Built-in wardrobe on the entire wall in the bedroom. Options for filling wardrobes in the bedroom, which one is better. Wardrobe with mirror in the bedroom

In any room, the bedroom is one of the main rooms in which a person whiles away a large number of time. A comfortable atmosphere and tranquility can be created by good design and appropriate furnishings. But the problem is that it is not always possible to combine these two components into a single stylistic ensemble. Therefore, to create a flawless and harmonious design, often preference is given to built-in wardrobes.

Sliding wardrobes, due to their functionality and variety of facades, are much easier to adapt to an existing design.

Professional master designers say that in the bedroom, in addition to the bed, the closet is an equally important accent. But the interior does not tolerate clutter. Even when trying to save space, the bedroom is constantly filled with a chest of drawers, a wardrobe or bedside tables. This is the main problem for residents small apartments where there is no storage space various elements wardrobe

Only a well-chosen wardrobe can solve the problem of combining good functionality, beauty and compactness.

There are many advantages to this type of furniture. However, there are also some disadvantages that should be considered when choosing.


  1. Rational use space.

Thanks to the wardrobe, you can use the space of the room rationally and with maximum benefit.

Its undeniable advantage is maximum functionality, since it allows optimal use of every centimeter.

  1. Aesthetic beauty.

This furniture is aesthetically attractive because it has a modern attractive design, often decorated with paintings and entire paintings.

Diversity design solutions in design of this type The furniture is simply amazing.

  1. Reliability and long term operation.

Sliding wardrobes are quite reliable and last a long time, especially if they are not transported.

Spacious wardrobe covering the entire wall large bedroom- almost a complete replacement of a separate dressing room.

  1. High functionality.

Sliding wardrobes are multifunctional, that is, they are quite capable of performing a considerable number of functions. This is especially true for those who do not have a separate dressing room or a large sleeping area.

In this case, this type furniture can accommodate maximum amount objects and things.

  1. Big choice color solutions.

Diversity color range makes it possible to select furniture for different style interior

Bright multi-colored wardrobe in a modern bedroom.

  1. Possibility of individual planning.

When installing this type of furniture in the bedroom, you can vary the space and design of the closet, using both corner and separate options.

Corner cabinets fit perfectly into a small bedroom, helping to save even more space.

  1. Possibility of correcting unsuccessful design or repair flaws.

The integrated wardrobe system can be various shapes and configuration, so a well-chosen form can help hide various flaws of unsuccessful repairs or design flaws.

Built-in wardrobe specially designed for an attic bedroom.

  1. Sliding doors.

Also one of positive aspects It is considered a sliding door system, which significantly saves space.

Since the doors simply slide apart, there is no need for additional space for the door leaf to move.

  1. Good capacity.

Proper design of shelving will perfectly accommodate clothes, bed linen, bedspreads, shoes, etc. If you can install shelves or hangers of various sizes, you can fit even more things or clothes.

The best and economical view is a built-in wardrobe with a corner placement, which seems very relevant today.

  1. Versatility.

These cabinets have not only shelves for linen and hangers for clothes. But many models also provide shelves for shoes and space for hangers and other necessary small items.

It is necessary to select a closet taking into account the needs of the family.

  1. Easy care.

Because facades modern furniture Made mainly from materials with a universal varnish or matte finish, it is quite easy to care for. You should wipe off the dust with a damp cloth or microfiber, or you can use a furniture care product.

Mirror surfaces should be cared for like a regular mirror.

Disadvantages of sliding wardrobes

The only disadvantages include their large size and non-transportability. Therefore, it is best to transport sliding wardrobes disassembled, and you should handle them with great care. mirrored doors and facades.

Well-chosen built-in cabinets will perfectly fit into the design and structure of the room.

Any client is able to choose furniture to suit his taste, taking into account the following characteristics: dimensions, internal organization, facade material, location and so on.

Types of wardrobe designs

Cabinets should be selected taking into account the characteristics and scale of the room. The compartment can be placed in a corner or along the wall. In addition, you can choose options with additional built-in components. This is a built-in table or TV, a built-in bed or lighting fixture.

Such solutions are very relevant for small spaces.

  1. Rectangular cabinets.

Direct integrated systems have a single view - from the ceiling to the floor and along the wall, or part of it.

