Morning and evening reflection on God's majesty. The poet and the secrets of the Universe in the poems “Morning reflection on God’s majesty” and “Evening reflection on God’s majesty in the event of the great northern lights” by M.V. Lomonosov. "Evening reflection"

Along with the awareness of one’s uniqueness, uniqueness, and difference from others comes a feeling of loneliness. The youthful “I” is still undefined, vague, and is often experienced as vague anxiety or a feeling of inner emptiness that needs to be filled with something. Hence, the need for communication increases and at the same time its selectivity and the need for privacy increases. Other people don't external environment, objectively perceived by a person, is not a circumstance of his life, but his internal property, the main content of his personality. A person's self-awareness is possible only through his relationships with others.

The formation of self-awareness in early youth, i.e. awareness of not only the environment, but also oneself in one’s relations with the outside world, awareness of oneself as “I”, is characterized by the ability to independently and consciously set goals for one’s activities and realize them. Features of interpersonal relationships between people in subordinate relationships have a significant impact on the nature of motivation, the level of self-esteem, and the ability to self-regulate individuals in a subordinate or dependent position.

How does this age-related tendency appear (not to be confused with relations between generations!) in the relationships of high school students with the most significant specific adults for them, who are not only senior in age, but also authorized representatives of adult society as a whole - parents and teachers?

Of the factors of socialization, considered separately, the most important and influential was and remains the parental family as the primary unit of society, the influence of which the child experiences first of all, when he is most susceptible. Family conditions, including social status, occupation, financial level and level of education of parents, significantly determine life path child. In addition to the conscious, purposeful education that his parents give him, the child is influenced by the entire intra-family atmosphere, and the effect of this influence accumulates with age, refracting in the structure of the personality. The best relationships between high school students and parents usually develop when parents adhere to democratic style education. This style most contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative and social responsibility. To understand the relationship between a high school student and his parents, it is necessary to know how the functions of these relationships and the ideas associated with them change with age. By the senior grades, behavioral autonomy, as a rule, is already quite high: a high school student independently distributes his time, chooses friends, leisure activities, etc. In families with a more or less authoritarian structure, this autonomy sometimes causes acute conflicts.

Many teachers, even outside of school, are distinguished by an intrusive, didactic, instructive manner of deporting themselves. The habit of simplifying complex things in order to make them accessible to children contributes to the development of inflexible, straightforward thinking, develops a tendency to see the world in a simplified, black-and-white version, and the habit of constantly keeping oneself in control makes it difficult to express oneself emotionally. The position of a teacher is a constant test, a test of power.

One of the main trends of adolescence is the reorientation of communication from parents, teachers and generally elders to peers, more or less equal in status. This reorientation can occur slowly and gradually or spasmodically and violently; it is expressed differently in different areas activities in which the prestige of elders and peers is not the same, but it necessarily occurs.

Communication with peers is a very important specific channel of information; through it, teenagers and young men learn many necessary things that, for one reason or another, adults do not tell them. Also, communication with peers is a specific type of interpersonal relationship. Group play and other types joint activities develop the necessary skills of social interaction, the ability to submit to collective discipline and at the same time defend their rights, correlate personal interests with public ones. Outside a society of peers, where relationships are built fundamentally on equal terms and status must be earned and be able to be maintained, a child cannot develop the skills necessary for an adult. communication skills. The competitiveness of group relationships, which is not present in relationships with parents, also serves as a valuable life school.

This is a specific type of emotional contact. The consciousness of group affiliation, solidarity, and comradely mutual assistance not only makes it easier for a teenager to become autonomous from adults, but also gives him an extremely important sense of emotional well-being and stability. Whether he managed to earn the respect and love of equals and comrades is of decisive importance for a teenager’s self-esteem.

Psychology of communication in adolescence is built on the basis of the contradictory interweaving of two needs: isolation (privatization) and affiliation, i.e. the need for belonging, inclusion in some group or community. Isolation most often manifests itself in emancipation from the control of elders. However, it also works in relationships with peers.

The need not only for social, but also for spatial, territorial autonomy and the inviolability of one’s personal space is increasing. During adolescence, ideas about the content of such concepts as “loneliness” and “solitude” change. The more independent and focused a young man is, the stronger his need and ability to be alone.

