What material to build a cottage from. What materials are the cheapest to build a house from - a detailed analysis of quality and cost. Brick houses: reliable and durable

There is no single building material for walls that is universal. When selecting it, many factors are taken into account: reliability, soil characteristics, weather conditions, price range and much more. Currently the choice building materials very extensive. In order for a house to be strong and durable, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages of the raw materials from which construction is planned, but also its disadvantages.

Building materials for walls

A good house is a strong house. This is how it will be if the building material for its walls is chosen correctly.

The wall is:

  • a building structure that encloses or separates some part of the territory;
  • side part of the building.

The walls in the house can be divided into several groups depending on the load. Among them are load-bearing, self-supporting, non-load-bearing, hinged and enclosing. All this is shown in the diagram.

The construction of the walls of a house requires the selection of a specific building material. Each of them has individual properties, has its own strengths and weak sides. Depending on this, it finds application in the construction of walls. Usage various materials for walls you can watch the video.

The following main wall materials are distinguished:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete;
  • cinder blocks;
  • vulture panels;
  • metal structures.

All these modern materials widely used in individual construction.

Brick walls

Brick is a traditional building material, which is fake diamond. It has its positive and negative qualities: heat-intensive, has a high load-bearing capacity, but has a relatively high price.

Types of bricks:

  1. Adobe - made of clay and straw, instead of which wood shavings, chaff or horse dung. Used in Asian countries. In Russia it is found in rural areas.
  2. Ceramic - made from baked clay. A high-quality brick should produce a ringing sound and have a uniform reddish color. Through cracks longer than 4 cm are unacceptable; such bricks should be selected for strength and frost resistance. The letter “M” denotes the strength grade. The numbers indicate the permissible compressive load in kg/cm2. The frost resistance class is designated English letter F, numbers indicate freezing cycles.
  3. Silicate - made from sand and lime under the influence of steam at a temperature of 170 - 200 0 C. You can choose different bricks for the construction of walls color shades and thickness.
  4. Hyperpressed is a building material made under high pressure without firing. In no a large number of cement with water, fine limestone rocks, waste from the production of ceramic bricks, various waste from mining and sawing are added facing stone, small crushed stone, marble and dolomite. The material is as close as possible to natural stone.

Pros and cons of brick construction

Types of bricksAdvantagesFlaws
AdobeLow costLow moisture and frost resistance
Good sound insulation and thermal inertiaWalls take a long time to dry and gain strength
CeramicResistance to all climatic conditionsHigh price
Low moisture absorptionPossibility of efflorescence
SilicateGood sound insulationHigh thermal conductivity
High strength and frost resistanceHigh moisture absorption
Hyper-pressedResistant to aggressive environments and climate impactsHigh price
Ideal geometric shapeRequires thorough drying before laying

Walls made of foam blocks

The composition of the foam block includes sand, cement, and foaming agent. It is used for construction load-bearing walls And interior partitions. Advantages of foam block as a building material:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • retains heat well;
  • has the ability to “breathe” - release water vapor outside;
  • excellent fire resistance - resistance to open fire for 8 hours;
  • good moisture and frost resistance;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • significantly reduces overall construction time;

For all their significant advantages, foam blocks have their disadvantages. They are a low-strength material: the wall can crack if it is overloaded. Water that gets inside at low temperatures will destroy the foam block. This can be avoided if the surface is plastered or treated with a special solution. Not all types of finishing are suitable for cladding walls made of foam blocks.

Ceramic blocks

Ceramic block or porous ceramic is a material made by firing specially shaped clay blocks. There are 3 main sizes of this raw material:

1 219x250x380 mm10.7 NF*
2 219x250x440 mm12.4 NF
3 219x250x510 mm14.3 NF

*NF - normal form, an indicator of the number of bricks of a given block volume.

The material is environmentally friendly and durable, like any ceramics.

