Choosing which ceiling is better for the kitchen - types of ceiling coverings, pros and cons. What to make a ceiling from in the kitchen Which suspended ceiling to choose for the kitchen

The ceiling in the kitchen is subject to the greatest loads: sudden temperature changes, high humidity, more frequent cleaning due to the inevitable appearance of greasy deposits and soot. At the same time, it should look good, because its area is quite large and plays a significant role in the perception of the interior.

  • Proper finishing of the ceiling helps to visually increase the height and area of ​​the kitchen, zone the space, and create good lighting and the desired interior style.

What kind of ceiling should you make in the kitchen so that it is both practical and beautiful? In this material we will talk about the pros and cons of 7 popular types of finishes (click on any of them if you are interested in a specific one, or just continue reading in order):

We also supplemented the article with a large selection of photos of ceilings in the kitchen interior and a selection of original design ideas.

What kind of ceiling should I make in the kitchen? 7 main types of finishes

Option 1. PVC stretch ceilings

If your task is to make a ceiling in the kitchen quickly, accurately and inexpensively, our recommendation is suspended ceiling from PVC film.

In this photo you can see a small edging around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling and see how the canvas goes around the pipes

  • A kitchen stretch PVC ceiling can survive a real flood - it will collect all the water (up to 100 liters per 1 square meter), and after draining it will return to its original state. To drain the water, you only need to pierce the canvas with a needle in several places.

  • Stretch ceilings are durable and, if handled with care, can last 20 years or more.
  • Stretch ceilings in the kitchen are fireproof. In the event of a fire, they will begin to curl up and melt without releasing toxic substances, creating smoke, or supporting the spread of fire.
  • In case of minor damage, such as cuts or holes, the tension fabric can be restored.
  • When installing a stretch ceiling, you can rethink the kitchen lighting, for example, install spotlights and hang a chandelier over the dining table.
  • Vinyl ceilings are resistant to high humidity and temperature changes typical of the kitchen climate.
  • The suspended ceiling in the kitchen is easy to care for. It is washed every 2-3 months with soapy water and a mop.
  • The stretch ceiling is perfectly flat and always looks very neat.
  • The variability of suspended ceiling designs is great. In addition, they can be combined with other types of coverings, for example, with plasterboard level construction.
  • There is no need to level the base before installing suspended ceilings.
  • Installation occurs quickly (in 1-3 hours depending on the area) and with minimal contamination of the room.

  • Stretch vinyl can be damaged by mechanical impact - so sharp and cutting objects should be kept away from the coating, and champagne should be opened with caution.
  • Due to the tension fabric, there is a risk of not noticing the appearance of mold on the ceiling. Moreover, if suddenly the level of humidity in the ceiling space increases (for example, due to flooding or condensation on pipes), then the airtight PVC film can create favorable conditions for fungal development. For this reason vinyl ceilings in the kitchen it is advisable to install only together with built-in ventilation grilles, especially if the mold problem has occurred in the past.
  • At first, the PVC film smells.
  • Like any suspended structure, the tension fabric takes away precious centimeters of wall height (4-7 cm), so it is not very suitable for kitchens with low ceilings .
  • Stretch ceilings cannot be installed independently.
  • If the kitchen is too large (more than 5 meters in width), then the canvas may have an inconspicuous seam.
  • A small edging appears along the perimeter of the stretch ceiling. If desired, it can be covered with baseboards, but that's another story.
  • The installation of suspended ceilings is carried out once and for all, so in the future it will not be possible to move/repair communications and lamps without completely dismantling the canvas.
  • Vinyl ceilings are not compatible with all fixtures and lamps. The area around the bulb may become yellowed and distorted.

Tips for choosing a stretch ceiling for the kitchen:

  • Stretch ceilings come in matte, satin and glossy finishes. The first option is the most versatile, suitable for both classic and modern kitchens.

If you don’t know which ceiling to choose for the kitchen, then we recommend choosing a white matte stretch ceiling. Such a finish will appear to be a high-quality plastered surface, which looks much more noble than a glossy film.

  • Be careful with glossy ceilings if your kitchen is small or low. There is a common myth that glossy ceilings visually increase the space and height of the walls, but in reality everything happens quite the opposite.

Glare and reflections of objects on a glossy canvas add extra diversity and a feeling of disorder to the interior; as a result, the ceiling seems even lower than it is. In addition, glossy film often looks like uncomfortable plastic, which is only appropriate in ultra-modern interiors, and even then not always.

  • Two more reasons against a glossy ceiling: it is more difficult to care for, and it costs slightly more than matte ceilings.
  • Satin stretch ceilings are good for use in kitchens with a lack of light and a discreet interior.

  • Stretch fabric with photo printing, imitation metallic, wood, mother-of-pearl, suede, leather, marble or stone should be chosen as carefully as possible. It must be kept in color scheme and interior style, create the illusion high ceiling(if it is low) and do not overload the space.

Option 2. Fabric stretch ceiling

Fabric stretch ceilings are made of polyester impregnated with polyurethane. This material is quite thin, but durable and wear-resistant, so it is perfect for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. Fabric sheets have almost the same advantages and disadvantages as PVC film, but there are several significant differences.

