Different wall colors in one room. Tips for choosing colors for walls. Options for color compositions

Comfort and beauty are especially important; after its completion, you want the room to be cozy, warm, pleasant and stylish. When choosing the color of wallpaper on the walls in an apartment, it is also important to take into account the volume of the room, but you can change the space with different colors. If we're talking about about combination with wallpaper and painting the walls in the room, then many factors should be taken into account, starting from the method of purpose of the room and ending with the style of decoration. What should you think about when carrying out this procedure?

Color characteristics

Choosing the right shade for different rooms in the apartment and skillfully combining them is a very difficult task for a beginner. Each color has its own unique style, and also affects the human subconscious in different ways. This is a kind of background, an outer shell that dictates its own rules and controls the psyche of others.

  1. Neutral colors are great for creating a bright and lively interior. A cold palette helps to cope with excess sunny color, and a warm palette helps to add tenderness and a feeling of well-being.
  2. White color visually expands the space, but when there is too much of it, it becomes boring and uncomfortable. This wall color must be diluted with contrast; the more playful it is, the better. For example, red and white.
  3. Red – activates the subconscious, makes the heart beat faster, does not allow a person to relax. Excites, is a sign of passion and transformation. It has a negative effect on a person in the bedroom when it is not possible to regularly change it to other shades.
  4. Yellow – tones, gives strength, strengthens the nervous system, heals the body. In such a room, unearthly chakras open, which allow you to relax and enjoy the world around you.
  5. But it will help to set yourself in a lyrical mood. For creative people, this is an irreplaceable source of energy; it’s great to equip a writing corner or sleeping area with these shades.
  6. Blue – calms, increases concentration, allows you to focus on important issue, be unwavering, serious and decisive. Suitable for strict and business people.
  7. Orange – restores internal forces, warms, awakens, allows you to be yourself, sets you up for positive emotions, protects against negative background influences.
  8. Purple inspires and promotes mental activity, sometimes it is an aggressive wall color, and therefore it must be skillfully combined with lighter and warmer shades of white and beige.
  9. Black - tenses and narrows the room, puts pressure on the psyche, does not allow you to relax. It is used in the interior in minimal quantities, often with white and pastel colors.

Before you decide what colors to paint the walls in your apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for competently combining colors and shades.

Several combination options are possible, similar colors, for example, gray and beige, or pastel ones - blue and mint. The second is shades of the same color, different in saturation, bright red and raspberry, turquoise and dark blue. Third - contrasting, bold combinations green and red, black and orange.

The border between shades can be made invisible, or a paper border, mosaic and pebbles can be used. It is important to correctly divide the space horizontally and vertically so that the colors play correctly in the chosen background and do not distort the room.

Same paint on different surfaces looks different. On a smooth surface it is lighter, on a rough surface it is dark, on a matte surface it is warm, and on a polished surface it is cold and strict.

Table of combinations of shades and colors

If you choose the right paint for the walls , then you can even modify the room, make it wider and lighter ( pastel shades), optically shorten (dark), add intimacy and comfort (rich).

Choosing suitable colors in the apartment

Depending on the chosen material, you need to decide on the color of the wallpaper in different rooms. Let's look at which wallpaper colors will work best in different rooms.

Color combination table

Living room

Before you start choosing wallpaper for the living room, you need to know what kind of furniture will be in the room, whether you plan to decorate the walls in the future, i.e. hang paintings, photographs, decorate decorative panels. If all this is present, then it is better to choose discreet, plain wallpaper. If the living room is supposed to have a minimum of furniture, then you can use wallpaper with a bright, catchy pattern or photo wallpaper.

Can be applied combined finishing walls For example, cover one of the walls (the end wall) with wallpaper with a pattern, and the rest with plain, smooth wallpaper. In this case, the color of smooth wallpaper should be matched to the tone of the main background of the wallpaper with a pattern.

For a classic interior, choose wallpaper in pastel colors with characteristic embossing and elegant monograms. For the avant-garde, wallpaper in bright, catchy colors is suitable.

Almost all wallpapers on the market are suitable for the living room. finishing materials, – paper, fabric, vinyl, non-woven, paintable wallpaper.

How to choose the color of the walls in this room? Light and calm colors can guarantee comfort and a great mood; they are equally suitable for a noisy party or a relaxing holiday. You can hang contrasting curtains or put unusual furniture, but the color of the walls in this character will be more advantageous and will look good for many years.

Large rooms can be safely painted in yellow and orange colors, but small ones can be painted in purple, lilac, and peach. It will be both fun and harmonious!

Choosing wallpaper color for the bedroom

Peace and comfort are needed here, so red, purple, and black flowers have nothing to do here. Ideally, beige, blue, light pink, and cream shades are suitable, so you can not only maintain comfort in the room, but also visually enlarge the space.

The choice of wallpaper for the bedroom should be approached more carefully. We enter this room every evening, after working day to shed the burden of daytime worries and plunge into sweet sleep. Rest should be comfortable and enjoyable.