Such cabinets are suitable for medium-sized rooms.

  1. Angular.

Corner cabinets have a number of varieties:

  • L-shaped, where 2 halves of furniture are placed along the walls, touching in the middle at an angle;
  • Triangular, which are characterized common facade, straight and without kinks;
  • Trapezoidal, have various modifications, are very spacious, but are more suitable for medium or large rooms;
  • Various modifications of concave, convex or zigzag designs.

Such wardrobes look stylish and presentable.

Choice of façade material

Selecting a material is a very serious task, since the issue of combining acceptable cost, quality and durability is being resolved.After designing the placement of the cabinet, you should resort to choosing the materials from which the furniture will be made. The following materials are more common and frequently used.

  1. Lining or natural wood.

Natural wood is rarely used to make sliding wardrobes, since it is considered too expensive a material. However, there are wealthy buyers who choose only natural materials that guarantee impeccable indoor environment.

Solid wood is considered too impractical and bulky material.

  1. Chipboard.

Laminated chipboard- quite durable, cheap and comfortable material, presented in a variety of decorative colors.

It is light in weight, easy to process and maintain, and has a long service life.

The most popular material because it perfectly combines beauty, durability, and low cost.

This material is traditionally more expensive than chipboard.

  1. Drywall.

It is not a very popular material for furniture because it cannot “boast” of its durability.

But it is light, cheap and environmentally friendly.

Preference is most often given to MDF and chipboard.

Features of choosing a wardrobe

When purchasing a cabinet in a store, you should pay attention Special attention on some nuances. Before settling on a specific modification of the wardrobe, you must follow the following rules.

For a classic interior style, light colors are best suited. pastel shades, in combination with matte or patterned mirrors. But for high-tech it is better to choose progressive curved or angular options.

For Baroque style the best option There will be dark colors and strict shapes.

  1. Consider the possibility of an option with a partition. If you have free space, you can resort to the “golden ratio” principle, when the height and length of the cabinet are adjusted by a factor of 1.60 to 600.

Features of sliding wardrobes and adaptation to the interior

The internal structure of the cabinet must meet the needs of its owners. Proper placement of racks guarantees their strength and functionality. When choosing a cabinet, first of all you need to consider the following.

  1. Size of niches and location of zones:

  1. The amount of clothing and its types.

In the presence of big family It is important to take into account everyone’s personal needs. For example, girls require much more space than boys.

  1. Affordable and best price.

When choosing a wardrobe for your family, you should consider the cost of purchase. You should not purchase a very cheap product, as it will certainly be of poor quality and quickly fail. It is not always necessary to buy very expensive things, since they often do not justify their cost.

Medium-priced furniture is quite accessible to the average consumer and is of acceptable quality.

Variety of design solutions for sliding wardrobes

Most practical types cabinets can be viewed directly from the manufacturers.Interesting idea There may be additional components and additional structures in wardrobes. For example, specialized holders for belts or ties, pull-out baskets- practical, stylish and convenient solution for any furniture, additional hooks for children, small drawers for small items or decorations, etc.

You can select photos of sliding wardrobes or diagrams of their location in magazines and visually decide on the choice of the desired design.

You can buy a wardrobe for your bedroom today various configurations, colors or materials. However, the main thing remains the selection color palette furniture facades.

  1. Furniture in dark colors looks beautiful and presentable. It creates a special atmosphere. But dark color always reduces space.

    This option is only suitable for a large bedroom.

  2. Colorful tones suit a progressive interior, but they will not always blend harmoniously with the interior.

    Therefore, this kind of variation is excluded by almost all consumers.

  3. Reddish-colored compartment lockers are an exceptional version. In the bedroom, it can negatively affect sleep.

    Red color activates nervous system person.

  4. Almost all designers advise purchasing furniture light tone: beige, coffee.

    These types of options look in tune with the interior and create a comfortable environment.

  5. An interesting idea would be to choose cabinet colors to match bedroom items and components, such as bedspreads, curtains, beds, decorative items, etc.

    The most important thing is that all the details match harmoniously in color and texture.

