Frame cottages with attic and garage. Projects of houses and cottages with an attic and a garage. Roofing materials

The best way. A built-in technical room has a number of advantages over a free-standing structure. Firstly, the costs of its construction are much lower. Secondly, the garage, which is part of the house, is convenient for everyday use, especially in the cold season. There is no need to go outside to get to the car.

A variety of designs for houses with an attic and a garage are offered by architectural bureaus and other specialized organizations. The main advantage of such housing is the fullest use of the entire internal space of the building. With relatively small external dimensions, houses of this layout have everything you need. There are a great variety of options for locating residential and office premises.

Project of a house with a garage and an attic in the chalet style

The garage box can be placed in a space located along one of the walls of the cottage under the same roof as it. Another option: the technical room can serve as the basis for living rooms attic floor. Common to all such projects is the distribution of premises into levels according to their functions.

First floor plan of a house with garage and attic

On the ground floor there is usually a kitchen, dining room, living room, WC, on the second: bedrooms and bathrooms.

Attic floor plan

Single-level residential buildings with garage boxes

Finished projects one-story houses with a garage are extremely popular among the population of our country. Their main advantage: ease of implementation and, as a consequence, relatively low cost. One-story buildings have less weight, which helps reduce the load on the foundation and soil. This circumstance makes it possible to make do with bases that are lightened to a certain level.

When all rooms are located on the same level, there is no need for expensive staircases. As a result, the entire usable area of ​​the house can be used more efficiently. Layout of premises for various purposes is developed in such a way that between living rooms and a garage there were kitchens and bathrooms. This approach minimizes Negative influence from the neighborhood with a garage box.

An example of the layout and location of premises in one-story house with garage

Multi-level houses with a garage: design options

Limited sizes land plots It is not always possible to place housing whose area would be sufficient to comfortably accommodate the whole family. Various projects two-story houses with garage - a great opportunity to resolve this problem. While maintaining the external dimensions of the building, its internal space is at least doubled.

There are different layout schemes for multi-level buildings. For the most part, they relate primarily to the location of the garage box. Logic dictates the need to place technical rooms on the lower floors of houses. Built-in garages can be located either at ground level or below it in the basement. Such projects are extremely popular among the population and provide an opportunity to build decent housing on a small site.

Two-level houses with a garage in ground floor– one of the most popular execution options.

Boxing and office premises: the boiler room, kitchen, bathroom, and living room serve as the basis for the bedrooms, children's and bathrooms located above.

Example standard layout houses with a garage in the basement

The movement of people between levels is carried out by. There are many options here: from simple straight flights installed in separate rooms to original screw structures.

There are many architectural solutions implemented in . As an option: a covered terrace can be located on the garage box, which is used in the warm season. Open architectural element gives the house a certain charm and makes it light and airy. The terrace area is used mainly for relaxing, eating and drinking tea.

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Project of a two-story house with a garage and a terrace located above it

Specialized bureaus offer ready-made projects and also develop individual projects. Usually, during preliminary negotiations, the client is shown standard designs that are most suitable in terms of characteristics to the customer’s requirements. Serious organizations have dozens and even hundreds of ready-made projects, which, for convenience, are compiled into catalogs or collections with sonorous names.

In multi-level residential buildings garage boxes can be placed below ground level in the basement.

The construction of such houses is usually carried out in order to full use allocated area with restrictions on overall height. Project of a separate dwelling with a garage located in basement, fits perfectly into the complex terrain of the site, for example, on a hillside.

Project of a house with a garage in the basement, located on a slope

Particular attention during the process construction work it is necessary to pay attention to waterproofing. The project includes a set of measures aimed at creating drainage system and applying coatings to walls that prevent moisture penetration. In recessed garage spaces it is necessary to provide effective system ventilation. Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity conditions is necessary to ensure the safety of the car.

Specifics of houses equipped with a garage made of different materials

Construction technologies involve the use of materials with different properties and characteristics. One of the most affordable and therefore attractive for the client are wooden houses with a garage made of profiled timber or rounded logs. Lumber natural humidity create in interior spaces a special microclimate that promotes the preservation and maintenance of health.

