How are side doors made of MDF constructed, and what are their advantages? Types of interior doors made of MDF Show doors made of MDF

One of the most popular types of doors today are products made from MDF. What is it and what are the features of the material? This question becomes key when choosing a quality product, since among a wide range of models you can choose both truly worthwhile samples and those that are completely short-lived.

MDF is one of the most popular materials for manufacturing interior doors

Features of the material

First of all, let's look at what it is MDF material. The name stands for finely dispersed fraction. In other words, this fibreboard medium density, which consists of fine wood chips. Due to the effects of high temperature and strong pressure from the press, the raw material is compressed to form a dense and sufficiently strong material.

Today MDF is an excellent alternative to natural solid wood.

In order for the shavings to be tightly combined into the MDF layer, urea resins with the addition of melamine are additionally used as glue. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the amount of harmful emissions during heat treatment. Thus, the material is completely natural and safe. But unfortunately, some unscrupulous manufacturers, in their desire to save money, may use cheaper adhesives, which negatively affects safety. Nevertheless, such products are quite rare among MDF doors; this mainly concerns laminated chipboards.

Advantages and disadvantages

Today MDF is actively used in furniture production, finishing materials and including, door designs. Its widespread use can be explained by a whole list of advantages.

Advantages of products made from MDF:

  • Ease. Thanks to the material, it is possible to significantly lighten the door structure, which makes it possible to install such products even in the openings of thin partitions.
  • Strength. Despite the fact that MDF is essentially compressed chips, it is very durable and can withstand even targeted impacts. The thicker the sheet, the more pronounced this quality is.
  • Price. Compared to natural solid wood, the price of such products is much lower. In addition, in most cases the ratio of cost and quality is optimal. The specific price is set taking into account the external cladding.
  • Moisture resistance. Thanks to special additives, it is possible to achieve surface resistance to moisture in moderate quantities. The main role in this matter is played by surface treatment with decorative cladding.
  • Durability. The slab does not rot and does not lose its properties for many years. It is more difficult to restore than wood, but it is quite possible to disguise minor defects.
  • Wear resistance. Excellent resistance to external factors, including mechanical ones, such as scratches and rubbing.
  • Insulation. Quite different good performance sound insulation even with small thickness. MDF is also capable of retaining heat in a room.
  • Heat resistance. Some types of material are not afraid even of high temperatures. Thermal changes are also not terrible, up to severe frosts.

The main advantage of MDF doors is lightness

Despite all these positive characteristics, not all doors made from MDF can boast of such properties. It is worth noting that mainly the disadvantages regarding technical properties belong to cheap models of doors made of thin, low quality material.

Disadvantages of MDF products:

  • may ignite upon contact with sparks and fire;
  • at high humidity and direct contact with water they can swell and deteriorate;
  • thin slabs are easy to break;
  • thick doors with good coverage They are very expensive, comparable to natural wood.

Fabric structure

The cost of a door largely depends on its type and design. If we talk specifically about products made from MDF, it is worth distinguishing between panel and panel panels. It is necessary to disassemble the structure of each of them separately.


Very popular in panel doors. They look like a smooth, solid fabric. Of course, they can also have various decorative inserts, mainly made of glass. However, they have distinctive feature, associated primarily with internal filling. Such models consist of three main parts: frame frame, internal space filler and external cladding.

The frame is often made from solid pine timber. It is located around the perimeter and may have additional inserts for installing fittings. Two sheets of MDF are attached on top of this frame. To fill the hollow space of a door, two types of material are most often used: cardboard or hardboard. The filler has many cells, similar to a honeycomb, it allows you to maintain the lightness of the structure, but at the same time improves its strength and insulation properties. Such doors have a special name - masonite. In more expensive and quality models the interior is made exclusively of MDF. At the same time, the weight of the canvas increases significantly.

Design of modern frame-type panel doors with MDF panels


The second type of interior doors is paneled. In this case, the array frames the perimeter of the canvas, and can also be located in the middle in the form of vertical and horizontal inserts. This increases the strength of the door. MDF is also often glued on top of such a frame to make the coating uniform. The internal free cells are closed with panels. They can be made of glass or MDF. This design is completely collapsible and looks more interesting. Paneled MDF doors fit perfectly into a classic interior.

