Who first introduced the term biosphere. Who introduced the term biosphere into scientific literature

Literally translated, the term “biosphere” means the sphere of life and in this sense it was first introduced into science in 1875 by the Austrian geologist and paleontologist Eduard Suess (1831 – 1914). However, long before this, under other names, in particular “space of life”, “picture of nature”, “living shell of the Earth”, etc., its content was considered by many other naturalists.

Initially, all these terms meant only the totality of living organisms living on our planet, although sometimes their connection with geographical, geological and cosmic processes was indicated, but at the same time, attention was rather drawn to the dependence of living nature on the forces and substances of inorganic nature. Even the author of the term “biosphere” itself, E. Suess, in his book “The Face of the Earth,” published almost thirty years after the introduction of the term (1909), did not notice the reverse effect of the biosphere and defined it as “a set of organisms limited in space and in time and living on the surface of the Earth."

The first biologist who clearly pointed out the enormous role of living organisms in the formation of the earth's crust was J. B. Lamarck (1744 - 1829). He emphasized that all the substances located on the surface of the globe and forming its crust were formed due to the activity of living organisms.

Facts and provisions about the biosphere accumulated gradually in connection with the development of botany, soil science, plant geography and other predominantly biological sciences, as well as geological disciplines. Those elements of knowledge that became necessary for understanding the biosphere as a whole turned out to be associated with the emergence of ecology, a science that studies the relationships between organisms and the environment. The biosphere is a specific natural system, and its existence is primarily expressed in the circulation of energy and substances with the participation of living organisms.

Very important for understanding the biosphere was the establishment by the German physiologist Pfeffer (1845 – 1920) of three methods of feeding living organisms:

- autotrophic - the construction of an organism through the use of substances of inorganic nature;

- heterotrophic - the structure of the body due to the use of low molecular weight organic compounds;

- mixotrophic - mixed type building an organism (autotrophic-heterotrophic).

The biosphere (in the modern sense) is a kind of shell of the Earth that contains the entire totality of living organisms and that part of the planet’s substance that is in continuous exchange with these organisms. The biosphere covers the lower atmosphere, hydrosphere and top part lithosphere.

· The atmosphere is the lightest shell of the Earth, which borders on outer space; Through the atmosphere, matter and energy are exchanged with space.

The atmosphere has several layers:

— troposphere – the lower layer adjacent to the Earth’s surface (altitude 9–17 km). It contains about 80% gas composition atmosphere and all water vapor;

— stratosphere;

- nonosphere - there is no “living matter” there. The predominant elements of the chemical composition of the atmosphere: N2 (78%), O2 (21%), CO2 (0.03%).

· Hydrosphere is the watery shell of the Earth. Due to its high mobility, water penetrates everywhere into various natural formations; even the purest atmospheric waters contain from 10 to 50 mg/l of soluble substances. The predominant elements of the chemical composition of the hydrosphere: Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl–, S, C. The concentration of one or another element in water does not say anything about how important it is for the plant and animal organisms living in it. In this regard, the leading role belongs to N, P, Si, which are absorbed by living organisms. Main feature ocean water is that the main ions are characterized by a constant ratio throughout the entire volume of the world's oceans.

· Lithosphere – the outer hard shell of the Earth, consisting of sedimentary and igneous rocks. Currently, the earth's crust is considered to be the upper layer of the planet's solid body, located above the Mohorovicic seismic boundary. The surface layer of the lithosphere, in which the interaction of living matter with mineral (inorganic) takes place, is soil. The remains of organisms after decomposition turn into humus (the fertile part of the soil). The components of soil are minerals, organic matter, living organisms, water, and gases. The predominant elements of the chemical composition of the lithosphere: O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K.

The leading role is played by oxygen, which accounts for half the mass of the earth's crust and 92% of its volume, but oxygen is firmly associated with other elements in the main rock-forming minerals. That. In quantitative terms, the earth’s crust is the “kingdom” of oxygen, chemically bound during the geological development of the earth’s crust.

Gradually, the idea of ​​a close relationship between living and inanimate nature, of the inverse impact of living organisms and their systems on the physical, chemical and geological factors surrounding them, more and more persistently penetrated the consciousness of scientists and found implementation in their specific research. This was also facilitated by the changes that occurred in the general approach of natural scientists to the study of nature. They became increasingly convinced that isolated research into natural phenomena and processes from the standpoint of individual scientific disciplines was inadequate. Therefore, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The ideas of a holistic, or integral, approach to the study of nature are increasingly penetrating science, which in our time have formed into a systematic method of studying it.

The results of this approach were immediately reflected in the study common problems the effects of biotic, or living, factors on abiotic, or physical, conditions. So, it turned out, for example, that the composition sea ​​water is largely determined by the activity of marine organisms. Plants living on sandy soil, significantly change its structure. Living organisms even control the composition of our atmosphere. The number of similar examples can easily be increased, and they all indicate the presence of feedback between living and inanimate nature, as a result of which living matter significantly changes the face of our Earth. Thus, the biosphere cannot be considered in isolation from inanimate nature, on which it, on the one hand, depends, and on the other, itself influences it. Therefore, natural scientists are faced with the task of specifically investigating how and to what extent living matter influences the physicochemical and geological processes occurring on the Earth’s surface and in the earth’s crust. Only such an approach can give a clear and deep understanding of the concept of the biosphere. This is precisely the task that the outstanding Russian scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863 – 1945) set himself.

v Living matter- the totality of all living organisms
v Inert substance– the totality of all nonliving bodies formed in processes without the participation of living things
v Nutrient– a set of inanimate bodies formed as a result of the vital activity of living organisms ( coal, limestones, hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, etc.)
v Bioinert substance– a set of bioinert bodies that represent the result joint activities living organisms and geological processes (water, soil, oil)
v Radioactive substance– atoms of radioactive elements (radioactive isotopes)
v Scattered atoms– atoms related to diffuse matter (created from terrestrial substances under the influence of cosmic radiation)
v Substance of cosmic origin– (meteorites, cosmic dust)

The classification of biosphere matter proposed by Vernadsky is not flawless from a logical point of view, since the identified categories of matter partially overlap each other, and “bioinert matter” is actually dynamic system, consisting of two substances - living and inert, which Vernadsky himself emphasized.

In this regard, there are modified classifications of substances in the biosphere. So, for example, A.V.

Biosphere concept

Lano in 1979 introduced only two types of substances: living and nonliving, within these types of substances he identified two gradations according to source material: biogenic and abiogenic.

Living matter ensures the biogeochemical circulation of substances and the transformation of energy in the biosphere. The following main geochemical functions of living matter are distinguished, which are grouped in scheme 66.