Many companies offer services for the construction of wooden houses. When choosing a contractor, preference is given to those enterprises that have their own modern production. with built-in garage boxes can be either standard or developed in accordance with the wishes of the customer. The building material allows the construction of a single-level or multi-story comfortable dwelling.

Example of a two-story project wooden house with garage

Original designs of houses with a garage made of solid or laminated timber are varied in architectural solutions. The choice can be made from among ready-made developments or place an order for individual design. Technical task in this case, it is formed based on the wishes of the customer and taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.

It has a number of features. Manufacturing complete set parts are produced at a woodworking plant. Modern high-precision equipment allows us to produce elements with necessary tolerances. In parallel with the production of the assembly kit, the preparation of the base is carried out: strip or slab. The assembly process on a finished foundation takes little time.

Another option for using wood in individual housing construction: . This technology has long been successfully used in developed countries Scandinavia, North America and Europe. Projects in Russia frame houses with a garage are becoming increasingly popular. The explanation is simple: in comparison with other construction methods, this is the most inexpensive.

The frame structure is supplied as an industrial assembly kit. The low weight of such buildings allows the use of lightweight, and therefore inexpensive, foundations. Wide Application received columnar and pile-grillage foundations. Support frames are made from rectangular timber of different sections and are reinforced with steel plates at the joints. carried out with mineral fiber mats or polystyrene foam.

In addition to wood, traditional and innovative materials. We are talking about bricks and blocks produced different ways. One- and two-story houses with a garage made of foam blocks have proven themselves excellent in our country, especially in the northern latitudes. Energy saving in such buildings is taken to a whole new level.

Project of a two-story house with a garage made of foam blocks

The material has sufficient strength combined with a relatively low specific gravity. Foam block is used for the construction load-bearing walls and partitions of both one- and two-level houses. At the same time, the maximum load on the foundations of such buildings is much lower. There is an opportunity to save materials and overall reduce financial and labor costs during construction.

Projects of brick houses and cottages with a garage can be classified as classic. Due to the nature of the technology and high costs manual labor Such buildings turn out to be quite expensive. Architectural bureaus and other similar organizations offer this material and develop custom documentation. This process is quite complicated, but the use of special software allows it to be intensified.

Neat houses with a living room under the roof are quite common. This is suitable for those who want to make the most of every centimeter of their space. In addition, such a device is much cheaper than building a second floor. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage look more advantageous. These cottages are very comfortable to live in.

Number of floors in own home, most often associated with the size of the site. Small area compensated by the number of floors of the building. A garage located on the lower level, or attached to the side, will save even more space. Access to the car will be easy. The car will not rust and will start easily in cold weather. The door can be made from a corridor or utility room. Such a garage is convenient as a workshop and for storing large items.

Outbuildings are located along “blank” walls. The bedroom windows are on the end parts of the building. This will make the rooms brighter. The entrance to the cottage can be made from the end. Like the front location, this will save space and add a veranda or high porch. Even two-story houses 8 by 8 do not look very massive from the outside, but with the right internal layout, will be quite spacious. It is better to enter the garage from the porch. This house plan will also be relevant for narrow areas.

Advice! Entrance door with a vestibule will be an obstacle to the penetration of exhaust gases into the house.

The possibility of connecting all communications should be thought out before the construction itself. If you are reconstructing a house, then all systems will be installed from the ground floor. Living green hedges, trellises, and forged arches will help divide the area into zones. The space will not seem cramped, and at the same time it will be divided into functional zones.

Project options for one-story houses with an attic and garage

Having large territory for construction, you can pay attention to the projects of houses 10 by 10 with an attic and a garage. They are almost always one-story, made of wood, block or brick. Their design is simpler and less expensive. The typical design of such a house is adapted to the characteristics of the soil and area of ​​residence. At the request of the customer, both minor and more serious changes can be made.

