Planting rules and garden planning. Planting fruit trees and shrubs Properly planting fruit trees in the garden

When purchasing a plot of land and drawing up a plan for your future home, you definitely need to think about the placement of trees and shrubs, which are always planted first. This is explained not only by the size of the plants, but also by the relatively long period of growth before full flowering or fruiting. Of course, plant all ornamental and fruit trees on summer cottage impossible due to the limited territory, so you have to choose.

And when deciding which trees to plant on a site, you need to focus on two principles:

  • growing conditions: demanding or unpretentious species;
  • main purpose, or place in the garden landscape (garden, hedge, single landing).

If we talk about fruit trees, apple trees require the simplest care (especially if you purchase a locally selected seedling that is resistant to common diseases and pests). Of course, unpretentious varieties do not have high taste, but they will not cause any trouble. But if you want to surprise your neighbors with something exotic, then you should think about planting yellow plum, actinidia, walnut or peach.

The same principle applies to ornamental trees and shrubs. For example, for a hedge you can use wild grapes, honeysuckle or drooping lilac, with minimum requirements to soil and climatic conditions, or you can decorate the area with juniper, barberry or hawthorn, which require a little more attention.

If you decide to plant a tree in your dacha, be sure to check the depth of the groundwater. Many trees, both fruit and ornamental, die as soon as their roots reach water. Such trees include the pear, which has a deeply penetrating root system. At first, the young seedling grows actively and pleases the owner, perhaps you will even be able to taste the first fruits, but then the tree begins to wither and dry up. Inexperienced gardeners complain about illness or poor quality planting material and again they buy and plant pear seedlings.

In order for tree plantings to truly become durable, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of each species for growing conditions.

Review of fruit trees and their features

Many people, having a summer cottage, want to plant fruit trees in the garden. For good fruiting they need high level lighting, fertilizing, watering, pruning and preventive treatments against diseases and pests.

Planting several varieties with the same ripening period has a beneficial effect on yield. To save space on the site, it is better to choose varieties with a compact crown shape on dwarf rootstocks. Below is a brief description of main fruit crops according to the most significant parameters.

Culture Average life expectancy, years Average tree height, m Required power supply area, m Preferred soils Permissible depth of groundwater, m
Apple tree from 20 to 50 from 3 to 7 3x2 or 6x4 slightly acidic from 1 to 3
Pear 25 5 5x4 any 2
Cherry 25 from 2 to 5 4x3 neutral 2
Cherries 60 from 3 to 8 4x4 or 8x4 neutral 1,5
Plum 20 5 4x3 neutral 1,5
Cherry plum 20 2,5 3x3 neutral 1
Apricot 40-60 from 5 to 10 5x6 slightly alkaline 2-2,5
Kalina 40 2,5 2x2 slightly acidic 1
Irga 50 2,5 3x2 neutral 1,5
Honeysuckle 20 1,5 2x1 any 1,5
Sea ​​buckthorn 15 from 3 to 5 2x2 neutral 1
Rowan 25 7 5x3 slightly acidic 2
Hazel 60 5 4x4 slightly alkaline 3

When choosing a fruit tree for a summer cottage, not only taste preferences play an important role, but also climate zone. For example, chokeberry is recommended for the northern regions, as are honeysuckle and sea buckthorn, brought to central Russia from Siberia.

Heat-loving cherry plums, plums, cherries and cherries are excellent in the southern regions. However, selection does not stand still and many crops adapt well to atypical regions thanks to their stable rootstock. Great example In addition - Manchurian apricot and Siberian apricot, which are suitable for growing in Siberia and Far East. And although such apricot has a specific, unattractive taste, it is quite successful in processing.

Apricot Manchurian - mature tree

For rational use plot, you can use grafting, which allows you to have several interesting varieties on one adult tree.

Overview of ornamental trees and shrubs

Decorative trees not only have an aesthetic function, but are often planted for shade near the gazebo, to protect against dust from the road, and to create a living border along the fence. Features of care depend on the type of plant and growing area.

There are trees that are undesirable to plant on a private plot because of aggressive growth or because of folk superstitions. Let's look at the most popular ones in private landscape design ornamental trees and shrubs in terms of care features and possible use.

