I appeal to you, comrades, children: there is no more useful thing in the world than a book.

We are friendly with the printed word

We are friends with the printed word,
If it weren't for him,
Neither old nor new
We didn't know 6 anything!
Just imagine for a moment
How would we live without books?
What would a student do?
If there were no books,
If everything disappeared at once,
What was written for children:
From magical good fairy tales
Until funny stories?..
You wanted to relieve boredom
Find the answer to the question.
He extended his hand for the book,
But it’s not on the shelf!

Your favorite book is missing -
"Chippolino", for example,
And they ran away like boys
Robinson and Gulliver.
No, you can't imagine
For such a moment to arise
And you could have been left
All the heroes of children's books.
From the fearless Gavroche
To Timur and to Krosh -
How many of them, guys friends,
Those who want the best for us!
A brave book, an honest book,
Let there be a few pages in it,
In the whole world, as is known,
There are no boundaries.
All roads are open to her,

And on all continents
She speaks many
Most different languages.
And she can go to any country
Through all the centuries it will pass,
Like great novels
"Quiet Don" and "Don Quixote"!
Glory to our children's book!
Swim across all the seas!
And especially the Soviet one -
Starting with the Primer!
S. Mikhalkov

Book holiday

The snow is melting, the waters are bubbling,
The birds are calling loudly.
It's like spring today
The children's eyes brightened.
They love holiday books very much
Both girls and boys.

The book is faithful
The book is the first
A book is a child's best friend.
We can't live without a book,
We can't live without a book! –
All the guys are talking.
Z. Bychkov

Writer's message to readers

I appeal to you, comrades, children:
There is nothing more useful than a book in the world!
Let books come into homes as friends,
Read for the rest of your life, gain your mind!
S. Mikhalkov

Read, children!

Read it, boys!
Girls, read!
Favorite books
Search the website!
On the subway, on the train
And the car
Away or at home,
At the dacha, at the villa -
Read it, girls!
Read it, boys!
They don't teach bad things
Favorite books!
Not everything in this world
It comes easy to us
And yet persistent
And the wise one will achieve
The one for which it is good
The heart strives:
He will open the cage
Where the bird languishes!
And each of us
He will breathe a sigh of relief,
Believing that it is wise
Time will come!
And wise, new
Time will come!
N. Pikuleva

There is no need to pester your mother,
No need to shake grandma:
"Read, please read!"
No need to beg your sister:
"Well, read another page."
No need to call
No need to wait
Can I take it?
And read!
V. Berestov

Wonderful books

The fresh wind hums
Far wandering voices,
He blows up the pages
Like miracle sails!
In the middle of any page
Miracles come to life
Eyelashes don't stick together
Eyes run wild!
But reading days and nights
And floating on the sea of ​​lines,
Stay the right course!
And then they will open the books -
Wonderful books -
Have a wonderful life!
L. Krutko


Distant distances, wonderful countries
They beckon me through the “gray fogs.”
On ships, on elephants and camels
Again I'm going in search of a miracle.

I'm constantly on long hikes:
On airplanes and ships,
Yachts, canoes, cars
“I press kilometers” and “measure miles.”

No, I'm not a deceiver and I'm not a liar,
Just a boy reading books
And travel to distant places
He started at the age of seven, on magazine pages.

A. Lugarev


In my closet there is a volume crowded with it.

And each volume on the shelf is like a house...

Cover - you open the door in a hurry -

And you entered, and you are already a guest...

Like an alley - every row of books.

And my entire closet is a wonderful Book City.

When will you enter this city -

You will pass from the past to the future.

D. Kugultinov

I am the world!

I am the world, and the world has become me,
I barely opened the page!
I can be the hero of the book
Transform instantly!
Speaking in verse and prose,
With drawing and words,
The pages of books guide me
In magical ways.

I will step over in the world of words
Any time borders,
I can now the whole globe
I'll fly around like a bird!
Pages, chapters and words
They fly before my eyes.
The book and I have become forever
Good friends!
Per. from English by A. Matyukhina


A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.
A book is a close comrade and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book.
A book is an adviser, a book is a scout,
The book is an active fighter and fighter.
A book is an imperishable memory and eternity,
A satellite of planet earth, finally.
The book is not just beautiful furniture,
Do not use oak cabinets,
The book is a magician who knows how to tell tales
Turn it into reality and into the basis of foundations.
V. Bokov

About reading

Very interesting read:
You can sit, lie down
And - without leaving his place -
RUN through the book with your eyes!
Hand in hand with mom, then on your own.
Walking is nothing after all,
Don't be afraid to take the first step!
We stumbled once, twice...
And suddenly you
Read four letters in a row
And you went, went, went -
And you read the first word!
From word to word - like over bumps -
Have fun running along the lines...
And so learn to read -
How to run
How to fly!
I know, soon on the page
You will flutter like birds!
After all, it is vast and great,
Like the sky -
World magical books!

