Using turquoise wallpaper in the interior. Turquoise wallpaper Light turquoise wallpaper in the interior

Turquoise, translated as “Turkish stone,” is a mineral of unusual color that has long attracted attention. Its shade does not belong to any known color, but is somewhere between blue and green. Moreover, the palette of turquoise colors is very rich - from light green with blue to cyan blue.

Interior designers have long paid attention to the turquoise variety, and factories produce many variations of wallpaper in similar shades.

What does turquoise go with?

Many people like turquoise in the interior, but some are put off by the activity of the color. At first glance it may seem that there are few colors that go with turquoise, but in fact this is a misconception.

Of course, this is an active color that requires a careful approach, since if you overdo it, you can overload the interior. It's important to find golden mean, based on the basic rules of combination:

  • if turquoise becomes the primary color, it should not cover more than one third of the surfaces;
  • the rest can be decorated with wallpaper of lighter shades - in this case, you can take wallpaper of several colors at the same time;
  • if, in addition to turquoise, more are expected dark wallpaper, then there should be no more than two.

Designers have found a lot of successful combinations with turquoise wallpaper, some of the ideas are quite unusual:

With orange

Turquoise and orange - fresh, original combination. The subtleties of this design solution include the fact that light turquoise wallpaper should be taken as a basis. Furniture and interior items are more suitable in light, pearlescent, cream tones. Orange accents there should be one or two, for example, only a sofa, curtains and sofa cushions, painting and carpet, etc.

An interior in a similar color scheme is perfect for a children's room, bedroom, or living room in a youth style.

The photos confirm that bright accents favorably emphasize the delicacy of the turquoise walls.

With bright yellow

Another “sunny” version of turquoise in the interior is worthy of attention. You can be bolder with yellow by combining it with turquoise wallpaper and adding bright accessories.

The photo shows children's rooms, but such mischief can be created in almost any room, if there is a desire.

With light green

A completely natural combination, because these two colors are natural shades. Here you can see the harmony of the azure sky and fresh grass, and the warmth of a spring day emanates.

The photo shows a bedroom and living room in turquoise and light green shades.

With terracotta

Terracotta color, like turquoise, is a borderline shade, only between orange and brown.

Experts recommend sticking to a rich palette of both shades in the interior - combining bright turquoise with rich terracotta, choosing furniture and accessories without shine or mother-of-pearl for matte wallpaper. If the turquoise wallpaper is a muted color, then the terracotta should be calm.

Photo is an example of a bold color combination:

What a calm palette looks like is shown in the photo:

With pink

Pink evokes thoughts of love, romance, comfort, and together with the turquoise color of the wallpaper creates a wonderful tandem.

Most often, cool shades of pink with cool turquoise are used. This refreshing combination is suitable for little princesses' nurseries.

With all pastel colors

The turquoise color of the walls can be safely combined with beige, cream, vanilla, caramel, and shades. The pastel color palette is rich in tones, so there is plenty to choose from to suit your taste.

This combination is not flashy, it is calm color scheme and brings peace. It can be used in the interior of newborns, hyperactive children, and bedrooms.

With chocolate

A delicious and noble tandem - turquoise and chocolate. She is cool, bright, he is warm, rich, and together they look very harmonious.

There are many variations - turquoise walls are combined with furniture chocolate color, combine several types of wallpaper, or complement the color of turquoise walls and the same furniture with “tasty” accessories.

With black

Black is the most classic, which is always relevant. The color of purity and conciseness, when used in the interior, fills with freshness and novelty. It does not dampen the brightness of turquoise, but only successfully emphasizes its advantages.

In most cases, these two colors are used for wall design and interior design of living rooms - photo:

Eat design ideas and for using turquoise and black colors in the bedroom:

With white

Looking at the turquoise and white interior, only one word comes to mind - tenderness. Light turquoise wallpaper is used as the basis. This is 100% good option for the bedroom that will give a feeling of calm, coolness and relaxation just what you need after a hectic day.

With gold

Gold has always been a sign of luxury, turquoise is also a natural wealth. These two colors are suitable for luxurious, status interiors, abundant carved furniture, massive lamps, antique figurines and other attributes of rich decoration.

In such an interior, wallpaper with a turquoise pattern on a gold background looks harmonious.

