Contemporary style in interior history. Contemporary style in the interior: a review of laconic and comfortable trends for the home. Interior design of the living room and hallway in contemporary style

When planning renovations, owners strive to give their home a modern look. The interior should be comfortable for the people in the room. Their mood and well-being depend on this.

The contemporary style in the interior is good option room design. To use it correctly in your apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with its main characteristics. Adviсe professional designers will help you follow all the basic rules for decorating a room in this style.

Origin story

Time does not stand still. With its passage, people's worldviews change. They take new approaches to designing every area of ​​their lives. This also applies to the choice of interior.

Today, new styles are being developed based on long-known design solutions. The contemporary style in the interior combines simplicity, functionality and reflects the modern person’s view of harmony in the interior.

The design direction of the presented type appeared recently, but already has its own history of development. The style appeared in the 60s of the last century in America. He combined several approaches.

The basis of this design was constructivist ideas of streamlined forms and functionality. Then they were joined by Scandinavian approaches to interior design. forms and accessibility to the masses.

Since the advent of contemporary art, it has been used in the interior. multifunctional furniture. This allows you to properly organize insufficiently spacious rooms.

general characteristics

Contemporary in English means "modern". It has nothing to do with design or minimalism. It is simple, concise and functional. The contemporary style in the interior (photos are presented below) does not have an abundance of details, chic, or luxury.

This approach is also called common sense. Modern man, tired of the surrounding bustle, strives to create a simple, comfortable haven for himself. It will be comfortable to relax in it. This style combines modern technologies, simplifying life, with ease and good taste.

Its lines are proportional, but at the same time they can resemble classical or ethnic motifs. Transformation of elements allows you to use them for different purposes. The interchangeability of objects makes it possible to fit new forms into already existing system. The practicality and elegance of the style captivate many.

Main features

Exist characteristics contemporary Interior style requires compliance with them. It can be used for any type of room. The main features of the style are as follows:

  1. Availability of interior elements that create holistic functionality of the overall picture.
  2. Laconic layout.
  3. Simplicity of design.
  4. Zoning according to the functional affiliation of premises.
  5. The lines are clear and proportional.
  6. The surfaces are smooth and simple. Decorative elements look good against their background.
  7. There are few accents. The decor is usually characterized by an ethnic, classic style.
  8. Built-in or modular furniture.

These are the main features of contemporary art. It's easy to create it yourself. At the same time, it is enough to want to create comfort without unnecessary details.


When decorating an interior in the presented style, designers usually choose artificial materials. They are available to a large number of people. Interior design in contemporary style allows you to use laminate, plastic, plexiglass, artificial stone, etc.

If the material is not too expensive and pretentious, metal, glass, ceramics, wood and other natural varieties are used.

The ceiling is one color. Most often it is made of plasterboard. The backlight is made of spot or LED type. The floor is laid from tiles or laminate. The walls are painted or covered with discreet wallpaper. All materials are publicly available.

Furniture selection

The contemporary style in the interior of the apartment is distinguished by the arrangement of furniture. It is usually made up of modules, homogeneous parts of the structure. This will allow you to create a variety of positions

Also, if desired, over time you can buy similar structural elements and replace old parts. Contemporary can be transformed. The sofa becomes a bed and ottomans. Numerous shelves and cabinets allow you to store a lot of things.

The symbol of this style is the well-known wall of cabinets. The furniture is made from inexpensive wood or MDF. Glass and metal are also used.

Color solution

Professional designers, when decorating a room in the presented style, do not highlight special shades and colors. It all depends on the taste preferences of the home owners, as well as the type of room. But some rules still exist.

It is advisable to paint the walls lighter than the tone of the furniture. It should also be the same color. It is advisable that the cabinets, sofa, and armchairs be in discreet shades.

If the ceiling, walls and floor are done in a neutral design pastel shades, furniture and accessories will look brighter. To prevent the interior from looking boring, you need to think through the details. There shouldn't be too many of them. It is better to choose a color that is more vibrant and saturated. Vases, pillows, bedspreads, carpet may well be catchy and bright.


The contemporary interior style is well suited for modern zoning. Apartments in which the kitchen is connected to the hallway, the office with the bedroom are ideally combined with the presented design.

Zoning can be done using screens, curtains, light curtains. To delimit space use different materials. For example, it may be made of laminate, but it goes into the kitchen-studio, where ceramic tiles are laid.