Norway maple Globosum

Culture Short description Usage Note
Small-leaved linden Tree up to 30 m high with a neat oval crown, high frost resistance, does not tolerate drought, the crown lends itself well to shaping A shady tree with a pleasant fragrance during the flowering period, it is a honey plant, can be used for a hedge or planting along a fence, it holds dust well from the road According to old sayings, the linden tree near the house protects against all diseases and illnesses. The young tree does not bloom, the first flowering is observed only in the 20-30th year of life, linden blossom is used in folk medicine
Norway maple Tree up to 6 m high with a compact spherical crown, does not require frequent pruning, grows on any soil Well suited for creating shade near a house or over an artificial pond, often planted along a fence or road Used in folk medicine and cooking
Bird cherry A tree from 4 to 10 m high, known for its snow-white racemose inflorescences with a bright aroma, undemanding to growing conditions Due to the spreading wide crown, it is often planted singly at the edge of the plot or in alleys in a large garden. It should not be planted close to the house, as its roots will destroy the foundation; gives edible fruits with medicinal properties
Poplar white (silver) A fast-growing tree up to 30 m high with a spreading crown, has light bark and silvery leaves, light-loving, salt-tolerant, tolerates drought and waterlogging, frost-resistant Used in single or group plantings. For urban landscaping, pyramidal poplar is more often used, which does not form fluff, but has a large height. It is not advisable to plant close to the house due to the aggressive root system; it cleans the air well of dust and harmful substances
Catalpa A heat-loving tree 10-15 m high with a high spherical crown and an elegant, even trunk, the inflorescences are large, white, after flowering long pods are formed, giving additional decorativeness, does not tolerate pruning Single plantings near the gazebo or near the house; during the flowering period it exudes very pleasant aroma, grows relatively slowly, may freeze slightly in the Moscow region People call it the “pasta tree”
Lilac Abundantly flowering unpretentious shrub from 3 to 6 m high, the color of fragrant inflorescences is white or lilac in different shades, requires moderate pruning Some varieties do not tolerate urban pollution, so it is not advisable to plant them near the road. Lilacs are ideal for hedges It is popularly considered a protector of family well-being and a source of inspiration for creative people.
Barberry A thorny shrub from 1 to 4 m high, with varied leaf colors (burgundy, yellow, green, purple), unpretentious in care Used to create an impassable wall from dense thorny branches Used in folk medicine, recommended for planting near home
Willow A tree with drooping shoots, grows quickly, is easy to prune, tolerates significant waterlogging Planting near water bodies or on waterlogged soils, hedges A symbol of sadness and sadness, in the old days it was considered a bad omen to plant a willow tree under the window

The list can go on for a long time, especially if we cover all the varieties and varieties. Breeders successfully cope with the task of “satisfying the needs of every gardener.”

Trees that are undesirable in a garden plot according to ancient legends

Before planting a tree in front of your house, you can turn to the experience of our ancestors. At first glance, all signs are based on superstitions, but they often have a logical grain.

It is not recommended to plant an oak tree on a summer cottage, which has strong energy and influences the head of the family. Birch as a protective shield should only grow behind a fence. Walnuts should not be planted near the house, as their roots can eventually destroy the foundation. Willow, willow and aspen, the messengers of sorrow and death, are undesirable on the site.

If there are brides in the family, then it is also better to wait to plant thuja. It is recommended to plant poplar outside the site, away from the house.

Overview of coniferous ornamental trees

Evergreen and fairly unpretentious conifers serve an indispensable element garden of any design.

For small areas summer cottages Arizona fir with gray-blue needles (height up to 2 m) and balsam fir ( dwarf variety). For those who want to grow a big tree, Korean fir (up to 15 m) is suitable.

Korean fir Silberlock

Dwarf varieties reaching a height of up to 3 m include Atlas cedar and Himalayan cedar. Among the large trees, Siberian cedar (cedar pine) enjoys well-deserved popularity. It grows slowly, but reaches very impressive sizes.

Siberian cedar (cedar pine)

Larch and spruce are often decorated country houses with a large area personal plot. There are varieties of standard larch with a height of no more than 2.5 m with a spherical or weeping crown. The varieties look very impressive weeping larch: European dwarf variety Repens up to 1.5 m high with branches almost creeping along the ground and Japanese variety Pendula up to 7 m high with delicate green-blue needles.