For every person, the bedroom is a relaxation area in which he can relax when he comes home from work, gather his strength and fully restore his ability to work. Of course, many people want their bedroom to be spacious and cozy, comfortable and convenient.

Modern sliding wardrobes, correctly adapted to the interior of the room, will help solve this problem.

VIDEO: Options for built-in wardrobes in the bedroom.

When purchasing or ordering furniture designs, it is quite difficult to make a choice from a large number of offers, especially when it comes to such matters as filling wardrobes(photos with dimensions offer numerous options), among which you need to make a smart choice. A trivial question can develop into a problem, especially in the process of manufacturing custom-made furniture, so knowledge of the basics of selecting cabinet furniture designs for each room or large apartment is required.

Correct content: nuances

There are no specific standards for the selection and production of filling. However, advice from experts in the field will not be inappropriate; on the contrary, it will help to quickly make a determination with the choice of design. The choice depends on certain factors that must be taken into account in this case.

  • wall dimensional parameters;
  • intended purpose of structures;
  • number of personal belongings;
  • cabinet customer's budget.

The simplest and most common types of layouts can be found on the Internet. There you can also measure the parameters of length and width, as well as find out the price of manufacturing structures, types of materials and shapes of products. A sliding wardrobe, or rather planning its “insides”, involves not only the placement of shelves, but also the design of, , and other elements, so it is important to evaluate the product design in advance, even before it appears. new item furniture.

Number of doors in the closet

There are several options. For example, for a small room, a closet with two doors or one door would be a relevant option. It turns out that this option requires at least two sections. At the time of designing the structure, the cabinet is divided into conventional niches.

  • Elements for storing long items,
  • Niches for storing clothes used every day (jeans, sweaters, T-shirts, tops),
  • Compartments for storing linen accessories and accessories,
  • Products for gloves, belts, ties and other accessories,
  • Drawers and shelves for care products for clothing items.

The number of doors and compartments plays an important role. with one door, equipped with a guide particle, are small in size, but have good internal order. The peculiarity lies in the constant open state one of the halves of such a product. This will create a niche for storing other accessories in an open space.

Width of structures

  • Sections of outerwear - 80 cm,
  • for long items – 140 cm.

It is important to know! It is most convenient to choose the location of the crossbar based on the width; thanks to this approach you can save a lot of free space inside.

  • The filling of the product should be located at a convenient height to ensure that the owner can easily get inside. The size of the opening in this case should be about 35-40 cm.
  • If you need to choose the dimensions for short clothes, the opening on the hangers is 80 cm, for long clothes - 150 cm. The opening of the bar is calculated by adding 20 cm to the value.
  • The mezzanine in the closet is traditionally used for storing large items that are this moment time are not used by the owners.
  • It is recommended to store socks and underwear in corner wardrobes. Some models have triangular shapes, and there are also trapezoidal and diagonal models. If you decide to make the product corner, it will be more difficult to fill it, since you will need to take care of ensuring easy access to things located in the corner. If you want to use space efficiently, you can install several hanging rods in the very center. Shelves are traditionally made in the corners open type for placing souvenirs. Filling corner cabinets-coupe, photos with dimensions suggest a large number of options, is complex process However, with proper attention, good results can be achieved.

    Filling wardrobes for built-in wardrobes

    If you have decided to undertake the assembly of a built-in structure, you can select current and practical solutions, especially if you learn how to use it as competently and practically as possible free space– from and to. It is important to ensure that empty niches are filled correctly. In the bedroom, if such designs are used, many people strive to create a place for a TV. Another smart option is to create an open module. Some owners of apartments and houses are adamant in their decision to create a practical design, so they use truly practical solutions when creating.


    Thus, when planning the filling of structures, you must be aware of the fact that the lion’s share of your comfort and convenience, as well as the rationality of the space in the room, will depend on this. The basic planning element is the location where the cabinet will be installed. For

A bedroom is a personal space intended only for the owners, hidden from prying eyes, designed to provide comfort, coziness, complete rest after a busy day, a place of dreams, love and fantasies. Many people believe that home furniture in the bedroom there is a bed, but do not forget that no less important element is a closet that allows you to store personal items and clothing. Bulky cabinet furniture has been replaced by an elegant wardrobe for the bedroom, photos of which are collected in a selection. Unusual models, the expressive design of a bedroom wardrobe can highlight the individuality of each room.