Concerning color range– muted colors should prevail in the bedroom.

The color of the wallpaper should always be selected in accordance with your inner desires, since you should feel most comfortable there both day and night. When choosing wallpaper for your bedroom, you should feel which color is closer to you and gives you a feeling of calm and comfort. It is desirable for the colors to be soft, often cream or white with a hint of pink, pale apricot or light blue.

Color has great importance in bedroom interior design. By choosing colors, you can influence a person’s mood, physical well-being and even sexuality.

Experts advise avoiding in the bedroom Brown, as it accelerates the aging process of the body.

Couples who are prone to frequent arguments should surround themselves with dark blue or dark yellow and avoid light yellow, bright red and orange.

For people involved in physical labor it is recommended green color, and with mental work - blue. An excess of rich blue color in the bedroom gives a feeling of cold, so you should choose less saturated shades - blue and sky.

You don’t have to settle on just one color scheme for your bedroom interior. You can choose several colors and shades, but one of them should prevail.

When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, preference should be given to paper and textile wallpaper, which are environmentally friendly, do not create a greenhouse effect, and allow the walls to “breathe.” Can be used

When deciding on the bedroom interior, you can experiment - pasting the walls with wallpaper of different shades, but they should not contrast, but can be decorated with similar colors or their combinations. Wallpaper of the same shade, but of different textures, separated by a border, looks good in the bedroom.

Currently, on the domestic market you can find vinyl wallpapers that are as environmentally friendly as paper wallpapers and look very impressive in the bedroom.

Wallpaper for the hallway

The hallway is the entrance to the apartment. But unfortunately, it is often quite small in size, and therefore experts advise decorating its interior in light colors. Fine yellow will do, light orange, light brown tone. There are no rigid limits when choosing the quality of wallpaper for the hallway. Here you can use paper, vinyl, non-woven, liquid wallpaper, and paintable wallpaper. It all depends on your imagination. Plain and patterned wallpapers separated by a frieze look good. If you need to increase the height of the room, it is good to use light wallpaper in vertical stripes.

IN small apartments a neutral option is used - the hallway is covered with wallpaper to match the wallpaper of the rooms.

You can make a bright room, and also choose a wall color with unusual and original elements. It is important to focus on the interior of the entire room and draw the right conclusions against the background of everything.

Wallpaper color in the kitchen

The kitchen is one of the main rooms of the house. The magic of culinary art reigns here and the family gathers. Any housewife dreams of a spacious and bright kitchen, so the interior design of this room must be approached with particular care.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, it is recommended to pay attention to cool tones. It is undesirable to use paper wallpaper, as they are afraid of moisture and can absorb strong odors. Nowadays, vinyl wallpapers are usually used, because unlike most paper and textile coverings, which cannot be wiped with a damp cloth, much less treated with detergents, vinyl wallpapers allow this. In our finishing materials market there are quite big choice washable wallpaper for the kitchen.

Sometimes finishing in the kitchen is done depending on functional zones. For example, in places where there is a lot of greasy fumes and a lot of moisture, it is necessary to use materials that can withstand repeated washing warm water using various detergents. And the walls where the dining area is organized can be covered with either moisture-resistant wallpaper or painted.

Light colors make this room more spacious; white, green and beige colors are suitable for this. But some want to make it dynamic and progressive, painting it in red, dark brown, and black colors.

The ceiling should be in harmony with the walls, and not stand out from the overall picture; this is the only way to achieve integrity and interior completeness. Natural shades always look better than combined and unnatural shades.

There are a lot of options for choosing the color of the walls in an apartment; it all depends on the individual preferences of the owner and her financial capabilities. But the most important thing is to get a cozy, comfortable and beautiful room.

Color solutions in the children's room

Unforgettable, playful, sunny, beautiful and inspiring. Various combinations are welcome here, combining unusual shades that will help the child feel comfortable and exciting in the color palette of the apartment.

When you start renovating an apartment, special attention should be paid to the design of the children's room.

The main feature of a children's room is its versatility. Conditions for sleep, rest and study should be created here. When decorating a children's room, you must first take into account the age and gender of the child.

Psychologists advise surrounding babies in the first two years of life only with soft, desaturated colors. With age, the nursery may well become the brightest, most cheerful room in the house. Very often, the walls in children's rooms are decorated with wallpaper with “children's drawings.” Psychologists note that static figures of bears, bunnies, and boats very quickly begin to bore a child. According to experts, plain colors are much healthier for a child’s eyes and nervous system. calm colors: blue, pink, light green, pale yellow.

Harmony in a children's room is created by pastel colors, which help make even a dark room more fun and cozy and thereby create an optimal atmosphere in it. You can make a nursery cozy and interesting using intense red and orange tones, but their abundance can irritate the child.

When choosing the main color for a children's room important has the temperament of a baby who will live in it.