  • Thanks to breathability fabric ceilings significantly reduce the risk of mold.
  • The loss of wall height is less than when installing PVC ceilings.
  • Fabric ceilings are 15 times stronger than vinyl ceilings. In terms of strength, they can be compared to tarpaulin. It is almost impossible to accidentally cut, pierce or tear them.
  • Fabric sheets have no seams.
  • A fabric ceiling is easier to clean - there are no streaks left on it, stains can be easily removed locally with a damp cloth. In addition, due to its antistatic properties, dust does not collect on the ceiling.
  • The fabric ceiling is a textured matte white canvas, which in appearance is practically no different from a perfectly plastered surface. It is for this reason that they are often used for finishing premium houses.
  • Dense polyester does not sag, does not gather into folds and waves over time.
  • Fabric ceilings better heat and sound insulate the kitchen.
  • Fabric ceilings can be not only white, but also colored, as in the photo below. There are about 20 shades in total. Photo printing with a fresco effect is also possible.

  • Fabric ceilings can be painted or painted (unlike PVC ceilings).
  • They are compatible with almost any lamps and lamps, even those that get very hot. The area around the bulb will not turn yellow or become deformed.
  • The fabric sheet is installed faster and without the use of a heat gun.
  • The fabric fabric does not retain water in case of flooding.
  • Fabric ceilings are slightly more expensive than vinyl ones (+200 rubles to the price per 1 sq. m);
  • Fabric ceilings can only be matte.

Tips for choosing a fabric ceiling for the kitchen:

  • Despite the fact that the fabric ceiling “breathes”, it is still worth building in additional ventilation holes. After all, the kitchen is a room with high humidity and the risk of flooding from neighbors above.
  • The most popular manufacturers of fabric stretch ceilings are the Clipso and D-Premium (Descor) brands.
  • Interested in purchasing waterproof fabric ceilings? These are produced only by Cerutti.

Option 3. Plasterboard ceilings

A suspended plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen opens up a million decorative possibilities. For example, you can create a multi-level or figured ceiling, a ceiling with zoning or a ceiling with a rounded transition into the walls. Also, a plasterboard ceiling allows you to play with finishing - it can be painted, whitewashed, or covered with wallpaper.

pros plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen:

  • They allow you to completely hide the imperfections of the ceiling and leave it without finishing at all.
  • Allows you to hide engineering Communication(such as duct, wires and cables) and create new script lighting (for example, create uniform spot lighting and move the central chandelier to the table).

  • Impact resistance and other mechanical impact.
  • Long service life.
  • Improved heat and sound insulation.
  • Design variability, as we have already mentioned above.
  • The ability to zone space with level structures.
  • Drywall and related materials for ceiling installation are inexpensive.
  • Several centimeters of wall height are lost. The minimum loss will be 7 cm.
  • A plasterboard ceiling inevitably becomes deformed when flooded.
  • Requires additional finishing efforts.
  • With constant temperature changes characteristic of the kitchen, cracks may appear between the sheets of drywall, which means cracking and decorative finishing. To avoid this, you need to use movable two-level CD connectors, but they significantly increase the cost of the design.
  • You cannot cover the ceiling with plasterboard yourself. All work, including calculations, must be carried out by professionals.

Tips for finishing kitchen ceilings with plasterboard:

  • To finish the ceiling in the kitchen, you need to use only high-quality moisture-resistant plasterboard. It costs 100 rubles more than regular plasterboard, has the same standard sizes, but has 2 times greater moisture resistance and antifungal properties.
  • All seams and places where HA sheets are attached to profiles must be treated with water-repellent plaster. This point should be checked at the stage of finishing the structure.

Here are a few more photos of plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen interior.

Option 4. Whitewashing the old fashioned way

The whitewashed kitchen ceiling is no longer as relevant today as it once was in Soviet times. It was replaced by more modern views finishing, but still good old chalk and lime cannot be discounted.

  • This is the most environmentally friendly, cheapest and most common material for many.
  • Due to its porosity, a bleached ceiling provides better air exchange, which means it is less susceptible to mold. And if it does appear, it is easier to notice and eliminate it in time (unlike suspended ceilings).
  • The whitewashed ceiling looks good and fits perfectly into classic, “rustic”, Scandinavian and eco-friendly interiors. For example, even a cracked whitewashed ceiling on kitchen in Provence style will look more than organic.
  • The whitewashed ceiling is compatible with stucco and wooden beams.
  • Whitewashing the ceiling with your own hands is very simple and inexpensive.
  • Whitewash does not tolerate high humidity and temperature changes in the kitchen very well, so it quickly begins to crack and crumble. Also, a whitewashed ceiling will definitely crack if the house is new and shrinks (the process lasts 2-3 years).
  • It is advisable to renew the whitewash 1-2 times a year, because you cannot wash the whitewashed ceiling in the kitchen (the coating itself is washed off along with greasy stains and soot).
  • Before whitewashing, the ceiling must be plastered and leveled to a perfectly level state. Sami renovation work Although not complicated, they are troublesome - everything in the room needs to be covered with film, drying the layers takes time.
  • Unlike level structures, whitewashing the ceiling does not allow you to hide communications and rearrange lamps without gating the base.

