The nuances of applying decorative plaster to the ceiling. Features of applying decorative plaster to the ceiling. Step-by-step process with photos and videos Finishing ceilings with decorative plaster

Ceiling plaster does not apply complex types repair work. For a novice builder, it is quite possible to cope with such a task with his own hands. As for decorative plaster of walls or ceilings, the situation here is somewhat more complicated. However, when great desire and the right approach to the process itself self-execution such work is quite possible.

Decorative plaster allows you to create patterns of a wide variety of shapes.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster on the ceiling requires not only the right approach, but also compliance with the basic rules. After carefully reading the instructions, from which you will learn about some of the nuances of the work process, you can safely begin plastering the ceiling with your own hands.

Decorative plaster of the ceiling or walls: features

When performing decorative plaster on the ceiling or walls, you will have a great opportunity create any texture you like, since the material you have to work with is very plastic. It is worth noting here that this coating has many undeniable advantages, one of which is the elimination of some defects in the ceiling and walls (irregularities, cracks or noticeable joints of slabs). Wallpaper, as practice shows, cannot cope with this in all cases.

Plastering the ceiling with your own hands requires the following materials and tools:

Schemes for applying plaster to the ceiling.

  1. Decorative plaster. This material comes in 3 types: for interior decoration, For exterior finishing, universal plaster (suitable for working with interior and exterior decoration).
  2. Hammer.
  3. Several types of spatulas.
  4. Availability of a container for preparing the material.
  5. Half graters.

How the plaster will lie on the ceiling depends on its composition. Taking into account some features of the material, it is possible to create the most amazing and bizarre textures.

When laying decorative plaster on the ceiling with your own hands, you cannot use the option that is used for exterior decoration. The reason is that their properties are slightly different. In order to decorate a ceiling or wall indoors, the plaster must have an appropriate purpose. In this case, it is appropriate to use a universal option.

Do not forget that the material may differ in its composition. Here you can act at your own discretion and taking into account your capabilities. As a rule, the main criteria to be guided by are the price and quality of the material.

Among the most common options are:

  1. Application of a polymer mixture.
  2. The use of a silicate mixture containing liquid potassium glass.
  3. Decorative coating mineral mixture, which is made on the basis of lime and cement.

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The process of applying decorative plaster

Tools for plastering work.

Before you begin finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster, you need to level the surface using a specially designed putty. You can also use the drywall installation method.

As a rule, decorative ceiling plaster is performed using the same types of tools. The technique of applying the material does not change. This way you can achieve the result you want.

For novice builders who are faced with performing such work for the first time, the task may seem quite difficult. To ensure that the result does not disappoint you, it is very important to act strictly following all recommendations.

Plastering the ceiling will be done correctly if you take into account the following nuances:

  1. Before you begin applying decorative plaster, the surface should be carefully prepared. First of all, it is necessary to achieve such qualities as absolute cleanliness and dryness. This way you will prevent the possibility of mold and mildew. As mentioned earlier, this type finishing does not require perfectly leveled surfaces. In order for the plaster to adhere as firmly as possible, it is recommended to first apply a layer of primer to the ceiling or walls.
  2. Before you start working with the material, mix it well; you can use an auger for this purpose. It is not advisable to mix the plaster at high speed, since this may damage the shape of the granules. This will not allow you to achieve the desired texture.
  3. Carrying out work with this type of plaster can be compared to the process of applying putty. The material should be applied with smooth movements, the spatula should be moved along the surface from bottom to top. Next, the applied layer is leveled.
  4. The most important stage is creating the invoice. To carry out this task, you can use a plastic grater, roller and spatula.

Before applying decorative plaster, the ceiling must be leveled with putty or drywall.

By using different options, you can create all sorts of effects. So, by moving the tool in a circle, you can get a pattern that looks like a shell. If you use a plastic grater, you can create circular or straight grooves using rotary or translational movements.