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Biosphere (composition, structure, parts)

Bisphere definition and terminology

Biosphere(from the Greek word - Bios - life and sphaira - ball) - the sphere of distribution of life, the living shell of the Earth, which includes the upper part of the lithosphere (land, soil, subsoil rocks), almost the entire hydrosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere (troposphere). The biosphere is the largest ecological system on our planet, the elements of which are systems lower levels(natural complexes, biogeocenoses, populations, groups, living beings, etc.). The term biosphere is one of the main concepts of ecology.

The term biosphere

The term biosphere was first used by geologist E.F. Suess.

Composition of the biosphere

The founder of the modern doctrine of the biosphere is V.I. Vernadsky. The biosphere, according to Vernadsky, includes all living beings (living matter) and components of inanimate nature (inert matter) - the environment for their existence.

All components of the biosphere are in continuous interaction with each other. The influence of abiotic environmental factors determines the living conditions of living organisms. In turn, living matter gradually changes the properties of inanimate nature.

Thus, the development of life (at the first stages only in ocean waters, which protected living beings from the destructive effects of short-wave - less than 280 nm - UV radiation from the Sun) led to dramatic changes the composition of substances dissolved in the waters of the World Ocean, and subsequently the atmosphere (decrease in the content of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane, carbon dioxide, increase in oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor). As a result, a protective ozone layer was formed, which, absorbing a large share of the energy of short-wave UV radiation, allowed living organisms to populate the land and, thus, expand the boundaries of the biosphere.

Parts of the biosphere

Through biosphere processes, the composition of the lithosphere changes - part of its substance is attracted to the structure of the bisphere (for example, during soil formation), but in the lithosphere, some rocks (for example, limestone) and deposits of combustible minerals (peat, coal, oil, natural gas) were formed from the remains of living organisms. .

Structure of the biosphere

In a structural sense, the biosphere is open system, which continuously exchanges energy with outer space and the bowels of the earth. The main source of energy for biosphere processes is solar radiation. Has a certain significance thermal energy, coming from the bowels of the earth. As a result, energy flows and the circulation of matter arise not only in separate parts bispheres, but also in the bowels of the earth and nearby space.

The circulation of substances occurs through two interconnected mechanisms:

  • as a result of relatively rapid biological processes (assimilation from the environment, transmission through food chains, disimilation into the environment)
  • relatively slow geochemical processes caused by internal (heat of the earth's interior, mountain building, tectonic, seismic, volcanic activity) and external (weathering, leaching) forces of the Earth

A significant portion of the energy solar radiation returns from the biosphere to nearby space mainly in the form of IR thermal radiation. The emergence and development of human civilization significantly changed the nature of biosphere processes. A fundamentally new mechanism of these processes has emerged - social, which is distinguished by the presence of a volitional organizing principle, that is, it makes it possible to carry out processes that do not occur arbitrarily in nature:

  • mining
  • their processing
  • use of other natural resources
  • waste disposal

Among the latter there are substances that, when entering the biosphere, do not participate in metabolic processes or significantly disrupt them (xenobiotics). Therefore, the composition of the bisphere is gradually changing under the influence of human activity. These changes result in the disruption of natural biogeocenoses and the formation of new, anthropogenic ones, characterized by depleted species structure and low stability. The technosphere is formed - a part of the biosphere changed by human activity. It is subject to degradation due to the imbalance of the processes that occur in it.

Good to know

A manual for the sections “Biosphere”

The main features of the structural and functional organization of the biosphere.

Question - Name the most important features doctrines about the biosphere?

Answer– Currently, the study of the biosphere has acquired not only great scientific, but also practical significance. At the same time, many provisions of V.I. Vernadsky still continue to be difficult to interpret. IN AND. Vernadsky not only filled the concept of the biosphere with biogeochemical meaning, but also developed the foundations of its structural and functional organization. Over the past years, the system of views on the doctrine of the biosphere has undergone conceptual and structural restructuring, including periods of integration and differentiation. The doctrine of the biosphere served as the basis for the formation of biogeochemistry, which, according to V.V. Kowalskiy (1985), lies the systemic organization of the biosphere. One of the most important trends in the study of the biosphere is an exceptionally increased interest in the composition and role of living organisms in the processes of accumulation, transformation and redistribution of cosmic energy. The most relevant in the development of the concept of the biosphere continues to be its study as a single system at the planetary level, and in the future the determination of its role and place in the material and energy field of outer space. There is no doubt that the problem of the biosphere is generally related to the study of the earth's shells. To date, in addition to the biosphere, there are many other terms denoting the earth's shell inhabited by living organisms: phytogeosphere (E.M.

Question 1. Who first introduced the term biosphere into scientific literature.

Lavrenko), epigenesis (R.I. Abolin), ecosphere (Cole), biogeosphere (I.M. Zabelin), vitasphere (A.N. Tyuryukanov and V.D. Aleksandrova); V.A. Kovda introduced the concept of humusphere.

Question - Define the biosphere.

Answer— The fundamental concept of the biosphere lies, first of all, in the fact that its independence in the system of the earth’s shells is a priori recognized, including the specific laws of its formation, in which living organisms play the leading role. If Suess, a professor at the University of Vienna, back in 1875 understood the biosphere as a region permeated with life and, according to V.I. Vernadsky, completed the idea of ​​the omnipresence of life that was slowly penetrating into people’s consciousness, then N.M. Sibirtsev, almost a quarter of a century (before 1900), even before the main works of V.I. Vernadsky, defined the biosphere as a special shell. Thus, when defining weathering, he wrote that “it occurs under the influence of external, peripheral forces and, moreover, in a situation corresponding to the combination and intensity of these forces at the border of the lithosphere with the atmosphere and biosphere” (Sibirtsev, 1951, p. 90). S.N. Kravkov (1937, p. 17) noted that “the processes of transformation of this or that rock into soil imply the indispensable participation of elements of the biosphere in this work,” referring to them not only living organisms, but also the products of their decomposition and mineralization. Within the framework of the biosphere concept, this means that we're talking about about biogenic and bioinert formations. However, only the works of V.I. Vernadsky laid the foundation for the scientific understanding of the structural and functional organization of the biosphere, including its component composition and specifics of functioning. V.I. Vernadsky developed as a researcher under the influence of the deep ideas of V.V. Dokuchaev. According to him, the influence of V.V. Dokuchaeva determined the entire course of his thoughts and the course of work of the biogeochemical laboratory. In addition, V.I. Verndasky emphasized the influence of Buffon, which is probably explained by the latter’s evolutionary ideas. The focus of V.I. Vernadsky’s close attention when presenting the concept of the biosphere is always the doctrine of living matter. V.I. Vernadsky drew attention to the fact that when studying the biosphere, the importance of three groups of works is important - naturalist thinkers, chroniclers, and masters fiction. In the latter case, he meant works that describe certain natural landscapes.