It is also common to use different ceiling or floor levels. This allows you to delimit the space according to functionality. This approach significantly increases the space of a small apartment. It provides more space for relaxation and creativity.

Decoration of different rooms

For reference, you can consider several ideas for decorating a room in the presented style. This will help you create your own design.

Contemporary style involves the use of several techniques. For the bed, fabrics of substitute colors are selected. For example, the pillows and duvet cover might have a white line on a blue background, and the sheet might have a blue line on a white background. A wide cabinet covering the entire wall will look good.

A children's room can be decorated with toy-style furniture. These are necessarily either modular types of cabinets, cabinets, or a transforming sofa. Bright accents decorate the room.

The living room in contemporary style has a wall of cabinets. There may also be various bedside tables, bookcases with a variety of shelves. Modular sofas. They have lots of colorful pillows. Furniture covers are multi-colored and colorful.

The contemporary interior style is known to many people. It is very often used in modern apartments. Contemporary art is easy to create yourself. You just need to have great desire arrange a cozy and modern home, in which the whole family will enjoy staying.

Despite such an original name, contemporary design is familiar to most of us: this style almost always means modern decor with cozy notes typical of a home.

An excellent choice would be to decorate a kitchen space in this design direction, because such an interior is comfortable and practical.

One of the main advantages of using contemporary design in kitchen interiors is the possibility of integrating modern household equipment.

Furniture, surface finishing and decorative elements remain uncomplicated and discreet, forming a coherent picture with details that are in harmony with each other.

You can verify the presentability of contemporary kitchen interiors by looking at a selection of photos in the gallery.

In this article we will talk about how to create a positive atmosphere in the kitchen, give the room a winning modern look in contemporary style, taking into account the features of the kitchen in your home or apartment.

Main features

The design is characterized by lightness and simplicity. The design is reminiscent of minimalism and has similar features to the laconic Scandinavian style and natural eco-trend.

Along with this, classical elements are used in the setting, creating cozy atmosphere, thanks to which the decor ceases to seem cold and loses its roughness. You can read more about this style.

One of the key features of this style is the abundance of free space. The kitchen should be “open” - for this, compact-sized furniture, built-in household appliances and a minimum amount of unnecessary things are used.

When arranging a kitchen space combined with a living room, it is advisable to perform visual zoning of the space. For this purpose, the design uses partitions and other structures (unusual curtains, bar counters, islands and other interior components).

Look at the photographs of finished kitchen interiors in this direction, and you will notice its distinctive features:

The contemporary style is inclined towards modernity, but despite this, it makes it possible to use elements characteristic of ancient trends. Eg, cozy atmosphere will highlight textiles, a few elements with smooth shapes, and elegant classic furnishings.

Arranging a kitchen space in accordance with the principles of contemporary style will not require large material costs.


The interior of the kitchen should not look chaotic, so preference should be given to a simple model of a set with facades devoid of decorations, with smooth or slightly rounded corners, and a laconic design.

In most cases for modern kitchens With a similar design, choose plastic furniture or MDF products.

But keep in mind that all pieces of furniture located in the food preparation area must certainly meet the requirements of functionality and convenience. If you cannot fit all the necessary items into the lower sections, give preference to furniture with upper compartments for storing household utensils.

A good choice would be a set with numerous drawers, boxes, shelves with sliding and lifting doors.

Attention! If the set has open compartments, immediately decide what you will place there. Place only necessary items on the shelves, try to hide all kitchen utensils, compact appliances and other household items as much as possible.

Kitchen helpers should have a minimalist design. Instead of large slab use hob built-in type and oven.

The refrigerator can be disguised behind a cabinet door with an identical design furniture facades, and build the hood so that it is hidden in the hanging cabinet.

The upper compartment of the headset can be decorated with glass inserts (regular or with a simple geometric pattern). Painted facades, carvings and multi-colored mosaics should be abandoned; the contemporary trend does not accept such decorations.

If you find it difficult to develop a kitchen design project from scratch, check out the collections presented in IKEA stores. Most of the presented options will fit perfectly into the contemporary direction, and it will not be difficult for you to select the technical components.

Important! Please note that the color range household appliances should correspond to the main palette of furniture.