Option 5. Painting

Another traditional option is painting. A painted ceiling looks similar to a bleached one, but is more practical and wear-resistant.

Kitchen ceiling painted with deep matte white paint

  • A painted ceiling can be not only white, but also colored or multi-colored. For example, the ceiling can be painted to match the walls, thereby visually increasing their height.

  • The painted ceiling can be washed. In addition, it tolerates high humidity better than whitewashed.
  • Painting the ceiling with your own hands is not too expensive and is affordable for beginners.
  • A painted ceiling is updated less often than a whitewashed one.

Cons of painting the ceiling:

  • Paint begins to crack and peel over time and after leaks.
  • With time white ceiling may turn yellow or grey.
  • No possibility local repairs– if the paint cracks in one place, you will have to completely remove it old finishing, re-level the ceiling and only then paint again.
  • Before painting, the ceiling must be plastered and leveled to a perfectly level state. The repair work itself, although not complicated, is troublesome - everything in the room needs to be covered with film, and drying the layers will take time.
  • Unlike level structures, a painted ceiling does not allow you to hide communications and rearrange lamps without chiseling the base.

Tips for choosing ceiling paint:

  • Wall paint must be moisture resistant and have antifungal properties. It is best to choose paints that are specifically designed for kitchen and bathroom ceilings.
  • If you want to decorate the ceiling traditionally, then choose matte and deep-matte paints.
  • Using stencils, you can decorate the ceiling with your own hands with cute patterns. This is a more practical alternative to wallpaper.

Option 6. Wallpapering

Ceiling wallpaper can be painted or printed.

  • Decorating the ceiling with wallpaper can satisfy any budget - it can be very economical or, conversely, expensive and exclusive.
  • Design ceiling wallpaper limitless.
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be beautifully combined with wallpaper on the walls.
  • It is easier to prepare the base for wallpaper than for whitewashing or painting. Thick and corrugated coatings can hide small irregularities and cracks in the base.
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be washed.
  • Local repairs are possible.
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be repainted several times before painting.

  • Cutting and gluing thick canvases, additionally weighted with glue, to the ceiling is quite tedious. By the way, wallpapering requires the work of at least 2 people.
  • Wallpaper always has seams, which, firstly, can be noticeable, and secondly, can become deformed and come apart due to constant exposure to heat and fumes from the stove, as well as due to leaks.

Tips for choosing ceiling wallpaper for the kitchen:

  • Wallpaper for kitchen ceilings should be washable and moisture resistant.
  • If the ceilings in the kitchen were once affected by mold, then only glass wallpaper, non-woven fabric for painting, wallpaper made of hard or foam vinyl are suitable for finishing them. It is better to refuse paper and compact vinyl wallpaper.

Option 7. Plastic ceiling

A plastic ceiling is covered with plastic lining or PVC ceiling panels.

This type of ceiling finish is one of the cheapest, but at the same time one of the most practical and durable.

  • The kitchen ceiling made of plastic will survive even flooding.
  • If any lamellas are damaged, they can always be replaced.
  • The plastic ceiling can be washed.
  • Plastic lining is available.
  • Plastic ceiling panels allow you to hide utility lines and electrical wires.
  • Before installing a suspended ceiling made of plastic panels, you do not need to level the base.
  • There are almost no gaps between the slats of the plastic ceiling.
  • Minimal loss of wall height during installation plastic ceilings is 6-7 cm.
  • Cheap PVC panels can emit formaldehyde and other toxic fumes.
  • Plastic lining is cheap, but it also looks very simple. There are few design options. Most often you can see panels on sale in white, beige, cream, chrome, or bleached oak or pine, with silver or gold “stitches”.
  • Plastic ceiling exposed ultraviolet rays turns yellow over time.

Original ways to decorate the ceiling

Wooden ceiling in a natural shade (in an apartment)

Sheathing from wooden lining, boards or ceiling panels(or imitation MDF) can fit into any interior and give it a feeling of comfort and style. However, if the kitchen is small and with low ceiling, then it is better to use this material in doses. For example, make a transition from the ceiling to the wall to highlight a dining or, conversely, work area, as shown in the photo below.

Ceiling beams

In classic, “rustic” or industrial interiors, ceiling beams will help create the desired atmosphere of a home with history. The only advice is that it is better to use beams made of natural wood with a rough texture.

Ceiling moldings and moldings

If the kitchen is decorated traditionally and the ceiling is simply whitewashed/painted, then it can be decorated with stucco and/or moldings. They will help focus attention on beautiful chandelier, highlight the dining area and give the interior solemnity.

When starting renovations, many people ask themselves: which ceiling is best for the kitchen? In the interior of any room, everything should be in harmony - ceiling, floor, walls. This problem does not arise by chance, because the kitchen is a room in which there is high humidity, and soot, drops of water and grease often form. To avoid such problems, you need to take time, choose high-quality material that is resistant to moisture, temperature changes and is easy to clean.

Material selection

Modern building materials suitable for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen are available in a wide range: panel, tension, and slatted structures. You can paint the ceiling or cover it with wallpaper.

