Diet for a 1 year 5 month old child. Nutrition for a one and a half year old child. Can children eat eggs?

And gradually, from one and a half years to 3 years, the children’s diet changes, slowly approaching the usual common table. It is important for parents themselves to set an example for their child in food culture, behavior at the table, and also, if possible, reconsider their own usual diet in favor of more wholesome and healthy food, a balanced and correct menu.

By the age of two years, all 20 baby teeth should have erupted, which gives the child the ability to fully bite, chew and grind food. Chewing is important for more than just biting and chewing food. The chewing process triggers the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the gastric juice, moistens the food bolus with saliva, starting the process of partial breakdown of carbohydrates by salivary amylase. This makes food easier to digest.

Most main task At this time, the child is taught to chew and consume denser foods that require thorough chewing, i.e. food in pieces, not grated and ground:

  • you need to gradually replace semi-liquid and liquid dishes with denser ones (with the exception of first courses, they must be included in the child’s diet).
  • porridges from boiled cereals are gradually introduced into the diet
  • casseroles from vegetables or cereals, cottage cheese
  • pieces of meat and stewed vegetables.

If children at this age do not learn to eat dense foods that require active chewing, they will later refuse or be reluctant to eat the fruits and vegetables they need, which need to be bitten and chewed, as well as meat, which also needs to be bitten and chewed thoroughly.

Characteristics of the diet of children aged 1-3 years

From 1 to 1.5 years From 1.5 to 3 years
How many times a day do you eat 5 times 4 times
Number of teeth a baby has anterior incisors and chewing premolars, 8-12 pcs. Possible chewing of soft food, biting 20 teeth, all groups of teeth - both for chewing food and for biting it off
Volume of the stomach and, accordingly, 1 meal 250-300 ml 300-350 ml
Daily food volume 1200-1300 ml. 1400-1500 ml.
Calorie content of meals
  • 1 breakfast: 15%
  • 2 breakfast: 10%
  • Lunch: 40%
  • Afternoon snack: 10%
  • Dinner: 25%
  • Breakfast: 25%
  • Lunch: 35%
  • Afternoon snack: 15%
  • Dinner: 25%.

Nutrition of a child at 2-3 years old

After one and a half years, you can gradually switch to four meals a day:

  • Breakfast 8.00-9.00
  • Lunch 12.30-13.30
  • Afternoon tea 15.30-16.30
  • Dinner 18.30-19.00

At the same time, lunch should account for at least a third of the total daily caloric intake, this is about 35%. The rest of the calories are distributed between breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner. The daily energy value of products should reach 1400-1500 kcal. A child of this age should receive per day:

  • Proteins – at least 60-70 g, with up to 75% of them being of animal origin
  • Fats - at least 50-60 g, of which about 10 g vegetable oils
  • Carbohydrates - at least 220 g, most of which should be complex carbohydrates.

It is extremely important at this age to maintain a proper diet; this will be very significant at any age, and especially at the stage of developing “adult” nutrition. If the correct diet is strictly followed, intervals between main meals are maintained, children will gradually develop nutritional conditioned reflexes by this time.

This will ensure the correct and harmonious functioning of the entire digestive tract, starting with oral cavity, and ending with the intestines, where in due time digestive juices will begin to separate by the time the food masses enter there. The regime will allow you to digest food as completely and correctly as possible and absorb all its components.

With an irregular diet or erratic meals, these reflexes quickly fade, this leads to a decrease in the production of digestive juices, and as a result, food will not be fully absorbed. Food residues in the large intestine will rot and ferment, which will lead to constipation, stool disorders and disruption of the general condition. And this will also lead to the fact that children will constantly eat poorly, saying that they simply do not want to eat.

Nutritional features under 3 years of age

In the early childhood The volume of the stomach is small, it is empty of food in about 3-4 hours, food rich in protein and fats can be delayed for up to 4.5-5 hours. It is on the basis of these data that four meals a day for children are built. In this case, the intervals between feedings should be approximately 3.5-4 hours. From the age of one and a half years, with a child of normal (and even more so overweight) weight, it is important to wean him from night meals. The only exceptions will be children who are still breastfed and fall asleep with the breast.

Introducing any food other than breast milk, can lead to disturbances in nighttime sleep processes, and will create difficulties for the parents themselves in the form of constant running around with bottles and mugs.

Regardless of how many times your child eats food, the timing of its intake should be constant. IN established mode Deviations in power supply time are allowed no more than 15-20 minutes. This is due to the peculiarities of the formation of conditioned food reflexes with the separation of digestive juices.

In the intervals between main meals, you should not spoil your child high-calorie foods and sweets. It is worth removing from snacks such dishes as rolls and cookies, undiluted fruit juices and dairy products, candies and chocolate. This will lead to a decrease in appetite and may lead to the fact that during the next meal the child simply does not want to eat cooked meat, vegetable or cereal dishes necessary for his nutrition.

What can you give a child aged 2-3 years?

Just as in the previous period, after one and a half years, the child’s nutrition should be varied and nutritious. It should include useful products:

  • milk and dairy products
  • meat, fish and poultry dishes
  • cereal side dishes and porridges
  • bakery products
  • vegetables and fruits
  • healthy sweets and desserts.


After one and a half years, children need to consume a sufficient amount of fermented milk products, and from two years of age, whole foods can be gradually introduced into the diet. cow's milk. Dairy products will be sources for the child:

  • easily digestible animal protein
  • calcium and phosphorus necessary for skeletal growth
  • animal fat and fat-soluble vitamins, in particular vitamin D
  • beneficial microbial flora, which stimulates the growth and development of its own, strengthens the immune system and stimulates digestion.

The total daily amount of dairy products at this age should be at least 500-600 ml, taking into account the volume of milk for cooking. Children's daily diet should include products such as kefir or yogurt, biolact. Several times a week, such products as cottage cheese and products made from it, cottage cheese products, cheesecakes, mild unsalted cheeses, cream, sour cream are used. They can be consumed either whole or used for preparing and seasoning first and second courses.

Under the age of three years it is permissible to use:

  • 50-100 g of cottage cheese with fat content from 5 to 11%
  • 5-10 g cream with 10-20% fat content
  • 5-10 g sour cream with 10-20% fat content
  • yoghurts, kefir or biolact with fat content from 2.5 to 4%
  • after two years, milk with a fat content of 2.5 to 3.2%

Dairy products can be used to prepare or season cheesecakes, dumplings, casseroles or desserts.