Japanese larch Pendula

Dwarf forms of spruce can reach a height of 2 - 2.5 m, which when slow growth become acceptable in areas of any size. Varieties dwarf spruce There are a lot of different colors of needles and different crown shapes. Looks most beautiful and original blue spruce, effectively standing out among the rest of the vegetation.

Blue spruce Hoopsie

From coniferous shrubs having different shapes crowns, yew and juniper can be noted. In the landscape design of private plots, dwarf species of juniper with different colored needles (from dark green to silver-blue) up to 8 m in height are used.

Timing of tree planting and purchase of seedlings

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of when is the best time to plant trees. It depends on weather conditions and the specific crop. Optimal time landings fruit trees from the pome group is late autumn, and for heat-loving stone fruit crops it is better to plant in early spring. The preferred age of seedlings is 2 years, but for vigorous crops (pear, cherry) it is better to use annual seedlings. Negative side annual seedlings have an unformed crown, but they suffer less pain when transplanted and take root faster.

Majority ornamental crops planted in spring. Moreover, the strict limits “before bud break” apply only to seedlings with an open root system. Planting material with a closed root system (in pots or bags) is suitable for planting throughout the spring and even in summer, but it is more expensive.

When purchasing seedlings at specialized exhibitions and fairs, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • in what form they are sold: seedlings with exposed and dried roots have little chance of taking root on the site; good material packed in bags with a small lump of damp earth;
  • condition of the root system: roots should be smooth (without thickening), elastic and without signs of peeling;
  • crown condition: the buds should be swollen, but not bloomed;
  • trunk height: for 2-year-old fruit seedlings about 50 cm;

It is recommended to buy planting material from nurseries that exist in each region. Only there can you be sure of the quality of the seedlings and choose plants adapted for a specific zone. Varieties of fruit trees for the Moscow region and the entire central zone of Russia are grown in the Michurinsky fruit nursery.

Everyone who has even a small plot of land is sure to plant it with something - be it vegetable beds or a small garden. In the case where the plot was received with already determined places for planting different cultures(a permanent place has been allocated for a vegetable garden and garden, there are perennial plantings), nothing really needs to be changed. Unless you replenish the garden with new trees and shrubs and observe “.

Those who are just planning to arrange a garden are luckier. After all, they have the opportunity to competently plan the planting scheme of the vegetable garden and trees in relation to the sun. As is known, the presence of sufficient solar lighting- the key to a good harvest in the future. However, there are also important factors that need to be taken into account when planning a vegetable garden.

What should you consider when developing a planting scheme?

When planning a garden and tree planting scheme, you first need to consider which side of the sun the plants will grow on.

For successful cultivation vegetables, they need to allocate the sunniest place on the plot, preferably on the south side.

Shady places under the house, near a fence or tall trees can be left for onions grown for feathers (they can grow in partial shade). Or plant some herbs there.

When drawing up a planting scheme, it is important to take into account not only the location of the crops relative to the sun, but also the following factors:

  1. Plot size. Considering overall size land plot, determine how much space can be allocated for a vegetable garden. If the total area is small, and the first task is to plant a vegetable garden, it makes no sense to plant a lot of fruit trees. They can “take away” space from other crops, since one mature tree with a spreading crown needs at least 4 sq.m. area.
  2. General relief. The ideal terrain would be flat, or slight slope. Avoid places where water stagnates - both vegetable and garden crops will do poorly there.
  3. Soil condition. Each crop, both vegetables and fruit trees, has its own requirements for the condition of the soil, but they have one requirement in common - the soil must be fertile.
  4. Presence of winds. In open areas, you should create shelter for plantings from the wind, which can cause damage to the future harvest.

The most common is the square or rectangular form of planting, in which the number of beds in the garden is determined depending on the size of the plot.

Near the garden you can plant berry bushes. For planting red currants and gooseberries, well-lit, dry places are allocated, and black currants can be placed in a more humid place. Raspberries are planted in the sun, but separately from other shrubs, as they grow very strongly and can drown out neighboring plantings.

