How to remove washable wallpaper from drywall. How to remove wallpaper from drywall without damaging it: methods of carrying out the work. What tools will you need when removing wallpaper?

It is known that plasterboard structures do not last forever. After the expiration of their service life, drywall manufacturers recommend dismantling them along with the wallpaper. And the structure, if necessary, is reassembled and possibly even using a different technology.

However, in order to save money, the vast majority of our citizens do not do this. And it gets off with only minor cosmetic repairs. Therefore, many people ask how to remove wallpaper from drywall, without thinking about how feasible the process is. So is it possible to remove the old coating from gypsum board? It doesn't work out in every case, but it's worth a try. The methods presented below will tell you how to do this in the most gentle way, so as not to harm the gypsum fiber sheets.

What is this article about?

Justification for the mandatory removal of old coating

Any wallpapering of drywall requires the presence of a prepared surface. And even more so if this is no longer the primary procedure. So, why should you rip out the old stripes before you start renovating? This is required at least so that the new wallpaper lies perfectly even and without flaws. In addition, any adhesive composition is prepared with the addition of water. Therefore, the newly glued layer may simply fall off along with its predecessor.

Another argument in favor of peeling off the old coating is the fact that it is harmful to health. After all, old canvases can mask mold spores, mildew and other signs of impurities that are detrimental to human health, which must be disposed of without fail.

To work, you may need the following arsenal of devices:

  • several spatulas different sizes needed for prying up the edges of the covering, removing weakly detachable fragments of wallpaper that are poorly wet;
  • a knife (preferably a stationery or construction knife) for making cuts in the strips in some places to facilitate the tearing process;
  • wallpaper “tiger” - a device for destroying the paper layer; its lower part is equipped with toothed rollers (they pierce the waterproof wallpaper covering, preparing it for getting wet),
  • a foam sponge or roller - you can wet the surface with any of these devices, the main thing is that it is available and it is convenient for them to work;
  • container with water,
  • moisture-proofing material (for electrical outlets- tape, and polyethylene for the floor).

Approaches to performing the procedure

There are several options for how to get rid of expired coverage. However, first you should find out the entire list, and then figure out which option is more suitable for a particular type of wallpaper. So, the simplest thing that is recommended to do is to try to remove the wallpaper from the drywall without any additional manipulations. In other words, try to tear them off with your hands due to the fact that the adhesive layer loses its properties over the years and begins to weaken somewhat in some places. However, it happens that the wallpaper sits in a stranglehold. And this advice is of little help here.

If you are sure that plasterboard ceiling made of moisture-resistant material, then it is recommended to use a spray bottle to soak the wallpaper and then peel it off with a spatula. Moreover, the coating should be soaked in small parts. And move on to the next area only after processing the already wetted one. It is highly undesirable to wet the entire wall at once in order to remove the entire coating. Thus, there is a risk of the outer plasterboard layer softening, after which it is easily deformed. Therefore, it is important to control the coverage of the wetted surface area.

The main secret of this manipulation lies in the water temperature. It is optimal if the water is hot, and the work is done at an accelerated pace and with a partner.

An alternative to the previous method is the use of various water heating elements (for example, steam generators, irons with a steam function, etc.). This is a safer option than using hot water V pure form, both for the walls and for the master himself. The steam method involves the effect of steam on the surface being treated. They claim that it is much more effective than hot water.

In addition to all of the above, you can use a special brush to remove old wallpaper. It can be either a standard tiger or a perforator attachment. The method of application consists of mechanical impact on the coating and its subsequent removal with improvised materials and moisture.

The influence of special compounds that help remove unnecessary wallpaper from gypsum plasterboard is another option. They are available for sale in specialized construction stores. These compositions are endowed with increased penetrating ability (for example, ATLAS ALPAN). Their advantage is that they have a targeted effect on the glue without affecting the drywall. The technology of use is as follows:

  • they are passed over the wallpaper surface in a “tiger” pattern to improve the absorption of the composition;
  • prepare the product according to the instructions, do not forget about personal precautions;
  • the prepared solution is applied to the surface and waited for 15-20 minutes to provide conditions for softening the adhesive layer;
  • Using a spatula and knife, peel off the coating (wallpaper tends to come off in large pieces).

Choosing the right options

Usually, one of the above methods for processing pasted surfaces is given priority in a situation with one or another type of wallpaper. The following is detailed description existing technologies.