Aerated concrete blocks in wall construction

Aerated concrete is a lightweight cellular material obtained from a mixture of:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • fine-grained quartz sand;
  • water;
  • gas-forming reagents - aluminum powder is most often used.

The curing process is accelerated in autoclave units.

A comparison of gas silicate and foam concrete - building materials for walls - favorably emphasizes the advantage of the first.

Aerated concrete is a relatively inexpensive material, non-flammable, environmentally friendly and durable. Special blocks are made from it.

Modern construction technologies make it possible to use different materials for walls at the same time. Gas silicate blocks can be combined with brick. This will ensure high thermal conductivity of the walls.

If a person does not have enough finances to individual construction, then it would be appropriate self-production wall material.

Brick or gas block

Brick - artificial stone with dimensions 250x120x65 mm. It is produced by firing clay. Gaso concrete block- artificially created stone with dimensions 600x400x250 mm.

Comparison of brick and gas block

A wall built from aerated block is 3 times lighter than a brick one. This means that the frame will require less reinforcement. Considering the ability of the building material for the walls of the house to transfer heat, the thickness of the brickwork should be greater. In terms of frost resistance - the ability of a material to maintain strength, brick is superior: it is more durable.

Aerated concrete blocks are used in the construction of walls of houses no more than 14 m high. It is not recommended to build load-bearing structures from them. A special feature of aerated concrete blocks is their high geometric accuracy. This allows for less expensive laying using glue. It is faster compared to cement.

Walls should be built in dry, clear weather. From cellular concrete It is prohibited to build wet rooms: saunas, baths, laundries. The walls for them are made only of brick.

Aerated concrete blocks may shrink slightly in size some time after construction, which will lead to the appearance of cracks in the wall. This is not observed in brick.

Gas blocks are easier to machine. Cutting and grinding of aerated concrete can be carried out directly on the construction site using standard hand saws. But the reliability of bricks when installing door and window openings much higher. The fire resistance of brick and gas block is approximately the same.

Cellular concrete blocks are the most cheap material. But the construction of walls requires special technology. The services of workers for such masonry are higher than those of builders working with bricks. However, brick walls are warmer and stronger.

Wooden construction

Several types of wood are used as building materials: pine, spruce, larch, cedar, oak, linden. You should choose according to the properties of the tree and financial resources.

The advantage of wooden walls lies, first of all, in environmental friendliness. The tree is natural conditioner. Such a house is warm in winter and cool in summer. The air in the room is renewed up to 30% during the day, so it is easy to breathe in it.

When heated, cracks do not form in the walls, which cannot be said about brick house. Wooden structures- the most resistant to earthquakes, do not require additional insulation.

In terms of thermal conductivity, a log with a diameter of 20 cm replaces brickwork 1 m thick. This significantly reduces the financial costs for the house and reduces the weight of the structure, which is economical for the depth and width of the foundation. Its price is sometimes 1/3 of the entire cost of the house. They are building wooden walls very quickly at any time of the year.

The main significant disadvantage of wood as a material for building walls is its high fire hazard. Disadvantages also include susceptibility to rotting, damage by fungus and wood-boring beetles. Wood quickly deteriorates under the influence of the atmosphere: sunlight and moisture.

All these shortcomings are easily eliminated with specially designed chemicals. They are applied to walls and extend their service life wooden house.

Glued laminated timber

Glued laminated timber is the leading material in wood construction

Glued laminated timber is one of the leading materials in wooden construction. It is assembled from individual dried boards of appropriate sizes treated with antiseptic and fireproofing agents. Then gluing occurs with special compounds under high pressure. This is done in order to prevent cracking and torsion of the timber as it dries out.

The beam contains a special tongue-and-groove system, which allows you to assemble walls as quickly as possible. Like many building materials for walls, it is environmentally friendly. Glued laminated timber belongs to the group of combustible materials. In the presence of protective treatment it is relatively durable.

