Tricky ideas for equipping caches that will help you reliably hide everything you need (17 photos). Where to make a hiding place from thieves in an apartment Where to make a hiding place for money in an apartment

A big and warm hello to everyone! Although it is believed that a house should be a fortress, cases of burglary are not uncommon. Concerned owners are thinking about where to hide valuables, but attackers anticipate all the obvious options. To protect your savings, you need to know how to make a hiding place at home with your own hands.

Main rules

When getting down to business, consider the following subtleties:

  • Don’t put everything in one place;
  • make a hiding place in a hiding place, because thieves, delighted with the loot, will not notice the double bottom of the opened safe;
  • do not hide your savings in the TV or speakers - robbers will take them away;
  • Avoid standard solutions.

By adhering to these principles, you will increase your chances of protecting your property. After all, even a secure door can be hacked, so further development events depend on your ingenuity!

Where not to make a hiding place in the house

It’s easier to look at an option if you immediately reject platitudes. Do not hide money in the following places:

  • behind mirrors and paintings;
  • in desk or dresser drawers;
  • among dirty linen or other objects that cause disgust (lawbreakers are not known for their disgust);
  • in the pages of a book or in a box disguised as one;
  • on mezzanines;
  • behind the wallpaper;
  • in mattresses;
  • under the parquet.

When you come up with an idea, think about how obvious it is. If you have heard from others at least three times about an option for storage, then an attacker will probably find it. It is better to leave a valuable item in plain sight and be mistaken for a trinket than to put it in!

Where to start making a hiding place in the house with your own hands

To set up a secluded place, decide from whom you are hiding finances or jewelry. If you want to protect yourself from thieves, keep in mind that the main factor for them is time: if they fail to find a homemade “safe” in a matter of minutes, they will disappear with the loot that is in plain sight. Factor will benefit you because you can wrap gold food foil, put it in a plastic lunch container and put it on the refrigerator shelf - it’s unlikely that robbers will want to check how healthy you are eating. But they will not have the need to leave their housing in a presentable form, so false sockets or ventilation grilles will be mercilessly torn out.

You should approach the issue differently when you are arranging a shelter for a “stash” from your family. They have time and know your habits, so don't hide your finances in a cut-up tennis ball if you don't go near the court. Better take advantage of the fact that a curious relative who decides to dig into things is trying not to leave traces! For example, a container buried in a flower pot will fall prey to intruders who throw the flowerpots onto the floor. But this method will serve as a solution to protect the item from annoying household members. Having decided on the goal, it will be easier to cope with the task!


Don't miss the opportunity to turn your household appliances into a safe:

  • If a computer or TV becomes a prey for thieves, then they are unlikely to be interested in the refrigerator. At the right approach you will hide several packs of banknotes, and this will not affect the operation.
  • The air conditioner is less suitable for your purposes, because there is almost no free space, but you will still be able to place a small amount.
  • Money is easy to hide in washing machine, pre-wrapped in a plastic bag.
  • You can cope with the task with the help of an old vacuum cleaner, whose container will please you with its spaciousness. Place the device at the far wall of the closet or take it to the attic, where it will not arouse suspicion.

Important: most electrical equipment is only suitable for storing banknotes, because gold chains or pendants will become current conductors. As a result, you will ruin things and cause equipment breakdowns!


If burglars break into your home, they will certainly inspect the countertops. reverse side, so do not stick a bag of valuables there. But the nests in the legs will become successful shelters, and they will be equipped in the upper part: the loads on the lower point are already high, and if the support area is reduced, the table will break over time.

The option with a hidden bottom of the drawers is too banal, but it will be replaced by the double top of the bookcase. Thieves will not have time to take measurements, and you will easily hide important papers. Banknotes can be hidden in books, but not between the pages, but under the spine.