If you have small children, consider the project one-story house with attic and garage. Its advantage is ease of movement. The stairs to the attic will not make it difficult to climb. It will connect the upper tier with the lower one and become interesting element interior It is better to abandon screw and folding types. They are not very convenient for private use. The best and safest option is marching staircase with fencing. You can install the structure yourself. There are special formulas for calculating the most correct ratio of the width and height of steps. The tree will the best material for the steps, and metal for the frame of the structure. Even if in your plans small house with a garage and attic, the staircase should not be less than a meter wide. Also make sure it is well lit. This will make climbing into the attic safe.

Important! When planning a house project with an attic and a garage, immediately approve the plan for the staircase space.

Interior arrangement

If you are planning to make an attic from an attic, then you need to calculate all the loads on the first floor. It would be correct to further strengthen the walls. Do not overload the top of the structure. A layout of several rooms or zones is acceptable. For partitions, for example, you can take drywall. Choose lightweight materials for roofing and wall decoration. Under the roof you can arrange cozy children's rooms or bedrooms. Some people prefer to use the attic as a workshop, billiard room or even a sauna.
Since the room under the roof will be subject to temperature changes, take care of good thermal insulation.
Installation will be quite expensive window openings on inclined plane. But the result will make you forget these difficulties. Big windows they will give you good daylight during the day, and at night you can easily admire the starry sky.

Roof configuration

A lot depends on the exact shape of the roof. For example, gable roof will give a little more than 60% of the area of ​​the first floor. The structure of the “broken” roof is 90% of the base of the house. But if you raise the roof by 1.5 meters, then you will get 100% new useful meters. Taking this into account individual projects small houses, you will achieve optimal results.

Advice. A larger roof angle will visually make the room more spacious.

Roofing materials

New attic houses with a garage can be seen with metal tiles or bitumen shingles on the roof. The latter option has the advantage of good level soundproofing. , even with the use of additional lining, will not protect against street sounds. Ceramic tiles, which has a lot of advantages, is not available to everyone due to its high cost.

Variety of styles and trends

Typically, projects of houses with an attic and a garage are made in modern style. The so-called art deco does not require compliance with any canons. There is absolute freedom in choosing materials for construction and finishing elements.

The main types of modern style:

  • Functionalism (the presence of large glass surfaces, the roofs are most often flat, there are no excesses in the decoration of the facade and small elements)
  • Minimalism (observance of a single color range, ease of implementation, but at the same time maximum functionality)

Avant-garde, high-tech and deconstructionism have only recently begun to gain popularity. Buildings in eco-tech style look very interesting and unusual. Where in the forms of the house there are parts of the living landscape.

Country houses repeat their appearance traditional housing in the provinces different countries peace. Italian classics with terraces and wide shutters on the windows look very impressive. Log chalet buildings, brick facades English style- exquisite and unique.

What exactly your project of a house with an attic will be is up to you to choose. Colorful photos and plans from catalogs on websites should inspire you to make the right decision.

A cottage with an attic, complemented by a built-in garage, is a synthesis of the maximum functionality of a home with the economy of its construction and further residence. "Domamo" will offer you the development of buildings of this type - in the catalog of projects of houses with an attic and a garage there are dozens of options with photos, the ability to preview characteristics and layout drawings.

Advantages and disadvantages of attic houses with a garage

Projects attic houses with a garage are extremely popular in the suburban areas of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. They are valued due to the placement of a spacious cottage in a small area plot of land, as well as the advantageous proximity of a weather-protected car. This gives the owner of the estate the mobility necessary to modern man. Such housing is also characterized by the following important qualities:

  • Insulation of the upper rooms from cold and wind by roof slopes, under which bedrooms and children's rooms,
  • Savings on construction additional walls and floors necessary for full two-story house and a separate garage,
  • Possibility of installing a single heating system for the living area and a warm room for the car,
  • Usage various materials, many options for layout and exterior decoration.

However, when choosing such housing, you should remember that the attic above one-story buildings has a slightly smaller area than a full second floor. When building a garage into a house, also pay attention to which rooms share partitions with it. Such a neighborhood will negatively affect the microclimate of bedrooms and guest rooms, where extraneous sounds and gases can penetrate.

