Garden compositions with hydrangea. How to use the uniqueness of hydrangea in landscape design? When exactly should you prune hydrangeas?

White, pink or blue inflorescences-caps of hydrangeas are so captivating to look at that you simply cannot pass by them. To ensure that the majestic hydrangea appears before you in all its glory, choose the right companions for it.

There is hardly another plant that has so many favorites among gardeners. Hydrangea, with its lush inflorescences and no less picturesque foliage, is looking for its own kind in the summer garden, which helps it demonstrate its majestic beauty. In addition, this flower is universal in use due to the wide variety of species and varieties. Therefore, it is not surprising that hydrangeas are now found in almost every garden - as tapeworms, strewn with large inflorescences, and in more modest roles, covering up imperfections and roughness garden design. Properly selected companion plants only emphasize their beauty.

Romance pure water- a combination of pink and purple hydrangeas with roses and clematis.

Comfort for hydrangea

As you know, they are shade-loving shrubs. In principle, most species prefer a place in partial shade, while some, such as tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens), tolerate deep shade well. Most types of hydrangeas also tolerate sunny places well - provided good regular watering, because hydrangeas need large quantities water and love moist soils. For sunny garden areas, panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata) and oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) are excellent choices. However, large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is very popular among gardeners, which displays its colorful balls of inflorescences from June to September. This type of hydrangea prefers partial shade, but also grows well in the shade. All types of hydrangeas are united by their love for nutritious soil deep burial with a high content of humus and low level pH ranges from 5 to 6. Like rhododendrons, hydrangeas do not tolerate soils containing lime - although they do not react so sensitively to them.

Under the canopy of openwork partial shade of woody plants, hydrangeas feel quite comfortable and cozy.

Reliable company for hydrangeas

Anyone looking for suitable partners for their hydrangeas is simply spoiled for choice, because there is something for every spot in the garden. suitable varieties these flowers. However, when choosing partners, not only lighting plays a big role, but also what type of hydrangea we're talking about. Because, for example, one plant harmonizes perfectly with large-leaved hydrangea, but in combination with Sargent hydrangea (Hydrangea sargentiana) it looks completely unattractive.

Plants that go well with Hydrangea macrophylla and Hydrangea tree

Tree-like and large-leaved hydrangeas are the most popular among gardeners, and their inflorescence caps are the brightest among all representatives of the genus Hydrangea. Their inflorescences impress not only with their large size, but also with a variety of delicate colors. Since (Hydrangea macrophylla) visually dominates compositions, it is best suited to plants that have a more modest appearance. These include shade-loving perennials such as hosts (Hosta), astilbes with white or pale pink flowers, or astrantia (Astrantia) with pastel-colored inflorescences - a champion in terms of flowering duration. If you are an amateur bold combinations, you can, without hesitation, combine blue hydrangea with red astilbes. When choosing companions, it is very important to pay attention, first of all, to ensure that other plant species do not compete with hydrangea for moisture in the soil, because absolutely all hydrangeas react very sensitively to a lack of water. This means that suitable companions should share the same growing conditions, but not compete with the hydrangeas for them.

Tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) at the height of summer captivates with lush caps of white and pink inflorescences. It is especially popular white variety"Annabelle" and its pale pink sister "Pink Anabelle". Their huge, dense inflorescences make them the ideal finishing touches to sunny or part-shade flower beds, and pair well with perennials that display vibrant flowers, such as aconite (Aconitum), paniculata (Phlox paniculata), chinops (Echinops) or tall sedum (Sedum). ). A very successful and modern sound is observed in the combination of tree hydrangea with cereal herbs, giving the ensemble lightness and contrast.

A beautiful picture: a tree hydrangea bathing in the silvery-gray waves of the finest feather grass (Stipa tenuissima).

Suitable plants for Hydrangea paniculata

Due to its high tolerance to sunny corners of the garden, paniculata hydrangea can be combined with many plants, and is truly intended for planting in so-called “mixborders”. Her beautiful bush and the white and pink inflorescences, similar to strawberry ice cream, look great in the company of flowers of almost any shape and color that perennial and woody plants have. Lace hydrangea flowers look especially impressive against the background of dark foliage. In addition to the evergreen classics such as cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) and yew (Taxus baccata), we should mention here, first of all, woody plants with red foliage. Thus, the dark purplish-red foliage of Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple', as well as the purple foliage of large hazel (Corylus maxima 'Purpurea'), create a beautiful contrast to the creamy pink flowers of Hydrangea paniculata.

