Phlox annual constellation. Annual Drummond phloxes: planting and care. Growing phlox from seeds

The only species of annual Phlox is Drummonda, named after the English botanist who brought this flower from America to Europe. This is how the history of the development and breeding of new varieties in Russia and Europe began. It is amazing beautiful flower no less popular than perennial phlox. Has a lot different varieties, shapes and shades of color. Phlox Care Guide.

Annual phlox: varieties, description and photo

The main and only one annual species Phlox is Phlox Drummond, of which several varieties have been bred:

Annual Phlox Drummond

Phlox Drummond “Constellation” - the flowers of this variety have various bright and light shades of colors, are about three centimeters in diameter, and have a fragrant aroma. The plant is highly branched. Inflorescences in the form of small corymbs. This variety of annual Phlox is used for cutting, and it is also planted in groups in flower beds.

Phlox "Constellation" pink-red

Phlox Drummond Promise Pink - this variety is a low-growing phlox, growing up to 20 cm in height. The flowers are unusual, double pink in color. They like to use this variety to decorate rocky hills and flower beds in gardens.

Annual phloxes - planting and care

Annual phloxes are unpretentious when growing and caring for them. They are not particularly demanding on the soil, however, they grow better in fertile soil. All annual phlox bloom from June to September and can withstand frosts down to -2 degrees. Sites for planting annual phlox should be chosen in the sun. Read what they exist and what they look like.

On sunny days, annual phloxes acquire a brighter color than on rainy and cloudy weather.

To care for this plant, you need to regularly loosen the soil around the flower and water it moderately. You can fertilize the flowers a couple of times mineral complex. For more lush and long-lasting flowering, it is better to pick off faded branches and inflorescences.

  • Annual phloxes are grown from seeds in early spring.
  • The best time to sow seeds is the beginning or end of March. The thing is that the seeds germinate very slowly, it takes at least three weeks.
  • Sowing should be kept at a positive temperature of approximately 12 - 15 degrees and watered evenly.
  • When the first leaves appear, the seedlings must be planted in pots to strengthen the root system.
  • Then, at the end of May, the strengthened plants are planted in the ground.

This herbaceous plant, like phlox (Phlox) is directly related to the cyanaceae family (Polemoniaceae). This genus includes approximately 70 species, with approximately 40 species being cultivated. For the first time, phlox began to be grown in European countries in the middle of the 18th century. Today, thanks to breeders, about 1.5 thousand different varieties of such flowers have appeared. From Greek “phlox” is translated as “flame”. This is how this plant was named by K. Linnaeus in 1737, and that’s all, because in some of the phlox species the flowers have a very rich color. IN natural conditions such flowers can be found in North America. Due to the fact that the climate of those places is quite harsh, the plant is distinguished by its low maintenance and vitality. And phlox flowers are incredibly fragrant, and the flowering itself is long-lasting.

Phlox, even of the same species, can differ greatly from each other, and this is influenced by the characteristics of the climate in which the flower grows. So, for example, those plants that grow at an altitude of 4 thousand meters are bryophytes and have a fairly short stature, only 5–25 centimeters. Their branching stems are covered with evergreen leaf blades. If the plant grows in favorable climatic conditions, then it has an erect bush that can reach 30–180 centimeters in height. Subshrubs are also found. These plants also differ in flowering time. So, there are early (spring), middle (summer), and late (summer-autumn). The most common are upright varieties and species. Sessile, entire, oppositely arranged leaves can be elongated-ovate or lanceolate-oval in shape. The diameter of the flowers varies from 2.5 to 4 centimeters. They have a tubular-funnel shape and are part of a complex inflorescence. So, one inflorescence can have up to 90 flowers. The flower consists of 5 stamens, 5 slightly bent petals, and 1 pistil. Most phlox species are perennial plants. However, Drummond's phlox (Phlox drummondii) and its various shapes and the varieties are considered annuals.

Main types and varieties

Phlox annuals

The best annual phlox grown in the garden is Drummond. The Englishman G. Drummond, who was a naturalist, traveler and theologian, brought it to England from Texas in 1835. In England, this flower has taken root. Flowering for this plant begins in June and ends with the onset of the first frost. The oppositely located leaves have a lanceolate-oval shape. The thin stem is quite branched, and it reaches a height of 20–30 centimeters. The colors of the fragrant flowers are dark red, yellow, purple, white and salmon.