Comparison of building materials

Comparison of wall materials by main indicators

Aerated concreteTreeBrick
Thermal conductivity0,12 0,16 0,18 0,56
Strength25 100 50 150
Fire resistance1200 1500 300 1500
Shrinkage coefficient2 0,01 10 0,01

Thermal conductivity - the ability of a material to transmit heat through itself - is 3 times greater for brick than for ceramic and aerated concrete blocks. Based estimated value, we can conclude that the cheaper material is a ceramic block. To achieve the correct thermal conductivity of the wall, it is enough to insulate the wall with a special material.

The strength of aerated concrete and wood is minimal compared to other types. This suggests that houses of more than 2 floors should not be built from these materials. The strength of ceramic blocks and bricks allows the construction of buildings of almost any height.

The shrinkage rate is expressed as a percentage. The biggest one is near the tree. This means that a year after construction is completed, the height of the wall will be reduced by 10%. Aerated concrete has a relatively small shrinkage coefficient. Its low strength can cause cracks to form. Other materials can be ignored for this indicator.

Aerated concrete is the cheapest building material. It is widely used in individual construction.

The choice in favor of one or another wall material is based on individual assessment conclusions and analysis of environmental characteristics.

In this article we will look at which materials for building a house are better for various purposes.

Today, many people dream of big, beautiful and cozy home. But before you make a decision and start building a building, you need to think carefully about the purpose for which you plan to build the house. One format is suitable for seasonal construction, the second - for permanent residence. After planning, you should think about the material, because from quality material depends on safety and convenience.

On the modern market there are various materials that have certain properties. Usually the most important selection criteria are:

  • strength, reliability of raw materials;
  • possibility of noise isolation;
  • heat preservation, insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture impermeability.

Of course, before construction you should take into account all the parameters indicated above, especially if the building is individual. But still, the most important point is strength, as it shapes the structure of the building and affects its functionality.

Materials for construction are divided into several categories:

  • stone and brick;
  • ceramic;
  • concrete;
  • wooden (from logs and timber).

Buildings made of stone and brick

Structures made of stone and brick are distinguished by their massiveness. They are not afraid of the elements, and at the same time, they have a stylish appearance. However, these durable materials are expensive.

The characteristics of a house built of stone or brick are not inferior to concrete.

Brick and stone structures suitable for little ones country houses, and for multi-storey buildings. Their main advantages are resistance to fire, moisture, and such a building will not settle over time.

The disadvantage of brick and stone houses is low energy conservation. In order to build warm housing from this material, it is necessary to lay walls 120 cm thick. Therefore, today brick and stone houses lose their popularity, and the raw materials are used for cladding.

Another significant drawback is considerable price for the material. Those wishing to build themselves a stone or brick house should calculate their finances and plan everything in advance before proceeding with the plan.

Ceramic structures (ceramic blocks)

Brick and ceramics are made using the same technology from clay. The difference is the savings on the construction of the building, because ceramic blocks are larger in size, fewer of them are needed, and besides, the protrusions at the ends suggest connecting the blocks together without a mixture. It is only needed to fix horizontal rows together.

Concrete materials

Today, brick is no longer as popular as it used to be; it has given way to the modern concrete block.

The advantages of this material are its affordable cost and speed of construction. One concrete block can replace several bricks. You can build a house from aerated concrete, foam block, cinder block, shell rock, wood concrete, expanded clay concrete. They are all similar in characteristics, most subspecies practically do not need complex finishing, but the disadvantage is that concrete materials fragile, have high water permeability, and the material contains chemical elements.

Wooden houses

Wooden houses are built from logs and beams. They place a low load on the foundation, as a result of which it will not settle over time; moreover, this is a good saving at the initial stage of construction. An important advantage is that using wooden materials, you can build a house regardless of weather conditions or time of year.

Timber buildings are profitable option for those who want to become the owner of a neat individual building. Its cross-section is both rectangular and square, with a smooth, even side. In such houses, shrinkage is minimized as much as possible, and the production of log houses occurs without the use of special equipment. Wood is aesthetically pleasing and does not require finishing, making it an economical option.