Meat products and poultry

In the diet of children under three years of age, the amount of meat gradually increases; by the age of two it reaches 110 g, and by the age of three it reaches 120 g. baby food At this age, the following types of meat are used:

  • lean beef
  • veal
  • rabbit meat
  • lean pork
  • lamb
  • horsemeat.
  • liver
  • heart.

Meat dishes are prepared in the form of stews with pieces of meat, steamed or oven cutlets, minced meat, stewed meat in small pieces. Until three years it is worth giving up sausages And various kinds meat delicacies. All of them are full of salt and spices, dyes and other food chemicals, which is not at all useful for the child. If it is impossible to limit children from industrially produced semi-finished meat products, once every two weeks you can allow the child children's milk sausages, but the products must be of high quality.

Poultry dishes - chicken, quail, turkey - will be useful. But duck and goose meat is not given at this age; it is poorly digestible and very fatty for children.

Unfortunately, today on supermarket shelves the quality of dairy products, pork, and chickens does not always meet the standards acceptable for children. In Russia there are no strict controls and restrictions on the use of antibiotics and growth hormones when growing poultry and meat, as in some developed countries, therefore, Rosselkhoznadzor inspections regularly reveal certain violations in the production of meat and poultry (see), which does not improve the health of our children.


Chicken eggs will be one of the main sources of protein for a child; they should be present in children's diet often - daily or every other day. Eggs are given to children hard-boiled, in dishes or in the form of omelettes. The use of poached or soft-boiled eggs is prohibited due to the risk of salmonellosis. In case of intolerance chicken eggs You can use quail eggs, but waterfowl eggs (ducks, geese) are prohibited in the diet of children under three years of age.

Fish and fish dishes

  • In the absence of allergies and other contraindications, it is worth using river and sea fish in children’s menus once or twice a week.
  • At the same time, fish dishes should be from low-fat varieties; salmon, sturgeon, halibut or salmon should be excluded from the children’s diet.
  • The amount of fish per day reaches 40-50 g.
  • You can offer children boiled or stewed fish without bones, fish balls or cutlets, and specialized canned food for children.
  • But canned fish for adults, as well as smoked, salted and dried fish, are prohibited for children.
  • Also, you should not give children fish caviar; it is a strong allergen.


Fresh or thermally processed fruits contain a large amount of fiber and ballast substances that pass through the intestines in transit and are not digested. At the same time, these substances stimulate intestinal motility, thus counteracting constipation. But this is far from the only advantage of vegetables, berries and fruits. Due to their composition, they help in stimulating appetite, as they promote the separation of digestive enzymes. Fruits and vegetables also contain many vitamins and mineral components that replenish constantly depleted reserves.

However, you should not go too heavy on eating potatoes, as one of the leading vegetables in the diet; their quantity is limited to 100-120 g per day, the rest should be obtained from other vegetables. On average, the diet should contain at least 200-250 g of fresh or cooked vegetables. Vegetables are used to prepare first and second courses, salads and even desserts and baked goods. Vegetables such as:

  • carrots, onions
  • tomatoes, cucumbers
  • zucchini and squash
  • pumpkin, beets
  • cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli

In the diet of children after one and a half years, it is necessary to include fresh garden greens - in salads, first and second courses.

  • can also be given to the child in small quantities green onions and garlic to give dishes a more piquant taste
  • expansion of the diet occurs due to the gradual introduction of turnips, radishes, radishes, and legumes (peas, beans) into the diet after two years.

Proper preliminary and heat treatment of vegetables is important so that they retain a maximum of vitamins and mineral components. When peeling vegetables, you need to cut them thin layer peel, since the peel area contains the largest reserves of vitamins. In salads or vinaigrettes, it is recommended to boil vegetables in their skins by steaming or boiling them in a small amount of water. Peeled vegetables should not be kept in water for a long time so that vitamins and minerals are not washed out. Vegetable broth should be used when cooking peeled and washed vegetables. Vegetables need to cook for a certain amount of time:

  • spinach and sorrel no more than 10 minutes
  • beets – up to 90 minutes (in a slow cooker 20 minutes)
  • potatoes – up to 25 minutes
  • carrots – up to 30 minutes
  • cabbage – up to 30 minutes

For salads and vinaigrettes raw vegetables Peel and cut or grate immediately before eating, since the action of atmospheric oxygen destroys vitamins in peeled and finely chopped foods, vitamin C and group B are especially affected.

Fruits and berries

Fruits must be included in the diet of children under three years of age; the amount of fruit per day should not be less than 200 g, and berries - about 20 g. apples, plums, pears, cherries, bananas, oranges. Considering that citrus fruits and Exotic fruits can cause allergic skin reactions, you need to introduce them into the child’s diet slowly and only in small pieces, monitoring the reaction.

Seasonal berries will be no less useful in children’s diets - children can be given cranberries, lingonberries, gooseberries, and chokeberries, currants, strawberries, wild strawberries. You should not give a lot of berries; initially, you can limit yourself to one handful, since an excess of berries can also be harmful. Any new fruits and vegetables should be introduced little by little, and reactions to them from the skin and digestion should be monitored.

Fruits and berries can also influence digestion and regulate stool.

  • Blueberries, pears, chokeberries, and black currants can strengthen stool; if you have constipation, you shouldn’t give too much of these fruits.
  • Kiwi, plum, apricot, or simply an excess of fresh berries or fruits eaten on an empty stomach have a laxative effect.

Cereals, pasta

In the diet of children, it is worth using various types of cereals; buckwheat and oatmeal porridge will be especially useful for children after one and a half years of age; they are richer than all others in complete vegetable protein, minerals and vitamins. No less useful in the diet will be cereals and porridges made from them such as pearl barley, millet or barley.

At this age, it is quite acceptable to use noodles, noodles as side dishes or milk soups as side dishes, but they should be consumed no more than twice a day - they are rich in carbohydrates and high in calories. On average, children under three years of age need no more than 20 g of cereal and no more than 50 g of pasta per day.


Children's diets may also include sugar, which improves the taste of cooked dishes, but if it is in excess, it puts a strain on the pancreas and excess weight, appetite decreases, metabolism is disrupted (see the article about the dangers of refined sugar). Under the age of three years, no more than 40 g of sugar per day is allowed, this amount will also include glucose in juices, sweets or drinks.