The result can be achieved with the help of shortened desk drawers: although the difference should not be noticeable, you can easily gain a couple of centimeters. It is good to cover large items in a pear chair, which will require opening the zipper, slightly cutting the cover and carefully sewing it up. Such a trick will deceive even an introscope, which is used during a legal search, because the filler absorbs radiation.

With a non-standard approach, you will turn a sofa into a shelter. Although the space under the seat and armrests is usually used for storing things, a removable backrest has not yet become an obvious solution. Home master remove the pillows, attach the frame to them and use loops to attach it to the backrest.

You will also find cabinets with double back wall, capable of deceiving even an experienced thief. The drawers are not shortened because the movable section is attached to the back of the furniture. Thanks to the grooves, it lowers, freeing small space.

It is impossible to equip such “safes” secretly from household members, since preparation will require carpentry work. But you will mislead the villains, and the valuables will be preserved!


Interior doors will serve as a place where you can hide expensive things:

  • To hide from prying eyes small items, place them in an oblong metal container and drill a suitable hole in the end of the canvas. Place it in the upper part, and it will be impossible to find the cache without knowing about it in advance.
  • For storage valuable papers resort to a similar method by choosing inexpensive model doors. Such structures consist of a plywood frame covered with cardboard, and cutting out a cavity on top is not difficult. You need to make sure that the level of the cover coincides with the surface of the door, for which it is fixed on magnetic strips.

It is better to hide banknotes in a niche intended for a lock. When choosing a mechanism, give preference narrow models, slightly deepen the hole made in the canvas, and you will be able to hide valuables even during a professional search. To prevent translucent instruments from “seeing” voids, before installing the lock, place a steel bracket of a suitable size on the case.

Windows and walls

Windows will become a potential storage area, as there are many voids in plastic window sills. They are revealed by tapping, but it is impossible to determine that treasure is hidden under the outer covering. Worth using also mosquito net, having disassembled plastic frame and putting everything important there: the weight gain will be unnoticeable, and when large quantities windows, you will have a lot of space at your disposal.

Owners of metal curtain rods use their hollow tubes. Remove the cap on the end and stash rolled up bills or small items.

Niches in the walls have become a commonplace option, but a private house will provide room for variation. The owners erect partitions, leaving a space of up to 1 m behind them - in a country residence the reception will go unnoticed. It is only important to make sure that the disguised door opens inward, otherwise the resulting scratches on the floor will give away the secret.

How to make a hiding place at home with your own hands in the rooms

Outwitting experienced thieves can be difficult, but you can cope with the task if you take into account the specifics of each room.


The option of hiding in a children's room has helped more than one homeowner: thieves are not eager to inspect numerous toys. They might feel out a teddy bear in plain sight, but they won't look in every construction box. Hide the rolled money inside plastic toy, and for prying eyes she will get lost in the general chaos of the nursery.


Practice shows that lawbreakers inspect the bedroom immediately after the hall. After all, owners often hide valuables in the linen closet, hoping for a simple trick! You should not resort to this method, because you have at your disposal original options:

  • Hidden shelf The high headboard of the bed is suitable for storing weapons. This method was chosen by Americans who wanted to protect themselves in case of robbery. But if there are children in the house, it is necessary to store weapons only in a reliable safe with a combination lock.
  • You can keep sex toys in your bedroom that will actually serve as a container for your valuables. There is a chance that robbers will not want to pick them up, and the ruse will go unnoticed.

Important: despite the tricks, there is a chance that thieves will carefully inspect the room. Follow the principle “it is better to sacrifice a little than to lose everything” and hide a small amount of valuables in the bedroom. Having discovered the desired prey, the uninvited guests will disappear without finding the main part!