The classic option is a perfectly plastered ceiling and subsequently painted. What are its advantages? The result is a smooth and white surface, refreshing the room and always practical, regardless of taste and preference. Plaster is environmentally friendly pure material. White color visually expands the space, which is beneficial for a small room.

The disadvantages of plastering include the laboriousness of the process. To make a flat and smooth surface, you need to resort to careful leveling and cleaning of the ceiling, which takes quite a lot of time.

Other options

To complete the difficult task of choosing a material, you need options that will not negatively affect the functionality and aesthetics of the room. Some of them:

  • suspended plasterboard ceiling;
  • plastic panels;
  • suspended ceiling;
  • painted surface;
  • wallpapering.

When choosing one of the options, you need to consider the positive and negative characteristics. Do not forget about the features of the room itself.

Plasterboard ceiling

There are various ideas for using this surface. Drywall is a material that allows you to effectively hide all unevenness, as well as hide utility lines under it. Many designers like such ideas; there are a huge number of solutions. Between the ceiling and the sheets of drywall, place original built-in lamps that visually increase the verticality of the wall, decorating the room.

There are many hanging options, multi-level structures. But, when choosing this material, you should pay attention to its properties. Moisture resistant material is required. It washes better and does not change color when wet. A solution consisting of several levels is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Plastic panels

If you need to decide what is the best ceiling for a kitchen with poor ventilation, then there is no better option. The material does not require much time to maintain and tolerates wet cleaning well. Installation of PVC panels is not difficult even for a beginner. If the question for beginning craftsmen is deciding what material to use in the kitchen, plastic panels are an excellent option.

A common material is produced in different colors. The room can be arranged in any style. It is possible to make a structure of several levels, if the height of the room allows. For one tier, a gap of 7-10 centimeters will be enough.

If you decide to finish the shelf surface PVC panels, then you need to know that it is better to purchase material that is resistant to elevated temperature. Raw materials must be accompanied by the necessary documents that confirm that heating is provided and no toxic gases are emitted.

Ceiling to be painted

For the ceiling, it is better to purchase detergent-type paint. Algorithm for preparing for staining:

  • leveling the surface, cleaning from defects;
  • all irregularities and cracks must be eliminated using putty;
  • Sand the treated surface with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • apply several layers of primer with a paint roller;
  • paint the ceiling with purchased paint.

To prevent protruding yellow spots from spoiling the appearance of the kitchen, they should be treated with matte alkyd paint before painting.

Ceiling tiles

What material is easiest to install? Ceiling tiles. Laying polystyrene foam tiles does not require special tools or great skills. To finish the ceiling, you need to have:

  • set of tiles;
  • measuring tape;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • special glue.

Can be hidden perfectly under tiles minor defects, but if the base has large differences, plastering should be done. It is better if the surface of the tile is laminated. In case of severe contamination, individual fragments can be replaced if it is not possible to wash or paint. This material is flammable and absorbs moisture. It is better to use it in small kitchens, which are equipped with a good exhaust system.

When using this material, incandescent lamps should be placed at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the base.


This method of finishing the ceiling has certain advantages over others:

  • inexpensive material;
  • if there are minor cracks on the surface, then they are invisible under the wallpaper;
  • special wallpaper can withstand up to 10 paintings, which makes it possible to embody various design ideas;
  • color, texture, pattern - all this has a huge range;
  • the work is done quickly.

It’s not difficult to make a room cozy with wallpaper, and a pre-designed ceiling design in the kitchen will help bring your ideas to life.

Important! When buying glue, you need to pay attention to the type of wallpaper and choose the most suitable one. This will have a positive effect on the quality of the gluing.

Stretch ceiling

This type of finishing is very popular. When assessing which ceilings are best used for the kitchen, many choose this option. This design tends to solve several problems at once:

  • perfectly masks unevenness and surface defects;
  • there is no need to prepare the base for installation ideally;
  • various communications will be hidden behind the film;
  • the material does not require maintenance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • presentable appearance;
  • the ability to implement a variety of design ideas;
  • material can withstand a large number of water.

There are several options for installing a stretch ceiling. One does not require special equipment and can be done independently.

How to choose a ceiling for the kitchen? (2 videos)

Options for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen (40 photos)

The kitchen is the most inhabited room in the apartment, so it should be beautiful, comfortable and durable. Finishing materials must be selected that are practical and functional. This is especially important when you decide which ceiling in the kitchen is best, taking into account the high humidity of the room and the constant release of soot and grease during the cooking process. Today, there are many options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen, giving scope for the wildest design fantasies.

Characteristics of an ideal kitchen ceiling

Due to aggressive environment in the kitchen (constant fumes, soot, grease), you should be especially careful when choosing finishing materials. In particular, the ceiling in the kitchen must meet the following requirements:

In addition, the ideal repair solution is masking utility networks(ventilation, wiring) and the disadvantages of covering with a ceiling in the kitchen. To be objective, it is worth saying that it is very difficult to combine all of these requirements at the same time, but the current abundance of finishing materials allows you to choose good options.

