Heating in the bathhouse is from a boiler. How to heat a bathhouse - choose options. Manufacturing a water boiler for heating a bathhouse

Visiting a Russian bathhouse has become a family tradition for many. Many owners of private houses want to install personal plot bathhouse building, but they often face the problem of arranging heating. There are several ways to heat a modern steam room and other rooms located in the bathhouse.

The choice of heating structure type depends on financial opportunities and the wishes of the owners. Since the steam room is used from time to time, therefore, before heating the bathhouse, it is necessary to decide how this building will be used.

If you plan to not only steam in it, but also do laundry and take a bath, then using a conventional stove for heating will not be entirely convenient.

Modern methods that make it possible to provide heating in a bathhouse all year round are varied, among them the most popular are:

  • electric floors;
  • installation of water heating;
  • installation of a “warm floor” system and others.

Using a heater

When the room is small in area and is used only for its intended purpose, a conventional heater can provide heating for the bathhouse in winter and at other times of the year. Typically, in this case, a ready-made unit is purchased, having previously determined its power. In this case, you can use the stove for sauna and heating at the same time, which is very convenient.

The stove-stove shown in the photo mainly runs on wood, a traditional and inexpensive type of fuel. There are other heating options, including, for example, the use of electric energy, gas, diesel fuel, etc.

Electric heating

When deciding how to make heating in a bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account that the cleanest option for creating a heating system is the use of electricity. Application modern equipment allows you to provide heat supply to the building in autonomous mode in the required thermal conditions.

In order for the electric heating of the bath to work, you need to install a boiler that runs on electricity. In this case, there is no need to arrange ventilation and build a chimney (read also: " "). This option will be the best solution, if the region has an uninterrupted supply of electricity. Otherwise, you should choose another heating method.

Modern electrical units are characterized by a high degree of safety; they include:

  • expansion tank;
  • coolant pressure sensors;
  • filters for water purification;
  • valves

Gas heating of the bath

Advantages of gas heating:

  • environmental Safety;
  • use of equipment that is easy to operate and maintain;
  • cheap way heating.

Gas boilers for heating baths even in winter time in case of prolonged non-use, they can heat the room to the desired temperature within several hours, depending on the area of ​​the room.

Operation gas oven similar to work electrical design. The gas burns in a special chamber located under the stones. As a result, not only they heat up, but also the room and the water in the container warm up.

Water heating design

Convenient and sufficient effective way Providing heat to the bathhouse is considered to be the installation of water heating. As a fuel for this method For heating, you can use wood, gas, electricity, since this depends on the modification of the fuel boiler that will be installed.

The best choice of heating unit would be a cast iron boiler for coolant liquid. The water is heated in it, flows through pipes into radiators installed in the bathhouse building, and after heat is transferred, it returns to the boiler. Water system allows you to heat any room evenly and efficiently. In the same way, you can organize the heating of a bathhouse from your home.

Warm floor system

This bath heating option refers to modern methods, which in last years used often. It is quite difficult to install special equipment without the appropriate experience.

It is much easier to install an electric floor system and you can do this work yourself:

  1. First of all, a waterproofing material is laid, on which a layer of mortar is placed.
  2. Next comes the installation of thermal insulation.
  3. Mounted on top of the thermal protection layer electrical cable and refill the screed.

The technology for creating a floor with water heating is similar, but in this case they do not use a cable, but rather lay pipes to circulate the hot coolant.

Heating from the central heating main

When the household is connected to the heating main, then it is possible to connect the bathhouse building to it. This method of heat supply is the most effective and economical.

Before heating the bathhouse from home, you will need to install an additional circuit in this room. This type of work is best done by a professional with special equipment and relevant knowledge. Before connecting to the centralized heating main, it is necessary to develop project documentation and obtain permission, which is issued by the relevant authorities.

