How to decorate a kitchen in an original way and make it comfortable and stylish? DIY kitchen decor: affordable and stylish solutions in the photo Stylish DIY kitchen decorations

It is not necessary to take up major renovation kitchens to refresh appearance or change the design. It is enough to add a few new touches to the interior of your home so that decorating your kitchen with your own hands will create a completely new mood in the room. Modern decoration suggests using a few small tricks that will help you easily, beautifully and without significant expense transform the design of the room.

A stylish kitchen requires the right background, the role of which is played by the walls. Therefore, you should start decorating the interior with the design of the walls of the house.

The most common and easiest to perform decorative nuances for kitchen walls:

  • color change,
  • applying ornament,
  • use of themed stickers,
  • painting.

It is not necessary to completely repaint the walls or re-glue the wallpaper. Several decorative elements will bring a new spirit to the old design. These can be themed stickers depicting kitchen utensils, dishes, vegetables and fruits.

Plain walls different colors will help zone the interior of the room. To visually divide the space into a work area and a eating area, the required area can be decorated using a stencil for applying an ornament. The pattern you create will provide a unique decor and will force household members to look into the kitchen more often. It's easy to do it yourself.

For this:

  1. Prepare graph paper, a piece of cardboard, a pencil and scissors.
  2. Select a pattern and transfer it to scale onto graph paper.
  3. Cut out the stencil and attach it to the wall, making sure its dimensions match the area you need.
  4. If the fitting went well, copy its outline onto cardboard.
  5. Cut out a stencil from cardboard and start decorating the wall with paint.

If we decorate the eating area with painting, this provides ample opportunities to visually expand the space of your home.

The interior will help to visually increase the kitchen area, one of the walls of which is decorated with a large-scale painting with a perspective effect - a pine forest, the sea coast, a cozy Italian street.

A plain background is good because it allows you to make changes to the interior of your home without much effort. Even the most discreet decor in the form of a panel for the kitchen or a decorative plate on the wall will refresh the room. And if desired, they can be easily replaced with a photograph or painting. This option is appropriate both on plain surfaces and on wallpaper with a pattern.

Kitchen wall decor (video)

Changing the appearance of furniture

The interior of the house includes a properly arranged suitable furniture. Often in our kitchens elements of various furniture sets coexist, which is why the design does not look holistic.

To ensure harmony reigns in the room, use decors that will help your kitchen achieve unity of design:

  • furniture repainting,
  • replacement of facades to match the table and chairs,
  • artificial aging,
  • decoupage surfaces,
  • decorating cabinets and tables with mosaics.

Chairs and cabinets treated with the same paint transform the elements of a disparate set into one whole.

For your idea to be successful, you should know that:

  1. This method is good for wooden furniture.
  2. Before the main work, remove the layer old paint and polish the surfaces.
  3. Repairs are carried out if necessary.
  4. Only after these preparatory work start painting.
  5. To protect furniture from high humidity In the kitchen, it is advisable to cover it with several layers of varnish.

Tightly closed cabinets take up space in already small kitchens. Open shelves or replacing facades with doors with transparent glass will help correct the situation. These create the impression of a larger room.

If the interior of the house is made in rustic style, and the walls are covered with wood; instead of cabinet doors, homemade chintz curtains are perfect for this design. They are decorated with appliqué, embroidery, and frills and flounces are sewn on.

How to update old furniture (video)

Decoration of the dining area

You can give a completely different look to the table and chairs or stools without radically repainting the furniture. A beautiful tablecloth will help hide the imperfections of the table. You can sew chair covers or stool cushions to match it.

Such capes perform not only a decorative, but also a useful function of protection from dirt. Agree, it’s easier to wash a cover than to disassemble and clean an entire chair.

It is better to choose synthetic fabric for decorating pillows or sewing covers. Natural fibers easily absorb grease and food stains and are more difficult to remove stains from. Synthetics are easier to care for, dry faster after washing and are cheaper.

Textiles in the interior

Recently it has become fashionable to install blinds on windows. However, still It is important to decorate the interior with tulle, curtains, curtains:

  • transparent light tulle creates a feeling of spaciousness, filled with air and light;
  • heavy fabrics for curtains are used to decorate a spacious kitchen or studio to zone the space;
  • For small areas good choice there will be Japanese curtains.

Any kitchen is indispensable without a towel. If you purchased them as a set, make two pot holders or an apron. And then they will no longer be a random element of decor, but part of a single ensemble.

If embroidery is one of the housewife's hobbies, it will not be difficult to decorate the corners of a tablecloth made of plain white fabric with a simple pattern. Decorate the homemade napkins in the same way, but on a smaller scale, and the dining group will take on a complete and festive look.