With silver

If metal has been used for a long time and quite often for the manufacture of furniture and accessories, then it is used much less frequently for the decoration of wall coverings. The color of silver gives the interior a certain coldness, however, in combination with the turquoise shade of the walls, it looks very aesthetically pleasing. But there are also pitfalls in this combination - in very bright lighting there is a lot of glare, so the light should be in moderation.

With red

And another example of turquoise color in the interior, proving that in design there is no concept of “the right color combination”, but only a successful selection of colors that suit this particular room.

The turquoise color of the walls and red accents are a protest against boredom and monotony.

Turquoise hospitality - wallpaper for the living room

The living room, or as the room is also called, is a place for receiving guests. In this case, the interior design pursues important goal- create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

In addition, the following recommendations may be useful:

The photo shows that turquoise goes well with furniture of the same color, white surfaces, everything looks organic. A small yellow accent adds liveliness and brightness;

However, wallpapers of saturated shades, with large drawing It is better to combine with light monochromatic ones, or those with a neutral pattern - waves, stripes, embossing:

Turquoise wallpaper in the bedroom

The bedroom is a place for sleeping and should be suitable for complete rest and relaxation. Designers do not recommend using a large number of contrasting elements, bright colors. All wallpaper combinations should be in harmony with each other and not “harm” the eyes.

But it’s not always light, pale colors. Bright turquoise wallpaper can be used to decorate the walls of the bedside area.

For a classic design, you can use turquoise wallpaper in light shades, either plain or with a pattern.

In this case, it would be appropriate to dilute the interior with a piece of furniture or an accessory of a more saturated color, bright color. In the photo, the carpet plays this role.

Turquoise wall colors are fresh, stylish solution. The design uses a palette of unique tones offered by nature itself.

The turquoise color of wallpaper in interior design can be seen in the following video:

Pick up perfect combination to the tone in question is easier than it seems! Many users think that turquoise only goes with white companions, but this is not true. Excellent combination options in one room would be:

  • Burgundy
    If you want to breathe the real flavor of the East into your decor, you should buy turquoise wallpaper along with wall paintings in burgundy or terracotta tones. Muted red colors, combined with a refreshing bright blue, convey the spirit of luxury and love for rich colors inherent in the interiors of the palaces of the padishahs.
  • Orange
    Recommended as an accent addition to turquoise wallpaper for walls. A few splashes of cheerful orange (you can also use bright yellow) will bring a sunny mood and full of light to the room. In addition, this combination is reminiscent of the azure waters of the sea flowing onto a sandy beach.
  • Pastel shades
    A palette of soft watercolor shades will balance the brightness of turquoise wallpaper, so it’s worth buying them together to create a calmer design solutions. Ideal companions will be light pink, light green, cream wall decors and interior textiles.

Important! There are several colors that design experts do not recommend combining turquoise with: bright red, dark blue, olive.

With the development of the industry building materials and the influence of fashion on interior design, people stop being afraid of radical color solutions, bold combinations. In all the variety of shades, it is worth paying attention to the turquoise color in the interior. Is it as complicated as it seems and how much new can it bring into your life?

Color influence

Nature gave us the turquoise color with all its brightness and unusualness. The turquoise stone gave it its name. It lies between the colors blue and green, and has interested people since ancient times. Thousands of years ago, people gave turquoise shades mystical power. They brought good luck, were a symbol of faith and healing, love and compassion. Turquoise turned people's thoughts to the sky and oceans.

Now in the interior turquoise color brings lightness, joy, concentration of thoughts and peace. Although its brightness and ambiguity frighten many people who do not know how to correctly apply it in the decor of their home.

This choice will give a feeling of space, clean air, light, will cool in the heat, so the color is very suitable for furnishing an apartment or country house.


To begin with, it’s worth understanding what kind of wallpaper there are in order to choose the most suitable option for a particular room:

  • In terms of density, there are wallpapers with low (up to 110 g per sq. m), medium (110-140 g per sq. m) and dense materials(more than 140 g per sq. m).
  • In terms of texture, there are smooth, textured (with relief patterns), matte, glossy (from modest shimmer to varnish or satin shine) coatings.
  • In terms of resistance to moisture: unstable (cannot tolerate moisture, cannot be cleaned with water), moisture-resistant (with special protective coating– they can be wiped with a damp cloth) and washable (require exposure to cleaning compounds and brushes).
  • By number of layers: single-layer and multi-layer.
  • You can also classify them according to the format produced: roll, powder (produced in boxes or bags) or photo wallpaper (they are sold as a separate solid sheet).