Plants of this species are divided into 2 varieties, namely: large-flowered and star-shaped. Phlox in height Drummond's stellate(Phlox drummondii cuspidata), as a rule, reaches 30–40 centimeters, but more compact plants (up to 12 centimeters) are also found. The dissected petals give the bright flower a resemblance to a star, in the center of which there is a peephole. Phlox Drummonda grandiflora(Phlox drummondii mixed) - its height, as a rule, does not exceed 30 centimeters. Its flowers have enough large size and can be painted in various color shades. But plants with flowers in red shades are more impressive.

Flower growers also divide these plants according to size into dwarf ones, which reach a height of 15 to 20 centimeters, and large-flowered ones. Varieties classified as large-flowered: Tall fiery red, Tall white and Tall bright red. Varieties related to dwarf phlox: Shamoa (pink), Salmona (salmon), Snowball(white), Isabella (yellow) and Defiance (fiery red). All varieties of this type of phlox have both semi-double and terry varieties. The most popular are terry flowers of the Promise variety in various colors.

Phlox perennial

Phlox subulate

The earliest type of phlox belonging to perennials is, its flowering begins in May. The plant itself is highly branched and blooms profusely. During flowering, the bush is completely covered with flowers, which can be of various shades from dark red to pure white. The leaves are narrow, awl-shaped, which influenced the name of the variety. This plant is suitable for decoration alpine slides, as well as rockeries.

Phlox blooming spread out it also begins in May, but 7–14 days later than phlox subulate. Compact bushes decorated with small bluish-lilac flowers. This species loves light less than the previous one, and it also has less dense, but larger foliage and woody shoots.

Phlox paniculata blooms in mid-summer. This species is very popular among gardeners. It has spectacular green leaves and fairly large inflorescences consisting of many fragrant beautiful flowers.

- thanks to this species was born a large number of very interesting varieties. Thus, among them, the terry phlox Pure Feelings stands out, in which fairly large inflorescences consist of white flowers, a green stripe runs down the center, and purple flowers are located in the lower part. The elongated petals are slightly curled. The bush can reach a height of 70 to 80 centimeters. And also special attention deserves terry phlox Natural Feelings. The inflorescences, similar to the flowering branches of lilac, consist of small greenish-white-pink flowers. Also, thanks to breeders, frost-resistant varieties, for example, phlox Orange (Orange Perfection, Orange Spat), the flowers of which are painted in various shades of red-orange, which do not fade when exposed to sunlight. They are undemanding, easy to reproduce and have spectacular appearance. The most popular variety is Phlox King. The bush can reach 100 centimeters in height, the flowers of such a plant are quite large (diameter about 4 centimeters) and can be painted pink, white, crimson, lilac, as well as other color shades.

When grown correctly, flowering phlox can decorate your garden from spring until the onset of autumn frosts. The most popular method of propagating such plants is vegetative (by layering, cuttings and dividing the bush). However, some gardeners prefer propagating phlox by seed. Freshly picked in autumn period Perennial seeds must be sown in the soil in winter (in November or December). First you need to decide on the site where these plants will be grown for several years. If snow has already fallen, it should be removed from the garden bed and simply scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil, trying to leave a distance of 4–5 centimeters between the seeds. After this, you need to pour a small (about 1–1.5 centimeters) layer of pre-sifted soil on top of them. And then cover everything with snow again. You can purchase soil in a special store or collect it in advance. Freshly sown seeds have a germination rate of approximately 70 percent. But with the onset of spring it decreases significantly. At the very beginning of spring, phlox shoots will appear in the garden bed. They should be picked only after they have formed 2 pairs of true leaves. The distance between plants should be about 20 centimeters. Planting of such seedlings should be carried out within the prescribed period.

As a rule, phlox, which is an annual plant, is propagated by seeds. For this purpose in spring time The seeds should be sown, leaving a distance of about 3–4 centimeters between them. Then you should water with a sprayer and cover the bed plastic film. You should not sprinkle soil on top of the seeds, but you need to raise the cover for a while every day and remove any condensation that has formed. After the first shoots appear, the shelter should be removed.