Positive aspects of using wooden beams:

Disadvantages of timber houses:

  • requires additional treatment against insects, prevention against rot and cracks;
  • ignites easily, fire extinguishing agents must be used;
  • long-term idleness of the foundation;
  • It allows cold and water to pass through well, so heat costs are inevitable.

Log buildings are traditional, well studied and quite attractive. Can be lined up small house or a huge, comfortable cottage. Such structures are natural and environmentally friendly, and also cope well with natural ventilation of the space. As well as timber buildings, log structures do not need a massive foundation.

Pros of log houses:

  • natural raw materials;
  • strong, safe and beautiful design;
  • warms up quickly, reducing heating costs;
  • available material;
  • short construction time.

Disadvantages of log houses:

  • tendency to rot, insect attacks;
  • easy tanning in a matter of seconds;
  • the foundation should settle for about a year;
  • The structure warms up quickly, but does not retain heat; it needs to be insulated.

What is the best material to build a house for permanent residence (permanent residence) from?

A classic for country house building is brick made from baked clay and has good wear resistance, strength, and durability. The material is considered environmentally friendly, is not afraid of high and low temperatures, and is resistant to any weather conditions. They are massive, but require insulation.

There are several times more positive aspects in such material than negative ones, so a brick house is considered the most successful option for permanent residence. Fire is not so scary for it, and it will last much longer than concrete and, especially, wood.

What materials are suitable for a summer house in the country?

Traditionally, summer country houses built from wood. Log buildings or houses made of laminated veneer lumber– any of these options will be successful for a comfortable summer. Such constructions are environmentally friendly and safe, the rooms are well ventilated, and also have a pleasant smell.

Especially appreciated wooden cottages, which can easily be customized. Such a house needs treatment and maintenance, but its accessibility, reliability and comfort are important advantages when choosing a summer house for a summer residence.

What is better to build a house from in the Urals or in Siberia?

Such cold corners of Russia as Siberia or the Urals need warm houses. It is important to choose a material that will warm up quickly and not lose heat. Of course, in such regions the house will still have to be well insulated, but if initially the raw materials are already “warm”, the owner of the building will save on cladding. Ideal option there will be a building made of concrete, namely with cells.

Initially, porous concrete was used for insulation, and a little later, entire houses began to be built from it, which were distinguished by excellent heat retention. In addition, it will take a little time to construct a fire-resistant building. After construction, for more insulation, the house should be plastered and covered with panels.

What is suitable for warm corners of Russia (a house by the sea)?

A house by the sea is the dream of many romantics. Mainly such buildings are made of stone. Increased coastal humidity will quickly destroy a wooden structure. Still suitable ceramic blocks, which are also not afraid of water.

There is no need to build a house right on the beach, because it will take a lot of money to build a foundation for a house on the sand, very close to the coastline. It is better to start construction work at least 200 meters from the beach. In addition, thunderstorms are a common occurrence near the sea. A wise decision would be to get a lightning rod and eliminate a large number of metal structures in the building.

What materials are cheaper to build a house from?

Nowadays, many people want to run away from the city and build own house, but there may not be enough money for a massive structure. Today's big ones financial difficulties do not leave much room for imagination, so you have to choose from cheap materials, taking into account that the house must be reliable and safe.

The cheapest houses are made from concrete and wood. Aerated concrete is fireproof, does not rot, it needs a simple foundation, it is also warm and requires easy processing. But when laying the material, it is necessary to adhere to a certain technology. While wooden houses are easy to build without certain nuances, they are susceptible to rotting, catching fire, and the foundation must stand for about a year.

The choice between these two cheapest materials depends specifically on the future owner of the house.

Country house - photo

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This article will be useful to those who are looking for the cheapest materials for building a house with their own hands. With the appearance on the market latest technologies from the owners summer cottages appeared real opportunity installation of cheap houses with very good performance characteristics suitable for permanent residence.