When choosing bedroom furniture for his home, the buyer wants to know about all the advantages and disadvantages of each item. Sliding wardrobes also have their pros and cons. Modern manufacturers furniture products offer a huge selection where bedroom set with a wardrobe designed for any, even the most demanding client. With its appearance, there is no need to buy chests of drawers and cabinets for the room. Traditional classic, stylish with an unusual decorative facade, mirrored, built into the entire wall - the types of cabinets and their internal contents are incredibly diverse. The advantages of this piece of furniture, which can become the highlight of your interior, include:

  • a huge variety of designs and varieties - cabinet, built-in, corner, mirror, with sandblasted facade, with glass different colors– you can bring any design ideas to life;
  • internal and visual volume – the space inside the furniture is used 100 percent, allowing you to rationally place things and objects in it, and a wardrobe in a small bedroom with a mirrored surface of the doors visually increases the space of the room;
  • conciseness - for example, to make a wardrobe for the bedroom with your own hands, you do not need to adhere to any strict rules, side panels they will be able to replace the walls, the upper and lower ceilings and floors, and it will not be difficult to build internal shelves, niches, drawers, and a mezzanine at their own discretion;
  • the most important advantage is the ability to put away all unnecessary things and objects that take up a lot of space, because in addition to clothes, shoes, linen, bedding, a large closet allows you to store small and large items household appliances, TV, that is, with the help of filling you can optimize the space as much as possible;
  • a piece of furniture can be designed to accommodate a bed – perfect choice for a small apartment;
  • The furniture options on the market are not limited to a certain number of models; a custom-made wardrobe for the bedroom will emphasize the individuality of your interior;
  • convenience, ease of installation - all the disadvantages of the room ( uneven walls, poor layout) is easy to hide with a built-in wardrobe in the bedroom, easy to dismantle and reassemble in a new apartment;
  • in production modern cabinets compartments with a mirror in the bedroom use specially treated protective film glass, making them difficult to break, and even if such a nuisance happens, sharp fragments do not fly apart.

Of course, there is no perfect furniture, so before you learn how to choose sliding wardrobes for your bedroom, you need to learn about their shortcomings:

  • sliding doors - the system is subject to rapid wear, profiles, driving mechanisms may not last long;
  • decorative lighting in a fairly large and deep closet, replacing the dressing room, will not be enough, spot lighting does not make it possible to clearly see its contents;
  • applied aluminum structures easy to deform;
  • doors can slide off the guides, and dust and pet hair that constantly gets clogged cause additional inconvenience when cleaning.

Since the bedroom is an area of ​​relaxation and comfort, pay close attention to the mechanism sliding doors, you need to choose a silent one, nothing should disturb the peace of mind of the owners.


Due to their functionality, bedroom wardrobes are the most popular piece of room furniture; they are made to order or ready-made by many domestic manufacturers. furniture factories, not only metropolitan companies, for example in Rumyantsevo, but also salons in other cities, such as in Usolye, are very popular among consumers.

All models have sliding systems, due to which additional area for opening and closing doors in the room is not required, space saving is obvious. They are divided according to classification:

  • built-in - the design assumes the absence of upper, lower and side walls, which makes it possible to save on materials, while reducing the final cost of sliding wardrobes, allows you to hide uneven walls, and fits optimally into a small room;
  • semi-built-in - according to the customer’s preference, there are several options: fastening to the side wall on one side or on both sides, but without a floor and top panel, such a wall for the bedroom will also significantly save your budget;
  • radius cabinets – interesting the new kind furniture, is a semicircular cabinet of a concave or convex shape, which makes it possible to change the space of the room, its sizes are varied, suitable for installation in any room, and due to its unusual configurations it makes it incredibly stylish and beautiful;
  • corner (L-shaped) - able to softly smooth out the corners of the room, a bedroom with a wardrobe of this shape looks cozy, due to the fact that all the necessary space is used as rationally as possible;
  • case - the design contains top, bottom, side panels, it is easy to move and transport, you can choose already ready-made wardrobe compartment to the bedroom according to photo catalogs (you will be provided with different variants) or place an individual order.

