Animals sleep in the forest. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Animals? What does it mean to see Animals in a dream? Lunar dream book If you dream about Wild animals

An animal seen in a dream can evoke various emotions in the dreamer, from tenderness and joy to feelings of anxiety and fear. We learn from the article about what our four-legged friends want to tell us when they appear in a dream.

Seeing an animal in a dream

If in a dream you simply watch an animal, then this means your psychological similarity with the four-legged animal that appeared in this night vision. A lion, for example, can mean power and strength, a fox - cunning and deceit, a hare - fear and timidity, a wolf - danger, a horse - stubbornness, independence, etc.

Why do you dream about animals of unusual appearance? This means that in the near future you will experience worries and anxieties, possibly related to your family and friends.

If the kingdom of Morpheus provided you with a vision in which you met white, calm animals, then expect a pleasant time with good and loyal friends.

Why do we dream about animals (a lot)? If you see entire herds in your night vision, then expect to meet people who will become loyal friends for you in the future.

If in a dream you saw angry and enraged animals, then there will be an improvement in your life. All obstacles on the way to the goal will be completely destroyed.

If you are watching fluffy, beautiful and completely harmless four-legged animals, then expect to meet a devoted friend in the near future.

Do you look in a dream at a sad and unhappy four-legged animal that evokes nothing but pity? Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it's time to become strong!

Looking at animals wandering and prowling in search of food means your desire for improvement living conditions. For example, you want to increase your earnings or find a new job. Or maybe you liked the position of a boss? In this situation, you should pay attention to the little things, the situation, etc. If the animals were angry and hungry, then it will be quite difficult for you. Are the animals beautiful and friendly? Then expect good news.

Why do you dream of animals in the reflection of the mirror you look into? This suggests that in reality you will suffer significant losses and also experience serious disappointment.

Animals behind the fence

In your dream, did you watch animals at the zoo? Then you will soon experience worries that will be completely in vain.

What if you see animals in a menagerie? Is not good sign. You will be overcome by troubles from all sides.

Looking at an animal awaiting its fate in a slaughterhouse means that you will witness an ugly and disgusting scene that does not correspond to your moral views on life.

What if in night vision you are watching animals in a circus? This means that soon you will have fun in a fun company.

If you see in your dream how animals are languishing in cages, then in the future you are guaranteed victory over all enemies and competitors.

Wild animals

Why do you dream about wild animals? This means that in reality some areas of your life are out of control. In this case, you should think about what you can associate the dreamed animal with. Whether it has power over you or serves you, whether it is angry or harmless, etc.

If in a dream you are simply observing the life of wild animals, then this means that traps have been placed for you everywhere, so be careful.

What if in a dream you dreamed that you were feeding wild four-legged animals? This indicates serious disappointment.

If in a dream you feel danger (you are at a short distance from an angry animal), then in real life an incident awaits you that could end in death.

If in your vision you lock eyes with an animal, it means that you will soon meet one-on-one with your sworn enemy.

Why do you dream about wild animals running? This suggests that the danger will pass by.

What if you're into a wild animal? Serious danger awaits you.

How to interpret a dream in which you catch a wild animal? This speaks of upcoming joy.

How to interpret a dream in which a porcupine appeared? This beast means that many people are angry with you and want revenge.


Why do you dream about pets? White means love or friendship, pleasant dates. Black - a large number of enemies.

What if in a dream you stroke and caress pets? This suggests that you will soon buy yourself a house.

If the kingdom of Morpheus provided you with a vision that your pets are roaring, then bad news will soon come to you. If a pig squeals, someone's death will greatly upset you. Also, this dream may mean a bad assessment of your work, which was done conscientiously.

Why do you dream of animals in the house that rush at you? This suggests that all obstacles to the goal will soon be removed.

Do you watch grazing pets in your dreams? This means that you are surrounded by good and faithful friends.

Do you hear a goat bleating or a cow mooing? This means that a lot of worries and problems will fall on you.

Why do you dream about animals (a lot) running away from you? This means your career is at risk.

How to explain a dream in which you see an animal that has never been in the house? Perhaps it reflects your irresistible desire to have this or that animal.

The opposite interpretation is given to a dream where you acquired a pet that you never wanted or were even afraid of. Such a dream may mean your desire to defeat the enemy and go to new stage in life.

Dead animals

This suggests that someone from your close circle is lying to you or is not telling you the real truth. Perhaps this person does this not out of bad intentions, but to warn you against unnecessary worries.

If in your dream you watch dead animals lying around, then expect attacks from a person you know. He may try to make fun of you or offend you.

What if you saw a dead horse in your dream? This means that you will soon receive bad news. This may also indicate the dreamer’s inability to deal with the difficulties and problems that have befallen him.

Killed animals

Why dream of killing animals? If you have such a dream, then expect an accident to happen to you or your loved ones.

Why do you dream about dead animals that you killed yourself? This means you regret what you did in real life.

If in a dream you killed an animal unintentionally, then this means upcoming news about the death of a person who died under random circumstances.

Animal? If you see a dead animal and its blood spatters your clothes, expect profits or a significant improvement in your financial situation soon.

If in a dream you beat a defenseless animal and at the same time experience enormous pleasure, it means that in real life you are prone to sadism.


Why do you dream about animals that you yourself killed and eat their meat? This means that in the near future you will face confiscation of property.

If you carry meat in your hands, then illness will soon break you.

If someone gives you the meat of a killed animal, then this means that you will fall under the influence of evil spells.

If you find a killed animal and begin to eat its meat, then your situation may improve over time.

Dreaming about animals: meaning for relationships

If a girl saw blind small wild animals in a night vision, then this predicts an early pregnancy for her.

If you dreamed that a person was killing a quadruple, this means that your significant other will soon leave you for another person. For family people, this vision suggests that a person who calls himself a friend of the husband (wife) is secretly in love with you.

Why do you dream about a dead black animal? This suggests that you will soon quarrel with a loved one. Your opponent will be to blame for the quarrel. If the animal white- you yourself.

If you observe how pets are placed in a slaughterhouse, then this means that your significant other will not love you, but will be afraid of you.

Did you dream that your pets were well-groomed and well-fed? This is a good sign. Your marriage will be happy. Night vision is interpreted in the opposite way, in which domestic animals are shabby and ugly.


In general, as mentioned earlier, it all depends on what little things surrounded you in your dream. If the vision was bright, with kind and affectionate animals, then in this case it is easy to guess that nothing bad is expected. The main thing is that you need to set yourself up for the positive, and only then will the kingdom of Morpheus delight you with wonderful and vivid dreams.

The article on the topic: “dream book unknown animal” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The dream “Animals” and its interpretation is present in the following dream books:

See interpretation for specific animals.

Animals can be a symbol of the primal, instinctive part of your being. If the animal is wild and fierce, it represents a primitive aspect of your personality. If the animal is tame, it can symbolize the controlled instincts living within you. If the animals are wild and free, they can return you to nature. (See also interpretations dedicated to individual animals)

See each animal by name.

all animals of a strange, unusual appearance mean anxiety, difficulty.

For example, a too unusual appearance (two heads, etc.)

– very unusual interference or too much anxiety.

Large, wild - to unbridled passions.

They attack, tear - you can become a victim of a rapist, a maniac.

They pet you, feed you - get help from the forces of nature, be closer to it.

Extraordinary, fabulous - spirits of nature; if they are friendly - wait for help, if they are aggressive - you have offended them, in this case a fire or leaks may occur in your house.