Independent arrangement of heated floors

Pre-prepare the base of the floor, then pour the screed using cement mortar. Next, they waterproof the rough base using a special mastic. Then a thin layer of mortar is laid and carefully leveled.

When the mixture is completely dry, install thermal insulation material. Take a heating cable or mat and spread it over the floor surface, connect it to power and test the functioning of the system.

If the design works, place it on top of the cable thin layer solution. After it dries, proceed to finishing floor surface.

  1. To ensure optimal and efficient heating heating the bath from the stove in the steam room is done as follows: the firebox is placed in the dressing room, the heater is in the steam room, and the tank with warm water in the washing department.
  2. Non-flammable material is placed between the stove-stove and the wall, and when using firewood as fuel, it is placed in front of the door the right size a metal sheet.
  3. When a steel heater is purchased, then the room will warm up quickly, but to maintain the required temperature, you need to constantly add firewood to the firebox, since it does not retain thermal energy well.
  4. Stone stoves, despite the fact that they take a long time to warm up, remain hot for a long time and gradually release heat into the room. Such a heating structure made of bricks must be laid by a master. If a metal stove warms up a room in about 2 hours, then a stone stove warms it up in 5 hours.
  5. When residential building has a small area and is located near the bathhouse, then a bathhouse stove can be used to heat a house, for example, a country house.

The choice of fuel often depends on the individual wishes of the owner of the building. Some of them prefer firewood, since during its combustion in the steam room there is pleasant aroma, but we must not forget that firing a stove with their help is a labor-intensive process. It may be easier to install an electric or gas heating unit.

Organizing heating in a bathhouse is one of the most difficult tasks of heat supply. This is due to the operating characteristics of this building, as well as the building materials used for interior decoration. How to make water and gas heating in a bathhouse with your own hands and at the same time maintain comfort and special conditions in it?

Rules for organizing heating in a bathhouse

The most simple option is a sauna with heating from the house. This scheme involves connecting the steam room, dressing room and other premises to the autonomous heat supply of the cottage. But this can only be realized if the bathhouse structure is closely adjacent to the house or is located at a distance of no more than 3-4 m from it.

The most common option for the location of a building on a site is remote from a residential building. How to make water heating in a bathhouse and at the same time optimize the costs of its organization? Possible applications standard circuits, however, at the same time, the specifics of using the bathhouse should be taken into account:

  • The source of thermal energy (boiler) must ensure heating of the air in the steam room to a level of +90°C +100°C. For this purpose special sauna stoves with a container for stones;
  • For rooms larger than 60 m², it is recommended to install pipe heating. You can do it with him DHW system to improve comfort. If there is a second floor, heating of the attic of the bathhouse must be provided;
  • Ensuring withdrawal carbon monoxide together with a well-thought-out ventilation system;
  • Fire safety. Since wood is used in the vast majority of cases for finishing rooms, its contact with heating elements - pipes, radiators - should be prevented.

Another important point is the choice of energy carrier. Gas heating in a bathhouse is advisable only when installing a specialized boiler. Installing homemade structures can lead to emergency and dangerous situations.

In addition to gas, you can use other, no less effective sources of thermal energy:

  • Firewood. Traditional type fuel, with the help of which heating a bathhouse in winter turns into a kind of ritual. A significant drawback is the constant monitoring of the fuel level in the firebox, as well as the impossibility of quickly adjusting the water heating level;
  • Diesel fuel or waste oil. The most unacceptable energy source for a bathhouse. The problem is the unpleasant smell and the difficulty in organizing fuel storage.

How to make gas heating for a bathhouse yourself? To do this, you need to correctly select the appropriate equipment and components for heat supply - pipes, radiators, as well as containers for indirect heating hot water.

When heating a bathhouse from the heating system of the house, part of the pipeline located on the street must be insulated. To solve this problem, you can use special heat insulators or an electric heating wire.

