The tree with white balls is called. Description of species and medicinal properties of snowberry. Growing in the garden

Many gardeners like to plant shrubs exclusively with white or red flowers, but only a few know all their names. If you are also one of those gardeners, this article is for you. From the list of the most popular shrubs with white flowers, you can choose the right ornamental plant for yourself.


Flowers- This is a symbol of girlish tenderness and beauty. By planting this shrub, you will decorate your garden not only with beautiful inflorescences, but also useful fruits. The viburnum bush is spreading and grows up to 5 m in height and up to 4 m in width. The shoots are grayish-white or red, the leaves are dark green.

Most often, gardeners plant a shrub with white inflorescences in the form of balls, which has the name "Snowball" , or "Buldenezh". Flowering begins at the end of May, the flowers fade in early June.

Viburnum fruits contain 32% sugar, 3% tannins, as well as C, organic acids, trace elements and carotene.

Did you know? Kalina is national symbol Ukraine.


Spiraea belongs to the rose family. The plant has flexible shoots and grows in steppes, forest-steppes and semi-deserts.

Spiraea can be like dwarf(up to 15 cm in height), and very high(up to 2.5 m). The branches are erect or recumbent, the color is light brown. The flowers are collected in paniculate, spike-shaped, corymbose and pyramidal inflorescences. They have any color, but most often gardeners choose light colors.

Spiraea is planted in groups or as a single plant. Tall plants are used for, and dwarf plants are suitable for creating rocky gardens and “living carpets”.


Mock orange is often confused with jasmine, since their aromas are similar to each other. Gardeners use the plant to decorate hedges or alpine slides.

The white flowers bloom profusely and have a sweet scent.

All varieties of shrubs have straight trunks with thin gray bark. Mock oranges can be dwarf (up to 70 cm) and tall (up to 6 m). The leaves grow up to 7 cm in length and are shaped like a wide egg. Flowers can be double or semi-double. lasts approximately 3 weeks.


The next popular bush with white flowers is. This shrub grows up to 8 m in height. The leaves reach up to 35 cm in length, and the flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. They are white in color and bloom from May to June. The fruits ripen in August and are black in color.

Both flowers and fruits of elderberry are used in industry. The flowers contain organic acids, rutin and the glycoside sambunigrin. It contains ascorbic acid, carotene and tannins. By planting this shrub on your site, you provide yourself with not only beautiful and abundant fruits with a sweet aroma, but also medicinal fruits. They have diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent and disinfectant effects.


IN natural conditions the bush grows up to 4 m in height. The plant is evergreen and deciduous. Hydrangea leaves are large and opposite. It blooms in spherical inflorescences with small white flowers. The color depends on the pH of the soil. This means that in neutral soil you will have white or cream flowers, and in acidic soil you will have blue or blue flowers.

Hydrangea is planted in group plantings. The distance between plants should be at least 1 m.


Clematis is a diverse shrub. All its types are not similar to each other. Most of them are lianas. The shoots are thin and green. The leaves are simple and green. The flowers are collected in a semi-umbrella, panicle or shield.

The color can be different - pale pink, light blue, white, yellow, dark red, velvet blue. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks. The scent is reminiscent of jasmine, almond or primrose.


In our gardens you very rarely see a plant such as. It is mainly planted in botanical gardens. Shrubs are used for single or group planting and for creating alleys.

The bark of the shoots is brown and smooth, the leaves are large and elliptical. The flowers are large and fragrant, they have 12 petals that overlap each other. Magnolia has pleasant aroma. However, the plant is very demanding and capricious, so it is better to enjoy magnolia blossoms in parks and botanical gardens.


Hibiscus belongs to the genus of shrubs of the family. There are about 300 species of this plant, they grow in the subtropics and tropics.

The shrub grows up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are petiolate and incised. The flowers are large and bright.

Hibiscus is grown in gardens and greenhouses.

With the arrival of autumn, nature rages bright colors, only the snowberry reminds a person of the approaching winter. Its white berries are so original that they can be mistaken for lumps of snow, and from a distance it seems that the bush is completely dusted with snow. The snowberry bush leaves with balls of berries before winter and this picture looks incomparable. That is why white is popularly called snow berry.

According to the classification, snowberry belongs to large family honeysuckle plants, genus of deciduous-berry plants. Its historical homeland is North and Central America, Canada, a rare black variety grows in China.

In nature, the plant is found in the forests of many countries.

IN wildlife snowberry inhabits the lower tiers coniferous forest on the Pacific coast, he chose its western mountainous slopes and ocean shores.