Glucose is good for brain function, but foods with carbohydrates complex nature(cereals, potatoes, pasta, bread) in recommended quantities do not provide the entire volume of glucose. The volume of nutrition cannot be increased due to the child’s digestive characteristics, so children at this age need to replenish glucose reserves for the brain through light carbohydrates - sweets. They give a rapid increase in blood glucose levels, and it is quickly delivered to the brain, liver and kidneys.

But you need sweets in moderation; excess of them does not have time to be consumed and leads to excess weight. TO healthy sweets These include marmalade, marshmallows, jam, fruit caramels and marshmallows. Chocolate, candies with chocolate and cocoa are not recommended for children due to their stimulating effect on nervous system and high allergenicity.

Sample menu for children from one and a half to three years old

Menu for a 2 year old child for one day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with banana, bun with butter, half a boiled egg, dried fruit compote
  • Lunch: vinaigrette, cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, meatballs with pasta, half a banana, mint tea
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, bun, boiled milk, pear.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes, bread, jelly with raspberries, apple.
  • At night - yogurt.

The age of one and a half years is the time to expand the child’s diet. His digestive system improves, the number of teeth increases, which helps him chew harder foods. Mom does not need to carefully grind food, as in the first year of life. The components of the dishes can be cut into small pieces without resorting to a meat grinder or blender. A varied menu introduces the baby to new tastes and ensures the supply of valuable vitamins and microelements.

A child’s diet after one year should be drawn up taking into account the recommendations of specialists

Diet of a one and a half year old child

The diet of children after one and a half years includes 5 meals. Three of them are main and two are snacks. Some kids refuse second breakfast and switch to 4 meals a day with a 4-hour break between meals. Whatever the baby’s habits, the main thing is to invite him to the table at a strictly allotted time. This will develop a food reflex and create favorable conditions to digest food.

Baby's diet after one year

When choosing food for a child after one year, you should give preference for light dietary products. Children's menus must include porridge, light soups, fermented milk dishes, fish and meat cutlets. To season dishes, use vegetable oil and low-fat sour cream. It is allowed to add salt, herbs, and ground pepper.

Porridge, vegetables, meat on the menu

Porridge can be served every day, at any time. The most valuable of them are oatmeal and buckwheat, which contain many useful microelements. Rice is well digested, but it should be limited if you are prone to constipation. Less popular corn and millet porridges are a source of silicon, calcium and phosphorus. You can also offer barley, which contains iron and potassium, and pearl barley is introduced after three years.

Vegetables and fruits can be given every day, in any form. They contain fiber, which prevents constipation and promotes easy digestion. Summer - best time for light salads. Baked vegetables and mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish at any time of the year.

The children's menu should not only be varied, but interesting and beautiful

For cutlets and meatballs, you should use lean meats - turkey, beef, veal. A blender, a double boiler and a slow cooker will help you prepare it. Low-fat fish dishes should be included in the diet at least 2 times a week. A piece of baked fish will provide the body with important amino acids, iodine, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, and phospholipids. However, it should be remembered that fish is a strong allergen.

Eggs, dairy products and fats in the diet

Milk, fermented milk and dairy products provide children with calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin D. They contain milk sugar, easily digestible acids, carbohydrates, and minerals.

You can use cottage cheese to make cheesecakes, casseroles, and lazy dumplings, which your baby can try.

Chicken eggs are valued for their amino acids and lecithin. A whole egg can be given to an older child for breakfast every other day or steamed into an omelet and added to dishes. If there is an allergy to protein, it is removed from the menu. You can also try dietary quail eggs.

A child over one year old can be given a whole egg (every other day, or half daily), and not just the yolk

Fats are oils (sunflower, olive, butter, corn) that are useful in their own way. The vitamins, minerals and fatty acid give strength and support metabolism. The daily norm of butter at the age of 2 years is from 6 to 10 grams. (including adding to porridges, puddings, casseroles).

Bread, pasta and sweets

The diet of one and a half year old children may contain pasta made from durum wheat. They contain carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B9, PP, B2, calcium, phosphorus and other microelements. Up to 2 years, the inclusion of baked goods with bran is not recommended by WHO and pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky. However, at 1.5 years old you can introduce your child to bread made from rye flour.

Daily norm black bread should not exceed 10 grams. In total, a two-year-old child is allowed to eat up to 100 grams of bread per day (70 grams of wheat and 30 grams of rye). If a child refuses bread, do not insist - porridge will completely replace it.

Sweets and chocolate should be given to the baby in very limited quantities; it is better to prefer dried fruits and biscuits (see also:)

You should not include 1.5 in your diet one year old baby sweets and confectionery. Once a week you can have marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, honey, biscuits and dried fruits (see also:). The daily sugar intake is 40 grams (sugar added to porridge, pies, and cottage cheese is considered).

You should not try unhealthy and heavy food from an adult table at this age. Heavy, fatty, fried foods are prohibited. Mushrooms, pickled vegetables, smoked meats, seafood, and marinades should not be given. The taboo applies to concentrated juices, sparkling water, margarine and spread, and coffee.

Menu for the day at 1.5-3 years

A varied and balanced diet is the basis harmonious development 1.5-2 year old child. The basis of a child's diet should be foods containing protein - eggs, fish, meat, dairy products.

The daily correct set of dishes that should be given to the baby is given in the table:

Name of the dish Age 1.5-2 years Age 2-3 years
Liquid buckwheat porridge with milk150 ml180 ml
Steam omelette50 g60 g
Fruit juice100 ml140 ml
Beet salad with sour cream30 g50 g
Vegetarian vegetable soup50-100 ml150 ml
Lean beef puree or pate50 g70 g
Boiled pasta with butter50g50-60 g
Dried fruits compote70 ml100 ml
Afternoon snack
Kefir150 ml180 ml
Galette or oatmeal cookies15 g15 g
Fruits (apple, banana, pears)100 gr100 gr
Vinaigrette or fresh vegetable salad with butter100 gr100 gr
Fish balls50 gr70 gr
Mashed potatoes60-80 gr100 gr
Tea with milk100 ml100 ml
Total calories: 1300 kcal 1500 kcal

The calorie content of the daily diet is distributed evenly 30%/35%/15%/20% (breakfast/lunch/afternoon snack/dinner). Nutritionists and WHO recommend calculating calories and sticking to a similar ratio during feedings. If your child asks to eat at night, it is better to feed him kefir, low-fat yogurt or milk.