Decorating a white kitchen (video)

With a little effort, your kitchen can turn into a place where it’s not only convenient to prepare food, but also where it’s nice to get everyone together at one table to discuss family matters over a cup of tea. You just have to take a look around the room, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your interior and start improving the design. As you can see, even the simplest things can significantly change a room.

Original ideas for decorating the kitchen with your own hands (photo)

Each room in the house should be equipped in such a way that it harmoniously combines beauty and comfort. This is especially true for the kitchen, where all residents of the house cook, eat and relax. Having thought about the question “how to decorate a kitchen,” you should first plan out every little detail, right down to the decorative elements, and only after that start remodeling.

Basic options and features of kitchen design

There are as many minds as there are people on earth. When choosing a future kitchen interior, many are inclined to their personal fantasies, some to someone else’s advice, but most are guided by fashion trends. The latter can not only help create a beautiful stylish interior, but also thoughtfully arrange the space. If you ask for help professional designer, then he can recommend the following kitchen design options:

  • L – layout. All furniture and appliances are placed along the walls, only the dining table is in the center of the room.
  • U – layout. Each furniture element and household appliances are located along the walls.
  • Original kitchen - island, peninsula. A unique combination of two layouts with an additional work surface in the middle.

There are many details that need to be carefully considered before planning a kitchen renovation. First of all, the location household appliances and backlighting. Then plan the number of cabinets, cabinets and table location. Once all the intricate details have been designed and successfully implemented, then it’s time for decoration. Furniture can be arranged in one or two lines, it all depends on the area and preferences of the family.

How to choose the design of materials for kitchen decoration

So that it doesn’t even occur to anyone that the owners of the house have bad taste, it is necessary to clearly plan the details - from the color of the tiles to the material of curtains and upholstery. upholstered furniture(if it is present). It will not be news to anyone that there are different styles interior Accordingly, for each style we select necessary materials. To ensure that all the details in the kitchen look harmonious, let's look at the main design styles. Most Popular:

  • The traditional style can be found on TV screens when English films are shown. Characteristics: decorative stucco, paneled doors, the presence of an arch in the kitchen and discreet decor.
  • Classic is a rather simple and uncomplicated style, which necessarily contains simple architectural solutions, light furniture with bright black accents.
  • Modern - the name speaks for itself. Built-in household appliances and Spotlights, minimum details, roller blinds on the windows - all this characterizes the design of a kitchen in the Art Nouveau style.
  • Minimalism when decorating a kitchen interior is chosen by pedantic individuals. Features of the style are perfectly smooth shiny surfaces, a minimum of decor and maximum light.
  • Provence. Decorating a kitchen in this style is difficult to do with your own hands, but it is quite possible. Provence is characterized by the presence of light wooden furniture, floral patterns and an abundance of plants (in pots, vases).
  • Eclecticism - a lot of everything. Several styles in one - that's what an eclectic kitchen is. For example, red furniture, green curtains, lots of jars and indoor plants.
  • Country is a tamed hillbilly. This style is characterized only natural materials– wood, stone, marble. As decoration - clay dishes, burlap upholstery, linen curtains.
  • High-tech - it is often idolized by young people who follow fashion. Characteristic features of this style are the proportionality of details, a bright emphasis on one color (for example, red and green), and the presence of glass parts.

This is not the entire list, but recently these styles have been in demand among designers. But even the most fashionable style needs comfort. Separate place should be given to color. The presence of certain shades in the decoration, furniture or decor may indicate the presence of such styles in the interior (in other words, a combination of styles and colors):

  • Black, white – classic style, minimalism;
  • Lilac, beige – Provence, traditional;
  • Red, yellow, blue, green – high-tech, eclectic, modern;
  • Brown – country, classic.

As for the eclectic style, it can contain all the colors of the rainbow in the most unexpected combinations.

Design features of a small kitchen

A wide, spacious kitchen is a housewife's dream. But it is not always possible to make such dreams come true and there is only one thing left - to transform your small kitchen into a comfortable one. cozy corner. the main task when decorating the interior of a small kitchen - visually and materially expand the space.

Visually transform a miniature room into an allegedly spacious room possible with the help of color, light and special designs.

  • Color is everywhere and in everything. If we talk about decorating a small kitchen, then it’s only worth mentioning bright hues– they visually expand the space. Dark colors on the contrary, they only oppress and bring the walls closer to each other, they must be avoided.
  • Light – bright, central ( large chandelier) with side additions (precision lamps, LED strip).
  • Mirrors and glass - that's what it is special designs. One little trick - two mirrors located opposite each other will add about a meter of extra space to a small kitchen (no joke).

Materially, or rather realistically, expanding the kitchen working area is no more difficult than doing it visually. The most useful solution is to remove the dining table, or rather, not just remove it for good, but just “outsmart” the situation. The way to do it is to purchase a folding model, which leans against the wall for a few seconds and also quickly turns into a horizontal surface. Built-in appliances also save space.