You can even achieve spectacular designs using simple circular or semicircular movements. Acting with the same movements, while using various instruments, appearance the surface will be completely different. To make the surface more even, you can use a regular spatula.

In order to obtain a certain effect, not only the method of applying the material and the tool used are important. The plastered surface can be given a granite, marble or mother-of-pearl color. But this task requires professional skills.

After waiting for the plaster to completely dry, the surface must be carefully treated using wax. Thus, you will not only get a glossy finish, but also provide it additional protection. In addition, this will significantly reduce the maintenance requirements for the decorative surface.

Are you planning to renovate your ceiling? Be sure to consider the option of covering with decorative plaster. This affordable and easy-to-do-it-yourself finishing method opens up limitless possibilities interior design. The variety of textures, patterns and shades of decorative plaster allows you to create harmonious interior in any style.

What is decorative plaster?

This material is similar to traditional plaster, but the difference is that decorative plaster does not require additional finishing coating. The aesthetics and originality of the appearance of such a coating is due to the presence in the composition plaster mass various granules.

Thanks to the granules, the plastered ceiling looks textured, and if you play with shades, you can achieve the effect of a three-dimensional ornament.

Types of decorative plaster

Exists textured plaster, intended for indoor and outdoor use.

  1. Material based acrylic resins Ideal for interiors, it does not have a strong chemical smell. This plaster is resistant to temperature changes and moisture; it can be used to decorate ceilings in the kitchen or bathroom.
  2. Can also be used to finish the ceiling universal material, in which the binder acts cement or lime. The so-called mineral plaster has an interesting property - the strength of the coating increases over time. This material is recommended for finishing ceilings in residential premises, because it is as environmentally friendly as possible.
  3. Standing apart is the so-called Venetian plaster- based gypsum. The filler of Venetian plaster is marble chips, which allows you to imitate this type of stone.
  4. Plaster also differs according to the type of filler. Fine filler granules result in a visually smooth, uniform surface. To create a visible pattern on the ceiling, purchase material with large granules.

    - see in a separate review.

    Why choose decorative plaster?

    Textured plaster has an impressive number of advantages over other traditional and modern ceiling coverings.

  • Often plaster is sold white, so you can add any dye, taking into account the general idea regarding color range interior
  • Variations of filler granules allow you to create diverse textured surfaces.
  • Thanks to the coarse-grained fractions, decorative plaster is able to mask flaws in the base - it is not at all necessary to perfectly level the surface of the ceiling before applying the plaster.
  • Textured plaster is strong and durable, resistant to abrasion and mechanical shock.
  • The material perfectly tolerates moisture and dampness, as well as temperature changes, so it is suitable for use in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • This ceiling can be washed using regular detergents.
  • Plaster is suitable for treating any surface: drywall, concrete, stone, wood, metal, plastic.
  • If you have a painted ceiling in your room, but the paint has cracked over time, apply decorative plaster directly over the paint. This approach significantly saves time and costs on renovations.

    If you plan to treat a ceiling made of plasterboard or wood, do not use textured plaster on water based so that the ceiling does not get wet.

    Advice. Decorative plaster with very fine filler granules is suitable for treating extremely smooth surfaces.

    How to work with decorative plaster - stages of work

    The easiest way is to hire a specialist who will perform all stages of work on top level. But it's worth a try not only to save money. Experiment with color, coating thickness, create unique surfaces with patterns and ornaments using special or improvised tools.

    Exist general recommendations on working with decorative plaster, but the main thing to follow is the manufacturer’s instructions on the packaging. Only according to the instructions you can make a plaster mixture that will fully meet the stated characteristics.

  1. Before the beginning decorative works remove the old covering from the ceiling. Advice! Be sure to remove dust and chemical stains before applying any coating or compound.
  2. Prime the surface of the ceiling several times. This will increase the strength of the base and the adhesion of the surface. Important! A light or not very durable coating is always applied over a more durable base, so do not neglect the priming step.
  3. By using ordinary plaster level the ceiling surface using a level and beacons.
  4. When the plaster has hardened, prime the entire surface of the ceiling.
  5. After the primer has dried, you can begin decorating.