Structure of panel doors with veneered MDF

Types of coatings

The cost and quality indicators of a door made of MDF are also largely influenced by its outer covering. It plays far more than just a decorative role. Its functions include resistance to moisture, thermal factors, sunlight, mechanical stress, abrasion and other external influences.

There are several categories of materials that are most often used for cladding MDF doors:

  • Natural veneer . This is perhaps the most expensive type of cladding. It is a direct replacement for solid wood, as it is completely natural. To produce it, a thin section of wood is removed while preserving the texture. Subsequently, the coating is applied to the door under pressure using an adhesive base.
  • Eco-veneer This is a cheaper analogue. It is also called artificial veneer, although in fact it is also made from natural wood. In this case, a thin longitudinal section is removed from the rock and the layers are pressed with the addition of adhesives and resins. Then a cross section is made and the material becomes ready for use for finishing.
  • PVC film. Using polyvinyl chloride, you can give an MDF door almost any color, including applying a pattern. The film is applied by exposing it to high temperature under pressure in a special chamber. This way you can evenly cover canvases even with the most complex terrain. The cost of the material is relatively low, and PVC has the highest moisture resistance among all the samples described above.
  • Laminate. This is a kind of derivative material, similar to PVC film. Moreover, it consists of several layers: paper with decorative application pattern and top film protecting the base. The film can be made from different materials. The basis of the highest quality and most expensive is melamine. It gives the finish strength and wear resistance.
  • Enamel. For modern interiors, doors coated with paint, or rather high enamel, become simply irreplaceable. Here the palette is practically unlimited; shades can be mixed and form new tones. Application is carried out in several layers and then fixed protective layer.

In addition, the doors must be varnished. He is the one who plays nai higher value with surface resistance external factors and protects internal filling from destruction. The varnish also gives the product a more expensive look and completes the decorative composition.

Types of interior doors depending on the coating material

How to choose a quality MDF door

MDF doors The good thing is that they are available in almost any price category. Moreover, their cost is often directly related to quality. This is due to the fact that this indicator is influenced by the thickness of the material, the filling of the canvas, its configuration and external finishing.

In order to choose a good door, you should pay attention to several main groups of characteristics; they play a key role in this matter:

  1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the cladding material. This same factor is most often the basis when selecting a product design. Of course, veneer has the best appearance, but a high-quality substitute will look no worse. Even the film can have a normal appearance, provided that it is made from high-quality raw materials, and its gluing was carried out in strict compliance with the technology. In any case, the surface should not show any signs of poorly done work: bubbles, delamination, chips, etc.
  2. It is also very important that the edge at the end of the product fits firmly to it and completely covers the base material. It is better to give preference to a thick plastic edge than ordinary paper with glue, since some compounds, when heated, emit formaldehyde vapors, which have a detrimental effect on human health.
  3. The door lining must not only have good view, but also withstand external influences. Buy only those doors for which the manufacturer provides a guarantee. They must meet the declared properties of moisture resistance, wear resistance, etc.
  4. The next nuance is the insulating properties. When we're talking about Regarding interior doors, the question of the ability to retain heat is not so important; sound insulation is much more important here. Pay attention to the elements included in the kit along with the canvas. To achieve maximum effect, there must be sealing rubber bands for the box and thresholds.
  5. Sound insulation is also affected by the thickness of the canvas and filling. This point must be clarified in each case separately. For installation in load-bearing walls, and to achieve maximum insulating effect, solid MDF sheets are suitable. But for flimsy partitions it is not recommended to use too heavy a cloth. Opt for masonite doors. Plus they are much cheaper.

In any case, MDF doors are the best choice for any home. Thanks to its diversity in terms of models and price categories, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable option for themselves.

Surely everyone, during renovation or renovation of the interior of an apartment or house, has been faced with the question of which interior door to choose. Not everyone knows what it is - MDF doors?

The buyer certainly wants the purchased door leaf to be durable and beautiful in appearance, affordable and of high quality. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of doors from various materials for every taste, color and budget. MDF structures are considered one of the most popular.