Many researchers, following V.I. Vernadsky gave a definition of the biosphere. One of the successful definitions belongs to V.A. Kovde (1972): the biosphere is a complex multicomponent planetary thermodynamically open self-regulating system of living matter and inanimate matter, accumulating and redistributing huge energy resources and determining the composition and dynamics of the earth's crust, atmosphere and hydrosphere. Several aspects are important in its definition. The main aspect in the definition is systems approach and self-regulation of the biosphere, which determines its stability. In foreign works, the biosphere is often understood in a more simplified form, for example, only as a region (“Biosphere”, 1972), onto which radiant energy falls and which is rich in water.

Question: What are the components of the biosphere?

Answer: Within the framework of V.I. Vernadsky’s concept, the biosphere contains three groups of components that are genetically interconnected. The first and most important group is living matter - a collection of living organisms. The second group is biogenic matter (products created by living matter, for example: coals, sapropels, humus). The third most important group includes bioinert formations - products formed as a result of the interaction of living organisms and inanimate matter - soil, or sedimentary rocks, some gases).

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Completed by: senior group ESz-10 Smalyuk Anna Nikolaevna

Irkutsk 2012

1. The concept of the biosphere. General views about the biosphere.

2. The law of tolerance.

3. Biological pollution of the environment.

4. Anthropogenic impact on the biosphere.

5. List of references used

6. Task 1.

7. Task 2.

8. Task 3.

9. 3 task 4

The concept of the biosphere. General ideas about the biosphere.

The biosphere, according to the teachings of Academician V.I. Vernadsky, is the outer shell of the Earth, including all living matter and the area of ​​its distribution (habitat). The upper limit of the biosphere is the protective ozone layer in the atmosphere at an altitude of 20-25 km, above which life is impossible due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The lower boundary of the biosphere is: lithosphere to a depth of 3-5 km and hydrosphere to a depth of 11-12 km (Fig. 1).

Fig 1. The structure of the biosphere (according to V.I. Vernadsky)

Components of the biosphere: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere - perform essential functions to ensure life on Earth.

The biosphere arose about 4.5 billion years ago and went through several stages of evolutionary development: from the initial cycle of organic matter to the biological cycle - the continuous exchange of matter and energy between living organisms and environment throughout the life of organisms and after their death.

The most important components of the biosphere are:

Living matter (plants, animals, microorganisms);

Biogenic substance of organic origin (coal, peat, soil humus, oil, chalk, limestone, etc.);

Inert matter (rocks of inorganic origin);

Bioinert substance (products of decay and processing of rocks by living organisms).

Important in the relationships between organisms is food- trophic factor(from Greek trophe- food). Primary organic matter is created by green plants (producers - manufacturers) using solar energy. They consume carbon dioxide, water, salts and release oxygen.

Consumers (consumers) can be divided into two orders:

I - organisms that feed on plant foods;

II - organisms that feed on animal food.

Decomposers(reducing agents) - organisms that feed on decaying organisms, bacteria and fungi. Here the role of microorganisms is especially great, completely destroying organic residues and converting them into final products (mineral salts, carbon dioxide, water, simple organic substances) that enter the soil and are re-consumed by plants.

The ability of living organisms to adapt to environmental factors is characterized by ecological valency, or plasticity.

Living organisms are in constant interaction with the environment, consisting of many phenomena, conditions, and elements that change in time and space, called environmental environmental factors. These are any environmental conditions that have a long-term or short-term effect on living organisms that respond to these influences with adaptive reactions. They are divided into abiotic(factors of inanimate nature) and biotic(factors of living nature). The currently accepted version of the classification of environmental environmental factors is presented in table 1.

Table 1.
Classification of environmental environmental factors

Biotic environmental factors determine the relationships between organisms. These factors in this case are called trophic, i.e. food.

Environmental factors under the influence of newly obtained chemicals that do not exist in nature and man-made man-made components are greatly changed.

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Pollutants appear, which leads to disruption of saprophytic (maintaining balance in the ecosystem) interaction in the natural environment. This is often accompanied by the death of animals and plants, leads to disruption of functions, death of all living things and desertification of the earth. The predominant species in the microbiota are pathogenic microorganisms that can be classified as biological pollutants. The composition of the atmosphere changes negatively, and the aggressiveness of underground and groundwater increases. The planet is experiencing warming, depletion of the ozone layer, and acid rain is becoming more frequent.

All of these factors influence not only living organisms (including humans), but also monuments, and failure to take even one of them into account can affect the quality of restoration and even lead to the death of the monument.
2. The law of tolerance.

Shelford's law of tolerance (from the Latin tolerantia - patience) is a principle of ecology, according to which the limiting factor that determines the prosperity of an organism can be both a minimum and a maximum environmental impact; the range between extreme values ​​determines the degree of endurance and tolerance of the body to a given factor. This law was formulated in 1913 by the American ecologist Victor Ernest Shelford (1877-1968). The logic of the law is obvious: any organism, including humans, feels equally uncomfortable, for example, at extremely low or extremely high temperature limits.

For the successful application of this law, a number of supporting principles should be taken into account.

Organisms may have wide range tolerance for one factor and a narrow range for another factor.

Organisms with wide limits of tolerance to almost all factors are usually the most widespread and form ecotypes that differ in the position of the optimum zone within the tolerance limits.

If conditions for one environmental factor are not optimal for the body, then the range of tolerance to other environmental factors may narrow. For example, when the nitrogen content in the soil is limited, the drought resistance of cereals decreases.

In nature, organisms very often find themselves in conditions that do not correspond to the optimal range of a particular factor. enjoy optimal conditions environment, organisms are often hampered by interpopulation and intrapopulation relationships, i.e. interspecific and intraspecific biotic factors. For example, with a large number of weeds cultivated plants cannot fully use solar energy, water and nutrients, just like when crops are planted too densely.

The initial stages of the development of organisms are usually critical, because many environmental factors during this period often become limiting due to the fact that the limits of tolerance for developing individuals are usually narrower than for adult organisms. For example, an adult cypress plant can grow on a dry highland and “knee-deep in water,” while seed germination and seedling development are possible only in moderately moist soil.

The value of the concept of limiting factors is that it gives the ecologist starting point during research difficult situations in nature. The main attention should be paid to those factors that are functionally important for the body at some stages of its development. life cycle. Then it will be possible to fairly accurately predict the result of environmental changes. To do this you need:

1) Through observation, analysis, experiment, discover factors that are functionally important for the body.

2) Determine how these factors affect individuals, populations, communities.

To determine whether a species can exist in a given region, it is necessary to find out whether any limiting environmental factors exceed the limits of its ecological valence, especially during the period of reproduction and development.

Identification of limiting factors is very important in practice Agriculture, because by directing the main efforts to their elimination, you can quickly and effectively increase plant yields or animal productivity. Thus, knowledge of the laws on limiting factors is the key to managing the life activity of organisms in nature and the economy.