A. Usachev

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Goal: to generalize knowledge about proverbs as one of the types of oral folk art, develop oral speech, memory, attention, kindness, friendship, mutual assistance.

Progress of the lesson

In ancient times, when there was no written language, people created fairy tales, riddles, and proverbs, where they expressed their thoughts and feelings and passed them on from mouth to mouth. This is how folklore, or oral folk television, appeared. And today our lesson is devoted to this topic. It is written on the board. (Slide 1) Which word is repeated in the sentences? What does it mean? This is how it is said about it in Ozhegov’s dictionary (Slide 2)

A proverb is a genre of folklore, a short, figurative saying that contains a lesson.

People respect proverbs and often use them in speech. This makes it bright, imaginative, and expressive. In our oral journal we will learn to use proverbs in speech.

We open the first page of our magazine. (Slide 3) What does it sound like? Find among the proverbs on your tables those that correspond to the theme of this page. How do you understand them? What other proverbs do you know?

Books tell us about many things: about our Motherland, about nature, about interesting people, history and culture of peoples. They are a reliable assistant at work. A worker reads books about machines to learn how to operate them, a doctor reads about how to help people become healthy, and a teacher reads about how to teach and educate. They help to better understand the world. Therefore, you need to read slowly, carefully, and also treat them with care.

I am addressing you, comrades, children!
There is nothing more useful than a book in the world.
Let books come into homes as friends.
Read all your life, gain your mind.

Let's open familiar books and walk together from page to page.

Competition "Find out the hero of a fairy tale or a fairy tale by subject"

I name the title of the book, and you choose the author who wrote this work.

But it often happens, unfortunately, like this (dramatization of M. Ilyin’s poem “Two Books”)

Once upon a time 2 books met
We talked among ourselves
- Well, how are you doing? -
One asked the other.
- Oh, honey, I'm embarrassed in front of the class.
My owner tore out the covers with the meat.
What about the covers: The pages were torn off!
He makes boats and rafts from them.
And doves:
I'm afraid the leaves will go to snakes,
Then I'll fly in the clouds!
Are your sides intact?
- Your torment is not familiar to me,
I don't remember such a day
So that without washing your hands clean,
The student sat down to read me!
And look at my leaves,
You won’t find any inky dots on them.
I am silent about blots, about them
And it’s indecent to say:
But I teach him too
Not just any way, but “excellent”.
- Well, mine barely rides in threes.
And I even got a D that week.

You see, attitudes towards books can be different.

I am all the people who work on the book,
I love, and respect, and appreciate.
And books - I already have a lot of them
I keep it carefully on the bookshelf.
Until then, a book will become a book
She has a long way to go
And how much knowledge is required different
Work, care, so that she is born!

Let's open the second page of our magazine. (Slide 4) What is it called? How do you understand the proverb? Find proverbs corresponding to this page topic? How do you know poems about work?

Great joy is work.
In the fields, at the machine, at the table
Work until you sweat hot
Work without extra bills, -
All the happiness of the earth comes from work.

The table you're sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, pair of skis,
Plate, fork, knife.
And every nail, and every house,
And every slice of bread -
All this was created by labor, and did not fall from the sky.
For everything that was created for us
We are grateful to the people
The time will come, the hour will come,
And we will work.

Now you are still schoolchildren. Your work is study, good, strong knowledge. They will help you get an interesting profession in the future. Now guess the riddles about professions.

His work is in the depths, at the very bottom,
His work is in the dark and in silence.
Let his work not be easy or simple,
Like an astronaut, he floats among the stars.

Master, master, help -
Boots are leaky
Drive the nails in harder -
We'll go visit today.

He needs these things:
Hammer, vice and pliers,
Key, file and hacksaw,
And all you need is dexterity.

He goes down into the face.
His work is underground.

This book is sick
The boy tore her up
I'll feel sorry for the patient
I'll take it and glue it together.

Walks around in a white cap
With a ladle in hand
He's cooking us lunch
Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

He will tie it with a belt
The helmet is strong on him
He enters a burning house
He fights fire.

He will wake up at dawn
Snow will be cleared in the yard
All paths will be swept
And the ice will sprinkle sand
(street cleaner)

Who brings us newspapers
And greetings from the grandmothers?