You can use the method of functional zoning of the room, i.e., highlight a “game zone” and a “sleep zone.” At the same time, you need to know that the “sleep zone” should be designed in a calm color scheme, in blurry, non-aggressive tones. For example, green color relieves irritability and fatigue and increases self-control.

It is believed that all shades of blue strengthen the baby’s body and stimulate its development.

For a phlegmatic or melancholic child, you can cover the walls with soft pink wallpaper and use separate small items bright red color. This background and bright red spots will moderately stimulate the child’s activity and increase his immunity.

Do not forget that the interior of the children's room should set the child in a working mood. To do this, you can use photo wallpaper depicting a world map, as well as tables with the alphabet, multiplication tables, etc. You can select a part of the wall on which wallpaper will be hung for painting, where the child can calmly draw pictures, and later, when he becomes uninterested paint the walls, they can be painted.

The ceiling space in a children's room can be a wonderful field for your creativity. The ceiling can have both color scheme, so does the view of a starry sky with a moon or may be dotted with cumulus clouds. It all depends on your imagination and the needs of the child.

To enliven a child's room, borders are used, which can be glued to painted walls or used in combination with wallpaper. The main condition is that the frieze pattern matches the main tone of the wall. For the little ones, friezes with images of animals, boats, butterflies, etc. are used.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of wallpaper material. Paper wallpaper is primarily suitable for decorating a child's room. You should not use film materials, because they do not allow air to pass through and do not absorb moisture, which can lead to disruption of the air-humidity conditions of the room.

The adhesive for gluing wallpaper in a children's room should be the simplest one, made on the basis of starch and not containing synthetic materials. Usually this is a special glue for paper wallpaper.

Paintable wallpaper is good for a children's room. In this case, you can use various painting techniques, combine several different structures in one room, and use basement borders. All this allows you to create a unique atmosphere for your child.

In the “sleep area” you can use cork or carpet wallpaper. They are made from environmentally friendly pure materials and can diversify the interior of a children's room, and the child will feel comfortable in such an area.

Can be used vinyl wallpaper. You just need to be sure that no carbon or hydrofluoric solvents (acetone, turpentine, etc.) were used in their production, and that the finished wallpaper has passed a sanitary and hygienic examination. Such wallpaper does not have a persistent odor and does not contain toxic compounds.

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Wall color - how to choose? Photo

When arranging furniture or individual objects in a room, the choice of wall color is much more important. Moreover, the color of the walls can be changed at any time, and furniture is usually bought for a long time.

Wall color combinations in the interior

Sometimes there are doubts about the combination various colors, But this is only at first glance. Try combining warm and cold shades, then you will achieve interesting effects. Contrast causes colors to enhance each other. Large contrasts should be avoided in small rooms, because in this way we optically reduce them.

How do wall colors affect the psyche?

White color creates a feeling of vast space, but if there is too much of this color in the room, you can feel uncomfortable and boring.
Red color activates, revitalizes, excites the senses.
Yellow It is considered basic, as it expresses the need for opening, strengthens the nervous system, tones, and gives vitality.
Blue calms and helps increase concentration.
Green color has a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and promotes positive emotions.
Orange color warms, encourages a person to act, thereby eliminating unwanted complexes and stiffness.
Purple- promotes mental work, inspires.

Wall color - test painting is required

The same color looks different on different surfaces: on a rough surface it looks darker, on a smooth surface it looks lighter, on a polished surface it looks cooler, on a matte surface it looks warmer. If you're unsure about choosing a color, try painting a small section of the wall. Tired of plain walls? Choose a contrasting color and paint one wall. This simple method will change your interior and add freshness and brightness to your room.

The color of the walls can be more than just an ordinary background for the interior. Nowadays it is becoming increasingly popular to paint one of the walls in a different color, different from the rest, preferably in a contrasting color.

By painting your walls in contrasting colors you will get many benefits. Your room will gain a new look and You will also save money and time. And when the color becomes boring, you can easily change it to another.

Adjusting the size of the room using the color of the walls

By choosing the right color, you can visually adjust the proportions of the rooms - narrow, expand, make them lower or higher and highlight zones.

Large rooms can be optically reduced by painting a shorter wall with dark paint; Small rooms can be made larger by using light pastel colors, and in order to add coziness, choose dark, rich shades.

The color of the walls, or rather their painting, will help disguise the imperfections of the wall, hiding unevenness, stains and cracks. For such tasks, paints in delicate, desaturated shades are best suited. When choosing a color, consider the intensity of sunlight.

Intense shades are better suited for rooms with windows facing south or east, and light shades for northern rooms. We should not forget that not only the walls are important, but also the floor, furniture and other interior details: they need to form a color unity.

White wall color

The white color of the walls is a universal background; it goes well with different colors. If before this it was the main one in your home, you can safely “dilute” it with any bright colors.

Pink wall color

Using paints correctly different colors, you can visually change the architecture of the apartment - for example, divide an elongated room into zones (dining room and relaxation area). You can simply paint one of the walls a bright color.