One day a man came to Ibn Sirin with a request to interpret a dream in which he saw an animal talking to him. Ibn Sirin predicted his imminent death, citing the words of Allah Almighty: “And when the word falls on them, We will bring them an animal from the earth that will speak to them - people who were not convinced of our signs.”

They represent the instincts of the human body or the forces of nature and signify the potential for action for the subject, appearing in a dream either as value or as danger, depending on the subject's perception of the behavior and character of the individual animal. If a person feels superior to a dreaming animal, then these forces are functional for him, otherwise they indicate a danger threatening him. However, the image of an animal in itself is never negative.

Insects and small animals – Children and siblings.

Animals can play any role in a dream. As history shows, it was dreams about animals that proved the true value of dreams in general. They reveal the essence of personal problems and relationships and indicate the significance of circumstances. Animals can help us, talk to us, or they can chase us, even eat us, or simply be present in our dreams, causing calm or, on the contrary, anxiety. Animals often appear in dreams under the influence of individual life experiences.

To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of perceiving the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed.

Let's take a dog for example. A dog is an unchanging symbol of a devoted friend. However, in the depths of the subconscious, many people have an insurmountable fear of dogs. These animals are also associated with essentially opposite social stereotypes (compare: “man’s best friend” and “angry as a dog”). People who are very afraid of dogs may have a dream in which this fear is justified, and the next night a dream with the opposite direction.

One of the fundamental points of interpretation is the actions of the dog. Is the animal chasing you? Does it bite you? Or are you talking to him?

Pets are frequent guests in dreams, but they are not as attached to modern man as in times subsistence farming. Pets in the pasture usually symbolize prosperity. Previously, dreams with such animals were considered as a sign of prosperity and well-being of the earth.

Killing animals is a rare event in dreams. It can be caused by two reasons: necessity or ordinary desire. Killing an animal out of necessity is a breadwinner archetype or a survival dream. Such dreams often convey a sense of responsibility for others or the need to assert oneself. Unmotivated killing of an animal can be a simple realization of your desire, a projection of anger or dissatisfaction with some social taboo. The realization of desire or the projection of anger has a lot to do with how you perceive the animal being killed.

Does this animal represent a person for you, or perhaps are you comparing a person from your environment with a specific animal?

The social taboo imposed by society on the unmotivated injuring or killing of animals has become the criterion by which people's antisocial behavior is assessed. It is therefore not surprising that in dreams it can symbolize breaking a taboo. But, again, it is important how you perceive this animal.

The starving animal is of interest in agricultural societies, such as American Indian communities. The appearance of such animals in a dream conveys feelings or thoughts about the inconsistency (or inadequacy) of the requirements of reality. In the past, starving animals were considered an omen of great famine and pestilence. Starving animals can also symbolize interpersonal relationships with others.

Here is a list of some stereotypical associations directly related to images of animals and their inherent metaphorical symbolism (in contrast “good - bad”). This symbolism is often used as the most characteristic features of a person:

Petting animals means dubious profits; wild - to have your own home; kicked out - in danger; grazing - to have true friends.

Illnesses, experiences, passions and fears related to close and distant relatives.

WONDERFUL ANIMALS - these include the following images: bear, wolf, snake, horse, dog, white rat, etc. They are distinguished by their special plasticity, grace, sometimes with anthropomorphic features. They are perceived as intelligent, come to the aid of the sleeping person, talk to him, give wise advice, allow themselves to be used as a vehicle, etc. - and in general actively reflect a person’s connection with his past, the experience of his family and all of humanity (the collective unconscious). They impart life wisdom first in its most mundane, everyday, biological basis. They mark a person as a sorcerer, magician, shaman; mark recovery, a way out of a difficult critical situation; endowed with healing and predictive abilities, but! However, not from an everyday, but from a higher, fair, spiritual and religious point of view - this is the beginning of demonic temptation, a dark path, the gradual loss of the ability to love, the loss of the human soul, i.e. orientation towards black magic!

In the dream book, the interpretation of the dream “Animals” can be different. Look carefully at the pictures and photos to interpret the dream, maybe the Lampshade is not at all what you think about. Good luck!

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Dream Interpretation Animal, why do you dream about seeing an Animal in a dream?

From this article you can find out why you dream about an Animal from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about an Animal: interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream about an animal in the summer?

Animal - Seeing an animal in a dream means reconciliation with friends.

Why do you dream about an Animal in a dream?

Animal - If you dreamed of an animal, this speaks of your desire to surrender to the power of sensuality, to forget about responsibilities, about duty. Or this dream may foretell a relationship with a person who does not oblige you to anything, with whom you will only be connected by sex, a strong sensual attraction. You will be especially attracted to a relationship with a partner who will allow you to take a dominant position in sex.

Why do you dream about an animal in spring?

What does an unknown animal mean? Seeing an unknown animal in a dream, strange and scary for you, is a surprise.

Why do you dream about an animal in the fall?

Exotic animal - To see an exotic animal in a dream and watch it - your secret dreams will come true.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream about an Animal - dream symbolism:

Animals - Symbolize the biological and psychological characteristics of a person, which are similar to the dreamed animal. See individual species of animals, birds, insects and Herd.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do Animals appear in dreams?

Animals - All animals of a strange, unusual appearance mean anxiety, difficulty. For example, a very unusual appearance (two heads, etc.) means very unusual interference or too much anxiety.

What does the animal symbolize and why do you dream?

Animals – Spontaneous animal energy in the dreamer/fantasizer. The body of an animal with its instinctive desires or non-human, animal, impulses of the unconscious can be perceived as a deep totemic image. An attempt to find shelter from an animal by constructing a fence. Fighting animal instincts. The dream may indicate what precautions are required and adequate. These instincts can be threatening or harmful to constructive aspects of an individual's life.

Domestication or use of animals. An attempt to control your instincts and, if possible, recognize them as constructive and useful.

Killing an animal or placing an animal in a cage. An attempt to restrain instincts, the destructive effect of the irrational, accompanied by the release of chaotic vital energy.

Eating animals. Energy accumulation. Other people, especially parents, since the mythological parents are behind the totem.

If the gender of the animal is not represented in the dream, then the larger animal may represent the father and the smaller one the mother. Dreams can be associated with repressed desires, fears focused on individual sexuality, often incestuous. Aspects of the collective unconscious of the Superego.

Talking animals and divine animals. An indication of the archetypal deification associated with the totem, animalism, corresponding to the acceptance of the irrationality of the unconscious as the energy of natural harmony, which allows us to consider animal instincts as a manifestation of the mind. In fairy tales and dreams, divine animals are guides to the goal, that is, to the realization of puya.

Useful pets. The useful activity of the unconscious, perhaps represented as corporate and cooperative. Such a conscious position is always positive.

Baby animals. Children.

Animals that never grow are small animals. Infantilism. Failure to mature.

Animals with babies. Motherhood and therefore mother.

Bear. Mother or Great Mother. Bear children and bear families are associated with an ordinary family. The desire for death and flight from it. Possessive, destroying mother. Bear Man (Lokis) may be the father.

Cat or feline animal. Associated with the cat style of a woman’s image, elegance, but at the same time cunning. Witch archetype.

Bull. Sexual passion as creative energy or more often in a negative aspect - blind rage. Killing a bull. An introduction to the world of maturing as an adult who has subjugated his instincts.

Reptiles. Coldness, the inhuman aspect of instincts, fear.

Chimeras. The varied qualities of the different animals that make up a chimera. Two or more development potentials in one figure.