Weekly menu for children 1.5-2 years old

In order for the baby to eat with appetite, his menu should be as varied as possible.

Despite the limited time for preparing food, it is important for the mother to diversify the child’s diet as much as possible and introduce him to new tastes. This will also be additional preparation for kindergarten, where children don’t have to choose what to eat. An approximate menu for a week after 1 year and 6 months is shown in the table:

Day of the week Type of meal Dishes
MondayBreakfastSemolina porridge, wheat bread, weak tea with sugar.
DinnerLight vegetable soup, grated beet salad, steam cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote.
Afternoon snackFruit juice, cottage cheese, bun.
DinnerVegetable stew, bread, tea.
TuesdayBreakfastOatmeal porridge with milk, bun, cocoa.
DinnerBeetroot soup, salad of grated carrots and apples, fish meatballs, barley porridge, berry juice.
Afternoon snackBiscuits, yoghurt.
DinnerStewed potatoes with chicken fillet
WednesdayBreakfastRice porridge with raisins and milk.
DinnerMeatball soup, cabbage-carrot salad,
Afternoon snackCompote, cheesecakes (more details in the article:).
DinnerSteamed vegetables, juice.
ThursdayBreakfastSteam omelette, black bread, tea (we recommend reading:).
DinnerVermicelli soup, fresh cucumber, millet porridge, goulash, compote.
Afternoon snackDiet bread, kefir.
DinnerFish cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote.
FridayBreakfastCurd casserole, tea.
DinnerRice soup, fresh tomato, vegetable stew with meat, jelly.
Afternoon snackSandwich with cheese, berry compote.
DinnerBread with butter and cheese, buckwheat porridge with milk, tea.
SaturdayBreakfastSteam omelette, cottage cheese, compote.
DinnerGreen cabbage soup, cabbage salad, battered chicken, buckwheat porridge.
Afternoon snackOatmeal cookies, fermented baked milk (see also:).
DinnerVegetable stew, jelly.
SundayBreakfastLush pancakes with gravy and cocoa.
DinnerSoup with dumplings, fresh cucumber, pasta, beef meatballs, compote.
Afternoon snackBaked apple, bread and butter, tea.
DinnerSteamed vegetables and fish, bread, tea.

To my mother's piggy bank: healthy recipes

It is important for a mother to pay careful attention to both the selection of products for the child and their careful culinary processing. It is advisable to make cottage cheese, jelly, yogurts yourself, chopped meat, oatmeal and shortbread cookies. Finished products are not always stored in proper conditions, and manufacturers are often silent about their composition. You need to gradually master recipes for children's dishes and introduce them to your child.

Millet porridge “Kaprizka”

Millet porridge “Kaprizka”

Initially, boil viscous millet porridge, pour half a glass of cereal into a glass hot water. Then add a little sugar and salt to the pan with the millet and cook until tender, cool to 40 degrees and serve with one of the toppings:

  • finely chopped dried apricots and raisins, nuts and butter;
  • carrot puree (chopped carrots should first be stewed, then mixed with porridge and garnished with prunes);
  • pieces of stewed fillet placed on porridge.

Tender cream of chicken soup

To prepare one serving, you need to make broth by boiling 20 grams of chicken fillet in 150 ml. water and adding salt, half an onion and carrots. Grind the finished meat and vegetables in a blender, adding half the broth, and grind. Separately, dry a tablespoon of flour in a frying pan, add the rest of the broth and 1 tsp. butter. Keep on fire until thickened, stirring constantly.

Mix the sauce and mashed meat puree with vegetables. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. At the same time, combine a fresh egg with 30 ml. warm boiled milk, boil until thickened in a water bath. Add the resulting mixture to the slightly cooled soup and stir. Serve with greens.

Beets stewed with prunes

Beets stewed with prunes

Grate medium-sized red beets on a coarse grater. Melt 1 teaspoon of butter in a frying pan and heat the chopped root vegetable in it. Add 50 grams of chopped prunes, salt and sugar, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until tender. It is important to stir every 2 minutes so that the beets become tender and fragrant.

Fish stewed in milk

Prepare a good cod fillet, sprinkle with salt. Separately, chop the new potatoes, add water and cook until half cooked in a ceramic pot. Drain the water, add the chopped half of the onion and the prepared fish. Pour a glass of milk over the food and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Before serving, decorate with herbs.

Meat soufflé

Chicken soufflé

Grind 350 grams of good tenderloin in a blender or food processor. Continuing to beat, add a little salt, 50 g. butter, good a raw egg. Gradually pour in 0.5 cups of low-fat cream. Place the well-prepared mass in an oiled mold, which should be placed in a bowl of boiling water and placed in a preheated oven.

During baking, it is important to ensure that there is always boiling water in the bowl and add it when it evaporates. Signs of a dish being ready are an increase and compaction of the mass, its separation from the walls of the mold. Before finally removing the dish, mom should try it. You can serve the soufflé on a flat plate, adding herbs and fresh tomatoes.

Rice casserole with cottage cheese

Rice casserole with cottage cheese

Boil fluffy rice. Add raisins, an egg beaten with a little sugar, butter and grated cottage cheese. Mix the mixture well and place on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil and covered with breadcrumbs. Brush the mixture with the previously combined egg and sour cream or pour melted butter on top. Bake for 10 minutes at medium temperature. Serve garnished with berry syrup.

Note to mom

A two-year-old baby may refuse meals prepared by his mother. New products may cause particular aversion. Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend insisting.

At one and a half years old, the baby becomes an adult, his diet expands significantly and he can eat much of what other family members eat. Of course, there are still plenty of exception products for this age group. First of all, these are products that cause allergies in a child and products that are undesirable to consume at an early age.

At one and a half years old, not all mothers have weaned their child from the breast; some continue to feed, combining breast-feeding with a normal meal. In this topic I will tell you about our experience.

Our family are typical residents of a huge metropolis with all the ensuing consequences. From an early age we had to face a number of problems - allergic manifestations of various kinds, problems with stool, chronic constipation, etc.

Therefore, I was extremely careful when introducing new foods into the child’s diet. And she continued breastfeeding for quite a long time - up to one and a half years. But after a year it was only feeding before bed and early in the morning. It was no longer food, but rather a kind of psychological moment. The child calmed down faster and fell asleep.