If you decide to make custom-made furniture, do not forget to invite a specialist to take measurements, who will take into account all the details, dimensions, show samples of materials, and advise which cabinet and filling is best to choose for it.





Facade decoration

The design of the facade of a sliding wardrobe in a bedroom interior sometimes looks intricate and expressive, which does not prevent it from having a positive impact on general style rooms. There are a lot of design ideas, but it’s not always easy to make a choice. A decorative facade, an original image can highlight the accent, add brightness and color to the room, or vice versa, make the cabinet almost “invisible”, literally dissolving it in space. Many people prefer to decorate their bedroom in calm pastel colors, choosing furniture white or other light shades. A white wardrobe in a bedroom will merge with the interior if its façade is not decorated with a light, uncomplicated pattern or a bright colorful accent is made on other pieces of furniture.

The mirrored wardrobe has long been in fashion. Being an important component of the decor, the mirror built into the front panel also visually expands the space. Mirrors come in matte, graphite, sandblasted, tinted and fit perfectly into most modern styles. They can alternate on facades with colored glass or wooden planks.

It is interesting to decorate the facade with a pattern with photo printing, this technology has found wide application in the furniture industry. Photo design looks realistic, impressive, the subject matter of the images is so diverse that you can choose a suitable theme to decorate any room. A sliding wardrobe with photo printing on the front panel will find a place in living rooms, bedrooms, children's and office premises. The drawing retains the original brightness of the colors for a long time.

If you prefer strict proportions, feel free to buy a wardrobe in classic style calm shades such as alder, hazelnut, beech, apple and others. Lovers can order antique furniture using technology artificial aging. Similar wardrobes, photos of which can be found in furniture catalogues, look impressive, giving the bedroom light touch romanticism. Add a touch of freshness to the room light shades, a bedroom with a wardrobe in a classic style without a mirror, with a dominance of white, will make the furniture almost invisible.

Features of accommodation

You need to select furniture for the bedroom taking into account the size of the room, carefully measuring its location. The design should be in harmony with other objects, without cluttering up the space. It is worth considering all the proposed options and choosing the most suitable one. This is especially important for small apartments, if there is very little space, choose narrow wardrobe, paying attention to its filling so that there are enough shelves and drawers, but they are not too large. It's good if in your apartment high ceilings, then a wardrobe with mezzanines will come in handy.

The corner design of the wardrobe makes the most efficient use of the space of a small room, turning the corner into a practical, functional area for storing many things. Radius wardrobes are successfully located in bedrooms of any configuration; when concave and convex designs are combined, a spacious wave-shaped model is obtained.

A wardrobe of a coupe model is the piece of furniture that is best made to order, taking into account all the features of the bedroom, then it can be placed as rationally as possible. Buying such a ready-made item so that it fits perfectly into the interior of the room is quite difficult.


Thanks to new design developments, the interior content of sliding wardrobes is striking in its diversity. In addition to all kinds of shelves for things, drawers for linen, niches where large items are stored, the filling may have open shelves on which books, decorative items, and accessories are placed. If the area of ​​the room does not allow you to install a cabinet for TV equipment, you can design a wardrobe with a TV, where a built-in plasma panel will be placed.

All furniture manufacturers have catalogs with photos of proposed designs and cabinet interiors for optimal placement shelves, niches:

  • for things that owners do not use often, hats and bags, there are shelves on top;
  • for seasonal and casual clothing - the middle part;
  • shelves for shoes, niches for equipment are located below;
  • blankets, pillows, and bed linen are placed in the upper or lower drawers.

In addition, there are many additional accessories For convenient storage of things:

  • pantograph - a special mechanism that allows you to secure a barbell with hangers at the desired height;
  • retractable mesh baskets for small items clothes, linen;
  • holders for trousers, belts, ties;
  • special shoe shelves;
  • organizers, multi-tiered baskets for storing small items;
  • devices where the ironing board, vacuum cleaner, and iron are stored.

From the right one internal filling in the closet depends on how conveniently and compactly the owners’ things will be arranged there.