Performs in the arena
Knows a lot of different jokes
Mouth stretched to ears
At least sew on the ties.

So we managed to turn this page. A joyful and beautiful, long, good journey awaits us. (Slide 5) We read the title. How do you understand the proverb? What is friendship? Do you have a friend? Why do you consider him your friend? Here's what your friend says about friendship

It's good to go to the river with friends
Walk through the forest together.
Good with friends together
Sing songs loudly.( The song of M Plyatskovsky is performed)

Who is called a true friend in M. Plyatskovsky’s song? This is how we want to see our friend, as the song says.

But it is important to remember that you yourself must treat your friend as you would like him to treat you. It is not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.” If your friend commits unworthy acts, stop him. If he is in trouble, help. Be lenient with the minor shortcomings of your friends, do not quarrel over trifles. Take care of your friends!

Let's get acquainted with the story, which is called "Friendship" ( reading the work)

Can the hero be called a true friend?

What quality should friendship have? (selfless, no personal gain.)

Open the fourth page. (Slide 6) How do you understand the proverb? What proverbs do you know? What is the name of our Motherland? What poems about the Motherland do you know? What is the name of our small Motherland? In Rus', people not only worked well, but also knew how to have fun. Listen to musical compositions of Russian folk songs performed by the children of our class ( A group of guys playing balalaikas)

So, what are proverbs for? What topics of proverbs do you know?

To summarize our oral journal, I want to see how you recognize a proverb from two words. (Slide 7)

Quiz. ( Slide 8) I name 1 part of the proverb, you find the second part.

  • If you get up late, you won't do much.
  • He who reads a lot knows a lot.
  • What one person cannot do is easy for a team.
  • Your own land is sweet in a handful.

Which proverb fits page 1 of our magazine?

What about the second page?

So we close our magazine. (Slide 9)

It’s not without reason that proverbs say
It's impossible to live without them
They are great helpers
And in life faithful friends
Sometimes they instruct us
The wise give advice
Sometimes they teach something
And they protect us from harm.

I appeal to you, comrades, children:
There is nothing more useful than a book in the world!
Let books come into homes as friends,
Read for the rest of your life, gain your mind!

…………………………………yuyu…….. S. Mikhalkov

There is a wonderful country in the world -
Its name is LIBRARY.
Adults and children come here
Because books live in it.
But there is a large “LIBRARY” in the country
I’ll tell you there are six of these rules:

  1. How do you enter the country "LIBRARY"
    don't forget to say hello to everyone
  2. and behave with dignity and calm,
  3. Be polite and quiet, my friend!
  4. Clear, concise, concise, quick
    Name the author and the book.
  5. and when you get what you need,
    Say “THANK YOU” politely.
  6. return the book you received
    necessarily within the period specified therein.
    So that this book is no problem
    Another child could read it.

If you guys strictly follow these rules,
Then the country “LIBRARY” will always be glad to receive you!!!

Rules for using the school library

  1. When registering in the library, a reader's form is created, which indicates the class, surname, first name of the student, his home address, and telephone number. The student's signature is placed at the bottom (first-graders do not sign).
  2. The reader chooses the book he likes and approaches the librarian to record the book in the reader's form. On the book form, the librarian writes the date and year, and the reader writes his last name next to it. Students primary school Do not enter your name in the book form; the librarian does this.
  3. Then the number, inventory number of the book, author, and title are written down in the reader’s form.
  4. The book form remains with the librarian and is placed strictly in alphabetical order in a special box. This is done in order to find out at the right time who has a particular book.
  5. After reading, the book is handed over only to the librarian!
  6. Under no circumstances should a student place a book on the shelf himself!!! Otherwise, the librarian will not delete the author and title of the book from the reader’s form, and it will continue to be registered with a specific student.
  7. Books are issued for a period of up to 15 days, no more than three copies per person!

Reader's Memo

  1. Take as much from the book as you can. Remember that reading is one of the most important, necessary, serious and wonderful jobs.
  2. You can't read a book while thinking about something else. Bad habit just look at books.
  3. If you come across words or phrases in the book that are incomprehensible in content, turn to dictionaries, reference books, and encyclopedias for clarification.
  4. It is very good if you write to reader's diary most liked statements.
  5. Must read in specific system. It is very useful to read several books by one author, get acquainted with his biography, with the peculiarities of the era in which he lived.
  6. Read aloud often. This helps to deeply experience the imagery and poetry of the language of the work.
  7. An indicator of a reading culture is the desire to re-read a book, memorize it catch phrases, individual passages.