It follows from the law of tolerance that environmental factors are favorable at the optimal level of influence for a given type of organism, which is usually close to the average effect of the factor (Figure 2). In this case, the body does not seem to notice the effect of this factor. Moreover, the wider the range of action of a factor under which the organism remains viable, the higher its tolerance to the action of this factor. Therefore, organisms that have a wide range of tolerance to many environmental factors are usually the most common.

Figure 2 - Graphic representation of Shelford's law of tolerance.

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b) potential effectiveness of Fleishman;

c) hierarchical ordering, characteristic of control systems;

d) display of the most significant elements and their properties;

e) highlighting all connections between the elements and goals of the system in the form of deterministic or analytical dependencies.

34. Non-additivity of a system is...

a) the fundamental irreducibility of the properties of a system to the sum of the properties of its constituent components;

b) active suppression of harmful qualities;

c) the presence of system-forming, system-preserving factors;

d) the process of purposeful change in time of the state of the system

e) a complex property of systems, consisting in the presence of structure and functioning.

Finish the sentence

35. The pattern of self-organization is manifested in .....

a) the ability of the system to resist entropic tendencies, adapt to changing conditions, transforming its structure if necessary;

b) the system’s desire to reduce the independence of its elements;

c) the presence of a control system with greater information potential than that of the control object;

d) the presence of less diversity in the control system compared to the diversity of the control object;

e) the presence of significant connections between elements and (or) their properties, exceeding in power (strength) the connections of these elements with elements not included in this system.

36. Law of “necessary diversity” U.R. Ashby:

a) “The diversity of the control system (control system) must be greater than the diversity of the controlled object”;

b) “The information potential of the control system must be less than the information potential of the control object”;

c) “The ability of a system, regardless of initial conditions and time, to achieve a certain limiting state, depending on the level of development of the system”;

d) “The power of internal connections of system elements should be higher than the power of connections between system elements and environmental elements”;

e) “A whole created from parts and elements of purposeful activity must have new properties that are absent in the elements and parts that form it.”

Select correct option answer

Equifinality characterizes...

a) the presence of all kinds of connections between systems;

b) the maximum capabilities of the system;

c) spatial connectivity of system elements;

d) images of manifestation of real systems;

e) hierarchical ordering.

38. Communication is….

a) a set of elements of a real system;

b) temporal consistency, spatial connectivity and equifinality of the system;

c) the presence of connections between the system and its environment;

d) presence of an objective function;

d) reason driving force any process or phenomenon that determines its character or one of its main features.

39. Integrity is characterized by….

a) physical additivity;

b) increasing the independence of system elements;

c) the fact that the property of the entire system is not a simple sum of the properties of its constituent elements;

d) the fact that the properties of the system (the whole) depend on the properties of its constituent elements;

e) loss by elements of some properties inherent to them outside the system.

40. Progressive systematization is….

c) factor analysis;

d) the unity of interconnected and mutually influencing elements located in a certain pattern in space and time;

e) the ability of the system to maintain its equilibrium.

41. Progressive factorization is…..

a) the system’s desire to achieve a state with independent elements;

b) the system’s desire to reduce the independence of its elements;

c) the presence of system-forming factors;

d) factor analysis;

e) updating patterns to study systems, their behavior and connections with the environment.

42. The expediency of society is manifested in….

a) the presence of a system of laws;

b) lack of ideology;

c) the existence of constitutional principles for building a state;

d) the presence of parliamentarism;

e) lack of centralism in management.

43. The value subsystem includes:

a) values; goals; value principles; laws of equivalence;

b) elements; communications; structures; laws of interpretation;

c) structures; processes; values; goals;

d) information; goals; values; laws of transformation;

e) values; goals; spherocenosis; laws of motion.

44. The process subsystem includes:

a) factors; processes; knowledge; structures;

b) processes; factors; laws of change (motion); conditions;

c) processes; knowledge; conditions; laws of interpretation;

d) factors; knowledge; information; spherocenosis;

e) factors, processes, structures, laws of interpretation.

What is the biosphere

The information (knowledge) subsystem consists of the following components:

a) information; laws of interpretation; memory; language;

b) information; laws of information; information analysis; language;

c) processes; information; structures; values;

d) structures; language; processes; information;

e) knowledge; information; intelligence; memory.

46. ​​Structure…

a) reflects certain relationships, mutual position components systems, its structure;

b) this is the ability of a system to transition from one state to another;

c) this is the ability of a system, regardless of initial conditions and time, to achieve a certain limiting state determined by the internal parameters of the system;

d) it is a set of elements;

e) the ability of a system to return to some equilibrium state after the end of external forces or internal disturbances.

47. System input….

a) consists of elements classified according to their role in the processes occurring in the system;

b) ensures the placement and movement of system components;

c) external (environmental) environment, which is understood as a set of factors and phenomena that affect the processes of the system and cannot be directly controlled by its managers;

d) exchanges material and information resources or energy with the environment in a regular and understandable manner;

e) operates with relatively little exchange of energy or materials with the environment.

48. The transformation connection is...

a) communication implemented through a specific object that ensures this change in the system;

b) the necessary connection between economic phenomena and objects, in which it is clear where the cause and where the effect is;

c) difficult Feedback, in which the development of science moves production, and the latter creates the basis for the expansion of scientific research;

d) ensures the real life activity of the object or its operation;

e) is intended for a given functional transfer of matter, energy, information or their combinations - from one element to another in the direction of the main process.

49. Deterministic (hard) connection is...

a) implicit, indirect dependence between the elements of the system

b) a clearly defined formula for the interaction of elements;

V) controlled system, considered as a set of interconnected controlled subsystems united by a common purpose of operation;

d) ensures the placement and movement of system components;

e) the unidirectionality (or purposefulness) of the actions of the components enhances the efficiency of the system.

50. Multiplicativeness is...

a) qualities of elements that make it possible to quantitatively describe the system and express it in certain quantities;

b) a property that ensures correspondence between the output of the system and the requirement for it as an input to the subsequent system;

c) the operations, processes or channels through which input elements pass;

d) a property in which both positive and negative effects of the functioning of components in the system have the property of multiplication rather than addition;

e) orderliness of the system, a certain set and arrangement of elements with connections between them.

Over the last month, how many videos have I watched where they claimed that our planet is actually a hologram, that reptilians came from outer space, and people are their lab rats. People love to believe in all sorts of nonsense! As if they didn’t teach us at school how our biosphere developed. Although I’m sure that most of the authors of such videos don’t even know what I’m talking about, what is biosphereA.

Biosphere - the shell of the Earth

Let's imagine the candy “Bears in the Forest”. Our planet is like such candy. And on shell, as on the wrapper, bears live. And not only them, but also all living beings. This:

There is another definition: biosphere is a place in space where life spreads. Don’t you see the difference with the previous definition, since the Earth is a space object? The fact is that this approach assumes that life can exist and on other planets.