Foliage and flowering

Snowberry foliage is round, small, pronounced Green colour 2-5 cm long, depending on the variety. The bush blooms in late July - early August. The flowers are small and have different colors: white, red, coral, pink.

The flowers are collected in group inflorescences of 5-15 pieces each. There are types of snowberry with paired or single flowering. The bloom of the “snow berry” is not particularly valuable and can often be overlooked. Flowering lasts a long time and alternates with berries.

The branches of the snowberry tree are particularly flexible; they do not break under the weight of berries and feel good under snow cover.


The snowberry bush got its unique name thanks to its fruits. The fruit-berry has a diameter of 1-2 cm, soft and waxy to the touch. The berries fit tightly together, forming peculiar clusters.

The red tint of the plant is rare

The color palette of the berries is mostly white, less often pink and red, sometimes white with pink barrels and a very rare ink-violet color.

Ripening berries occurs in late autumn, they do not fall off the bush when frost sets in. In winter they serve as food for many birds and decoration for personal plots, city parks and squares.

If you break a ripe berry, you will find a pulp similar to real loose snow, and inside it are two small drupes.

Caring for the “snow berry”

Snowberry is an unpretentious plant; it adapts to growth in poor, dry and wet soils. It is able to grow in sun or partial shade. It has strong underground rhizomes, so planting it on slopes helps with soil erosion.


Planting "snow berries" carried out in the spring, or early autumn. For young animals, you should choose areas that are slightly shaded.

An adult plant can survive on dry soil, the root system of which can independently obtain moisture from the ground. Young shrubs will need watering to form roots.

Step-by-step landing instructions

  1. For initial planting, you will need to create a high-quality substrate. As suitable soil you can use a mixture of sand, humus and turf. Pour drainage (crushed stone or expanded clay 10 cm) into the bottom of the planting hole.
  2. planting root install as vertically as possible, slightly straightening its lateral branches. The neck of the bush should not be buried; it should be at soil level.
  3. Sprinkle with prepared soil, shaking the plant slightly, helping the soil to occupy all the cavities between the rhizomes.
  4. After planting, compact the soil and water it. Watering should be carried out for 3 weeks, in the absence of precipitation.
  5. It is better to tie a young bush to a support until it gets stronger.
  6. Taking into account the growth activity, the distance between plantings should be from 0.7 meters.

Spring-summer care

In the spring, when the soil thaws, it needs to be dug up around the bush. Use pruning shears to cut out all dead wood. Fertilizing snowberries is not a mandatory procedure, but desirable. Compost or humus is used as top dressing.

Digging up a flower bed in the spring is good for the plant

In the summer, when there is abundant growth of weeds, it is necessary to weed the snowberry.


If the “snowberry” shrub acts as a hedge, its crown is pruned in order to create a decorative and well-groomed shape. Pruning time is April-May, before the start of the active sap flow season.


For adult bushes no watering needed, and young animals can be pampered with some water during drought. Tap water can be used, but settled water or rainwater is best. Charcoal is used to soften water.

Autumn-winter care

The snowberry does not require any additional care in the fall. Watering and fertilizing should be stopped at this time. The shrub is frost-resistant and does not require additional shelter (the exception is the rarer pink varieties).

Diseases and pests

Snowberry – healthy plant. He has strong immunity and is resistant to diseases.

Powdery mildew is a dangerous fungus that can lead to plant death

The greatest danger to him is: gray rot, powdery mildew. They belong to the category of fungal diseases and appear due to increased soil moisture. They can cause harm to the plant, even to the point of its death.

Treatment and prevention

For the purposes of prevention and treatment, you can use Bordeaux mixture, calcined salt, ordinary laundry soap. Spraying is carried out in early spring or as needed.

To prevent the snowberry from getting sick, do not plant the shrub in areas that are too wet or clayey areas. Check the plant regularly for health.


Snowberry has several breeding options, all of which are used for the purpose of increasing the number of plants.

Root growth

An adult “snow berry” bush forms root shoots, so it independently moves on the surface of the earth. By digging up such shoots, you can plant a large number of new plants in a few years.

Planting period: spring, autumn. The method is often used in practice.


The division method is more complex, it involves digging up the mother bush and its dissection into 2 or 3 independent plants. It is rarely used, because digging up an adult bush will require great physical effort.


This method involves pressing the lower shoots of the bush to the ground in the spring, covering it with soil and pinning it with wire. Thus, the branches will take root and small bushes with a good root system will form in the fall. The cuttings are cut off from the main bush in the fall and transplanted to a new location.