Hydrangea paniculata goes well not only with woody plants, but also with perennials, the variety of which is simply amazing, and the choice depends on which corner of the garden the hydrangea grows. Sun-loving delphiniums (Delphinium), polygonums (Agastache) or paniculata (Phlox paniculata) harmonize well with hydrangea in a sunny garden. Funkias, Rodgersias or autumn anemones are suitable for compositions in partial shade.

In a sunny garden, autumn anomonas, phloxes and rugosa polygonum skillfully emphasize the beauty of the white inflorescences of Hydrangea paniculata “Levana”.

Beautiful companions for Sargent hydrangea and Serrata hydrangea

For lovers of natural gardens, Sargent hydrangeas (Hydrangea sargentiana) and serrated hydrangeas (Hydrangea serrata) are ideal - free-form shrubs of extraordinary beauty. Their flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences, which are often colored blue or purple colors, cannot be called absolute dominants, unlike the inflorescences of paniculate or large-leaved hydrangea. Therefore, they must be combined with perennials or woody plants, the flowering period of which is somewhat shifted, for example, like rhododendrons or flowering dogwood, or with plants whose flowers only emphasize the beauty of both types of hydrangeas, but do not create competition for them. Perennials with decorative foliage, such as funcia or (Heuchera), are ideal in this regard. cereal herbs, like sedge (Carex), or perennials with modest flowers, like autumn anemones.

In this arrangement, autumn anemones serve as a beautiful complement to white paniculata hydrangea and violet-blue serrata hydrangea.

By the way: different kinds hydrangeas are easy to combine and look great together. If you plant, for example, serrated hydrangea together with large-leaved hydrangea, you can extend their flowering period, since serrated hydrangea blooms its inflorescences three weeks earlier than large-leaved hydrangea.

Translation: Lesya V.
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garden center "Your Garden"

This ornamental shrub will become a luxurious decoration of any area. Hydrangeas are widely used in landscape design due to the variety of colors, ease of care and propagation, the ability to grow in shaded areas and long-lasting lush flowering. With its help, you can create a variety of compositions, including vertical plantings, mixborders and free-standing solitaires. She herself is a bush of amazing beauty, but even in combination with other plants does not detract from their dignity, but complements general composition. The plant blooms for a long time, 2 - 3 months, starting in August (some varieties from July). And when the multicolored summer flowers are no longer there, beautiful hydrangeas become favorites of the garden. And tree-like and paniculate species also look great with dried flowers.

Growing hydrangeas is not particularly difficult.

Common types of hydrangea

There are about 80 species of this garden plant, but not all can grow in the temperate climate of Russia. There are 4 most common types:

  • paniculata;
  • tree-like;
  • large-leaved;
  • petiole.

Paniculata hydrangea It begins its flowering in white and ends in pink.

Paniculate hydrangea got its name because of the shape of the inflorescences - pyramidal panicles. It blooms white and ends in rich pink. In September, one bush can have inflorescences of different shades. An adult plant reaches 2 meters in height and the same width. Therefore, when designing the landing paniculate variety, you need to consider that he needs space. Hydrangea tolerates partial shade well, unlike many other lush flowering bushes. So she will decorate shady places in the garden. It is quite frost-resistant. Even if it freezes, it will quickly recover and will definitely bloom this year. The main thing in caring for a plant is timely watering, because even if the soil dries out for a short time, the flowers and leaves will droop.

The tree-like species is a compact tall shrub, reaching a height of 2 m, characterized by unpretentiousness and durability. Inflorescences round shape can have white, cream and soft pink color. It grows well in partial shade, is moisture-loving and can be used in single and group plantings.

Petiolate hydrangea is a vine with many aerial roots. IN optimal conditions When grown, it reaches a height of 10 meters or more. The plant should be planted in partial shade. The place must be protected from the wind. Petiole varieties are used for landscaping walls, fences, and terraces. If there is no support, the plant is used as a ground cover.

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Large-leaved species

Large-leaved hydrangea is distinguished by a variety of colors.

Large-leaved hydrangea is distinguished by such a variety of shades that any gardener who creates plant color compositions. White, purple, pink, blue, lilac, it can “solo” in landscape design or organically combine with other plants.