Description of material

MDF is an abbreviation English words Medium Dencity Fiberboard, which translates as “medium density fiberboard.” Or you can decipher MDF as “fine fraction”. It is made from sawdust crushed to a powder state by pressing. The sawdust is glued together with a special compound under pressure and high temperature.

Using fabric from this material:

  • door production;
  • furniture manufacturing;
  • like MDF panel on iron door;
  • arrangement design solutions and decorative materials.

The breadth of application is due to the excellent qualities of the material, allowing for easy and quick processing of the product, and a guaranteed long service life.


Like any other material, MDF has its positive and negative sides. As advantages it is worth noting:


Now it’s clear what it is - MDF doors. Let's look at the disadvantages of the product:

  1. The material absorbs moisture and swells. It is because of this shortcoming that buyers sometimes refuse to buy a door and install it in the bathroom. In defense of the material, it is worth noting that high-quality fabric has a moisture resistance rating of 60%. Besides, good door the perimeter is treated with wax or paraffin, due to which the access of moisture to the MDF is limited.
  2. Fragility. Some door models only require cladding MDF panels, but they are hollow inside, so they can easily be broken with several powerful blows of the hand. Paneled and drawer door options are a one-piece structure; the strength of the door leaf is ensured by the pine timber located inside.

Fabric structure

MDF interior doors (photos presented in the article) have four main components:

  • canvas frame;
  • outer covering;
  • glass elements;
  • overlays.

The door base and outer covering, glass elements and trims are add-ons and may be missing. Panel and panel doors are the most popular.

The panel model is a solid or with decorative inserts canvas. It consists of a frame, internal filler and coating.

Panel doors are stronger and more expensive than panel doors, since they inner space fill horizontally or vertically located wooden inserts.

Covering: veneer, film

The quality of the canvas and its cost largely depend on the external coating. Most buyers believe that it has a purely decorative function, but this is not entirely true. The wear resistance of the fabric, its moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical stress, fading, abrasion and other external influences depend on the coating.

Having considered what it is - MDF doors, let's dwell on the difference between veneer or film coatings:

  1. Natural veneer is one of the most expensive facing materials, since it consists of 100% natural material and may well replace wood. To make a door covering, the thinnest section of wood is removed, on which the textured pattern is preserved. Then, using an adhesive base, it is applied to the canvas and covered with a protective layer.
  2. Eco-veneer is also made of wood, but is less expensive. This is due to the fact that during production, thin longitudinal sections are removed from wood, glued together under a press, and only then the cross section necessary to cover the canvas is made.
  3. Film. One of the main advantages of PVC film is the ability to give the door any color and decorative pattern. The canvas is installed in a special chamber, where the film is applied under the influence of pressure and temperature. It has better moisture resistance and low cost, but has less resistance to mechanical stress.

Types of coating: laminate, enamel, varnish

Apartment doors made of MDF can be covered with the following materials:

  1. Laminate has characteristics similar to film and consists of two layers. The first is decorative, the second is protective. More high-quality coating It contains a substance called melamine, thanks to which the finish is durable and wear-resistant.
  2. Enamel. IN modern interior Enameled doors are often used. It is applied to the canvas in several layers and finally fixed protective coating.
  3. Varnish is the final layer that protects the interior and outer surface from wear and destruction. In addition, it serves as a finishing touch to the production of the door and makes it more attractive.

How to choose a quality door?

The cost of an MDF door directly depends on its quality. This takes into account the thickness door leaf, coverage, filling and other indicators.

Selection tips:

  1. The edge around the perimeter of the product should fit snugly to the canvas.
  2. The door covering must be made of high-quality material.
  3. It’s good if the manufacturer gives a guarantee for their products.
  4. In addition to the door leaf, it is worth inspecting its components. If they have sealing rubber bands, a threshold and are professionally manufactured, then quality comes first for the manufacturer.
  5. The canvas should be free of chips, dents, scratches and bubbles.

Often buyers choose white MDF doors. This decision is explained by the fact that it is convenient to paint the canvas and give it the necessary design.

Required tools for installation

When a person has figured out what it is - MDF doors, and plans to install the structure of the house, then you need to have the necessary equipment on hand:

  1. Saw.
  2. Building level.
  3. Chisel.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Roulette.
  7. Hammer.
  8. Rectangle (ruler).
  9. Self-tapping screws.
  10. Pencil.