Heating diagrams for a bathhouse complex

Choosing a heat supply scheme is a top priority. Thanks to the development of technology, you can choose combined stoves for heating and saunas, or models with heaters. It all depends on the size of the room - its area, volume, number of floors and number of rooms.

Heat supply for a bath without pipelines and radiators

The first task of organizing heat supply for a bathhouse is to choose a heating scheme and ensure the required temperature level in the steam room. For small rooms you can do without heating, since the heat from the surface of the stove will be enough to heat the entire room.

When heating a bathhouse with your own hands using this scheme, you need to think about the location of the boiler and choose the right model. Its main task is to maintain optimal level heating in the steam room. To do this, you can use an electric boiler to heat the bathhouse or its gas equivalent. The main thing is that the design includes the following components:

  • Fuel combustion zone ( gas models) or heating element (electric boiler);
  • A heat exchange device through which heat is transferred from the fuel to the air in the room and the stone container;
  • Kamenka. Necessary for energy storage and steam formation.

Such heating of a country bath has one condition - large heat transfer from the entire surface of the boiler. This is due to the need to warm up at least two rooms - the steam room and the dressing room. Therefore, often in the photo of heating installation in a bathhouse you can see that the steel body of the boiler is lined with fireclay bricks or ceramic plates.

This technology allows you to solve two problems - protection from harsh thermal radiation and uniform heating of the air in the room even after the boiler has stopped. Brick, natural stone and ceramic plates are good heat accumulators.

To organize hot water supply, you can install a special tank containing water on the chimney pipe. This will allow you to have a full-fledged shower in the bathhouse.

Bath heating schemes

Installation of a full gas heating in a bathhouse is the best option for rooms with medium and large areas. However, difficulties may arise when drawing up a diagram and selecting heating components.

First of all, you need to solve the question of how to make water heating for your bathhouse yourself. The use of standard schemes is not always advisable, since they are designed for residential buildings. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the operation of the bathhouse:

  1. To operate the heat supply, you will need a combined stove for heating and sauna. Structurally, it is distinguished by the presence of a heat exchanger connected to pipelines.
  2. Location and design power of radiators. For a Russian bath you should provide temperature regime from +65°С to +75°С. IN Finnish sauna this indicator can reach +110°C. In the waiting room, the air heating level should be at least +25°C. In other rooms, the temperature should not be lower than the established norm of +22°C. Based on this, the optimal power of the radiators is calculated.
  3. Selection of components. When heating a bathhouse with your own hands, increased humidity and temperature should not affect the condition of pipes and radiators. Therefore, it is recommended to select models in which the rusting process is impossible or proceeds very slowly. These include cast iron batteries, bimetallic radiators.

Proper gas heating of a bathhouse can be done in two ways - by connecting to a natural gas pipeline or using its liquefied analogue. In the first case, it is necessary to obtain permits. Installation heating equipment carried out by representatives management company or a specialized organization licensed for this type of work.

If the heating of a country bath is carried out using a balloon or liquefied gas– the following conditions must be met:

  • Organizing a place to store cylinders or installing a special container - a gas holder. It is strictly forbidden to store gas containers in a living room or boiler room. In the case of a bathhouse, this is the room in which the boiler is located;
  • A line for sorting gas from the storage location to the boiler burner. It is made from special pipes, designed for a certain pressure and with a minimum probability of gas leakage;
  • Taking into account the increased power of the boiler, it is necessary to consider installing an appropriate chimney system to remove carbon monoxide. Analyzing the photo of heating installation for a bathhouse, you can see that sandwich systems are most often used. They are characterized by a minimum amount of moisture per inner surface pipes, which practically does not affect the operation of the boiler.

To heat baths in winter, a hot water supply system must be provided. It can be done using an indirect heating tank connected to the heating supply. Since the intensity of water use will be low, you can limit yourself to models with a capacity of up to 200 liters.