The room will delight you with a variety of possible hiding places:

  • Place bills in a shampoo or lotion container.
  • A box of washing powder will become a safe shelter. To achieve complete safety, pour out the contents, carefully cut the cardboard along the fold lines, glue in a separator under which you will hide the valuables. Collect the box and add the powder back.
  • It is convenient to install a wall safe in the bathroom. Its surface will disguise tile, and the secret niche can be large or hidden under just one component wall covering. To implement the idea, you will need to carefully remove the tiles and make a smaller hole in the wall. Use a plastic box as a drawer. Glue a tile to it, and there will be no reason to complain about the result.
  • A medicine cabinet in the bathroom will provide a variety of potential hiding places. It will not be a refuge for a large sum, but you can put a few bills into an empty medicine bottle.

If you keep pads in your medicine cabinet, take advantage of the fact that men are uncomfortable with feminine hygiene products. There is a possibility that uninvited guests will not conduct a thorough inspection! Carefully cut one gasket, place the bills and seal along the edge with an iron, ironing through thick paper. A similar option is also used in cases where a lady, going on a trip, is afraid of being robbed on the road.

  • You can store gold rings and chains in empty cream jars.
  • It's easy to turn a hollow mop handle into a jewelry hiding place.

When looking for a method, try to be original. Having abandoned the idea of ​​storing money in vent, you'll keep at least part of your savings.

Stash in the apartment from household members

The examples discussed are good when you are trying to protect yourself from the consequences of a visit from uninvited guests. But if you want to hide a couple of bills from your household, you are unlikely to start drilling walls and doors! They will help you simple ways:

  • If the room has Wall Clock, then the battery compartment will fit a folded bill. The main thing is that no one in the household decides to replace the power source!
  • Refurbishment of an old keyboard by removing the internals is easy and turns the case into secure storage. When you spend your “stash”, you can use the little thing as an organizer.
  • Vintage candlesticks and cast iron lamps inherited from grandmothers will bring a surprise - it turns out that in order to save money they were made hollow inside and the base was sealed with felt. Carefully peel back the soft cover and then secure it with Velcro so you can get into the piggy bank at any time.
  • Women hide the money they save for “pins” by hiding it in a box of cereal. When the method became too familiar, inventive ladies began making decorative jars of salt with their own hands. Just pour the contents into the bottom, then place a cardboard container in the center, the height of which reaches the edge, and fill the gap between it and the glass with multi-colored material. By removing the cover, you will be able to get your finances out as needed.
  • An ordinary cactus will serve as a hiding place, since the plant is hardy. Most of the core is spongy tissue, in which you can make a groove: carefully dig up the plant, shake off the soil and cut off part of the rhizome with a sharp knife. Once you return the cactus to the pot, do not worry about wilting, as it will quickly recover and even bloom. But do not forget that the banknotes will need to be placed in an airtight container, otherwise the caustic juice will spoil them.
  • Old shoes will turn into a safe, just put your savings under the insole. The main thing is that when your family starts cleaning, they don’t send it to the trash heap! For this reason, you should not choose outright junk for storage.

Try simple tricks and you will be pleased with the results.

How to protect your office from household members

If you have allocated a separate room for your studies, then you use it not only for work. Own office becomes the territory where you arrange your personal space. Alas, family members do not always respect privacy, so you have to resort to tricks:

  • Do not throw away a marker that has become unusable! By removing the core, you will have a convenient container. You can even carry it with you, because no one will think that the plastic walls are hiding banknotes.
  • Carefully cut out a section in the hollow globe so that the lines coincide with the latitude and meridian symbols - this will make them more invisible.
  • Naughty offspring like to peek into the office? It is unlikely that they will be interested in folders with boring documents. You will need several binders from which you will cut the fronts. Glue the pieces together to fit the shelf, and place a bottle of your favorite whiskey behind them or hide a stash of cigars.
  • Vintage fans keep a collection of records in their office, not wanting to part with it in favor of newfangled trends. Children are not interested in this kind of retro, so use shelves to equip a secret place: make a drawer of a suitable size, and glue 2 record envelopes on the sides. It will be possible to disguise the front part by sacrificing a large number of packages. To avoid damaging your pride, go to a flea market and buy cheap records. Once you place this box on a shelf with your music collection, you won't notice a difference, so the contents will be safe.