Cutting method used much less often. It consists in harvesting cuttings with 3-5 buds, each 15-20 cm long. The cuttings are cut after the plant has finished flowering.

Large, mature shoots that should be woody are suitable for cuttings. They are placed in water (or in a weak root solution). Then they are planted as juveniles in greenhouses, in special boxes.

Unlike other plants, snowberry is rarely propagated by cuttings

Cuttings require a lot of moisture to root. During the first winter, they need to be covered to avoid frostbite.

This method is more suitable for professional breeding and is able to create greatest number seedlings.


The seed method for propagating snowberry is used extremely rarely. Its seeds are so small that this process is very labor-intensive and ineffective. The seeds are separated from the pulp, washed and dried.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in the fall; after overwintering under the snow, the seeds are hardened and germination can be expected in the spring.

It is best to sow them in boxes, not in open ground, since there is a high probability that during snowmelt they will go deeper into the ground and won't germinate. Watering should be carried out carefully, and when the seeds germinate, the tiny plants are planted as undergrowth in open ground.

“Children” need to be protected from abundant sun and drafts with protective shields.

Popular varieties

In nature, there are 15 species of snowberry shrubs. Some of them have become very popular among gardeners.

Snowberry white

Most popular type for landscaping and landscaping. The species is not difficult to care for. Fits the basic description of the crop, the fruits are white and soft. Flowering occurs in mid-summer (white, slightly pinkish, greenish) and lasts until autumn.

The variety is tolerant to soil composition. Tolerates urban living conditions well. Frost-resistant. Grows up to 1 meter.

Pink snowberry

Very beautiful bush, meter high. The branches are flexible, the leaves are small, dark green in color. Flowering occurs in August. The flowers have pink shades. By autumn, the berries ripen (coral or purple-red color).

Later leaves fall in autumn and its branches, decorated with elegant berries, continue to delight the eye. The variety is not frost-resistant. Suitable for growing in the southern regions.

Snowberry Dorenboza

The hybrid variety got its name from a breeder from Holland. Combined several different varieties and plant species of this group.

Variety White Variety Pink Dorenbosa Mother of Pearl Dorenbosa Magic Berry Variety Chenault

Dorenboza differs in:

Variety Peculiarities
Magic Berry height 0.6 -1 meter, raspberry-colored berries. The leaves are miniature bright green. Not frost-resistant
Amethyst height 1.5 meters, dark green foliage, round, white fruits with pink barrels. Requires winter shelter
Mother of pearl height up to 1.8 meters. The leaves are dark green, oval, and bloom with pink flowers in July.

The fruits are large, white and pink. Easy to care for. Suitable for hedges. Conditionally frost-resistant

White Hedge height 1.5 meters. The fruits are decorative, shaped like white balls. Flowering is pink and racemose. The fruits are collected in clusters. Tolerates pruning well.

Not demanding in care. Considered a popular variety

Chenault a hybrid variety that is very popular due to its frost resistance. It grows low, less than 1 meter. The fruits are elegant, pink.

Cheneau is a hybrid of pink snowberry

Benefits and harms: medicinal properties of the bush

Snowberry is practically not used in medicine.

Berries help people get rid of cracks in the skin of their hands

Exists folk method treating cracks on the hands with fresh berries. Historical reference says that the aborigines used its leaves and roots in treatment.

Cooked medicinal drugs based on it, powders, decoctions for the treatment of ulcers, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

The main benefit of the snowberry is its decorativeness and the fact that it is an excellent honey plant. Its sweet flowers attract a large number of bees. It has no more healing properties.

Snowberry is poisonous

In decorative snowberry fruits contains a toxic substance. It can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes. If ingested, it causes diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness.

Due to the fact that it is poisonous, eating the berries of this shrub is contraindicated. Berries pose the greatest danger to inquisitive children. If a danger is detected, gastric lavage and medical assistance are required.

There are many poisonous plants. Some of them grow in the homes of amateur gardeners. To know for sure whether your pet plant is dangerous or not, we have compiled a guide.

Remember that the plant is poisonous and should not be eaten!

The popular snowberry is an excellent garden pet for beginner gardeners. It looks best in group plantings. Thinking about what to plant near your house? Feel free to make a choice in favor of the life-loving snowberry - you won’t go wrong.

More and more often in gardens and park areas you can see spreading bushes with white berries - this is a snowberry. If we translate the word snowberry into Latin, then you get symphoricarpos. It also has another name - wolfberry. It won the hearts of many gardeners with its almost constant flowering, decorating any area.