Texture and materials

If past generations of people in our country were content with thin paper wallpaper of inexpressive and strange colors, now there is an opportunity to choose materials with unique properties, which can solve any problems arising during repairs:

  • Paper wallpapers have not ceased to attract the attention of buyers. They remain the most budget-friendly of all the products offered. There are two main groups of them - simplex and duplex:
  1. Simplex - single-layer wallpaper, thin, fragile, with a smooth surface and simple patterns. They do not tolerate water and are suitable as the most budget-friendly finish.
  2. Duplex is a multilayer material. This technology allows you to give the surface a relief. Embossed wallpaper is made by extruding a design. The texture is also obtained by applying a layer of acrylic or by placing shavings between layers of paper.

  • Non-woven coverings are more durable and elastic, but also more expensive. Their texture is very diverse. They imitate wood, metallic shine, satin shine and do not lose their environmental friendliness. This coating is durable and easy to apply.
  • Vinyl does not allow the walls to breathe, but it is easy to clean and also has wide choose drawings and reliefs.

  • Liquid materials similar to putty, but very easy to use even for novice repairmen. They are gaining popularity all over the world. In a turquoise shade, they are the ones that best convey the theme of the sea, water, glass or ice.

  • From natural materials– wood, veneer, cork, fabrics. Eco-friendly and textured coatings They are expensive and difficult to maintain, but the interior acquires a special charm and warmth.


There are quite a few varieties of turquoise color. And all of them can find application in your interior:

  • Bright turquoise walls will be smoothed out by furniture in soothing or white colors. This combination is suitable for brave and avant-garde people.
  • Pale turquoise color is widely used in interiors, like others pastel shades. It is suitable for various rooms and will be appropriate in a wide variety of stylistic solutions.
  • Soft turquoise shades will fit perfectly into the decor of a romantic girl's bedroom. They will also decorate the baby's room.
  • It is better not to use dark turquoise wallpaper in large quantities on the walls. It is better to highlight one wall with them, and decorate the rest in light basic shades. You can also combine light turquoise tones with them. But in this case it should be the only one color accent in the room due to the activity of turquoise. It is better to choose furniture and interior details in the simplest possible shades.


Manufacturers have long understood the attractiveness and freshness of the turquoise color and are trying to produce all kinds of wallpaper colors with its participation. Plain wallpaper refreshes the interior, breathes coolness into it, and gives it airiness and lightness. But in tandem with other shades Turquoise can give completely opposite moods to your room:

  • Wallpaper of this shade with an oriental pattern (Turkish cucumbers, monograms) will enhance the Asian theme in the interior. Coverings with geometric patterns (diamonds, circles, herringbone) will add avant-garde and at the same time rigor to the design.

This decor will fit well into the concept of decorating an office or workspace in a children's room. It will help you concentrate and calm down.

  • White and turquoise combinations are the most win-win and, one might say, classic. They are suitable for various styles and will find application in any room.

  • Turquoise-brown shades have already become design classics. They will add elegance and style to your room. If you focus on one wall, you can choose chocolate-turquoise striped wallpaper. This decoration is suitable even for people who are hesitant to go avant-garde and radical in the decoration of their apartment.

  • Yellow, together with a blue-green tint, creates an unusually positive and encouraging tandem. This type of decoration is easy to imagine in a nursery. It will add sun and light to a closed panoramic loggia or balcony. The living room of a country house will also sparkle with new colors thanks to such wallpaper.

  • Turquoise and green will create a feeling of naturalness and closeness to nature. It is better to use pale and matte textures of these colors.

  • A plant-themed design (wallpaper with chrysanthemums, cornflowers and orchids, sakura, leaves) is perfect for a delicate spring bedroom or highlighting a relaxation area in the living room. The combination of turquoise and gold has long been used to decorate palace interiors. So if space allows you, you can use this pair to create a rich and gorgeous decor.

