be treated the plant is destroyed
Gray rot Appears in damp and cold conditions. Botrytis fungus spores are spread by wind and water.

The plant gets sick if the conditions are violated. Mold appears on leaves and buds gray shade. Leaves and flower stalks turn yellow and die

Cyclamen has a beneficial effect on emotional people. It fills the room with positive energy, which helps maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house.

People have a desire to do good to others. Cyclamen looks beautiful and is worth giving it a place on the windowsill. He will bring peace and tranquility to your home.

I love flowers in the house - indoors in pots and in a bouquet on the table. One of my favorites is alpine violet. This is a little tender happiness on the windowsill. When the purchased flower began to grow bald and fade after blooming, I fell into despair.

But it turned out that it was completely in vain, the plant rests in this way. After a period of dormancy, this beautiful specimen begins to bloom again. And the best thing is that this beauty can bloom all winter long.

Alpine violet belongs to the genus of perennial herbs that have no relationship with violets. This is a tuberous flower from the genus Primroses, and the flower received its name for its addiction to the mountain climate. And this plant is correctly called - Cyclamen. Of the 22 existing species of this plant, many are endangered.

Cyclamen is native to the mountainous and coastal regions of the Mediterranean; it can also be found in nature in the Caspian regions and in the mountains of the northeast of the African continent.

Notable is the life cycle of the alpine violet, divided into a vegetative stage and a dormant stage. But the plant's dormant stage occurs at summer period. During the sweltering summer heat in the places where it grows, the flower sleeps, dropping its leaves, and stores water for life in the tubers.

Because of these tubers, the Alpine violet was called pig bread in one 18th century book. This is because wild pigs fed on cyclamen tubers, digging the succulent tubers out of the ground during the dormant period.

For some reason, people gave this beautiful indoor plant the name Dryavka. All cyclamens come from Cyclamen persica, which is native to Turkey and the Middle East. All hybrids require similar growing conditions.

The growing season of the alpine violet begins in the fall, and this violet will bloom from October to March - it depends on the species. There are varieties of cyclamen that bloom for several months. This quality allows you to get blooming flower bed all year round.

Due to its habit of dropping leaves, the mountain violet often scares away gardeners. Having purchased beautiful flower as a bouquet, it is thrown away at the beginning of the leaf fall period. But if you know the intricacies of caring for it beautiful plant, then you can admire its wonderful fragrant flowers more than once - after all, it is a perennial.

Many cyclamens have a delightful aroma, even used in perfume compositions. The petals of cyclamen flowers are similar to the wings of amazingly beautiful butterflies that flutter over the foliage.

And the leaves of cyclamen are very decorative: smooth, decorated with silver stripes, they are a very beautiful addition to the bright bouquet of blooming cyclamen.

In addition, mountain violet has whole line healing properties that were known many centuries ago. Today the plant is used by herbalists and healers. An extract from the tubers of this plant is used in various medicines.

Cyclamen - poisonous plant, use it as medicinal product It is necessary with great caution; it is safer to purchase ready-made pharmaceutical preparations based on it.


Alpine violet began to be grown in Europe as an ornamental plant in the 19th century, with the arrival of spectacular flowering species in fashion. Later, a passion for other, more modest varieties began.

Of the entire genus of cyclamens, purple and Persian are known in home culture.

Cyclamen persica

The roots of this herbaceous plant have the shape of tubers, up to 15 centimeters in diameter, from which the roots themselves grow from below. The leaves are heart-shaped, their diameter reaches 14 centimeters.

The leaf plate is green underneath and covered with a silver pattern on top. The petals on the flowers have an oblong-lanceolate shape, up to 5 centimeters long.

The species is pink, white or lavender in color with spots of a darker shade at the base.

This cyclamen begins its dormant period at the beginning of summer. The leaves turn yellow and fall off, leaving only the tuber.

European cyclamen

Refers to evergreen tuberous herbaceous plants. The roots are located on the tuber on all sides. The ball-shaped tuber itself has a diameter of about 10 centimeters.

The leaf blades are heart-shaped, dark green in color, with a silver ornament on top. The underside of the leaf is dark red.

The flowers are small, up to two centimeters in length, pale pink, with a pleasant aroma.

This species begins to bloom in the spring and blooms all summer. This type of alpine violet does not have a pronounced dormant period. In addition to these popular ones, there are rarer types of cyclamens.