The final result depends on what tools you use. You can apply the plaster with a spatula - smooth or figured. A figured spatula allows you to imitate different surface, for example, a wooden cut. By moving the spatula in different directions, you can create unique patterns.

Example: Circular or spiral movements will help create a shell or wave effect.

Curly rollers and rubber stamps are widely used to produce neat, intricate designs. With their help, you will achieve an even pattern - geometric, abstract, floral. Using stamps, you can make a separate drawing on any topic.

Before you start decorating the ceiling, practice making various patterns on a small rough fragment - use a sheet of plasterboard or plywood.

With the help of decorative plaster you can transform not only the walls, but also the ceiling. This part of the room is one of the important ones. After all, it plays a big role in the perception of the interior. Using the described composition, you can achieve interesting textures that allow you to form unique patterns on the surface.

Is it worth plastering the ceiling?

If you still have no idea how decorative plaster on the ceiling will look, then you can be sure that the appearance of the base will be exactly the way you want. One of the important advantages of this material is the ability to take on any terrain. It’s not worth talking about shades. After all, you can create your own version of the tone.

Decorative plaster applied to the ceiling differs from the usual composition in its granularity. The basis can be small pebbles, wood and any material suitable for creating a characteristic relief.

Which decorative plaster to choose

If you are planning to decorate the ceiling with decorative plaster, then first you need to understand its varieties. A mixture can be classified into one group or another depending on:

  • areas of use;
  • basics;
  • type of filler;
  • binder class.

The base can be water or a solvent. Consumers are most interested in the type of filler. After all, it determines the appearance of the future coating. The most popular in the line is the filler, which consists of wood fibers, crumbs of mica and minerals and small pebbles. The presence of these ingredients transforms the surface into a real masterpiece with a three-dimensional effect. Thanks to this, the room literally comes to life.

Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster may involve the use of Venetian composition. It is suitable for those who like to combine new technologies and classics. Venetian plaster will not look pretentious. It is elegant, natural and is able to emphasize the impeccable taste of the owners. Such a composition gives birth to masterpieces. However, they will be reserved. Mostly made in classical or antique styles.

Structural plaster

When finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster, home craftsmen must review the photos. Visual perception allows you to understand which type of composition is better to choose. Among other market offerings, we should highlight a structural mixture, which some experts consider to be a subtype of textured plaster. To some extent this opinion can be considered true. After all, the composition is made using quartz chips, minerals and stones.

However, structural plaster has one main difference, which is expressed in the uniformity of the surface. The composition contains elements of a fine fraction, which gives the coating a special texture reminiscent of wood bark.

Ceiling plaster: alternative solutions

If you want to make renovations using environmentally friendly clean materials, then you should consider gypsum plaster, which is truly beneficial for health. The mixture will not be embossed, but you can create equally attractive masterpieces from it. Gypsum gives the material plasticity and is characterized by the ability to level.

A competitor to this composition is silk plaster, which can also be called natural. Ingredients include silk fiber, cellulose natural origin and decorative additives. This decorative plaster on the ceiling (you can see the photo in the article) looks excellent. The binding element of the mixture is glue. An alternative name is liquid wallpaper.

It is very simple to prepare the solution for application. To do this, it should be combined with water. But application will be a complete pleasure. After all, silk plaster lays down “like native.”

How to apply plaster to the ceiling: preparation

If you are ready to start learning the intricacies of working with plaster, then first you need to prepare all the tools and materials. Sometimes in home bins you can find:

  • putty knife;
  • figured roller;
  • stepladder;
  • containers.

The premises are well protected. The master should change into a special suit and wear safety glasses. It is recommended to lay film, unnecessary fabric or newspapers on the floor. After all, drops of the solution are quite difficult to wash off. It is important to prepare the base correctly. To do this, remove a layer of lime from the ceiling or old plaster if it is damaged.