Each group (trees, shrubs, vegetables) needs to be given its own place; you should not mix them. Growing trees will eventually take away all the sunlight from the vegetables or strawberries growing under them, and they will stop producing crops. Therefore, the garden is laid out away from the vegetable garden.

Correct layout of the site - video

Happy owners of their own land plots, be it a dacha or a private house, almost immediately face the problem of competent zoning of the territory. Now there are a lot of landscape design specialists, but our people are closer to planning a garden with their own hands. The house, garden and vegetable garden are their own, and here it is important to initially take into account all the nuances, because remodeling it will be problematic or even impossible.

Common types of planning

Advice: in the vast majority of cases, when designing a standard garden with your own hands, experts adhere to the proportions according to which residential buildings accounts for 10% of the territory, 15% is taken by the recreation area and outbuildings, 75% is given to plants.

Despite the apparent diversity, the planning of a garden plot can be done in four main ways.

  1. The most common is the rectilinear or parallel-perpendicular option. They choose it not because it has any special beauty, but rather because it is easier. Plus, this arrangement is subconsciously associated with order.

Important: parallel-perpendicular forms, in plan landscape design, create the effect of reducing space.
Therefore, planning can be carried out in this way garden plot 10 acres or more.

  1. The direct opposite would be the circular arrangement option. Let's say right away that this is a fairly specific method, and it requires certain knowledge in landscape design. An orchard and flower beds can be included in this way, but with a vegetable garden it will be more difficult.
  2. The diagonal arrangement can to some extent be called universal. Thus, it can be done as a layout for a garden plot of 15 acres or more. So is the arrangement on the standard six hundred square meters. The diagonal orientation creates visual volume and at the same time makes it possible to easily arrange the location of various zones on the site with your own hands.
  3. The fourth option can safely be called creative. There are no specific laws here; as a rule, it is a symbiosis of several types described above. Most often it is used in areas with incorrect configuration and broken perimeter lines.

Advice: before starting to implement your project, you must draw it on paper.
If you have purchased a ready-made site that already has some buildings and plantings that you do not plan to remove, you should mark them first and then proceed from the resulting picture.

Laws of rational distribution

Of course, it is much easier to plan the location of buildings, a garden and a vegetable garden on 10 acres; this is the very critical square area on which such landscape delights as an open pond or a separate children's playground will look appropriate. But owners of smaller plots should not be upset either; with the right approach, you can make a masterpiece out of any territory.

In any project, the house is the main object, attention is paid to it first, so you should start with it. The approach here can be twofold, depending on the overall focus.

If the site is being developed with the aim of growing a good harvest and in the future it should be overgrown with fruit trees and a rich vegetable garden, then it is better to locate the buildings on the outskirts. Moreover, from the north or north-west side, so as not to block the sun from the plants.

In an area intended exclusively for recreation, with lawns and flower beds, it is more reasonable to locate housing in the center or closer to the front part. In both cases, it is recommended to hide outbuildings in the depths of the territory; if this is not possible, then they should be decorated with shrubs or vineyards.

It is better to place a recreation area with a barbecue and appropriate furniture closer to the house; in small areas it is appropriate to make a covered terrace adjacent to the house; in large areas it is possible to arrange a gazebo. This will make it more convenient to establish the necessary communications. But, undoubtedly, such a zone should be hidden from prying eyes.

If you would like to receive regularly good harvests and admire the beauty of your flower beds all season long, then all green spaces should receive as much sunlight as possible. Also great importance has a layout diagram orchard and gardening with your own hands, because the price of improper planting is the lack of harvest.

Arrangement of an orchard

Let's assume that all the pains of creativity associated with arranging different zones at your dacha or in a private household are already behind you and the time has come to purchase seedlings. The most common mistake young owners make is the desire to plant more and more of everything.

But we should not forget that fertile land is not dimensionless and no more than 7 tall, fruit-bearing trees can fit on one hundred square meters.

With a low or flat planting, you can accommodate up to 15 healthy trees and still have room for a small vineyard and shrubs. In this case, it is much better to plant less than to invest in high-quality seedlings, the price of which can be rather high, and after a couple of seasons to uproot the trees, because they develop poorly and interfere with the growth of neighboring plantings.

Review your list.

Think about whether you really need all the plants you plan to plant.