Whatever idea you use, keep in mind that the best way to avoid losses is to increase the security of your home. Install an alarm, take care of a strong door with reliable locks, and use hiding places as auxiliary tools!

Now you know how to make a hiding place at home with your own hands. Where do you store your valuables?

What would a thief do if he got into an apartment or house? Where would he start looking for the most valuable things? This is a question worth asking before you start thinking about where to hide money, gold, diamonds and other valuables! A hiding place for money at home, in an apartment or in a country house is certainly not a good idea. Of course, it will not act as a reliable guarantor of safety, unlike a safe deposit box, but as they say, you won’t have to pay money for their safety.

Another question is what is the value of what you are going to hide and how far are you willing to go in connection with it. It’s one thing to store a couple of tens of thousands of rubles, keys, weapons, etc., another thing is to store jewelry worth a couple of millions that you are not going to use for the next few years. If for some reason you are still not satisfied with the bank cache. Secondly, it is better to wall everything up in the wall at once and preferably without cavities. The main thing is not to forget the location of this hiding place at home and convey the information to a trusted person in time, and then the heirs will ask the question: “Where did grandfather hide the money?”

But in the first case, such coordinated efforts and trusted persons are not needed. It is quite enough if the hiding place at home is located in a non-standard and at the same time accessible place, in which even the thought will not arise that there is a hiding place for money there. A non-standard solution is perhaps one of the factors for the successful preservation of valuables.

A hiding place for money at home where it is difficult to find anything

No matter how well-wishers would like it, they don’t have much time at their disposal after they get into the house. The fear of getting caught among such people is quite strong and they are unlikely to conduct a thorough search. Therefore, it is advisable to hide money where it is not easy to find. For example, in one of the cosmetic tubes. Such a tube, among dozens of others, is unlikely to attract the attention of uninvited guests and they are unlikely to be eager to open them all. Such a stash at home is a great opportunity to save a small amount of money.

Stash for money at home - photo

In a similar way, you can organize a hiding place in an apartment in a children's room. If the child has quite a lot of toys, you can hide the money in one of them. Most likely, they will be able to be saved if there are really a lot of them... You just need to warn the child in advance.

Stash in toys

Stash in sports accessories, a great idea for sports fans, because, as a rule, such people have plenty of all sorts of sports things in their apartment. For example, if you cut one of a couple dozen tennis balls and hide something valuable in it, it will most likely go unnoticed in the general pile. The main thing in such a hiding place is the cut in the right place.

Stash for money in the ball

A hiding place for money where it is not customary to look

A hiding place in an apartment can be made in places where it would be extremely unpleasant for a thief to look for it.

In places that are not the first freshness - a basket with dirty laundry: socks, underwear etc.. Rummaging through it is neither pleasant nor interesting; this is the last place where thieves, of course, can also look if they don’t find anything valuable in the house.

The hiding place is in a book, but not in a simple book, but in the criminal code. It will work if it stands among many other books, preferably on a similar topic. The subconscious fear of the ill-wisher may well work and he will not touch the “scary” book.

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Many experienced people advise that in order to save a larger amount, you should make a second distracting hiding place. More affordable. Having found it, the thieves may well calm down and leave the crime scene. Unless, of course, they know about the presence of more valuable things in the house.

Home Electronics

Money is sometimes hidden in sockets, or rather in false sockets. But everyone has known about this for a long time, so it’s better not to do it. But hide the money in Charger smartphone is a new idea. But such a cache won’t fit many of them.

But a couple of stacks of bills will fit into the free slot of the system bottle of a desktop computer. But it’s worth making such a hiding place for money at home only if the device is old. Otherwise, you may lose both your money and your computer.

No matter how sophisticated the hiding place for money in your home is, this does not guarantee its safety. Therefore, it is better to take valuables to a special place for them - to the bank.