Basilisk hippogriff, vulture, dragon, unicorn, cancerber, etc. Half animal, half human (centaur, ichthyocentaur, mermaid). The beginning of the humanization of animal instincts.

Cow. Symbolism of food. Eternal femininity, mother or positive mother archetype.

Deformed animals. The dreamer considers his impulses disgusting.

Dog. Canine behavior or human resemblance to a dog is assumed. A devoted friend or someone the individual cannot get rid of, or someone who causes anxiety (depending on the dream state as well as the dreamer's attitude towards dogs). A dog that an individual kept or was familiar with at a certain period of life. The functions of the dog (guarding, hunting) and its abilities (swimming, fast run, aggressiveness) depending on the breed. A dog that belongs to someone. Behind the image is the one who owns the dog.

Woman with a dog. Amazon/Hunter or Anima archetype. A dog guarding the gate near the cemetery (black dog). Corresponds to the image of a dog devouring corpses, which is seen as the guardian of the underworld (Cerberus); the dog of Hell, a creature that must be pacified and put to sleep before the dreamer passes through the underworld.

Elephant. Symbolism of the earth. Self.

Frog. Thanks to the ability to transform and the ability to come out of the water onto land, it is considered a period of transformation with metamorphosis (Frog Princess) of the image.

Goat. Voluptuousness, the product of Pan, Satan. Darkness of human nature. Riding a goat. The relationship of an individual with the opposite of his nature.

Horse. Energy, including sexual energy. A weakened horse or a horse near death. R

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Animal in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Why do we dream about animals? Dream interpretation

An animal seen in a dream can evoke various emotions in the dreamer, from tenderness and joy to feelings of anxiety and fear. We learn from the article about what our four-legged friends want to tell us when they appear in a dream.

Seeing an animal in a dream

If in a dream you simply watch an animal, then this means your psychological similarity with the four-legged animal that appeared in this night vision. A lion, for example, can mean power and strength, a fox - cunning and deceit, a hare - fear and timidity, a wolf - danger, a horse - stubbornness, independence, etc.

Why do you dream about animals of unusual appearance? This means that in the near future you will experience worries and anxieties, possibly related to your family and friends.

If the kingdom of Morpheus provided you with a vision in which you met white, calm animals, then expect a pleasant time with good and loyal friends.

Why do we dream about animals (a lot)? If you see entire herds in your night vision, then expect to meet people who will become loyal friends for you in the future.

If in a dream you saw angry and enraged animals, then there will be an improvement in your life. All obstacles on the way to the goal will be completely destroyed.

If you are watching fluffy, beautiful and completely harmless four-legged animals, then expect to meet a devoted friend in the near future.

Do you look in a dream at a sad and unhappy four-legged animal that evokes nothing but pity? Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it's time to become strong!

Looking at animals wandering and prowling in search of food means your desire to improve living conditions. For example, you want to increase your earnings or find a new job. Or maybe you liked the position of a boss? In this situation, you should pay attention to the little things, the situation, etc. If the animals were angry and hungry, then it will be quite difficult for you. Are the animals beautiful and friendly? Then expect good news.

Why do you dream of animals in the reflection of the mirror you look into? This suggests that in reality you will suffer significant losses and also experience serious disappointment.

Animals behind the fence

In your dream, did you watch animals at the zoo? Then you will soon experience worries that will be completely in vain.

What if you see animals in a menagerie? This is not a good sign. You will be overcome by troubles from all sides.

Looking at an animal awaiting its fate in a slaughterhouse means that you will witness an ugly and disgusting scene that does not correspond to your moral views on life.

What if in night vision you are watching animals in a circus? This means that soon you will have fun in a fun company.

If you see in your dream how animals are languishing in cages, then in the future you are guaranteed victory over all enemies and competitors.

Wild animals

Why do you dream about wild animals? This means that in reality some areas of your life are out of control. In this case, you should think about what you can associate the dreamed animal with. Whether it has power over you or serves you, whether it is angry or harmless, etc.

If in a dream you are simply observing the life of wild animals, then this means that traps have been placed for you everywhere, so be careful.

What if in a dream you dreamed that you were feeding wild four-legged animals? This indicates serious disappointment.

If in a dream you feel danger (you are at a short distance from an angry animal), then in real life an incident awaits you that could end in death.

If in your vision you lock eyes with an animal, it means that you will soon meet one-on-one with your sworn enemy.

Why do you dream about wild animals running? This suggests that the danger will pass by.

What if you shoot a wild animal in your sleep? Serious danger awaits you.

How to interpret a dream in which you catch a wild animal? This speaks of upcoming joy.

How to interpret a dream in which a porcupine appeared? This beast means that many people are angry with you and want revenge.


Why do you dream about pets? White means love or friendship, pleasant dates. Black – a large number of enemies.

What if in a dream you stroke and caress pets? This suggests that you will soon buy yourself a house.

If the kingdom of Morpheus provided you with a vision that your pets are roaring, then bad news will soon come to you. If a pig squeals, someone's death will greatly upset you. Also, this dream may mean a bad assessment of your work, which was done conscientiously.

Why do you dream of animals in the house that rush at you? This suggests that all obstacles to the goal will soon be removed.

Do you watch grazing pets in your dreams? This means that you are surrounded by good and faithful friends.

Do you hear a goat bleating or a cow mooing? This means that a lot of worries and problems will fall on you.

Why do you dream about animals (a lot) running away from you? This means your career is at risk.

How to explain a dream in which you see an animal that has never been in the house? Perhaps this vision reflects your irresistible desire to have this or that animal.

The opposite interpretation is given to a dream where you acquired a pet that you never wanted or were even afraid of. Such a dream may mean your desire to defeat the enemy and move to a new stage in life.

Dead animals

Why do you dream about dead animals? This suggests that someone from your close circle is lying to you or is not telling you the real truth. Perhaps this person does this not out of bad intentions, but to warn you against unnecessary worries.

If in your dream you watch dead animals lying around, then expect attacks from a person you know. He may try to make fun of you or offend you.

What if you saw a dead horse in your dream? This means that you will soon receive bad news. This may also indicate the dreamer’s inability to deal with the difficulties and problems that have befallen him.

Killed animals

Why dream of killing animals? If you have such a dream, then expect an accident to happen to you or your loved ones.

Why do you dream about dead animals that you killed yourself? This means you regret what you did in real life.

If in a dream you killed an animal unintentionally, then this means upcoming news about the death of a person who died under random circumstances.

Why do you dream about animal blood? If you see a dead animal and its blood spatters your clothes, expect profits or a significant improvement in your financial situation soon.

If in a dream you beat a defenseless animal and at the same time experience enormous pleasure, it means that in real life you are prone to sadism.

Why do you dream about animals that you yourself killed and eat their meat? This means that in the near future you will face confiscation of property.

If you carry meat in your hands, then illness will soon break you.

If someone gives you the meat of a killed animal, then this means that you will fall under the influence of evil spells.

If you find a killed animal and begin to eat its meat, then your situation may improve over time.

Dreaming about animals: meaning for relationships

If a girl saw blind small wild animals in a night vision, then this predicts an early pregnancy for her.

If you dreamed that a person was killing a quadruple, this means that your significant other will soon leave you for another person. For family people, this vision suggests that a person who calls himself a friend of the husband (wife) is secretly in love with you.

Why do you dream about a dead black animal? This suggests that you will soon quarrel with a loved one. Your opponent will be to blame for the quarrel. If the animal is white, you are yourself.