And I was terribly sick of the adherents of the cult of the Holy Book. No, I'm not talking about those who like to spend their time free time over a cup of tea and an interesting book. We'll talk about others. I think everyone has at least one such “book lover” around them.

He will make a face when he hears that you, for example, are interested in some TV series or interesting program. And he will definitely say that he doesn’t suffer from such garbage. I threw out “Zomboyashchik” a long time ago, and in general, there is nothing better than spending the evening reading. And he generally avoids fans of computer games like the plague.

And what’s most interesting is that ninety-nine percent of these “book lovers” are not at all distinguished by fine literary taste. At best, he mastered several books by Coelho or, say, Janusz Wisniewski. Perhaps I once read Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” (or another classic), and even then not completely. But this is already enough to make one wrinkle one’s nose at the sight of “non-reading” ordinary people.

Understand already: a book is just one way of transmitting information. Just because you read books doesn't make you exceptional. After all, books are different. Many of them are of no use and have no literary value. The fact that you have read a bunch of pulp novels and popular pseudo-philosophical books does not make you a better person. If someone prefers to watch an episode or two of their favorite TV series instead of reading a book, this does not automatically make them stupider or more narrow-minded than you.

I'm not even talking about the fact that in some cases the book, for all its merits, is not The best way obtaining information. I don’t know a single person who would master, say, playing the guitar solely from a book. But I know dozens of people (and I am one of them) who in a short time learned to play chords and play their favorite songs from video lessons on Youtube. TO foreign languages this also applies.

And a special hello to Paper Book lovers. They will frown contemptuously when they see an e-reader in your hands. They will spend hours nagging you about the unique smell of paper pages. They will carry a heavy volume in their bag, but will never stoop to a “reading room”.

When will you realize that there is nothing wrong with them! In my opinion, this is a great invention, especially for those who travel a lot, or simply like to read on the subway on the way to work and do not want to carry a heavy paper book with them. Not to mention the fact that a small “reading room” can accommodate a huge number of different books for every taste. And as for the “unique smell of a paper book”... Keep them in your home library, enjoy, just don’t look at those who prefer “reading books” as second-class citizens.

“We don’t need the Internet - better than books no friend! ( Guidelines for Children's Book Week) Volkovysk I appeal to you, comrades, children: There is no more useful thing in the world than a book! Let be..."

State Institution “Volkovysk District Library”

Library Marketing Department

We don't need the Internet -

There is no better friend's book!

for Children's Book Week)


I appeal to you, comrades, children:

There is nothing more useful than a book in the world!

Let books come into homes as friends,

Read for the rest of your life, gain your mind!

(S. Mikhalkov)

Currently, unfortunately, the book is losing

an unequal battle with technical means: TV and computer. Modern children increasingly spend their free time computer games, watching TV shows, especially cartoons, and reading books less and less. And this is understandable, reading is a kind of work in which the child thinks, imagines, and gets used to the image. As for technical means, you don’t have to put in any effort, you don’t have to think, imagine, just sit and watch.

According to Pushkin, “Reading is the best teaching,” since it is with the help of a book that a child discovers the world in all its interconnections and interdependencies, begins to understand more and better the lives of people, experiencing and living what they read.

Fiction serves as a powerful, effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. In this regard, it is very important to develop in children the understanding that books are our friends. This is the main goal of library work with children throughout the year, but is especially intensified during Children's Book Week.

Children's Book Week was born in 1943 - at the height of the Great Patriotic War.

This holiday was proposed by the famous children's writer Lev Abramovich Kassil came up with the name “Book Name Day” for the holiday.

The focus of the Week is the book and its reader. You can hold a series of thematic events that involve the active participation of the children themselves.

It is advisable to begin the celebration of the Week by creating an advisory council from among active users.

Discuss with them the program of the Week and their participation in various events, agree on the regularity of meetings and their topics.

It is proposed to make copies of famous characters from books, films, television shows, and during one of the literary evenings to organize a show on the theme “Guess!”

During the Week, you can put something attractive on the tables, for example, candy with the title of a book attached or an invitation to a lottery draw or to a literary festival.

It is good to establish a prize for a reader who reads certain books on a topic, or for every tenth user who borrows a book from the recommended list from the library. Present the awarding of prizes in a colorful way by organizing a festive show.

Particular attention should be paid to external design libraries. Posters with the logo and motto of the Week should be hung. It would be nice to add a little humor to the design. It is advisable that every day during the Week, information about events held by the library be announced, and a poster with the inviting words “Get ready, people! Get ready people!