Cyclamen intarium

This flower is of Turkish origin, it is the smallest of all varieties, its flowers are small and white in color.

Cyclamen ivy

The habitat of this species is European territory. In hot summer, the flower becomes bald. With the arrival of autumn, lovely flowers appear on it first, and only then the leaves appear.

Cyclamen ivy is a long-livers, it can live up to 130 years, and the tuber grows up to 25 centimeters in diameter.

Cyclamen Lebanese

As the name implies, its homeland is Lebanon. This species has the longest flowering period. It blooms with soft pink flowers with thin red veins. The flowers are quite large for the species, up to 3 centimeters in length.


Alpine violet is as beautiful as it is capricious. And in order to admire the blooming of the Alpine princess, it is very important to take into account all the nuances of care

Temperature and light conditions

Alpine violet prefers fairly cool weather. The flower will feel most comfortable at a temperature of 10-19 degrees. If the temperature rises to +25 degrees, then cyclamen will regard this as a message that the hot summer season has arrived, and therefore it is time to rest.

How important it is not to make a mistake when choosing a place of residence for the capricious Alpine violet!

As long as the temperature does not drop below +8 degrees, the flower will feel great in the shade on the loggia or on the terrace in the garden. It is the cool night temperatures that will promote the formation of flower buds.

And for blooming cyclamen, you should definitely find the most illuminated and coolest place in the house. Like other plants, blooming in winter, cyclamen requires stable lighting.

It is imperative to provide additional lighting for the plant on short winter days.

The ideal would be to find a balance between illumination and temperature. After all, at a fairly cool temperature, but in a gloomy room, the flowers of the alpine violet will thin out. And if the brightness of the lighting fixtures is too high, the flowers will quickly fade.

Moisturizing and watering

Watering for a blooming delicate beauty must be regular, otherwise both the leaves and flowers begin to quickly fade. When flowering is over, the plant should be watered less and less frequently, and during the rest period the soil should only be slightly moistened to protect the plant from drying out.

This flower can be watered by pouring water into a tray. Tender leaves do not like getting water on them. And if water gets on the growing point, it can destroy the delicate flower.

Alpine violet does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, which leads to the occurrence of fungal diseases. Therefore, watering should be abundant enough to saturate the entire earthen lump, but you must definitely give it time to dry.

When caring for alpine violet, it is necessary to monitor the air humidity. Since the leaves do not like moisture, you can use a fine spray bottle to spray the air around the plant.

Very good hydration will be the proximity to large deciduous specimens that are capable of evaporating a large number of moisture. You can put an aquarium nearby or just a jar of water.

Top dressing

  • Alpine violet needs feeding only during the growing season - from October to March.
  • The frequency of feeding is once every two weeks.
  • During dormancy, no fertilizing is done.
  • Fertilizers are universal mixtures containing a lot of potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen, which promotes foliage growth, can harm blooms. Types of fertilizing can be alternated.

Transplantation and propagation

In autumn, with the beginning of the growing season, the tuber begins to acquire leaves. This is the best time for transplantation.

  • Choose a pot 3-4 centimeters larger than the volume of the roots. A large pot will prevent abundant flowering.
  • Soil composition: peat, garden soil, sand and humus, in equal parts. The soil needs to be loose and moisture-permeable.

When planting Persian cyclamen, the bulb is left one third above the ground surface. All other species should be planted with the bulb completely immersed in the ground, but not too deep.

At the beginning of spring, the flower can be propagated by seeds, and at the end of summer by daughter tubers.

Seeds must be soaked in Epin before planting. Sowing is done in a moistened peat-sand mixture, 2-3 cm apart, covered with glass and germinated at 20 degrees in a shaded place.

After a month, the seedlings are allowed to grow in bright but diffused light. When a couple of leaves appear, they dive into pots

Cyclamen flowers are representatives of the primrose family, they are perennial with tuberous root. Their homeland is South and Central Europe. It can be found in the wild in the Caucasus and Crimea. The population consists of approximately 60 species. In stores you mainly find hybrids of European varieties.

Both species are very popular among gardeners who know everything about cyclamens. Some uninformed people consider these flowers to be rather capricious, but this is a deep misconception. It is enough to water and maintain correctly optimal temperature, then they will delight you with their flowering for many years.