Below I present our sample menu in this age.


For breakfast, most often, we ate milk porridge. I think this is the most proper breakfast. By the age of one and a half years, we had already switched to porridge from regular cereals, they have more dietary fiber. At that time, my daughter was severely underweight, so we also sometimes ate semolina porridge, although now they don’t like it, they consider it useless.

Porridges were alternated with casserole, cheesecakes, and sometimes with children's pasta. Also sometimes I gave eggs, half a chicken or one quail. Quail eggs can be an alternative to regular ones if the child is allergic to chicken protein. At 1.5 years old I didn’t give him any whites at all, just the yolk.


Lunch at that time most often consisted of a first course. The daughter stubbornly refused the second and meat. For lunch we ate vegetable soups with cauliflower and broccoli, borscht, cabbage soup in chicken broth, chicken noodles or fish soup. My daughter really loved the thick pumpkin puree soup.

There was a problem with meat; it was not easy to stuff something meat into a child. Of course, I made all sorts of steamed cutlets (chicken, turkey or beef), but, more often than not, I then ate them myself. I also made fish cutlets (from pike or cod), which my daughter more or less ate.

At that time, and even now, a double boiler was and continues to be very helpful. With varying degrees of success, we ate boiled vegetables, buckwheat, zucchini, and vinaigrette (minus some ingredients). Unfortunately, we don’t like potatoes and mashed potatoes and don’t eat them in any form.

Afternoon snack

The afternoon snack usually included cottage cheese (at that time, I made it myself, since store-bought ones didn’t inspire much confidence). Now we buy standard “Agusha” or “Tema”.

Or fruits, fruit purees, kefir with cookies (of the children's options, only the Fleur Alpin brand did not cause allergies; everything else, especially Hipp, was severely allergic).


At 1.5 years old we had problems with appetite. For example, we ate porridge with pleasure, but there was a problem with everything else. Therefore, during that period we often ate porridge for breakfast and dinner. Or they gave us something light and curd for dinner.


The biggest problem we had and still has is with drinking. My daughter drinks water reluctantly, in the summer even more or less, and in the winter she doesn’t drink at all. She categorically refuses tea, so I have already stopped all attempts to give it. What he likes most is store-bought juice. I have to give it to her so that she can at least drink something.

At 1.5 years old, I diluted the juice with water so that it was not so concentrated. They also made compotes - from a compote mixture or from apples and dried fruits. Other options do not work. I tried giving fruit drinks and compotes from berries (gooseberries, cherries), but she refused everything. In general, the right drink for us – so far current problem.

Exception Products

From our menu we had to exclude rice (due to problems with stool), bagels, drying (for the same reason), allergenic foods (honey, citrus fruits, berries, red fish, all sweets), curds and yoghurts with additives, well and what should not be given to small children (fried, spicy, heavy foods, chocolate, mushrooms, etc.).

This is how things stood for us. Of course, remembering that age, I can say that the main problem was the ability to control oneself and show patience. Do not try to force feed your child when he stubbornly refuses to eat.
For me personally, it didn’t always work out this way; I was tempted to shove a spoon for dad, a spoon for mom, just so that the child wouldn’t go hungry. How were things going for you?

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Not all people understand the seriousness of chlamydia. Many people think that if there are no severe symptoms, then there is nothing to be treated for. But such a common disease as chlamydia is a “launching pad” for other, more serious ones.

Note! You should not self-medicate if chlamydia is diagnosed.

It is impossible to cure the disease by taking medicinal herbs or massage. Only antibacterial agents can save a person from the disease. And drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor who takes into account the stage of development of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Antibiotics for men and women: which ones are suitable for whom?

Treatment regimens for chlamydia in men and women are somewhat different. This is due to the peculiarities of metabolism, the structure of the genital organs and the functioning of the immune system. Moreover general groups medications remain unchanged, but the method of taking specific medications still has some differences.

  • Sumamed;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Rovamycin;
  • Vilprofen.

For women the situation is somewhat different. The risk of developing complications in women is higher, especially infertility, and the immune system works differently - all side effects appear more clearly and more often.

The list of medications for girls remains the same, but the list of immunomodulators that must be taken several days before starting treatment for chlamydia is expanding. In addition, they should take antifungal medications to reduce the risk of relapse and development of infertility:

  • Diflucan (about 300 rubles);
  • Nystatin (around 100 rubles);
  • Fluconazole (10-35 rubles).

You can, of course, do without them, but then the likelihood of unpleasant consequences becomes significantly higher.

Other types of antibiotics

Antibiotics for chlamydia are drugs that are recognized for their effectiveness and inhibit the ability to function in most known strains of chlamydia. Take strong medications only as prescribed by your doctor.

The most effective and relatively safe antibiotic agents include, for example:

  • Erythromycin. A drug used in the treatment of a wide range of urogenital infections of various etiologies.
  • Chemomycin. A macrolide drug with a powerful antibacterial effect.
  • Clarithromycin. A medicinal antibacterial agent most often used in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

Drugs prescribed to combat chlamydia

  • Amoxicillin. Broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. These antibiotics do not act on most strains of chlamydia, so the drug is used in the treatment of the corresponding disease quite rarely.
  • Josamycin. A relatively new drug, the use of which is practically free of side effects.
  • Macropen. One of the most safe means, which can be used even by pregnant women.
  • Sumamed. One of the most effective antibiotic drugs, the use of which is associated with a minimal risk of side effects.
  • Klacid. A highly effective remedy used both in the treatment of chlamydia and other infectious and viral diseases.

The presented drugs are effective against chlamydia

Features of treatment

The use of a particular treatment regimen depends on the strain of infection, its resistance and individual characteristics body.

Macrolide group drugs are considered effective; the course of treatment usually lasts for at least two weeks. If the disease is complicated or has been present for a long time, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic may be added for a course of treatment of at least ten days.

In situations where chlamydia is complicated by concomitant diseases, broad-spectrum antibiotics can be used, which must be taken for at least seven days.

For treatment to be effective, you must adhere to following rules:

  1. Take prescribed antibiotics at regular intervals.
  2. Do not stop using the drug without discussing a replacement with your doctor. Unauthorized refusal full course treatment with antibiotics will lead to its further ineffectiveness.
  3. Treatment should be carried out by both partners, but under the supervision of a doctor. You cannot give the drug without the test results; this may increase the infection’s resistance to further treatment.
  4. During treatment, avoid sexual intercourse and alcohol consumption.
  5. Follow your doctor's instructions.