The eating area can also be decorated to advantage. Place a bar counter or island with a modern design in this part of the room.

It is not at all necessary that their design be identical to the set: for example, facades and work surfaces can be decorated using artificial stone. Bar counters with chrome parts are also popular.

Complete the counter or island with high stools or colorful swivel chairs.

If you manage to find unusual models bar stools, you can emphasize the modern direction of kitchen design.

A table, if there is one in the kitchen, is better to choose one with a rectangular tabletop and rounded corners. The most popular furniture is with iron supports.

For the table, select chairs with a frame made of metal and plastic, upholstered in colored leather substitute. Almost all modern types of chairs will fit into such an interior: they can easily be turned into a colorful accent in the room.

Harmonious color solutions

One of the advantages of contemporary design is that it allows you to use almost any color. But we advise you to choose light shades - they will add visual spaciousness to the room.

Of the pastel colors, the following are the most successful:

  • light green;
  • delicate pink;
  • pale blue;
  • white.

The latter can be combined in any way you like to form a bright picture.

But it is important to remember that the design should also contain rich colors - they are used to place accents.

For example, you can decorate one wall in a more saturated or colorful color scheme, making it an accent, or placing compact furniture in the room that contrasts in color with the set.

In the design of a window opening or eating area, you can use orange, fiery red and rich blue shades.

Advice. If you have set yourself the task of completing kitchen interior in a contemporary direction that imitates eco-design, focus on natural tones: combine them with light colors, chocolate, emerald and gray.


Most often, the kitchen interior is decorated using artificial cladding. This is a budget solution. Do not forget that materials natural origin usually look massive in such rooms.

When choosing a finish, you need to take into account the practical properties of the materials, their service life, resistance to humidity, steam and other negative phenomena characteristic of the kitchen. The decoration should look simple and discreet.

The most commonly used flooring is laminate and parquet board. This flooring is easy to care for; it looks harmonious in any design thanks to its natural colors.

One more a good decision are self-leveling floors.

Many homeowners install tiles with neutral colors on the kitchen floor. If you want to highlight the beauty and natural cladding, make the floor out of stone.

You can make stone not only flooring, but also to decorate other surfaces in the room with it.

Countertops that imitate marble and granite textures are popular. But keep in mind that such materials weigh a lot and may look too bulky.

Ceiling decor should be simple. Give up beam floors made of wood, moldings and other intricate designs. Simply whitewash the ceiling surface or paint it a light color.

Stretch fabric is also appropriate in such an interior.

Tile the walls, hang monochrome wallpaper or paint them in a single color.

An accent wall can be decorated with stonework, brick, wood paneling or wallpaper that fits into the style.

Make a colorful accent in the area kitchen apron: lay out plain tiles in an unusual order or decorate this area with a skinny-type photo panel.

Additional decor

Despite its laconicism, a contemporary kitchen should have details that give it a cozy look. The easiest way to accomplish this task is through textiles.

Decorate the chairs with covers made of plain fabric or soft upholstery. In a similar range, choose curtains with a classic style.

Roller blinds and short curtains. Try decorating the window in the same palette as other areas of the room or, conversely, in bright colors to provide protection from the sun.

If you like minimalist decor, hang classic blinds on your windows. This design of the window area is functional and will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior, regardless of its color palette.

Another way to give your kitchen an elegant and bright look is to design lighting. It can be installed in the cooking area, on the ceiling or in wall niches.

Read about how it is recommended to choose: principles of choosing a color and shade palette for prosperity and family well-being.

You can find out the design features of a kitchen-living room in fusion style.

We present to your attention several more methods of adding brightness to the interior:

The main light sources in the contemporary interior of the kitchen will also perform a decorative function.

Give preference hanging models lamps that highlight the design and stand out against its background.

Look for chandeliers with original configurations and lighting fixtures that combine different materials.

The next photo shows another option original lamps, playing an accent role in the interior, with a futuristic design.

The non-standard configuration of lighting devices attracts attention, but thanks to the universal color scheme and simple design they harmonize well with other light sources.

Many people like to decorate their walls with paintings, photographs, decorative panels and posters - this option is inappropriate in contemporary art. But if you really want to, limit yourself to one painting, placing it on a free wall and choosing a palette so that you get a harmonious image.

Decorated in a contemporary style kitchen premises attract attention with abundance free space, they harmoniously combine colors and materials, and in general such interiors look easy. To create an atmosphere of comfort, you don’t have to be a professional designer.

Study the photo ready-made kitchens designed in contemporary style, watch a video on the topic and recreate this design in your home.


Photo gallery

I open my blog with an article about an interior style that is very popular in the world - contemporary. I myself love this style, and most of my interior projects are made in it. The illustrations for the article will be photos of the interior of my completed design project in 2014.

In Russia, many people call contemporary art differently: “ modern style in the interior". This is partly correct, because the definition of “contemporary” (from the English contemporary - “modern”) is applied to everything new in today’s design.

Interiors in contemporary style cannot be classified as traditional styles, citing historical eras. Rather, they meet modern requirements for comfort, simplicity, functionality and accessibility. Italians call it “moderno” for its commitment to new ideas and technologies.

The main features of the contemporary style:

  • convenience, simplicity, functionality and accessibility;
  • ease of layout, interchangeability of interior items;
  • proportional lines, elements of various ethnic and classical forms;
  • built-in wardrobes, various racks and shelves, mass-produced furniture.

Contemporary style interiors are always eclectic. After all, in essence, all modern design is harmonious union various directions and fashion trends. Contemporary art often perfectly combines minimalism, new classic, art deco, country; eco-decor elements are wonderfully combined with futuristic high-tech furniture and luxurious works of contemporary art; against the backdrop of expensive ultra modern materials Individual pieces of furniture from Ikea look great. In modern design there are no rules and frameworks, there is only harmony, functionality and comfort.

Color spectrum

The basic palette in the contemporary style is a neutral color scheme: black, white, shades of gray, beige, brown. Neutral colors create an ideal basis for bright accents - furniture, textiles, decor, paintings and posters that are unusual in shape, texture and color.

The walls, as a rule, are painted in light colors or covered with simple wallpaper without a pattern. An option is when the wall is painted in a complex color to highlight the light paintings with this background.

The floor is light-colored tiles or wood in natural shades.

Simple lines and shapes

Smooth shapes and clean lines are one of the main features of a contemporary style interior. It is reflected in the clear geometry of the ceilings and walls, in simple design windows, furniture and decor of laconic forms.

Free space

Less is more. This classic principle of minimalism is reflected in the contemporary style. Maximum air, natural light and free space - an indispensable condition such an interior.

Maximum functionality

To maintain a sense of freedom and spaciousness, built-in cabinets and shelving are widely used, niches are designed, and equipment is hidden behind sliding structures. Everything that catches your eye is hidden behind doors that are invisible against the background of the walls. Only laconic, carefully selected decorative items are visible.

Combination of textures

Glossy surfaces (glass, tiles, marble, acrylic, chrome, steel, varnish) are combined with matte materials (wood, stone, natural fabrics). Smooth surfaces are combined with voluminous ones, artificial materials with natural ones.

Natural materials

Contemporary style incorporates everything latest trends modern interiors, and eco-design is one of its key features. Natural wood, stone, marble are widely used in finishing walls and floors, creating furniture and decor. Natural fabrics (linen, cotton, wool, silk) ideally complement elements made from ultra-modern artificial materials. Sea pebbles, rattan, skins and fur, raw stone and wood - everything that takes us back to the origins of nature fits perfectly into a contemporary style interior.

Contemporary style furniture

Smooth geometric shapes and simple lines. Upholstered furniture, as a rule, is light in color without any pretentious decoration, low, and smooth in shape. Armchairs, chairs, poufs - rich colors to create accents in a neutral interior.

Many furnishings are made of glass, plastic, acrylic to create a feeling of weightlessness and spaciousness. It is possible to combine furniture of different styles, but it is necessary to preserve the basic principles of the style.

Everyone will find something familiar and comfortable for themselves in the contemporary style. Love yourself and appreciate your comfort. Don’t skimp on a specialist, trust your comfort to professionals, friends!

Translated from English, “contemporary” means current, modern, but it can safely be called a “timeless” interior. It originated in the mid-20th century and has not lost its relevance over time.

Contemporary is not exactly an interior style. Rather, this is an option for decorating a living or working space into which elements of classics, modernism, romanticism, ethnicity and any other style will organically fit. The basis for its appearance was minimalism and Scandinavian style.