The base is leveled, and then a primer is applied to it. If you are thinking about the question of putting it on the ceiling, you should know that you should first prepare a solution. This step is eliminated if you use ready mixture. But the dry composition is diluted according to the recommendations in the instructions. The final consistency should resemble homemade sour cream.

Before applying decorative plaster to the ceiling with your own hands, you must prepare it. The surface is cleaned with a spatula. Additionally, you can use a brush for metal processing. After this, the surface is primed in several layers, between each of which a four-hour interval should be maintained. The ceiling surface is leveled. At the initial stage, threads are stretched for this purpose, which are installed using laser level. Such markings will eliminate height differences and reduce the consumption of expensive material.

To prepare the surface, you can use any plaster composition. It is combined with water and mixed with a construction mixer with a nozzle. After the leveling layer has hardened, the ceiling is primed, which increases the adhesion of the material to the future coating. After the coating has dried, you can begin decorating.

To apply plaster, you can use not only a spatula, but also a trowel. Final alignment carried out using a polyurethane float. If you moisten the surface during this process, you can achieve a polishing effect. With the ceiling you can create the most different effects, for example, a type of shell. To do this, use a grater on the surface to make circular movements. After the layer has dried, the plaster is coated with wax to protect the surface and give it a glossy shine. This treatment will make it easier to maintain the base.

Applying the mixture

Decorative plaster is applied to the ceiling using a spatula, onto which a small amount of solution should be collected. The mixture is distributed over the surface in cross strokes. This must be done deftly and quickly. After all, the composition hardens quite quickly. You need to start from the corner, following along the wall.

Once you have applied one strip of material, you need to start the second, moving in reverse side. It is better to treat small areas, because the frozen surface will not allow you to change the texture - you will have to redo everything again. The main thing at this stage is to have time to work with a figured roller. This must be done before the final layer hardens. After application, the plaster is left for a day. The surface can then be covered with glaze or paint.

How to get the desired invoice

If you want to finish the ceiling, you must remember that the final coating will depend not only on the type of composition, but also on the size and shape of the granules. If you want to get a relatively smooth surface, you should purchase plaster with fine particles.

If you need to create a surface with an abundance of patterns, then you should buy a composition with large granules. If you want to form transverse or circular grooves on the ceiling, you should prefer plaster with oval-shaped grains. Round particles will help achieve a rough, uniform finish.

Creating a “rain” texture

This method of applying plaster is more complex. However, the result will be much more impressive. It is better to form the rain structure at an angle, but this recommendation is not fundamental. Before you begin applying decorative plaster to the ceiling, you should mark it. Oblique lines are drawn on the surface, the width of which is 3 strokes. The lines should be at the same angle. It's quite difficult to do this at the joints. It is glued onto each line so that the bottom edge is on the line.

The plaster is applied in a layer of 3 mm. The length of the strip should be 1 m. To create a droplet structure, the trowel should be slightly pressed to the surface and pulled along the line in a raised state. These steps are repeated until the entire strip is covered. When applying decorative plaster to the ceiling, at first you will see that the texture is more like a hedgehog. In order to fix this, you need to smooth the surface. The trowel is cleared of material and pressed against the solution. The tool must be held in one direction. At the same time, one edge of the trowel is raised so that it does not completely cling to the surface.

Applying plaster to walls

Before starting work, it is necessary to coat the walls with a primer and apply a layer of putty: this will eliminate gaps and improve the quality of the coating. To apply putty on walls, you must select small area area up to 0.5 m2. The solution is collected onto a trowel and then distributed over the surface. The mixture is spread in a layer of up to 3 mm. A rougher texture is obtained by increasing the layer. The solution is distributed over the wall, and then you can begin to create a structural pattern.