During Soviet times kitchen ceilings were completely bleached, because it is cheap and everyone can afford it. In addition, the porous structure of lime or chalk contributed to good air exchange. But in other respects, whitewash is inferior alternative types finishing: it is completely unstable to moisture and temperature changes, it crumbles and cracks within a short time, it needs to be renewed regularly.

Another simple way to decorate the top base, which does not require special skills, is painting. Better choice for the kitchen water-based paint so that in the future it will be possible to clean the stains that appear using liquid products. The difficulty in choosing this type of coating is the need to perfectly level the surface with primer and putty, which may require the help of a specialist.

In general, a painted ceiling is easy to use, durable and quite budgetary funds repair. In addition, it is possible to choose any shade, and with the help modern means the surface can be made textured. However, the process of preparing the base for painting may take several days. This includes completely drying the primer and plaster layers, leveling the surface and sealing the seams.

Using polystyrene foam tiles

This finishing option is used less and less today, however, in conditions of a limited budget it may be appropriate. Ceiling tiles are easy to install yourself with a minimum of tools (special glue, tape measure and utility knife). This material can be used to mask small defects, but with large differences in the base, plaster is indispensable. It is optimal to use tiles with a laminated surface. During operation, it is possible to replace individual, heavily contaminated fragments that cannot be washed.

Expanded polystyrene boards are acceptable in small kitchens with good ventilation system . Experts do not recommend this material for the kitchen due to its flammability and lack of moisture-resistant properties.

Wallpaper decoration

When choosing what to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen with, owners often prefer wallpaper. This choice is supported by the budget cost, the possibility of gluing to a surface without perfect alignment, and with your own hands. In addition, you can choose washable wallpaper to combat frequent stains, There is big choice shades and patterns.

If we talk about the practical side of this finish, then this is not the best option for the kitchen. Firstly, wallpaper is short-lived; high humidity can cause deformation and unraveling of the seams at the joints. Secondly, it is inconvenient and labor-intensive to glue the ceiling on your own in a high-quality manner. Finally, if your apartment suddenly floods, the wallpaper will have to be completely updated.

If you still like this option, choose one with a non-woven base: they can be washed with soap and are easy to stick - the glue is applied only to the surface. In addition, they will be able to mask existing roughness.

PVC panels and slatted systems

When deciding what kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen, people often choose between plastic panels and slatted systems. Both options are budget-friendly, do not require additional finishing and are easy to install.

The lining is practical and durable, it is not afraid of flooding, and it is possible to replace individual panels if damaged. Laying is done using guides and sealant, which is needed to seal the joints. But when choosing this finishing option, you should not save: cheap plastic tends to separate harmful substances when heated, and when exposed to sunlight, PVC panels turn yellow over time. Such a surface will have to be washed frequently, preventing the grease from drying out, since it will then be very difficult to remove it, given the ban on the use of abrasive products.

Some people prefer to decorate the ceiling with slats. For different designs white, beige or metallic colors. Slatted panels can be made of plastic or aluminum. The latter option, although more expensive, is more suitable for kitchen area. It is also preferable to have an arrangement system with hidden seams - to avoid the accumulation of fat and burning, so that the surface can be washed without difficulty. The installation method is similar to the designer, it can be done independently.

Plasterboard ceiling

The popularity of this material has been stable over time. With its help, the ceiling can be interestingly modified, zoned - in general, there is fertile ground for designer fantasies. Drywall is universal; it can be used to decorate all surfaces in the kitchen and even mount an original kitchen set. This material allows you to hide utility lines, and the imperfect surface does not need leveling. In addition, in suspended structures you can solve the lighting issue in an original way, using built-in lamps to visually expand the space and decor. If you decide to cover your ceiling with plasterboard, choose only moisture-resistant material.


The disadvantages of this type of finishing are the reduction in ceiling height by several centimeters and the difficult finishing process. For example, before painting, a plasterboard box must be puttied, coated with a primer and finishing plaster. To perform installation and finishing works you will need the help of specialists.

Stretch ceiling

Popularity tensile structures is growing every day, and this is not surprising. The impeccable appearance combined with high-quality characteristics speaks in favor of this type of finish. True, its installation will require the services of specialists and the costs will be higher compared to other options for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen. Also, this method of decorating the ceiling “steals” the height of the room a little.

The advantages of suspended ceilings include:

  • long service life;
  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • mirror-smooth surface;
  • compatibility with other finishing options, which provides wide space for design solutions;
  • preventing neighbors from flooding - tension covering will hold all the water, you only need the help of a specialist to carefully drain it.

Tensile structures are different colors and textures. You can choose a matte finish that will look organic in any interior, and dust is not visible on it. The glossy ceiling is chosen as the “main character” in the kitchen design, when other elements only complement it.

To solve the question: “which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen,” today there are many options compatible with any budget, design and taste. Having carefully studied quality characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, you can choose the optimal coating that will last for many years.

I ordered a suspended ceiling for the kitchen, as well as for the other rooms. Our upstairs neighbors have already flooded us three times, and now we don’t have to worry about the repairs we just made. I agree that this is not the cheapest finishing option, but new renovation after the “flood” it will still be more expensive.