Both real and visual increase space can “unload” a room, add light and comfort to it. If it was not possible to arrange the furniture correctly (or the space does not allow it at all), then this can be done visually.

Decorating an arch in the kitchen

Doorways serve as a transition from one room to another, but they also play a role in the interior of the house. You can transform your home and expand the space using an arch in the kitchen, the installation of which will take a minimum of time. In form it can be:

  • Classic - with an arc of the same radius
  • Modern - with an ellipse-shaped arc;
  • Gothic - in the shape of a rounded tip;
  • Romantic - with several angles and curves.

To make an arch structure you need very few materials - metal profiles, drywall, dowels and putty. To make the arch look especially original, it can be decorated with an original drawing, plaster stucco or even fabric curtains.

Stylish arch design kitchen space It may well expand the kitchen work area due to the absence of a bulky door leaf. And if previously there was no way a refrigerator or a spacious cabinet could be located behind the door, then with an arch in the kitchen even a soft sofa could fit.

Kitchen in the form of an island

Every day human feet walk several kilometers in small steps. Who would have thought that while cooking they work harder than in the gym or swimming pool. The correct arrangement of furniture in the kitchen can free your legs from daily tiring work. Yes, yes, these are exactly the details of the kitchen that can affect the state of the body: the refrigerator is in one corner, the sink is 3 meters away from it, hob- generally near the door. In this case, a step forward, backward, right, left, and such a simple task as cooking dinner turns into a marathon. In such a neglected case, a kitchen island, stove, sink and working surface together in the middle of the room.

One of the options for such a kitchen could be a dining table placed in the center with an integrated sink and bedside tables. Enough practical option– after eating, you can quickly wash the dishes and put them in the bedside tables. You can transform your inconspicuous kitchen into a comfortable masterpiece with your own hands with the help of professionals.

Functional and practical kitchen

So that cooking, family dinners and quiet gatherings in the kitchen evoke positive emotions, you need to make a little effort to design it. And so, there are several important points regarding the design of a small kitchen in an apartment:

  • Furniture. The main requirement is a maximum of useful details and a minimum of useless ones. For example, perfect option for a modest (behind the area) kitchen - a corner set. Just remember that this option is ideal for a square room. In a long rectangular one, it will create inconvenience (the exception is if it is placed in the farthest corner of the room).
  • Functional arrangement. Comfortable kitchen interior design is to place all the fixtures in the most suitable place. Interesting solution unloading space can be located on one of the walls of the railing - metal pipe with lots of crochet. The skimmers will be placed on it. Small saucepans and other little things useful for the kitchen. It is better to place it in a place far from the stove and sink - so that you don’t have to clean it for a long time.
  • Other details. These include things that should be as inconspicuous as possible. For example, a trash can. If the color scheme allows, then this detail can simply be discolored or made to blend in with the furniture. The square shape will also help to “remove” it into the background. In this case, the bucket can easily fit in one of the corners and will not be conspicuous or get underfoot.

All these tricks are suitable for kitchens of the most different forms and size. In order not to rack your brains for a long time about how to decorate a kitchen so that it is not only beautiful, but also functional, you need to take into account various tricks for arranging furniture and decorative elements.

Remodeling your home is fun and always interesting. In order for guests, when they come to the house, to admire the design and alternately ask questions “how to decorate a kitchen beautifully, as if in a themed TV show?”, you need to draw useful ideas. And then, having turned your kitchen into a masterpiece of design art, it will be a pleasure to cook in it delicious treats, talk about the weather with relatives and just enjoy the silence, looking out the window.

Video: perfect kitchen arrangement.

Even the most thoughtful and designer kitchen requires addition in the form of interesting decorative elements. Using simple methods applied arts, you can create with your own hands unique items and update slightly worn furniture in the kitchen.

Any kitchen requires additional decoration

Beautiful crafts you can make yourself

Any little thing can decorate the kitchen and create a pleasant atmosphere

How to make crafts for the kitchen with your own hands? You can always get decorating ideas by looking at the works experienced craftsmen. At the same time, perfect repetition is not required; you can add a touch of individuality by using decorative techniques as a basis.

Textile decor

To bring newness to the interior, sometimes it’s enough to sew new curtain or chair covers. With your own hands, using a needle, thread and fabric, you can create a unique kitchen atmosphere in a given style.

There are a lot of ideas for crafts, you can find examples on the Internet or give freedom to your imagination

Jars decorated with textiles will bring newness to the kitchen interior

The most common fabric products

DIY tablecloth

To make it you will need a piece of fabric, a sewing machine and perseverance. You can decorate it by finishing the edges with ribbons or lace.

Chair covers

You can complement the look with capes or pillows made from the same material.