Thin type of paper wallpaper

Before removing wallpaper from drywall, it is worth assessing the strength of the paper adhesive on the ceiling or partition. You need to start work in the most inconspicuous area (for example, in a niche or in one that will be covered by furniture elements in the future). To work you will need:

  • pair of spatulas different widths for scraping wallpaper;
  • sponge and dishes with warm water.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

First of all, moisten with a sponge soaked in warm water. small area surfaces. The main thing is to calculate your efforts so as not to spoil the adjacent plasterboard layer by soaking. Movements must be oriented in the up-down direction sequentially. This way it is possible not only to moisten the paper, but also to immediately prevent excessive wetting of the surface. Then they wait 5-10 minutes, and then proceed to mechanical cleaning procedures. There is no need to rush, trying to moisten the entire wall. It is better to do this gradually - as the old stripes are eliminated.

Vinyl covering

In the situation of having vinyl wallpaper covering on a plasterboard structure, the technology of work will be somewhat different and technically more complex.

For effective penetration of moisture into the vinyl structure, it is recommended to soak not just with water, but with an adhesive solution prepared in a proportion of ¼ of the norm. The soaking composition is prepared in advance, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the process.

Application adhesive solution performed by analogy with the technology of soaking with water. With only one difference: due to the dense composition of the materials, it will have to be applied more than once, but a couple of times.

The number of wetting procedures will be determined by the degree of density of the wallpaper material. The higher it is, the longer the wetting process will take. Hence the expectations. It is best to soak wallpaper in rows. Each canvas is moistened from the top to the bottom. What is not less important.

Then through construction knife make cuts where the wallpaper material adjoins ceiling plinth. To do this, carefully pick up the edge of the sheet with a spatula. Thanks to reliable basis Vinyl products are separated much easier than paper ones; to do this, you just need to pull the canvas and it will come off entirely. After tearing off most of the covering, wallpaper fragments may remain on the plasterboard surface. They should be moistened again and the spatula used again.

Washable and non-woven coverings

Before removing wallpaper from drywall, you need to stock up on the following arsenal of tools and materials: a wallpaper tiger, a knife and spatula, a roller or sponge, and a bowl of warm water.

Technological process step by step:

  1. Using tiger wallpaper on the surface;
  2. Moisturizing wallpaper strips;
  3. Elimination of the base layer;
  4. Re-wetting some areas and final removal of wallpaper.

Having studied the above options for removing old wallpaper from plasterboard structures, you can get down to business. However, first it makes sense to prepare everything necessary for this. This way the work will go much faster and easier.

With the help of wallpaper, you can quickly change the design of the room, but before you stick new wallpapers, you need to remove the old ones from the walls. When we're talking about about concrete or plastered surfaces, then everything is simple here - just wet the annoying finishing material, and it will move away from the wall. But if there is plasterboard under the wallpaper, the work of removing the wall covering becomes much more complicated: from water or any careless mechanical impact, the plasterboard surface can become deformed, crack, split and even fall off in large pieces. If you dismantle the wallpaper in an unskilled manner, you can completely ruin the walls, and then you will have to replace the plasterboard in the entire room. To prevent this from happening, you need to study the technology for removing wallpaper from drywall and choose the appropriate method.

Before removing wallpaper from drywall, you need to prepare the tools and materials that will be needed during work. The list of them is quite large, but depending on the type of wallpaper, some of them may not be useful:

  • a wide paint roller with a thick coat for applying water, primer or weak adhesive to walls.
  • wallpaper knife, wallpaper tiger or needle roller for perforating old wall coverings;
  • wide and narrow metal spatulas for prying and removing sheets;
  • a bucket, basin or any suitable container for water;
  • garbage bag or container;
  • warm water (35-40°C);
  • cheap wallpaper glue;
  • polyethylene film to protect furniture and flooring from water, glue and dirt;
  • tape for fixing the protective film;
  • masking tape to protect electrical outlets;
  • steam generator, steam mop or iron for difficult cases;
  • a stable stepladder or sawhorses for working near the ceiling.

After this, you need to prepare the room in which the renovation will take place:

  • remove tulle, curtains, paintings and other interior items;
  • take out all the furniture or move it to the center of the room and cover it with plastic;
  • protect the floor with film by attaching it with tape to floor covering and baseboards;
  • dismantle decorative overlays from sockets and switches, and seal the devices themselves masking tape to prevent liquid from getting inside.

In addition, you need to de-energize the room by turning off the power supply, so it is better to carry out all work on removing old wallpaper in the daytime.