If you observe how pets are placed in a slaughterhouse, then this means that your significant other will not love you, but will be afraid of you.

Did you dream that your pets were well-groomed and well-fed? This is a good sign. Your marriage will be happy. Night vision is interpreted in the opposite way, in which domestic animals are shabby and ugly.

Alexander Reply

(from translit) I would like to know an approximate list of those qualities that can be represented in a dream by images of animals. sex? greed? desire for satiation?.. something else?.. I will be grateful for links to sources. homologue

Kuhovar-yahoo-com Reply

Like a chaotic movement ahead in some endeavor. You feel unsafe if you make sounds. Before completing the work that has started in reality, you need to freeze, think through everything and “rush” ahead - if you quickly, then you can make it in time...

Mei Reply

I, along with my husband and children, are in some slightly distorted amusement park. That is, in a dream he seems normal, but there are many strange things in him. At the beginning, the children and husband go somewhere for a while, and for some reason I go rollerblading. On the way, I decide to stop at the toilet and roll into it on roller skates. Then a guy comes into the toilet and looks at me with wild eyes. I realize that I accidentally stopped in the men's room and quickly roll out. Then I start looking for children and a husband. They are in some kind of building combined with some kind of climbing structure with slides, tunnels and nets. Again, some distorted semblance of a real amusement park, which we periodically visit. I go up to the top floor of the building and there, along some kind of tunnel corridor, I slide down to small hole, through which I need to climb to the very top of the building, where my children are having fun on some structure made of nets and crossbars at a great height. I climb out to the very top and find myself on a net stretched high, high above the ground. The mesh is all thin, torn and full of holes. I don’t dare get to my feet and crawl along it to where I can already see my children. Finally, I find myself with them on some beams and crossbars. There we calmly settle down and begin to explore the park from above. It should be noted that all sorts of mountains, tall platforms and endless staircases going into the sky and stairs into the abyss have become something of a frequent occurrence in my dreams. Why do I always look at the world from above in my dreams? So here it is. We are looking at the park. It looks like a stadium, it seems to be walking along an oval treadmill. There is an empty field inside, and life is in full swing around the perimeter running track. There are a lot of people around - workers and visitors of the park, and animals, for some reason not in cages, but walking freely around this ring. Suddenly the animals begin to run away in fear and hide somewhere. I clearly see a bear looking out from behind the bushes in fear. Some kind of frightened monkey jumps into the arms of a man. Birds fly away. And suddenly I see that a mammoth is rushing along this very ring - a treadmill. A real huge mammoth! I think to myself, wow, where did they get a real mammoth? The mammoth continues to run in a circle, and meanwhile I peer closely at it and before my eyes its face begins to turn into an almost human face. The trunk becomes shorter, facial features change and the fur turns into human skin, the tusks are no longer there. I “remember” that people descended from mammoths. I wonder where this mammoth is rushing and what the poor thing wants. He seems to be looking for some way out. It makes me feel sorry that such a big, smart mammoth was shoved into some kind of menagerie park. And then a certain Voice (that’s right, no one in particular was around anymore) says: “He is just looking for a mate.” I think where will he be found, this mate. Perhaps one of the mammoths was somehow taken out or unfrozen, but they didn’t think about the fact that he would be lonely. Moreover, I know that it is he who is the mammoth, and he is looking for her, his girlfriend. And then I realized that the mammoth had already run out through some gates that were somewhere below us and ran into the steppes, which, as it turned out, began immediately outside the park gates. Immediately it became calm and the dream ended. I thought, I thought about what it was about and I was completely confused. Help me to understand!

AnaLitik Reply

Rollerblading to the toilet means superficial erotic contact, mechanical and aggressive. The high floors that you have to climb symbolize the ideas and worldview of the Super-ego, hence the continued separation from the earth and reality. Then you are separated from all this by a mesh - all thin, torn and full of holes. I don’t dare get to my feet and crawl across it. The grid represents a system of socio-cultural stereotypes. In ontopsychology it is called the Deviation Monitor. The fear of the mammoth means that this system can easily crush you. And then a certain Voice (that’s right, no one in particular was around anymore) says: “He is just looking for a mate.” I think where will he be found, this mate. One mammoth was probably taken out somehow or unfrozen, but they didn’t think about the fact that he would be lonely! Perhaps the core of your complex is the fear of being alone. Relying on a man is a mistake if it is dictated by a cultural stereotype

Privetpr4 Reply

I am 33 years old, I often see dreams consisting of a mosaic: one episode here, then in another place (and on a different topic), etc. I can “watch” from 4 to 7 such “episodes” per night. But the dream I had recently simply shocked me - I felt, sensed, saw colors...
I dreamed that my children had pets in multi-tiered cages (they actually have pet rats) - these are hamsters, rats, and snakes. They are all small and pretty, with rodents on the top tier of the cage and snakes on the bottom. Nothing threatening. One fine day I approach the cage and see that the snakes have died and laid many larvae, and the rodents are also lying motionless. I’m busy with business and haven’t cleared the cage of dead animals; approaching it in the evening, I see that all the rodents have come to life, and small snakes have hatched from the larvae. And then before our eyes they begin to grow, increase, simply swell in size... They are already cramped, there are too many of them, huge snakes begin to shed old skin, and the new one shimmers with dazzling colors, bright, rich... They are cramped, (this thought haunts me), they rub against each other, the rats begin to loosen the bars of the cage, try to get out, and I “hold the defense” from all sides, trying to push them back; if I happen to touch them, I actually tremble with disgust. Suddenly a small hamster falls into my palms (strange, I note in a dream, because animals are huge!) Fearing a bite, I still hold it in my hands and physically feel its small paws! And at this time the cage is just bursting at the seams, and I understand with horror that snakes can eat rats and they need to be seated somehow, but I’m too afraid - what am I afraid of, I’m just terrified!
Then in a dream I am transported to my mother’s garden (which is 200 km away), I see a glimpse of my friends (they are even further away). There is some kind of bathhouse in the garden, my boss comes into it with business partners, and suddenly I realize that I am naked, with only a cotton blanket thrown over me. I run to the beds and begin to pull onions into piles, thinking at the same time that this will help hide my ridiculous outfit. Acquaintances walk past the pond, carrying loot from fishing on a pole; but these are not just fish - these are some strange monsters of a dark, almost black color. If the first large sizes, the second is very large, then the third is simply incredibly ugly and huge. They pass by my garden, and the third friend, the biggest monster, falls off the pole and plops down into the pond nearby. A moment - and the water hid him. With regret, I realize that out of fear of the monster I won’t go into the pond - but I should have washed my hands... watered the garden... done something else with the water...
The next episode is in the bathhouse. Moreover, in my dreams there is often a mixture of different objects into one. So this time I seem to be in the bathhouse of our city, and at the same time this is a bathhouse in the village where my mother lives. There aren't many people, I'm wearing a swimsuit for some reason. I pour water, arrange bath accessories on the bench, etc. The bathhouse gradually fills with people, and then it turns out that my place has been taken. I’m trying to find another place, there don’t seem to be many visitors, but I’m not succeeding for a long time. Suddenly a group of men enters the bathhouse - but in the dream I don’t see whether they are clothed or naked - they also came to wash. First of all, they go to the steam room - I also go there, but it’s not them that attracts me, but I really love the steam room - but for some reason it’s not hot there...
There was an episode with a river, wide and calm, but I vaguely remembered it. Then I find myself in the entrance of the house where I grew up and where my mother now lives. I'm standing in the vestibule between two doors, external door open to see in case someone passes, the inner one is closed. My upstairs neighbor is Uncle Tolya, who weighs 1.5 centners and is 25 years older than me, a good-natured guy.
He and I... have sex, and since everything happens in the entrance, we do it while standing. During the process, I look outside and suddenly see my husband walking in the distance, he came here to visit me and our children (summer, we are on vacation with our mother). And I say - Tolya, come quickly, my husband is coming!