If you have a large room in which light shades are the main ones, do not be afraid to adopt rich and bright shades. These colors go well with neutral tones and give an excellent effect.

Wall color compatibility: combine light furniture and cream carpeting with a fuchsia wall. Choose accessories in similar colors to complement the interior.

Orange wall color

Harmony is achieved due to the same intensity of colors. A skillful combination of such colors organizes the space: in a wide room there is a feeling that a wall painted orange brings the distant part of the room closer.

Wall color compatibility: The bright and rich orange color of the walls goes well with green flooring or carpet. For this composition you can choose elements of yellow-green, cream or white shades.

Blue wall color

The blue color of the walls is an atmosphere of relaxation and peace. Cool colors, such as gray and blue shades, which have a calming effect on the nervous system, balance feelings and thoughts, and promote good sleep.

Wall color compatibility: If the room you sleep in is bright and has a large window, you can paint one wall (for example, at the head of the bed) in a rich blue color that goes well with the shades of gray and blue of the rest of the walls and floor.

Spicy wall color

If you want to create a truly exotic project with a warm color palette, try using the bright colors of oriental spices. Soft, subtle tones of turmeric, cardamom and spicy cinnamon create a stunning combination in a room reminiscent of North African homes.

Wall color compatibility: It is possible to vary the spice palette with many alternative mild shades.

Earthy wall color

Earthy tones echo the natural colors of our surroundings and can be safely mixed and matched. They are usually successful due to their softness and naturalness.

Wall color compatibility: the warmth of textured wood is combined with muted tones of sand and brown colors, which in turn create a natural, soothing color that is pleasing to the eye.

Wall color in the interior photo

What can be achieved with the right color? What shades are suitable for a small room? What color combinations to choose for different rooms? What's fashionable in 2018?

The color of the walls in the apartment: the secret of choosing the right one

Home is the place where a person spends free time, rests, stores up energy. When planning a renovation, you should prepare well, think about what result is needed, and how to achieve this result.

Why is it important?

How to create comfort and coziness in your home? Important detail to get the desired result - the right combination colors of the walls in the apartment. Moreover, this detail carries not only an aesthetic meaning: correctly selected tones can visually correct the apartment’s shortcomings. For example:

  • visually move the walls and ceiling closer or closer;
  • add volume to small rooms.

Thoughtful color scheme:

  • will do dark rooms lighter;
  • will dim excess light and give a feeling of freshness.

Well, everyone knows about the emotional and physical impact of color on a person; it can invigorate, cool, tone, and influence the functioning of the body. Psychologists successfully use these properties in their work.

How to choose color combinations in an apartment

When choosing, you need to consider the following criteria:

  1. Lighting.
  2. Personal preferences.
  3. Combination of shades.

Lighting can be natural (sunlight and diffused light from the sky), artificial ( lighting) and influences perception. Sunlight enhances color palette, makes it brighter and richer. A darker finish is suitable here; gray-blue tones are acceptable.

The closer the selected color is to natural light, the brighter the room will look. It is better to paint poorly lit rooms in warm colors to avoid the feeling of cold.

Artificial lighting also matters. For example, in low light, shades darken and look grayish.

It is important to remember the right combination. Understand this complex issue A color wheel will help; you can buy it at any hardware store.

Shades used:

  • contrasting or complementary, in a circle they are located opposite each other;
  • those adjacent to contrasting ones are separately complementary;
  • those next to each other.

The last option will present the most calm and elegant combination.

Other, no less important criterion, - personal preferences. You have to like the color. One way to determine your preferences is to look in your wardrobe. Or use the Internet to find suitable options interior and decide whether it is suitable or not. If yes, then you can download the image and feel free to take it to the store and choose a similar one.

To understand how comfortable the chosen shade feels, you can use ready-made interiors, often offered by hardware stores.

Another design tip is to paint several sheets of paper in selected colors and hang them on the walls. By repeatedly passing by them during the day, a person understands what emotions they evoke in him and which one he likes best.

Combination options in the interior of a small apartment

A competent approach to creating an interior will help make even a small apartment cozy.

Some techniques will help to visually increase the area:

  1. Light color of the walls, cold shades make the walls move away.
  2. Light blue and green are visually removed.
  3. It is not recommended to use dark paints.
  4. If you paint the walls and ceiling the same color using different shades, then the eye will not cling to the boundaries, and the room will seem more spacious.
  5. It is better to avoid bright contrasting tones.

Ideas for a large apartment and house

The large space allows for creative scope; the entire palette can be used, of course, with an eye to the main criteria. Suitable here: bright colors, rich dark, bold contrasts or, on the contrary, black and white or gray interior. The basic rule is to take into account the purpose of the premises, lighting, the correct combination of shades and their distribution in the room.