  • Aged turquoise looks good on wallpaper decorated to look like natural wood. This color will look very impressive in a marine theme or a studio apartment in the loft style.

  • Black color will look especially impressive in combination with turquoise. It will emphasize the depth of turquoise, and blue-green, on the contrary, will soften the heaviness of black. The interior will acquire rigor, conciseness and unique chic.

What do they go with?

We have already found out that turquoise is an active and bright color. Now you need to decide what kind of furniture turquoise wallpaper will suit:

  • You need to choose interior items correct forms, not bulky and it is better not to give preference to dark lacquered furniture. It can add unnecessary brightness and burden the overall picture.
  • Tables and chairs of simple outlines with subtle details, cushioned furniture light shades and metallic classic lamps will be the perfect complement to rich turquoise.
  • If you want to fit dark furniture into the interior, it is better to stick to just black coffee table, black legs of bar stools or a dark matte bed base.

  • A wardrobe takes up a lot of space on the wall and, if its design and color are too unusual, it draws attention to itself: the design will turn out to be too intrusive to the eye. The best solution would be a white or light natural wood cabinet.
  • You can also choose a matte chocolate-colored chest of drawers and complement it with something else small object furnishings of the same shade (vase, floor lamp or decoration on chairs).

Floors look best in pale textures with natural wood motifs. In this version, they do not draw attention to themselves. If you settled on a pale color for the walls, then you can afford a pronounced pattern on the floor. But with a bright design, it is better to calm the room with unobtrusive textures.


The color of the sea and sky can be used in any style. Delicate bluish wallpaper will fit well into a Provence style room. Palace interiors with shimmers of gold and turquoise - classic choice Baroque decor.

Light shades will add some variety in Scandinavian style. And the coldness of the shade will add a feeling of a northern mysterious country. Greenish tints will give a special similarity to the color sea ​​water, so a room decorated in such colors will be unusually close to Mediterranean design.

The natural color will look beneficial in ethnic oriental styles, for example, in Moorish. Persian carpets and iridescent stained glass windows are perfectly set off by bright turquoise. Extraordinary individuals should pay attention to avant-garde design. Here you can combine several bright and rich shades: yellow, scarlet, deep dark turquoise.

Turquoise color in modern world evokes associations with information flows. They are visualized in this particular shade. It is logical to use wall decoration in this color style high tech.

Laconic and functional furniture, glass, metal and cold turquoise will create the impression of an airy and technological space in your apartment.

Pale pink fabrics, vintage design furniture and numerous decorative items in style shabby chic will perfectly complement the wallpaper in a light turquoise color, reminiscent of a mint shade.

All shades of blue and cyan are actively used by designers when decorating apartments and houses. And turquoise wallpaper is no exception. What to combine turquoise wallpaper with, how to select furniture and textiles to match it, will be discussed in this article.


Turquoise color is very beautiful and unusual. Translated, the name of this shade means “Turkish stone”. The versatility of this shade has intrigued and delighted artists and designers for many centuries, because it cannot be clearly called either green or blue. It combines all the best from these two colors and shimmers with their different shades.

Bright turquoise obi look very beautiful and fit into any interior. If you are looking for a plain wall covering to decorate your... cozy bedroom, buy light turquoise wallpaper and combine it with pastel colors. And you can add bright colors to the interior of your monochromatic apartment by using the most saturated shades of turquoise.

What colors do they go with?

Turquoise color goes well with many tones: these can be shades of both warm and cold palettes. Most matching colors for combination with turquoise:

  • Light shades. The turquoise color itself is quite active and rich. Therefore, designers recommend using it in a ratio of 1: 3. The remaining walls should remain lighter.

  • Orange. Bright turquoise color combines surprisingly well with an equally catchy and rich shade like orange. This color combination looks very fresh and interesting.

In order for this combination to play correctly, you need to combine turquoise with light shades in the base, and use orange only to place accents in the interior.

  • Yellow. A bright sunny combination of turquoise and yellow is also suitable for decorating children's or youth rooms. Unlike the previous option, when working with these two colors you can be much bolder and use more yellow.

  • Light green. This shade is beneficial because it is very natural and sophisticated. Delicate light green walls go well with turquoise and create an atmosphere of spring lightness in the room.