I woke up in a cold sweat - my heart was somewhere in my throat. I clearly saw the brightness of the colors huge snakes, really felt the hamster’s paws, and really felt horror and fear. But, for God's sake, why did I dream of such a perverted episode with a neighbor whom I treat like a good-natured old man? And I didn’t say - let him go, my husband is coming, but I said: come on quickly. Nightmare! Perhaps you can explain what this all means?
Moreover, multi-episode sleep is a common thing for me, although everything seems to be fine with my family and work, my husband and I love each other. But... such dreams are probably a signal of some kind of problem, right?

Thank you in advance for your response.
Best regards, Zlata.

Alexander Reply

Zlata - beautiful name. Old Slavonic. This is how polygamous motives awaken in my soul. If you have time, send a photo :) You are right in asking the question “such dreams are probably a signal of some kind of problem, right?” Is it true. The name of this problem is self-suppression. Animals, symbolizing the biological aspects of your personality, are under the yoke of conscious ascetic attitudes, which is symbolized by the death of animals or their stay in cages. But your asceticism does not solve the original problem - your instincts still come to life and, moreover, break open the fragile bars. My current psychotherapeutic practice shows that most likely this is due to the religious attitude in which you are brewing (see Flight and Birch Grove). Most likely you are a Christian, an unconscious person, and since ascetic Christianity contradicts your free (polygamous) pagan essence, it means you are prone to neurosis.
Biological aspects of the psyche are always dreamed of in the form of animals. Depending on how you get along with animals in a dream (and in reality), we can talk about the degree of your mental health[if I happen to touch them, I actually tremble with disgust].
I highly recommend hippotherapy. While studying depth psychology (including the interpretation of dreams), I came to the idea that since animals in our dreams represent our own instincts, then conscious communication with animals in reality will normalize our mental state. Thus, I independently came up with the idea of ​​“therapeutic communication with large animals” and literally this Monday I visited a horse yard, where I spent an hour (riding) a horse. I'm still impressed. Today I learned that such therapeutic communication is called hippotherapy (ippo - from the Latin “horse”). Something similar can be done with dolphins in a dolphinarium. What other big, kind animals do we have?
Returning to your neuroses. They have a fairly pronounced sexual connotation of abstinence, which is clearly heard in the line [come on faster, the husband is coming] instead of let him go, the husband is coming.
You are also afraid of the unconscious potential that you have. You evaluate everything that does not relate to consciousness (see Birch Grove) as monsters. The pond is the unconscious with its vital forces(you are afraid of life), the monster is what you turned your unicorn into [the largest monster falls from the pole and plops down next to him in the pond, an instant - and the water hid him, with regret, I realize that because of the fear of the monster I did not I'll stick my nose into the pond]. I wouldn’t be surprised if the monster was a mermaid, who initially appeared good spirit water and moisture for fields.

Alexander Reply

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Alexander Reply

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Lana Reply

Excerpt from today's dream.
I dream that my family and I are going down into some valley.
Animals walk in a row along the valley: a camel, a lion, a deer, followed by a black bear.
This whole procession is followed by people, as it later turned out, their owners.
The deer notices us first and runs towards us at great speed; we barely have time to dodge its horns. Then the bear attacked.
I don’t remember how we ended up on the top of some hill, I only remember our indignation that their owners allow their pets to treat people walking in the valley like this.

Alexander Reply

Animals in dreams represent our animal, instinctive part. Depending on how consciously you get along with her and listen to her needs, your animals will be so kind, well-groomed and flexible. Now you have a discord because your instincts do not cooperate with you, but become aggressive beasts. Apparently you are pressing/suppressing them a lot. When your animal, biological essence manifests itself, you feel indignant [I only remember our indignation that their owners allow their pets to treat people walking in the valley like this]. During individuation you will learn to become more at peace with yourself and your reflexes.

Image7 Reply

My cousins ​​and I had already left the zoo, suddenly I turned around and saw an unknown animal running towards me at breakneck speed. Seeing my eyes full of horror, my sister calmly replied that it was just a hare crossed with a chipmunk. When the beast ran closer, I saw just some kind of ugliness. An evil face, small in stature, a creature absolutely unlike anyone else. The animal jumped up and bit my fingers. I woke up in horror, jumping out of bed, noticing a whole pack of foxes in the background, and for some reason being absolutely sure that they had rabies. This is not the only dream when I woke up in a nightmare, as if my future life depended on the seconds spent in the dream.


Good afternoon, Yaroslav!
Today I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were walking through some park, everything looked like Miami, splashes, sun! And then we meet a man, he has a small zoo. There’s a horse galloping across the lawns and an elephant that’s probably not yet grown up. And then I was already at home, Ivan came and said: here is my gift. And this is the horse and the elephant. And they will live with us. I go up to the horse, he is dark brown, very handsome and he liked me, he caresses me. The elephant is also wonderful. But they don’t even have a place to stand, I tell Ivan: “give them back, we have nothing to feed them, even if they don’t return the money for them” - 10 thousand rubles for some reason. And we return them. I woke up and was very glad that it was just a dream.

Dpl Reply

I dreamed that I was walking from my grandmother’s house, approaching the road, and a seal was flying across the tram tracks to meet me from the opposite side of the road.
He does this quite consciously with the goal of landing on the opposite side.
He wasn't heading towards me.
Next to me I find another cat, or a seal, I stroke it and understand that something abnormal is happening, and I set off to look for a veterinary station, which should have been somewhere not far away.
Having quickly reached that place, I don’t find her, but along the way I meet several more of the same animals.
Then I go forward again, looking for a phone to somehow help the animals.
I find myself near the gate that leads to the zoo, but it looks ruined, it’s empty, the animals look bad, they want to leave this place.
I give up and I understand that I can’t do anything alone.

Alexander Reply

Your biological, animal, instinctive hypostasis cannot manifest itself in the conscious sphere (in habits), since stereotypes interfere with this [a fur seal flies across the tram tracks to meet me from the opposite side of the road]. Already a little introspection shows the plight of your instincts - they are not free [zoo] and suffer [zoo, but it looks ruined, it’s empty, the animals look bad, they want to leave this place]. The cat, who was at the very beginning of the dream, is an alarming messenger from the Unconscious. A good prognostic sign is your sympathetic attitude to what is happening [I move forward again, looking for a phone to somehow help the animals]. The telephone is a symbol of possibility outside of your soul. You really can’t cope alone, because otherwise everything would change in a dream just from sympathy and stroking and the understanding that something abnormal is happening. You need to buy Psychotherapeutic products and receive comprehensive psychotherapeutic recommendations.

Password Reply

Dear Oracle! I dreamed that in my absence my parents got themselves some kind of terrible animal. I couldn’t look at him, I was so scared. I think they called it a snake, but it looked like a small dog, I asked my parents to give it back and they finally agreed. I woke up in a terrible mood...