Long-forgotten architectural tricks of past centuries - secret meeting rooms, treasuries and armories, cute boudoirs are gradually winning new admirers today. After all, it is impossible to pass by such convenient and original design solutions. You should definitely pay attention to how designers managed to use secret rooms in modern interiors.

Who has not been surprised and fascinated, when reading books, by descriptions of the magnificent, and most importantly secret, boudoirs of queens and ladies-in-waiting, treasuries, shining precious stones and gold?! No one remained indifferent to such exquisite inventions of human genius and cunning.

Nowadays, these incredible structures occupy a worthy place in the design and layout of your home, no matter what size it is. This original solution will give not only individuality, but will help expand functionality use of living space.

Make hiding places for storing especially valuable or dangerous things.

And even furniture that looks familiar can perform very unexpected functions.

Let's look at a few original ideas how to organize and hide a room or add functionality to interior items.

Entrance to hidden rooms can be disguised using lots of tricks:

1. Bookcase

At all times, it is an integral part of the interior of both huge castles and villas, and an ordinary modern apartment.

In this case, the cabinet itself is used, creating a pleasant “picture” for the interior of the room in which it is located. The functional use of the space behind it can be organized to suit every taste, for example, to hide the entrance to a huge library.

Or disguise a small one cozy room for reading and just solitude.

You can hide the stairs leading to the attic or basement.

What room will you hide behind such a door: an office, a bedroom or a secluded IT center? The main thing is that bookshelf will not disrupt the usual and harmonious interior your home, and no one will guess that this is a door.

If there is very little space, then you can still hide your minibar from prying eyes.

2. Sideboard, buffet or wardrobe

They skillfully hide the entrance to secret rooms or hide some interior items.

Children's rooms can be decorated in a particularly original and multifunctional way; here the fantasies of not only children, but also adults are realized!

3. The Big Picture

If you are a fan of huge paintings, then this idea to hide, for example, a dressing room, is for you. The canvas will delight the eyes of everyone present, and your soul as well. Because you arranged 120 pairs of shoes and another blouse in a very original way, but no one noticed it.

4. Wall

You don't want to clutter extra furniture apartment, you are a fan of minimalism, then take this idea as a basis. Such secret door will not disturb the harmony of your living room or hallway.

The door from the bathroom to the sauna will hide the benches and attributes of the steam room from your eyes.

Such a mysterious entrance to a wine cellar will add style and luxury to the interior of your home.

5. Curtain

There is nothing easier than hanging a regular curtain on your favorite room, making it isolated and at the same time cozy. Such nook everyone can afford it.

6. Fireplace

If you are lucky enough to have a large apartment and it has a fireplace, then the door can be veiled even in it. And the entrance is hidden, and the overall pompous appearance of the room is not disturbed.

7. Stairs

As you know, although there is not a lot of space under the stairs, it can also be used rationally,
like a pantry, for example, this will allow you to store all kinds of household items and more.

Or make a playroom so that toys aren’t lying around the house.

Can be used as an entrance to a basement or garage.

This design of the staircase itself will open the entrance to secret rooms.

8. Mirror

The presence of a huge mirror in a room always gives the interior stylish look, adding light and space. A secret room can be hidden behind it.

9. Gender

If the house has a basement, and it is impossible to make an entrance from the street, or you just want to have access there right under your feet, there are several solutions: you can design the entrance as you usually have done since time immemorial, hiding your food supplies.

If you really want to show off your wealth, then you will definitely like this design of a real portal to the cellar.

There are also unimaginable options for using hidden places under the floor: lower the bathtub below the floor, cover it with a lattice lid, and so it does not take up space in the shower.

How to decorate a multifunctional loft-style apartment using modules.

Furniture modules can also be used as extra room or even several to create not only comfortable and multifunctional housing, but also original design interior Where there will be no clutter of all kinds of furniture and unnecessary partitions.

If you don’t have the opportunity to have a secret room, but really want to, you can even convert a piano to create your own relaxation area without disturbing the overall harmony of the interior.