DIY potholders

Sewing them does not take much time and helps create comfort in the kitchen. The patchwork technique is often used to make them.

Curtains for windows

Making a set of curtains will take a lot of time, but will justify the cost. They can become the highlight of the interior or its integral part.

Patchwork style panel

An original addition to the kitchen can be a picture made from scraps, assembled in a bizarre sequence. It will not only become a decoration, but will also take up empty space on a plain wall.

It should be remembered that interior elements made of fabric will need to be washed quite often, so it is better to immediately take care of having several sets. For each season you can sew your own unique set.

And also, as a decoration, you can make decorative birds from fabric. They will require textile scraps of different colors and with different patterns, a pattern, a needle and thread.

According to the selected pattern, two parts of the bird are cut out, which will subsequently be sewn together and stuffed with filler. Two wings on each side, crest. All elements are sewn together and a rope or ribbon is attached. Such birds can be seated on a tree branch, pre-painted in the desired shade.

This doll will perfectly complement the kitchen interior

Any thing made independently will update the kitchen interior

Decorative elements made of fabric will have to be washed very often

Wall decoration

The need to decorate the walls may arise when they have one shade or there is a lot of empty space that creates the effect non-residential premises. Wall decor can range from stickers to paintings. dining area, from placing shelves to decorating with old dishes.

Fill up empty space with an open shelf that can hold painted plates, homemade vases or decorated bottles.

The apron between the countertop and the upper shelves can be updated using decoupage of existing tiles. Will be relevant for a city apartment modern motifs, and for country house You can use drawings with chickens - keepers of the hearth.

Also, painted plates that are hung randomly or in a certain order will look appropriate in the empty space.

Stylized film stickers look good, which you can purchase ready-made or cut out the necessary elements yourself.

You can make a cup hanger from wood

Wall decoration is necessary if it is completely empty

Decoration of furniture and equipment

If the kitchen has a small area or wallpaper with colorful designs, then you can start decorating the furniture. For these purposes, you can buy a film with a specific print or “decoupage” the facades of a kitchen unit.

Since technology has become an integral part of our lives, it should also participate in the decoration process. You can cover the hood or refrigerator with film or paint it yourself.

You can sew beautiful capes on chairs

Painted plates on an apron near the stove will look very nice

A vase decorated with artificial flowers and chestnuts will perfectly complement the interior

Furniture restoration

Restoring old furniture that can still perform its function but has a shabby appearance will require a significant investment of time and effort. But the result is worth it.

To give new life kitchen furniture you need to perform the following steps.

  • Remove the doors and check the awnings for functionality. Replace if necessary.
  • Clean the surface with sandpaper.
  • Paint all parts in desired color. You can create an artificial aging effect.
  • After the paint has dried, apply a layer of varnish (transparent, for baths and saunas), onto which a napkin with the selected pattern or a special decoupage card is glued.
  • The picture is covered with a brush and varnish diluted with water (1:1) and leveled at the same time.
  • After control opening with varnish and drying, the furniture is assembled and new handles are attached.

To restore a kitchen set with your own hands, you can use painting with further gluing of figured elements made of plaster.

Glass can be replaced with mirrors. This will visually expand the space and fill the room with light. Or decorate them with stained glass paints.

Using an old curtain and white enamel, you can create an interesting web design. A piece of fabric is attached to duct tape and paint the surface of the glass, then remove it.

This lamp will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior

This basket of flowers will be an excellent option for decorating the kitchen.

Accessories and kitchen items

It’s a pleasure to create crafts for your kitchen interior with your own hands and they can be an excellent gift for family and friends. Little things that create coziness can be done by knitting or sewing, decorating dishes and bottles.

Old bowls or cut-off wine bottles can serve as new chandelier to the kitchen. Containers from strong drinks can be used as candlesticks, decorated with the help of flowing paraffin.

Textile, stylized toys can become towel hangers if hooks are attached to them. Clothespins screwed to the wall are also useful for these purposes.

Flowers in the interior always bring positive energy

You can embroider covers for cups

You can make a craft for the kitchen with your child, he will be very interested in it

Hot coasters can be made from wooden clothespins:

  1. first they are released from the spring;
  2. glued in pairs;
  3. A snowflake is laid out from the blanks and coated with glue.

You can also create unique coasters from newspaper tubes.

  • Newspaper sheets are cut into strips 10 cm wide.
  • Twist it onto a skewer at an angle, securing the edge with PVA glue.
  • The finished vine is twisted into a circle.
  • Each turn is coated with glue.
  • After drying, paint or decorate with a napkin.

The finished circles are covered acrylic varnish and use it.

Cutlery can be useful for making hangers or coasters for plates. To create an improvised hook, they are given bizarre shapes by bending the tines of the forks in different directions.