Paper wallpaper

Paper wallpaper can be easily removed with water. When it comes to drywall, you need to be very careful because a large number of moisture can damage plasterboard sheets. If the walls were previously puttied before wallpapering, you don’t have to worry too much - a layer of putty will protect the cardboard from the harmful effects of water. But many unscrupulous builders often putty only the corners and joints of the sheets, leaving most of the wall surface untouched.

After gluing paper wallpaper directly onto drywall, an almost inextricable union of paper and cardboard is created. However, do not be upset, there is a proven method that will help free the wall from old paintings. To avoid getting the plasterboard wet and remove annoying wallpaper, you need to use warm water or a weak solution of wallpaper glue. Its semi-liquid consistency will allow you to saturate the wallpaper so much that the old adhesive underneath dissolves, but does not deoxidize the cardboard sheets.

For fast and high-quality softening decorative finishing should be added to the water detergent– liquid soap, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid or shampoo. It will not allow the paper to dry before it gets wet. old glue.

The operating principle is simple:

  • visually divide the wall surface into sections;
  • by using paint roller apply warm water or heavily diluted wallpaper glue to one fragment of the wall;
  • after 15-20 minutes, carefully pry the canvas from the side of the seam with a sharp spatula, trying not to damage the drywall, and remove;
  • if the canvas is not wet enough, wet the paper again and repeat the procedure;
  • In the same way, it is necessary to process the remaining sections of the wall one after another.

Using water and a spatula, you can also remove liquid wallpaper. 7-10 minutes after getting wet, they become elastic and can be easily cleaned from the wall surface.

Vinyl, washable, paintable

Vinyl wallpaper is waterproof, so any wetting is useless. In order for the liquid to get on the wall and dissolve the old glue, you need to make perforations - cuts or notches. Anyone can do this cutting tool or a needle roller, but it is more convenient and safer to use a wallpaper tiger - special device, allowing you to quickly process a large surface. Thanks to its design, the wallpaper tiger perforates the wallpaper, but does not harm the drywall.

It is not advisable to use water as a liquid for removing vinyl wallpaper - it will simply drain from the waterproof canvas. For this type of finishing, it is recommended to use a weakly concentrated solution of wallpaper glue.

Take off vinyl wallpapers from drywall follows in stages:

  • add a little wallpaper glue to the water - about 1/3 of the amount needed to prepare the adhesive;
  • stir and leave for 30 minutes to swell;
  • wet the perforated sheets using a roller or foam sponge, leaving no dry areas;
  • after 10-15 minutes, make 2 horizontal cuts on the wallpaper with a knife - under the ceiling and along the floor plinth;
  • From the side of the cuts, pry the wallpaper with a wide metal spatula and separate the canvas from the wall.

If everything went well, the vinyl wallpaper will easily come off and fall to the floor in solid sheets. If one application of the adhesive composition was not enough, the procedure will have to be repeated. The same needs to be done with the pieces paper base, in some places remaining on the wall.

Silk-screen printing, washable wallpaper and painting can be removed in the same way. The key to success is a combination of mechanical perforation and soaking.

Non-woven covering

This type of “clothing” for walls has a two-layer structure: the decorative layer is applied to a non-woven base. During renovation, old wallpaper can be easily and without extra effort Simply remove it with your hands - just pry up the top decorative layer and pull. The non-woven backing will remain on the wall and will serve as the basis for new wallpaper. It will strengthen the surface of the drywall, protect it from cracks, and will not swell or ripple.

You can safely glue new wallpaper onto the old non-woven layer if it is securely attached to the plasterboard sheets and was not damaged during dismantling. But when the integrity of the non-woven material is damaged, it must be removed in the same way as vinyl wallpaper.


To remove old finishing material from plasterboard walls builders sometimes use a professional steamer. Such a device is not useful for domestic purposes, so there is no point in buying it specifically for repairs. A steam mop or an iron with a steam function can replace the device.

Using steaming, you can remove any perforated material from gypsum boards. wall covering– hot steam penetrates under the canvas through the notches, dissolves the dried glue, and the wallpaper easily comes off the base. However, you should not apply a hot iron directly to the wall - you need to lay a piece of cotton fabric between the canvas and the sole of the iron.