Nowadays, there are plenty of methods for building economical and reliable housing.

We invite you to take a closer look at inexpensive materials used for building houses.

When deciding where the walls of the housing, its floors and roof will be erected, it is necessary to concentrate on the relevant features.

Place of residence. Climate. In areas with a cool climate, it is preferable to use materials that retain heat well in building a house.

In the southern regions, the choice is much wider, which means it is possible to use completely different innovative materials at an affordable price.

Features of the materials used. Of course, houses made of SIP panels either cost less than those made of timber or brick.

Regional market. In wooded areas the most inexpensive material For the house, wood will serve, in the steppe - concrete.

Material Cost Analysis

Take a closer look at which one is suitable for building a house. Very economical and comfortable housing can be built using materials such as those described below.


Result: approximately 2000 rubles per 1 sq. m, excluding work. It is important to remember that building a house from aerated blocks requires a lot of labor, so we take into account the payment of specialists, which is around 1300-1600 rubles.


House from wooden beam will cost:

  • timber 200x200x6000 mm – 0.8 pcs. – 1416 rub.;
  • mortar for plastering walls – 70 rubles.
  • insulation (vapor barrier or mineral wool) - 0.1 cubic meters. m – 400 rub.;

Result: 1900 rubles, plus wages for workers 1700-1800 rubles.

Good for building small housing intended for holidays with family or friends, but not for permanent residence.

Calculation of materials for a frame house

  • timber - 0.05 cubic meters. m – 375 rub.;
  • softboard – 230 rub.
  • insulation, vapor barrier, waterproofing – 270 rubles;

Result: 875 rub., plus wages construction crew 1500-1700 rub.


Having collected all the information about cheap materials for the home with your own hands, we make final conclusions based on cost.

Houses made of timber are the most expensive type of housing. Frame-type houses can be considered the most acceptable.

But there is one BUT! It's important not to forget. Thicker walls require a well-reinforced foundation. Therefore, the final cost of the houses will be approximately the same.

If you are seriously considering the option of moving to the countryside, the question of which is best to build a house for permanent residence comes to the fore. The choice of materials for construction depends on the preferences of the owner of the future home, his financial opportunities, in some ways - from established local traditions. Of course, the specific climatic conditions of the region and the characteristics of the soil on the site acquired for the construction of housing are taken into account.

Today, both traditional and new technologies are used for the construction of private houses. In order to choose one of them, you need to understand what problems you will have to face during large-scale construction work and during the operation of the finished building.

Criteria for choosing materials for construction

When choosing a material for building a house, you should take into account a number of important criteria:

  • In order for the house to be comfortable for living at any time of the year, when choosing material for construction, it is necessary to take into account the average winter temperatures region where it is planned to be built, comparing them with the thermal insulation qualities of future walls and ceilings.

  • In addition, most potential owners strive to make their homes energy efficient. That is, when minimum costs receive energy supplies on premises comfortable temperature both in winter and summer.
  • The ability of a building material to become an effective barrier against external noise is especially important if the building is being built near a busy highway or railway tracks.
  • The durability and reliability of a residential building will directly depend on the strength of the selected material.
  • The appearance of the building also plays an important role. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to decide which material option is preferable - one that requires or does not require additional finishing.
  • Undoubtedly, important criterion always the price availability of the material. It largely depends on the region of construction.
  • If the owner plans to carry out construction on his own (in whole or even partially), then the priority criteria may also be the degree of complexity of working with the selected building material.

Main types of materials for building a private house

Today, both traditional materials that have been used, without exaggeration, for centuries, and those developed relatively recently, but which have already managed to show their positive side, are used to build houses.

So, when deciding on the materials to build a house, you need to know that they are conventionally divided into four groups:

  • Natural wood (log or timber).
  • Brick, stone and shell rock.
  • Porous blocks.
  • Wood-based composite materials.