  • Terracotta. This color is also borderline between the other two. Terracotta is a combination of orange and brown. It is not very rich and looks more comfortable. If you combine it with stripes of turquoise wallpaper, you will get a beautiful and harmoniously decorated room.

However, do not forget that you should look for muted turquoise additional stripes for terracotta wallpaper.

  • Pink. This color is considered by most to be girlish. That’s why it is used most often when decorating children’s rooms or rooms for romantically minded girls. But if you combine pink with turquoise, it will no longer seem so sweet. The shade of blue definitely freshens up the interior.

  • Pastel shades. Additional colors also look advantageous against the turquoise background. pastel shades. This color can be safely combined with plain vanilla, cream or coffee wallpaper. This combination looks calm and puts you in a peaceful mood.

You can use this color tandem in nurseries, as it will have a positive effect on the baby and calm the baby before bed.

  • Chocolate. If you want to create a noble interior that will look really expensive, pay attention to the combination of turquoise with a rich chocolate shade. It can be done different ways. Most often, this shade of brown is found in furniture. But the walls remain turquoise. They look interesting and plain wallpaper with gold, or rather, with exquisite gilded monograms.

  • Black. An eternal classic is a combination of turquoise and black. This interior looks stylish and laconic. Black in combination with shades of turquoise no longer seems so gloomy and strict, and turquoise looks more stylish and interesting.
  • White. Another classic shade that can be paired with turquoise is white. This combination looks very gentle, especially if you choose the turquoise wallpaper as delicate and light as possible. This color combination is ideal for bedrooms.

  • Gold. Like the furniture in chocolate tones, gilding enhances the turquoise hue. Dark golden color looks luxurious and rich. You can choose decorative baubles with gold leaf or choose wallpaper with gold patterns or accents.
  • Silver. Another “metallic” shade is silver. It also combines very elegantly and stylishly with a turquoise base. It is worth considering that silver inserts and decorative elements Gives the room a cold feel. In addition, there should not be too much silver in the room, otherwise the surface will glare under the rays of light.
  • Red. A less obvious option is a combination of turquoise and red. Although they seem completely incompatible at first glance, if you find the right shades, you will get a bright and unusual interior.

Decorative design

If you are already tired of plain wallpaper, then you can choose something more interesting, for example, wall coverings with pattern. There are a huge number of designs and prints, so you can choose something that suits your style.

  • Graceful monograms. So, for example, if you are looking for elegant wallpaper for your interior in classic style, then beautiful aged wallpaper with gold monograms will suit you. They will look great in a room with vintage furniture and luxurious sofas.

  • Delicate flowers. For the tender romantic interior Light turquoise wallpaper with a flower will do. These could be wall coverings with orchids or delicate wallpaper, which depict cherry blossoms. This wallpaper looks equally good in the living room. oriental style, and in a cozy bedroom.

  • Simple geometry. A win-winsimple wallpaper with a geometric pattern. Colored circles on a plain turquoise surface are suitable for a bathroom, and elegant wallpaper with thin light stripes is suitable for decorating a simple living room.

But this design is not all that they can offer modern manufacturers wallpaper To brighten up the simple interior of your room, you can use beautiful colored photo wallpaper. From paintings to turquoise tones you can select landscapes with images mountain peaks or deserted beaches with translucent water.

The choice of wallpaper is difficult task. After all, you need to take into account not only whether you like this color or not, but also how organic and stylish the combination of turquoise wall coverings with furniture and decorative details placed around the room turns out to be.

Pay attention to the texture of the new wallpaper. The simplest and cheapest paper wallpaper they are cheap, but are poorly suited for rooms that do not have ideal conditions. They can be hung in the hall or hallway. But for the living room it is better to find something more elegant and graceful, for example, non-woven or velvet wallpaper in a delicate turquoise color.

In the kitchen or bathroom, you will benefit from stain-resistant high humidity wall coverings. This could be washable wallpaper or neat turquoise tiles.

If you pick suitable wallpaper, then they will serve you much longer, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

In addition to texture, you need to be able to choose a shade. More bright colors turquoise are suitable for playrooms, hallways and kitchens. And it is better to leave calm and muted tones for rooms in which you want to relax both body and soul. For example, for cozy office or a small bedroom.