Biosphere within the Solar System

What life in all its diversity exists on Earth - the matter is obvious. Look outside the window: birds are flying, butterflies are fluttering, trees are growing, flowers are blooming. But what about extraterrestrial civilizations?

Scientists have been hoping to find life in space for decades. The very first candidate here was Mars, and all because it is very well located. But the research led to sad results: even the smallest organisms, like bacteria, and were not found in the vastness of the red planet. It’s a pity: Bradbury described life on Mars so beautifully in his “The Martian Chronicles.”

Other contenders were Jupiter's moons – Callisto and Europa. Here everything is even more rosy, research is still underway. For example, scientists believe that under the ice of Europe the real one is hiding ocean. What if life could arise there, as on Earth? Moreover, this moon of Jupiter also hides under its surface oxygen reserves. On Callisto with oxygen it’s worse, but ocean presence also quite likely.

What about the gas giant itself? Alas, here the climate is too harsh so that you can exist here. The same can be said about Uranus, Saturn and Neptune.

Yes and Venus not happy with his acid rain. Try living in such conditions!

So on every planet– somewhere the puzzle doesn’t fit, and life just can't appear. So The fact that the biosphere and you and I, as part of it, exist is a huge piece of luck.

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"What is the biosphere?" - this question ruined me at the school biology Olympiad. After that day, I learned and, probably, for the rest of my life I will remember what this “sphere” was that cost me Olympic silver. Now I’ll tell you about it so that no one else falls for insidious questions.

The biosphere and what it is eaten with

Biosphere - shell of the earth, which is inhabited alive organisms. It's like this global ecosystem of our planet Earth. The biosphere includes all land, bodies of water(but it’s difficult to say for sure about the depth to which the reservoir belongs to the biosphere; it is very likely that there is life at the bottom of the Mariana Trench), this upper layers of soil (up to 7.5 km deep) And lower layers of the atmosphere (15-17 km).

If living organisms exist somewhere, then their habitat is already part of the biosphere. If life is found on other planets or people populate them, then the populated areas of the other planet will be a biosphere.

What does the biosphere consist of?

  1. Alive organisms or, to put it roughly scientifically, living matter.
  2. Nutrient(what living organisms form, that is, their waste products and what animals and plants synthesize, say, glucose, etc.).
  3. Inert substance(that which is formed not by living organisms, but by nature, for example, stones)
  4. Something between inert matter and biogenic matter, such as soil itself or silt.
  5. Substances of extraterrestrial origin(many meteorites fall to the ground, some disintegrate and the rock from which they are created falls to the ground).
  6. The most mysterious part is atoms, which, under the influence of forces and radiation, were knocked out of the composition of any earthly substance.

The future of the biosphere

Now the biosphere is undergoing changes and not always favorable ones. To build roads, forests are cut down, rivers, swamps, lakes, which are natural habitat for living organisms. Work is already underway to restore the earth's biosphere through landscaping and the creation of nature reserves. There are suggestions that in the future the biosphere can be recreated on other planets, for example, on Mars.

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The biosphere is everything that can be called living: from dandelions and blue-green algae to humans. It has boundaries, since “life” cannot remain alive under all conditions. For example, in the oceans, “life”, and therefore the biosphere, has spread to approximately 12 km in depth. Above the Earth's surface, 20 km up (the ozone layer ends there). If you go higher, it's tough. ultraviolet radiation and radiation will destroy all living things.

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My mother is a teacher of geography and biology, which is probably why I was and remain passionate about these subjects. And in view of this, I learned what the biosphere is much earlier than the corresponding topic began to be taught at school.

What is a “living shell” (biosphere)

Speaking in purely scientific language, the biosphere is the ecosystem of the planet. It includes all life on Earth:

  • animals;
  • plants;
  • microorganisms;
  • People.

There are several types of “spheres”, including: hydro- (water), strato- (lower part of the atmosphere) and other spheres. They all overlap or combine with each other. In this case, the biosphere is located on the surface of the lithosphere, inside the hydrosphere and in the lower layers of the atmosphere.

The boundaries of the biosphere pass through the habitats of living organisms. The lowest point is in the hydrosphere, at a depth of about 11 kilometers, and the highest is 15–20 kilometers in the atmosphere - where the ozone layer is present. In the earth, life is possible at a depth of 3.5–7.5 kilometers.

It is important to understand that the biosphere consists of more than just living organisms themselves. The Earth's ecosystem also includes, for example, animal waste.

How did the biosphere appear?

Having understood what the biosphere is, it is impossible not to talk at least briefly about how it was formed. According to the most recent data, the formation of the corresponding layer began no later than 3.8 billion years ago - it was at this time that the first organisms began to appear on our planet.

As for the origin of life, there are several theories on this matter. One of the most common says that it appeared as a result of a random collision of atoms, resulting in a self-replicating molecule. Then, as a result of further progress, the corresponding microscopic structures became more and more complex, which led to the appearance of the first cells.

The biosphere is one of the most important layers of the earth. We are all part of it. And even any serious disturbances in the biosphere can lead to tragic consequences.

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Probably each of us has wondered about the benefits of school knowledge. After all, it often seems that we study only useless information, and miss something worthwhile. And today, for the first time in several years, my knowledge of the biosphere was useful to me. After all, who, if not the older sister, helps the younger ones with homework?)

What is hidden under the name "biosphere"

Simply put, the biosphere is all living things, including us who inhabit the Earth, and according to the latest data, not only it. Plants, animals, even their tiniest representatives are part of this ancient earthly shell.

Can you imagine that the biosphere is already more than 3 billion years old? After all, it, as the earth’s shell, began its formation simultaneously with the birth of the first inhabitants of the Earth and to this day contains more than 3 million unique species of representatives of the living world. Incredible, isn't it?

History of the study of the earth's shell

The first attempts to study the largest shell of the Earth can be safely attributed to scientists and philosophers Ancient Greece, China and India. Of course, it took centuries for study and recognition, and not everyone succeeded.

For the first time, the concept of the biosphere was introduced into science by J.B. Lamarck, but many treated the term with caution and distrust for a long time. Only in the twentieth century, thanks to the Soviet scientist V.I. Vernadsky, did the modern doctrine of the earth’s shell appear, which was also not immediately recognized.

Ecological problems of the biosphere

Unfortunately, technological progress has not only brought good things. Due to the large number of industries, unprocessed waste and lack of proper attention to the problem, the condition of the biosphere is deteriorating.

Effective measures to prevent death and destruction of the living shell include:

  • financing environmental projects;
  • installation of filters in production;
  • limiting waste emissions and recycling;
  • use of new, environmentally friendly technologies in production.