Special means

At home, you can use not only improvised means, but also special removers designed to remove old wallpaper. They are not as cheap as we would like, but they are able to cope with any type of finishing material and remove it from any surface, including drywall. The most popular drugs of this type are:

  • Axton;
  • Rustins Wallpaper Remover;
  • Metylan;
  • Neomid;
  • KLEO;
  • Dissoucol;
  • Quelyd;

The purchased chemical is diluted in water according to the instructions included with the package, and the resulting solution is used to moisten the fabrics. After 10-20 minutes, the wallpaper can be easily removed, while the plasterboard surface remains intact and unharmed.

The disadvantage of chemical wallpaper removers is their toxicity. Therefore, when working with them you need to protect your eyes, respiratory tract and hands.

In order not to have to worry about removing old finishing material from plasterboard walls after 5 years, you should listen to the advice professional builders and spend Finishing work Right:

  • Before gluing wallpaper, first prime and putty the entire surface of the wall by purchasing a special putty for drywall. A layer of putty will protect the cardboard from damage, soaking and deformation, and any potholes or chips can be easily masked with the same building material.
  • During repairs, use wallpaper adhesive intended for specific type wallpaper Do not use non-standard adhesive compositions, for example, bustilate, PVA or flour paste - they tightly glue the canvases to the wall, so tearing them off without damaging the drywall is unrealistic.

If you can’t afford the services of professionals, and you don’t have the skills to plaster the surface yourself, it’s better to stick non-woven wallpaper. Subsequently, they can be easily removed and a thin substrate can be used as a basis for new ones.


There are several ways to remove old finishing material from drywall, but each of them is suitable for a specific type of wallpaper. The easiest way to deal with non-woven fabrics. In all other cases, you will have to make some effort and spend time. But the surface of the walls will not be damaged and you will not have to spend money on expensive replacement of plasterboard sheets.

Is one of possible options decorating the room. Its advantages lie not only in cost-effectiveness and variety graphic solutions, but also the opportunity to do all the work yourself. However, the creation high-quality coating impossible without deleting old decoration. In such conditions, the question arises of how to remove wallpaper from drywall. The answer to this depends on the type of coating and the conditions of its initial gluing.

Removing them is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Especially if the drywall was without putty or its gluing was carried out in violation of the technology. However, even in the most difficult cases, it is possible to clean the ceiling or walls. There are 4 ways to deal with tightly glued wallpaper:

  • soaking the surface;
  • use of special means;
  • using a steamer;
  • tiger wallpaper treatment.

How to remove old wallpaper from drywall? The above options are the most effective among the variety of methods for removing coatings from plasterboard sheet(GKL). Their use makes it possible to achieve positive result as soon as possible.

In this case, it is extremely important not to damage the outer paper layer of the sheet during the work, since violation of its integrity will inevitably affect the load-bearing qualities of the entire plane.

Soaking a drywall surface: tools and step-by-step instructions

How to remove wallpaper from drywall? The simplest and most effective method for removing outdated finishes is soaking. It is produced using ordinary water, which is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the wall. When saturated with moisture, it gradually dissolves, which allows you to freely remove the wallpaper strip by strip. In this case, you should not wet the surface too much, since upper layer cardboard covering the plasterboard base can also become wet and deformed.

Read also

How to cover pipes and radiators with plasterboard

Wetting the wallpaper

To carry out work on soaking the coating, you must prepare in advance:

  • bucket or bath for water;
  • sprayer or roller;
  • brush;
  • putty knife.

These four tools are more than enough to fully soak the surface. The surface cleaning itself is carried out using the following technology:

How to remove vinyl wallpaper from drywall? A similar sequence of actions is observed in relation to any type of coating. Soaking especially makes it easy to remove paper wallpaper. It shows good results in relation to vinyl or non-woven covering.

Removing wet wallpaper with a spatula

Due to their special structure, when wet, such materials separate into 2–3 layers. As a result top part It is easily separated from the wall, and the lower one, consisting of a thin film, remains on the surface. You don’t have to remove it and immediately proceed to preparing the surface for applying new decor.

Three ways to remove outdated wallpaper from drywall and their characteristics

If the technology for initially gluing wallpaper is followed, it should be easily and quickly removed from the wall or ceiling. In turn, a coating glued directly onto a paper base without putty comes off very poorly.

Moreover, the use of strong adhesives makes the process of removing them extremely painful. In such conditions, it is very important not to damage the main paper layer covering the plaster.

How to remove wallpaper from drywall without damaging its base? Application similar techniques is the best option when working with drywall. Moreover, each of them is guaranteed to bring good result. The most effective is a steamer, which allows you to clean the surface of any type of coating. The simplest is to use wallpaper tiger and ordinary water, but you must work with it extremely carefully.