Guma_kze Reply

I remember this dream for its colorfulness, its clear division into three parts and the abundance of animals in it. Part one. I’m in an apartment, not mine, but familiar to me, and then I realize that it’s filled to the ceiling with water, and it’s no longer an apartment at all, but something like a small pool. I’m swimming in it, surrounded by dolphins. There are many of them and they are very cute, they fawn on me, flirting, and smiling. I stroke their backs and faces and feel how amazing their skin is - soft and smooth, silky and elastic. My sister and my husband are also with me. Then I see that one of the dolphins has a six-month-old baby sitting on his back, but he is kind of transparent, I pick him up, I think that this is my nephew, my sister’s son , and also the only baby in our family, but this is not him, this baby is smaller than him, and besides, Ilyusha (my nephew) is also splashing nearby. When I took this child in my hands, he was no longer transparent, but completely material - heavy and warm, and very, very dear. Part two. We all leave this apartment and go down the stairs in the entrance. I'm still holding the baby in my arms. The entrance is full of hedgehogs. THEY are everywhere on the stairs. I take one in my hands. It is funny and does not prick, although it curls up into a ball. Part three. We walk along the beach in the same formation. I'm walking with the same child. It's summer and very hot. The yellow sand blinds your eyes and you can hear the rustling of the waves. People are sunbathing. And suddenly a lot of dogs appear. They are all the same, quite large and black. Although they are indifferent to us, they play with each other, I am afraid of them, or rather, I worry about the baby. And then, a little further, there is one horse. She is black too, fat and very sad. And I feel creepy, anxious and sad. I wake up with the feeling that I’ve been dreaming horrible dream. I am 25 years old, I can connect this dream with the fact that I have been trying to get pregnant for several months now, my husband and I really want a child, especially a girl. Thank you in advance for interpreting my dream.

Diuimovochka Reply

I immediately remembered this dream; it seemed somehow special. The first thing that came to my mind when I woke up was what it reminds me of folk tales about animals. I dreamed that several horses and a lamb were running out of the forest, and a whole pack of wolves were chasing the lamb, which soon also appeared from the forest. The horses protect the lamb, but realize that one of them must take the lamb and run, otherwise they will not save it. The most amazing thing is that I watch the action and know that I am dreaming - I am still surprised that I see such a strange dream. One horse takes the lamb on its back and runs - the others drive away the wolves. There are mountains all around and there is only one way - to the city. But I know that running into the city is bad. However, there is no other way out and the horse rushes along the only road. As soon as she enters the city boundaries, the horse turns into me, and the lamb into cookies. It’s summer, I’m wearing a short dress in the evening and I have to take these cookies to my mother-in-law. A company of some tipsy types with clearly unclean intentions about me is following me. I’m still thinking - I’m wearing a short dress! I quicken my pace, and so do they. But I manage to escape. I slam the door to my mother-in-law's apartment right in their face, lean on it, breathing heavily and still not believing that I managed to escape... and wake up. Zinaida, 23 years old, married.

Alexander Reply

I walked in a slowly moving column of wild and domestic animals - a lot of different ones, small and large, along a slowly flowing dirty stream. There were trees all around. One row moved along the left side, and the second, in which I moved, moved along the right. The right side of the bank was wet and even covered with ice in some places. The most remarkable thing was that all the animals were very dirty; the matted fur was the same brown on everyone. I didn’t see myself from the outside - the picture was as if “from my eyes.” He brought up the rear of “our” column a tall man in a dirty black robe, carrying a staff on his shoulders and folding his hands on it so that from a distance it looked as if he was carrying a cross. He had a medium-sized beard and his face was generally familiar.

All animals made sounds from time to time: cows mooed, horses neighed, and so on. Then they began to make sounds more often and in the end all this hubbub merged into choral singing with an increasing rhythm. And then suddenly some animal walking behind me pulled me onto its horns - I didn’t even have time to see it, and the horse walking on the left bit me on the arm. I didn’t feel any pain, but I woke up from surprise.

Listik2001 Reply

I'm walking through some area that looks like a prairie or some kind of ranch, with several paddocks and fences. Next to me is a man who I know very closely from a dream, but I don’t see his face and therefore I can’t say whether I know him in life. But I feel good and calm with him, his presence inspires confidence. he decided to show me a black panther that lives on his ranch, but not in a cage, but just runs around like a dog. But I must say that I don’t like cats, I don’t understand them and I tense up when I look into their eyes - I don’t understand what they’re going to do. Then we go, the panther is running, I’m not afraid, because he’s next to me. But suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see that behind and to the side of us, just a cloud of lions, tigers and panthers, whole flocks, are starting to grow, and they are all coming towards us and I understand that they are after our hearts. My companion tells me that the main thing is not to run and not show them fear. And I feel like I’m fighting with myself, trying not to let this fear get out of control, one might say I’m holding it with my hands. Meanwhile, these cats are very close, their noses are poking at my bare heels, and I am trying to hold myself. Then everything disappeared somewhere, I remember the rest vaguely, only further in the dream, several times some wild cats chased me, periodically turning into people, but I knew that they were cats. The feeling from the dream was disgusting, this sticky fear that was felt through the dream and which I tried not to release. Reality: I’m 28, female, the dream is associated with some kind of fears, before seeing it I had a strong emotional breakdown associated with a quarrel with my boyfriend, maybe this was reflected somehow

Elala Reply


Gulo Reply


Kuhovar-yahoo-com Reply

I dreamed of my room, only it was filled with animals. They didn't see me because I was invisible. They looked at me as if they were looking at a camera and I saw them as if I was looking through a wide-angle lens. In the foreground sat a small white rat and was constantly chewing something. When she raised her head, I could see her beady eyes and everything down to the smallest detail. I felt uncomfortable with her presence. Behind her sat a little tiger cub with sad eyes. There were some other animals there, but I don’t remember them. Just the feeling of a little white rat looking right through me. She felt something (probably my presence) with her animal instinct...

Netnotes-narod-ru Reply

I saw this dream alternately from the side of several of its characters (not in a certain order, but each time from the side of the character who this moment produces the most meaningful action): “son”, “nephew”, “greenpeace” and “poacher”. Name of the animal: I’m not sure if it was pronounced in a dream; Most likely, I came up with it after waking up. Character ages are approximate. The location felt like some kind of tropical country and at the same time the natural environment of the participants (in reality, I live in middle lane and have never been to the tropics or subtropics). A small family - father, mother, son (about 10 years old) and daughter (about 4-5 years old) - received a mysterious animal as a gift from a distant traveler relative: a female panther. The pancreas is a fox terrier-sized creature that looks like a small, graceful panther with short, dark-brown, shiny fur, but its back is covered with long, mottled gray quills, like a porcupine. There is practically no tail, there is only a fleshy triangular protrusion in the appropriate place. Pantobraz is a rare animal even in its homeland, so each specimen is under surveillance by the local equivalent of Greenpeace. At the same time, stuffed panthers are highly valued on the black market, and, accordingly, each panther is hunted to make a stuffed animal. The indigenous inhabitants of the country where panthers live have, in the process of evolution, developed a perfect ability for mimicry. They can copy the appearance of any living creature and its behavior, but to do this they must first observe the creature being copied. At the moment, not far from the panto-image there are two representatives of this “race”: “Greenpeace” - a young inexperienced female trainee, and “poacher” - a cynical male creature of indeterminate age. Each of them pursues their own goals. The parents of a family that has acquired a “pet” are discussing the question of whether to leave the animal in the house (the children are impatiently awaiting the decision). There is no question about the rarity of the animal (the parents simply don’t realize it), the fact is that the relative who deceived the panther from its homeland did not specify what the panther eats in the wild, whether it is a predator, and most importantly, how big it is may grow. Through logical reasoning, it is established that the panther eats the same thing as a domestic cat, that it is already an adult, and therefore will not grow any further, and most importantly, it is not aggressive towards people. The only danger is the gentle panther's attempts to rub against someone's leg (remember, its back is covered with spines). The panther is as affectionate as a domestic cat, and it was decided to keep her. At this time, the war begins, or rather, its next period. As usual, the children are evacuated along with their mother. The children do not want to part with the panther, but the mother says that without a collar and muzzle the panther will not be allowed on the bus. In the process of getting ready, the children forget the panther at home. “Greenpeace” periodically tries to steal the panto, taking on the appearance of one of the children (they are easier to copy), but does not dare to appear in front of them openly (she is simply cowardly, since this race was described to her as aggressive towards strangers, and besides, there is a war going on, and she is afraid that she will be mistaken for a spy). When she takes the form of the house owner's nephew (13 years old) - the only minor left at home, next to the panther - it turns out that the boy must fight along with the adults. “Greenpeace” tries to escape, but “he” (in the form of a boy) is branded with shame as a coward. Then “he” returns to prove the opposite, and “him”—the “Greenpeace”—is killed in the first battle. The owner's son remembers that he forgot the panther at home and wants to return, but his mother prevents him. From time to time he is replaced by a double: a poacher. It all ends with the boy coming up with the idea of ​​running away from his mother and taking part in hostilities under the pretext of missing the last bus. At this time, the poacher in his guise goes after the antler, there is poison in his pocket, and in his mind he is already spending the money received for the stuffed antler... (end of dream)