Selection of equipment for heating a bath

A modern stove for baths and heating can be of several types. But regardless of this, the structure must perform its main functions - heating the steam room and the coolant in the heating system.

There are several possibilities to implement this system in practice. If there is already a brick stove in the bathhouse, you can modify it. To do this you will need the following:

  • Heat exchanger adapted to the firebox. Most often this homemade design, manufactured to order according to the calculated dimensions. For this, heat-resistant steel with a thickness of at least 2 mm is used;
  • . Its dimensions must be adapted to the dimensions of the combustion chamber of the sauna and heating stove. Otherwise, you will have to rebuild the firebox design.

It is best to choose models with flame modulation, as they can smoothly change the operating power, thereby regulating the degree of heating of the heater and coolant.

To fully heat the attic of a bathhouse or the second floor of a building, it is recommended to purchase a factory-made gas boiler with a heat exchange device. Such models are characterized reliable operation, high efficiency and safety.

Before installing gas heating in the bathhouse, the boiler power is pre-calculated. Manufacturers usually indicate the maximum and minimum volume of the steam room for each model. However, in addition to this, it is necessary to install water heating in the dressing room and other rooms. Therefore, in addition to the rated power, the area of ​​the entire bath should be taken into account. Considering good thermal insulation you can use the formula:


Where W– additional power, W, Qb– total volume of the bath, m³, Qп– steam room volume, m³.

As an example, let’s calculate the additional power of a combined furnace for heating and steam room. The total volume of the building is 162 m³. The same figure for the steam room is 24 m³. Then the additional power required will be as follows:

W=(162-24)*41=5658 W or 6 kW.

In addition, when installing gas heating for a bath, you need to take into account the cost of the equipment. It all depends on the chosen circuit, power and budget.

The length of the chimney must be at least 4 m. Only this minimum figure can provide the required level of draft.

Self-installation of heating in the bathhouse

Installation of bathhouse heating is carried out before the interior decoration of the premises. Otherwise, there may be problems with the installation of pipes and radiators. The specificity of heating a summer cottage bath is that there is no direct contact between the lines and the internal decorative panels.

It is also important to correctly install the boiler for sauna and heating. If a brick oven will be used as the main component of the heat supply, you need to make an independent foundation for it in advance. Otherwise, its mass will push through the floor, and the entire structure will slowly sink.

The installation of an electric boiler for heating a bath is done after installing the electrical wiring. Its cross-section must be designed for the maximum operating power of all electrical appliances. An RCD must also be installed.

To fully heat a sauna attic, you need to know the following conditions:

  • Ensuring fire safety. The walls and floor around the boiler must be lined with non-combustible materials. For laying pipes and chimney, special heat-resistant sleeves are used;
  • Walls, floor and attic space must be insulated. This is necessary to minimize heat losses;
  • Because of high humidity ventilation system is installed. She happens to be mandatory element For safe work gas equipment.

As alternative way heating bathhouses, you can consider installing a warm water floor system. This will allow for uniform temperature distribution and increase the level of comfort in the bathhouse.

In the video you can see an example of organizing water heating for a bathhouse.

You can equip water heating in a bathhouse yourself, starting from manufacturing homemade boiler, laying out a wood-burning stove made of bricks and ending with the installation of a “warm floor” system. The main thing is to strictly follow the technology at each of these stages.


The issue of heat supply to the bathhouse must be addressed after insulation work, before interior decoration. IN compact buildings the easiest way is to build a heater with enough power to heat the steam room, washing department and the dressing room. In large rooms it is necessary to install full heating using a pipeline.

Types of fuel for a bath with water heating

To simplify the task, you can install water heating in the bathhouse from home. In winter, you can maintain in this way optimal temperature in construction. However, in this case, a separate circuit is still required to heat it in the summer.