  • Sea buckthorn is certainly useful, but after the first harvest, interest in it drops sharply. Intensive growth, thorns and problematic harvesting will quickly discourage the desire to grow it; it’s easier to buy 1 – 2 jars on the market.
  • Cultivated stunted Walnut rare, in 80% of cases they will sell you a regular one. Its crown will cover a large area, and its roots can tear out a light strip foundation. It is appropriate in large areas or next to a permanent cottage, creating shade over the barbecue area.
  • Hazelnuts will take a quarter of a hundred square meters and will produce a lot of shoots.
  • One viburnum is enough; it is better to plant it on the outskirts, near the fence. The plant is unpretentious and tolerates shade well.
  • Chokeberry or chokeberry, not for everyone. The fruits are good for blood pressure, but this plant loves the sun.

Any plant reaches for the light, and until it reaches its goal, it will not bear fruit normally. Therefore, by planting a seedling in a deliberately shaded area, you thereby doom yourself to a lack of harvest, and the plant to eternal struggle. In this case, even the best grafted seedlings will not save you.

The size of the shadow is approximately half the height of the tree. An area where there is no sun for half a day or more is considered shaded. But don’t worry, you can place paths, design elements or flower beds in these places.

Important: trees planted near high walls will “shy away” from them and will need to be shaped.
The only exception is the southern direction.

If the goal is big harvest then it is better to form trees with a height of no more than 2 m, in some cases the height can reach up to 4 m. A comfortable distance between trunks should be twice the height of the tree, in other words, there should be at least 4 m between two-meter plants.

Try to place tree lines, vineyard trellises and rows of bushes from north to south. Thus, you get an additional opportunity to plant between the rows tall plants There are also low-growing crops; there will be enough sun for everyone.

A few words about the garden

Ease of movement in the garden is important. The comfortable size of the paths should be at least 40 cm. They should be comfortable not only to walk on, but also to bring in fertilizers or harvest crops.

Based many years of experience, we can safely say that the parallel-perpendicular arrangement of the tracks is inconvenient in this case. You will constantly trip over right angles and curse sharp turns.

On vegetable beds The law works: the shorter the path, the better. Therefore, feel free to combine diagonals, semicircles or any other configurations that are convenient for you.

The width of the beds may vary, but nice garden bed should be raised to a height of about 20 - 30 cm and edged with a border. The internal space is completely filled with fertile, fertilized soil.

Cabbage, root vegetables and some bush legumes like beds at least 1 meter wide. Beds for climbing beans, tall spreading tomatoes, cucumbers or melons can be made 60 cm each.

You should also consider mutual love or hostility of cultures.

  • It is recommended to plant rhubarb, sorrel, perennial onions and horseradish separately from the general planting.
  • A variety of greens, such as dill, parsley, spinach, rucala and other salad greens, will find their place between the main beds.
  • Cabbage does not tolerate proximity to tomatoes, strawberries, onions or potatoes. Onions have a negative attitude towards legumes or turnips. Cucumbers do not need to be combined with tomatoes, rhubarb or carrots.
  • If we talk about a favorable combination, then legumes, corn and sorrel get along well with zucchini. Tomatoes love to grow next to parsley, beans, carrots or onions.

Important: do not forget about crop rotation.
Related plants should not be planted in one place for more than 3 years, after which redevelopment should be carried out.
Otherwise, land depletion may occur.

The video in this article reveals some of the secrets of landscape design and DIY garden planning.


The layout of the garden and vegetable garden on 15 acres belongs to the category of layout large territories. Unlike the miniature 6 acres, there is already room for creative thought to run wild. But we do not advise you to neglect the above recommendations; correcting errors may take a lot of time.

(19 ratings, average: 4,53 out of 5)

You can often hear from inexperienced gardeners that their trees do not produce as much fruit as expected. And they begin to buy state-of-the-art seedlings, cutting down all previously planted trees. But in most cases, people themselves are to blame for the fact that trees grow and bear fruit poorly. Most likely, the planting of trees was carried out according to the principle “the more, the better”; there was no talk at all about the planning of the garden. And the result of such work was plants that were always sick and did not bear fruit.

The main thing is for every owner own plot understand that creating a garden, like creating a home, must begin with careful planning.