Santoro-list-ru Reply

Recently in a dream I saw a very beautiful wolverine. Although before that I didn’t even know what she looked like. I only found out what she looks like today when I looked into Yandex, and what a surprise I was when I recognized her right away. In my dream I felt her beautiful fur. And I intuitively felt her rather daring and courageous character. She behaved unceremoniously (she made a mess at my friend’s place, apparently she knew that I didn’t really like this girl). But now I constantly think about Wolverine and feel that she is, as it were, next to me. And when I read about her, what I saw in my dream and how it was written about her largely coincided. Although I had never been interested in her before and had never even seen her photographs. It says that this is a very brave and cautious animal, and was very revered by the ancient Indians. And that she does not recognize any “authorities”. And it all looks like what I saw in a dream. This is the dream I had.

Isais-yandex-ru Reply

The city of Rostov. Someone and I (I don’t remember) are walking along a path through a snow-covered field to a fortress or castle, a roe deer is running behind. I ask: are you a roe deer? She says: Yes. We go further, the road forks, the roe deer stops and says: you better not go from the main entrance - it will be bad there. We obey and turn right, enter through the dilapidated entrance. There are some strange people and the owner of the roe deer. The roe deer's name is Alice. Then there is a failure, and then we are going to leave. I donate it to the city several of his paintings, through some person. He returns and brings me, as a gift from the city, an old die cut out of wood, about 35x35. I look at it, turn it over to the other side, try to make out the date of creation. The first date is 12.. year, and the second is 1902. I read the text and find myself in the events described. From somewhere I know that this is the time of Napoleon. I walk along the street, reach an intersection, again I think: to the right or to the left? The center of the city is on the right, I go there. I feel someone moving in behind me I turn around, and it’s some woman in rags. I get scared, wave my hand at her and shout: get rid of the ghost! Her face becomes covered with something gray and she screams in horror at me: get rid of the ghost! I move on, and that’s it those around me also shy away from me and shout: Ghost! I look at my nails, and before my eyes they turn gray, only the circle in the center remains colored (I have nail polish). I pass by a group: two guys and a girl and how -it turns out that one of the guys is me past life. This dream can be associated with the fact that I am going to Rostov, I have never been there.

Mymy Reply

We walked in the forest in a large group, both people and animals. The forest was sunny and very green. We had a huge black terrier with us, about the size of a house. And on his back a black cat danced and tumbled, did acrobatic acts and then fell, which greatly amused everyone. There was also a huge tiger with us, but I tried not to look in his direction, as sometimes in a group you can’t communicate with a person who for some reason is “straining”. A lot of time passed, we were already leaving on the subway (dim electric light and dirty), I looked around at those present and realized that the tiger had not been with us for a long time. I ask my friend where Shere Khan went (I just came up with it and am happy to repeat this Indian name several times: Shere Khan), and she answers that in the forest the tiger fell ill and was left there to die. I am amazed and crushed, because the tiger could have been helped, but everyone abandoned him somewhere far in the forest, and continued their walk as if nothing had happened. It became clear to me that I was afraid of him. It would be nice to return to him, but it’s already late and dark, he can’t be found, and he’s already dead.

A 29-year-old man was walking along a country road, a truck overtook me, animals began to jump out of it and quickly rush past, first a sheep, then a horse, then a dog, and another bitch took my hand with her teeth and led me past the truck, I was scared

691 Reply

Hello Oracle! Recently I had a dream that I was in an enclosure with a dog (larger than a dachshund, I don’t remember the breed), a wolf and a piglet. The dog and the wolf were hunting for the pig, and he ran away from them, afraid of death. I didn't feel myself. I was like in the skin of a young pig who, out of horror, dug a gallery of underground passages. Waiting for a terrible death. I really didn’t want to be eaten by a hungry wolf or torn apart by a dog as a joke. Wolf - something enemy, masculine, fighting, Cossack: Dog - something friendly, feminine and at the same time hostile: I’m hiding from them, I don’t want to fall into the paws of a wolf or the paws of a dog. The wolf is a tough aggressive force, I would even say that this force is out of control. The dog, damn it, was also out of control. The power that I trust more, in the sense that death from it is not so terrible, but still death.

Large space, sun. For some reason, all the animals leave the zoo. They go to another zoo - along the road, we form a column, head to head. There are predators and herbivores, everything in a row. For some reason I have to go there too. But I am afraid. In particular, the lions constantly turning towards me from the column. Near the column I notice a camel walking out of line. I sit astride him. He takes me to the place where I need to go. The animals are disappearing. this camel remains. His eyes are green. He asks me to get off him, from his neck that is. I see that he really loves me. Talking to me. He asks me to look at him, turning in profile - with one eye - as he looks (a camel has eyes different sides heads). I obey, cross my eyes, he is pleased. I stroke his face, give him some kind of chewing gum, a branch, or something. I feel that his fur is very soft. Then suddenly I discover that I am holding one of his heads in my hands. Quite alive, but with a head. She doesn’t look much like a camel anymore, she’s brown, her eyes are green and sparkling. Not scary. I leave this head in some room. I'm leaving. For some reason I think this dream is very important. But I can't figure it out. I am 34 years old. Married. I recently experienced a short, whirlwind romance with a man much younger than me. Since this is what has been occupying my thoughts for the past few weeks, I think the dream has something to do with it. ———————————————————————————

Marsei-mailru Reply

I see a bench with a strange animal, something like a dolphin or a whale, it’s sick, a nice man comes up to it and starts doing something with it, I intercede and say what are you doing, he’s sick and I start petting the animal and adjusting it blanket thrown over

Historically, it was the presence of various animals in dreams that laid the foundation for the interpretation of dreams in general, so clearly is their symbolism in relation to human qualities and situations following the dream. Animals can be assigned absolutely any role in dreams, they can be endowed with any qualities and perform any actions - talk, chase, help, etc., revealing the essence of personal relationships and future events.