A typical feature of youth groups is extremely high conformity. Fiercely defending their independence from their elders, they are often completely uncritical of the opinions of their own group and its leaders. The fragile, diffuse “I” needs a strong “We”, which, in turn, asserts itself in contrast to some “They”. Moreover, all this should be rough and visible.

It should be noted that the communicative traits and communication style of boys and girls are not exactly the same. This applies to both the level of sociability and the nature of affiliation.

Youth groups primarily satisfy the need for free, unregulated communication by adults. Free communication is not just a way of spending leisure time, but also a means of self-expression, establishing new human contacts, from which something intimate, exclusively one’s own, gradually crystallizes. Youth communication is at first inevitably extensive, requiring frequent changes of situations and a fairly wide range of participants. Belonging to a company increases a teenager’s self-confidence and provides additional opportunities for self-affirmation.

As important as camaraderie and a sense of belonging are to youth, group interactions usually involve competition, competition for position and authority. Even in the most close-knit team, not all of its members feel personal sympathy for each other. The thirst for self-expression, the premise of which is awareness of one’s uniqueness, is one of the main features of youth psychology.

Friendship is primarily an emotional attachment; real or implied intimacy is more important for it than a commonality of objective interests.

The psychological value of youthful friendship is determined by the fact that it is both a school of self-disclosure and a school of understanding another person. It is therefore very interesting what type of alter ego high school students choose.

Friendship sometimes acts as a form of psychotherapy, allowing young people to express their overwhelming feelings and find confirmation that someone shares their doubts, hopes and anxieties.

To understand the psychological differences between adult friendship and youth friendship, three points are especially important: the relative completion of the formation of self-awareness; expansion and differentiation of the sphere of communication and activity; the emergence of new intimate attachments.

In youth, friendship occupies a privileged position, since it develops when a person does not yet have his own family, profession, or beloved. The only “rival” of youthful friendship is love for parents, but these feelings lie on different planes. With the advent of new, “adult” attachments, friendship gradually loses its privileged position.

People's perception and understanding of each other. How do we perceive and understand each other in the process of communication? The famous hero of Cervantes Don Quixote, sending his squire with a letter to Dulcinea, tells him: “Strengthen your memory and let it not be erased from how my mistress receives you; will your face change while you express my request to her; will he be alarmed or embarrassed when he hears my name?” “Watch all her actions and movements, for if you tell me everything exactly, then I will guess what feelings she has for me in the depths of her soul.” To understand each other and establish relationships between people, observation is important, requiring close attention and based on life and professional experience personality.

Depth, objectivity, speed of perception and understanding of another person depend on gender, age, national characteristics, a person’s lifestyle, as well as from his mental state and in general on the state of health. This is also affected by the initial attitude, communication experience, professional and personal characteristics, etc. Thus, adolescents pay attention primarily to the physical characteristics of another person, more accurately determine the age of young people and are more likely to make mistakes in the case of a large difference in age. Children and adolescents are often unable to understand adults and adequately evaluate them. Few people can “read a person like a book.” At the same time, you can significantly improve your ability to get to know other people and establish favorable relationships with them.

If you are friendly, helpful and polite towards your interlocutor, then you can count on his reciprocity. Achieve Understanding internal state another person can be through empathy or sympathy for him. To do this, you need to mentally put yourself in his place. A special form of knowing another person is accepting his position due to the positive feelings that arise towards him.

In the process of communication, we not only learn to understand people, but also begin to better understand ourselves. The mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication is called social reflection. This is a person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by another person in the process of communication. How more people is disposed to meaningful and confidential communication, the better his ability to reflect develops.

Each person has his own habitual schemes for explaining other people's behavior. When forming a first impression, the effect of “rose-colored glasses” often occurs: a pre-existing general favorable impression of a person contributes to positive assessments of his yet unknown qualities. On the contrary, the prevailing general unfavorable impression encourages negative assessments his new actions or qualities. In the situation of perceiving a familiar person, it acts novelty effect: new information about a person, unlike the previous one, turns out to be more significant for forming an opinion about him. Projection effect encourages us to find in others, as in a mirror, our own properties, traits and states. We tend to attribute our own merits to a pleasant interlocutor, and our own shortcomings to an unpleasant one. Often projection acts as a psychological defense mechanism. For example, an illiterate person is overly attentive to the mistakes of others; a cowardly person can openly rejoice at failure brave people; being overly preoccupied with any problems often assumes that others have the same problems.