DIY installation

You can save time and money by installing the door yourself. This work is not the most difficult and can be done by a man who knows how to handle tools.

Installation of MDF doors is carried out in several stages:

  1. First of all, assemble the box on a flat horizontal surface. Two beams are installed at the bottom of the door and on top of it, which, as a rule, come complete.
  2. There should be a small gap of 3-5 mm wide between the timber and the door leaf. The top beam is cut at an angle of 90°, and then they begin to adjust the top strip. Measure its length, drill holes on the sides, and later the right and left beams will be screwed into them with self-tapping screws.
  3. Then the lower part of the box is fitted to the floor. A beam of the same size as the top bar is sawn off. Holes are drilled in the floor into which the threshold will later be attached using self-tapping screws.
  4. Next stage- marking the place where they will be attached door hinges. Professional installers recommend moving 20 cm up from the threshold and 20 cm down from the top bar. Using a chisel, indentations are made to “sink” the hinges. Holes for screws are pre-drilled in the extensions. Next, the hinges are screwed on.
  5. Since there are three types of door hinges: right, left and double, accordingly, the direction of door opening is taken into account during installation. Interior partition assumes the presence of two loops, before inserting them, marks are made on it with a knife along the perimeter of the loop.
  6. Using a chisel, holes are hollowed out for them. We attach the hinges to the door leaf with self-tapping screws. Now you can begin installing the entire frame; it is installed in the doorway and fixed. During installation, wedges are inserted every 50 cm.
  7. Next, the door is installed, while the vertical lines are checked using a plumb line. Having adjusted the door, they begin to fill the cracks and voids polyurethane foam. When it dries, cut off the excess with a sharp knife and begin framing it with platbands.
  8. The final stage is coating the door leaf with colorless varnish. This is an optional process and is optional. In order not to spoil the door, paint it carefully and slowly. It is best to cover it in two layers, each of which should be thin and without smudges, otherwise there is a possibility of the canvas swelling.

Making doors yourself is not such a rare occurrence, especially for interior openings. Owners of houses and apartments thus strive to give their homes individuality and emphasize the uniqueness of the interior. The material used for manufacturing can be plastic, metal, glass, solid wood, but most often they choose MDF. An environmentally friendly composite combines the advantages of natural and artificial materials, while being easy to process.

What is MDF

Medium density fiberboards, or fine fraction of MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), are made from powdered sawdust using pressing technology. Paraffin and lignin are used as binders. The sheet is formed at high temperature and pressure, organic resins polymerize, forming a durable monolith that is practically resistant to chemical influences.

Main advantages of MDF:

  • Dimensional stability under temperature changes. The material does not swell in a humid atmosphere and does not crack when overdried. When the heating is turned on and off, the door will not jam in the opening.
  • Environmental friendliness. MDF boards do not have a strong odor and do not emit harmful compounds into the environment. The material is safe for people and pets.
  • Wide range of colors. There are painted and unpainted sheets available in the market. Rough surface you can paint it yourself desired color or cover with a thin laminating film.

MDF door designs

Interior models come in panel and panel types. Before making doors from MDF, you need to decide which design will be suitable.

  • Paneled products consist of a frame and panels inserted between the guides. Such doors can be decorated with glass inserts or stained glass windows. The models are lightweight, have good sound insulation, but are difficult to make independently.
  • Panel doors made from smooth sheets that completely cover the frame without seams or joints. The models are universal in use, have a neat design, affordable price. By using simple tool and certain design skills can be made by yourself.

Assembly of MDF doors

Measuring the canvas. Taking measurements is an important stage on which the quality of workmanship and operational reliability of doors depends. Measure height and width door frame With inside taking into account gaps of 3-5 mm on each side. A small tolerance is necessary for the free movement of the sash and compensation for minor deformations. After this, the MDF sheet is cut into two identical parts or cut out from one large slab.