A plate stand made from a fork is made in a similar way, only the teeth are bent at right angles to its handle. The extreme ones are lifted up, and she herself is bent in an arc.

Spoons from an old set can be screwed in place of handles for kitchen shelves.

You can make smaller copies of dishes from cardboard

These stands will definitely come in handy in the kitchen.

Photo in the bank

A DIY photo in a jar is easy to do and looks good on open shelves. To create it you will need a 0.5 liter jar, photo, sunflower oil. Liquid is poured into the container (to the limit), a picture (black and white) is placed and the lid is closed. A collection of photographs in oil will become a unique decoration that will surprise and delight guests.

Fresh flowers in a jar

To create an ever-living bouquet you will need:

  • jar with lid;
  • flower bud;
  • glycerol;
  • water.

The flowers in the jar are glued to the bottom, filled with a solution of boiled water with glycerin in a ratio of 1 to 2. The jar is tightly closed. In this composition, the bouquet can live for more than six months. It is better to use flowers with thick petals, as the liquid slightly discolors the buds. If the solution becomes cloudy, it can be changed.

Small copies of fruits will perfectly decorate the dining table

You can make something like this on a textile napkin using coffee beans

Such paintings will fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen.

Tableware decor: candlestick

Old cups are often used as a candlestick, into which melted wax is poured and a wick is placed in the center. For these purposes, you can paint old dishes in advance or make decorative threads with your own hands.

Glasses with jars can also serve as a candlestick. They are decorated with painting, decoupaged or wrapped with twine. After decorating, they are ready for use; all that remains is to put a candle-tablet inside.

Painted plates

You can decorate your dishes yourself by painting old plates. From dishes of different diameters, you can create a unique collection of miniatures that will serve as decoration for empty walls or shelves. To make them you will need:

  • dishes;
  • acrylic white paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • palette of multi-colored paints.

The improvised canvas is painted in a suitable shade. This can be achieved by adding paint. a certain color to the white base. Prime with glue and coat with varnish. The selected pattern can be applied to the dried workpiece. Children can also be involved in the work.

Try to make crafts that match the style of the kitchen

There are a lot of options for crafts for the kitchen

Provence style for the kitchen

DIY, French country style decor is not impossible. To recreate a similar design, you don’t have to buy new furniture. You can restore an existing one.

Floral motifs and birds are relevant for the Provence style. Colors required pastel shades. Wooden floor and distressed white furniture, having non-standard, rounded shapes. The design should be gentle. The use of textile products is relevant.

Making your own kitchen decor is not difficult. The main thing is that the crafts match the style and color to the overall design of the room.

Like many other people, I really don’t like stamping, bureaucracy, standard solutions in the interior own home. Of course, you can’t do without factory-made furniture and other large forms, but the mood and some of its own atmosphere are given to it only by things to which you yourself had a hand.

And often it doesn’t take much time or superpowers to create them. Look what interesting ideas for the kitchen you can bring it to life with your own hands.

Furniture decoration

You can slightly decorate, add accents or completely change any: old and new, from natural wood or modern materials. Here are just a few ways.


A fun activity for both adults and children

Everyone can paint, even children, so you can involve them in the process too. Moreover, kitchen paints should be used only non-toxic, water based . The main thing is to prepare the surfaces well for painting: remove if necessary old layer, clean, prime.

The easiest way is to completely repaint the furniture in the desired color and leave it at that.

  • come up with a pattern or ornament, apply its contours to the surface;
  • stick masking tape along the borders of the ornament;

  • apply paint of a different color to the space between the strips of tape;
  • when it dries, carefully remove the tape;

  • Instead of tape, you can use an old lace tablecloth or tulle. But in this case It’s better to paint not with a brush, but with spray paint, so as not to move the fabric in the process and smear the design;

  • It is advisable to consolidate the beauty by covering the painted parts with colorless varnish after the paint has completely dried.

In general, you can come up with a lot of options for painting. For example, lay maple leaves, saucers of different diameters, old disks on the surface, not to mention using stencils.

An interesting accent for the interior can be a table, a cabinet door or a part of the wall painted with chalkboard paint, on which you can draw, write down recipes, or leave messages for household members.


The basis is the same - tables, chairs, cabinet fronts, and refrigerator doors are prepared, primed and painted in the background color. Anything.

The principle of decoupage is simple - it is an application, sometimes supplemented by drawing contours, using artificial methods aging, etc. For example, to create such a masterpiece, you need to get confused: first paint the base of the table “leopard-like,” and only then stick on pictures carefully selected in style.

The following photo examples are simpler: a pattern cut out of a napkin and sheets of a music album were chosen as an appliqué on a plain base.

Most often, beautiful colored three-layer napkins are used for such finishing, or rather, their upper layer, from which the design is cut out with scissors or the excess is simply torn off.