Growing such plants from seeds is discussed above. However, there are gardeners who are afraid of night frosts in the spring, which can destroy the plant, so they prefer to grow seedlings at home. Seeds are sown at the beginning spring period(in March). The first shoots can be seen just 7 days after sowing. Young plants need to be provided sufficient quantity light, watering, and moderate temperature regime. 14–21 days after emergence, the plants need to be pruned. After the picking is done, it is recommended to shade the phloxes from direct sunlight for several days. They can be covered with newspaper sheets or opaque film. While the seedlings are growing in the house, you can add mineral fertilizers to the soil 2 or 3 times, using ½ of the dose recommended for adult phlox. To make the bush more lush, after 4 or 5 true leaves appear on it, pinch it.

Seedlings are planted in May, leaving a distance of 15 to 20 centimeters between the bushes. To successfully grow phlox, you need to choose a suitable place. Annual phloxes are not afraid of cold and drought, they love light, but react negatively to overheating of the roots. The most spectacular plants grow in partial shade. It has been noticed that the more the area is shaded, the longer the plant will bloom, but at the same time fewer flowers will grow on it. It should be noted that most varieties fade in the sun during the flowering period. But this does not threaten plants in partial shade. The color of their flowers remains rich for a long time. Particularly beautiful are the “blue” varieties growing in a shaded place, the flowers of which become almost blue in poor light. For planting phlox it is recommended to use raised beds, next to which there are no bushes or trees with a fairly extensive root system.

Such a plant needs soil that contains a lot of humus. Please note that the plant may die in heavy soil with poor drainage. If you have chosen an area with acidified soil for planting, then you must add lime to it. The most suitable for growing such flowers is fertile sand, which does not contain clay. If you water the plants planted in it well, they will grow powerful and beautiful. Before planting phlox in heavy loam, it is necessary to add organic fertilizers, sand, and peat. Prepare a not very deep hole for the plant and be sure to pour compost, vermicompost or 2 handfuls of wood ash into it. The roots should be spread horizontally.

Growing annual phlox is not difficult. So, they need to be carefully loosened 6-8 times per season. upper layer soil, in the second half of the period of intensive growth it is necessary to hill up the plant during loosening, for better and faster formation of the root system. Organic and mineral fertilizers should also be added to the soil. In the last days of May, you need to feed the phloxes with liquid manure for the first time (25 g of the substance is taken per 10 liters of water). The second feeding is carried out in the first days of June, but at the same time superphosphate or potassium salt must be added to the prepared liquid manure. In the first days of July, liquid manure (without additives) should be added to the soil for the third time. IN last days July, you should feed the plant 4 times, and the fertilizer should contain potassium salt and phosphorus.

Plants should be provided with systematic moderate watering in the morning or evening. When watering, water should be poured at the root, while 1 square meter 15–20 liters of water should be used. If you water phlox on a hot day cold water, this can lead to cracking of their shoots. It is recommended to pick off wilted flowers, because they interfere with those that have not yet bloomed.

Phlox can develop variegation. In this case, a pattern unusual for of this plant, which significantly worsens the decorative qualities of the flower. A diseased plant cannot be cured, so it must be dug up and destroyed. If Phloxes Get Infected powdery mildew, then they will also need to be destroyed. You can tell that a flower is sick by the matte white coating that appears on the foliage and shoots.

Such a plant can also become ill with formosa, in which case the leaves dry out and the stems become brittle. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to treat foliage and shoots with colloidal sulfur. It should be taken into account that during processing the air temperature should be above 18 degrees, and the substance should not be allowed to come into contact with the inflorescences. When infected with septoria, dark brown dots form on the surface of the foliage. As the disease progresses, they increase in size. The diseased plant must be treated with Bordeaux mixture, as well as the surface of the soil near it. After half a month, repeated treatment is carried out. Verticillium wilt has a detrimental effect on the plant's root system, but only those phloxes that grow in acidic soil are susceptible to this disease.

A nematode (a very small thread-like worm) can settle on the plant and suck the juice out of it. A sign that phlox has such a pest are disfigured inflorescences, crushed flowers and thinned shoots. The infected plant is dug up and destroyed (burned). The soil must be treated 3 times with nematicides, and an interval between treatments should be maintained at 3 weeks.

Naked slugs can eat leaves, flowers and even the lower part of shoots at night. Systematic loosening of the soil and weeding is an excellent preventive measure against slugs. In case of severe infection, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil surface with wood ash, fluff lime or tobacco dust mixed with ash. Any butterfly caterpillars on the foliage can be removed manually. In case of severe infestation, plants are treated against leaf-eating pests.