Today the holiday is here, Today the games are here!

As you can see, options for holding the Week can be very different - from intimate conversations to general events. The main thing is that the thing for which the Week was conceived does not disappear from the holiday - a child reading a good children's book.

For Librarians Week children's reading– this is just one of the moments, albeit a very bright one, of the constant work to popularize reading and libraries among children.

The days of the week should become unforgettable for readers.

This can be achieved not only by unusual events, but also by the design of the library. It is important that the child’s environment is updated and colorful, and also carries a certain information load in the form of calls “Read more about this”, “Read and you won’t regret it”, “Do you want to join?” etc., messages about the best readers. The library organizes book exhibitions “Wealth for you. Read!”, “Books change lives”, personal exhibitions of the best readers “Library Stars”, “Readers are Always Leaders”, personal exhibitions of reading families, posters for Children’s Book Week events, wall newspapers about books, reading, made by active readers.

The best readers become heroes of the holiday. Who you want to involve in participating in events is up to you.

You can create a “Book of Reading Records”, and also reward children in the following categories: “The thickest form”, “The best expert on fairy tales”, “The most thoughtful reader”, “Conqueror of the labyrinths of fantasy and adventure”, etc.

Children are invited to the holidays individually (calls, invitations, announcements in the library) or in groups.

How will you structure your Children’s Book Week, what plan will you draw up, what forms of public events will you include?

- This is your choice. Creativity will make every event informative and interesting, because it is on interest that work with children’s readers is built.

–  –  –

First day: Opening of the Week.

Second day: “The beautiful awakens the good.”

Third day: “Anniversary”, dedicated to anniversaries.

Fourth day: Family Reading Day “Let’s read, relax, and spend time usefully.”

First day: The opening of the Week should take place in a solemn atmosphere. The guys can show a concert, performances based on various works and fairy tales. During the festival, the presenters and the librarian involve the audience in participating in competitions and quizzes. Introduce the program of the Week.

For young readers, you can organize book exhibitions dedicated to writers and books celebrating anniversaries, such as “Books Have a Name Day,” “Spring. Holidays. Book Celebration", introduction exhibition "Literary Kaleidoscope", mood exhibition "Reading is the Joy of the Soul", exhibition-presentation "Who Built the Emerald City", exhibition-viewing "Universe in the Novel Genre", exhibition-travel "Book Galaxy", etc. .

It is advisable to hold events that vary in form and content: theatrical performances “Magic transformations of heroes of your favorite books”, “An extraordinary journey on a magic book plane”, “Let a book into your heart!”, “Travel to the country happy childhood", "Land of good fairy tales", "Festival of scholars", "When poems sparkle with perfection", "Long live the reader!" and etc.

During the festival, the hosts and the librarian involve the audience in competitions, games, and quizzes. Introduce the program of the Week. For example, on the literary journey “An Extraordinary Journey on a Magic Bookplane,” children can take part in a game - the “Book Binge” competition, where they need to make up a proverb or saying about a book from a set of words, and then move to the “Hill of Fairy Tales” and conduct various fun games. After long travels, the children will enjoy relaxing in the video salon “Book heroes come to us from pages to screen”, watching a fairy tale, videos, electronic presentations, etc.

At the “Journey to the Land of Merry Childhood” holiday, in order to get to the country of Chitalia, children need to overcome obstacles with stops. For example, at the Otpravlyakino station, the children need to remember the means of transportation found in Russian folk tales.

At the Zagadalkino station, the children must recognize the hero of the work by description, and at the Viktorilkino station a fairy-tale quiz will be waiting for them. In the Valley of Miracles, using paper, pencils, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens, you can try to make strange things found in fairy tales. Then go through the “Crosswords” and “Chitaikino” stations.

The game form helps attract people to reading, so it is advisable to stop in more detail near the book exhibition and conduct a quick review “We don’t need the Internet, there’s no better friend than a book!”


1. Magic helps, but not always: opening of Children's Book Week for children aged 9-12 // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2009. - No. 1. – p.9-12.

2.Books for all times: scripts, creative developments // Collection of scripts “Books for all times.” - 2012. - No. 7. – P.3Holiday at school)

3. A FAIRY TALE invites: scripts, creative developments // Collection of scripts “A FAIRY Tale Invites.” - 2012. - No. 6. – P.3Holiday at school) Second day: “The beautiful awakens the good”

On this day you can invite older children, organize virtual trips through the halls of the Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, Louvre, etc. Introduce them to painting and architecture, from ancient times (Greece, Egypt, Mayan art, Aztecs, etc.) to today. It would be appropriate to introduce students to the work of our fellow countryman - the artist S.Yu. Zhukovsky (May 12, 1875, 140 years old).