Choosing different color palettes for different rooms of the house

There is no need to paint the entire apartment one color, even using shades of it. This is due to several important points:

  1. Influence on the subconscious. Each color carries information that affects people on an emotional and physiological level. And in each room it will be perceived differently.
  2. Perception. Each person has an individual perception of color. It depends on mood, well-being, and other external factors and can change in any direction.
  3. Color assignment. Sometimes people want to be in calm atmosphere, relax. Other times you need to cheer up and concentrate. The shades of the palette used in accordance with the purpose of the room will help you achieve the desired result.
  4. You may get bored or dislike the same background.

Proper use of a color palette will help make each room individual.

In the living room, hallway

The living room is a room with many functions. It is intended for spending free time, meeting with friends, and doing household chores. Respectively color finishing walls should also be universal.

By general rule suitable for walls in rooms with dark lighting warm shades, for bright rooms - colder and subdued.

You should choose paints based on the size of the room and the height of the flows: light colors will visually enlarge the room and the darker it is, the lighter the chosen shade will be. Gray-green, cream, light yellow are good choices.

To visually adjust the shape of a room, you need to take into account the following qualities of colors:

  • bring closer - white, red, orange, brown, yellow, pink;
  • moving away - black, gray, blue, light blue, violet.

Favorite by many, green is neutral. The combination of green and brown is popular.

Design small space It is best to use a light color scheme for the corridor. White, beige, light tones of green are suitable. To visually shorten the length of the corridor, you can make the end opposite the entrance darker.

In the bedroom

In a room intended for relaxation, the use of bright or contrasting colors is not recommended. It is better to use shades of the same spectrum. It can be one main tone and two additional ones, or one color and one or two of its shades.

Green, golden beige, light yellow, white are good colors for decorating a bedroom.

In the nursery

Choosing the color of the walls for a child’s room should take into account the character and temperament of the child. No matter how much you want to decorate the nursery brightly, we must not forget about the psychological impact of color on the fragile child’s psyche. Using the zoning method is suitable, since a child’s room is a bedroom, a living room, and a playroom. Or choose one of the soothing tones: green, blue, blue. Preference should be given to their light shades.

Exciting and exciting colors include: red, bright yellow, orange. If you really want to use any of them, it is better to choose muted tones. Or dilute it well, for example, with white.

What colors work in several small rooms

Decorating small rooms comes down to the desire to visually enlarge the space. You can choose your favorite color, but from this point of view, its light shades are more suitable, helping to create a similar optical effect. Saturated tones or contrasting spots will lead to the opposite result.

In 2018, designers recommend:

  1. Rich muted tones of blue and green.
  2. Powdery tones – powdery beige, pale pink. The combination with black looks impressive.
  3. Coffee.
  4. Bright floral.
  5. Pumpkin and yellow.
  6. Combination of orange and black.

Comfort and coziness is the area internal state a person, something that cannot be put into a framework, because people are individual. Design advice contains a lot useful information to create a harmonious space around and it must be used. However main secret in what a person should like.

When choosing paint for the walls in your apartment, it is better to pay attention to your favorite colors, and then adjust the shades to suit your needs. necessary conditions, use the entire spectrum, and then the result will definitely please you.

Useful video

You can completely update the look of your home. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to do a complete renovation - it is enough to change the textiles in the rooms: curtains, sofa cushions, rugs. This is especially easy to do if the color of the walls in your apartment is neutral - white, gray or beige. If the walls or furniture (or both) are bright, active colors, you will have to put more effort into creating a harmonious palette.

Let's look at each of the colors separately. What are the good things and what are the disadvantages? Where is it better to apply this or that shade in the interior of a home?

White color in the interior

White is associated with purity and freshness. It reflects light rays, increasing the illumination of the room and thereby visually expanding the space. Therefore, white color is a lifesaver for small rooms where there is little light, for example in a bathroom or in a room on the north side.

The only drawback of white (as, indeed, of all light colors) is its staining. Therefore, if you are not ready to take your carpet to the dry cleaner every six months, it’s better not to buy it!

Black color in the interior

If you really love black, then designers recommend combining it with a mirror surface - for example, using shiny panels or glossy tiles in the decoration. By absorbing light, it reduces space.

Gray color in the interior

A wonderful background for expensive interior items. Gray is calm and neutral, but individually it is a little boring, so you shouldn’t make it dominant in the interior of the room. And here Gray background, especially in light colors, is an excellent solution for those who like changes in the interior. After all, you can add a variety of color spots in warm tones to it, thereby completely changing the appearance of your home.

Red color in the interior

As a main color it is too active. Yes, it is associated with wealth, luxury and beauty. If you choose the right shades, you can perfectly decorate the hall, living room or kitchen. (Red, by the way, increases appetite.) Use it carefully in the nursery and bedroom, as the color scheme of these rooms should be soothing. If the interior is designed in cool colors, then a little red in the decoration will give it coziness.

Be careful with the color red in a room where older people live: this color has the ability to increase blood pressure.