But any other paper or fabric “carrier” of the pattern is also suitable: pages of books and magazines, printed pictures, photographs, newspapers. And, of course, decoupage cards - they are sold in art stores.

Glue all this beauty with PVA glue, after which coated with 2-3 layers of varnish.


After repairs it often remains ceramic tile. Its price is considerable, so it’s a shame to throw it away, and you can’t hand over a small quantity to the store. Well, it can become an additional decoration for the kitchen!

If the tile is of different colors and sizes, we mercilessly break it into small pieces, add shards of old dishes, beads, and create a mosaic:

  • first we come up with and lay out the pattern “dry”, adjusting the shape;

  • then we place each piece on glue;
  • and when the work is completed, we fill all the empty spaces with a color-matched grout.

I will not describe in detail the technology of working with tiles and mosaics here - if desired you can easily find this information on the website.

"Under Glass"

I have one not very good trait - I get bored of monotony quite quickly. Therefore, I am always looking for how to decorate the interior so that the decor can be changed from time to time without special expenses.

I like the idea of ​​using tempered glass for a dining table, which is as follows:

  • wooden sides are fixed along the perimeter of the tabletop;
  • decor is laid out on the surface. It can be anything: a herbarium of dried leaves and flowers, a photo collage, beautiful fabric, an assembled puzzle, and even a small children's construction set like Lego;
  • glass is placed on top of it in the frame.

The glass can be removed at any time and the decor can be changed.

Decorative stickers

An option for those who are not ready to spend a lot of time decorating the kitchen in the apartment. Fast, simple and, to use youth slang, fun.

But most of all there are all kinds of interesting stickers on the refrigerator. Among them you can find inscriptions reminding you that you have decided not to eat after six, and hanging mice, and all sorts of different cats, and just beautiful pictures.

This kitchen decor is good because it is inexpensive, easy to stick on and just as easy to remove without leaving any marks.

Homemade lamps for the kitchen

Have you seen how much lamps cost in stores now? No, there are also cheap ones, but it is unlikely that among them you can choose something that ideally matches the interior of the kitchen. Therefore, I again suggest using your own crazy hands for home comfort.

From tin cans

Everything is so simple and at the same time original that there are simply no words:

  • take a tin can of suitable size (two, three - as needed), wash and dry thoroughly;
  • we make a hole in the center of the bottom and thread a wire wrapped around it with a colored cord into it;

  • paint the jar in a suitable color.

As an additional decoration for the “shades” you can use the same decoupage, stickers, and rhinestones.

From kitchen utensils

Lampshades and lampshades can be made from a wide variety of kitchen utensils by attaching them to the frame of an old chandelier:

From dishes

By analogy with tin cans you can make a lamp from glass jars with screw-on metal caps in which a hole is drilled for the wire and socket.

Every home probably has several different cups and saucers from an old set. Usually they gather dust in the closet and are not used as ceremonial dishes. Some lovers of indoor plants plant violets and other small flowers in them.

And you can do it like this:

You just need to drill holes in the center of each part and put them on, like elements of a children's pyramid, on a metal support tube.

Wall decor

If your walls seem boring and faceless, there are many ways to decorate them too. And again - without any problems or costs.

Mirror mosaic

Ordinary glass mirrors are rarely hung in the kitchen, but figured acrylic ones on a self-adhesive basis or such a mosaic will not only decorate the interior, but will also visually increase the space and create interesting game Sveta.

This mosaic can be cut into separate pieces and formed into any shape. The main thing is imagination.

Panels and other wall decor

It is unlikely that paintings or photo frames would be appropriate in this room - a more authentic decor is needed.

  • For example, wall plates. You can format them like this:

  • Polyurethane sockets for ceiling lamps will also look great on the wall:

  • Coffee lovers will surely enjoy simple crafts made from beans. If you don't want to tinker a coffee tree or a complex panel, you can settle on this laconic version:

  • Quite often, empty strips of the wall above the kitchen appear empty. kitchen set and the window. Thematic pictures in the same frames with mats will enliven the interior.

  • If someone, like me, does not like magnets on the refrigerator, but wants to have a place to keep in sight all kinds of notes, recipes, receipts and morning messages to their sleeping children, here are a couple more interesting ideas for you:

  • And this is how you can use a rake, pre-sanded and painted:

Glass bottles. I went through a variety of ideas for decorating and using them. They are painted, painted, finished using decoupage technique, covered with pebbles, shells, rhinestones - and used as a flower vase or an independent decoration.

But even in their natural form, they look very good if you deviate a little from the standards and do not place them on the table, but hang them above it in ring holders attached to the wall:

And just decor

Vases, figurines, candlesticks and other little things in the kitchen irritate me - they collect dust and soot and constantly get in the way. But some people like it. Or their presence is required by the interior style.