Cyclamens are shaped like a flock of butterflies that flutters over a bush. The color palette is very diverse. The plant blooms with small, velvety flowers reaching up to 5 cm in length. The height of the peduncles can reach 30 cm; there are also dwarf species that grow up to 15 cm. The flowers also have (bisexual).

Variety variety

Cyclamen flowers have long been grown as ornamental plant, therefore, over a fairly long period of time, many different varieties were bred: small, medium and large. With or without a pleasant aroma, in different colors and sizes. For example, the Persian variety begins to bloom in the winter season, and in the summer it is dormant.

The flowers are usually unscented, but there are compact forms (Kaori and Puppet) with a strong scent. The rhizome has shoots only from below, without daughter tubers.

The European hybrid, on the contrary, “comes to life” in the summer. Its flowers are smaller and have a pleasant aroma. The root is also in the form of a large round tuber from which roots grow. Unlike the Persian variety, the European variety produces daughter tubers, which are used for propagation.

Care and reproduction

Cyclamen flowers grow long and abundantly with proper care. The plant loves cool rooms with temperatures not exceeding +17C. If the temperature is higher, flowering is reduced, the leaves begin to fade and turn yellow. During the flowering period, the room should be light; the plant requires abundant watering (avoiding the buds and leaves); when the cyclamen stops blooming, it is removed into the shade, laying the pot on its side and without watering for a while. It is only necessary to protect the earthen lump from drought.

Sometimes the flower needs to be fed with a special fertilizer and watered with settled water. If you strictly follow all the rules, the flowering period lasts about 2 months. During dormancy, watering is significantly reduced, while at the same time preventing it from drying out. The plant should be in the shade until July; from the end of the month it gradually begins to be watered and sprayed.

In September, when young leaves appear, it is better to transplant the flower into a mixture of peat, sand, turf and leaf soil. The tuber is buried deep in the soil, covered with moss (1/3 of the top should be bare). After this, the pot is moved to shady place until autumn when flowering begins. We must remember that cyclamen flowers need sunlight in winter.

It is carried out in several ways: in the summer - with seeds, in the spring - with tubers. The flower is overly sensitive to dry, warm climates, this can even lead to death. If it is impossible to provide the optimal temperature, it is better to place the pot in slightly damp peat.

Overwatering also negatively affects the leaves; they begin to wither, turn yellow and rot. When watering the plant, the main thing is not to get on the tuber; to do this, you need to water it from the edge of the pot or by immersing it in water. Flowers can be affected by various pests; in such cases, the leaves must be sprayed with a special solution and the soil must be treated with pesticides.

In addition to creating beauty, cyclamen is widely used in folk medicine for eye diseases, migraines, women's diseases and purulent lesions. Usually they use plant juice, which is extracted from tubers. They even treat sinusitis, colds, and runny nose. The juice is diluted with plain water in a ratio of 1:6.

Do not forget that this plant is very poisonous, so it must be treated with extreme caution and under the supervision of a specialist.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


This perennial root plant belongs to the Myrsinaceae family and is common in Iran and African countries. The flower has other names - alpine violet or dryer. When purchasing, many do not know how to care for cyclamen at home, and caring for it has some peculiarities. Alpine violet loves good lighting and humid air. This beautiful red-flowered indoor plant is increasingly appearing on greenhouse shelves as it blooms in winter, creating a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere with its colorful petals.

Cyclamen care

Many beginning gardeners have a question: how to care for cyclamen flowers at home? There is an opinion that this plant is picky and demanding, and it is very difficult to take care of it - in an apartment mountain plant blooms poorly, suffers from incurable diseases. In fact, the opposite is true - cyclamen is unpretentious at home, and problems associated with it often occur due to gardeners’ ignorance of how to water, grow, propagate and protect the flower from pests.

Alpine violet has more than 20 species, but in indoor culture the most popular are two of them: Persian and European cyclamen. The life of the plant is contained in the tubers, since everything is there nutrients, which help the dry duck survive during the dormant period. Cyclamen grows and blooms from October to March, and the rest of the time it rests. Therefore, it is very important to know the nuances of proper care for alpine violet: how often to water, where it is better to place it, what temperature is needed.

During flowering

During this period, the plant requires a room with bright lighting and moderate watering. The flower prefers cool weather (12 - 15 degrees Celsius), so florists do not recommend placing cyclamen in a pot close to radiators or lamps. Alpine violet loves bright, diffused light, but not sunlight - burns may appear on the leaves and they will begin to turn yellow. Clean air and optimal humidity(50%) will help the plant maintain flowering and a healthy appearance, as well as avoid diseases.