Yellow color in the interior

If the room is located on the north side, then this is an excellent option. Yellow stimulates the process of cognition and develops intelligence, so it is also good for a children's room. On yellow wall Stencil painting looks great, and a funny drawing can make your baby very happy.

Orange color in the interior

No less active than red. You should not decorate the walls of the room in bright orange color - very soon you will get so tired of them that you will have to do unplanned cosmetic repairs. But in addition to other, calmer tones - why not? This color encourages communication, creates a trusting atmosphere and promotes the harmonization of relationships. Use it in areas where family gathers most often, such as the living room or dining room.

Brown color in the interior

Neutral color, but its light tones are more pleasing to the eye than dark ones.

Brown color in the interior is best suited for furniture. Noble classic! Beige, peach and coffee with milk colors go well with it, especially if you complement the design with darker details.

Blue color in the interior

Designers love to use soft blues and cyan shades in bedroom decoration: this color relaxes and creates a feeling of peace. Visually, light shades of blue can make a space appear larger, which is why designers often choose them to decorate small spaces.

But in the kitchen, a dominant color in the form of blue or cyan is undesirable: these colors reduce appetite.

Purple color in the interior

The most mysterious color. It has many shades that affect people very differently.

There is one general rule for purple: in residential areas it is better to use light tones, since too dark shades of this color are tiring.

Green color in the interior

This natural color is good for the eyes and soul; it is associated with warmth and summer walks in the forest or garden. But you should know that shades of green can be both warm and cold, and this creates a completely different mood! It is believed that the color green helps to concentrate attention, so it is often used in the design of a study room and a children's room. Some designers consider pistachio and light green colors to be the best for bedroom decoration.

But you should be careful when choosing accessories for this color: experts say that green color goes best with shades of... green.

➣ Useful advice. It is not advisable to use more than five colors in the interior of a room.

The principle of color compatibility

The combination of colors is a whole science. To simplify your life, you need to remember the main thing: bright, rich colors goes well with black, white and grey. That is, if you want a bright detail in the interior, use a neutral background for it.

Another a win-win- connect related colors. Combine different shades of the same color: for example, brown - from beige to chocolate. In a green interior, the color range can be from swamp greens to the color of young lettuce.

Dynamics of contrasts

If you like to experiment, then you will definitely be interested in color contrasts. It is believed that they make the interior dynamic and give it some tension.

Classics of the genre" - White and black. To remove the touch of tradition and formality, enliven these “chess” with some bright, vibrant color. For example, sunny-colored curtains.

White color goes well with blue and red. The patriotic tricolor is a very stylish color unity.

Grey gorgeous in company with pale lilac, violet and crimson.

Friends of blue- yellow, sand and orange.

Yellow irresistible with green, blue and purple.

An interesting color contrast - dark green with brown and beige.

Very ladylike

A mirror, dressing table, banquette or ottoman - that's all you need to organize your personal area in the bedroom. This, in fact, can already be considered a boudoir - a ladies' office.

If there is a lot of space, it is better to replace the mirror with a trellis and complement the “boudoir” with an armchair and a floor lamp. In the trellis you will be able to see your beloved from all sides, and with the help of a chair and additional lighting you will get another place to relax.

In addition, the ladies' corner will add a little aristocratic chic to your home.

With windows facing north

If the room faces north and there is almost no light in it, then use white or very light wallpaper to decorate it.

A palette of yellow, soft orange color or beige-pink. Designers advise: using pastel colors, try to include bright splashes of color in this range. Let's say add orange to sand or white. Or red - pure and deep.

The floor should also be light. Parquet is preferably golden yellow, with shine.

If linoleum, choose something very light - cream, light yellow, with a carpet or marble pattern.

Do you prefer carpet? A coating of frankly hot colors will be “on theme” - check out juicy orange, dark red, burgundy brown, brick red colors.

And the furniture should preferably be light. And in small quantities so as not to clutter up the space.

Lighting in such a room must be organized in such a way that the light is distributed evenly. That is, a single central chandelier is not suitable here. Light up your room with small wall sconces- even in daytime. It’s good if these are matte white balls: the light will be soft and natural.

Or use lighting along the upper perimeter of the room (the same option when it is hidden under ceiling plinth and small lamps are aimed at the ceiling).

Another option is a lamp with a fabric lampshade. Select fabric warm color(shades of orange, red, yellow) - it will add coziness.

How to arrange furniture correctly

There are five main types of color combinations upholstered furniture, wallpaper and things indoors.

Monochrome. The sofa in such a room has the same color as the walls, but has a different shade. For example, these options: the walls are pale blue, and the sofa is blue. Or the wallpaper is beige and the furniture is brown.

Neutral. Both the walls and the sofa have a neutral, but different color scheme. For example, you can put a gray sofa against beige walls, and a black one against white walls.

Neutral sofa and colored interior. If the walls are colored and bright enough, the restrained colors of the sofa will allow you to maintain balance. Neutral sofas- these are white, black, gray and various shades of beige. Such sofas will fit into any interior color.