It does not require special care, so any novice gardener can plant it in their garden. Many people are interested is it possible to eat berries, and how to plant them correctly. We will talk about this and much more further.

Description of the plant

Snowberry bushes are medium-sized shrubs, not exceeding 1.5 m. Its branches are long and graceful, which, when the fruits appear, begin to bend, making mountain-loving The bush is spreading and beautiful, with a spherical shape.

The leaves of the snowberry are slightly oblong, oval-shaped, and swamp-green in color. During the flowering period, the entire plant is covered with small pink flowers, which grow evenly throughout the bush, which delight with their beauty for 1.5-2 months.

Snowberry leaves photo:

The berries are in clusters, large, spherical, the color range varies depending on the variety. They remain on the branches even after the leaves fall, and can remain until spring. Such qualities make it a beautiful addition V landscape design . More often than others you can notice the variety doribose magic berry and dorenbose magic candy.

Edible or not

Many people wonder whether snowberry is edible for humans or not. The fruits contain a large amount of saponin and acids, which gives them a sour taste and toxicity. There will be no harm to adults when consuming a few berries, but small children can be seriously harmed. In case of poisoning, symptoms of nausea and dizziness, weakness and, in severe cases, fever may appear.

It is difficult to answer whether this bush is poisonous or not, because... animals feast on it with pleasure, without danger to life, but to the human body can cause serious harm. Therefore, consumption of snowberry fruits is not recommended for people.

Types and varieties

Wolfberry comes in a variety of varieties and shades. The most common varieties:

White snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)

A small mountain-loving shrub, located on slopes and coastal areas, reaching 1.5 m. The leaves are oval, simple, form a rounded dome, with small white flowers. On the upper surface the leaf is green, and on the lower surface it is grey-swamp. The flowers are pink, densely located on the branch. White berries stay on the bush for a long time.

Resistance to cold is high and can live calmly in large temperature changes.

Common snowberry (S. orbiculatus)

Its peculiarity is considered pink a berry color that was nicknamed "Indian currant" in North America. A plant with thin creeping shoots and rich green leaves with a marshy underside. Its winter hardiness is lower compared to the white plant. It acquires its greatest beauty when, in September, coral berries turning into dark red berries begin to bloom, which are covered with a dense layer of bloom, and the leaves become deep red.

Western snowberry (Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook.)

Wolfberry, which grows on mountain peaks and coastal areas. The leaves are light green, with a little fluff. Flower cystic scarlet or white in the form of bells that bloom throughout the summer.

Snowberry dorenbosii (Symphoricarpos doorenbosii)

This variety is a hybrid of the white and round varieties. The first was the variety mave of pearl. The most common varieties of this hybrid are:

  • White Hedge- a bush variety with numerous snow-white fruits.

Snowberry Henkok

A bush with a chic crown, with dark leaves and various shades of berries from white to red-brown.

Planting and care

Like every plant, wolfberry requires proper care and landings. It can be planted at any time of the year. The peculiarity of the plant is that it does not matter what soil you plant it in, it will still grow.

How to choose and plant a seedling

If you want to make a beautiful thick hedge, then you need to buy 2-4 year old snowberry seedlings. It is important to ensure that the root system is intact and not affected by disease.

For planting hedges in open ground it is necessary to pull the twine along the drawn line and dig holes. Plants should be at a distance of at least 120-140 cm. It is important that there are not 4-5 shrubs per 1 linear meter of trench.

Growing in the garden

The holes should be prepared in advance: if planting is carried out in the fall, then the hole is dug a month in advance, for spring - in September-October. If on the territory clay soil, then you need to wait until the ground settles a little. Before planting, crushed stone is laid out, river sand, compost and peat. Sprinkle the top with dolomite flour, superphosphate, and wood ash in the ratio of 200 g: 200 g: 600 g. After this, plant the seedling. The first days the future bush must be watered every day.

Pruning in spring

Trimming must be mandatory, it is best to carry out this process in the spring before the juice begins to flow out. First, dry, damaged, old and disease-affected ones are cut off and treated with garden varnish.


Since it is unpretentious, you don’t need to care for it, but if you take a little care of it, it will bloom and look even more beautiful. Maintenance includes mulching the soil, eliminating weeds, moderate watering and pest control.

Watering should only be done in dry weather in the evening. In rainy weather there is no need for watering. IN autumn period the plant can be dug up.


Reproduction can be done in different ways:

  • Growing from seeds. To do this, you need to extract all the pulp from the seeds using a nylon sock, squeeze them out and pour them into a glass of water. After the seeds are completely cleaned, they should be taken out and dried. They need to be sown in boxes containing a soil mixture of peat, river sand, compost, then sprinkled with fine sand and covered with glass. Can be replanted in spring.
  • Root growth. You can find them in large numbers under the bush. In spring or late autumn, select the largest shoot, dig it up and replant.
  • Layerings. Together, where does it grow bush, find the smallest branch, bend it to the ground and bury it, leaving only the tip. Keep an eye on the cuttings all the time and in September, when they take root, cut off the branch and replant.
  • Propagation by cuttings. Lignified cuttings up to 20 cm high, with several buds, should be prepared in November or December and left until March. dark room in sand. The top edge should be cut slightly above the bud, and the bottom should be cut beveled.

Which method is best is up to you to decide.

Application in landscape design

Wolfberry can be combined with many plants, which will be described below.

An example of decorative compositions: spirea Vangutta, wolfberry, verigate grass, in the background - rowan. Photo in the garden:

The combination with dark green conifers looks very beautiful and picturesque. Against a background of bright contrast, white berries will create an elegant hedge. Photo:

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that the berries are poisonous, they can still help a person. Its healing properties lie in the fact that the juice and pulp of the berries can relieve suppuration, abscesses, festering wounds, blisters and ulcerative formations. It can also help get rid of cracked limbs.

It can often help in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis. But before using the berries, you should consult a doctor.

Video review

Among the undoubted advantages of the snowberry are unpretentiousness, high stability, it is not afraid of even the most polluted city, and high decorativeness in winter time years, which they can boast very much rare plants. Read more in the review from the Garden World video blog.

Snowberry (Latin name SYMPHORICARPUS) has long been cultivated in front gardens and hedges, attracting the eye with rounded leaves and an abundance of white berries. The aesthetic properties of the shrub, unpretentiousness and resistance to pruning have made it a favorite of modern gardeners.

Planning a flower bed or hedge, it is worth taking a closer look at the snowberry, planting and caring for which will not be difficult.

Properties and types of snowberry

The plant is a shrub up to two meters high. In the winter it sheds rounded leaves, and in the spring it releases them again, forming a dense crown. Small pinkish or red flowers with five petals and long stamens bloom only in mid-summer. The smell is elusive to humans, but bees enjoy visiting the blooming snowberry, abundantly producing lemon-yellow honey.

In autumn, soft white or pink fruits ripen, looking like cotton balls or round snowballs, which is where the name comes from.

The berries collected in dense clusters look appetizing, but you shouldn’t try them: there is no distinct taste, and The alkaloids they contain may be dangerous for children.

The “snow” balls remain on the branches all winter, attracting birds that eat the seeds inside. In spring, the bush sends out many shoots from its roots., grows, gradually occupying large area. It tolerates gas and smoke very well.

Common varieties and hybrids

The plant's homeland is North America, where it is found in the wild. There are several varieties common in landscape design:


The best choice for Russian front gardens would be the white snowberry: planting and caring for such a beauty in the open ground will require very little time. And those who like to tinker in the garden will be surprised by the shrub with an abundance of fruits and a beautiful crown. Here are several ways to reproduce and breed the beautiful “American”.


This method is suitable if you need to grow shrubs for a hedge.

When pruning an old bush, lignified stems are harvested in the fall. They are tied into bundles and placed in a container with sand. They are stored in a dark, cool place all winter. In spring, the stems are cut into cuttings, leaving 5 buds on each, with the upper cut made straight and the lower cut oblique. The cuttings are planted in a box with a moist substrate (for example, peat with sand) for rooting. During this period, the school needs high humidity air. To do this, just place a container of water nearby. The substrate should also be periodically moistened.

By autumn, the cuttings will have grown a root system and will be ready to be transplanted to permanent place. For the winter they should be covered with leaves or agrotex. If it was not possible to prepare woody cuttings in the fall, you can cut them in the summer and also root them. To do this, select well-formed green stems that break when bent. Cut cuttings 10–15 cm long are dipped into a heteroauxin solution for 15 hours to stimulate root development. After soaking, they are immediately placed in a box. The seedlings are ready by autumn.


To obtain one or two new bushes in the spring, dig a shallow groove from the rhizome of the snowberry and carefully bend a suitable stem. The cuttings are fixed in the ground with a metal clamp and buried in soil. With sufficient watering, nutrition and loosening, a rooted shoot will form by autumn. All that remains is to cut it off from the mother bush with pruning shears, dig it up and replant it in a new place.

Dividing the bush

This method is suitable for short plants that have grown enough to be divided and replanted. In the fall, the bush is completely dug up, the soil is shaken off from the roots and an assessment is made of how many new plants can be obtained from the existing rhizome. At least one mature shoot should remain on each separated part. Cutting it too small will ruin the whole thing; you also cannot cut the plant in the middle, but only separate the side parts. Aboveground stems can be shortened to 10 cm; in the spring they will produce new shoots.

It is better to make cuts with a sharp garden knife (do not break them with your hands!), then dip them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle with crushed coal to prevent the development of fungus. Diligent gardeners prefer to dig the cuttings into sterile soil for restoration, and then plant them in a permanent place. But if the soil in the garden is healthy, you can do without it.

Root shoots and seeds

If the bush begins to thicken with its own shoots, then it must be thinned out by digging out the lateral shoots. They will turn into new, young shrubs.

Snowberry can also be propagated by seeds. This method is quite labor-intensive, and in cases with decorative hybrids, it is ineffective. Reproduction by seeds is used by breeders to develop lines with specified characteristics, which are then crossed to obtain good hybrid. But if there is a regular, non-hybrid snowberry in the garden, then propagation by seeds will allow you to grow a large number of seedlings for a hedge at once.

In autumn, the fruits are collected, broken and the seeds are extracted. Sow in boxes filled with a mixture of humus, peat and sand, cleared of pests and larvae. The substrate is slightly moistened. If it is already cold enough, the crops are covered with dry leaves or sawdust and placed outside. Shoots appear only in spring.

It is necessary to monitor germinating seeds, protecting them from drying out of the soil. As soon as the third leaf appears, the seedlings can be planted in separate pots. By autumn, the seedlings will reach 10–15 cm in height. After this, they can be planted in a prepared permanent place. Decorative qualities of such a plant will appear only in the third year.

Planting and caring for snowberries

Snowberry - unpretentious plant, But good care not prevent. If you properly prepare the holes for planting, the yield of the shrub will increase, and therefore its decorative qualities.

To plant a hedge, you need to dig a trench about 60 cm deep under the stretched twine. Place broken brick or expanded clay at the bottom as drainage. Fill the rest of the space with a nutritious mixture of peat, river sand, humus or compost - whatever you can find. Add dolomite flour - a complex fertilizer that stimulates the development of the root system. Compress the finished soil a little or wait a few days until it settles completely.

Same-aged seedlings are placed in a trench at intervals of 25 cm. The roots are first dipped into liquid clay. After landing upper layer soils can be mulched with peat. During the first days, in the absence of rain, watering with the addition of superphosphate is necessary. Then the seedlings can be left alone: ​​they will overwinter well. Hedges made from white snowberry strewn with fruits look beautiful both in autumn and winter.

To obtain a luxurious single bush, the snowberry is planted on the lawn, providing at least a meter radius free space. The well is prepared in a similar way. Start pruning the bush at the age of two, in early spring, before the start of sap flow. Exquisite hybrids of snowberry dorenboza will turn the garden into a real botanical museum.

In addition to forming a hedge, snowberry is used:

  • in landscape planning (in the background of flower beds, in combination with viburnum or rowan bushes, white snowberry is planted in groups of trees with dark needles);
  • to strengthen slopes (combined with ground cover grasses and planted in groups);
  • for making bouquets (with dried flowers, in bridal bouquets).

North American Indians also used white snowberry for medicinal purposes. But the effect of such treatment has not been proven. Obviously only the beneficial effect that has well-groomed plant per soul of a hardworking gardener.

Snowberry is a unique shrub with healing properties. It stands out from other shrubs for its snow-white berries, which make it attractive to decorative design gardens

Also, the fruits of the bush are a favorite pastime of children, who click the berries on the asphalt with their shoes. The fruits clap interestingly, causing joy in the kids.

Name, description and medicinal properties of shrubs with white balls

The bush acquired its botanical name Symphoricarpus due to the dense arrangement of berries on the branch. From Latin literal translation sounds like “fruits gathered together.” They began to call it the snowberry because of the unique color of its fruit.

This shrub species includes up to 15 types of bushes, the leaves of which fall depending on the season. They can be found near mountain rivers and in mountain forests, on slopes with rocky soil in North America. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, only some subspecies are not adapted to cool climatic conditions, because their bark does not have time to ripen to protect against cold weather.