Watering cyclamen should be moderate and regular, with water at room temperature. When carrying out this procedure, it is advisable not to spray the leaves and tubers, since excess moisture leads to rotting of the plant. The best option is to carefully pour water into the edge of the pot. European or Persian cyclamen must be fertilized once every two to three weeks during flowering. Fertilizing should not contain a lot of nitrogen, as this leads to the growth of leaves, rather than buds and flowers.

After flowering

The cycle of active growth and blossoming (3-4 months) is followed by a period of rest. At this stage, the cyclamen “sheds” flowers and leaves, which begin to turn yellow, and die off after the next two months. Throughout this period, it is necessary to gradually reduce watering the plant to a minimum - excess moisture leads to rotting of the tuber. During the dormant period, the alpine violet is moved to a cool place with low lighting.

How to replant cyclamen

Towards the end of summer, it is advisable to transplant the alpine violet into fresh soil. This procedure has its own characteristics. Before replanting cyclamen, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which contains: two parts each of peat, leaf and turf soil, one part sand. It is necessary to replant into a flowerpot carefully so as not to damage the roots. It is advisable to treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate and steam it, since this indoor plant is easily affected by various pests. Do not bury the tuber completely - the roots are at the bottom of the cyclamen - they need room to grow.

Reproduction of cyclamen

It is possible to carry out this procedure yourself at home, but in order for it to proceed correctly, you should know how cyclamen reproduces. There are two ways - by seeds or vegetatively (dividing the tuber). Alpine violet is very sensitive to all kinds of interference, so both propagation processes should be carried out carefully. Florists advise beginning flower growers to buy cyclamen mini mix and experiment. This set includes plants with two or three tubers that will allow for multiple propagation operations.


The vegetative method of division is traumatic for the plant, therefore room conditions rarely used. The cyclamen root crop does not produce shoots - you have to cut the mother tuber, which threatens to rot the entire flower. For this procedure, old plants that are several years old are taken. In order for the division process to be successful, it is necessary to carry out a number of operations:

  1. Wait until the leaves of the plant die completely.
  2. Carefully remove the tuber from the pot and free it from the soil.
  3. Propagate the tuber with a clean knife in the center from top to bottom so that each part has roots.
  4. Treat with fungicides (anti-fungal chemicals) and let dry.
  5. Plant in different pots.

Growing cyclamen from seeds

How to grow this plant from seeds? Very simple. This method of propagating alpine violets is more common and not as complicated as vegetative. To obtain cyclamen seeds at home, you need to artificially pollinate the plant. To do this, you will need a soft brush, which gently applies pollen from one flower to another. After some time, seeds are born. Cyclamen hides them in a small box under the leaves closer to the ground. It is advisable to get the fruits before they fall into the ground - ripening occurs before the alpine violet begins to bloom.

It is best to sow cyclamen seeds at the onset of spring, after soaking them with a preparation that accelerates the growth of flowers (for example, Epin). Place the fruits in sterile fresh soil to prevent rot. The first shoots will appear 30-40 days after sowing, under conditions suitable for germination and flowering: temperature 18-20 degrees above zero, dark space and moist soil.

Cyclamen diseases

Alpine violet – delicate home flower, so she is susceptible various diseases. Caring for a plant requires a person to have the skills and knowledge of how to revive cyclamen if it has begun to wilt, or what to do if its leaves have begun to turn yellow. Rot, aphids and mites are some of the main enemies of the alpine violet. There are a number of symptoms that distinguish one or another cyclamen disease.

The leaves are turning yellow

If this happens, the plant does not have enough light, clean air or he's hot. If the leaves turn yellow, you should move the flower to a brighter room, but not in direct sunlight. It’s better to let the cyclamen “breathe” fresh air by placing it on the windowsill open window. Another reason for yellowing leaves may be insufficient watering of the plant - you should moisten the soil, but do not overdo it. Due to an excess of water, the alpine violet will begin to rot.

The leaves are curling

In the process of damage to a flower by pests or external environment Cyclamen leaves may curl. This negative effect can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Presence of pests (mites, aphids, thrips).
  2. House flowers are affected by bacteria or fungus.
  3. Soil contamination or waterlogging.
  4. High indoor temperature.