When my husband and I were planning, we immediately decided that we would make the ceiling from plasterboard, since I wanted to install it separately Spotlights above work area, and a chandelier - above the dining room. My husband installed the frame himself, and a plasterer was invited to finish it. We painted it and now we have a great ceiling! In my opinion, perfect option!

We are just planning to renovate the kitchen; our budget is limited, but we would like something of high quality. We are leaning towards the option of painting: inexpensive, you can choose any shade and repaint it if it gets too dirty over time. My husband just had to level the ceiling perfectly.

The choice of finishing materials for the kitchen requires a special approach, which is associated with the specific conditions of their use in this room. In particular, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of material for the ceiling. Therefore, in this article I decided to talk about six modern ceiling materials so that you can consciously decide for yourself which ceilings are best to use in the kitchen.

Material options

First of all, I would like to note that To ceiling decoration The kitchen has higher demands than other rooms.

The coating must have the following qualities:

  • resistance to high humidity and even steam;
  • possibility of wet cleaning;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Among modern ceiling materials which are popular, the following solutions meet all these requirements:

Option 1: suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings in Lately are extremely popular due to their modern, attractive appearance and a number of good performance qualities, such as:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to fungi and microorganisms, which is associated with the antiseptic qualities of the canvas;
  • large selection of designs;

  • resistance to moisture - high-quality suspended ceilings can even protect the room from flooding from above;
  • possibility of wet cleaning using detergents;
  • the minimum distance from the main ceiling to the tension ceiling is 2.5-3 cm.

Stretch glossy ceilings reflect light, which visually makes the room more spacious and bright. Therefore they are great solution for small kitchens.

It should be noted that stretch ceilings come in two types - fabric and PVC based. For the kitchen it is better to give preference to the latter, as they are more practical.

As for the disadvantages of suspended ceilings, the following points can be highlighted:

  • the installation process requires certain skills, so you won’t be able to do this job efficiently with your own hands;
  • the canvas breaks easily, however, for ceiling material this drawback is not critical.

Stretch ceilings combined with multi-level plasterboard look beautiful and modern.

Below is the cost of some suspended ceiling models:

Option 2: suspended ceilings

Suspended ceilings are no less popular.

They look beautiful and neat, in addition, they also have many advantages:

  1. are practical because they are easy to clean;
  2. installation is quite simple, so every home craftsman can install such a ceiling;

  1. strength is higher than that of suspended ceilings. Moreover, if any part is damaged, it can be replaced.

It must be said that there are two types of suspended ceilings:

  • cassette - the design is based on load-bearing profiles, which are attached to the ceiling on suspensions. In this case, ceiling slabs (cassettes) are laid on the profile.
    The disadvantage of this design is that it significantly reduces the height of the ceiling. Minimum distance from the main ceiling to the surface of the cassettes is 15-25 cm, depending on the model;

  • slatted - the design is based on traverses, on which decorative slats are snapped from below. Like cassette ceilings, slatted ceilings are attached to the ceiling on suspensions, however, they reduce the height of the room by only 4-7 cm.

It must be said that panels, like slats, are most often made of plastic or aluminum. In addition, mirrored cassette ceilings are available for sale.

The price of suspended ceilings is quite high, especially for slatted structures:

Option 3: Foam ceiling tiles

If you are looking for a cheaper option to make a kitchen ceiling from, but without damaging the interior, then the best option is the ceiling tile.

The only thing keep in mind that there are several types:

  • pressed - is the cheapest material (30-40 rubles per square meter), however, it should not be used for the kitchen. The fact is that it gets dirty quickly, and it is not recommended to wash it.

In addition, the appearance of such tiles also, as a rule, leaves much to be desired - its surface is grainy with an unclear pattern. True, these shortcomings can be corrected to some extent by painting;

  • extruded – has a smooth structure and a clear pattern. This tile meets all of the above requirements.
    It should be noted that it can be laminated and painted, which allows you to choose a coating for any interior;

  • injection - its performance characteristics are similar to extruded tiles, therefore it is also suitable for use in the kitchen. Its main feature is its thickness, which often exceeds one centimeter.

In addition to low cost and attractive appearance The following advantages of the material under consideration can be distinguished:

  • the slab minimally reduces the height of the ceiling, so it is perfect for low rooms;

  • has good heat and sound insulation qualities. This is especially true for injection tiles due to their thickness;
  • large selection, which allows it to be used in any interior;

  • the installation process is extremely simple - the tiles are glued to the ceiling using glue or even starting putty;
  • tiles can hide minor surface imperfections.

One of the disadvantages of tiles is flammability. Moreover, during the combustion process, polystyrene foam releases toxins.

Below is the cost various types ceiling tiles:

Option 4: plastic panels

Choosing which one better ceiling What to do in the kitchen makes sense to pay attention to plastic panels. Most often they are used on walls, however, they can also become an excellent ceiling covering. Moreover, in this case it is not at all necessary to decorate the walls with plastic panels.

It must be said that a large selection of designs of plastic panels allows them to be used in any interior. They can be made in the form of lining, i.e. with visible joints, and in the form of panels that form a continuous covering on the ceiling, as in the photo above. Moreover, their texture can imitate wood or marble.