Planting and caring for annual phlox

Planting such phloxes is very similar to that used for annuals. However, when planting plants in the spring, it will be necessary to pour a layer of mulch (humus or dry peat) onto the soil surface. The distance between the bushes should be left quite large (about 50 centimeters), since in a few years they will grow quite strongly. When purchasing seedlings of such flowers in autumn, they should not be planted in open ground. It is recommended to bury the seedlings to a depth of 20 to 25 centimeters, choosing for this an area protected from gusts of wind; snow should also be retained on it for a long time. winter time. After the soil freezes, cover the plants with dry leaves or peat.

Sometimes it is possible to plant perennial phlox in open ground in the fall. A bush that has grown and lost its beauty can be divided in the autumn (from mid-August to mid-September). For planting, use lateral divisions, and central part thrown out. In autumn, transplantation to permanent place phlox, which were planted from cuttings in the spring.

During autumn planting Compost should be added to the soil, and peat should be added to sandy soil, and sand to clayey soil. The holes are placed at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other. The divisions are lowered into them and the roots are straightened horizontally; they should be dug shallow (about 4–5 centimeters). In dry weather, watering is carried out every 2–3 days (within 14 days). Take 2 liters of water per bush. The dried surface of the soil must be loosened and sprinkled with a four-centimeter layer of mulch (humus or peat).

Care rules are similar to those used for annuals. But such plants need to be fed 5 times per season, with the last time fertilizers being applied to the soil during seed formation. For feeding, a solution consisting of 5 liters of water, 10 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium sulfate is used. You need to feed in the evening after watering, but do not allow the solution to get on the foliage. If you care for the plants correctly, they can be grown in one area for 7 years.

Cuttings of these plants can be carried out during the entire period of intensive growth. The cuttings begin at the time when the stem reaches a height of 5 centimeters, and the end occurs in the last days of September. Cuttings taken from the plant in spring and summer take root best. The plant can also be propagated by layering. Before the plant blooms, its shoot is bent to the surface of the soil, fixed along its entire length and covered with a mixture of peat and humus. In autumn, a young plant is separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

Features of care after flowering and in winter

Annuals can grow in the spring of next year, but their decorative qualities will be low. Having collected the ripened seeds in the autumn, remove the remains of the plants and dig up the soil, removing the remaining rhizomes.

In the snowless winter period The growth buds of phlox will most likely freeze in frosts of about minus 10–15 degrees. If it is colder than 20–25 degrees, this will lead to the death of the root system. In this regard, in the autumn, dried out top part the plants must be removed, and the root collars must be covered with a layer of soil mixed with peat. They should be covered with dried leaves, straw or spruce branches on top. With a snow cover of 50-60 centimeters, phloxes can easily withstand thirty-degree frosts.

Herbaceous annuals and perennials with bright, burning flowers of various shades - these are phloxes. These plants have been known for more than 300 years. From their homeland, North America, phlox spread throughout the world and became popular due to the variety of varieties. In this article you will learn how to grow phlox from seeds and when to plant. Annual flowers will become a real decoration of your flowerbed and entire landscape design.

Varieties and types of phlox

Today, botanists and amateur flower growers talk about more than 300 varieties of phlox. Phlox are predominantly perennial plants. Annuals are represented by phlox drummond. Among the most characteristic varieties of annual phlox are:

  1. Phlox variety "Star Rain" sun-loving, unpretentious to moisture and resistant to temperature changes. They grow in the form of shrubs up to half a meter high, the flowers have a shape similar to stars, which is why they got their name.
  2. "Shimmering Star"- low-growing bushes that bloom in the period June-September. The flowers have pointed edges. Thanks to their miniature size, Twinkling Star phlox can be grown on balconies.
  3. Terry phloxes. Small bushes, up to 30 centimeters high, when flowering, produce flowers of various shades with many petals.
  4. Phlox "Promise pink" has small sizes and flowers with double petals of various shades Pink colour. Used for growing in flower beds and alpine hills.
  5. Phloxes are low growing. Strongly branching shrubs, reaching a maximum height of no more than 20 cm. Suitable for growing on balconies.