When perceiving another person, we are usually guided by stereotypes- the views we are accustomed to. For example, “wears glasses - smart”, “eyes are the mirror of the soul.” Stereotypes can be formed as a result of our personal experience, to which information obtained from books, films, etc. is added. However, stereotypes, if not treated critically, lead to a simplified or even distorted understanding of another person and to the emergence of prejudices.

Ways of interaction. Communication between people is not only the exchange of information, but also the organization of joint actions. For example, several students decided to publish a wall newspaper. To achieve this, they agreed to share responsibilities; some write texts, some draw, some design headings.

When interacting with others, we use different ways to achieve the set goal. Collaboration and alignment help solve common task. So, if students work together with the teacher during the lesson, carefully follow his thoughts, and actively seek answers to the questions posed, then learning will become interesting and more effective.

Confrontation and lack of coordination of actions, on the contrary, prevents the achievement of set goals. So, in football, it is the actions of the team that are important, and if someone tries to stand out in any way, ignoring the efforts of their partners, then the team risks defeat.

The most important ways people influence each other are infection, suggestion, persuasion, and imitation.

Infection – This is the spontaneous spread of some activity or mood from one person to another. A striking example of this type of interaction is provided by sports fans. Special conditions areas where exposure through contagion is amplified are crowds and panic situations, where people have little understanding of what is happening and their behavior can become unpredictable.

Suggestion– purposeful unreasoned influence of one person on another or on a group of people. Unlike infection, suggestion, with the exception of certain cases of hypnosis, is carried out through a speech message and is based on its uncritical perception.

Belief- also a goal-directed but logical process of inducing a person to accept certain values, beliefs or attitudes. Unlike suggestion, persuasion is based on trust in a person’s mind, his ability to agree with the correct arguments and reasoning.

Imitation- This is a person’s reproduction of patterns of demonstrated behavior. Imitation has important to learn from life experience. For example, children imitate adults who are authoritative for them or older children. True, imitation can be uncritical. By imitation, you can learn not only good things, but also bad things: to be rude, use foul language, etc.

Role interaction. As human communication became more complex, new rules were developed. Remember how the behavior of a peasant differed under feudalism from the behavior of an aristocrat. Each of them fulfilled their social role in strict accordance with the set of norms and requirements accepted in society. In psychology under role is understood as a normatively approved pattern of behavior expected by others from everyone who occupies a given social position (based on age or gender characteristics, occupation, existing relationships, etc.).

One and the same person can simultaneously implement several social roles (for example, Petya Ivanov - son, student, friend, class leader, older brother, “soul” of the courtyard company, etc.). Some roles are given to us from birth. For example, a person is born a boy or a girl. Other roles are acquired through living and interacting with people in groups. For example: a factory worker was a good master and became a shift supervisor; an employee of a scientific laboratory defended his dissertation and received an academic degree.

In some situations, the multiplicity of role positions gives rise to their clash. Arises role conflict, which puts a person in front of the need to give preference to one of the roles. For example, a student must attend a physics class on Friday evening, and at the same time their sports team is taking part in a football tournament. What should I do? In such situations, a person must decide for himself and tell others which role seems more important to him.

The interaction of people performing different roles is regulated role expectations. For example, after sitting at the computer, a ninth-grader is tired and wants to sleep, but the social roles of a student and class leader require that he come to class on time and prepared for lessons.

When communicating with other people, it is always important to take into account their expectations from us as communication partners. For example, you came to the library and, taking a book, quietly worked at the table; In public transport, you are polite and considerate towards others, and pay your fare on time. A person plays a certain role, taking into account the requirements that are placed on this role in society. Behind correct execution For his role, he receives well-deserved approval, and for doing something wrong, he is punished. Communication is universal tool, which helps us achieve much of what we want to achieve in life.

Some conclusions:

1. Empathy, sympathy, and observation play an important role in ensuring understanding of another person.

2. When forming an opinion about another person, you should use stereotypes very carefully.

3. The main ways people influence each other are infection, suggestion, persuasion, and imitation.

4. Each person performs certain social roles. Those around them, in one form or another, control their execution. The discrepancy between role expectations in people's attitudes towards each other often leads to misunderstanding and conflicts between them.

Questions and tasks

1. What personality traits influence the process of perception and understanding by other people? Give examples.

2. Name the “effects” that you know that arise when people perceive each other.

3. What are communication stereotypes? How can you reduce Negative influence stereotypes in the perception of other people?