To determine which of the listed materials is best to choose for a particular case, it is necessary to consider their physical and technical characteristics and other features.


Sand-lime and ceramic bricks are used to build houses. Both one and the second option are produced in two types, which differ in the internal structural structure - the brick can be hollow and solid.

Both types are widely used for the construction of house walls. However, different bricks may have very different characteristics.

Solid and hollow ceramic bricks

Solid brick has higher strength and can therefore withstand high loads. However, it has high thermal conductivity, and because of this, walls made from it usually require additional insulation and cladding.

Hollow products retain heat in the house better, so they are often used to cover a wall built of solid bricks, leaving a space between the walls that is filled thermal insulation materials- slag, expanded clay, foam concrete or expanded polystyrene.

Agree, with neat brickwork it is very difficult to compete in matters of façade aesthetics

Brick houses have a respectable appearance and a long service life, which sometimes exceeds the deadlines set during the design of the building. Buildings made from this material compare favorably with other buildings due to their strength and reliability. That is why, despite the emergence of innovative materials, brick has not lost any of its popularity, as it has successfully stood the test of time. Proof of this is that buildings, sometimes erected several centuries ago, are still in use.

However, despite the large number of positive qualities of brick, this material has not only advantages, but also obvious disadvantages.

To the main benefits brick, and therefore houses built from it, include:

  • Environmentally friendly material.

Nowadays, future home owners always pay special attention to this quality of the material. Brick buildings are impeccable in this regard, since the mortar from which the products are made does not contain artificially produced or toxic components. Ceramic bricks are made from purified clay, and silicate bricks are made from sand and lime.

  • The strength of the structure built from it has a long service life.

For centuries in different countries Both one-story and multi-story buildings were erected from brick, some are still in use today, without even requiring restoration of the facades. Walls built from bricks made without violating technology and laid on high-quality mortar are resistant to exposure ultraviolet rays, to moisture, wind, to biological damage.

In addition, brick buildings are able to withstand various natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, etc.

  • Frost resistance.

This quality indicates that the material is able to fully retain its operational and decorative qualities during numerous cycles of deep freezing and thawing. On sale today different brands bricks, the frost resistance of which may vary. Therefore, when purchasing this material, you should pay attention to the F indicator, which precisely shows this number of cycles. The higher the indicator, the more durable the material.

  • Natural regulation of humidity in the building.
  • Fire safety.

Unlike wood, brick is resistant to open fire, as it is made of non-flammable material, which has also been hardened high temperatures when firing it. Brick does not ignite and does not support the combustion of adjacent building elements. True, when exposed to open fire for a long time, it loses its safety margin. This means that the service life of walls that survive a fire is significantly reduced.

To the list of essential shortcomings brick buildings include the following factors:

  • Cost of material.

Having chosen brick to build a house, you need to be prepared for quite a lot of expenses, since, given the “modest” size of the products, you will need a lot of them. In addition to the brick itself, you will need to perform interior decoration walls - this is plastering followed by putty, painting or. All these processes are also quite costly and require some time.

  • High thermal conductivity of brick. If the house is being built in a region with cold winters, where the temperature drops to -35÷40 degrees, then the brick walls must be thick and be at least 640-770 mm. Another option could be a “sandwich” wall, that is, made according to the “well masonry” principle. In this case, two relatively thin brick walls are simultaneously erected at a certain distance from each other, the space between which is filled with thermal insulation materials. Sometimes another method is used for insulation - a lathing is fixed on the front side of the wall, between the elements of which mineral wool or expanded polystyrene is mounted, and then the walls are lined with one of the decorative materials.
  • Massiveness.

Brick houses are a very heavy structure. This means that it is necessary to build a reliable and solid foundation for them. Otherwise, under high load, it will sag, and with it the brick walls, resulting in deep cracks along them.

Therefore, to build a high-quality one that can reliably cope with a high load, you will also have to spend a lot of money.