The ironing board is cleared of material and pressed against the wall. This can be done with either side of the tool, but the lower edge of the smoother rises, at the same time you must make a downward movement. This will create texture in the form of small irregularities in the solution. When you tear the surface of the trowel off the mixture, you need to do this as smoothly as possible so that no marks remain. Applying the texture can be done with criss-cross or herringbone movements, horizontally or vertically.

After each treated area, the trowel is cleaned so that excess solution does not spoil the texture. Then you can proceed to the next zone. However, it is important to exclude spaces. To do this, apply the composition overlapping. Decorative plaster of walls and ceilings, in principle, is performed using the same technology. On next stage it involves waiting the time necessary for the surface to dry. This will take about a day, and then you can start painting.


You can apply decorative plaster to the ceiling yourself, trying to create one of the selected effects. Among others, we should highlight “rock” and “rain,” which were discussed above. On final stage The surface of the plaster must be primed and then painted.

But for the second and subsequent layers, a primer is no longer needed. When applying monochromatic paint, you must be prepared for the fact that the texture will be lost and the result will not be the most successful. To highlight the structure, use the two-color painting method.

From the author: Hello, dear readers. Not long ago, an acquaintance invited me for a consultation at his home. The fact was that his ceilings were quite low, and he did not want to reduce the already low space. Simple finishing He was tired of putty, but, of course, you couldn’t leave the floor slabs bare. Knowing that he is a man with hands, I told him how to apply decorative plaster to the ceiling. And do it yourself and not spend a huge amount of money.

He was delighted with my story and a few days later invited me to admire the result. I really liked what I saw. So, friends, today I’ll tell you how to do this, saving as much money as possible, since for many this factor is fundamental.

Types of decorative plaster

You've probably already looked through dozens of various options and made a choice. But believe me, it will be useful for you to find out what types of material there are, and what is needed in order to apply one. After all, some surfaces are extremely difficult to make, and it is unlikely that you will be able to do it yourself.

To avoid getting into trouble in the future with the purchase of material, read what we wrote below and remember everything well. So, there are only six types of finishing:

  • structural - the most common and easiest to manufacture, does not require any special skills from you. You won't even need to make the surface perfectly even or hide any other imperfections. This type of material is made from special plaster composition, which is sold as a dry mixture or ready-made in buckets. It contains silk thread, particles of wood, pebbles, quartz, and other abrasive-binding materials. Buying ready-made mixture is very expensive, especially in buckets. The easiest way is to make it yourself. We will tell you how to do this at the end of our article. There are two main types of structural plaster: “bark beetle” and “fur coat”. The bark beetle is made using an ordinary spatula, and the fur coat is made using a special machine, which, as it were, sprays the solution onto the surface. Of course, a fur coat is best suited for finishing walls, not ceilings, but it is also possible on them and looks nice;
  • textured. From the name it becomes clear that it repeats any material or surface. It could be a rocky wall or brickwork, and fallen leaves - in general, you can use it to make whatever you want. This material is also a plaster mixture with the addition of various components, such as broken bricks, pebbles, glass, mica - the list goes on forever. Sold as a dry mixture and, of course, ready-made in buckets. It's not that expensive, that's all required amount for finishing one small room just huge. It is profitable to buy only if you need to finish any section of the ceiling or wall, but not large areas. If you need to trim big house or an apartment, and the desire to save money will be enormous, then you can make such a mixture yourself. If we talk about purchased ones, they come on various bases: mineral, acrylic, silicate and silicone. The variety, as you can see, is huge, but personally I don’t see any point in it. The end result from using store-bought and self-made does not differ in any way;
  • Venetian - the most expensive and unrealistic beautiful finish. Mainly imitates marble and other polished stone with a glossy sheen. It looks as expensive as the final price will cost you. Not only will you not make the mixture yourself, but in order to apply it, you will definitely need experience and a lot of knowledge. Such plaster usually consists of many layers, each of which leaves a certain deep relief. In my memory, I saw only one competent craftsman who worked on such surfaces. He made simply masterpiece aprons for kitchens in expensive mansions and apartments. So, the cost of such an apron reached $1000. Now imagine how much such a ceiling will cost you. Of course, the result is not just finishing, but real art. Whether this is worth thinking about is up to you to decide. The main thing is that you understand: if the manufacturer shows you a beautiful picture and promises a Venetian surface, then this marketing ploy, and you can’t do this on your own. There are also cheap analogues, but this is no longer Venetian, but ordinary mineral, varnished. In general, don't fall for the trick;
  • mineral. It is made from lime, plaster mixture and marble chips. Beautiful and durable, it cannot be prepared independently and is sold only in powder form. It is diluted with ordinary water, and very easily. The consumption is low, so it is great for applying to ceilings and walls. It washes well and does not fade, perfect option for kitchens and bathrooms;
  • antique plaster. Suitable for vintage spaces and where a distressed or cracked design is required. It is not possible to make it yourself, and such a mixture is not as cheap as we would like. You can apply it yourself; the antique effect occurs due to wear, which is obtained due to the degree of pressure on the polishing tool. For different mixtures it is different, depending on what is used: brush, roller or sponge;