4. What is the “expectation stereotype”? How can it manifest itself in relationships with other people?

5. What are the similarities and differences between infection and suggestion as ways of influencing people on each other in the process of communication?

6. Using T.A. Osipova’s painting “Galina Sergeevna Ulanova”, analyze what roles are played by the people depicted in it.

7. What is “role conflict” and can it be resolved?

Communicating with people around us is one of the important skills that we encounter every day. Communication skills are acquired and formed in childhood, and then, depending on personal experience and the people around them, they are transformed, improved or degraded. Not everyone knows how to build relationships with people not only successfully, but also on a mutually beneficial basis. modern man. It is important to have not only analytical skills, but also to know what the rules and secrets of this process are.

But all this primarily depends on the person himself. For some it is easier, for others it is harder. The problem of relationships with people will always be acute in modern society, and all kinds of psychologists and sociologists will never stop studying this topic - and all because it is a real treasure trove of new ideas and theories that allow us to learn more about society as a whole, and about each person specifically.

Let's look at the rules and secrets of successfully building relationships with people around you based on the recommendations of practicing psychologists.

Three main secrets of communication success

As psychologists say, there are three main secrets of communication and interpersonal success. These include aspects such as:

  • the ability to listen and hear your interlocutor;
  • the ability to adequately assess one’s own abilities and role in the contactee’s life;
  • adequacy of psychological reactions in response to the information received.

If you are experiencing problems in contact with other people, then first of all you should pay attention to childhood. Sometimes even the smallest and unnoticeable events at first glance become the cause of serious problems. It is very important from early childhood to learn to connect with others. mutual language, which is not always easy. But it is precisely because of this that we learn to be adults and learn to build relationships with other people. Without such a skill to live in modern world impossible: like it or not, every day you communicate with sellers, neighbors, parents and colleagues.

The ability to listen and adequately evaluate the information received is the most important communication skill. It is impossible to build successful relationships with other people if you do not give exactly the reaction that the interlocutor expects to see. For example, a friend, talking about her problems in relationships with men, does not always want to hear regret and pity. Most often, such a person is looking for moral support and information that will raise self-esteem.

You must always remain true to yourself, regardless of who fate brings you together in life and at work. Don't try to impress a person by pretending to be someone you really are not - even a small lie about such things will sooner or later be revealed. Don't try to be someone other than yourself - this is the best way to improve relationships with other people. We always feel when a person is sincere and when he is showing off. And your actions should also show you as an individual, and not a beautiful copy of someone else's image. Do and act as you see fit. When discussing a particular issue, you should be sure of the things you are talking about.

It's also worth being genuinely interested in what you're talking about with the other person. This best way meet and make friends with a lot of people. Another important condition is respect for both yourself and your interlocutor. And don’t skimp on compliments and praise - people really like it when their merits are appreciated and their actions noted. This is not only a way to show your good manners, but also an opportunity to raise the self-esteem of another person, give him confidence or add enthusiasm in any endeavor.

The basis of relationships between people is trust and sincerity!

The foundation and basis of any relationship is trust, without it you will not get far in the modern world. Trust arises only if a person is confident in what exactly you are. Don't put up walls in relationships with people because of the past. sad experience– undoubtedly, this is very, very difficult to do. But this useful skill will only add advantages to you as a person, a very strong person.

Trust and sincerity of your intentions are a solid foundation for strong and lasting relationships between people, regardless of social and gender differences!

The next principle is: “Say what you are going to do. And do it." You shouldn't make promises that you can't keep. You should not promise a person mountains of gold if you are not even confident in your abilities or have no idea how you will do it. Be a man of your word, and then those around you will undoubtedly be drawn to you. People will know that you can be trusted, that you are a holistic person who knows your capabilities well and skillfully accepts them, and does not pay attention to the envy and stupidity of others, he does not try to seem like someone else.

Smile as often as possible and under any circumstances. Just look at those around you. And what do you see there? Tired, irritated and impatient faces of people who are always in a hurry somewhere or arguing with someone. I don’t even want to approach them, let alone talk to them. A smiling person immediately attracts the attention of others and instinctively evokes a feeling of trust. A smile is best accessory for a girl, which designers have not forgotten to tell us almost since the very beginning of fashion. She seems to be saying, “I like you. You make me happy. I'm glad to see you". Just try it and you will see - people, for the most part, respond to us in the same way.