Colored sofa and neutral interior. Here everything is the other way around. A colorful sofa becomes the only bright accent in a “colorless” interior. For example, a room can be painted in white and gray tones, and only a red sofa will dilute this color silence. The color of the sofa in the interior can also be supported by other things: match the colors of curtains, lamp shades or floor vases.

Combined. This is an interior for the most daring; in this case, a colored sofa is introduced into a room of a different color. This is the case when, against the background of red walls, there can be, for example, blue sofa, and against a green background - orange.

The main companions of the sofa are soft chairs. Their union can also be interestingly played out with the help of color.

Accent. The sofa is neutral, and the armchairs are bright. The walls of the room are usually also neutral. If, for example, the walls are beige, you can put a sand sofa, and next to it - red, green or blue armchairs. This combination looks impressive.

Neutral. Armchairs neutral color complement the sofa in another neutral color. For example, the sofa is black and the chairs are white.

Neutral armchairs and colored sofa. Unlike the first option, here the sofa has bright upholstery, and the armchairs have neutral upholstery. This combination is chosen so that the furniture does not seem tacky. If to bright big sofa add the same chairs, it may turn out to be too much color. Neutral chairs allow you to avoid this.

Multicolored. IN neutral interior There may be bright accents of not one, but two colors: one of these accents will be a sofa, and the other will be an armchair. For example, in a gray living room, the sofa may be green and the armchairs yellow.

How to visually make a long room square

Space zoning. By using flooring, for example laminate of different colors or a combination of different coatings, can be “broken” long room.

Furnishings. There is no need to place furniture along the walls. This makes the room look even longer. Try to zone the room with furniture by installing a shelving unit or a small sofa perpendicular to the wall, but so that you can move freely around the room.

Wall and ceiling decor. The walls and ceiling in such rooms should be painted in light colors.

Textile. Long, floor-length curtains on a cornice fixed just under the ceiling will make the room shorter and the ceiling higher.

Lighting. A traditional chandelier in the center of the ceiling is not suitable here. Use local lighting in different areas using floor lamps, sconces, and table lamps.

How to choose the color of fabric for curtains

Which one to choose - plain or printed? It seems like you want it with a pattern, but won’t you get tired of it in a week or two? Natural or synthetic? It seems like you want cotton or linen, but washing and ironing...

Designers draw your attention primarily to plain fabrics.


they increase the space of the room, while printed fabrics (especially with large drawing) it is narrowed;

It’s easier to choose accessories for them (for example, tiebacks) and other decorative items (pillows, napkins, blankets);

they are more economical (there is no need to join the pattern, which means less fabric is required).

Regarding curtain material, best choice There will be a mixed fabric that contains natural fibers and is the most practical to care for.

Windows: light and color

A correctly selected color scheme for window decoration will help visually expand the space, make the room more comfortable and bright, or, conversely, cope with excess sunlight.

The easiest way is to stick to neutral shades of curtains (sand, cream or beige), which are always in fashion. In this case, it will be quite easy to change the style and mood of the room without changing the curtains.

Decorating windows with curtains of neutral, restrained shades will suit adult, solid interiors (bedrooms, living rooms), and experiments with more bright colors- children's and youth rooms.

If you want to draw attention to the window and take your eyes off other, less successful components of your interior, choose bright curtains: It’s better not plain, but striped, checkered or printed. Combine with these

bright curtains and other interior components: make a tablecloth, napkins, covers for decorative items from the same fabric sofa cushions, floor lamp shade, etc. Or buy other accessories of the same color and with the same pattern as the curtains.

If there are a large number of colors in the interior, you can give your eyes a rest by choosing not very bright ones plain curtains to match the color of all walls or just one wall (if a combination of shades was used in the decoration).

And if you want to create a monochrome interior, made in one color, it is not necessary to choose curtains, the shade of which exactly matches the shade of the walls and bedspreads, upholstery and other textiles. Choose curtains that are not identical, but similar in color, or choose two-tone curtains so that the window stands out rather than blends in.

The most important room The house has a living room where the family spends their free time and receives guests. It should be designed in such a way that it feels warm and cozy. The first thing that catches your eye when entering a room is the walls. The future design of the room, its mood and style depend on them. Therefore, it is important to choose the right finishing method and color scheme for them.

Features of the room

The living room is the face of the apartment. They not only spend their leisure time and receive guests here, but sometimes also work and live there. The design and furnishing of this space must be done with great responsibility and care in order to fill it with an atmosphere of calm and comfort.

Often, home residents want to make the living room special, so they resort to ways to change its functionality. Thus, it can be divided into several zones that are designed to perform specific functions. Thus, the living space can serve as a kitchen, study, bedroom and play area. Depending on the size of the apartment, the number of zones can vary from 2 to 4, but some residents manage to increase this number.

Used to divide a room various ways. These can be partitions, screens and pieces of furniture. But the most interesting and simplest is zoning using color.

By decorating each zone in a specific color scheme, you can visually divide the space without creating physical obstacles.