I also like them on their own, so on special occasions I use them to decorate and create a festive atmosphere. But not purchased souvenirs, but again homemade ones. If you are interested in how the kitchen is transformed with your own hands on days like these, here are some design ideas for your repertoire:

If you don’t like the smell of cinnamon, you can take thin branches, colored straws for drinks - whatever your imagination tells you.


Surely only people with a creative character read this article to the end. For many people, it’s easier to choose the right decor in a store or have it made to order.

If you are not one of them, and you truly enjoy making something for your home with your own hands, share your ideas in the comments. It will be interesting and useful for me, and for everyone who has read this far.

Elegantly decorate the kitchen with proper arrangement of furniture and decor, correct selection interior style, some will help important rules which should not be ignored. And the decoration ideas provided will saturate your kitchen area.

It’s a pleasure for the whole family to dine in a tastefully decorated kitchen and there’s no shame in bringing guests. After all beautiful renovation not only pleases the eye, but also promotes excellent appetite. When starting such activities in the food preparation room, you need to follow some tips:how to decorate a kitchen beautifully with your own hands.

Kitchen design rules

  1. Complete a furniture arrangement plan.DIY kitchen interiortakes into account not only the location of the furniture, but also the height of the wall cabinets and the height of the countertops. They must be tall enough to quickly reach kitchen utensils. Next you need to calculate comfortable places for the future location of the furniture, based on your usual food preparation sequence.
  2. Color selection. If you are the happy owner of a room with large dimensions, then here you can decorate the kitchen at any color scheme. Well, if you have a small kitchen, then it is better to give preference light shades, and only then saturate the room bright colors in decorative elements.
  3. Kitchen apron. The working wall has not only a functional purpose, but also plays a decorative role. It should not be a brand or have a slippery surface so that traces of fat can be easily removed - this is its functionality. At the same time, this is not just a smooth tile, but a stylish decorative element with a pattern or simply a monochromatic, catchy appearance.
  4. Durable countertops. An important feature of countertops is their resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Robust structure is also an advantage good surfaces this furniture. Drawing has important aesthetic significance, and today the abundance of colors and prints is quite diverse. You can order not only the effect of marble or stone.

  1. Suitable lighting. The main light source is placed in the center of the kitchen, the rays of which often fall on the dining tablekitchens. Decorthe work area requires additional lighting in the form of LED lamps or other type of lighting.
  2. Use of all space. When installing kitchen furniture, its corners are almost always not used. Cabinets or shelves should be constructed in advance and access to them should be provided. Such places are very convenient for storing, for example, a broom.
  3. Compact placement of household appliances. Gives the kitchen a neat appearance hidden technique. This could be a built-in washing machine or Dishwasher V kitchen furniture, a refrigerator standing in a niche, a microwave oven harmoniously fitted on a shelf, etc.
  4. Practical flooring. The most appropriate option for the floor is tiles. It will serve you for many years and is easy to care for. It should be remembered that the tiles should be rough, not smooth. The second practical flooring material is linoleum. It is easy to maintain, but poor-quality and fragile material can become unusable after a few years. Ideas for decorating a kitchen and its floor also include parquet, but it is susceptible to deformation when impacted and requires only light wet cleaning. It is better not to use laminate, because it swells with frequent temperature changes and excessive washing.
  5. Combination of different materials. Usage different breeds wood or wood imitations will provide a bright result. The same applies to combining plastic, metal parts, glass.
  6. Hidden fittings. Nowadays it is fashionable to hide all the fittings in order to create a practicaldesign of a kitchen in an apartment, photoproof of that. Lightly pressing the cabinet doors allows you to open or close them. When preparing food kitchen handles will not interfere with movement.

Interior styles

An attractive DIY kitchen, the design ideas for which are described in detail below, will turn out to be of high quality if you adhere to the tips listed above.

Classic style is always in fashion. The use of carved wooden furniture and curly outlines of all components of the room are the main answer to the question: “How to decorate a beautiful kitchenV classic style?. The main feature is the use of natural materials: if it is furniture, then only natural wood; if it is upholstery or curtains, then it must be made of cotton, linen, or silk. The color scheme is usually natural, natural shades, restrained, discreet tones. The use of gilding, carvings, columns, and patinated facades adds chic and grace to the classic style.

Country style also uses only natural materials, as well as classic. A distinctive aspect from classic sophistication and chic is the feeling of homely warmth and rustic cordiality. Warm shades brown and yellow are perfectly diluted in the interior gray natural stones. To understand more deeply,how to decorate a kitchenin country style, you can see the photo below.