As for the performance qualities of the panels, they are ideal for use in the kitchen.

In particular, the following points can be highlighted:

  • practicality - the panels are easy to clean, and you can even use detergents for this;
  • do not absorb odors;
  • not subject to biological influences;

  • The installation instructions assume the use of lathing or mounting strips, if the ceiling is flat, the panels can be glued liquid nails. But, in any case, they slightly reduce the height of the ceiling;
  • The installation process is quite simple, thanks to which every home craftsman can cope with the task.

The cost of the panels is quite “democratic”:

Option 5: painting

Painting the ceiling in the kitchen is very popular. Of course, at first glance it may seem that this is the simplest and most cheap way finishing. On the one hand, this is true, but only with a caveat - provided that the ceiling is perfectly flat and smooth.

If the ceiling is uneven, it needs to be leveled.

You can do this in two ways:

  • by plastering;
  • using moisture resistant.

In addition, the surface must be properly puttied and thoroughly sanded before painting. The fact is that after painting, even the smallest flaws become clearly visible. Thus, if the quality of the ceiling is not ideal, painting becomes the most labor-intensive and time-consuming option for finishing it.

As for the choice of paint, you should definitely use polymer water-dispersion compositions (acrylic, silicone, etc.). Moreover, the paint must be moisture resistant.

These paints have a number of advantages:

  • have no smell, as they are made using water based. Accordingly, these paints are the most environmentally friendly;

  • it is possible to give the ceiling any color and shade, since water-dispersion paints are tinted;

  • dry within a few hours;
  • have good durability;
  • form an attractive matte surface on the ceiling.

As for the cost of such paints, they depend on the manufacturer. Below are prices for coatings from some well-known manufacturers on the domestic market:

Here, in fact, are all the types of ceiling materials that I wanted to tell you about.

Option 6: liquid wallpaper

Finally, let's look at one more modern version finishing kitchen ceiling which is to use liquid wallpaper. I would like to note right away that this material has nothing to do with the wallpaper in rolls that we are used to, and in fact is more of a decorative plaster.

Thus, liquid wallpaper is a dry mixture, which usually contains:

  • cellulose;
  • silk and cotton fibers;
  • dyes and fillers that give the coating a particular effect;
  • acrylic dispersion, which serves as a binder, etc.

Before use, the mixture is diluted in water and applied with a spatula, like ordinary decorative plaster. This allows it to be used for finishing multi-level ceilings complex shape.

As for other advantages of liquid wallpaper, we can highlight:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • simplicity and speed of application, however, this material also requires surface preparation;
  • attractive appearance.

It must be said that liquid wallpaper itself is not resistant to moisture. Therefore, in the kitchen they should be varnished. Best suited for these purposes acrylic lacquer water based.

Another disadvantage is the high cost of liquid wallpaper:


Each of the materials described above has its own advantages, so it is impossible to say unequivocally that some coating is better and some worse. Accordingly, everyone must decide for themselves which ceiling to make in the kitchen, depending on the characteristics of the room and interior design.

A woman's best years are spent in the kitchen. A joke, of course, but there is a certain amount of truth in it. The serious requirements that the kitchen places on the choice of material for the ceiling are not surprising: even the highest quality hood will not save you from high humidity, temperature changes and rising fumes. Are you planning a renovation, but don’t know which ceiling is best for your kitchen? Then we come to you - and offer detailed story about popular materials for decorating a room that is vital for everyone with specific photos in the interior.

About 10-15 years ago, the problem of choosing ceilings for the kitchen did not arise at all: in most cases, the imagination of property owners came down to traditional whitewashing or painting and was based primarily on the meager supply on the market.

Now the situation has changed dramatically, and a wide selection of finishing materials is already taken for granted. Well, it’s the owners’ turn to take the emerging problem of choice for granted!

We have already found out above that the ceiling in the kitchen is permanently exposed to high air humidity, hot vapors and soot, which is inevitable during regular cooking. The obvious conclusion follows from this: when deciding which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen, you need to start first of all from the practicality of one or another option. Of course, no one has canceled the aesthetic and decorative qualities - we have not been living in the Soviet Union for a long time, which means that the ideal option would be a logical compromise between the categories we mentioned above.

Let's consider options that are more or less suitable for the ceiling in the kitchen.


A solution that during the memorable Soviet years was considered practically without alternative. He had catastrophically few attractive features and personality, but tell me, who thought about such little things in those years?

Among the advantages of whitewashing:
  • cheapness
  • excellent air exchange
  • ease of execution
There are significantly more disadvantages:
  • whitewash hides little or does not hide unevenness on the ceiling
  • requires regular updating
  • under the influence of high humidity it quickly cracks and crumbles
Perhaps this is the most inappropriate option for the kitchen. Whitewash is extremely susceptible to high humidity and temperature changes, the appearance of soot and greasy stains it's a matter of time. It is impossible to get rid of them without harming the coating itself, since it is easily washed off even with careful wet cleaning.

We do not recommend!