You can offer to conduct a virtual excursion “Treasures of Russian National Culture”, talk about the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery P.M. Tretyakov, introduce the paintings of the 18th century masters K. Bryullov, I. Levitan, V. Borovikovsky, A. Kuindzhi. In conclusion, as a result of the knowledge gained, offer a quiz game “Guess the painting and the artist,” where the children will be able to demonstrate their memory and their understanding and vision of the paintings of the great artists.

A virtual tour of the museums of the world “Beauty Lives Forever”, visiting the galleries of the Louvre, Prado, Vatican Museums, Britain, Dresden, etc., will significantly expand the children’s horizons and will certainly arouse interest in the treasures of world culture.

You can invite the children themselves to act as guides. After watching, the children will be able to demonstrate their acquired knowledge in the game “Masterpiece with History.” The event is very educational. Getting to know world history and culture helps broaden one's horizons, develops visual perception, fosters curiosity and interest in art, and thereby contributes to the spiritual education of the younger generation.


1.World art culture: polymath lotto for average school age// Last call. – 2008. -№7. – p.2-3.

2. Land of the Rising Sun: an evening dedicated to the history and culture of Japan for middle school students // Read, learn, play. – 2008. - No. 6. – p.57-74.

3. This Ancient Greece!: meeting with antiquity for children 6-7 years old // books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - No. 6.

Third day: “Anniversary”

On this day, events should be dedicated to children's writers-anniversaries: the 230th anniversary of the birth of J. Grimm (1785 - 1863), German storyteller, philologist.;

200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and poet Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov (1815-1869); 210th anniversary of the birth of Andersen H.K. (1805 –1875), Danish storyteller; 50th anniversary of the birth of the English writer Joan Kathleen Rowling (b.

The forms of public events are very diverse: the literary evening “Reading is the best teaching”, the literary game “New Adventures of Old Friends”, the video presentation “Writers of Anniversary”, etc.

You can conduct an electronic presentation “Writers

- anniversaries of 2015", after which the guys must remember poets, writers who write for children, guess literary heroes, and as a result, the most active ones will be awarded with certificates in the following categories: “I want to know everything”, “Small and remote”, “A book is my best friend”, “I can’t live without a good book”, “The most inquisitive”, “The most active” .


1. Reading Kipling’s tales: a literary hour // Collection of scripts “Literature is the key to other peoples.” – 2012. – p.156-164. – (The library offers).

Fourth day: Family Reading Day “Let’s read, relax, and spend time usefully.

You can devote this day to family reading and organize activities with your parents. Conduct quizzes and competitions on this topic. One of the options is a family evening-conversation “Your family’s favorite children’s book.” Spend the evening with your parents, offering to bring your favorite book. When talking, pay attention to each book you bring. It may be a discovery for children what books their parents read in childhood:

Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, fairy tales by A. Pushkin, stories by A. Gaidar. In turn, the children will tell their parents about the books by T. Kryukova, Sladkov, the “horror story” series of books, etc.

The librarian in this conversation should be given the role of not just a leader and in no case an all-knowing master of children's literature, but a Reader who has his own favorite books.

The program of the family literary holiday “Let's be friends with books” can include tasks that the children, together with their mothers and grandmothers, must complete together, these are: solve a crossword puzzle, take a joint literary journey through fairy tales on Tsvetochnaya Square, Novostroyok Boulevard, on the fabulous attraction. Such events contribute to the spiritual rapprochement of children and parents.


1. At the family table // collection of scenarios “A fairy tale walks across the Earth.” – 2014. - No. 6. – p.98-111.

2.Family traditions: production about family traditions // Collection of scripts “Family Traditions”. – 2014. - No. 8. – 128 p.

3. Fairy-tale guests: literary and family holiday// Reading, learning, playing. – 2009. -№1. – p.46-51.

4. The story and the book – we read it over and over again: rescue show// Library of Prapanue. – 2011. - No. 10. – p.19-23.

Fifth day: “Fun in full swing” - presentation of books and magazines containing funny jokes, puzzles, quizzes.

Holidays are a time of relaxation and entertainment, when children want to take a break from everyday school activities, from mandatory homework, and simply unwind and enjoy communicating with their peers. Therefore, it is advisable to spend such a “Fun in Height” day in the library. Short-term events of an entertaining and playful nature are exactly what the children need to frolic, show ingenuity, and have a lot of fun. Igroskop, smekhodrom, funny mosaic, multilotto, and other gaming forms of events will certainly appeal to boys and girls.