Most successful people know how to build relationships between people at various social levels. This allows them to motivate others to succeed, support them in difficult times and influence employee behavior. It is worth using these rules and secrets to successfully build interpersonal communications.

When talking, you should avoid criticism, condemnation or pity, which often do not solve the problem at all, and sometimes even aggravate the problem. Without noticing it, you can offend a person or completely ruin a relationship. You should carefully monitor your speech and try to understand the person, and not judge without knowing or understanding the situation. Put yourself in their shoes: what would you do in similar situation, what would you feel like and what would you do? And then, together with your interlocutor, try to find a way or at least develop several possible options way out of this or that situation.

And the last, most important rule is the ability to remain silent at the right moment. It is this quality that we value so much in others, and we want to be noticed and appreciated in us. The ability to remain silent at the right moment and listen without interrupting the interlocutor encourages people to have a more frank dialogue, or just a conversation in a kind and calm atmosphere.

Do you often quarrel with people, is your career and personal life not working out? Perhaps the reason is that you do not know how to establish relationships with people. There is nothing wrong with this if you are still young: communication and relationships also need to be learned! Help on how to put your life in order following tips.

How to improve relationships with people around you

Each of us has our own character, we are well acquainted with our pros and cons, but in public we try to appear better than we really are. Situations are different and sometimes they force us to lose our temper.

At such moments, it is very difficult for us to hide our uncontrollable anger and direct it in the right direction. Behaving uncontrollably and thus causing offense to people with whom we interact every day - friends and colleagues - does not bring us Have a good mood. You have to immediately look for ways to improve relationships.

Understand yourself first

Maybe the cause of all conflicts is in yourself? Before you try to build relationships with people, look inside yourself. You should know everything about yourself, both advantages and disadvantages. Be objective towards yourself and if you can easily put up with small weaknesses, then you need to get rid of serious shortcomings that interfere with your life.

Take charge of your health, nutrition and fitness. Love yourself with all your flaws. Think about your emotional state. Cultivate self-respect and confidence in yourself and your abilities. Don't try to seem like an unhappy and lonely person. Live an active and interesting life.

What are you giving to the relationship?

Nobody requires any material costs from you. But if you want to have a relationship, you need to maintain it. That is, waste energy, time, emotions on them. It doesn't matter what exactly we're talking about. About to say Good morning a neighbor, or to meet a friend once a week, or to spend time together with the children.

The more effort and time you spend, the greater the return you will receive and you will not have to urgently decide how to improve relationships with people. You can't expect much from a relationship in which you don't invest anything. And the more time you spend with family and friends, the better the quality of these relationships will be.

Be honest

Don't hint at what you don't like. Honesty is the key to open and high-quality relationships. It is completely in vain for us to think that everyone already knows about everything, our loved ones know about our love, our friends know that we are nearby. Everything needs to be talked about, and as openly as possible.

If you are offended or upset, there is no need to hide it. This, of course, will not save you from conflicts and disputes, but it will definitely reduce them to a minimum and teach you to seek compromises and solutions to problems. Honesty must be complete and absolute, otherwise things will not work out. family relationships. Even if it concerns your mistake. Apologize and things will only get better for everyone.

Learn to listen

If you don’t know how to establish the right relationships, learn to listen and hear. Do not rush to express your opinion, take the trouble to first listen to the other person’s point of view. Don't rush to conclusions, which often leads to misunderstandings and poor judgment. Learn not to interrupt your interlocutor, no matter who it is.

Understand your desires

Another important point: Decide on your desires and voice them. Regardless of what you want, you must understand that other people simply cannot read your mind. There is no point in demanding from them something that has not been stated before.

How is the relationship between two people?

Of course, it is best to make sure that you don’t have to make peace, and that there are no upset or offended people among your surroundings, but we don’t always succeed in this. Stress, irritability and our pride are to blame.

Sometimes a simple apology and admitting your mistake is enough to improve relationships with people. Sometimes a chocolate present or beautiful bouquet colors. But in any case, you need to admit your guilt, apologize to all participants in the unpleasant moment in which you had to speak out leading role and try to resolve the situation.

If you quarreled with a whole group of colleagues, then the logical solution would be to buy a cake or order pizza for the office. Indeed, in order to restore a friendly and warm atmosphere, it will be necessary to create conditions so that your apology and attempt to correct the situation are correctly interpreted and accepted by the entire team.