How to choose the right one

Do right choice Of all the variety of models and designs of sliding wardrobes offered, it is not easy. Initially, you need to decide on the shape, which options for your bedroom with a wardrobe (cabinet or built-in) are the most suitable. The door opening mechanism is important, a variety of which is:

  • monorail - more reliable, but more expensive;
  • roller – a budget option, but be prepared for its fragility.

The material from which the system profile is made is the second point that is worth paying attention to:

  • aluminum – silent, aesthetically pleasing, provides many options for façade design, short service life;
  • steel – reliable material, with a long service life, but the doors open noisily.

A spacious wardrobe must meet the needs of the owners so that it is not less than that volume needed for all things. If the family is small, then the closet should be selected with small dimensions, the main thing is that it is convenient to store everything you need, because not everyone needs hangers for ties and shelves for butterflies.

Choosing a wardrobe for the bedroom is not easy, since there are no universal ones. Everything is very individual and depends on your preferences, capabilities, style and bedroom interior. Furniture items with unusual design will make the room unique, white cabinets will not only decorate the interior, but will also emphasize the refined taste of the owner of the house, and an interesting cabinet design or a facade decorated with photo printing will surprise friends and acquaintances.



Need ideas for a wardrobe design for your bedroom? In this article we have collected for you 35 photos of the most fashionable options V different colors, styles, sizes and finishing methods. Below you will see what a built-in, corner and mirrored wardrobe can look like in a bedroom interior, as well as other interesting examples. Scroll on to see photos of bedroom wardrobes inside and out!

Modern wardrobes for the bedroom - a selection of the best photos of 2017

Modern bedroom wardrobes usually have a body made of wood or chipboard, while the doors are most often made of glass. It can be given any shade, and the glossy or even mirror surface of the glass easily expands the boundaries of the interior visually. At the same time, in 2017 it became fashionable to use wood trim sliding wardrobe doors, which brings comfort, warmth and a touch of luxury to the bedroom design. You can see a variety of bedroom wardrobe samples in modern style in the next 4 photos.

Beautiful wardrobes for the bedroom with a mirror - 5 photos with design ideas

It is believed that mirrors are undesirable in bedroom design. However, Feng Shui practice only prohibits their placement in front of windows and beds. Indeed, the light from street lamps or the moon, reflected on the mirror surface, will unpleasantly irritate the eyes and cause unnecessary anxiety before bedtime. But even this problem can be solved with thick curtains on the windows. Look how stunningly beautiful bedroom wardrobes with a mirror are in the photo:

Quite often, mirrored bedroom wardrobes are decorated with a pattern. You can see an example in the photo below.

Sliding wardrobe with TV in the bedroom: photo in the interior

Do you like to relax before bed with your favorite series or TV show? Then install a wardrobe with a TV in your bedroom. The photo shows samples with a built-in TV stand, as well as a version of a corner wardrobe with open shelf on the side.

White wardrobes for the bedroom (photos of different samples)

White furniture has always been particularly popular in bedchamber design. It gives the interior exceptional elegance, airiness and lightness. The exception is not white wardrobes in the bedroom. We offer you several interesting examples on the picture:

Which wardrobe to choose for a small bedroom? 3 samples in the photo

Is it possible to install a spacious wardrobe in a small bedroom? As you will see in the photo below - how. If you need a large wardrobe, you can save space by building it into the wall or using a corner of the room.

To others convenient option A compact double-door wardrobe for your bedroom, like in this photo, could be for you:

Bedroom design with built-in wardrobe (5 photos)

Built-in wardrobes that fit tightly to the walls and ceiling the best way fit into the bedroom design, helping it look more free and neat. In the following photos you will see modern models such a cabinet, as well as another fashionable option today - installation wardrobe system and separating it from the rest of the room with translucent glass compartment doors. What do you think of the idea?

And how a built-in wardrobe in a bedroom can look inside, you will see in the photo in the last section of our article...

... Small and large wardrobes for the bedroom - 10 photos inside

What should the inside of bedroom wardrobes look like? What could their content be like? As a rule, outerwear and shoes are stored separately, in the hallway or pantry. And in the bedroom it is recommended to provide more space for T-shirts, shirts and trousers, drawers for underwear, shelves for bedding and accessories. We invite you to evaluate interior design wardrobes in the bedroom in the last 10 photos in this article.

Large wardrobe covering the entire wall: