High traffic consumption in the background. Saving Internet traffic on a smartphone

Saving traffic is necessary because the two main problems that many Russian users face are low Internet speed and high fees for often unnecessary information. Let's take a closer look at how to save Internet traffic without losing the quality of the information received.

Choice of tariff plan and provider

Internet speed varies from provider to provider depending on the number of users and network bandwidth. When choosing a service provider, the best experimental method and advice from friends. But in many small Russian cities, users do not have much choice.

A proven way to save Internet traffic on a computer is to work on the Web at certain times of the day. The highest speed is from 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. At this time, you can provide for downloading large amounts of information by setting the download manager accordingly.

With dial-up access, when choosing a service provider, you should pay attention to what is charged for:

  1. During access. Beneficial for those who download large amounts of information (video or software).
  2. for the information used. Convenient for those who simply surf the Web, looking through the pages.

Blocking unwanted content

Some of the information that comes from the World Wide Web is completely unnecessary for the user. Moreover, it increases the page load time and consumes the Internet, and therefore money. There are a number effective ways protection from inappropriate content.

Data caching

Some of the elements on each page do not change when the information is updated (logos, scripts, CSS), so it is unnecessary to download them from the web every time. This is provided by caching on the user's computer.

  • Browser cache. In modern browsers, in order to save money, it is hidden to save traffic, it is structurally incorporated efficient system cache. Downloaded pages are best viewed offline.
  • You can use a more efficient local caching proxy or DNS proxy to save money, while disabling the browser cache and freeing up hard disk space.

Savings in email

To do this, you need to clean mail from spam using mail services that cut spam already on the server. But you need to pay attention to the correct mail filtering settings so as not to lose important correspondence.

Some services (Bat, Outlook) can show only the header of the letter, after which the user himself decides whether to download it. It is possible to limit the size of letters or disable the download of attachments.

Compressing content with special services

It is possible to increase line bandwidth, speed up downloads and reduce network traffic using gzip compression (compression) of information. Text is compressed, while graphics, archives and executable files are downloaded directly. This allows you to speed up the opening of the page by about two times.

However, not all servers support gzip compression. Then you can use network services such as WebWarper, WebCompressor, TrafficOptimizer, Toonel.net, etc., which compress http content and other types of data (email and socks files).

The free use of these services is complicated by the addition of their own advertising or restrictions on the number of simultaneously working free clients, which can make it difficult to connect.

Using download managers

The usefulness of download managers is that they allow you to download the rest of the file in case of a disconnection from the Internet, and not start downloading again. In addition, they allow you to view the contents of the archive before downloading and select the files you need.

Also, during the download process, you can view a video or listen to an audio file and decide on the need for its full download.

Disabling image loading

When opening some pages, images can take up to 80% of traffic. Therefore, if you need to download a text or any file, there is no point in waiting for the download of large images, unless they contain the necessary information. This feature is available in all browsers.

Web surfing without pictures is somewhat unusual, so you can experiment in this format for several days, and then decide whether you need it or not.

And even when there are no more problems with data transfer speed, before turning off traffic savings, it is worth considering whether everything that is transmitted from the Internet is necessary for the user. Perhaps some restrictions should be left.

Smartphone screens are getting bigger and bigger, and mobile internet access is getting faster and faster. This leads to the fact that smartphones are increasingly being used to work with online music, video services or to view full multimedia web pages.

All of these services can devour Internet traffic at an alarming rate. The solution may be to purchase additional gigabytes of data, but there are methods that do not require investing additional funds, which may be of particular interest to people who travel a lot abroad.

What these methods have in common is that they are all relatively easy to implement and, moreover, do not significantly affect how we use a smartphone or tablet.

Here are 12 ways limit data consumption on an android smartphone. What is important: all examples, titles and positions in the menu are obtained from "pure" Google Android 7.0 - the most popular (according to the site Developers.android.com) version of this system at present.

How to reduce traffic consumption - problem analysis

This should always be the first step: before you take on a problem, you need to look and understand what exactly it is. To do this, open the menu Settings and select the item data usage.

In chapter data usage You will find a list of applications that consume the most data, as well as information about how much traffic a particular program "ate". To get accurate statistics, taking into account the terms of payment, it is worth determining in which period the statistics should be taken (you must specify the time interval). But in the main version you can get a lot useful information about which of the applications we use are the most "gluttonous".