Why doesn't it bloom

The slowdown in the growth and flowering of cyclamen may be due to various reasons. One of the main ones is fusarium. This disease causes tissue damage in alpine violets. With fusarium, the plant's vessels are filled with toxic substances. This causes the cyclamen to stop blooming and the leaves to turn yellow. The initial lesion is difficult to determine by eye, since the cause of the disease is in the soil or seeds. It is advisable to combat fusarium with the help of fungicides (for example, Agat-25K), which have a detrimental effect on the source of the disease.

Cyclamen Cyclamen, dryweed, alpine violet. A plant with a tuberous-thickened rhizome and flowers of various colors with a characteristic bend of the corolla. The genus is well known for its popular indoor plants, blooming in winter.


The genus name comes from Greek word kyklos- “circle”, based on the shape of the tubers of these plants.

Types and varieties of cyclamen

The genus includes 15 species of tuberous, herbaceous perennials, common in the Mediterranean, Western Asia, and the Caucasus. The nature life cycle cyclamens are ephemeroids. This means that they appear on the surface of the earth for a short time, for 3-4 months. The period of activity of cyclamens occurs in the cold part of the year - from autumn to spring.

In indoor culture, two types are mainly common: cyclamen persian (Cyclamen persicum) And European cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum). Moreover, Persian cyclamen blooms in winter, and European cyclamen usually blooms in smaller, but fragrant flowers from spring to autumn. The flowering time of one flower is up to 10 days (in a cool room). Cut flowers last a long time in water.

European cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeus)

Homeland: Central and Southern Europe.

A rare plant in cultivation. It gained popularity due to its delicate pleasant aroma.

Evergreen tuberous herbaceous plant. Tubers up to 10 cm in diameter, spherical or irregular shape, with roots located over the entire surface of the tuber, and underground stolons ending in daughter tubers. On top of the tubers there is a rosette of leaves. The leaves are leathery, dark green with a silvery pattern.

The flowers are up to 2 cm long, pink, with a pleasant scent. When planting, European cyclamen tubers are completely covered with soil.

Persian cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum)

Motherland Greece, Southwest Asia, Tunisia.

A herbaceous plant with a flattened, spherical, tuberous tuber up to 15 cm in diameter, with roots extending from the lower surface. The leaves are heart-shaped, up to 14 cm in diameter, with a silvery pattern on top, green underneath. Flowers are about 5 cm long. The petals are oblong-lanceolate, slightly curled, bent back, pink and white with purple spots at the base, very fragrant. Blooms all winter until spring. During the dormant period it sheds its leaves.

In cultivation since 1731, a great variety of varieties and species of cyclamen have been bred since their “domestication”. The size of the flowers ranges from 3 to 12 cm. They come in various colors: white, red, pink, lilac, purple. Often there are flowers with a two-color color, simple, double, with fringed petals. In the greenhouse it blooms from September to March.

In standard varieties, the height of the flower usually does not exceed 30 cm, in medium-tall varieties - 22, but low-growing varieties are called forms whose height does not exceed 15 cm.

Cyclamen has decorative not only flowers, but also leaves. Each cyclamen hybrid has its own unique pattern on the leaves, making even non-flowering plants look impressive.

Popular varieties of cyclamen:

Small-flowered (miniature forms, miniature cyclamen) - " Elbperle" (white), " Anneli"(white with dark eye), " Elbereshen" (pink), " Elbfire" (bright red);

Large-flowered — "Goga" (white), " Lahssharlah"(bright red)" Rainrose" (lilac), " Dunkellans" (red).

Popular varieties of Persian cyclamen:

‘Scarlet Moth’- medium-sized flowers are bright scarlet with a dark eye, green leaves, the variety is well adapted to room temperatures;

‘Spring Moth’- medium-sized flowers of a delicate pink-lilac color with a dark lilac eye;

Charlie’ - medium-sized variety with pure white flowers;

Sylphide’ - large garnet-colored flowers with a thin white stripe along the edge of the petals;

Topaz’ - large, monochromatic flowers of carmine color;

Flamingo’ - large pink-lilac flowers with a dark eye, large leaves with a marble pattern;

Elf’ - micro variety, small pink-purple flowers with a dark eye, but in very large quantities;

Apple’ - large pink-white flowers with a dark eye, patterned leaves with a marble pattern;

Striata’ - large flowers lilac-white color (colors distributed in thin stripes);

‘Violet Cattleya’- large bright lilac flowers, light green leaves;

Victoria’ - white flowers with crimson fringe;

'Kiss'- large fiery flowers with a darker eye;

Series " Rococo"- varieties of Persian cyclamen with large double flowers with a fringed edge of various colors:

‘Lila’ - lilac flowers;

'Pink'- soft pink;

'Rose’ - hot pink;

‘White with eye’- flowers are white with a bright pink spot at the base;

'Dark red'- flowers of rich red color.