You, too, can try to make your dream come true by creating at least a small, but your own hidden corner with

In 2019, it is difficult to talk about the advisability of hiding a cache in the house, since almost everyone has switched to plastic cards and non-cash payments. Security alarms and doors and windows with complex locks make life much more difficult for burglars. But there are still times when you need to hide money, valuables or documents for a while. Then it’s worth thinking about how to properly make a small hiding place in your house or apartment. Read in our review some practical tips on arranging a storage facility, as well as where it is not recommended to hide the most valuable things.

When deciding to arrange a hiding place in your home, you should take into account several recommendations.

  1. Instead of storing all your valuables in one place, be creative and divide them into small groups.
  2. Make a hiding place in a hiding place. If burglars find one, they certainly won’t look for a second one.
  3. Avoid obvious places that everyone has known about for a long time: flower pots, cereals, diapers, space under the countertop, freezer or refrigerator.
  4. If you want to hide something safely, put it in a visible place.

Don't forget that burglars are very observant. An overcrowded mailbox and constantly curtained windows immediately suggest that the owners are not at home. Ask good friends to indicate the visibility of their presence in your home and take out correspondence.

Safe in the house

When the question of the safety of valuables in an apartment or private house is raised, many people first think about the safe. Indeed, why come up with something on your own when ready-made solution already on sale. However, everything is not so simple here. The risk in this case increases several times.

It’s one thing when a safe is installed in the floor or wall, and completely different when it just sits in a closet or table. The burglar won’t even waste time opening it, but will simply take it out of the apartment to open it in a calm environment.

The best option is to securely fasten it, or even better to disguise it behind decor, for example, behind a mirror, a picture, or make a secret niche behind the wall of a closet.

Empty cavities in pipes

Another good place is empty cavities in pipes. This is in the kitchen, and the pipe for the curtain in the bathroom, and the cornice, and even a mop handle. The valuables must first be placed in a sealed bag. To prevent money from ending up in the middle of the pipe, you can install a stopper in the form of a wine cork.

Hides in niches

During repairs and replacement of the floor or when installing a podium, you can provide a small compartment in the underground that will accommodate both money and documents. They should also be sealed in case water spills on them during cleaning.

It should be provided convenient option opening the lid of the cache, for example, by pressing. To prevent burglars from immediately identifying the storage area, it is advisable to install a bed or other heavy furniture on top.

Advice! Not bad and fresh idea- arrange a small hiding place on the ceiling. This can be done during renovation using drywall.

Hiding places are often made in walls, masking them, for example, with tiles. This can only work with inexperienced burglars. Today thieves have modern technology. Anyone will show the presence of voids inside.

Finishing with a trick

IN Lately many sew up the walls and ceiling. It is logical to make a small storage unit behind such an element, in which you can place not only money, but also documents.

Secret drawers

Another option for a home hiding place is to camouflage it behind facades, for example in the basement of furniture. Decorative panels under the lower kitchen cabinets and bedroom or living room units can be converted into drawers for storing valuables.

Double bottom

A good solution is a double bottom in any box; for the work you will need plywood and a saw. The main thing here is that visually the cache is of small height, otherwise the discrepancy will immediately be evident.

Secret storage in a chair

But here, on the contrary, you can use the existing compartment between the seat and the bottom. It is enough to carefully dismantle top part and make a large storage room inside for documents or valuables.

Electrical Tricks

One of great ideas– equipment for a small hiding place in an outlet. To do this, you must first turn off the power, dismantle the internals and de-energize the wires. Another option is to make a false socket at the repair stage, the main thing is not to forget which is real and which is just an imitation. Good idea– cover the fake one with childproof pads.

Today manufacturers produce safes with facade panel as . This is a good solution for a hiding place, but it is better to install them during renovation.

Hides in countertops

Another option for storing valuables is a desktop tabletop or a window sill. To do this, you will have to involve window or furniture makers in your plans. It is important that information about your secrets remains between you.