You should be concerned, in particular, with how much data each application consumes in active mode, and how many in the background. Remember that those that consume especially a lot of data use part of the traffic in the background.

Reduce unnecessary data transfer in the background

You already know which programs have an increased appetite for data, even when you are not using them (that is, they are running in the background). Run such an application and look in the settings for the possibility of limiting data consumption, etc. Use them if possible. In most cases, during normal use of the app, you won't see a difference, but the data savings can be significant.

It may happen that the application does not offer such an option, but this does not mean that you are powerless. You will find this feature in Android itself. Just go to the menu SettingsApplications, and then select the program of interest. Here you can disable the option Background data permission(this will prevent the app from downloading data in the background over the cellular network, it will only download when connected to a Wi-Fi network).

Note: If you block background data for messaging or email applications, you will no longer receive notifications of new messages. But, we guarantee that in any smartphone there are at least a few applications running in the background, the deactivation of which will not limit the functionality of the device in any way, and will also allow save valuable megabytes.

Reducing traffic consumption - control over autorun

If we single out one particular type of content responsible for the most high flow traffic is, of course, video. Especially since many popular apps have a nasty habit of automatically starting videos, whether the user wants it or not. Fortunately, in most cases, this can be turned off.

The obvious culprit is the Facebook app - the menu to turn off the AutoPlay feature can be found in Program settings(there you can determine exactly in which situation the video can automatically start playing). You can do the same in the Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat apps.

Moreover, using this advice, you do not risk anything at all - you can still launch each clip yourself.

How to consume less traffic - data compression

Another devourer of the Internet traffic package is the browser. This can also be easily fixed. The most popular Android browser, Google Chrome, has a tool called Save data. It is enough to enter the program settings and activate it.

This will cause the smartphone to redirect traffic through Google servers, where it will be compressed and adapted for mobile devices - Google promises that thanks to this, web surfing will not only be cheaper, but also much faster and safer (due to additional scanning for malware).

You don't have to limit yourself to just the Chrome browser, there are similar solutions in Opera Mini as well. The developers have equipped this browser standard function compression, both traditional web pages and video clips, and when downloading files.

Reduce data consumption - optimize music applications

Music streaming apps can also be responsible for excessive data consumption (especially if you frequently watch your favorite recordings).

The easiest way to deal with this is to download your favorite songs over Wi-Fi for offline listening. However, not everyone can and wants to use this option (if only because they do not have enough space in the device’s memory), so it’s worth looking for alternative solutions.

In the case of Google Play Music, you should look in the menu Settings | Network quality. It is worth experimenting with the settings available there and checking if we really should have high level sound quality.

You will find similar features in other music listening software such as Spotify (Settings | Music Quality), Pandora or Deezeer. So it's worth taking a closer look at the multimedia programs installed on your phone and making sure that no feature consumes more data than it needs.

How to consume less traffic - YouTube on a diet

The default YouTube client application launches every file in high resolution, but the benefits of such a solution are difficult to appreciate on a small smartphone screen. Therefore, it is worth considering the issue of limiting the maximum resolution of the video being viewed when using mobile data.

Open YouTube app and menu SettingsGeneral You will find several interesting options. First team Play HD video only over Wi-Fi. Also on the same menu turn off autoplay(to prevent YouTube from continuing to play other videos if, for example, you have gone somewhere).

How to Consume Less Data - Download Media

Subscription audio and video streaming services are among the most useful services available to mobile device users. The fact, however, is that their use is associated with the consumption of a huge amount of traffic. So whenever possible, consider preloading - when your smartphone is connected to a Wi-Fi network - the music you're going to listen to or the videos you want to watch.

Netflix or Spotify offer such options, and while of course it's not always possible to plan what media you want to use, of course everyone has a few favorite songs that they return to very often. In the case of films, if you follow a series, then use the function of saving the next episodes in the memory of your mobile phone or tablet.

This also applies to YouTube - if you have an active subscription to Google Play Music, you can download movies available on the site for later viewing (and if you don't have a subscription, you should consider using an application that offers a similar function - there are a lot of them in the Google Play store). lot).

Reduced traffic consumption - offline navigation

The GPS navigation available on Google Map consumes a huge amount of traffic, however, if this application regularly accompanies you on the road, data downloaded from the network can be of real use. Moreover, the application offers offline navigation - just launch the application with a wireless connection, plan a route, specify the desired path, and then click Save in case of connection problems on the highway.