1. Cheerful recess: creative performances with humor and laughter // Collection of scripts “Happy recess”. - 2012. - No. 3.s. - (Holiday at school)

2. Let’s not part with the holiday: a script for children of primary and secondary school age // “Carousel of Shows”. – 2010. – p.7-9. – (Holiday at school).

3. Happy chance: a literary game based on fairy tales // Collection of scenarios " Merry carousel" – 2012. – No. 12. – p.31-35. – (Celebration at school) Sixth day: “How to be able to read well”

On the sixth day - “How to be able to read well”, you can hold a literary festival “These Mysterious Letters” to initiate first-graders into reading. The children can be offered a tour of the library and introduced to the rules of the library. After which Bukovka and the Queen of the Book will invite children to take part in games and competitions for the best knowledge of fairy tales. Children always enjoy participating in solving crosswords and puzzles. At the end of the event, the guys must take the Reader's Oath. Then register everyone in the library. At the "Farewell, ABC Book" festival

postman Pechkin, Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga will hold competitions, games and surprises for the children.

You can organize a holiday for first-graders “Seeing off the ABC”, “Thank you ABC!”, with the invitation of parents and teachers. On the same day, you can register first-graders as library readers and ceremoniously issue them reader certificates, which are colorfully decorated in advance.


1.Kingdom Read a lot: script for a literary holiday for ml. school age // Read, study, play. -2009. – p.65-68.

2. Fairytale KVN: program for first-graders for the children’s book festival // Collection of scripts “scripts and repertoire”. – 2007. - No. 4. – p.77-81.

3. Smart guys and smart girls: the game “all about fairy tales” // Collection of scenarios “Merry Carousel”. - 2012. - No. 12. – p.46-52. – (Holiday at school) Seventh day: Summing up the Week. Awarding the winners and participants of competitions. As a result of the week - the Reading Leader competition “Know books, gain intelligence.” You can invite the children to prepare and conduct it themselves.

The kids spend the whole week reading books, recommending them to friends, and bringing illustrations from their favorite books to the library.

And they choose the winners themselves. The winners, in turn, receive certificates and prizes.

“Satellite” events

It is advisable to accompany the main events proposed above with satellite events. These include, for example, the exposition of new book arrivals to the library, prepared the day before, entitled “Modern books for modern children”, “I am opening the world with a book”, “Hello! I am a new book!”, and also:

1. Exhibitions organized, including as a result of competitions:

exhibition of illustrations for favorite works fiction“Look what we read!”

exhibition of posters “Read good books!”

photo exhibition “My friends are reading”, “My family/Our class/Our city is reading”

badge exhibition, bookmarks, bookplates “I am a reader!”

Release of a wall newspaper, design of a stand or 2.

information board “What and how do we read?”

3. The “I recommend!” campaign, during which schoolchildren insert a bookmark with their personal recommendation into the library books they read that they like (the campaign starts at the beginning of the year and runs throughout the quarter, half-year, or entire year).

4. The “Golden Shelf of Books” event, during which children display their favorite books in the library or write their titles and authors’ names on drawn book spines.

Thus, the Week should include both intimate conversations, educational programs, and gaming and competitive events. It should remain a holiday of joyful communication, the discovery of new names, new talents, and perhaps undeservedly forgotten books and their authors. The goal of the Week is not only to encourage reading children and children involved in creativity, but also to attract non-reading children to the library.

It is very important that active readers play a leading role in organizing and holding the holiday. Readers of middle and high school age can read to younger ones, play a game, and design a wall newspaper. Or maybe you organize a “Readers’ Landing”, and during Children’s Book Week your readers will visit kindergartens, children’s hospitals, children’s social institutions and read books to their peers. This will be a wonderful event to promote reading.

Every child who comes to the library these days (by invitation or by chance) should find something to do to their liking: read books, watch cartoons, do creative work. For some, a random visit to the library on Children's Book Week will be decisive, and subsequently this child will become a better reader himself.

We offer a script for a literary quiz for sixth graders, “Throw It Up”

Host: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Let's start our Quiz Quiz. I hope that you will accept both winning and losing with a smile. To do this, do as I do and good mood will not leave you.

Teams take part in the Quit Quiz.

(Introducing the teams.) Presenter: It’s time to get to know the teams better.

Each team prepared business card and over to them.

Teams business card.

Host: Thank you, it was very nice to meet you!

Let the meeting be joyful, Friendship is the essence of such acquaintance, We are starting a quiz, As they say, good luck!