The branches of the bush sometimes reach 3m in height, their smallest size can be 0.2m. The leaves are round and small (no more than 1.5cm), the flowers have correct form, collected in dense inflorescences from 5 to 15 pieces. Their color can be greenish-white, pink and even red. Insects find a lot of nectar in them, which makes excellent honey. Flowering can be observed in mid- or late summer.. The fruits of the plant can be in the shape of a regular ball, or they can be slightly elongated. The bones are oval, compressed on the sides. The berries are not edible for humans, but are not harmful when consumed in small quantities.

Snowberry is poisonous, but is valued for its medicinal properties. It is used in folk medicine for the treatment of stomach ulcers, pulmonary tuberculosis and fast healing wound

Is white snowberry poisonous or not?

White snowberry (another name for the shrub) can cause poisoning to the body when its berries, which are called “wolfberries,” are eaten. Poisoning occurs due to saponin and a toxic substance contained in the fruits, which has not yet been studied by scientists . Symptoms accompanying poisoning:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness.

Upon contact with skin or mucous membranes, it causes local irritation and sometimes inflammation of the affected areas. First aid is not required, but you should consult a doctor to determine the need for gastric lavage.

Options for using decorative white and pink snowberries in landscape design

Due to its resistance to various diseases, the shrub is actively used in landscape design to form hedges. Its shape is maintained artificially by cutting off protruding shoots. Due to its bent branches under the weight of the berries, the plant looks very unusual.

It is very difficult to find neighbors for this self-sufficient shrub, the fruits of which stand out against the background of dark greenery. But still, gardeners were able to identify several trees and flowers that could coexist next to the snowfield. This is a rowan with its red or orange fruits, which will set off the snow-white berries throughout the winter. Also some coniferous trees and low-growing shrubs will be able to harmoniously combine in the flowerbed with the bush in question. Flowers are great for the neighborhood annual plants and bright autumn asters.

Features of growing snowberry (video)

Variety of snowberry species

There is a wide variety of this plant, which has not only white fruits. But the name is so distinctive that people began to call all the bushes of the Honeysuckle family the same.

This variety is native to the eastern, western and central regions North America. In those areas it forms dense thickets 1.5 m high. The leaves look different on both sides: on top they are smooth and soft green in color, and on the bottom they have felt pubescence. , the flowers are white or pale pink. Flowering is replaced by the appearance of berries of the same color as the flowers.

This species of snowflake, native to the western part of North America, has an average height (up to 1.5 m). Leaves round shape or oval, they have slight pubescence. The flowers grow singly or in pairs, are bell-shaped and white or pink in color. The berries are white, ball-shaped, with 2 seeds inside. The variety has average resistance to frost.

This type of snowberry grows well in warm regions, but its cultivation is also possible in average temperature conditions. In autumn, it requires additional care in the form of wrapping, otherwise winter frosts he will be destroyed. The berries have a rich pink color, which is what attracts attention to the Dorenboza snowberry.

The shrub has thin shoots and small round leaves. The color of the leaves is dark green. Distinctive feature This variety is characterized by the presence of pubescence along the entire length of the shoots and on the entire area of ​​the leaf below. Dense inflorescences are collected under the leaves. The berries have a purple-red color with a bluish bloom and are quite large in size (up to 0.6 cm). The rounded snowberry does not tolerate winter well, therefore it is not very common in the climatic conditions of Russia.

At the snowberry white leaves round or oblong, which sometimes grow up to 5cm. The color of the leaves is green with a bluish tint. The flowers do not stand out for their beauty, but their quantity compensates for this: the inflorescences are located along the entire length of the shoot, which makes the bush especially attractive. Flowering continues throughout the summer, and in August you can find both flowers and berries on the branches.

The brushy snowberry begins to bear fruit in the fall, when all attention in the garden is focused only on it. The number of snow-white fruits gives the impression of fallen snow on the branches.

This species appeared due to the crossing of round and small-leaved berry varieties. The bush is small in size, thanks to this it winters well in snowdrifts. The leaves have a pointed shape, their length reaches 2.5 cm. The fruits of a beautiful bush Pink colour, and the shoots are long, having the ability to take root in the ground.

Technology and timing of planting snowberries

The most important advantage of the shrub when growing is its unpretentiousness. The plant is not demanding on the amount of shade or sunlight, dryness or humidity. In addition to landscape design, it can be used to prevent soil shedding. Dense roots can stop soil erosion. Planting can be done before or after winter. The soil must be prepared in advance.