  • graphite - stone finish. Done different ways: spray gun, stencil, hands or self-made tiles. It looks very bulky on the ceiling and gives the impression that everything will fall away, although this is not the case. This is a regular, same plaster mixture, which holds up well, and the layer of which does not exceed 10–15mm.

Materials for production

As you already understand, any of the above mixtures is made on the same base, with the exception of some. The base is exactly the same as that of, with the addition of a variety of abrasive and binding materials. And to give the mixture color, pigments are added.

So, if your goal is not to save money, and you intend to buy store-bought mixtures, skip this point. And for those who want to save a little, read on. So, you can recreate almost any relief with ordinary putty or its older brother - plaster mixture.

The difference between them is that the putty is finer-grained and takes much longer to dry. Also, putty should not be applied in large thick layers, otherwise it will begin to slide. But the plaster mixture does not do this; its color is darker, and the fractions are much larger than those of primary putty.

It’s up to you to decide what you want to do, usually any option is suitable. The final cleanliness of the surface should be the deciding factor for you. If you want it to be light and without any inclusions, then putty is for you. If a rougher surface is required, use a plaster mixture.

And now about the relief. You can apply it with an ordinary spatula, trowel, grater or trowel, and we will describe how this is done below. If you want a certain relief, buy a structural or textured roller. By running this over fresh plaster, you will immediately get the desired pattern.

There are dozens of different types of silicone stencils that will give your ceiling any design or pattern you like. There are various templates and stamps that are used to make ceilings decorated with: lions, leaves, vintage patterns. In general, after searching the Internet for some time, you will find all this and select exactly the template that you like.

The interior finish can even be shiny or glossy. This is achieved by adding quartz sand and varnish to the mixture after drying. If the surface needs to be made washable, the same varnish or washable paint that you use to cover the finished plaster will help you. And if you need waterproofing, then use ceresite rather than putty. Then paint it, and you won’t be afraid of any floods.

In general, it’s clear - you can do anything by purchasing regular putty and saving a lot of money on purchasing ready-made mixtures in buckets.

Preparatory work

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare the ceiling for the upcoming work. To do this you will need to do a few things.

  1. Remove old coating. To do this, it is best to use a metal brush and a slightly pointed spatula. If you have lime on the ceiling, wear safety glasses and a respirator when working.
  2. Wipe the ceiling with a sponge warm water, this will permanently remove any remaining lime or chalk.
  3. Treat the ceiling with an antifungal agent. In case of severe infection, kill the fungus store-bought product or solution copper sulfate. Wait completely dry, on average it takes a day.
  4. Apply primer to the ceiling deep penetration, wait until dry.

If on your ceiling enamel paint or other water-repellent coating, you will need to apply concrete contact to the ceiling. This eliminates the need for the difficult work of removing this coating. Concrete contact improves adhesion, and it becomes almost exactly the same as when plastering a regular concrete slab.