Before gluing new wallpaper onto drywall, the old coating should be completely removed. Can water be used to remove it? The paper base of plasterboard is very difficult to wet through. Moderate exposure to moisture is absolutely harmless to the material.

Therefore, to remove old wallpaper, 4 main methods are used, based on dissolving the adhesive. Each of them has its own characteristics and scope of application. The most effective is steaming, which makes it possible to remove any type of old coating, such as liquid, vinyl, paper, washable and non-woven wallpaper.

How to remove wallpaper from drywall without damaging the surface is one of the most current problems cosmetic repairs. Careless actions when removing the old coating can lead to deformation of the gypsum board surface, the appearance of scratches, cracks, chips, which will subsequently manifest themselves in the most negative way after gluing the new sheets. Completely changing drywall in a room, and in some cases in the entire apartment, is expensive and time-consuming, so it is better to spend a couple of hours studying the issue and choosing the most suitable option for yourself.

Why remove wallpaper from drywall before gluing new ones?

many lovers self-repair You may be interested in the question: “Why remove old wallpaper if it holds up perfectly?” Pasting new wallpaper onto old ones is, of course, much faster, but not even a week will pass before excessive impatience will bring the first results:

  1. The new layer of wallpaper will lie unevenly - with bubbles and other defects that are unpleasant to the eye.
  2. The old coating may fall away along with part of the drywall under the weight of the new sheets and adhesive layer.
  3. Under the wallpaper, especially in apartments with high levels of humidity, microorganisms that are dangerous to the health of apartment residents tend to nest and multiply, the existence of which can be recognized by the characteristic smell of dampness and ugly stains on the walls and ceilings. Taking off old layer, infection sites should be treated with antiseptic agents that are safe for people and animals.

Important! If the old coating was applied efficiently, without preliminary putty, and is a single whole with the surface of the drywall, it is necessary to apply a layer on it to improve the adhesion quality of the new wallpaper, wait until it is completely dry, and begin gluing.

How to remove old wallpaper from a plasterboard wall

The difficulty of deciding how to remove old wallpaper from drywall depends on the material from which it was made. Thus there are different ways removal decorative covering, namely wallpaper:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • liquid;
  • washable – acrylic, vinyl, glass wallpaper.

Tools and materials

You will need:

  • wide paint roller;
  • masking tape;
  • needle roller or “wallpaper tiger”;
  • roll of PVC film;
  • wallpaper knife;
  • wide and narrow spatulas;
  • household steam generator – steamer, steam mop;
  • water container;
  • Trash can.

Preparing the premises

Before proceeding with the rather laborious and dirty work, you need to protect yourself by turning off the power, remove curtains, paintings, tapestries, take out furniture, cover the floor and built-in furniture plastic film. Working near the ceiling is easier and safer from a stable, wide stepladder with a comfortable platform.

Removing paper wallpaper

Attention! If you wet the entire wall at once, then along with paper cloth And adhesive layer the drywall will become wet, which will lead to annoying results, including irreversible damage to the material, requiring replacement of all drywall in the room.

Are you tired of the old wallpaper and want something more modern? No problem! From ordinary concrete walls they are usually removed without any extra effort. But what to do with drywall, because it is a very delicate material to handle that can be easily damaged simply by applying excessive force. If you don’t want to risk soaking the top layer of the canvas along with the wallpaper, you need to try other methods, fortunately there are many of them.

To remove old wallpaper from plasterboard walls, it is strictly forbidden to use methods such as scraping with a knife or tearing it off the wall using physical strength: in the first case, there is a possibility of cutting through the drywall sheet, and in the second, tearing off a piece of wallpaper along with part of the structure. For delicate removal of wallpaper from drywall, water is not suitable either, because once it gets wet, the wallpaper will move away from the wall, but the drywall will then become deformed or sag.

As an exception, you can try the method of treating wallpaper with water from a spray bottle. Fine water dust can soften wallpaper glue, but this only works on thin paper wallpaper.

There are still alternative methods for removing annoying wallpaper: folk craftsmen suggest using one of them to remove any kind of wallpaper from the wall.