High-tech is one of the modern styles in the interior. Making a kitchen in this direction has become very fashionable and uncomplicated. Strictness and conciseness are the two main aspects of this direction. The color palette is not varied, gray, brown shades, white, beige. Plastic and glass in furniture are very useful for the kitchen, because... They are easy to clean without being deformed by moisture.How to decorate a kitchen in an apartment, photoBelow with high-tech design will help make your dream come true.

Exotic (tropical) style in the kitchen interior is an atmosphere of vibrant travel, outlandish decor and exotic fruits. A colorful new design combines ethnic echoes of countries. Popular elements for transforming a kitchen include decorative palm trees, vines, parts of bamboo, and reeds. If you fill an ordinary kitchen with the listed details, you will get a room in exostyle. Wicker chairs and other bamboo furniture will only emphasize this direction. Bright tropical colors: orange, yellow, green, pink are extremely impressive and invigorating with a cup of coffee in the morning.

Aristocratickitchen, decorationwhich was carried out in english style will appeal to people with refined taste. Strict outlines, lines without ornateness, exquisite decorative elements, symmetry in the arrangement of objects - all this distinguishes this style from the classical one. Otherwise, the use of natural wood for furniture and subtle colors in the interior also characterize the English style.

Steel pipes along the room, raw ceiling with walls, cement floor - all this displays ultra-modern style loft. The above design gives the impression of an unfinished renovation. Regardless of the fact that the room resembles a factory floor or workshop, this renovation is considered expensive. After all, a thin line separates the unparalleled zest of a loft from the usual feeling of unfinished construction. Decorate the kitchen in the loft style, which means choosing from the very beginning large room, because this method initially requires spacious perception. It is fashionable to place it in some corner of a huge living room. It is important not to overdo it with the arrangement of furniture. In this style it should have a lot of chrome and metal parts, as well as glass. Modern technology complements the image of a careless “workshop”.

Kitchen decorating ideas

To add some zest to your interior design, you need to familiarize yourself with simple ideas how to decorate the kitchen with your own hands. Here you can not just put a couple of pieces on the table and window sill, but also decorate the walls, kitchen apron and even the refrigerator.

Standard kitchen, decorationand decorating the walls of which will significantly transform it. The following items can be used as decor: plates, mirrors, cutting boards, photo wallpapers, slates, stickers, retro posters, paintings, interior letters, signs. Useful tipshow to decorate a kitchen, refining the walls:

  1. Maintain symmetry.
  2. The best places to attach decorations will be above the sink, above dining table, on various ledges or niches, on the walls between the windows.
  3. When the kitchen is initially piled with many decorative details, then better than walls do not touch.
  4. Wall decor depends on the style of the interior, as well as color design throughout the kitchen.
  5. Meaningful decorations (for example, paintings, posters) should be hung at eye level.

Not only the walls require additional aesthetics, but also the work surface. So, let's decorate the kitchen apron. It can be decorated with cutlery sets: hanging spoons, forks, ladles, etc. This is the most popular optionhow to decorate a beautiful kitchenV work area. In this case, you need to follow the compositional rule - do not attach them in a chaotic manner.

Furniture not only has a functional purpose, but also serves as an excellent decoration. It must match the color of the intended design, its texture and shape must also match the interior. Thanks to that very furniture, you can add the desired style direction. For example, dull walls and floors will be enriched with bright, colorful countertops and a sofa, adding a few abstract paintings, we get a kitchen in the art decor style.

Curtains are the main decor of any room. Even the most unattractive room can be saved by fashionable, well-chosen curtains. They, like the entire interior style, are divided according to their purpose. Curtains in a classic style will not fit in a kitchen with a high-tech design.

Lighting fixtures will help add color to your kitchen space. As a decorative element, they are attached in various places: on the plasterboard ceiling, on cabinets in work areas. LED lamps You can adjust the brightness of the light. A main lamp installed in the center of the ceiling is a must, preferably illuminating the dining table.

A regular white refrigerator can also serve as a decorative element. The original design of the refrigerator will add a great twist to the kitchen. The main household kitchen appliances can be decorated by: vinyl stickers with different images, painting in other colors, hand painting with crayons or slate paint, decoupage, self-adhesive and attaching magnetic film withphoto. DIY kitchenwith the beautiful design of the refrigerator it turns out even more unusual.

For those who have not yet decided how to decorate a kitchen in an apartment, below are photos of the most popular and preferred options this year in different styles design.

How to decorate a kitchen in an apartment: a ready-made option, the most original

Before starting a kitchen renovation, you definitely need to decide on the interior style, a detailed description of which will help in your choice. Kitchen design rules contribute to the harmonious fit of all components overall composition in the kitchen, this is: furniture arrangement, choice kitchen apron, lighting distribution and other nuances. To dosimple DIY kitchen design, photoThe gallery below clearly shows in which direction you should move.

Photo gallery