If you have plasterboard on the ceiling, then it does not require any preliminary cleaning. All you need to do is treat it once with a deep penetration primer.

Manufacturing jobs

We'll start by telling you how to apply a decorative layer with a regular plaster mixture. Let's look at the example of the “bark beetle”.

If you are working with a store-bought mixture, you need to do the same, but skipping the preparation step. Just dilute with water and apply in the same way.

Well, that’s all, dear friends, we’ve figured out how to make decorative plaster. And if you have a desire to make some other coating on your ceiling, then we have other articles on this topic. Finally, I would like to say the following: if you have not encountered such work before, and in general you are not well versed in such things, then do not take unnecessary risks, hire professionals. After all, our article is only advisory in nature and is not a direct instruction to action. Well, for the rest, good luck!

Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster creates a durable, stable coating on the surface, which also has waterproof, heat-insulating and antiseptic properties. Also, the use of such material allows you to obtain planes that imitate natural marble or the texture of any other stone.

The technology of application when designing decorative and textured plasters requires special precision and accuracy.

Indeed, despite the elimination of minor defects, significant surface imperfections will clearly stand out against the general background.
So, how do you do decorative plaster on ceilings with your own hands?

If we take the definition, then decorative plaster is a viscous mixture intended for finishing residential surfaces. But the zest of the material is given by its fillers, which form coatings that are special in appearance.

There are the following types of plaster used for decoration:

Each variety forms its own surface using mineral and organic fillers.

Structural plaster

The most striking example is the “bark beetle”, which is most often used in decorating the facades of buildings. The peculiarity of such a mixture is that, in addition to binders, there is a mineral additive - quartz chips ranging in size from 0.5 to 3 mm.
After applying structural plaster, it is necessary to form its relief manually. Using pebbles, you can get three-dimensional patterns.

Textured mixtures

This is a plaster containing binders with mineral and organic additives: mica, wood fibers, small stones. The combination of fillers ultimately gives the effect of a three-dimensional image. If you use various stamps or forming rollers, then textured images can be formed on the surface.

Venetian plaster

Contains fine marble chips. The mixture also contains a binder. When applied to the surface, a smooth, uniform coating is formed that replicates the appearance of natural marble.

Flock mixtures

Plasters for interior ceiling decoration, allowing you to get an image in the style of a mosaic. The effect is achieved by applying three layers: a binder-adhesive composition, multi-colored and different-sized stones, and a varnish coating.
The mixtures differ in their composition, which in one way or another affects the installation methods and the final result.

Classification by composition

In addition to fillers in the form of mineral chips or organic additives, an important component, affecting the properties is the binder.
According to this criterion they distinguish the following options decorative plasters:


Typically used as a binder acrylic resins, which give coatings resistance to humidity and temperature changes.


The base of silicone components gives plasticity to the applied plaster, and also improves vapor permeability properties and water resistance.


They contain components such as liquid glass and alkalis. Such components make it possible to obtain coatings with good antiseptic properties, plasticity, water resistance and vapor permeability.


The main binder used in these types of plasters is lime; clay and mineral additives may also be included.

To improve properties, additives can be used: acrylic, polyurethane, and epoxy resins, strengthening the coating, giving it resistance and durability.

Mineral chips (quartz, granite), in addition to texture, make it possible to obtain a layer that is resistant to abrasion and has smooth/rough surfaces.
Waterproofing and antiseptic properties are improved due to the preservatives, thickeners and others included in the mixture.
An example of complex multi-component mixtures is Venetian plaster, which, in addition to a strong, durable coating, has an original appearance in the form of a marble surface.
Compositions decorative mixtures As a result, they impart a lot of positive qualities.