Water heating baths can be carried out on different types fuel:

  • Gas. In this case, to warm up the boiler, it is necessary to connect to the general gas supply system and install the appropriate equipment. But a lot settlements nowadays they are not gasified. And the use of liquefied fuel in cylinders is a fire hazard.
  • Electricity. To heat in this way, it is important to correctly calculate the required boiler power. The main advantage is the possibility of installation without a chimney. The disadvantages include the high cost and the need for a three-phase network for a boiler with a power of 12 kW or more.
  • Firewood. Such a stove is capable of heating all rooms as efficiently as possible. Wood is a traditional fuel for steam rooms. However, the process of collecting firewood and lighting the stove is quite labor-intensive.

Liquid fuel is not economically profitable and is very flammable. Requires special precautions. Not recommended for heating a bath.

Once you have decided on the type of fuel, select the appropriate stove. The market offers many production models of varying quality in a wide price range. However, if you wish, you can build it yourself.

The most efficient and high-quality way to heat a bathhouse is with a wood-burning stove. Traditionally, a steel or brick structure is installed. In the first case, due to the high heat transfer and the thickness of the walls, the rooms warm up faster. Firing a brick kiln takes more time, but the heat is stored longer due to the ability of the brick to accumulate it.

Manufacturing a water boiler for heating a bathhouse

For these purposes, you can use conventional cast iron radiators M-140. We will need 12 sections. Each of them has a capacity of 1.5 liters and an area of ​​0.254 m2. The total volume of the structure will be 18 liters, and the area will be 3 m 2.

To use, you need to convert the radiator according to the following instructions:

  1. We take out the cardboard spacers between the sections.
  2. Prepare a mixture of drying oil and graphite. We impregnate the asbestos cord with it and lay it instead of gaskets. This will prevent burning at high temperatures.
  3. We wash each section with a six percent solution of hydrochloric acid, and then with plenty of plain water. This is necessary to remove dirt and rust.
  4. We assemble the individual parts into one structure in the reverse order, using nipples with right and left threads on the sides for fixation. The sections will be attracted by scrolling the nipple.
  5. When the distance between them reaches two centimeters, we wind the cord with impregnation and make the final tightening of the fasteners.
Having assembled the structure and waited completely dry drying oil, you need to apply liquid under pressure and check the tightness of the joints for efficient and durable operation of the structure.

Wood-burning stove for a sauna with water heating

It is advisable to consider the location for installing the stove at the construction stage. Because of heavy weight An additional foundation must be poured for a stone structure.

We carry out work on the construction of a wood-burning stove for a bathhouse with water heating in the following sequence:

  • We dig a pit about 0.7 meters deep. Let's fall asleep sand cushion 15 cm thick, spill with water and tamp thoroughly. On top we make a layer of broken brick or crushed stone.
  • Install wooden formwork along the walls of the pit. We mount the frame from the reinforcement and insert it into the recess.
  • Pour the concrete, leaving 15 cm to the top.
  • We dismantle the formwork and fill the resulting space with sand.
  • We cover top part roll waterproofing in two layers. The best option is roofing felt.
  • We check the horizontalness of the foundation. Small irregularities can be covered with intermediate dry brickwork.
  • We make a solution of clay and water, the consistency of thick sour cream. When completely dissolved, add sand in a one to one ratio with clay.
  • We wet the bricks with water and lay the first row tightly, checking the corners and horizontality.
  • On the third row, we fix the blower door with galvanized wire or a steel strip.
  • On the fourth, we set up an ash well.
  • On the sixth, we finally secure the ash door.
  • On the seventh, we install grate bars. The size of the firebox must be calculated taking into account the installation of the boiler. On the first row of the firebox we form a special side and install a corner. We leave 2 openings in the side walls for pipes to exit. It is better to choose doors for the fuel compartment from fireproof durable cast iron.
  • On the eighth row we build a partition to connect to the chimney and continue this installation until the fourteenth, on which it is necessary to install channels.
  • We place the halves of bricks from the fifteenth to the eighteenth rows at an angle. This will become the basis for the dividing wall.
  • On next row we make a door for the steam exhaust and lay thin metal strips that connect the twentieth and twenty-first brick rows. After this, close the door frame.
  • We begin installing the chimney pipe from the 23rd row, forming channels for heat dissipation.