Simple ways to remove wallpaper from drywall:

  1. Cheap wallpaper glue or primer. Apply one of these products to the wallpaper with a brush, wait just a couple of minutes, gently pry it with a spatula - and the soaked strips will slowly move away from the wall. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to pick up the cardboard surface of the plasterboard with a spatula.
  2. IN construction stores There are special solutions for removing wallpaper from drywall. You can safely experiment with their use.
  3. Professionals often use a special steam generator to peel off old trellises. Such a device costs a lot, but at home it can be replaced by an iron with a steamer function. Pull it on the extension cord until the desired area walls, turn on the steamer and hold it at the joints, gradually moving it towards the center of the strip. Use a sharp spatula to pry up pieces of loose wallpaper and gently pull to remove them.
  4. Home craftsmen suggest using a hairdryer set to maximum power and hot air supply to remove wallpaper.

All these methods are good in their own way and have a right to exist, since in individual cases they can give good results. If you want to use a professional approach to dismantling wallpaper decor and remove the covering correctly, you should first find out what type of old wallpaper is, because the method of removing it depends on this.

How to remove wallpaper from drywall: an individual approach for each type

The variety of wallpaper types dictates different approach to its removal. Wallpaper can be non-woven and paper, fabric and vinyl. And what is suitable for removing paper wallpaper will not work on vinyl covering.

We remove different types of wallpaper:

  • Paper wallpaper is the thinnest. They are easily removed when exposed to a steamer or ironing;
  • Vinyl wallpaper is either removed in one piece or firmly glued to the surface. Soaking and steaming them is useless. Worth using chemicals and try to mechanically scratch them with a “wallpaper tiger” brush.
  • Non-woven and other washable types of wallpaper have a layered structure. They are easiest to remove from plasterboard walls: just pry off the top layer, and only a thin film will remain on the surface of the plasterboard, which will not interfere with further wall decor.

It is not surprising that each type of material requires individual approach for quick removal.

If under paper wallpaper Putty has been applied to the drywall, you can try soaking it with water, but in small quantities and for no longer than half an hour.

If you approach the issue of removing wallpaper from plasterboard structures wisely, you can dismantle the old finish without special effort and losses, maintaining the integrity of the walls and relative order in the room.

Removing liquid wallpaper: four removal methods

Liquid wallpaper stands slightly apart from other types of wallpaper. Not only are they applied in a special way and are produced completely differently than other finishing materials, but they can also be dismantled in different ways.

Classic liquid wallpaper based on silk, cellulose or cotton is afraid of water. They can be easily removed by regular wetting.

Depending on the type liquid wallpaper, their removal can be done either mechanically or by chemical means. If such wallpaper contains particles of viscose, they can subsequently be reused, but hard wallpaper containing particles of minerals must be roughly removed with a special power tool.

Methods for dismantling liquid wallpaper:

  1. Soaking followed by reuse;
  2. Exposure to a construction hair dryer;
  3. Sawing with a grinder;
  4. Manual removal with a scraper and spatula after applying an acrylic primer solution.

Liquid wallpaper has another wonderful property: if necessary, you can not remove it, but simply repaint it desired color, saving original invoice and avoiding the labor costs of dismantling the wallpaper.

How to remove tiles from drywall: different dismantling options

Drywall is a fragile material, and removing tiles from it without damaging the base is almost impossible. Despite the fact that they try to remove ceramics from other surfaces in their entirety, in the case of drywall you will have to sacrifice one thing, and with a high degree of probability it will be the drywall itself, which is much less durable than tiles.

If there is a need to simply make a technological hole in a wall made of plasterboard, lined ceramic tiles, you can try using a paint knife to gouge out the grout and old glue from the spaces between the tiles around the perimeter of the area that needs to be removed, and then with the same knife try to cut through the drywall and cut a hole of the required size. Disadvantages of this method: you can get caught metallic profile and disrupt the integrity of the entire structure or touch electrical wiring.

Other methods for removing tiles from drywall:

  • If plaster was applied to the drywall before laying the tiles, you can try removing one tile at a time, picking them out with a sharp chisel;
  • Cut out the tiles with a grinder, if you can’t do it without a base, then use it together with drywall.

Even if you manage to remove the tiles from the plasterboard without significantly damaging it, the problem remains of removing residual adhesive from its surface: this is done with a grinder with special attachments. The process of removing glue is very painstaking and lengthy.

Technology: how to remove wallpaper from drywall (video)

Despite its apparent simplicity, drywall requires gentle handling in everything related to dismantling finishing materials from its surface. For each of the cases when you need to remove wallpaper or tiles from plasterboard construction you have to approach it separately, coming up with individual ways to dismantle the boring decor.