Treatment with antibiotics for chlamydia is carried out using complex therapy, which includes taking antibiotic drugs and agents that have a local effect. The selection of agents for use in treatment is based on the following factors:

If concomitant diseases with a similar ethology are diagnosed, it is necessary to select drugs with a wide spectrum of action. When chlamydia is diagnosed, antibiotics can be prescribed in conjunction with medications that help restore immunity and beneficial microflora of the digestive organs.

Antibiotics for chlamydia are a recognized remedy for their effectiveness. Its action is capable of destroying most known types of microbes. Medicines should be taken only as prescribed by doctors. It is necessary to select a medicine so that the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of cumulative diseases, the results of research on biomaterials, and other aspects are taken into account.

The most effective and safe antibiotic drugs include the following varieties:

A course of antibiotics for chlamydia should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician. Despite the fact that antibiotics for the treatment of chlamydia exist in considerable quantities, any drug can be used only after it has been prescribed by the attending physician.

Chlamydia, which is found in the body of women and men, can be at different stages. If the patient has already started taking medications and there is a break, the concentration of the active substance in the blood decreases.

Chlamydia, which has begun to actively develop, will not have time to be affected. As a result, a defense response is developed, after which microorganisms may become insensitive to the active antibiotic. The disease often becomes chronic.

This feature of harmful microorganisms has led doctors to prescribe medications when chronic chlamydia is detected in patients of both sexes for a period of two to four weeks. The first part of the tablets to take is prescribed large - this is the so-called “load” dose.

Approximate treatment plan

The selection of a regimen for the treatment of chlamydia is based on the category of the strain of the virus that causes the disease. The degree to which the disease has developed is taken into account.

When choosing an antibiotic regimen for chlamydia in men or women, it is necessary to take into account that they must be different. It is important to take into account other individual characteristics of the patient, the possibility of developing allergies, and other factors that may lead to the need to stop taking the drug.

The regimen for taking antibiotics against chlamydia may be as follows:

  • The most effective drugs against chlamydia microorganisms are macrolides. Their application is carried out as follows. Klacid is prescribed in an amount of 250 g of the active substance per day. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks. Josamycin - 1 g of the substance is used in the first dose, then the dose is reduced by half. In one day, the dose is taken twice, treatment should be for 10 days. Erythromycin in the amount of 0.5 g. Take once every six hours. Treat with the drug for two weeks.
  • To cope with chlamydia, medications from the fluoroquinolone group may be prescribed. Their effectiveness is low, which is why they are prescribed infrequently. The drug Pefloxacin is taken 600 mg once a day. Lomefloxacin is prescribed one tablet per day. The course of drug treatment is no more than 10 days.
  • When trying to get rid of a chlamydial infection, broad-spectrum antibiotic medications can be used. It could be Clindamycin. In order for the result to be positive, the drug is taken four times a day in the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. Course duration is a week.

Taking antibiotics is often accompanied by the use of probiotics and immune boosters. They somewhat neutralize the aggression from the action of antibiotics, thanks to which the condition of the digestive organs noticeably improves.

It is possible to get rid of chlamydia by taking a course of drugs only in cases of primary disease. If the disease has become chronic, comprehensive treatment is necessary. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the disease will begin to recur.

For chronic forms, treatment is carried out as follows:

  • Use of Neovir, Cycloferon by injection (course lasts 2 weeks);
  • Rovamycin is taken for 14 days (it must be used in strict accordance with the instructions of the attending physician, after several injections of the antibiotic);
  • In addition, vitamins and physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed.

Treatment of chlamydia with antibacterial drugs is a serious matter. All medications may be different in composition, recommendations and dosages, so only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics and how to take them for chlamydia.

Everything is so individual that even two sexual partners may have different drug names, depending on the sensitivity result obtained. For treatment to be truly effective and positive, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Take medications strictly set time and a limited number of days as indicated.
  2. Treatment of one patient is not advisable, because if chlamydia is detected in the patient, preventive therapeutic measures are also assumed for the second partner, even if he has no symptoms of the disease.
  3. During the entire treatment you should abstain from sexual intercourse.
  4. Depending on the periods of a person’s life, the sensitivity of chlamydia to antibiotics may vary. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo timely examinations.

After taking antibacterial drugs, the following complications may occur:

  1. In case of individual hypersensitivity to certain components, allergic reactions accompanied by itching and rashes on the skin.
  2. The body's defenses are reduced.
  3. Activities are disrupted digestive system.
  4. Potent antibiotics can cause toxic damage to liver and kidney cells.

If there are any alarming changes, you should seek medical help; the doctor will assess your health condition and, if necessary, prescribe other treatment for chlamydia.

Chlamydia is a common disease that seems to be treatable, but manifest manifestations of the disease are still common. There are frequent cases of urogenital chlamydia, for which it is difficult to choose an effective treatment.

It is the doctor who is able to select drugs that will get rid of the disease, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

These drugs help cope with chlamydia when the disease is not very advanced and uncomplicated. The bioavailability of the group’s drugs is about 93%.

In most cases, treatment of chlamydia is carried out through the use of complex therapy, including both antibiotics and the use of topical agents. The choice of a medication classified as an antibiotic is based on compliance with a number of aspects:

Treatment begins only after tests have been carried out and the exact causes of the disease have been established.

  • In the presence of concomitant diseases of a similar etiology, the prescription of a number of broad-spectrum antibiotics is required.

Rules for using all antibacterial agents

No patient should have any doubt about who should prescribe antibacterial agents. The answer to the question is simple - naturally, a doctor. All antibiotics are toxic and can cause irreparable harm to the body.

However, there is general scheme method that allows you to achieve the maximum effect from taking antibiotics:

  • all medications must be taken at the same time, for example, if you are supposed to take pills every 4 hours, then you should not violate the regimen;
  • the course of treatment should not be exceeded or reduced. When the doctor recommended taking medications for 2 days, you do not need to take them for 3 or 4 days;
  • Taking medications for chlamydia involves treating both partners. If the disease is detected in the wife, then the husband will also have to be treated, or vice versa;
  • You cannot continue sexual relations during the treatment period and for about 14 days after finishing taking the medications.