Thus, now, in the era of technology, people should think not only about themselves, but also about who lives next door.

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Biosphere- one of the shells Globe, populated by living organisms, which is under their influence and filled with the products of their vital activity.

The biosphere began to form no later than 3.8 billion years ago, when the first organisms began to emerge on our planet. It passes through the entire hydrosphere, the upper part of the lithosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere. The biosphere is the totality of all living organisms. It is inhabited by more than 3,000,000 species of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. Man is also part of the biosphere.

French scientist Jean Baptiste Lamarck early XIX V. first proposed the concept of the biosphere, without even naming the term itself. The term "biosphere" was proposed by the Austrian geologist and paleontologist Eduard Suess in 1875.

A holistic doctrine of the biosphere was created by the Soviet biogeochemist and philosopher V.I. Vernadsky. For the first time, he assigned living organisms the role of the main transformative force of planet Earth, taking into account their activities not only at the present time, but also in the past.

Boundaries of the biosphere:

  • Upper limit in the atmosphere: 15-20 km. It is determined by the ozone ball, which blocks short-wave ultraviolet rays that are destructive to living organisms.
  • Lower boundary in the lithosphere: 3.5-7.5 km. It is determined by the temperature of transition of water into steam and the temperature of denaturation of proteins, but generally the distribution of living organisms is limited to a depth of several meters.
  • The boundary between the atmosphere and the lithosphere in the hydrosphere: 10-11 km. Determined by the bottom of the World Ocean, including bottom sediments.

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During my student years, I often had the opportunity to work with various biological and environmental concepts. But what the biosphere is and what its boundaries are has been a mystery to me for a long time. But one day, gathering my will into a fist, I decided to figure out what kind of thing this is? And I didn’t regret it, because I learned a lot of new things!

Why the biosphere is a film of life

The doctrine of the biosphere was developed by the greatest Russian scientist V.I. Vernadsky. He called it the “living” shell of the earth. Simply put, the biosphere is an area inhabited by living organisms. Moreover, it is so subtle that our contemporaries more often use the concept of “film of life” to define this unusual phenomenon.

Thus, the biosphere can include all places on our planet where life can be found. And the aforementioned Vernadsky said that it is the living organisms living in it that play the most important role in creating the appearance of the Earth.

Layering of the biosphere

With all of the above, we can name three obvious layers in the “living” shell of the planet:

  • the aerosphere populated by bacteria and flying animals;
  • the geosphere, inhabited by all organisms living on earth;
  • hydrosphere inhabited by aquatic organisms.

People, like most mammals, are residents of the second on the list, but the first in importance, geosphere.

Is there a biosphere in space?

But small living organisms can rise beyond the accepted boundaries of the aerosphere. In particular, tardigrades can easily withstand the cold and radiation of space. Given that for most other animals, the upper limit of survival is the ozone layer, located at an altitude of 15–20 kilometers.

And recently I read that microscopic algae were discovered on the skin of the ISS, apparently accidentally brought in by those leaving open space astronauts. These amazing organisms were able to calmly grow and reproduce there!..

So it turns out that the biosphere is a home for the inhabitants of the Earth of any kind. But the desire for life is stronger than all circumstances. Therefore, many organisms can easily find refuge far beyond the borders of our planet.

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Life in all its manifestations interested me even in the very beginning. early age. Endless books and TV shows about animals, plants, mushrooms...

When biology lessons started at school, I was in seventh heaven. That's when I found out what is the biosphere?

What are geospheres

Biosphere- one of geospheres, so I suggest you get acquainted with this first general concept.

If we imagine the Earth in a very simplified way as a prefabricated structure, we can find that it consists of the following shell spheres:

  • lithosphere;
  • pedosphere;
  • hydrosphere;
  • atmosphere;
  • biosphere.

The lithosphere is formed by the earth's crust; pedosphere - soil; hydrosphere - water; atmosphere - air.

All geospheres connected between themselves, neither one can be “removed” without damaging the other. They are not static, each is constantly changes.

Biosphere(“life” + “sphere”) is different from others.

It is the youngest and in a sense the most fragile, because the biosphere is life itself, i.e. a set of living organisms and elements of their life activity.

What is included in the biosphere

Biosphere is quite complicated. It intersects with other geospheres, forming:

  • geobiosphere;
  • hydrobiosphere;
  • aerobiosphere.

The biosphere of earth, water and air, in other words. They are all interconnected.

Substances that make up the biosphere:

  • alive;
  • biogenic;
  • inert;
  • bioinert.

With the first, everything is simple - these are the organisms themselves. WITH biogenic too - these are products of their (organisms) vital activity.

Inert substance is formed without any participation of living organisms, but bioinert is a kind of “mixture” of biogenic and inert.

Biokosnoe a substance is formed by the joint “work” of living organisms and complex and, as a rule, long-term geochemical processes.

The simplest example is soil. Organic waste in it gradually decomposes until organic matter, which are then absorbed by plants, parts of which then die, turning into organic waste...

Like this cyclicality.

If we consider the organisms inhabiting the biosphere, they have traditionally been divided kingdoms:

  • bacteria;
  • mushrooms;
  • plants;
  • animals.

IN this moment tend to be classified into separate kingdoms chromists And protists, which, by their characteristics, do not belong to any of the listed groups.

Viruses occupy a complex, strange position between living and nonliving, so it is unclear to what extent they relate or do not relate to biosphere. Although they influence her life more than noticeably.

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Biosphere (from Greek bios - life, sphaira - sphere)- the shell of planet Earth in which life is present. The development of the term “biosphere” is associated with the English geologist Eduard Suesse and the Russian scientist V.I. Vernadsky. The biosphere, together with the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, forms the four main shells of the Earth.

Origin of the term "biosphere"

The term "biosphere" was first coined by geologist Eduard Suess in 1875 to refer to the space on the Earth's surface where life exists. A more complete definition of the concept “biosphere” was proposed by V.I. Vernadsky. He was the first to assign life the dominant role of the transformative force of our planet, taking into account the vital activity of organisms both in the present and in the past. Geochemists define the term "biosphere" as the total sum of living organisms ("biomass" or "biota" as biologists and ecologists call it).

Boundaries of the biosphere

Every part of the planet, from polar ice to the equator, inhabited by living organisms. Recent advances in the field of microbiology have shown that microorganisms live deep under the earth's surface and perhaps their total biomass exceeds the biomass of all flora and fauna on the Earth's surface.

Currently actual boundaries biosphere cannot be measured. Typically, most bird species fly at altitudes between 650 and 1,800 meters, and fish have been found as deep as 8,372 meters in the Puerto Rico Trench. But there are also more extreme examples of life on the planet. The African vulture, or Rüppell's vulture, has been seen at altitudes of over 11,000 meters, bar-billed geese usually migrate to altitudes of at least 8,300 meters, wild yaks live in the mountainous regions of Tibet at an altitude of about 3200 - 5400 meters above sea level, and mountain goats live at altitudes up to 3000 meters.