Eliminating the consequences of quarrels

If your level of stress at work and your attempt to prove that you were right led to you quarreling directly with your manager, then you should start your next sentence with an apology.

In this case, you can refer to anything you want to forgive. It’s good for this option, if the boss and business partners took part in the quarrel with you, the option of publicly apologizing is suitable.

In trying and actively searching for an answer to the question of how to improve relationships with people, you should be consistent. If you make scandals every day and then also vigorously apologize, then this style of behavior at work will not bring you anything good.

It can even do harm, becoming an excellent reason for your boss to start cutting you down. wages, and then fire you completely.

Correcting errors

To establish normal relationships after a quarrel or a small misunderstanding, you need to smooth out the unpleasant situation. An admission of your mistake, an apology, or just a present as compensation for the inconvenience caused and nervous stress.

We will compensate

If we're talking about about the offense that you inflicted on a person completely unwittingly, you should publicly apologize, say that you regret what happened and offer something as atonement.

This could be a set buffet table, a sweet table, or inviting the person you offended to a restaurant for lunch. A gift in the form of dinner for two is also suitable (we give a certificate).

Don't spare money on apologizing to those people you offended. Believe me, if you don’t apologize in time, you will have to correct much more serious consequences.

Moreover, this method of apology with compensation will serve as an excellent lesson for you, and the next time you will think well when you have a desire to assert yourself or offend someone.

A good lesson in the form of putting yourself in the place of the person you have offended will help you improve relationships and next time avoid making mistakes that could cost both you and offended person, causing unnecessary nervous worries.

How relationships develop at work

IN Everyday life Our life is made up of relationships. Everywhere we are surrounded by people with their own problems. In any situation, you need to know how relationships are established so as not to feel guilty or irritated.

At work, we sometimes encounter not only a friendly attitude, but also injustice. How to behave so that such relationships do not interfere with your career or personal life.

To have a good relationship in a team, you must always be responsible for your actions and words. If you are new to work, try to avoid unnecessary provocative questions. Don’t rush to dump details of your personal life on your new colleagues.

To improve relationships with people, try to restrain your emotions until you get to know the new team better. Observe more and draw conclusions. Do not take part in gossip and discussions of your superiors.

When taking part in joint tea parties, try to treat your colleagues to something tasty more often. Share your favorite recipes, indoor flowers, keep conversations on neutral topics.

How to improve relationships with people if you quarrel

If you encounter an unpleasant situation with your friends or girlfriends, try to figure it out together. Only a frank conversation will help maintain and restore relationships.

Unfortunately, on our way we often meet people who are dissatisfied with others. It is quite difficult to establish relationships with such people. Their negative emotions can ruin your mood for the whole day. Do not try to enter into open conflicts with them. This position can lead to overt aggression in a showdown.

Completely different situations occur when you have to prove your professional correctness. Try to always act according to the law and the rules. Then you will have nothing to reproach.

Often ambitious people try to play by their own rules. Tough characters should not seek your weak sides. By showing perseverance once again, you will show yourself as a worthy opponent and will not allow yourself to be ridden.

How to solve the problem of relating to other people

It is impossible to be good to everyone. But you should always look for an opportunity and find a compromise. This applies to all areas of relationships. Work, shopping, recreation, communication with doctors and teachers require attentiveness and restraint.

Unpleasant situations happen with close friends. Friendships fall apart, sometimes due to inattention, indifference or empty gossip. If you want to save your relationship and regain trust and participation, try to take the first step yourself. Perhaps a heart-to-heart conversation will help restore sincerity and confidence.

Sometimes, a sincere conversation helps not only to improve relationships with people, to revive relationships, but also to give them new development. Going to the cinema together, relaxing in nature and celebrating with your family will help you regain the affection of old friends.

Be attentive and polite to others more often. Smile when you meet, ask about your family, children, and don’t try to burden people with your problems.

The answers to the question in this article must be sought, first of all, in your behavior and manner of communication. Do not once again demonstrate negative emotions and intransigence. It is very easy to offend a person with a word. Don’t complain that your friends have forgotten you, that they can call only if necessary. Perhaps you also need to show maximum participation and not get away with routine congratulations on calendar dates.

The relationship of the individual with environment go through a difficult path of development. These relationships depend on life experience, and therefore are limited by age-related abilities to perceive and understand not only oneself, but also the people around them. A person differs from any other person by his individual psychological uniqueness, i.e. character.