Breeders have developed many hybrids and varieties of cyclamen that can be used to create seasonal potted arrangements. Groups of differently colored ones look very stylish. flowering plants one type.

Cyclamen care

Very often, cyclamen are used only as seasonal interior decoration (the plants are thrown away after flowering). Most often, the cause of plant death is keeping it too warm (placing cyclamen on the windowsill above the radiator). Therefore, the key to success This is the right choice of location for the plant. Cyclamen should be placed in a cool (not higher than +18 ° C) bright place; oriental and west windows or glazed loggias. If you decide to put cyclamen on the windowsill, then it is advisable to raise the plant higher above the hot window sill, using special stands or cover the radiators with blankets that retain heat; for modern radiators, simply “tighten” the valve or place the plant in a cool place window greenhouse, fenced off from the battery and room air glass or film.

During the warm season, the dormant period lasts.

Blooming cyclamen need even watering; drying out of the earthen ball during the growth period causes premature and uneven flowering. Spraying is carried out carefully, avoiding the formation of drips of moisture on the leaves. At the end of flowering, the soil is moistened moderately after the top layer has dried. In a dormant state, watering is greatly reduced, but the soil is not allowed to dry out completely.

During the period of bud formation, fertilizing with fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen is necessary once every two weeks. Old leaves and faded flowers are removed by carefully unscrewing.

Once every 2 years in July-August, at the moment the first sprouts appear on the tubers, it is necessary to transplant the cyclamen into new potting soil, and the tuber should look out of the soil by a third. Only a seedling's bulb can be completely covered with soil.

Already purchased blooming cyclamen It may bloom a second time. After the plant has flowered, it is kept at a moderate temperature, without stopping watering and fertilizing. Can be replanted in fresh soil. For planting, a soil mixture is used, consisting of turf and leaf soil, compost, peat and sand (1: 2: 1: 1: 0.5).

Possible problems when growing cyclamen:

premature and uneven flowering , while the flowers are not located at the same level, but partially below the surface of the leaves, which reduces the decorativeness of the plant as a whole - the reason is uneven watering, periodic drying out of the earthen coma;

yellowing of leaves - if the leaves turn yellow, but the flowers remain strong and healthy, then the reason is warm, dry air. Cyclamen does not tolerate temperatures above +17 ° C. Other possible causes are insufficient watering and direct sunlight;

buds do not open or fall off - sharp fluctuations in temperature due to hypothermia or ventilation, possibly too dry air, dry coma, lack of light or direct sunlight, unbalanced diet (excess nitrogen);

short flowering period possible reasons many, most likely - too heat, improper watering, dry air or nutritional deficiency;

rotting of peduncles - peduncles and leaf petioles are soft and rot from waterlogging of the soil and water entering the growing points. Never pour water on top part tuber;

wilting of flowers - excess nitrogen; general fasting, dryness;

deformed small leaves - most probable cause- cyclamen mite. The affected plant's growth stops, the edges of the leaves curl, the stems twist, and the buds wither. Unlike the red spider mite, this pest loves wet conditions. Since temperatures above +24 °C and high humidity are most favorable for these pests, mites most often appear in greenhouses, and not on plants grown on the windowsill;

- the plant is affected by excess dryness and heat spider mite ;

leaf fall from waterlogging of the soil.

Reproduction of cyclamens

Propagated by dividing tubers when transplanting in June - July or by seeds. The seeds are first soaked for 12-14 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then laid out in boxes with an earthen mixture of leaf, turf soil and sand (4:2:1) at a distance of 2-3 cm, sprinkled with finely sifted earth or peat and intensively moisturize. The temperature is maintained within +18…+20 °C. Shoots appear in 25-30 days. The seedlings are placed in a brighter place, and the temperature is reduced to +15...+16 °C.