Large-leaved varieties are not resistant to frost, so before frost sets in, the plant must be carefully covered or moved to the basement, where the temperature will not drop below zero. Insufficient winter hardiness is due to the fact that flower buds are tied at the ends of last year's shoots. During cold weather, the shoots freeze and the bush does not bloom. According to gardeners, she is more afraid spring frosts. At -5 in the fall the buds do not suffer, but at -5 in the spring they die. True, breeders are working towards giving the plant frost-resistant qualities, in particular, the ability to bloom on the shoots of the current year. This is how the Endless Summer series appeared with flowering on the shoots of the previous and current year, which lasted as long as possible: it begins in June and ends in October.

Shelters for bushes are made in dry weather in late October - early November. One of the methods is to bend the stems to the soil, pin them with hooks or arcs, and on top of the bush the bush is covered with covering material and covered with compost soil or a 10-20 cm layer of peat. Flower buds are located on the tops of the shoots, so they need to be insulated especially carefully. Before bending, do not forget to lay spruce branches or non-woven covering material under the branches. Finally, a sheet of slate or iron is placed on top of the peat layer to keep the bush dry and ventilated.

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Use in garden design

Hydrangea is popular due to its lush and rich blooms.

Create hedge It is possible to plant tree-like varieties along the perimeter of the site. Thus, you can cover up the unsightly appearance of the fence and create a backdrop for the flower beds. For a mixborder you can use hydrangea, barberry and perennial herbs. They will “keep the composition in good shape” even when most of the perennials have faded. Moreover, the combinations can be monochrome and color. Paniculates are used for the background tall varieties, for the front - large-leaved, low-growing. This flower bed can be placed along the path or in a shaded place. Hydrangea looks very organic as undergrowth in coniferous forest with green juniper or blue spruce trees. And in the gloomy autumn, when almost all the colors have been erased, hydrangea, shaded by evergreen needles, will still bloom on your site - both beautifully and joyfully.

Paniculate varieties can be dwarf (up to 50 cm), medium and tall (up to 3 m). They tolerate pruning well, so they allow you to form various shapes: from spherical to standard tree. Looks great combination paniculata plant with phlox (white and pink) or white lilac. It looks beautiful in a group planting on a mowed lawn. Even one bush can decorate the lawn and attract attention. You just need to dream a little and put the plan into action.

Large-leaved plants can be planted in containers that are installed near the house or along the terrace, where the ground is covered with a layer of concrete or tiles. In this case, watering will be more frequent, and the plants will have to be fed periodically. But the effect of mobile flower beds is worth it. And for the winter, the plants in the same containers will be moved to warm rooms.

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you are dreaming about small pond, where a cascade with murmuring water will be built. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. For some, the presence of bodies of water personal plot is not necessary, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of the presence of water using a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative personalities, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring you the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our landscape design studio strives to preserve and improve the natural environment that has developed on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Nursery ornamental plants

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, cottages, suburban and urban areas. Our task is A complex approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.

Recently, hydrangea has become very popular in landscape design. It will look very harmonious, especially if you use several flowers and plant them in a certain sequence.

Photo example:

Useful properties of hydrangea

Any size garden can be planted with beautiful and original varieties of flowers. For example, hydrangea. This is a small plant that embodies the spirit of antiquity. It can easily emphasize the Russian style in the garden. There will always be a place for him.

This unpretentious plant, which is often used in park landscaping, on city streets and, of course, in the gardens of private houses.

What varieties of hydrangea are there?

Hydrangea highlights several different varieties, which are used by both foreign and Russian gardeners. The most popular type of hydrangea is a flower on a tree-like stalk with white balls. They are the inflorescence.

Such a plant can be found in any garden, on a small lawn, flower bed or on the territory summer cottage. This plant variety is very resistant to cool temperatures. winter temperature, and you can also use it to decorate any area.

Paniculata hydrangea has the same properties. Adding it to the landscape design of the garden immediately creates the impression of airiness and tenderness. These qualities are manifested due to the appearance of the flower, namely conical loose inflorescences.

Both types do not need to be dug up winter period time. Even in winter, they don’t need to be covered with anything, since they will tolerate cool air temperatures perfectly. You can plant them above the corner of the house, along the borders or along the edge of a flower bed. Hydrangeas will also look great in beds big trees. Photo:

What colors of hydrangeas are there?

Modern gardeners have developed several new varieties that are becoming popular and beloved plants. They are used by almost all gardeners and flower lovers.