How to grow phlox in the country

Phlox is bred in two ways:

  1. By cuttings. For reproduction perennial shrubs Phlox plants use the cutting method. In May - June, a young side shoot with 2-3 formed leaves is planted in well-moistened soil. The plant is shaded and provided with abundant watering daily. With this care, in a month the young plant will take root and subsequently, after 2-2.5 months, it will sprout.
  2. Seeds. This method is used for breeding annual phlox. You can sow phlox in open ground before frost sets in. In the spring, after the soil has thawed, seeds moistened with meltwater will begin to germinate.

When to plant phlox? Some gardeners sow phlox in the spring, after the threat has passed. spring frosts. Phloxes have time to take root, but they will delight you with flowers only in the fall. If we decide to start growing phlox in the spring, we need to grow seedlings from seeds, which are subsequently transplanted into the ground.

Growing phlox from seeds

To grow phlox from seeds you need to take a few simple steps:

Step 1. Work begins in mid-March. Small boxes are filled with loose peat soil, water well and sow seeds.
Step 2. The box is placed on the windowsill and rotated periodically different sides to the sunlight.
Step 3. It is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room to 20 degrees, and after the first shoots appear, lower it to 15 degrees to harden the plant.
Step 4. You need to water the sprouts as the soil dries. The plant does not like stagnant water, the roots may die. You can use a spray bottle.
Step 5. After three weeks, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate pots, where they continue to grow and strengthen before being planted on the site.

Planting annual phlox in the ground and care

Towards the end of May, the grown seedlings are transferred to open ground. The soil for phlox requires light, loose and moist. Plants are placed 15-20 centimeters apart. Caring for phlox is simple, it includes several basic tasks. Water as needed, but do not over-wet the roots.

Phloxes should be well lit, but not in direct sunlight. To ensure that the soil is saturated with oxygen, it is loosened every 3-4 days. Phloxes require fertilizing four times per season with nitrogen-based liquid organic fertilizers. The fourth feeding, which is carried out at the end of July, should include phosphorus fertilizers. To make the bush lush and bloom faster, the side shoots are pinched. The bush is periodically inspected, flowers that have bloomed and diseased shoots and leaves are removed.

When flowers or leaves appear infected with fungal diseases, which appear in the form of plaque or black spots, such bushes are immediately dug up and destroyed; the soil and remaining bushes of the plant are treated with sulfur. If phlox is damaged by nematode worms, the plant is treated with insecticides. Seed collection is carried out in late autumn. The stem is cut off along with the seed pod, the pods are left on paper until ripening. Then the boxes are opened and the seeds are stored in a dry, dark place.

Annual phlox growing from seeds Any summer resident can do this, the main thing is to know when to plant and how to care for these flowers. or at summer cottage with phlox, then you can add bright notes to your landscape design.

Also read:

  • What annual flowers bloom all summer. Catalog…

Fragrant annual phloxes fill the garden with a delicate aroma. These ornamental plants They have versatility and unpretentiousness, which makes them suitable for growing on the plots of gardeners and summer residents.

This article contains information about cultural characteristics and external characteristics. After reading to the end, you can find out when to plant and grow annual phlox from seeds, what other planting methods exist, as well as the conditions necessary for this.

Phlox annuals

Agricultural technology of culture

Annuals do not require any special conditions cultivation, in contrast to perennial phlox. Previously, planting seeds in open ground was considered a thankless task, since the seeds did not want to sprout.

This is because the seeds are quite large and have a dense outer shell. Therefore, there was an opinion that they should be buried to a depth of 0.3 m. In fact, they need to be planted on the surface of the soil, sprinkled with a little earth, since the plant loves sunlight and moisture.

Do not plant in cold soil. It should warm up to 11 degrees Celsius at a depth of 0.7 m. The air temperature at the time of disembarkation is at least 20 degrees Celsius. Regular and abundant watering is required.

Interesting! Perennial or annual phloxes are often chosen due to their hardiness, adaptability to changing conditions, winter hardiness and frost resistance, high degree of growth and reproduction.

Culture propagation

There are 2 ways to plant annual phlox:

  • Growing seedlings.
  • Planting seeds in open ground.

Propagation by seedlings

Used if you need to guarantee flowering this season. To do this, in mid-May, seeds are sown in boxes on the surface and lightly sprinkled with earth. After sowing, the container is covered with film and placed in a warm and dark place. Every day it is necessary to remove the film for 2-3 hours, water when the soil dries out.