Please note that the wall inside the fuel compartment and chimney should be as flat and smooth as possible. Every five rows you need to wipe the inside surface.

Installation of a boiler for water heating of a bath and pipe routing

The cast iron structure must be placed behind the firebox chamber. It will be heated not by the flame, but by the gas. To install the equipment correctly, we follow this procedure:
  1. We place the radiator on pre-made corners, maintaining a distance to the walls of about 5-6 mm. The gap will compensate for the thermal expansion of the structure.
  2. If the selected pipes for connection to the boiler have seams, then additionally weld them before installation.
  3. Attach diagonally inch pipes water supply and return. In a place with a right-hand thread, simply screw in the product. On the left, we use a coupling with a squeegee and a nipple for fixation.
  4. We install the water supply pipe perpendicular to the floor in top point, and we equip the return line in the underground space and connect it from below. This is necessary for improved circulation.
  5. We close the two extra holes of the product with a plug.
  6. When welding pipes together, we remove the chamfer along the cut contour to ensure that the weld seam fills the entire thickness with a high-quality weld and securely fixes the parts. If the steam room warms up infrequently in winter, you can add antifreeze to the system instead of water.

Installation of a water heated floor in a bathhouse with water heating

Although this device will be more expensive, it is capable of heating the room as quickly and efficiently as possible. Heat flows throughout the entire perimeter of the room, rather than from one source. In this case, the heated air rises.

You can install heated floors in a water-heated bathhouse yourself in the following order:

  • We level the surface and carry out insulation work.
  • On rough coating We lay aluminum foil with a reflective coating upwards, overlapping by 15-20 cm. We glue the joints with reinforced tape.
  • We install the manifold cabinet by cutting a hole of 0.6x0.4x0.12 meters near the surface of the flooring.
  • We insert supply and return pipes into it, and attach metal shut-off valves to them using compression fittings.
  • Connecting circulation pump and a splitter. The latter is better equipped automatic system air vent and drain valve.
  • We lay around the perimeter metal-plastic pipes with a diameter of 2 cm in a parallel or spiral manner in increments of about 0.3 meters. For these purposes we use clips and clamps. Maintain a distance of 7 cm from the nearest wall.
  • Connect one end of the pipe to common system heating (supply manifold). We connect the second edge to the return device.
  • We let in water under pressure one and a half times higher than the working pressure. If the system holds up and the temperature is uniform everywhere, then we proceed to pouring the cement-sand screed.

The assembled manifold cabinet can be purchased at appropriate stores. It is necessary to choose quality pipes from reputable manufacturers.

Watch a video about water heating of a bath:

Water heating in a bathhouse is one of the most effective methods heat supply. It is popular in large steam rooms. You can equip it yourself, but the process is labor-intensive and requires strict adherence to the rules. And the combination of such a system with the high heat output of a wood-burning heater will allow you to maintain the optimal temperature in the room for a long time.

Warm floors in a bathhouse are a good option for those who use it all year round, who have it at home, and for whom it not only serves its intended purpose, but is also the only bathroom in the house, especially during cold weather. That's when heated floors will make your holiday the sauna is even more enjoyable, especially if you decide to place them also under the main room. Then the warm floors of the steam room will become an excellent additional source of heating.

Advantages of a heated floor for a bath:

  • The heating system is located inside the floor
  • Uniform distribution of heat throughout the entire area of ​​the room
  • At low cost – the ability to heat a large area
  • Significant savings compared to electric

Warm floors in the bathhouse convenient to use, non-toxic and cheap in cost, but with all this it is necessary to have indoors additional sources heating systems such as radiators, since heated floors cannot provide absolute heating of the entire room, especially when severe frosts set in.