Young plants (2-3 leaves) can be planted in plastic pots for seedlings, they have thick walls, and the bottom is made big hole, the plate is located there. When transplanting, the plate is easily squeezed out and the tuber comes out along with the soil. After the leaves close, well-developed plants are planted in pots. The tubers are not buried - they should rise above the ground by about a quarter or a third.

Ecology of home

Decorative and phytoncidal plants in the interior have a beneficial effect on the body. All this helps relieve physical and psychological fatigue, stress conditions, has a healing effect. The phytoncides released by cyclamen can serve for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, rheumatic and allergic diseases. Place 4-5 medium-sized cyclamen in the interior on an area of ​​10-12 square meters. m and you will feel a significant improvement in your well-being.

Medicinal properties of cyclamens

Pharmacy name: dryer's tuber - Cyclaminis rhizome(previously: Rhizoma Cyclaminis).

First mentions of healing properties cyclamen are found in Georgian sources of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e. Many doctors have experience using cyclamen juice, for example, to treat sinusitis. In addition, dryakva was previously used as an effective laxative.

In homeopathy, Cyclamen is used in the treatment of nervous diseases and against gout, rheumatism and various painful conditions. Cyclamens have long been used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. Extractive substances from their tubers contain biologically active components (of which the poisonous saponin cyclamine is the most studied) and have a pronounced analgesic effect. They have a calming effect and have hemostatic properties.

An infusion of tubers is used for neuralgia, gynecological diseases, rheumatism, gout, renal and hepatic colic. It is very effective for cold-related headaches associated with sinusitis and sinusitis. This effect is explained by the fact that cyclamine, upon contact with the mucous membrane, has an irritating effect and causes increased reflex secretion, which promotes natural drainage (cleaning) of the paranasal sinuses.

Energy of cyclamens

It is believed that cyclamen flowers contain sunlight, joy, inspiration. This plant is useful to have in those homes where emotional people with soft, pliable, changeable, weak character. Cyclamen is very useful for managers and for everyone who works with people and is involved in organizational activities.

Cyclamen (alpine violet) is a flower of pride and self-esteem. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the human spirit during business troubles. Cyclamen takes, absorbs negative energy, gives a positive, accustoms undisciplined people to neatness and organization. Cyclamen is characterized by cloud-like energy fluctuations. Strong, concentrated energy emanates from the plant's trunk in the form of a fountain, then descends and rises again. Healthy plants form a cycle of energy.

Oddly enough, but cyclamens are close relatives of the well-known spring flowers primrose IN natural conditions Cyclamen bloom in the cold part of the year - from autumn to spring. This is due to the fact that, by the nature of the life cycle, cyclamens are ephemeroids, that is, during the summer, dry period, their above-ground shoots die off, and they are at rest in the form of a tuber sleeping underground. Cyclamens appear on the surface of the earth only for a short time, when the most favorable conditions for their life.

In the Mediterranean and Middle East only during rainy season winter period there is enough moisture in the soil for their growth and flowering, and under the canopy of broad-leaved forests, where most types of cyclamen grow, there is enough light, since the trees stand without leaves. In warm areas where there is no snow cover in winter, cyclamens bloom in mid-winter, and where snow falls, some species bloom in the spring and others in the fall. In natural conditions, spring-flowering cyclamens begin to bloom even before the snow melts. Their delicately colored flowers have an unusual, pleasant aroma.

Pages of history

The ancient Romans, loving and breeding cyclamens, sincerely believed that they were able to protect against evil eye and all kinds of slander, and therefore flowers were considered family talismans and amulets. However, their love for cyclamen came, most likely, because in folk medicine, since the time of Hippocrates, cyclamen have been and continue to treat many diseases. Cyclamen, along with violets and daffodils, were cultivated by the inhabitants of Ancient Hellas, and the scientific name of the flower comes from those times.

Persian cyclamen has been in culture since 1731. Since the second half of the 19th century V. Many garden forms were developed, differing in the size and shape of the flowers, their color - from bright red to almost black, but with a weaker aroma than the natural species.

Cyclamens are especially popular in England, where end of the 19th century V. About 200 lines of large-flowered garden cyclamen were bred. C. Darwin described his experiments on cyclamen in the famous work “The Action cross pollination and self-pollination in flora", published in 1872. In his greenhouse in Down, the scientist proved positive action cross-pollination compared to self-pollination when there are two or more cyclamen specimens. Nowadays, they are grown most intensively in Holland, Germany and Italy.