A little history

In the middle of the last century, the middle class lived in small individual apartments and communal housing. The decor was restrained and even modest, the furniture was mass-produced, and the decor was something that could be purchased.

As a result, the contemporary style in the interior of the apartment began to embody a laconic furnishings with interior items in different styles.

Another factor that contributed to the formation of the direction is the active promotion of designers’ ideas to create a practical, spacious and inexpensive furniture, designed for the masses.

At the end of the last century, such furniture was in many apartments in different countries peace. A striking example is the walls for the living room.

Is the style popular today?

Contemporary (interior style) remains popular today, as it allows you to combine modern furniture with household items in different styles and even from other eras.

Our experts believe that the direction has every prospect of remaining popular for a long time. This is also facilitated by the fact that there will always be a wide range of current, fashionable furniture and a variety of decor.

  • Eclecticism

The genre also implies a combination of objects and decor from different eras that have different meanings. But in eclecticism there are no boundaries, what can be modern and what can be from another era.

For example, antique furniture will be combined with modern finishing. Apartment design in contemporary style involves a combination of modern furniture and decorative and household items from past eras.

There is also a significant difference in the period of origin of the directions. Eclecticism appeared much earlier - the first features were visible back in Ancient Rome, and the peak of popularity was in the 19th century.

  • Fusion

A mixture of styles is also provided, but always in such a way that the environment is perceived as a single whole. Even if they mix completely different cultures- African decor can coexist with Provençal furniture or complement high-tech finishing.

The difference between the directions is that contemporary is not characterized by pronounced contrasts or outdated furniture with limited practicality. The difference is in the period of origin. Fusion appeared a little later - in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century.

  • Scandinavian style

It, like the direction under consideration, provides for simplicity, conciseness and the presence of functional furniture.

However, the Scandinavian style is characterized by a predominance white and cool shades. The decor is minimal, without exotic elements. The Scandinavian style arose a little earlier - in the 30s of the 20th century.

Ideas and features of contemporary art

  • Modern contemporary art does not strictly adhere to the rules of any era.
  • For furnishing an apartment in a contemporary style, dwellings in ordinary panel houses are perfect.
  • Free space. Where possible, partitions and walls are not made.
  • Functional furniture of mass production.
  • Simple and uncluttered furnishings.
  • Predominance light shades, coffee, brown, white. Bright inclusions in the form of furniture or decorative elements are acceptable.
  • Contemporary design involves simple and regular shapes and lines.
  • Decor in the form of paintings, photographs and souvenirs does not become the center of attention in the room, but only gives it coziness. It should not clutter up the space or interfere with a comfortable pastime.
  • The furniture is mostly folding and roomy - cabinets, walls, folding sofas.
  • The windows have blinds, light tulle, or curtains.
  • A living room in contemporary style will be complemented by a spacious wall, which can be along the entire wall.
  • In a contemporary style bedroom, make the predominance of cream and coffee shades. You can decorate your bedroom in such a way that you can change its appearance without much difficulty.
  • The contemporary style in the kitchen interior is emphasized by a mass-produced kitchen set with a glossy or matte finish.


Interior design in contemporary style will always be relevant and in demand. It harmoniously combines simplicity and comfort, modernity and tribute to other eras.

Our gallery presents more than 4,000 photos of implemented design projects, including those in contemporary style. After reviewing our work, you can choose the option that suits you or get inspired to create a new idea!

Coziness and comfort traditional design interior design combined with the use of modern materials and innovative solutions - all this is characteristic of the contemporary style. This style provides ample opportunities in the freedom to choose furniture, accessories, colors and other components of design art; there are practically no restrictions or prohibitions in it.

Characteristic features of contemporary style

Restraint with bright accents is the main feature of contemporary art

Contemporary style is a relatively inexpensive pleasure with simultaneous simplicity, functionality and restraint in design. This type of room design can be regarded as something between a classic style and minimalism. This style is suitable for both apartments and offices.

Modern contemporary began to gain popularity in the twentieth century, and arose as a result of people's desire to combine the novelty of furniture with classical styles such as Baroque, Art Nouveau and Rococo.

The word "contemporary" translated from in English– “modern”, and this reflects the whole essence of the style. The absence of strict boundaries and enormous scope for imagination attract many professionals to bring their vision of a modern interior to life.