Externally, this version of the ceiling in the kitchen is very similar to the previous one. Still the same classic white color. True, paint is more tolerant of high indoor humidity, and this is a rare plus that distinguishes it from lime or chalk. Otherwise, the arrangement of pros and cons is strikingly similar.


  • does not require special skills and tools
  • easy to clean
  • loses its color very quickly
  • terrible fragility
  • peels off from the ceiling
  • shows low loyalty to local restoration (if a separate area has peeled off, it will not be possible to paint over it without causing unevenness)
We do not recommend!


Gluing wallpaper on walls is everything to us. We are ready to spend as much time as we like selecting that unique pattern, which, after gluing, will probably become thoroughly boring after just a few months of active contemplation. It's the same story with ceilings. If you are thinking about which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen, and are leaning towards wallpaper, then do it relatively good choice. Regarding whitewashing and painting, of course.

Advantages of wallpaper for the ceiling in the kitchen:

  • hide defects well
  • inexpensive
  • do not require expensive tools for gluing
  • Easily repairable in certain areas
  • impressive decorative potential
True, there is also minuses. And we will not remain silent about them:
  • inconvenience of gluing - pieces generously coated with glue are difficult to fix without causing bubbles and various defects
  • under the influence of humidity they quickly peel off in different places and become deformed
If common sense However, you found yourself defeated by certain aesthetic needs, then here is our advice for more reliable gluing: choose not ordinary, but so-called washable wallpaper. They are also called vinyl. With them you will have much less problems than with traditional ones paper versions. In addition, the pattern on them does not deform in any way even when applied detergent.

Suspended plasterboard ceiling

From a design point of view, such ceilings are perhaps the most profitable solution. They allow you to realize the most complex and non-trivial designs, thereby bringing your kitchen closer to the high standards of design art.

Let us note other advantages of using plasterboard on the ceiling:

  1. durability
  2. practicality
  3. high strength
  4. impressive decorative qualities
  5. wide coloring possibilities
  6. resistance to mechanical stress
It is fair to mention some possible disadvantages:
  1. sensitivity to temperature changes
  2. require frequent renewal of the painted layer
  3. deteriorate quickly if flooded
  4. require professional installation

It should be noted that it is best to make the ceiling in the kitchen from moisture-resistant plasterboard and be sure to trust this matter to professionals. In this case, the long service life we ​​stated above takes place in practice. In all other cases, you can quite expectedly experience problems with suspended structure.

Recommended with reservations!

Plastic panels on the ceiling in the kitchen

Popular material that is widely found in modern apartments and private houses. Deciding complex issue, what is the best ceiling to make in the kitchen, the owners first of all pay attention to the relative efficiency the specified option.

Let's mention the other advantages of using plastic to finish the ceiling in the kitchen:

  • simple and quick installation
  • practicality of use
  • durability of the structure
  • environmental Safety
  • a large number of variations in length and width
  • immunity to high humidity
  • easy care using non-abrasive products
To ensure that the material you choose is truly safe from an environmental point of view, pay attention to PVC panels in the more expensive segment. The cheapest plastic, as a rule, has a characteristic odor and is more suitable for interior decoration technical purposes.

A common version of plastic panels is rack type. These are narrow and long panels that create a pleasant atmosphere in your room and easily fit into even the most complex interior.

Also for plastic white there is one significant drawback - the fairly rapid appearance of yellowness as a result of prolonged and regular exposure to ultraviolet rays. Unfortunately, this color deformation cannot be corrected.

Otherwise, it is relevant, inexpensive and very reliable option for kitchen.

Note to housewives: plastic panel with a glossy surface requires more intensive care than with a matte surface.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

Perhaps the most popular solution today, which we could only dream of previously.

Describing all the advantages of using suspended ceilings in the kitchen will be long and boring, but we will try to be concise:

  1. moisture resistance
  2. perfectly smooth, seamless surface
  3. an endless number of decorative combinations
  4. reliability during flooding
  5. impressive service life
  6. wide choice for mounting lamps
  7. easy care
  8. fits perfectly into any interior
Of the obvious disadvantages, we can only mention quite complex installation and actually reducing the height of your space. However, can such disadvantages cover up the numerous advantages that we listed above?

Manufacturers today offer this wide choose textures that even a seasoned designer might get confused, not to mention more down-to-earth people, for whom performance comes first. Therefore, if you are faced with a choice of which suspended ceiling is best to make in the kitchen, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the options in the advertising brochures of the relevant service provider in your city.

Most often, the debate is around glossy and matte stretch ceilings.

The former actively dominate the market, offering a beautiful mirror effect that can visually seriously enlarge even the most modestly sized kitchen.

The latter are very similar to ordinary whitewashed ceilings and attract less attention, inviting you and your kitchen guests to focus solely on the interior.

What will you choose? This is a separate question that you should definitely think about carefully!


In order to decide which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen, you must first correlate the existing aesthetic needs with your material capabilities and extrapolate the resulting compromise to materials with the best performance characteristics. Everywhere Availability various options turns any renovation today into an amazing journey, the end point of which is the individuality of your kitchen and the undisguised comfort of the room. Look for your option, and we are always ready to offer you an ocean of incredible ideas, each of which could potentially lead you to good decision!