There are pink, green, white hydrangeas, as well as creamy flowers. All of them can be used separately and planted according to color scheme.

White hydrangea makes it possible to place and define the accent in the garden, emphasize the season of the flower, and such a plant will also add a riot of flowering. Photo:

What plants and flowers does hydrangea go with?

Hydrangea can be successfully planted with other varieties and types of plants. You can safely plant it with mock orange, lilac and spirea.

The inflorescence can be in the form of a cap, umbrella or panicle. Each of this type will emphasize the style and beauty of the garden and its landscape design.

Spiraeus is often trimmed, so it looks like clear lines. And next to it, an overgrown hydrangea bush will look natural and harmonious. Additional protection Such a plant will benefit from planting the plant in a quiet place where there is no strong wind.

Hydrangea varieties with large leaves

The flower shows its greatest decorative effect at the moment of flowering. But even in autumn and winter, the beautiful green leaves of the flower will create harmony and add bright colors nature.

Some gardeners even grow hydrangeas with large leaves. They will also attract the eye of any person in the outline yellow leaves, gray weather or after snowfall.

For the winter we dig it up and put it away

Hydrangea must be cultivated, especially in autumn period time. If the flower is still young, then it is better to dig it up for the winter and put it away. basement or a unventilated garage.

The most dangerous thing for such a flower is a draft, so you should avoid such places.

If you have at least one large-leaved hydrangea plant in your garden, then it is definitely different from the others. Large-leaved hydrangea is noticeably different from others garden plants and gorgeous pink, purple and blue inflorescences, and beautiful foliage.

* The color of hydrangea can be manipulated by changing the pH level of the soil: acidic soil the flowers will be blue, in a more neutral one - pink. If you acidify the soil on only one side of the bush, then the bush will have both pink and blue inflorescences.

1. Hydrangeas have one very positive quality- their flowering practically never ends throughout the season, so growing it in the front garden would be a good idea.

2. Hydrangeas have many varieties with different color scheme flowers and bush size. So you can grow one that suits your climate zone variety. By the way, hydrangea has very dense foliage, so it will the perfect plant as a green screen from the prying eyes of people passing by.

3. Hydrangeas planted near walls and fences create the illusion of increased space. And it will look incredibly beautiful and fabulous!

4. If your climate does not allow you to grow hydrangeas in open ground, that is, special pot varieties that grow well in small space. For the winter, they can be brought indoors to protect them from frost, since temperatures below zero are detrimental to hydrangeas.

5. Hydrangeas will hide ugly and boring appearance your home or garden. It will also look great as a “fence” along outbuildings.

6. Beautiful hydrangeas in containers will look great on a small patio, terrace or balcony. They can be planted not in simple ceramic or plastic pots, but shaded fabulous beauty decorative containers made from, for example, fireclay, or homemade containers made from cement. If desired and necessary, such containers with blooming hydrangea can be placed in any corner of the garden.

7. Blooming hydrangeas look great along sidewalks and garden paths. Especially if the flowers are not the same color, but different.

8. Hydrangea prefers sunlight only in the first half of the day. In the second half, it is advisable to find it in openwork shade or partial shade. In addition, the soil underneath should not dry out. Therefore, hydrangea will feel great in the garden or near ponds.

9. It would seem that hydrangea is difficult to grow in hanging baskets, but for true lovers of this wonderful shrub nothing is impossible. It looks very charming in hanging baskets, reminiscent of a colorful chandelier.

10. In addition to large-leaved ones, there are other types of hydrangeas that can be combined in plantings. And then your garden or garden will definitely become unique.

11. Hydrangeas can be planted in the most advantageous and visible places for people passing by, so that your area will attract attention.

12. A beautiful front garden begins with hydrangeas, but if you plant them along the perimeter of an emerald lawn, then not only you, but also all your friends and acquaintances will appreciate this approach, especially if you plant plants and flowers next to them that are suitable for hydrangeas in growing conditions.

13. if you have patio, then hydrangea is exactly the shrub that will make it uniquely charming and cute. And if you plant other flowers in addition to hydrangeas, then you yourself will receive aesthetic pleasure every day while being there. However, please note that direct scorching sun- not really suitable conditions for hydrangea.

14. Grow hydrangea in room conditions even on the windowsill - nothing is impossible! And how beautiful it looks!

15. If you are a supporter of the Japanese landscape with their stone gardens made of pebbles and stones, then hydrangea will fit quite harmoniously into such a landscape.

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