Contemporary art is characterized by:

  • simple forms;
  • straight lines;
  • laconic furniture;
  • geometric print;
  • variety of accessories;
  • Availability decorative elements in a discreet way.

The contemporary style is often used by designers as a basis for other, more “pretentious” styles - ethno, pop art, etc.

When creating interiors in contemporary style, designers use division into zones. To zone rooms, you can use light curtains, portable screens, furniture elements, bar counters, stationary partitions. All this provides ample opportunities to use one room in for different purposes: living room and kitchen, working and sleeping space, dining room and reception area.

Color solution

Calm and delicate colors are usually diluted with bright and catchy shades

Loyalty in the choice of colors is an essential principle of contemporary style. With all the freedom in color schemes, you can rely on the advice of experienced room design specialists:

  1. Don't be afraid of radically opposite combinations: light walls and dark plain furniture. Dark brown or marsh-colored furniture will look very organic against the background of beige or milky walls.
  2. Don't neglect the floor and ceiling in light colors. To decorate them you can use colors following colors: white, gray, cream, sand, ivory.
  3. Accessories that require attention are best purchased with bright colors. Saturated, catchy colors of vases, paintings, carpets, bedspreads and other items will help place the right accent in color perception premises.
  4. Don't just use light neutrals. For example, black color in the design of walls and furniture will not go beyond this style.

The color of the interior in the contemporary style sets everyone in this room in a balanced and calm mood. You can add bright accents to the monotony of colors, but they should not take up large area. Small animal skins (zebra, leopard, tiger), non-pale pillows that attract the attention of the vase will be very organic.

Furniture selection

The functionality of each type of furniture is the dominant principle of style

Contemporary style involves choosing simple, unpretentious furniture made from inexpensive wood, MDF, glass, plastic, and metal.

Simplicity and functionality are the main characteristics of furniture for interiors in contemporary style. Easy transformation of furniture from one position to another is another characteristic indicator of this style. Folding tables, sofas that quickly turn into comfortable and suitable for a certain situation.

For a storage closet for clothes and other items, it is best to opt for built-in options. For upholstered furniture Streamlined shapes and smooth lines are acceptable. The upholstery of upholstered furniture is smooth, with the possibility of using geometric patterns, the finishing is laconic, monochromatic.

The main tasks that furniture solves in a contemporary room are ergonomics and functionality. This is easy to deal with:

  • wardrobes;
  • transforming tables;
  • folding and bunk beds;
  • modular type walls;
  • built-in cabinets and shelves, etc.


The latest innovative household appliances will not look out of place in this style of interior. This is especially true for kitchen design, where in modern reality it is impossible to do without household helpers. Washing, dishwashers, the stoves can be conveniently located inside the built-in cabinet and not spoil the overall perception of the place for cooking and eating food.

Computers after work and chatting on Skype or social networks, TVs after watching your favorite programs can be “hidden” in a built-in closet or a sliding panel of a wall-module. Stylish watches equipped with the most modern electronics will become an original design solution that can combine beauty and convenience.

Placement of accents

A catchy and bright partition separating the living room and dining room is the very accent that should be present in the interior

The essence of the contemporary style can be reduced to the skillful inclusion of classical elements into minimalism:

  1. Plastic chairs, roller blinds on the windows, furniture without handles + rich chandelier.
  2. Modular walls + bright pillows on the sofa.
  3. Built-in wardrobes + geometric print carpets, etc.

Multilayer curtains, elaborate lambrequins, and heavy fabrics are not suitable for windows in contemporary style rooms. Roman blinds, roller blinds, roller blinds, and thin tulle fabrics fit best into this style.

An excellent accent for such interior design is the use decorative items discreet and simple in shape: round vases, paintings and photographs without frames, square fruit plates, etc.

Lighting plays an important role. Favorite design move for contemporary style - hidden lighting that helps to emphasize important interior items. Acceptable use large quantity candles of the correct shape.


The textures of the materials used represent a wide range of modern innovations and traditional natural surfaces. The main requirement when choosing materials is high quality. Laminate or single-color carpeting is used for the floor. The walls are finished with plaster and light-colored wallpaper without patterns. Suspended white ceilings are most often used for the upper part of rooms.

Designers who design rooms in a contemporary style prioritize artificial materials. But natural interior components are not prohibited: wood, stone, marble, granite, rattan, fur, sea pebbles, etc.