You can simply use the voids in plastic window sill. To prevent burglars from opening them right away, the side protection must be firmly secured.

Caches in computer technology

All burglars know about hiding places in system units; they can only be used to store several banknotes. It's a good idea to clear out the contents of an old keyboard or broken speakers. This might work if you have a lot of computer junk in your drawers. You never know why you keep all this.

Door leaf

If you need to hide a flash drive with important information or several bills, you can drill a hole in the end door leaf and disguise it decorative overlay or with a self-tapping screw. To make it more convenient to use, it is better to place valuables in a metal tube and remove it using a magnet.

Stash in the side wall of the bedside table

You can make a hiding place not only in the nightstand, but also in the desktop and in the chest of drawers. The main thing is to do everything carefully so that side panel did not move away from the frame, and external interference was not noticeable.

Cache for adults only: +18

This unconventional idea, but precisely because of its originality it may well work. Not everyone would think of making a hiding place in an intimate toy. Even if you've never used them, visit adult stores and buy a couple of pleasure items. Believe me, the burglar will most likely simply disdain to check them for valuables.

It is important not to hide toys far away; put them in the nightstand near the bed or any place in the bedroom where they are usually stored. However, be careful, it is better not to use this idea in homes where children are growing up, otherwise you will have to explain to them the purpose of such a prank.

Professional caches

One of the best developments from manufacturers is professional hiding places. They are installed in furniture or niches in the wall. They work from a special key or plastic card, which must be attached to a certain place on the panel.


We talked about where various documents are stored in the house and Money. Remember that they are all known to burglars, so small storage units are only suitable as a temporary measure. Most in an effective way to protect valuables is the installation burglar alarm or a professional safe.

Do you think it is possible to organize a complete and safe storage place for valuables at home?

Finally, we suggest watching a video about what professional safes are, as well as their installation locations.

Everyone sometimes needs a hiding place for the most valuable and expensive things in the house. Some people hide money under mattresses or spare keys under rugs. front door, someone invents more complicated hiding places. If you ever need to hide something, here are 12 of the most secret places where no one would think to look for anything... not even you!

1. Vacuum cleaner

Sometimes The best way hide something - leave it in plain sight. Even the smartest thieves will not suspect that you are keeping valuables inside a huge old vacuum cleaner!

2. Food packaging

Let's say you hide jewelry; put it in a small bag or container and then bury the small container in the popcorn kernels! It would hardly occur to anyone that a full can of popcorn contains anything other than popcorn itself.

3. Old record collection

if you have old collection records - why not turn it into a great hiding place? Buy a few old or damaged records whose cases you can use for storage.

4. Old videotape

Everyone in their house has a shelf with old cassette tapes! Take the tape out of the unwanted cassette, put the things you really need inside, put the tape back - and put it on the shelf. Perfect!

5. Old paint can

Give an old paint can a good clean before you make a hiding place out of it! Keep the jar in the garage or basement among other similar jars. Want to confuse robbers? Throw some unpleasant surprise for them into another empty jar and put it in the general pile.

6. Greasy mayonnaise jar

Don't worry: it's not real mayonnaise, it's just paint that imitates it. Works great - no one wants to open a jar of mayonnaise.

7. Cabinets under the sink

Cut a hole under your kitchen sink cabinet to create the ultimate secret hiding place. Make sure your valuables are well protected from moisture before you put them there!

8. Painting

Hanging a picture is a great solution when you need to hide something and at the same time make your home more attractive. You can hide the keys behind the picture just like that - or put a built-in safe behind it for valuables.

9. Fake tile

To make a fake tile, remove one tile from your bathroom wall and then make a hole in the wall behind it. Attach a small box to the tile and place it back on the wall. Just don’t forget which tile your treasures are stored behind!

10. Keyboard

This fully functioning keyboard makes a great hiding place and is available in stores. In addition, it is a little thicker than usual. You can hide valuables in most regular keyboards!