Where does the garden begin?

The garden starts with careful analyze soil quality and climate in which your trees and shrubs will grow and bear fruit. If your site is too clayey or sandy soil, then it is worth fertilizing it with chernozem, peat and other useful components so that the roots receive enough nutrition.

Climatic features that interfere with fruiting:

Therefore, trees should be selected based on the climate in which they will grow. Otherwise, you will never see fruits.

Tree selection

The choice of fruit trees and shrubs for the garden plot should be strictly local selection. After all, only those apple, pear and cherry plum trees that are accustomed to the local climate will be able to bear fruit successfully. They perfectly adapt to changes in temperature and humidity, delighting their owners with fruits, if not every year, then every other year.

Southern fruit bearers - apricots and peaches-are very afraid of autumn dampness. This is explained by the fact that in a humid climate, flowering does not end with pollination, and they become just barren flowers without fruit. And pollen, along with moisture, simply falls to the ground. No less dangerous for these shrubs are spring frosts that occur when apricots bloom.

Cherries do not tolerate proximity to groundwater, and if reclamation is not carried out in time, the plant will wither in the very near future. Excessive dampness in the spring is also not beneficial: the fruits begin to turn black and crack even before they ripen. Therefore, shrubs should be planted in pre-drained soils.

It is worth choosing plants strictly taking into account their productivity. Think about whether it is worth allocating several meters of land for trees that will bear fruit once every five or six years, or is it easier to go to the store and buy a few kilograms of apricots or peaches, and on this land plant trees that will delight you with the harvest.

Gallery: garden layout (25 photos)

Site marking

In order to know which trees to plant on the site, you need to draw a diagram on paper that will show all the existing buildings and those that you still plan to build: a house, a bathhouse, outbuildings. In addition, you should draw those trees that you do not intend to uproot.

This is necessary because every building or tree casts a shadow on everything that grows on your site. Consequently, bushes, trees and other plants will begin to stretch in the direction where there is more light. They spend a lot of energy on this, which could be spent on laying fruits. This will last until its top gets closer to the light and overcomes the obstacle. Therefore, if your house or bathhouse is completely shaded by planted trees and shrubs, then they cannot always outgrow them and they will never bear fruit.

In order to correctly distribute the trees on the site, you should also describe the height of each building and the cardinal directions. Shade those areas where the shadow will be located almost around the clock. These zones not suitable for planting trees and shrubs. Here you can safely plant flowers, make a pond or pool. In order for trees to bear fruit, shadow areas should be excluded from the places where they are planted.


Now you need to figure out how to plant trees on the site correctly. First, the gardener must decide how many trees and shrubs will grow in the garden. If you do not want to periodically prune your plants, then on one hundred square meters of vegetable garden or orchard you can plant no more than 7 pears or apple trees. Because as they grow up, they will begin to interfere with each other, casting a shadow. And in a private house, the garden and vegetable garden on the site will only be decorated.

If you still plan to trim plants, you can plant up to 15 fruit trees on one acre. If you consider yourself to be a smart summer resident, then invest in columnar trees and plant them at a distance of a meter from each other. Examples of trees of this type can be found on the Internet or in a seedling store.

It is worth remembering that pruning leads to a reduction in fruits only in apricots and cherries, because the fruits grow throughout the entire branch, and therefore it is not customary to trim them. All other trees require constant pruning. This will help add light to the fruiting branches, and the fruits will become larger. The best option the crown will form in the form of a ball or a wall if you planted the plants near the fence.

Apple and pear trees should be planted at a distance of at least three meters apart from each other. But planting shrubs can be done at a distance of at least one and a half meters from each other. The layout of the garden and vegetable garden should be carried out from south to north, so the plants will not cast shadows and interfere with each other.

You should not make the garden rectangular - it will not be very convenient when caring for plants. If the gardener has laid out an orchard rectangular shape, then he will have to move with the equipment and fertilizers very carefully so as not to damage the tree trunks with the wheelbarrow.

Vegetable garden plan

Modern garden layout is no longer strictly rectangular. And this happened because right angles are completely inconvenient to go around with a wheelbarrow while fertilizing or watering the beds. And therefore modern beds are done in such a way as to make it more convenient. Interesting ideas You can look at the layout of your garden plot from other summer residents and gardeners.