In a week the first shoots will appear. The shoots are moved to a warm place where the sun's rays reach and fertilized once with liquid nitrogen. With the onset of warm weather (around mid-April), the box is placed outside every day for 2-3 hours.

Important! In May, when the soil has warmed up and it is warm outside, the seedlings are planted in the ground at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Planting seeds in open ground

This method is more popular because it allows you to get healthy, abundant blooming flowers at low cost. There is even an opinion that annual phlox can only be grown by seed.

Landing conditions:

  • The main requirement is the possibility of abundant watering. It should be a flat area with a slight slope. Places under the canopy of trees are not suitable.
  • You can plant seedlings either in an open area or in partial shade. The best place would be under the protection of bushes and small trees with shade during hot hours.
  • In Siberia and the northern regions of Russia with a cold climate, phloxes are placed in areas protected from cold winds (next to hedges, medium-sized plants).
  • A flower garden is arranged on the eastern and western sides of the house. Plants feel worst against the northern wall, in the shade of coniferous trees.

Soil composition and fertilization

On a note! For planting seeds, loose soil is used, which can retain moisture well. The acidity of the soil should be neutral, but phlox tolerate weakly acidic soils.

The soil for spring planting is prepared in the fall. They dig up the ground, add 1 liter of organic matter per m², add bone meal, 150 g of ash, and 60 g of superphosphate. Additional lime is added to the acidic soil.

In the spring, before planting, the soil is dug up and filled leaf humus and a substrate, which is made up of peat, humus, sand, and turf soil in equal quantities. 2 days before planting, water the soil abundantly.

Instructions for planting seeds in open ground

Sowing of seeds is carried out approximately at the beginning of May, when the soil is well warmed up and it is warm outside.

During the day, gardeners make small holes (2-3 cm deep) at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Place 3-5 seeds in each and sprinkle with soil. After planting, the soil is slightly moistened with a spray bottle. Every 2-3 days the soil is moistened.

Important! After 2 weeks, the first shoots appear. They begin to apply nitrogen fertilizers. Feed and loosen the soil once a week.

Cultivation care

Annual phloxes require compliance with all care conditions to obtain large inflorescences. If you violate the technology, you can destroy the plant.


An adult plant is watered 3-4 times a week.

Attention! The culture does not tolerate long periods of stagnation of water or drought. Soil moisture should be carefully checked daily.

How to care for the soil

At least once a week, loosen the soil at a shallow depth so as not to damage the roots of the plant. Before flowering, it is recommended to apply leaf humus, which is collected from the site in late autumn.

Plant nutrition

Beautiful and lush annual phloxes cannot be grown without feeding. As soon as the plant sprouts, it is fertilized nitrogen fertilizers, after a week, add 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of wood ash and about 20 g of sulfate.

In the second half of May, an infusion of mullein and chicken manure is made in proportions of 1:2.

During the budding period they add organic fertilizer with 20 g of ash.

When flowering begins, feed in the form of mineral fertilizer - 20 g in dry form.

Note! Fertilizer is applied at the base of the bush. If liquid fertilizing is used, the soil should be watered before and after application. Dry fertilizers should not be sprinkled on leaves or flowers.


Almost all varieties of annual phlox bloom almost the entire season, some even before the onset of frost. Experienced gardeners select several types of sequentially flowering varieties for the site.

The flowering period begins in mid-May. During this period, it is necessary to provide the plant with constant moisture, loosening 2 times a week, and fertilizing.

Why doesn't the plant bloom?

It often happens that the flowering period of phlox should have begun a long time ago, but the formation of buds never occurs. Possible reasons:

  • Lighting – plants do not receive enough light, so they develop more slowly.
  • The soil composition does not have enough fertilizer.
  • Phloxes do not receive a plentiful amount of moisture or, on the contrary, they are over-moistened.
  • There is not enough space for the plant to grow. It often happens when phlox is planted in a small flowerpot or small flower bed.

On a note! If the gardener detects a lack of flowering, then it is necessary to inspect the crop, check the soil, and apply fertilizer if they have not been applied before.

Diseases and pests

Phlox can rarely get sick:

  • Curly - the leaves change, the stems become deformed and become smaller.
  • Variegated petaling - the appearance of white stripes on flowers.
  • Rust – spots appear on the plant Brown. The affected parts die off over time.