What do heated floors look like?? Between concrete base and its coating itself contains a system of pipes through which water or other heating liquid flows. And in order for all the heat to go upstairs, they are immediately placed on, thus ensuring good sauna heating.

Now we will look at several very important points that you should consider when choosing a stove used to heat a bath. It is advisable to decide in advance what type of fuel the bathhouse will be heated with, it is good if it will be inexpensive, have recently been increasingly used. What kind of sauna stoves are there?:

  • Permanent action. During the entire use of the steam room, it is necessary to constantly maintain the combustion of fuel.
  • Periodic action. It is enough to heat them in advance.

Read also: Features of sauna brick stoves

Regardless of the size of the bath, always should be warm enough, and this function is most often performed by the oven, it is it that heats air throughout the room. First, you should decide on the material for the stove, and only then carefully familiarize yourself with the installation technology and rules for operating a sauna stove.

Continuous oven

home distinguishing feature ovens permanent action- this is a relatively small layer of masonry and not a large number of stones used in masonry. With a stove like this, you will have the ability to regulate the temperature, which can reach up to 360 degrees. To heat such a stove, you only need to ensure its connection to the electrical network. But you can also use gas as fuel.

Batch oven

main feature ovens periodic action- this is a thick layer of masonry and a large number of bricks that you will need to lay it out. The large thickness of the walls will protect the surface of the furnace from possible overheating and, due to its high heat capacity, will provide heat for a long time.

This type of heating will allow you to increase the temperature of the lower part of the furnace up to 1000 degrees. Even when such a high temperature is reached, there is no soot settling, since it will all burn out.

Most suitable look fuel that can only be used in this type of bath- this is firewood. The use of coal for heating is not encouraged. You should not try to sharply lower the temperature of the oven, as this is dangerous and can cause destruction of the inner surface of the oven due to sudden changes.

Material selection

Think in advance about all the materials that you will use during construction; under no circumstances should they be flammable. Also arrange the necessary room ventilation. There are many materials recommended for the construction of a furnace, but the most popular are brick and steel.

Read also: Stoves for Russian baths with a closed heater

To heat the entire bathhouse, one heater stove is enough for you. Therefore, it can be made small to save space. Typically, periodic brick stoves are used for heating, although there are also those that are adapted for continuous combustion.

The main advantage of a heater stove is that for a long time after heating it will give off heat due to its high heat capacity, despite the fact that its heating time is minimal, it will be able to support high temperature in room. To install such a stove, you will need the services of an experienced stove maker, and this will be quite expensive.

Metal stoves mostly work based on the principle of constant action. This material is very thin and therefore cools quite quickly. That is why in such stoves the combustion process is constantly maintained, but it will also warm up much faster than a stone one, all for the same reason. For baths small size with a light foundation it is perfect option .


The next very important point that you should pay attention to is: this is fuel. To fire a bathhouse, you can use far more than just firewood, as many people think. Of course, burning wood guarantees unique wood aroma and the special warmth of the bathhouse, but making a supply of firewood for the whole winter is not an easy task. Modern technologies can provide us with more convenient energy sources.

To date exist stone ovens , electricity, the same wood, and, of course, liquid fuel. There are also models that combine the use of several types of fuel at once. Of course, you can make a similar oven and with your own hands, but this will require special skills and the necessary experience.

If you use electric heating for a bath, you can adjust the current strength in the heating elements yourself. It is also very important not to forget during installation about installing an automatic protection system that will stop further supply of electricity if the temperature in the furnace becomes higher permissible norm.

When choosing fuel, you should pay attention to price and availability, in that firewood is significantly inferior, because they are very difficult to get, electricity is available to everyone, but it will be more expensive. Liquid fuel is not only flammable, but it will also cost you a lot of money. Gas is cheap, is easy to use, but it is not always possible to get it.