But nevertheless, there are a number of basic principles that help achieve maximum yield from a minimum number of beds:

If a gardener chooses not to think about the layout of a garden or vegetable garden, then he will have to seriously suffer with the cultivation of garden and vegetable gardens. garden crops. So, having worked hard once, planning the location of trees or vegetables on the site, you will be able to save yourself from unnecessary work in the future.

After receiving land for a cottage or dacha, the owners have a problem: what trees to plant on the site? This issue is second in importance after capital buildings. An unsuccessful bed or flowerbed can be next year redo, and tree crops take a long time to develop, you may notice your mistake when the apple tree has already reached large sizes and bears fruit. Don’t rush to the nursery; first of all, open the area plan and mark the planting locations on it. When you are sure that everything is done correctly, you can purchase planting material.

Which breeds to choose

Of course, any summer resident wants to have on his plot all the types of plants that exist in the world. You'll have to limit yourself.

List desired crops will significantly reduce the following conditions:

  • climate;
  • plot size;
  • relief features;
  • the soil;
  • the ability to provide complex care.

The success of breeders makes it possible to grow exotic plants V middle lane, but their possibilities are not limitless. Palm trees on outdoors they will not grow in the Arctic, no matter how hard you try. First of all, pay attention to the species that have always grown in your region. If you want exotic new products, contact your local nursery; specialists will give you advice on which varieties can survive in your conditions. Please note that rare breeds require careful care. Do you have enough strength and time to properly grow a capricious tree?

The characteristics of the soil and topography also make their own adjustments. Not every tree can survive in a swamp, on a rock covered thin layer rocky ground, or on steep northern slopes. They are distinguished by great deceit groundwater. The seedling will take root well, will grow for several years, but will die as soon as the roots grow to the wet layer. You can arrange good drainage, dig huge pits in rocky ground and fill them out fertile soil– the tree will still feel bad. Think about whether these efforts are worth a bucket of fruits; maybe it would be right to plant other species, and buy a bucket of peaches at the market.

How many trees will fit on the plot?

Any plot is not unlimited and can accommodate a certain number of trees and tall shrubs. If you plant fruit crops too close to each other to save space, they will grow depressed, often get sick and produce a meager harvest. Remember that trees must be planted at a distance of at least 5 m from one another, and there must be at least 3 m between tall bushes.

On small areas It would be correct to give preference to a columnar shape. The crown of these trees looks like a neat column, takes up little space and makes it easy to care for. Trees on dwarf rootstocks are very convenient. When harvesting from low plantings, you don’t have to pretend to be a stuntman trying to reach an apple hanging ten meters high.

When calculating the number of trees of one type, it should be taken into account that some species, such as cherries and sweet cherries, grow only in groups. If you do not really like these berries, do not plant one cherry tree on your plot; it is better to completely abandon such plants. Some species, such as walnuts, do not tolerate the proximity of other species and will oppress apple and peach trees planted around them.

When planting tall crops near the border of the site, you enter into legislative relations with your neighbors. A beautiful young linden tree will grow up to 30 m in a few years, develop a lush crown and shade half of someone else’s territory. If you want to have tall trees, plant them on the south side of the area for recreation and picnics, where they will create pleasant coolness in the summer heat.

Dwarf trees or shrubs up to 2 m high are suitable for hedges. When planting tall species, choose those that tolerate pruning well, and you can always shorten them in accordance with the norms.

A good fence will be made from the following shrubs:

  • lilac;
  • dwarf spruce.

The side facing a busy highway can also be fenced off with tall trees. A lush crown will protect the area from noise, dust and exhaust gases. In this place it is not recommended to plant fruit crops or plants whose leaves and flowers you intend to use for medicinal purposes.

Even in reality small area Fruit trees are sure to grow. When planting a garden, an inexperienced summer resident may choose the wrong species. As a result, the bulk of the area will be occupied by crops whose fruits you don’t particularly need, and there will be little space left for the most important fruits. Before buying seedlings, think about it: do you need 20 cherries? In a few years they will produce such a harvest that it will be enough for an entire microdistrict. If you want to grow berries for commercial purposes, do so, but for one family you don’t need so many fruits.