Microscopic organisms are able to live in more extreme conditions and if we take them into account, the thickness of the biosphere is much greater than we imagined. Some microorganisms have been found in upper layers Earth's atmosphere at an altitude of 41 km. It is unlikely that microbes are active at altitudes where temperature and air pressure are extremely low and ultraviolet radiation is very intense. Most likely, they were transported to the upper atmosphere by winds or volcanic eruptions. Also, single-celled life forms were found in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench at a depth of 11,034 meters.

Despite all the above examples of the extremes of life, in general the layer of the Earth's biosphere is so thin that it can be compared to the peel of an apple.

Structure of the biosphere

The biosphere is organized into a hierarchical structure in which individual organisms form populations. Several interacting populations make up a biocenosis. Communities of living organisms (biocenosis) living in certain physical habitats (biotope) form an ecosystem. is a group of animals, plants and microorganisms that interact with each other and with their environment in such a way as to ensure their existence. Therefore, the ecosystem is the functional unit of sustainability of life on Earth.

Origin of the biosphere

The biosphere has existed for about 3.5-3.7 billion years. The first forms of life were prokaryotes - single-celled living organisms that could live without oxygen. Some prokaryotes have developed unique chemical process, which we know as . They were able to use sunlight to make simple sugar and oxygen from water and carbon dioxide. These photosynthetic microorganisms were so numerous that they radically transformed the biosphere. Over a long period of time, an atmosphere formed from a mixture of oxygen and other gases that could support new life.

The addition of oxygen to the biosphere allowed the rapid development of more complex forms life. Millions appeared various plants, animals that ate plants and other animals. evolved to decompose dead animals and plants.

Thanks to this, the biosphere has made a huge leap in its development. The decomposed remains of dead plants and animals were released into the soil and ocean nutrients, which are reabsorbed by plants. This exchange of energy allowed the biosphere to become a self-sustaining and self-regulating system.

The role of photosynthesis in the development of life

The biosphere is unique in its kind. So far there have been no scientific facts, confirming the existence of life in other places in the Universe. Life on Earth exists thanks to the Sun. When exposed to energy from sunlight, a process called photosynthesis occurs. As a result of photosynthesis, plants, some types of bacteria and protozoa convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and organic compounds such as sugar under the influence of light. The vast majority of animal, fungal, plant and bacterial species depend directly or indirectly on photosynthesis.

Factors influencing the biosphere

There are many factors influencing the biosphere and our life on Earth. There are global factors such as the distance between the Earth and the Sun. If our planet were closer or further away from the Sun, then the Earth would be too hot or cold for life to arise. The angle of inclination of the earth's axis is also an important factor influencing the planet's climate. Seasons and seasonal climate changes are direct results of the Earth's tilt.

Local factors also have an important impact on the biosphere. If you look at specific area The earth can be seen to be influenced by climate, daily weather, erosion and life itself. These small factors constantly change space and living organisms must respond accordingly, adapting to changes in their environment. Even though people can control most of their immediate environment, they are still vulnerable to natural disasters.

The smallest of the factors influencing the appearance of the biosphere are changes occurring at the molecular level. Oxidation and reduction reactions can change the composition of rocks and organic matter. There is also biological degradation. Tiny organisms such as bacteria and fungi are capable of processing both organic and inorganic materials.

Biosphere reserves

People play an important role in maintaining the energy exchange of the biosphere. Unfortunately, our impact on the biosphere is often negative. For example, oxygen levels in the atmosphere are decreasing and carbon dioxide levels are rising due to people over-burning fossil fuels, and oil spills and industrial waste discharges into the ocean cause enormous damage to the hydrosphere. The future of the biosphere depends on how people interact with other living things.

In the early 1970s, the United Nations established a project called Man and the Biosphere (MAB), which promotes sustainable, balanced development. There are currently hundreds of biosphere reserves around the world. The first biosphere reserve was created in Yangambi, Democratic Republic Congo. Yangambi is located in the fertile Congo River Basin and is home to some 32,000 species of trees and animals, including endemic species such as the forest elephant and brush-eared pig. Yangambi Biosphere Reserve supports important activities such as sustainable agriculture, hunting and extraction.

Extraterrestrial biospheres

Until now, the biosphere has not been discovered outside the Earth. Therefore, the existence of extraterrestrial biospheres remains hypothetical. On the one hand, many scientists believe that life on other planets is unlikely, and if it exists somewhere, it is most likely in the form of microorganisms. On the other hand, there can be a lot of analogues of the Earth, even in our galaxy - the Milky Way. Considering limited opportunities our technologies, it is currently unknown what percentage of these planets are capable of having a biosphere. It is also impossible to exclude the possibility that artificial biospheres will be created by humans in the future, for example, on Mars.

The biosphere is a very fragile system in which every living organism is an important link in a huge chain of life. We must realize that man, as the most intelligent creature on the planet, is responsible for preserving the miracle of life on our planet.

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) and hard ( litho-sphere) shell of the Earth (Fig. 74).

Upper limit

The upper boundary of the biosphere is located at an altitude of 15-25 km above sea level (and at different regions The Earth is different) in the lower layer of the atmosphere - the troposphere (Fig. 75).

Within these limits of the biosphere, under the influence of the energy of solar rays, oxygen is converted into ozone and an ozone screen is formed. He does not miss the main part of cosmic and ultraviolet rays, providing harmful effects on living organisms, so they do not reach the earth's surface.

In the uppermost layers of the biosphere there are spores of bacteria, fungi, mosses and ferns that are very resistant to adverse conditions (they are called aeroplankton). Some birds, butterflies and spiders can rise to a height of 6-7 km.

Lower limit in the hydrosphere

Composition of the biosphere is diverse and is divided into four parts.

  • Living matter.
  • Nutrients.
  • Solids.
  • Substances of biogenic and abiogenic origin.

Living matter

The totality of all living organisms living on our planet is living matter biosphere. Despite the fact that living matter in its mass represents a very insignificant part of the biosphere, its activity during geological epochs has had a huge impact for the development of the Earth.

According to V.I. Vernadsky, life originated on Earth some time after its appearance and was one of the main factors that changed the appearance of our planet.


Nutrients is the result of the activity of living organisms. These include oil, coal, limestone and atmospheric gases.


The total mass of living organisms in the biosphere is called biomass, 93% of which is on land, and 7% in the aquatic environment. Living organisms through their activities exert big influence on biosphere processes and cause changes in the biosphere.

The biosphere is constantly evolving. Its development is determined by factors such as geological and climatic changes on our planet, the impact of living organisms and human activity.