Currently, in the field of practical medicine, various antibiotics are used for chlamydia in acute and chronic forms in women and men. But the drug called Doxycycline is rightfully recognized as the most effective.

Doxycycline is often used to treat chlamydia.

However, the use of Doxycycline entails a lot of side effects and contraindications. Negative reactions from the body include, for example, various disorders of the digestive tract, as well as the development of candidiasis, commonly referred to as thrush.

In addition, Azithromycin is among the most effective drugs aimed at eliminating chlamydia. The use of this medication is also associated with the possible occurrence of a host of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, and other types of digestive tract disorders.

Despite direct and relative contraindications and possible side effects, Doxycycline and Azithromycin are the most effective remedies for chlamydia. To reduce the likelihood of negative reactions from the body, it is necessary to take immunomodulatory drugs and probiotics.

The second most popular drug for the treatment of chlamydia is Azithromycin.

Treatment for chlamydia has A complex approach, which will be determined by the doctor. The choice of a particular antibiotic depends on a number of factors:

  • active or latent form of the disease;
  • the presence of concomitant inflammation;
  • determination of microorganism strain;
  • results of drug sensitivity tests.

In latent or chronic forms of chlamydia, most antibacterial drugs are not effective, and their administration will not give the desired result. There are also highly resistant strains of infection that do not respond to antibiotics.

After conducting definitive tests, the doctor develops a treatment option that will be most effective, usually it includes:

  1. Taking high dosages of antibiotics. To destroy the disease inside the cell, bypassing its development of immunity.
  2. Combination various types antibacterial drugs.
  3. Prescribing immunomodulators that will allow the body to activate protective functions against chlamydia infection.
  4. Development of a course of treatment. Most often prescribed for the chronic form of the disease, the effectiveness of therapy depends on the medication taken during the exacerbation period.

It is impossible to determine the only effective drug that will kill chlamydia. This is due to the large number of strains of infection. But it is important that it works at the intracellular level and fights concomitant sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasmosis, ureaplasma).

The choice of antibiotics is complicated by the fact that the disease has appeared for the second time, then the previous drugs will no longer help. In this case, doctors can develop combinations of drugs from different antibacterial groups. As for the price, a standard course of treatment will not cost much.


This form of antibiotic is used for the initial stage of chlamydia, which has no complications.

These include:

  • tetracycline;
  • doxycycline;
  • unidox-solutab;
  • metacycline.

Any of these drugs is taken for at least a week, to achieve an effect, the maximum course is 14 days. But it is worth noting that there are a number of side effects: photosensitivity, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, candidiasis, stomatitis, dysbacteriosis.

Tetracycline is considered a strong antibiotic of this group, it will cost from 1 to 2 $, the rest of the tetracyclines are in a higher price category. This drug is not prescribed for children, pregnant or lactating women.


This type of antibiotic is used to treat chlamydia in both adults and children. This is due to the low likelihood of side effects and mild effects on the body. However, macrolides kill the infection in the acute phase and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

For pregnant and lactating women, these drugs are contraindicated and are used only when the risk from the mother’s illness exceeds the risks to the child.

Macrolides include:

  1. Erythromycin is a popular antibiotic available in the form of ointments and tablets. The course of treatment is at least a week. Approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Rovamycin is considered a calm antibiotic and is available in the form of tablets and powder for injections. It is effective due to its ability to accumulate in affected cells. Rovamycin is less effective than erythromycin, but is well tolerated.
  3. Sumamed retains a high concentration of medicinal substances in the affected area from the first use. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, including against gonorrheal chlamydia. Available in the form of tablets, capsules and powders for suspension.


Fluoroquinolones are not considered the main drugs in the treatment of chlamydia; they are usually used in combination treatment.

Tarivid is considered an effective drug. It is based on the active ingredient ofloxacin. But it has a number of unpleasant side effects:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • mood swings;
  • vascular and cardiac disorders;
  • renal failure.

This antibiotic should not be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

In practical medicine, antibiotics for chlamydia in men and women can be used differently. Doxycycline is considered one of the most effective. Its active substances produce a detrimental effect on most known strains of the microorganism. By beneficial effects on the body it is significantly superior to other options.

Unfortunately, the mass of side effects does not allow the use of Doxycycline for a wide range of patients. The body may experience a variety of negative reactions, for example, disorders of the digestive tract, manifestations of candidiasis, that is, thrush.

Another effective antibiotic for chlamydia is Azithromycin. Its use can also cause side effects such as nausea and vomiting, and various problems with the digestive system.

Doxycycline Azithromycin

Azithromycin and Doxycycline are the most effective drugs to combat chlamydia. To reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions, it is necessary to take probiotics and immunomodulatory drugs together.

These drugs are most effective in cases where the disease is at an early stage of development. In advanced forms, the “killer” qualities of tetracycline may not be enough. The main drugs of the group are:

  1. Tetracycline (cost about 100 rubles);
  2. Doxycycline (the drug is cheap - about 25 rubles).

The course of treatment with these drugs is designed for a period of 7 to 15 days. In this case, the daily dose of Tetracycline is 400 mg, that is, four tablets per day, and Doxycycline is 100 mg, which is equivalent to 2 tablets once a day.

These agents are less toxic than representatives of tetracyclines, and are also able to cope with advanced chlamydia(in such a situation, the method of taking the drug differs from the generally accepted one). The list of medications is quite large:

  1. Sumamed (about 150 rubles);
  2. Klacid (costs at least 310 rubles);
  3. Vilprafen ( about 500 rubles each, you can order cheaper online);
  4. Macropen (estimated at approximately 270 rubles);
  5. Rovamycin (one of the most expensive - about 1200 rubles).

Erythromycin is considered one of the most effective. At a cost of only 40-100 rubles, this drug is able to stop the development of chlamydia even at the most advanced stages of the disease. It should be taken for a week, the dosage is calculated by the doctor.

Despite positive traits Erythromycin, Sumamed could not “outdo” any drug from this group. It quickly accumulates in the affected areas and is able to maintain a high concentration for 5 days.

It is possible that doctors do not yet know everything about the properties of these drugs, but they fight chlamydia, frankly, not very effectively. Moreover, the only antibiotic from this group that can have at least some effect on chlamydia is Ofloxacin (price about 50 rubles).