Diseases and pests


  • All infected areas are removed.
  • Treated with pharmaceutical preparations: fungicides, colloidal sulfur solution, trichodermin.

If the crop curls up and dries out, then this is a sign of the location of the slobbering frog. It looks like saliva.

On a note! To cure the plant in the early stages, use a soap solution. If it doesn’t help, then you need to spray it with special. drugs. Aktara, Fitoferm, Iskra, Karbofos are suitable.

Plant neighbors

When choosing a neighbor for annual phlox, take into account the flowering season, as well as the characteristics of the flowers:

  • Combinations of plants with delphinium, lily, oriental poppy or lupins look advantageous.
  • Spring phloxes are used to decorate borders, so dwarf irises can become their neighbors.
  • For combination, take plants that bloom in a different period. Dwarf wormwood, chistets, and warrens are often used.
  • In autumn, phloxes look good with spirea and barberries.
  • In summer, low-growing bells, geraniums, knotweed, and grass carnation will be an excellent addition.
  • Gardeners often choose the option of placing flowers with snowdrops and crocuses among decorative stones.

Autumn care

Interesting! At the beginning of autumn, 1 tbsp is applied under the bush. superphosphate, 1 tsp. ash. The soil around is sprayed with fungicides.

At the end of autumn, after flowering has completed, it is recommended to prune the plant. There are 2 schemes for this:

  • The ground part is cut off at a height of 2-3 cm from the ground. After removing the stem, the risk of infection by diseases, insects and pests disappears.
  • The stems are cut off, leaving 10 cm of hemp. Young shoots develop from the remaining buds in the spring. In practice, they grow much worse than from the root.

If you plan to plant phlox next spring, then the seeds are collected.

After pruning, organic waste is raked and then burned.

Preparing for winter

To protect the buds from possible frosts, the plant must be covered.

Annual phloxes treated in spring are covered with a 10 cm layer of peat, compost or humus. To insulate one plant, about 1 bucket of mulching material is scattered around its perimeter. The mulch is covered with spruce branches.

Important! Covering the plant with airtight and moisture-proof materials (linoleum, film, roofing felt) is prohibited. A prolonged absence of moisture and oxygen will cause the phlox to rot.

The shelter is removed in the spring during warm times, when the risk of cold snap disappears.

Proper planting technology and competent care are the key successful cultivation annual phlox on the site. Elegant, lush flowers will favorably receive care, becoming the main attraction of the garden of summer residents and gardeners, pleasing the eyes of visitors and household members.

Drummond's annual phloxes (see photo) are favorite plants among many gardeners who garden their garden plot. Their varietal diversity has brought them great popularity, making it possible to choose specimens of an amazing color and flower shape for the flowerbed.

For all their beauty, annual phloxes do not require complex care or significant effort to grow, so even a novice summer resident can plant them in a flowerbed.

All bred varieties of annual phlox are obtained from one single plant - Drummond, named after its discoverer, a British botanist. It was he who brought this amazing flower to the territory of Europe, marking the beginning of a new branch of breeding work.

Flower growers are most fond of several varieties of annual phlox, and they are the ones most often found in flower beds:

  • "Shimmering Star" It is a miniature bush, the maximum height of which reaches only 25 cm. The shape of the petals is unusual, pointed, while the buds themselves form into small inflorescences. This is an ideal crop not only for growing in the garden, but also on the balcony;
  • "Star Rain". The height of the bush of this variety is approximately 50 cm; the stems can be either erect or branching. The annual phlox received its name for the original shape of its star-like flowers, which are collected in racemes. The variety does not tolerate shade and is characterized by a pronounced aroma;
  • “Promise pink” is a low-growing, compact variety (up to 20 cm in height). Characteristic sign plants – abundant and sufficient long flowering, due to which it is often used for decorative design rocky hills. The flowers are double, large, bright pink;
  • “Constellation” - this variety of annual phlox looks very impressive not only in the photo. It is often used in group plantings and for cutting. Flowers amaze with a variety of bright and delicate shades from white to red, while the size of the buds does not exceed 3 cm. The plant is highly branched, and its inflorescences in the form of scutes exude a pleasant aroma.

Depending on the desired decorative effect, annual phloxes can be planted either individually or mixed different varieties. Low-growing ones are suitable for decorating borders and alpine slides. In addition, the flower feels great in large buckets, pots or tubs, which allows you to create original compositions for landscaping a yard or terrace.