Making the strapping. You will need five slats and two blocks of wood. Preference is given to coniferous species as the most resistant to rotting and deformation. Two slats will serve as vertical side posts, so their length should be equal to the height of the sash. The remaining three strips (slabs) are mounted horizontally in the center of the future canvas, in the upper and lower parts. The slats are sanded and laid on a clean surface. If you have to leave them for some time, the base must be level, preventing the elements from bending. The horizontal bars will become the top and bottom of the frame.

Pre-assembly. An MDF sheet or panel (depending on the chosen design) is laid on a horizontal surface and the slats are placed so that the middle one is slightly below or slightly above the attachment point door handle. At this stage, they check the cutting of the planks, mark the places where the fittings will be inserted, and carefully check the right angles and gaps.

Marking. Holes for fastening elements are drilled on the surface of the sash. It is recommended to mark hardware and structural elements during the drilling process so as not to confuse them during assembly. 3-4 holes are prepared on the outer slabs.

Fastening MDF sheets. Wood glue is distributed on the slab according to pre-applied markings. Coat the areas where the sheathing will be connected to the slats. After this, the planks are laid on the sheet, carefully aligning their position. Self-tapping screws are inserted into pre-drilled holes and screwed into the recess of the caps. It will be enough to take hardware 25 mm long. Then the upper side of the slats and bars is again coated with wood glue, a second sheet of MDF is laid and leveled, and the entire structure is pressed with a heavy weight until completely dry.

Installation of accessories. The holes are prepared according to the applied markings using a router and chisel. Install handles, hinges, lock.

Decorative finishing. Appearance homemade door depends solely on the imagination of the master. You can paint it by hand and coat it with a protective varnish. You can use special laminating films that imitate natural wood patterns, stone and even leather. You can order photo printing and decorate the door with a beautiful landscape.

If the product is intended for expensive interiors, it is recommended to finish with veneer. There is a material on sale with an adhesive base that is easily glued to the surface with an iron. Veneer allows you to combine elements with different colors and drawing. Please note that after warming up facing material You need to stick it on for 2-5 minutes, otherwise the base will cool down and lose its stickiness. The glued veneer is pressed with books or other non-scratching objects.

If a material without an adhesive base is selected, wood glue is used for fixation. It is applied to inner surface facing and on the sash itself, wait 10 minutes and press the veneer tightly. After cleaning the ends, the door is ready for installation.

Solid wood, veneer, laminate, MDF, glass... How not to get confused in the materials from which interior doors are made, in their properties and characteristics, in order to ultimately choose a door with the best combination price/functionality? We understand the advantages and disadvantages of interior doors.

Solid wood interior doors

Prices for such doors depend primarily on the type and quality of preparation of the wood from which they are made, and secondly on its size, thickness and method of processing/decoration. The premium segment includes hardwoods: maple, beech, oak, mahogany. One such door will cost at least 500 USD.

There are also more budget options for solid wood doors. These are models made from soft wood - most often pine. The lower price level for such doors is 200 USD.

Advantages of solid wood doors:

1. Durability (doors can withstand severe operating and impact loads);

2. Durability (this material lasts longer than all others);

3. Good sound insulation(determined by the density of the door, the uniformity of its filling);

4. Compliance to processing (doors with any surface shape can be made from solid wood);

Disadvantages of solid wood doors:

1. They do not tolerate changes in humidity well (this is especially true for doors made of soft wood. They should never be installed in bathrooms);

2. Very heavy (this factor must be taken into account when choosing fittings - it must be designed for the appropriate load);

3. If low-quality materials are used, they are prone to the appearance of cracks (if the wood was poorly dried initially, then cracks in the doors will appear very quickly).

Unfortunately, all the advantages of solid wood doors can be negated poor preparation wood If the material has not been dried well, the doors will deform quite quickly. In case of coniferous species trees also add resin: knots in the wood, painted thin layer Light paint, may darken over time.

Veneered doors

The use of veneer in production significantly reduces the cost of interior doors. Veneer is a thin section of wood, approximately 0.6-1 mm thick. Then this veneer is used to cover a hollow (most often) or solid (made from bars, or even made from solid inexpensive wood) door. The result is a completely environmentally friendly (both inside and outside) door, with a solid wood exterior, at a significantly lower cost.