It is prescribed for intolerance to the components of more effective drugs, as well as to enhance their effect. Please note that the excess daily dose 400 mg of the drug leads to side effects such as nausea, vomiting and intestinal disorders.

Therapy for chronic chlamydia

Treatment of chronic chlamydia differs from treatment of the primary, recently acquired form of the disease. This is due to the fact that the long presence of infection in the body increases its resistance to standard doses of antibiotics. Therefore, doctors prescribe an integrated approach to treatment.

Most often, doctors prescribe:

  1. Injections with immunomodulatory drugs such as cycloferon. The course of treatment is at least 14 days. The drug will increase the body's resistance to chlamydia infection.
  2. After the third injection of the above medication, macrolide antibiotics begin. The treatment period is at least two weeks.
  3. Multivitamin complexes and probiotics are also prescribed for the normal functioning of the body.
  4. In the treatment of chronic chlamydia, topical medications are prescribed - suppositories, ointments, creams.

Treatment of chlamydia through the use of one or two drugs is possible only if the disease is detected for the first time and has not become chronic. In the second situation, an integrated approach to the treatment process is required, otherwise systematic relapses of the viral disease cannot be ruled out.

The treatment regimen for the chronic form of chlamydia looks somewhat different:

  • Application medicines Cycloferon or Neovir by injection. The duration of the course of treatment is two weeks.
  • Rovamycin. The course of treatment with this remedy is also fourteen days, but it should be taken only after the third injection of the antibiotics listed above.
  • Also, if necessary, various types of physiotherapeutic procedures and vitamin complexes are prescribed.

For chronic chlamydia, other drugs are prescribed


Of this group of drugs, they are used alone

). However, this antibiotic is dangerous due to possible side effects. It is not prescribed to children or pregnant women. Several lower doses (

) requires

Therefore, it can more often be found in medical practice in the treatment of chlamydia. The duration of treatment with doxycycline is also 7–14 days.

Chlamydia and possible complications


The penetration of chlamydia into the body does not bode well. This bacterium infects mucous membranes and multiplies quite intensively. Such an infectious disease can affect different organs, but most often it prefers the genitourinary system.

Of course, a child’s nutrition should be healthy, varied and natural. Basically, it consists of cereals and dairy dishes (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese). It is not recommended to give fried foods to children. All vegetable, meat, and fish dishes should not be steamed - either in a double boiler or in a water bath. But most of it children's menu should consist of vegetables and fruits - both raw and boiled. It is better to cook in a small amount of water. And under no circumstances should you give your child heated food, that is, cook it for one meal.

Before giving your child something to eat for the first time, you need to make sure in advance that the baby is not allergic to it. And it is advisable to add as little sugar and salt as possible. It is best to do this after one and a half years.

Children over one and a half years old can be given the same food that the whole family eats. But you should not rid him of baby food, since, basically, most products are designed for children over three years old.

The child should have four meals a day, and always at the same time of day, for example: from 8 to 9 am - breakfast; from 12 to 13 - lunch; from 16.00 to 16.30 - afternoon tea; from 20 to 20.30 - dinner. It is not recommended to have any snacks (even fruits or berries) between these meals. It is also advisable to give drinks (juices, teas, compotes) during the main meal.

Children's nutritionists offer this approximate menu for a child aged 1.5 to 2 years with recipes for a week.

For breakfast we offer: Rice porridge with dried fruits, cottage cheese, bread with butter. And drink tea with milk.
For lunch: Green salad and fresh cucumbers, tucked vegetable oil, green bean soup, potato zrazy, rye bread. And drink berry juice.
For afternoon tea: fresh fruits, cookies and a glass of kefir.
For dinner: turkey cutlets, stewed cabbage, fruit puree and bread. And drink baby milk.

For breakfast we offer: semolina porridge in milk with grated carrots, omelet, bread with butter. And drink - rosehip decoction.
For lunch: salad of fresh tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil, cabbage soup, beef meatballs, boiled buckwheat in water, rye bread. It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed fruit juices.
For an afternoon snack: biscuits, fresh fruit and yogurt.
For dinner: meat casserole with cabbage, cottage cheese and apple pancakes, bread. And drink a glass of kefir.

For breakfast it is recommended: rolled oats with banana, cheese, yogurt, biscuits, and washed down with baby milk.
For lunch: salad of greens and fresh white cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil, chicken soup with noodles, finely chopped boiled chicken fillet, cauliflower puree, rye bread, and washed down with dried fruit compote.
For dinner: salad with apple and beets, beef meatballs, rice porridge with water, bread, and drink rosehip infusion.

For breakfast: corn porridge in milk with boiled pumpkin, cottage cheese, bread with butter, and drink green tea. Find recipes for what else to cook for breakfast.
For lunch: Salad of greens, green salad and fresh cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil, mashed potatoes, lazy cabbage rolls, Rye bread. Drinks include fruit juices and dried fruit compote.
Afternoon snack: Fresh fruit, biscuits, and some baby milk.
For dinner: fresh tomato salad seasoned with low-fat sour cream, finely chopped boiled chicken fillet, broccoli puree and green peas, bread, and a glass of kefir.

For breakfast it is offered: Porridge of rice or other cereals, with an apple, a soft-boiled egg, bread with butter, and washed down with rosehip decoction.
For lunch: salad of light greens and fresh white cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil, Lenten borscht with red beans, with the addition of low-fat sour cream, potato pudding with rabka, rye bread, and washed down with berry juice.
For an afternoon snack: biscuits, fresh fruit and kefir.
For dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, cottage cheese pancakes, bread, and washed down with baby milk.

For breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, cheesecakes, fruit puree, and drink tea with milk.
For lunch: apple and carrot salad dressed with low-fat sour cream, lean cabbage soup, meatloaf (beef or pork) or minced vegetables, rye bread, and drink dried fruit compote.
For an afternoon snack: a bun, fresh fruit and kefir.
For dinner: sauerkraut, seasoned with vegetable oil, sausages (special for children), mashed potatoes, bread, and drink a rosehip decoction.

For breakfast: rolled oats with prunes, cheese, bread with butter, yogurt, and drink green tea.
For lunch: salad of greens and fresh cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil, vegetable soup with millet, turkey cutlets, boiled pasta, rye bread and drink fruit juice.
For an afternoon snack: biscuits, fresh fruit and kefir.
For dinner: vinaigrette, boiled meat and vegetables roll, bread, and drink baby milk.