You have already determined . Now make a list of the species you want to plant. In the first line, mark the most reliable and necessary ones, for example. The next item will be crops of lesser importance, and the list of plantings that can be dispensed with is closed. also in last resort take trees that are poorly adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of your site. Start your purchases from the top line and move down. In this way, you will correctly set up a garden, which is guaranteed to provide you with the most necessary fruits.

If there is little space in the garden and you want to grow different types apples or plums, use grafting. On one tree you will have branches with fruits of different varieties.

When space allows, you can experiment and try growing exotic fruit trees. If you choose the right varieties and skillfully care for the plantings, peaches will grow in the northern regions, and bananas and mangoes in the south. Only if you plant a plot of land with only rare crops do you risk being left completely without a harvest.

In any garden it is advisable to have several varieties of the following crops:

  • apple trees;
  • rowan;

Decorative plantings

At your dacha you can plant not only fruit trees, but also decorative trees. A birch tree at the gate, a rowan tree under the window, a cypress alley will give the site individuality and create good mood. If space allows, you can arrange a small forest with a barbecue and a fire for picnics. Strawberries will grow in an open meadow, and in the shade. If you want to plant mushrooms, keep in mind that each species loves its own tree. Boletus and saffron milk caps grow well under fir trees, boletus and boletus grow well in deciduous forests.

When planting trees on a site, we must not forget about the safety of owners and guests. Should not be grown poisonous plants. Species with fragile wood should be located away from houses and paths: when strong wind a large branch may break off and fall on a person or break a window. When planting trees near buildings, you need to take into account that plants with strong roots will eventually destroy the foundation.

If you believe horoscopes and folk signs, you can design the site in accordance with magical recommendations. Sometimes these tips contradict each other. There is only one way out: trust your intuition. Hold a seedling in your hands, imagine it as a mature tree on your site and think about how it makes you feel. It is believed that willow and willow have no place in the garden; they symbolize suffering and death. But if in your dreams a pond surrounded by these thickets is associated with happiness, romantic feelings, peace - create such a corner, the plants will not bring you anything bad.

To decorate the landscape, you can dig up trees or shrubs growing in the nearest forest, or purchase specially bred ornamental species. From ordinary spruce, breeders have created many varieties with a wide variety of needle colors.

To create a design you can use:

  • acacia;
  • larch;
  • cypress;
  • palm tree;
  • bird cherry;
  • rowan;

How to plant trees correctly

The best time to plant ornamental and stone fruit trees is early spring. It is advisable that the seedlings have not yet begun to produce leaves. Pome crops - apple and pear - should be planted correctly in the fall. The age of the seedling is 1-2 years. Young trees tolerate replanting more easily and take root quickly. It is advisable not to order trees from remote regions, but to purchase them from a local nursery, then you will be sure that this species can live in your climate.

You have brought the seedlings, now you need to mark the holes. Try to place the plantings so that the tallest trees are on the northern side of the garden, and the dwarf trees are on the southern side, then there will be enough sun for everyone.

Each breed has its own subtleties of planting, but there are general rules.

  1. The size of the hole should be such that the roots can fit freely there.
  2. Sand or crushed stone should be poured onto the bottom for drainage.
  3. When backfilling, first of all, throw the top layer onto the roots. fertile layer soil.
  4. The grafting site should be a few centimeters above ground level.
  5. The planted tree must be tied to a firmly fixed peg to prevent it from being swayed by the wind.

After landing, be careful young tree. Before rooting, shade it and keep the soil moist. It is correct to add hydrogel to the soil when planting; it regulates soil moisture both in drought and during prolonged rains. Be sure to mulch trunk circle, then loosening and weeding will not be required, and you will not disturb the finely located roots.


At your summer cottage, first of all, you need to plant trees that grow well and bear fruit in your conditions. If there is not enough space for ornamental crops, you can make an apple or cherry alley, surround fruit crops recreation area. It is better to plant exotic crops if there is free space and time for complex care.

When landing you need to take into account. Some varieties do not set fruit at all if there is no tree of a similar species nearby. Cherries alone will give a meager harvest. If you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with this work yourself, contact the specialists. A qualified team will properly landscape the area, all you have to do is care for the plants and harvest.