Presenter: The quiz consists of 5 rounds.

1st round Lagerlöf S. “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese.”

2nd N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.”

3rd V. Bianchi. "Forest Newspaper"

4th Kipling "Mowgli".

5th – Zero.

Cards with the names of the tours are laid out on the table; each tour has its own number. We need this number in order to determine the round number by throwing a six-numbered die.

Let's throw the dice. The number 3 came up, round “Whose portrait is this?” There are 10 questions on the card; teams randomly choose a question number. For the correct answer - 2 points.

First tour. Lagerlöf S. “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese.”

3.What and who did Nils see in the mirror? (Man) Describe him?

4.What happened to Nils? Or how the dwarf punished Nils?

(Turned into a little, little man)

5. Why did the cat refuse to help Nils? (For his behavior. He put a wasp in the cat’s ear, set fire to the fur, and pulled the tail).

6.What was the name of the goose that Nils wanted to detain? (Martin)

8.Who did Nils save? And what did you receive as a reward? (Squirrel Tirle, nut and twig with mushrooms).

9.Why and how did Niels save Glimmingen Castle? (From rats, playing the pipe).

10.What happened on the island of Kulaberg? (A festival of birds and animals where not a single person has ever been).

11. Fox Smirre was punished and received a mark. Why and how was he celebrated? (Killed a sparrow. The tip of the ear was bitten off).

12.Who was the adopted son of the goose Akke? (Eagle).

Second round. Nikolay Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”

1.What event does the work “Vitya Maleev at school and home” begin with? (First of September.)

2.What class did Vitya go to? (On the fourth.)

3. How would Vitya like to start the school year? (Gradually, first week one lesson at a time, etc., or first just easy lessons.)

4. Why was Kostya Shishkin late for class? (I ended up in fifth grade.)

5. What time did Vitya come home? (At nine o'clock.)

6. How did his intentions to learn lessons end? (Lost in football.)

7.What did Viti Maleev’s dad do? (As a pattern maker in a steel foundry.)

8. Why and how did the school principal shame the children? (A sailor was painted on the wall in the classroom, and the director told the children about the costs of repairs and invited the culprit to come to his office. Igor whitewashed the wall.)

9.Who did Shishkin give to Vita? (White mice.)

10. Why did Vitya decide to start strengthening his will? (From the cake. Don’t eat it for two days.) Third round. V. Bianchi. "Forest Newspaper"

1.What is the book “Forest Newspaper” about? (About the latest news in nature.)

2. Why doesn’t a book age over the years? (Because in nature everything goes in a circle: winter, spring, summer, autumn.)

3.Why is the book “Forest Newspaper” so popular in different countries peace? (Because where nature is similar to ours, the reader rejoices in the similarity, where it is different, he learns something new.)

4.Name the illustrator of “Lesnaya Gazeta”?

(Valentin Ivanovich Kurdov.)

5.Name the sections of the book. (Incidents. Riddles. Childish affairs. Book of complaints and suggestions. Sports. Fashions of the season.

Overheard conversations. News from the forest.)

6.What are the names of the months in Lesnaya Gazeta? (A month of awakening from hibernation, the return of migratory birds to their homeland, songs and dances.) Fourth round. Kipling "Mowgli"

1.Who called Mowgli “Little Frog”? (Wolf Mother, Raksha).

2.What did Bagheera call the “Red Flower”? (Fire).

3.Who helped Mowgli get out of the trap into which the Bander-Logs took him? (Kite Chil, Kaa, Bagheera, Balu).

4.What ransom was offered to Baloo and Bagheera for Mowgli’s life when he was accepted into the Wolf Pack? ( Good word Baloo and Bagheera's buffalo).

5.Who are the Little Rock People? Where does he live? (These are evil black wild bees. They live on Bee Cliff)

6.What did Mowgli advise Bagheera to bring to the Pack Council?

(“Red flower” - fire).

7.Who went to war against Mowgli’s people? (Red Wild Dogs)

8.What did the monkeys call Kaa? (Legless yellow earthworm).

9.Who taught the wolf cubs the Law of the Jungle? (Old bear Baloo).

10.What is a Water Truce and what does the Law of the Jungle say about it? (When the Great Drought comes, a Water Truce is declared. You cannot kill animals at a watering hole.)

11.Who were the Bander-Logs most afraid of? Why? (Boa constrictor Kaa: they were afraid of his hypnotizing gaze).

Fifth round. Zero If the choice falls on the 5th round, all the players’ points are lost.

–  –  –

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