Various styles

Today, the living room can be decorated in any style you like. The main thing is to know the features of the chosen direction so as not to make serious mistakes.

  • Classic– this is furniture made of mahogany, an abundance of natural shades and the absence artificial materials. Most often, a modern classic style that values ​​naturalness is used to design a guest space. Massive paintings are welcome as decorations. wooden frames, stucco and bronze decorative elements. The walls should have warm pastel shades. It can be milky, beige or pale yellow.

  • High-tech style implies snow-white painting of the walls in combination with bright interior items. Metallic gloss, lurex curtains and silver decorations help complement the style.

  • Baroque intended for the stylistic decoration of large living rooms. The walls here often have three-dimensional patterns that smoothly flow into the ceiling, creating the illusion of deception. As for color, Baroque combines white and golden shades. Instead of white, it is possible to use beige or peach, but in this case the stateliness of the room will change.

  • For modern characterized by soft pastel colors. Its furnishings combine the monotony of wall surfaces with floral patterns. The walls are usually made of concrete, glass or metal, which can be mixed with asymmetrical patterns.

  • If as styling living room selected country, then design wall coverings should consist of natural shades. Often, to decorate walls, they resort to aged decorative plaster, complementing it with colorful elements.

  • Minimalism appreciates space, and therefore the main color for surface design should be as light as possible. The use of mirror coatings is encouraged, which will visually expand the space.

  • Lilac surfaces are characteristic for romantic Provence. For it, you can choose delicate shades of pink or blue, which can be diluted with aged furniture.


The color design of the walls allows you to visually adjust the parameters of the living room. Warm tones will bring the wall surfaces closer, and cold tones will move them away. Saturated shades can make a room smaller, while light shades, on the contrary, can expand it.

You can choose the color of the walls, focusing on the side of the world to which the windows of the hall face. If the windows are on the north side, then it is necessary to use warm colors, and if on the south, then it is better to give preference to cool, light shades. Wall surfaces that face east should be painted in muted pastel shades. Western rooms are preferably decorated in cool colors.

Walls painted in regular colors will help add sophistication to the room. In combination with a bright chandelier or colorful accessories, simple plain surfaces will be filled with life. In this case, the walls can be blue, pistachio, blue, pink, and so on.

Orange tones refresh the space, while green tones add freshness. But it is advisable to paint only one wall with bright colors so that they do not create an imbalance in the interior. For example, a black surface in combination with a dark floor and light walls will look interesting.

Chocolate surfaces look quite impressive. They can be decorated with turquoise furniture and white accessories.

Green, yellow, brown, olive, red, lavender, burgundy and mint colors will help to dilute the snow-white interior. White color harmonizes well with any shades, so it can even be combined with khaki or ivory.

When choosing a color palette for any living room, you need to remember the rule of five shades:

  • dark pieces of furniture should be placed on a light background;
  • You cannot use more than five colors within one space.

Before painting the walls, you need to check and make sure that the chosen colors will highlight the interior of the room well. It is necessary to think through the design of the room in advance and take into account the color scheme of all its components.

How to paint it?

The renovation of the hall should begin with preparing all surfaces for painting or pasting. Often for decorative finishing use water-based or oil paint, which requires careful preparation walls Even subtle defects in untreated surfaces will be very visible after painting.

To prepare the walls for painting, you need to go through several stages. First you need to remove the old coating and then go over the plaster. Only after this are the wall partitions ready to be painted with enamel or paint. The final stage consists of cleaning the premises.

The choice of the base color of the walls should begin with taking into account the intensity of natural light, the size window openings, style and dimensions of the living room. The color scheme should suit all residents, so you can choose a combination of shades. For example, divide a wall into two equal parts using contrasting colors.

In a large room

Large and spacious living rooms do not need to be visually enlarged, so any colors can be used to decorate them. These can be light shades of blue, gold, yellow, gray or green.

In a small room

Much in painting walls depends on the zoning of the room. Thus, the recreation area is better perceived in calm colors, and game Zone may be colorful bright colors. The monotony of surfaces can be diluted with colored elements. These could be paintings or unusual lamps.

The office should be conducive to work, so its design should consist of calm beige, brown or gray shades. The dining area looks good in light green tones, as green helps control appetite. Red and orange walls, on the contrary, make you want to eat.

Blue or greenish tones can create a feeling of coolness and visually enlarge the space. And in order for the chosen color to become especially saturated, it is necessary to use a colorant to dilute the paint.

Beautiful examples in the interior

There are many interesting solutions for getting original interior hall

One of the most popular options is to create accent wall. It always stands out with its color and texture, since its main task is to attract attention. The emphasis is placed only on the surface that is opposite the entrance to the room. At the same time, the color of the accent part of the room always echoes color design other interior elements.

Photo wallpaper, painting, original drawing or pattern are used as an accent. If a wallpaper arrangement is used for pasting the wall, then the unity of their quality is adhered to.