Designing a house with an attic and a garage

Cottage mansard type with a garage complex is quite complex design, requiring the mandatory participation of specialists at the design stage. The Domamo catalog already contains finished works, the results of which can be seen in the drawings and photographs. You can find the project you need using the advanced filter by entering in the search yourself:

  • Number of storeys of the future building,
  • Materials of walls, ceilings, roofing, external cladding, etc.,
  • Area and composition of premises,
  • Dimensions and functionality of the technical area (garage for one or more cars, etc.),
  • Availability of balconies, terraces, additional equipment and much more.

If there is a need to expand the house, then developers, as a rule, consider two options.

The first is the addition of additional premises. But, placed outside the perimeter of the load-bearing walls, they can only serve as utility or auxiliary ones.

The second option is more acceptable. It's about about additional square meters due to the reconstruction of the second floor. In this case, the design of a house with an attic is the most best option. By insulating the roof, you can get additional full-fledged living and utility rooms.

How functional and economically justified is it? Let's try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Projects of houses with an attic: “for”

  • Such housing will save on building area. That is, it is logical to build a house with an attic on a small plot of land.
  • In question rational use total area of ​​the building, house designs with attic room benefits compared to one-story and even two-story buildings, in which attic space not used rationally.
  • The second floor of the house and the attic differ in terms of financial costs. IN classic version the attic is a more economical option. If to equip a full second floor you will need brick, concrete, timber, insulation, materials for exterior finishing, then the attic equipment is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans a warm attic, then insulation costs will be added. Only in this case can you get both a residential floor and a roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 usable area houses with an attic are significantly lower compared to other projects.
  • Besides, warm air it rises from the lower rooms, which makes heating the attic floor less expensive. We can confidently talk about a reduction in fuel and electricity consumption, and, consequently, about savings in the operation of a ready-made building.

Projects of houses with an attic: “against”

  • Some experts argue that the main disadvantage of house designs with an attic is their poor lighting. We are sure that this minus is conditional. The problem can be solved very simply by skylights. In addition, through them much more light enters the room than through vertical windows. Of course, attic double-glazed windows are not a cheap pleasure. But with the funds saved during construction, you can afford a comfortable organization Everyday life. In addition, there is always the opportunity to design windows and even balconies in the gables.
  • The second drawback of house designs with an attic can also be considered conditional. It is believed that sloping ceilings cause depression among the residents of the house. But competent organization and design of premises can easily eliminate this contradiction.

We draw conclusions from the above

The rapid development of the new real estate market has brought projects of houses with an attic and a garage to the forefront of private construction. The versatility of the structure, combined with the cost-saving factor, provides it with well-deserved popularity among wide circles of the population. The advantages of a cottage with a garage and an attic and design features will be discussed further.

Distinctive features of a house with a garage and attic

Use space rationally small area The design of the building with the attic helps. Practical solution ensures expansion of living space without reduction of land. The presence of personal vehicles gives rise to another popular technique for saving free space - choosing a house design with a garage.

Such a solution is accompanied by many advantages:

  • Combining the two functional zones reduces project and construction costs. This is largely facilitated by a single main wall and part of the foundation.
  • Saving garage heating costs. The close proximity of housing ensures that a comfortable temperature is maintained.
  • Arranging an internal entrance allows you to move from a house with an attic to a garage without going outside. This is especially true during periods of bad weather.
  • The design of a compact structure allows you to effectively save free space land plot.

The combination of these factors is favorable ground for the development various projects houses with a mansard roof and a garage, which take into account all the nuances of construction.

Key design points

Before you choose standard project or do individual order, it is necessary to decide on a set key points. In addition to the attractive exterior of the building, the following points deserve attention:

  • main construction material;
  • combination with the surrounding landscape design;
  • orientation to the outlines of the site;
  • the need for the number of floors;
  • roof structure;
  • internal layout.

Plans are drawn up by a team of specialists consisting of architects, engineers, and designers. This allows you to eliminate technical errors and inaccuracies in calculations in the project.


Houses with an attic and a garage are being built from various materials:

  • bricks;
  • foam blocks or aerated concrete;
  • wooden beam;
  • with wooden frame.

There are advantages and disadvantages in each option.