Positive and negative properties of plasters

Using this type of ceiling surface design allows for many positive properties to be achieved.
Practical component. Coatings formed with decorative plaster are very easy to keep clean; they can be washed and wiped.
Antiseptic properties. The plastered surfaces will be reliably protected from the formation of mold and mildew on the surface.
Water resistance. Increased humidity levels do not harm decorative plaster finishes.
Versatility. The material can be applied to Various types bases: brick, concrete, drywall and others.

Environmental friendliness. The mixtures do not contain harmful and toxic compounds.
Extensive range. A variety of mixtures with different fillers allows you to create different types of textured images.
However, ideal construction and finishing materials does not exist, finishing mixtures also have their drawbacks.

  • High price;
  • High requirements for surface preparation;
  • Experience with the material is required.
  • Impossibility of laying certain types of plaster (wood, gypsum, etc.) on hydrophobic substrates.

But, the prevailing positive traits decorative mixtures make them one of the most popular materials in design premises.

How to choose the right mixture

Mixtures for ceiling decoration are sold in the form of ready-to-use and dry compositions that require independent preparation. Mixtures in finished form can be immediately applied to previously prepared ceilings; in addition, acrylic resins are usually the basis of such plasters. This feature makes them universal, that is, they can be laid even on surfaces that are afraid of water: wood or drywall.

Dry formulations must be prepared for use by adding a certain amount of water and thoroughly mixing. This requires skill, because it is not always possible to immediately obtain the consistency needed for the job. And the base in the form of water limits the use of dry decorative plasters on hydrophobic bases.

Dry mixtures are cheaper than ready-made ones, but it is worth considering that the first option has one color - white. To obtain the surface required in terms of scale, the ceiling will have to be additionally painted, or the plaster itself will have to be tinted during preparation.
Another point is the drying speed, ready-made mixtures are acrylic base You can paint it the very next day after application, but in the case of dry ones it will take at least a week.
Choosing various compositions It’s better to pay attention to samples from well-known manufacturers; their certified materials are of really high quality.

Technologies for applying decorative plaster to the ceiling

The tool is selected for decorative plaster depending on the types and methods of application. Dry mixtures are prepared by mixing with a mixer attachment on a drill. The main device for laying decorative plaster is a straight trowel, or as it is also called Venetian.

For structural types of material, you still need a plastic grater, which is used to form the surface texture. When choosing the necessary tool You must first study the manufacturer’s recommendations for using a specific material.
Methods of applying decorative plaster depend on its type.

Application of structural plasters

Initially, you need to prepare the mixture, after which you begin to lay it.
The mixture is applied to the surface of the trowel with an auxiliary spatula. After that, the tool is set at an angle to the ceiling surface of 30 degrees, and the composition is pulled along the plane. A layer of structural plaster is laid with a thickness corresponding to the size of the mineral chips (0.5-3 mm).

When using structural finishing materials, after laying them, you need to begin forming the texture. This is done using a plastic grater, moving it along the plastered surface to create a certain pattern.
Structural coatings can be painted after the material has dried. The paint is applied in at least 2 layers with breaks between approaches.

It is important to know that when working with structural mixtures, it is best to use a helper. While one is laying the plaster layer, the other is rubbing the applied mixture, forming a pattern!

Working with textured plaster

In addition to a straight trowel, to form a pattern on the surface of the coating, it is advisable to use a shaped roller with a grooved roller. The technology for applying to the ceiling is as follows.

At the first stage, the finished mixture is applied, like its structural analogue, with a straight trowel.
Patterns can be applied with a roller, but trowels, brushes, rags and other texture-forming devices are also used.
The textured plaster for the ceiling is painted after drying.

How to apply Venetian

The operating technology is as follows:
Laying is done in several layers, applying the plaster with a spatula, and using a straight trowel to level and form the layers.
The total thickness of the coating is maintained within 5 mm; how many layers can be accommodated is decided individually. Each individual layer is laid at intervals of 12 hours.
After laying, they perform the “ironing” procedure by rubbing the surface with a trowel. And after final drying, it is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper and coated with wax.