Character concept

Definition 1

Character is a totality individual characteristics personalities that are formed, develop and manifest themselves in communication, interaction with others, as well as activities expressed in typical modes of behavior.

Character is an acquired personal characteristic of a person that is formed throughout his life. On characteristic features the image of thoughts, feelings, individual experience, as well as the characteristics of activity are imprinted. In connection with changing conditions and the formation of a certain way of life, the character itself changes. Per person big influence affects not only society, but also its social environment.

The characteristic features of a person determine his life direction, spiritual and material needs and stable beliefs. This affects the understanding of one’s own meaning in life and the determination of the goals and objectives facing a person.

Note 1

Character is a synthesis of personal and social significance for a person. It manifests a desire for a certain activity in society and a form of interaction with the environment.

Types of characters and their features

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) developed a typology of characters, based on their division according to the type of extroversion-introversion.

Extroverted character types:

  1. Extroverted feeling type - reasonableness, no tendency to reflect, sensitivity, ability to enjoy;
  2. Extroverted intuitive type - always in search of new opportunities, has no respect for other people and their feelings. People of this type are considered adventurers; most often they choose professions that require intuitive activity;
  3. Extroverted thinking type - a person of this type builds his life on the basis of his own intellectual conclusions. Moreover, if a person is an idealist, then he tries to bring good to all humanity and at the same time is not afraid to use the most dishonest, non-disciplinary methods of struggle;
  4. Extroverted feeling type - feelings prevail over reason, so the type is more suitable for women.

Introverted character types:

  1. Introverted feeling type - calm in interaction with people, sometimes passive, distinguished by self-control, which is due to the fact that the cause or object of excitement is most often devalued;
  2. Introverted intuitive type - intuition creates the image of a dreamer or artist. A person of this type is a “mystery” for his circle of acquaintances; in his creative characteristics, those around him see unusual, sometimes absurd things, and the person himself considers himself an unrecognized genius;
  3. Introverted thinking type - a person’s mental activity comes from a subjective basis. A person is directed inward, to his own thoughts, often feels awkward, silent;
  4. Introverted feeling type - subjective feeling predominates; such a person is silent in communication, incomprehensible and difficult to access. People of this type can hide behind different masks, hide their inner world from others, so most people cannot guess what their real motives and thoughts are.

Erich Fromm (1900-1980) also created one of their character classifications:

  • The “masochist-sadist” type always strives to find the reason for its successes and failures in people, not paying attention to the influence of other circumstances. In the process of communication, such a person directs his aggression towards the interlocutor, who seems to him to be to blame for the failure. Often a person can be prone to self-accusation, so he himself becomes a “victim” of his own character. People of this type are distinguished by a desire for self-improvement and a thirst for knowledge; a sadistic masochist wants to be better, which he pushes others to do - he gives instructions and advice. If a person is given power over others, this will lead to the fact that the “sadist” will begin to terrorize them. The “masochist” experiences a feeling of inferiority and has a tendency to self-flagellation. Fromm notes that in a masochist there are hidden traits of a sadist.
  • The “destroyer” type is characterized by a desire for aggressiveness. A person of this type strives to eliminate everything in his path, regardless of who is in front of him - a person or an inanimate object. People who experience anxiety or feelings of powerlessness are limited in their intellectual and emotional capabilities. A person with the “destroyer” type can be compared to revolutionary figures who are ready to destroy everything for the sake of a bright future.
  • The “conformist-automatic” type is easily influenced by others, tends to obey circumstances, and also agree with the rules of the groups into which he finds himself, adopts their ways of thinking and behavior, and adapts to those around him. A person of this type agrees with everyone; upon deep communication with him, it turns out that he does not have his own opinion, and also own position. Such a person experiences and says what others expect from him.

Thus, character compatibility is a complex and multifactorial process. To ensure compatibility with other people, 3 main character qualities are required:

  1. Critical attitude towards oneself;
  2. Tolerance towards others;
  3. Trust in others.

Note 2

If these qualities are absent in a person, then he cannot be psychologically compatible with other people and, thus, conflict may arise.

There are no two absolutely identical people; the differences between them are objective - they are explained by physiological characteristics. The complex of individual personality characteristics has great importance for the success of education, training and professional activities. Taking into account individual personal characteristics is no less important for effectiveness business communication and communication in general, as well as optimization of professional activities.