The first stage of the evolution of the biosphere is called biogenesis, and the second - noogenesis. Currently, due to the fact that the main influence on the biosphere is exerted by

The biosphere is the shell of the Earth populated by living organisms and transformed by them. The biosphere began to form no later than 3.8 billion years ago, when the first organisms began to emerge on our planet. It penetrates the entire hydrosphere, the upper part of the lithosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere, that is, it inhabits the ecosphere. The biosphere is the totality of all living organisms. It is home to more than 3,000,000 species of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. Man is also part of the biosphere; his activities surpass many natural processes and, as V.I. Vernadsky said: “Man becomes a powerful geological force.”

French natural scientist Jean-Baptiste-Lamarck at the beginning of the 19th century. first proposed the concept of the biosphere, without even introducing the term itself. The term "biosphere" was proposed by the Austrian geologist and paleontologist Eduard Suess in 1875.

A holistic doctrine of the biosphere was created by the Soviet biogeochemist and philosopher V.I. Vernadsky. For the first time, he assigned living organisms the role of the main transformative force on planet Earth, taking into account their activities not only at the present time, but also in the past.

There is another, broader definition: Biosphere - the area of ​​distribution of life on a cosmic body. Despite the fact that the existence of life on other space objects besides the Earth is still unknown, it is believed that the biosphere can extend to them in more hidden areas, for example, in lithospheric cavities or in subglacial oceans. For example, the possibility of the existence of life in the ocean of Europa, a satellite of Jupiter, is being considered.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Biosphere. Biology video lesson 11th grade

    ✪ Lecture 6.6 | Biosphere, its composition and relationship with all spheres of the Earth | Nadezhda Dancer | Lectorium

    ✪ Biosphere. Anthropogenic impact on the biosphere

    ✪ Biosphere

    ✪ Education of the earth's biosphere, part 1


Biosphere location

The biosphere includes the upper layers of the lithosphere in which organisms live, the hydrosphere and the lower layers of the atmosphere.

Boundaries of the biosphere

  1. Living matter- the entire set of bodies of living organisms inhabiting the Earth is physical and chemically united, regardless of their systematic affiliation. The mass of living matter is relatively small and is estimated at 2.4...3.6⋅10 12 (dry weight) and constitutes less than one millionth of the entire biosphere (approx. 3⋅10 18 t), which, in turn, represents less one thousandth the mass of the Earth. But it is “one of the most powerful geochemical forces on our planet,” because living organisms do more than just inhabit earth's crust, but transform the appearance of the Earth. Living organisms inhabit the earth's surface very unevenly. Their distribution depends on geographic latitude.
  2. Nutrient- a substance created and processed by a living organism. During organic evolution, living organisms passed through their organs, tissues, cells, and blood a thousand times over most of the atmosphere, the entire volume of the world's oceans, and a huge mass of minerals. This geological role of living matter can be imagined from deposits of coal, oil, carbonate rocks, etc.
  3. Inert substance- products formed without the participation of living organisms.
  4. Bioinert substance- a substance that is created simultaneously by living organisms and inert processes, representing dynamically equilibrium systems of both. These are soil, silt, weathering crust, etc. Organisms play a leading role in them.
  5. A substance undergoing radioactive decay.
  6. Scattered atoms, continuously created from all kinds of earthly matter under the influence of cosmic radiation.
  7. Substance of cosmic origin.

Layers of the biosphere

The entire layer of life's influence on inanimate nature is called the megabiosphere, and together with the artebiosphere - the space of human expansion in the near-Earth space - the panbiosphere.


The substrate for life in the atmosphere of microorganisms (aerobionts) are water droplets - atmospheric moisture, the source of energy is solar energy and aerosols. Approximately from the treetops to the height of the most common location of cumulus clouds, the tropobionosphere extends (with tropobionts; this space is more thin layer than the troposphere). Above is a layer of extremely rarefied microbiota - the altobiosphere (with altobionts). Above there is a space where organisms penetrate randomly and do not reproduce often - the parabiosphere. Above is the apobiosphere.


The geobiosphere is inhabited by geobionts, the substrate, and partly the living environment for which is the earth's firmament. The geobiosphere consists of the area of ​​life on the land surface - the terrabiosphere (with terrabionts), divided into the phytosphere (from the surface of the earth to the treetops) and the pedosphere (soils and subsoils; sometimes this includes the entire weathering crust) and life in the depths of the Earth - the lithobiosphere (with lithobionts living in the pores of rocks, mainly in groundwater Oh). At high altitudes in the mountains, where life is no longer possible higher plants, the high-altitude part of the terrabiosphere is located - the aeolian zone (with eolobionts). The lithobiosphere breaks down into a layer where aerobic life is possible - the hypoterrabiosphere, and a layer where only anaerobes can live - the tellurobiosphere. Life in an inactive form can penetrate deeper into the hypobiosphere. Metabiosphere - all biogenic and bioinert rocks. The abiosphere is located deeper.


The hydrobiosphere - the entire global layer of water (without groundwater), inhabited by hydrobionts - breaks down into a layer of continental waters - the aquabiosphere (with aquabionts) and the region of seas and oceans - the marinobiosphere (with marinobionts). There are 3 layers - a relatively brightly illuminated photosphere, an always very twilight disphotosphere (up to 1% solar insolation) and a layer of absolute darkness - the aphotosphere.

Between the upper boundary of the hypobiosphere and the lower boundary of the parabiosphere lies the biosphere proper - the eubiosphere.

History of the development of the biosphere

Development is observed only in living matter and the bioinert associated with it. The evolutionary process does not manifest itself in the inert matter of our planet.

Origin of life

Life on Earth originated in the Archean - approximately 3.5 billion years ago in the hydrosphere. The oldest organic remains found by paleontologists are of this age. The age of the Earth as an independent planet in the solar system is estimated at 4.5 billion years. Thus, we can assume that life arose during the juvenile stage of the planet’s life. In the Archaea, the first eukaryotes appear - unicellular algae and protozoa. The process of soil formation on land began. At the end of the Archean, the sexual process and multicellularity appeared in animal organisms.

The future of the biosphere

Over time, the biosphere becomes more and more unstable. There are several premature changes in the state of the biosphere that are tragic for humanity, some of them are associated with human activity. terraforming

According to academician H.H. Moiseev, “humanity is turning into the main geological-forming force” and human activity “leads to the degradation of the biosphere.” Since the technosphere and the biosphere are in constant interaction, in total they can be represented as a single system - the ecosphere.

Humanity is experiencing a decisive moment in its history. The ancient problem of the relationship between man and nature has now acquired a menacing sound. Technological progress has led to significant changes natural environment, reserves of fuel and mineral resources are depleted, pollution and degradation of the biosphere occur, and all this calls into question the very possibility of human existence. Therefore, it is so necessary that all people understand their responsibility to the future, so that every inhabitant of the Earth realizes their involvement in history.