Different animals represent different personality traits and relationships, often representing the embodiment of our individual experiences.

You should consider not only the animal itself as a symbol, but also its behavior, as well as your attitude towards it both in this dream and in real life. If its habits in a dream do not correspond to the traditional idea or your personal perception of this animal, this should be noted Special attention when decrypting.

If you dream of dead animals, the dream is interpreted depending on specific type. If this makes it difficult to determine, then in general the presence of animal corpses in a dream indicates information hidden from the dreamer or a threat of cruelty, both physically and morally.

An infrequent event in a dream is one’s own killing of an animal; this is usually predisposed for two reasons: cruelty and necessity. In the first case, the dream personifies the archetype of the breadwinner, as well as the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others. If you had to kill an animal out of necessity, this is a dream about survival, a sense of responsibility for your own and other people’s lives, which you will have to experience in an acute form.

A dream in which an animal dies due to your fault, and these actions are not motivated by anything, indicates social dissatisfaction, an unfulfilled desire, and is a projection of the evil that lies within. A more specific indication can be given by the type of animal, its relative size and how you perceive it in life.

Seeing animals bathing from the outside means you will try to appeal to the conscience of another person.

Saving animals in a dream means trying to avoid responsibility for what you have done in reality.

Animal, Assyrian dream book

Animal fur is a dream of wealth and prosperity, but through humiliation and hard work.

Taking birth from animals in a dream means participating in an unusual event, but you will have to realize and appreciate the full significance of this event much later.

Animal bones dream of hunger.

The head is a warning, be selective in choosing friends and when following their advice.

Seeing animal intestines in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing deterioration in health, communication with unpleasant people or encountering blatant injustice.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

If you dreamed of an animal, it means illness.

If you dream of many different animals, then you will encounter a society of cunning, selfish people.

Animals are also a symbol of danger.

See also: why do you dream about a bear, why do you dream about a dog, why do you dream about a horse.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Animals in the dream book:

Animals are different - Why dream of seeing an animal - this speaks of your desire to surrender to the power of sensuality, to forget about responsibilities, about duty.

Or this dream foreshadows a relationship with a person who does not oblige you to anything, with whom you will only be connected by sex, a strong sensual attraction.

You will be especially attracted to a relationship with a partner who will allow you to take a dominant position in sex.

Symbolic dream book

Why do you dream about Animals according to the dream book:

The animal world is a symbolic paradigm, a kind of symbolic code of the universe, “a model of human society and nature as a whole” (V. Toporov). The elements of this code each have a fixed meaning, but are also capable of being combined into complexes that embrace different spheres of existence - cf., for example, correlating a specific animal with a cardinal direction, a plant, a color, an element, or a season. Wild Animals code time (twelve year animal cycle Chinese calendar) and space (“neither a horse can gallop nor a wolf can jump”), embody cosmic and divine energy (animal deities of Egypt or animals of the Zodiac).

According to V. Toporov, “ideas about the real abilities of animals, combined with their use in classifications, which are a way for a person to explain himself and the surrounding nature, create the opportunity for the mythological personification of oneself in nature, to emphasize” one’s unity, and to explain the landscape as a visual history their ancestors."

In many traditions, pets are witnesses to peace; their distribution around the world is associated with the three-part structure of the world tree. As a rule, birds are associated with the top, ungulates with the middle, reptiles, amphibians, and rarely predators (bear) with the bottom.

In everyday life, all animals symbolize human instincts, fertility and abundance. In addition to the general semantics of the animal world, many of its representatives have their own symbolism.

Lunar dream book

If you dream about Animals, what is it for:

Wild animals (to be seen in a dream) mean illness. If you see a rat or mouse, you will encounter a society of cunning, selfish people. This is a symbol of danger. Animals are different - passions and intemperance. Pluto in the angular house of the horoscope.

Universal dream book

Seeing animals in a dream:

Brief interpretation: nature; domestication; instincts.

Popular expression: earthly goods; animal nature; animal attraction.

Our neighbors on the planet are countless different biological species. And perhaps the day will come when we can establish feedback with animals and find out what they think about us!

We give animals human traits. For example, it is often said that foxes are cunning, owls are wise, and dogs are faithful. Seeing that you have seen an animal, determine what it represents to you. Some people are afraid of rats, while for others they are pets.

Native Americans traditionally used animals as totems to aid in knowledge and healing. If you saw an animal in a dream, try to understand what qualities you would like to have or surpass. Perhaps you would like to impart these qualities to someone.

It is also important to understand how you feel about the animal itself. For example, are you afraid or are you raising him? Is it a solitary animal or is it part of a pack, herd or flock? How do you feel about his solitary or group lifestyle - strength and power or weakness and depression?

To determine what the animal you dreamed about means, you can analyze various ethnic interpretations. For example, in early Romanesque cultures the owl was a symbol of a healer, in Eastern cultures - a predator. Pay attention also to the main theme of the dream and the people you dream about to get an idea of ​​​​the situation. Do you feel free and uninhibited, or are you restless and caged?

Do you dream about animals of endangered species? This may represent your perception of how others treat you, who may treat you as if you don't exist.

An animal in a dream can represent your behavior in Lately. Did you rely only on instincts? Have you behaved rudely? Perhaps you think that you should behave like an animal because animals are closer to nature than humans? They don't pollute environment, they do not have overpopulation, they live happily, worrying only about themselves, leaving worries about the past and future to us, people.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Animals according to the dream book:

Pets - Animals seen in a dream symbolize instincts. Wild animals - emotions out of control; taming wild animals - self-discipline; pets - the desire to win or establish control over a certain area of ​​life; the death of an animal is a transition from one stage of your life to another.

Dreaming of Animals? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Animals in a dream:

The symbolic meaning of animals is extremely difficult to determine, since different animals represent a number of different concepts. The correct interpretation in this case also depends on personal associations associated with animals. In general, animals symbolize the physical, instinctive, “animal” self, and wild animals that appear in dreams, the type of which a person cannot accurately determine, usually represent precisely this side of the personality (or “animal-like” in the dreamer’s environment). However, one should be careful about this generalization, since some specific types of animals (for example, birds) may have the exact opposite meaning (for example, a person’s higher self, his soul).

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what do Animals mean:

If you dreamed of animals grazing in a meadow, then this is a sign of a good and successful ending to your affairs.

Why dream of seeing animals tearing apart carrion - then you need to be wary of old enemies who will do anything to harm you.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Animals:

If you dreamed of wild animals, then you will talk with your enemy.

Why dream of seeing tame animals - then you will meet with an old friend.

To see that you were catching wild animals means you will quarrel with someone.

If in a dream you caught domestic animals, then you will soon have new friendships or love relationships.

If you are attacked by wild animals, beware of the trap.

A dream about horned animals means notoriety and gossip. Caressing wild animals in a dream means that you will encounter difficulties in a new endeavor. Seeing animals caught in traps or snares is a harbinger of trouble in your home. To free and release animals into the wild is to fail due to your own negligence. Putting traps on them means don’t expect any changes now or in the future.

Seeing mating games and mating of animals means that you are experiencing increased attention to some person. Stuffed animals in a dream mean that someone will support you.

To turn into a wild animal in a dream - in reality you need to look for a match with the character of the animal (depending on the nature and essence of future events); caress some wild animal - enter into an illicit relationship with someone (connection with a wife’s friend or husband’s best friend); driving away the beast means illness.

If wild animals speak human language in a dream, everything they say should be taken literally.