Project brick house with an attic, complemented by a garage - this is a classic of the genre. Pros:

  • durability;
  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • retains heat well.

But the construction of brick housing with an attic and a garage requires serious investment and duration of construction work. Therefore, it is useful for the majority of the population to study less expensive projects, for example, a house made of foam blocks or aerated concrete. The advantages of choice are obvious: while saving all positive qualities brick buildings, cottages made of aerated concrete blocks are built much faster. This simplifies the process of interior finishing.

Housing projects with a garage and an attic, made of timber or on the basis of wooden frame. Among the advantages are high rates of construction and relatively low material costs.

Comment! The choice of material is influenced by climate zone and soil characteristics. The company developing the project must take these factors into account and bring them to the attention of the customer.

Correspondence between the size of the plot and the outline of the house

The need for a large living space with a modest plot size forces us to turn to the design of a two-story cottage with an attic, complemented by a garage. But not everyone is attracted to daily trips up and down stairs. The presence of elderly people in the house or those with mobility restrictions encourages consideration of an attic and a garage.

Plans for narrow areas have special features. In such a situation, it is better to choose the option with one blank wall, that is, in the complete absence of windows and doors. This will make it possible to build a cottage with an attic in close proximity to the border of the site. Buildings for household needs are located along the longitudinal walls.

The layout of the house involves arranging the living room and bedrooms along the ends of the building, this will ensure maximum natural light in the rooms, including the attic area. The entrance is planned from the end or pediment. The garage design also provides for a pediment location.

Advice! The presence of a busy highway nearby forces you to take care of an additional green fence for the porch or terrace; this will reduce noise and reduce dust flows.

Before starting to draw up a project for a cottage with a garage and an attic, they think about the laying engineering communications: provision of lighting, gas, water and wastewater disposal.

Choosing a roof shape

The roof design has a significant impact on the expansion of living space due to the attic equipment. A comfortable stay in the attic is possible with a room height of 2.5 m. A design with a lower roof creates inconvenience when moving, excessive high ceilings increase the construction estimate and further costs for heating a cottage with a garage and an attic.

Roofing has several solutions:

  • Embedded in the project gable roof will allow you to fully utilize 2/3 of the attic area.
  • If you choose a project for a cottage with a garage, where the shape of the roof has a broken structure, 90% of the attic area will be at your disposal.
  • For convenient operation in the attic space, the roof height is raised by at least 1.5 m.

The roof of the garage can be integral with the roof of the house, but it is more practical to choose the option when top part The garage serves as the basis for the attic terrace.

Internal layout

The internal layout is made taking into account all the wishes of the customer. The number and purpose of rooms and the arrangement of the attic directly depend on the composition of the family and the preferences of the owners. Special attention In a housing project with an attic and a garage, two questions deserve to be addressed: the design of the stairs and the availability of access to the garage directly from the house.

Important! Comfortable and safe operation stairs is possible if the project complies with all ergonomic standards and requirements.

You should be prepared that comfortable lifting is ensured by a large angle of inclination, but this design takes up a lot of free space. The way out of this situation will be a project where a practical storage room, bookcase or other form of placement is provided under the stairs. household items. It is compact, but it is not very convenient. In addition to the shape, the width of the steps and the height of the tread matter. All this should be discussed before the project begins.

If you want to have an entrance to the garage directly from the house, you need to consider the presence of a vestibule in the project, which will prevent the smell of fuel and fuel from entering the cottage. carbon monoxide and also reduce noise levels. This solution will be especially appreciated by the owner of a house with a garage during bad weather. But the only entrance to the garage from the street eliminates many problems and is considered more rational. Which option to choose is up to the owner to decide.

Project options

The plan of a house with an attic has a lot of variations. It is practical to include in the project the arrangement of a veranda or terrace. The presence of a balcony will add cozy places for summer relaxation in the fresh air.

The following interesting projects deserve attention:

The projects under consideration were developed taking into account all SNiPs, but it is permissible to make changes to each of them at different levels:

Studying large quantity of various projects will help you choose the best option for your own housing construction with an attic and a garage. Professional companies will adapt a standard design to your region and give recommendations on the need to replace a particular item.