Advantages of veneered doors:

1. Moisture resistance (in cases where the veneered door is varnished, it will not absorb moisture. Perfect solution for bathrooms. Such doors can be installed in rooms where humidity reaches 80%);

2. Naturalness (veneered doors have a clearly defined wood texture);

3. Durability (with correct operation a veneered door lasts 10-15 years or longer);

4. Sound insulation (in this indicator, veneered doors are almost as good as solid doors; in the case of hollow doors, the indicator is slightly worse);

5. Restorability (veneered doors can be restored if they have minor scratches or abrasions).

Disadvantages of veneer doors:

1. Color change under direct sunlight;

2. Sensitivity to wet cleaning(it is advisable to use special cleaning products).

MDF doors

On this moment this is one of the most budget options. And, basically, they choose it precisely because of the low price. In fact, MDF boards are made from wood waste. The inside of these doors is hollow. Most often, in the production of such doors, solid wood is used only in the frame, and MDF boards serve as the surface of the door leaf.

Advantages of MDF doors:

1. Low cost;

2. Decoration with any materials (MDF doors are painted, covered with film, and decorated - depending on the client’s wishes);

3. Lightness (these doors weigh very little, so any fittings are suitable for them, which further reduces the cost of the doors);

4. They do not dry out (in this indicator, the array is significantly inferior to MDF).

Disadvantages of MDF doors:

1. Insufficient strength (even a slight blow will cause a dent);

2. Cannot be restored (dents on the canvas are almost impossible to remove without leaving a trace);

3. Harmful to health (the fabric contains formaldehyde);

4. The ends of the door leaf quickly break.

Laminated doors

Laminate is used not only for floors, but also for finishing doors. In fact, it is a cheaper replacement for veneer.

Advantages of laminated doors:

1. Wear resistance (this material is less susceptible to environment than veneer);

2. Easy to clean.

3. Variety of design solutions

Disadvantages of laminated doors:

1. Controversial environmental friendliness (there are practically no natural components in the film);

2. High quality laminate is expensive (the price is even comparable to veneer);

Glass doors

One of the “non-wooden” options is glass doors. Today glass is no longer fragile and hazardous material. Modern technologies allow you to make doors from glass that is difficult to damage.

Advantages of glass doors:

1. Environmentally friendly (glass does not contain harmful chemicals and components);

2. A variety of design solutions (transparent, frosted, stained, colored glass allows you to transform the interior).

Disadvantages of glass doors:

1. Thermal insulation (glass doors do not retain heat);

2. Difficulty of care (any dirt, even just fingerprints on glass doors are visible too well, so they need to be washed relatively often);

3. Danger of injury (small children, and sometimes adults, may not completely notice transparent door and hit it).

Conclusion: From a price-quality point of view, veneered doors look the most attractive today. In case you have small children (who like to draw on doors and walls), animals (may leave scratches) or when installing in areas with high humidity(for example, in the bathroom) - it is better to choose laminated doors. Laminate is easier to clean from dirt and may be more resistant to scratches and moisture.

Text: Natalya Shnitko

In order to strengthen MDF, it is produced at high temperatures. Also for this purpose, carbide resins and melamine are added to the shavings (they act as glue). As a result, furniture and interior doors made from MDF are not inferior in strength to products made from solid wood.

What else are good about MDF doors?

  1. They are not afraid of water, temperature changes and mechanical stress. On interior models it is necessary to apply decorative coating, which acts as a protective layer. It repels moisture well, tolerates heat and frost, and is difficult to damage.
  2. Durable. Heat, resins, powerful press allow you to create dense material. As a result, interior doors can withstand even targeted strong impacts.
  3. Lightweight. Compressed chips weigh less than solid wood. Interior doors made of MDF can be installed even in the opening of a thin partition without worrying about its integrity.
  4. Profitable. Such canvases are several times cheaper than solid wood models. The final price of interior doors depends on the external coating: the cost of laminated structures, for example, is much lower than those covered with veneer (a thin layer of natural wood).
  5. Durable. The pressed board is reliably protected by the outer cladding, and therefore does not rot and retains its original characteristics for many years.
  6. They retain heat in the room and muffle noise. Even a thin interior door will provide decent sound and heat insulation.

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