Use turquoise color correctly, combine it with suitable shades, and you will be surprised at how beautiful the resulting room design will be.

Stylish interior ideas

Designers advise using turquoise in a 1:3 ratio with other shades. This way you will get an elegant, but not too bright interior.

Let's look at a few examples of how you can make this rule a reality.

  • Kitchen. All shades of blue and green help increase appetite. In such a room it will be much more pleasant for you to gather for meals with your family. Furniture in noble brown and chocolate shades will complement the turquoise base of the kitchen. Pastel curtains in shades such as cream, coffee or vanilla will also look good here.

Turquoise wallpaper will refresh the interior of any room. The choice of turquoise wallpaper in the interior speaks for itself - turquoise belongs to cold shades, so turquoise wallpaper is used to create a fresh and cool design. Turquoise color has a beneficial effect on mood, promoting relaxation and rest. For many, wall coverings of such colors are associated only with nautical style, but turquoise shades will fit into any interior design.

Turquoise wallpaper: filling the interior

Turquoise wallpaper in the interior can rightfully be considered chameleons. Because color, in combination with different lighting and other shades, can be either delicate and light, or brighter and more saturated. Subject to the specific style, wall coverings in turquoise tones can fit into any interior atmosphere.

Turquoise wallpaper will be an excellent option for the bedroom: in addition to the fact that it calms the psyche, it can increase the space

Advantages sea ​​wallpaper in the interior:

  1. Bedroom. Turquoise color in the interior of a bedroom in combination with gentle tones And air materials will emphasize the quiet and calm environment. This combination is perfect for a relaxing holiday after a difficult working day and will help overcome insomnia. Also marine theme in the bedroom goes well with any furniture and modern interior items. The bedside area can be highlighted with turquoise wallpaper with a patterned ornament, pasting it behind the head of the bed. And the rest of the walls in the room should be done in light and pastel colors.
  2. Living room. In the interior of the living room, turquoise wallpaper gives the room coziness and freshness, and combinations of several tones of blue will emphasize the mystery and romance of the design. If there are other shades of colors in such a room, then try to choose tones that match the layout of the room. For example, in a hall located on the south side, use bright or dark inserts, and in small room make the most of it light shades. Don’t be afraid to experiment with bright shades; in such an interior they will highlight sophistication and style.
  3. Children's room. When decorating the walls of a nursery, psychologists do not recommend using turquoise color. This may affect your baby's physical activity. It is better to hang wallpaper in turquoise tones in the form of rich inserts in the game area in combination with other bright shades.
  4. Kitchen. IN kitchen interior turquoise shades play an ambiguous role. The dining area can be decorated with bright and light turquoise tones, which will energize and embody the fresh, natural atmosphere of the room. But in the cooking area it is preferable to use cold and dark colors. Rich shades will protect walls from dirt and stains and promote concentration.
  5. Bathroom. The turquoise color of the walls in the bathroom will harmonize perfectly with white sanitary ware and white tiles. Although wallpaper is rarely used in such rooms, we must not forget that high quality coatings, for example, non-woven wallpaper will not only decorate the walls, but also protect them from mold and moisture. In addition, the sea color of the walls represents freshness and is regarded as perfect option for relaxation.

You should not buy wallpaper only in turquoise color: much the best solution there will be a purchase of wallpaper with a pattern of a different tone

When decorating the interior of any room, remember that the turquoise range of shades can play both a main and an auxiliary role. It is advisable that the room have a combination of both light and bright accents, which can be arranged with the help of accessories, decorative pillows or selected curtains.

Turquoise living room: decoration (video)

Turquoise wallpaper with a brown pattern in combination

For turquoise wallpaper, you need to carefully select the appropriate background and tones, as well as objects and decorative elements, in order to maintain the integrity of the entire interior.

To prevent a depressing atmosphere from prevailing in a brown room, it is worth adding notes of turquoise color to it.

The turquoise color of the walls harmoniously combines in the interior with natural pastel colors, for example, a combination of turquoise with brown pattern will give the room sophistication and grace. This composition in itself looks elegant and sophisticated, but you should not cover the entire room with turquoise-brown canvases, otherwise you will end up with a rich interior design in which you are unlikely to be able to relax and unwind. And you also risk visually making the room smaller. But if you like this offer, you shouldn’t refuse it. This combination is perfect for the living room, office and bedroom.