  • The design of a brick building should only be carried out by a professional. Errors in foundation calculations and determination of the thickness of load-bearing walls are unacceptable. The project and calculations will also be expensive.
  • Hygroscopicity of the material.

This quality is especially pronounced in bricks made in violation of technology, that is, insufficiently hardened or too porous. In houses made of such material there is always high humidity, and getting rid of it is quite difficult. Therefore, the walls have to be etched periodically, which takes a lot of time and causes discomfort in the operation of the home. It’s good that today there are many products that will help protect brick walls from moisture - surfaces are treated with them at the very beginning of the building’s operation. It will help protect brick walls and high walls that separate them from ground moisture, rain splashes or contact with snow drifts.

Sand-lime brick is more hygroscopic than ceramic brick. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it to build a house in regions with a humid climate. And it is completely excluded when laying the base.

In digital terms, the main characteristics of the brick are as follows:

Name of characteristicsSolid brickHollow brickSand-lime brick
Density, kg/m³1600÷18001400÷17001700÷1900
Thermal conductivity, W/m˚S0.81÷0.870.44 0.95
Strength, kgf/cm²125÷200100÷200150
Moisture absorption,%7÷87÷88÷10
Frost resistance cycles50÷10050÷7035
Recommended wall thickness, mm at air temperature -20/ -30/-40 ˚С (mm)510/640/770 380/510/640 510/640/770

The cost of a brick is deliberately not indicated in the table. This parameter varies very widely, depending on the type, brand, size, manufacturer, and region of construction. Even among one seller, the spread of prices for seemingly identical products, but coming from different factories, can be very significant.

Cement-based masonry blocks

IN last years for the construction of a private house they are increasingly choosing building blocks, made on the basis of cement. Such masonry materials have a number of advantages over traditional brick, and the first of them can be called affordable cost. In addition, the blocks have impressive linear dimensions- one can replace from 4 or even up to 14 standard bricks, so building a house will go much faster.

Manufacturers today supply to construction market blocks on cement based, but made by different technologies and with various physical, technical and operational indicators:

To understand what each of these materials is and how they differ from each other, let’s take a closer look at their characteristics.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks

These building materials, at first glance, are similar in their characteristics. However, their manufacturing technologies differ somewhat.

Aerated concrete is made from cement, lime, sand and water with the addition of aluminum powder. Thanks to these components, during the manufacturing process of the composition, it is activated chemical reaction, accompanied by the release of gas, which ensures the creation of a porous structure with an open cell. This determines the very high hygroscopicity of the material.

Foam concrete products are made from cement, sand and water. But the main thing for the formation of the structure of the material is the foaming agent, which is added at the stage of mixing the solution before pouring it into molds. The cell turns out to be closed.

Both some and other blocks can have different densities, and are divided into brands. The numerical indicator in the stamp indicates the density finished material(kg/m³):

— D 1000– D 1200 - structural products, that is, intended for the construction of load-bearing walls. Their insulation qualities are not the most outstanding.

— D 500-D 900 - structural and thermal insulation materials. They are the ones most often chosen for individual construction, combining, so to speak, “business with pleasure.”

— D 300- D 500 - thermal insulating blocks. For load-bearing structures The strength properties of such a material are clearly insufficient.

Foam concrete is also produced in another version, which is marked D1300 to D1600. These are structurally porous blocks having high density, but also very significant thermal conductivity. As a rule, material of this brand is made to order and is practically not used in residential construction practice.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks have the following characteristic features:

  • Easy to process. The blocks are easily sawed using a regular wood saw. Thanks to this quality, anyone, even an inexperienced builder, can handle adjusting the material during wall construction. Moreover, the block can be given any intricate shape.
  • Strength of the material. The indicators of this parameter may vary depending on the porosity and brand of the product.
  • Low thermal conductivity. This figure averages 0.08÷0.22 W/(m×˚С). The D300 and D500 brands have a particularly low coefficient, so they are excellent for additional insulation of houses for permanent residence. Walls made of this material perfectly retain heat in the house during winter cold and coolness on hot summer days.
  • Soundproofing. Aerated concrete and foam concrete have significant noise absorption properties, and the final parameters depend on other characteristics of the material, as well as on the thickness of the walls. According to SNiP II-12-77 standards, in private houses the level of noise insulation should be 41÷60 dB, and the sound insulation qualities of aerated concrete usually exceed these indicators:
Brand of material most often used to build a private houseSound insulation level, dB, with wall thickness of the enclosing structure, mm
120 180 240 300 360
D500 36 41 44 46 48
D600 38 43 46 48 50
  • Environmentally friendly material. Industrial production of blocks is carried out under strict control(this is especially true for aerated concrete). The laboratories check for the presence of radioactive materials and toxic components - they are completely excluded.
  • Mass of blocks. This parameter depends on the density of the material:

As you can see, this parameter can vary somewhat in one direction or another. It must be remembered that the higher the density of the material, the higher its thermal conductivity and the worse the sound insulation.

Along with positive characteristics, these building materials also have their own flaws , about which you also need to have information:

  • Foam and gas blocks are fragile, so during work, if the material is handled carelessly, it can crack or split. In addition, this can also happen when the foundation shrinks. Therefore, the base for the walls should be as reliable as possible. To avoid subsidence and cracking, every second to third row of masonry must be reinforced with metal rods.
  • The hygroscopicity of aerated concrete can be considered a serious disadvantage. This feature predetermines an increase in the volume of work that includes waterproofing measures.
  • Mandatory interior and exterior finishing involves additional costs.

What to choose - foam concrete or aerated concrete?

With mass common features, these materials have significant differences. By what criteria can you compare More detailed information can be found in a special publication on our portal.

Expanded clay concrete blocks and cinder blocks

These blocks, like the materials described above, can be classified as very affordable and have decent characteristics.

Their frost resistance and strength are comparable with similar parameters brick walls. The blocks have very large linear parameters and relatively light weight, so they can be laid in a short time.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are made from cement mortar with the addition of fine-grained expanded clay of 5÷10 mm, or coarse-grained expanded clay sand.

Now, having figured out what frame house structures are, it is necessary to highlight their positive and negative sides.

TO merits correctly lined up frame houses the following can be attributed:

  • Possibility to do the work yourself.
  • The low thermal conductivity of the walls helps retain heat inside the house.
  • Relatively quick and fairly simple installation of structural elements.
  • There is no need to arrange a massive foundation, since the construction is easy.
  • The design does not shrink, so you can move into the house immediately after finishing work.
  • There is no need to level the surfaces of the walls and ceiling, since they are already ready for installation. decorative finishing both outside and inside.
  • Relatively low cost.

However, the frame structure also has a fairly large number shortcomings , which can bring disappointment to future residents of the house during its operation:

  • Low tightness of all frame structures, except for half-timbered structures.
  • Insufficiently long service life due to low strength and reliability of the structure.
  • IN frame houses it must be properly equipped, otherwise mold may appear on the walls and underground due to insufficient air exchange.
  • Low quality sound insulation.
  • High fire hazard.

  • Insulation material in the floor and walls can be chosen for housing by rodents and various insects. And it will be very difficult to get rid of such a “neighborhood”.

So which is better, timber or frame construction?

If you have to decide which form of wood is better to choose for construction - timber or log, or give preference frame structure, then it would be useful to refer to a special comparative publication. The recommended link leads to it.

* * * * * * *

Above we figured out what materials can be used to build houses for year-round use. Taking into account their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and approximate prices in your region, you can decide which one is best suited for a particular case based on a combination of all evaluation criteria.

If desires and possibilities coincide, then you can stop at optimal option and start developing a house project.

The information reflected in the article will be supplemented by an interesting video on the same topic:

Video: What material is better to choose for your own residential building?