Preparation occurs as follows: a hole or trench is dug in advance. In the fall, they dig up a month before planting, and for spring work we need to prepare in the fall. Place a layer of crushed stone and special soil saturated with useful components into the soil.

Depending on the requirements for the plant, planting is carried out using different technologies. Seedlings older than a year are perfect for hedges. Before planting, you need to draw a straight line for the fence; you can use twine for this. Along its entire length you need to dig a trench, the width of which is 0.4 m and the depth is no more than 0.6 m. 4-5 shrubs can be planted per 1 m length. To plant individual bushes in a flowerbed, you need to maintain a distance between them of 1.2m-1.5m. The size of the hole for the bush is approximately 0.65x0.65m.

How to plant snowberry (video)

Before planting, the roots of the bush need to be dipped in a clay solution. And calculate the immersion of the trunk so that after the soil settles, the root collar is at the level of the ground surface.

Caring for snowberries in the garden

The growth of the snowberry may not be accompanied by any actions. Thanks to his ability to adapt, he will not die. But if you put in a little effort and take care of the plant, the result will not be long in coming: the snowflake will thank you with its beauty.

Watering and fertilizing

Young shrubs need to be watered regularly during the first months of growth. but if the summer is humid enough, the procedure can be canceled. It is imperative to mulch the soil with a layer of peat and then loosen the soil near the plant trunk. Careful weed control, fertilizing, timely pruning of shoots and protection from harmful insects will contribute to the rapid growth of the snowberry. At the same time, it will reveal itself in all its glory.

In the fall, the ground near the bush needs to be dug up. In spring, the soil is fertilized with humus, superphosphate and potassium salt.

Shrub pruning

It is necessary to cut off all dry and damaged shoots., thickening and frost-damaged branches are also removed. If the shoot is quite massive, its thickness is more than 0.7 cm, then the cut must be treated with garden varnish or other means.

An adult plant can shred: the leaves and flowers appear small, and the shoots are thin and weak. Then you need to cut without pity almost at the root (at a height of 0.5-0.6m). This will help the bush to rejuvenate and acquire strong young shoots over the summer.

Disease prevention and pest protection

The natural presence of poison in the plant gives it protection from most pests and diseases. But there are still diseases that affect the berry plant. This powdery mildew and gray rot of jago d, which are fungal infections.

To prevent such a problem, the plant is treated in the spring with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. The procedure must be performed before the kidneys swell. If time is lost and the plant becomes sick, then it should be sprayed with a modern fungicide, which can be purchased in specialized stores. You may also encounter an infestation of aphids, which can be killed by spraying with whey or ash.

Preparing for winter

Adult shoots tolerate frost well, but young shoots need help and insulation. To do this, hill up the roots to a height of 0.2 m. In spring, an additional layer of soil is removed. The shoots and berries remain uncovered, as they are not afraid of frost. Berries are tasty food for birds in winter.

Reproduction of snowberry by layering, seeds, cuttings and shoots

Reproduction of shrubs is possible in all available ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • root shoots.

Growing from seeds is the most labor-intensive process. They need to be removed from the fruit, then placed in a container with liquid, where the remaining pulp will be separated. After this, we dry the seeds and store them until autumn. It is best to plant prepared seeds before winter, but not in open ground, but in boxes covered with glass. Watering should be done carefully using a sprayer so as not to wash out the seed. In spring, the first shoots will appear and can be transplanted into the garden.

To propagate by cuttings, you need to prepare cut branches after flowering. They must be sufficiently mature, which is determined by their fragility when bent. You need to cut off the upper edge above the kidney, and the lower edge - obliquely. The number of buds on the shoot is 3-5 pieces. The cut branches are placed in liquid, after which they are planted in boxes with a special composition of soil to a depth of 0.5 cm. The boxes are placed in greenhouses until autumn, the necessary and favorable conditions for rooting the plant. For the winter, young bushes are planted in the soil in the garden, where they are covered with leaves and spruce branches.

Snowberry in landscape design (video)

The easiest way to propagate a bush is by shoots, which form on their own. It is enough to dig up one element of the curtain and transplant it to another place. This will save the snowberry from excessive density.

To propagate by layering, you need to dig a young branch into a specially made hole in the spring, leaving the top on the surface. In summer, take care of it as usual. In the fall, the rooted plant is dug up and replanted.

Snowberry - enough useful plant, which has an interesting beauty. The unpretentiousness of the shrub will allow even the laziest gardeners who love a decorated area to grow it.