How to grow annual phlox from seeds

Most often, annual phloxes are grown as seedlings - this allows for longer and higher-quality flowering. If you want to sow seeds directly into the ground, do it before winter so that the plants bloom faster in the spring. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the end of summer for buds - this is due to the long period of germination.

Features of sowing directly into the ground

To successfully grow annual phlox from seeds in open ground, follow several recommendations:

  • Start sowing seeds in the fall, in October or November. If snow has already fallen during the specified period, it must be removed from the garden bed and the seeds scattered directly on the ground, keeping a distance of 4-5 cm;
  • To prevent damage to the seed when frost sets in, the beds need to be covered with earth, hidden under a small layer of snow, and then covered with straw or leaves;
  • When the first shoots appear in early spring, it is important to pick them out after growing a pair of true leaves. The distance between plants should be at least 20 cm.

In the future, the plants require standard care, which consists of watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and weeding.

Features of growing seedlings

You can sow seeds of annual phlox for seedlings at home throughout March - it all depends on the weather conditions of a particular region. For areas where the last frost ends earlier, sowing is carried out in the first days of the month, and for colder regions it is shifted to the last week.

For sowing, loose, nutritious soil(a mixture of peat, rotted humus, sand, a small amount mineral fertilizers For flowering plants, lime). You can use any convenient container as a container, but seedling boxes are most often used.

The sowing scheme is as follows:

  1. The soil in the box should be moderately moistened and the seed should be scattered over its surface without pressing.
  2. The seeds are sprinkled with a small amount of soil and sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.
  3. The box is covered with a transparent plastic bag or glass and placed in a warm (at least +23), well-lit place.
  4. Crops must be ventilated daily to avoid the formation of strong condensation.
  5. After the first shoots appear, the glass or film is removed, but it is necessary to maintain constant soil moisture.

When the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are picked into separate pots or into one large box, maintaining a distance of 15 cm. In the first days after transplanting, protect the seedlings from direct sunlight using opaque film or newspaper.

Pinch seedlings to form lush bushes possible after the appearance of 5-6 true leaves. Also, do not forget about mineral supplements, which must include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Hardening of seedlings is carried out before planting in the ground, in April - for this plant it is enough to take it out onto an open balcony or into the garden, leaving it for a couple of hours.

Planting and care in open ground

Planting annual phloxes in open ground is carried out in May, when the threat of night frosts has probably passed. For seedlings, beds with light, fertile soil, which contains compost and vermicompost. If the soil is loamy and heavy, it is necessary to add peat, sand and organic fertilizers.

The ideal place for seedlings is a well-lit area of ​​the flower bed, but without access to direct sunlight. It is best to plant phlox in partial shade - in such conditions they will retain the rich colors of the buds for a long time.

To plant annual phlox, dig shallow holes, sprinkling the bottom with ash (up to 150 g) and a small amount of compost. It is important to spread the roots horizontally so that they can develop normally and the plant will quickly take root in the garden. The voids in the hole are filled with earth, moderate watering and mulching are carried out.

In order for the phlox on your site to be as beautiful as in the photo from nurseries, do not forget to care for the plants after planting in open ground:

  • Be sure to water with the onset of heat (morning and evening) directly at the root so that the flowers do not wither from overheating of the root system. The water should be at room temperature, not cold, since the roots may be damaged when the soil dries out;
  • Regularly loosen the soil to increase its breathability, and also mulch the beds with peat, humus, compost or leaves - this is necessary to prevent the soil from drying out;
  • Pinch the tops of young plants for better branching and the formation of compact bushes;
  • Remove faded or faded inflorescences - this will help extend the budding period of annual phlox.

It is also necessary to feed phlox - nutrients, minerals, micro- and macroelements contribute to their full development and high-quality flowering. For this, organic and mineral compounds are used:

  • 25-30 g of liquid manure per 1 bucket of water at the end of May;
  • The same amount of manure with the addition of potassium salt and superphosphate is applied in early June, and at the end of the same month only organic matter is used;
  • 30 g of superphosphate and potassium salt per 1 bucket of water is used as fertilizer in the last days of July.

Care annual phloxes simple - to decorate your garden with bright inflorescences, just a few agricultural techniques are enough.