Design solutions in the interior

The versatility of the contemporary style allows it to be used in various rooms. Decoration in this style looks natural in the living room, bedroom, kitchen and even in the children's room.

Living room

Comfort - key moment to create a contemporary living room. Light, unweighted windows that can let in as much light as possible into the room. Curtains made of lightweight materials in light colors.

Color scheme - white, pastel colors Small bright accents like pillows on the sofa are allowed. The black and white version of the living room design looks good; you can consider gray shades with the addition of bright red accessories.

Do not forget that decorative elements are used to a minimum.

It is acceptable to use glass elements - a table, curtains made of glass beads. The use of this material will add lightness and airiness to the chosen interior style.

Photo gallery: living room decoration

Large bright windows, a minimum of furniture, a deep-pile carpet, a predominance of white - all this is designed in a contemporary style
Minimalism in interior design is “diluted” with pillows with geometric patterns and a carpet with bright patterns
Gray-brown color, closed furniture, animal skin on the floor - everything reflects the contemporary style
Neutral tones the rooms are in harmony with the figurine and bright paintings


Easy to recuperate after working day, relax and fall asleep restful sleep Contemporary in the bedroom. Absence bright colors and catchy accents will help you quickly switch from stressful work to relaxation.

A sliding wardrobe is the optimal container for clothes, bedding and other household items. Visual changes in spatial volumes can be achieved by choosing a mirror version of this comfortable furniture. The use of curtains will allow you to “raise” low ceilings. vertical stripe. Spaciousness and comfort are desirable when choosing a contemporary style for the bedroom.

Photo gallery: contemporary in the bedroom

The contemporary style is fully embodied in this bedroom - in the color scheme, choice of furniture, lighting, decorative elements
Bright accents in the form of photographs on the walls and an ornate chandelier help not to perceive this option as boring and uninteresting
All bedroom design elements contribute to the attractiveness of the style.
Calmness and comfort are the main characteristics of a bedroom in this style


In addition to the pastel palette of the walls, ceiling and floor, you can add bright spots of toy-type furniture to the interior of a children's room - a crib, cabinets, a place for games. Of course, there shouldn’t be a lot of bright and catchy things in such a room, but this is not a drawback. - Contemporary style will attract both parents and children with its functionality. The predominance of white color will give a feeling of space and freedom, which is so necessary for children.

A youthful, fresh and bright room that you can’t tell it belongs to an adult

Children who have started school will be more focused on their studies in such a room. For teenagers striving for adulthood, the absence of childish colors on the wallpaper, plenty of shelves and convenient closed cabinets that will hide “ creative chaos" of a young creature.

Soft carpeting will appeal to all children - both small and large - because they love to lie on the floor, playing or spending time reading or using a tablet.

Comfort and functionality can be seen in this design of a children's room.


If space allows, then the kitchen in such an interior is combined with the living room, separated by a bar counter. To designate zones you can use and different coatings on the floor, and ceiling structures, and glass curtains. Built-in appliances in a kitchen decorated in this style are a must. There is nothing superfluous, only what has practical value.

Kitchen lighting can be divided into general and local lighting - kitchen table, work surface, built-in technology. Smooth and Smooth surface furniture, built-in kitchen sets - characteristic features applications in contemporary style kitchens. It is better to replace the curtains on the windows with blinds - it is practical and functional.

Cabinets with glass doors and glass tables are chosen by designers working to recreate the contemporary style. For example, the combination white color and pine colors - quite suitable for decoration in this theme. And the dark floor will be practical, while at the same time harmonizing with the ceiling, lighting fixtures, white dishes.

Built-in appliances, closed cabinets, straight lines and uncluttered space - all this is in the spirit of contemporary art. Jars of pickles, seasonings and fruits can serve as eye-catching spots.

Photo gallery: design solutions for the kitchen

Kitchen and living room are combined into one color scheme. Built-in appliances are hidden in the furniture set
The brown and white kitchen design palette looks organic in combination with a zebra-like carpet on the floor and red glasses of unusual shape.
Cooking and eating in such a kitchen is pleasant and not boring

The contemporary style is suitable for decorating any premises, does not require large expenses, and gives scope for imagination in coming up with and implementing ideas that fit within the framework of this style. Straight lines, plenty of space, functionality, practicality - all this is acceptable when choosing a contemporary style.