It is better to use this combination in the following options:

  • As the predominant one, complemented by neutral decorative elements;
  • As a secondary one, made in separate inserts.

Such combinations are perfect for the living room, office and bedroom.

Wallpaper brown with turquoise elements

Brown and turquoise wallpaper, for all its beauty, is very difficult to follow the artistic idea in the interior. The reason for the difficulty is that there is a possibility of overdoing it and ruining the whole look of the room. But we dare to note that the union of brown and turquoise is one of the successful and advantageous combinations. Especially if the background is chocolate shade, which should be as soft as possible, but moderately contrasting. This chocolate-turquoise design is best used as additional and accent elements, which will give the style some uniqueness. And for a bedroom or kitchen, on the contrary, a neutral background is suitable White color walls

Do not overdo it with dark shades of brown: you need to choose lighter tones

A turquoise and chocolate room will look quite unusual, but at the same time cozy. Great solution, with such a combination of colors, the use of horizontal or vertical stripes on one of the walls.

If you want to make the room less contrasting, then take a closer look at beige or vanilla tones instead of crisp white. But they will give a special irresistibility to the room brown wallpaper with turquoise texture elements. But do not forget that you should not cover the entire room with such wallpaper, so as not to visually reduce the space.

Based on the above, this color scheme plays an important role.


  1. May affect a person's mood;
  2. Can visually enlarge or reduce a room;
  3. Can make the room temperature feel higher or lower.

Design with white and turquoise wallpaper

Giving the main place to white and turquoise wallpaper in the interior is very bold, but not always profitable. Pure white will look too contrasty, so you should pay attention to pastel colors. Beige and turquoise will help make the room lighter and more cheerful. If you wanted to make the walls white and turquoise, then the room will be filled with additional light and air. This wallpaper is perfect for decorating a living room, bedroom or playroom. But in the kitchen the covering of this color scheme It's better not to use it. Turquoise brings with it a certain coolness and calmness, which is not very good for the appetite. This combination of colors is perfect for children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms.

The color that best matches turquoise is white

Feng Shui says that the shade of turquoise combined with pastel colors not only has a positive effect on a person’s emotions, but also has an excellent effect on his physical well-being.

Color and style of curtains for turquoise wallpaper

Correctly selected curtains for turquoise wallpaper are the key to the success of the entire interior. Most often, the design idea can be violated due to a small flaw, namely incorrectly selected curtains in a turquoise interior. What curtains will suit turquoise-colored wallpaper and how curtains and wallpaper should be combined will be discussed further.

If your interior is not perceived as comfortable enough with a touch of cold, then decorate it with curtains in bright colors - pink, green, red, yellow and others. And if the room turns out to be bright and rich, then use curtains in light colors, for example, the color of diluted turquoise or soft pastel colors.

The turquoise color does not harmonize with curtains of opposite colors: therefore, you need to purchase curtains of the same color as the wallpaper

If you have a monochromatic wall color, then choosing curtains here will be much easier; they can have patterns and rates or simply be solid. It is imperative that the colors present on the curtains must be repeated in the interior details.

Colors and style of curtains for delicate wallpaper turquoise shades may be different:

  • Light and light textiles will emphasize natural freshness;
  • Dark fabrics will create the desired contrast;
  • Bright curtains will help liven up the atmosphere.

Curtains that match the range of shades found in the elements of the pattern are suitable for patterned wallpaper. The ideal solution will be if you select fabrics with similar patterns.

Emphasize the brightness and individuality of your turquoise interior Additional curtain accessories will help you. Various flower ties, rings, bright bows, tassels and other elements will highlight the window area and give a unique style to the room.

Turquoise wallpaper in the bedroom interior (video)

Turquoise can fit into absolutely any interior design, the main thing is to maintain the compatibility of colors and proportions. Through combination, mixing and matching, pastel colors will help calm the activity of turquoise, and bright colors, on the contrary, will reveal all its depth and potential. Feel free to bring your ideas to life and don’t be afraid to experiment. Seek unique styles your rooms! Good luck!

Examples of turquoise wallpaper (photo)