If you save more of these routes, you can conveniently manage them later using the menu. Maps offline in settings.

Application updates under control

The Google Play Store is one of those applications that can seriously empty the traffic package quite imperceptibly - primarily by triggering the application update process.

To avoid this, just open the tab Settings and change them so that updates are downloaded only when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

How to consume less traffic - order in applications

When deciding on the main "megabyte eaters", it is also worth looking into other, less obvious programs that can receive too much information.

Review the list of applications installed on the system and remove (or at least disable) those that have not been used for a long time - or at all. Thanks to this, you will not only save some data, but also free up the memory of your smartphone / tablet.

Check what Android is syncing

Pick up your phone and open the menu SettingsAccounts..., it is possible that you will see a long list of active accounts on the device before your eyes. When you select any of the services offered in this provision, you will see exactly what is being synchronized within your account.

You can find quite a few things here that should be synced (mail, contacts, photos, etc.), but there is a good chance that many will be completely redundant. If you find such positions, turn them off or block them.

True, this may take some time, especially if you have active accounts of various services on your phone, but it's worth it.

Android 7 - data saving - a radical solution

AT latest version Android, bearing number 7, another one was applied interesting solution- somewhat radical, but at the same time very effective. This is Data Saver function, which blocks most apps from using mobile data unless the app is currently active, meaning it's not being used by the owner of the mobile device.

However, this tool can be so "aggressive" that it limits the functionality of the device to some extent (by blocking the receipt of notifications, warnings, etc.), however, the effectiveness in reducing traffic consumption is amazing...

It happens that the monthly supply of Internet traffic “flies away” in a few days. Therefore, today we will tell you what to do so that the traffic limit is not exceeded.

Why it's Important to Limit Android Data Transfer

If you don't have unlimited internet on your phone or don't always have Wi-Fi at hand, it's very easy to exceed the monthly limit tariff plan on the Internet, which can lead to increased costs. In this article, we will tell you how to reduce the amount of traffic consumed on Android to a minimum.

When choosing a tariff plan for a phone, the user cannot immediately foresee how much data he will download. It is very easy to underestimate your requests for Internet traffic, especially considering that many devices have 4G support.

Traffic goes not only when watching a video on YouTube or chatting on Facebook. Many applications run in the background and require a constant internet connection.

  • For example, email, because the application may send a data refresh request every few minutes to check for new messages.
  • Application updates also eat up a lot of traffic, but Google Play can be configured to download updates only when there is a Wi-Fi connection.

I am glad that applications that consume Internet traffic are easily tracked. On smartphones with Android OS, there are tools with which you can ensure that you do not go beyond your tariff plan, as well as set a limit on the Internet traffic used. Or you can turn off the Internet altogether. Today you will learn how to minimize the consumption of Internet traffic on your device and not go beyond the tariff plan.

How to make apps update only when connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi

how to save internet traffic by disabling auto-update via mobile network

Very simple. You just need to launch the Google Play application, click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines in the left upper corner, then go to Settings. Next - in the "General", we find the item "Automatic application updates" and set "only via Wi-Fi".

How to completely disable your internet connection

We go to "Settings", click on the item "Data transfer" and near the line "Mobile traffic" we change the position of the switch from on to off. Any existing internet connection will be terminated.

Note: The Internet will still be available when connected via Wi-Fi, and all online applications can also be used.

How to save the amount of traffic used

Those who need to set a monthly (or for any other period of time) limit on the traffic consumed by an Android smartphone, as well as enable a notification when approaching the limit, will need to follow the well-known direction again: “Settings” → “Data transfer”. Here we put a limit on mobile traffic in accordance with the tariff package of your operator.

Here you can also look at a graph showing the amount of traffic used per month. We set the maximum allowable amount of data for a month, and in case of approaching the limit of the Internet traffic package, the system will notify you about it.

Reducing the amount of mobile traffic consumed

If you just want to keep your Android data usage to a minimum, you'll need to turn off background data in the settings of every app you download.

Again, let's follow the trodden path, namely "Settings" → "Data transfer", go down below and see the consumption of traffic from applications.

To disable background data transfer, select an application and click on the "Restrict background mode" option. Please note that selected apps will now only update over Wi-Fi. For example, if you set such a restriction on WhatsApp, Facebook or Gmail, notifications of new messages will not be displayed until the application itself is launched.

Especially in order to save Internet traffic, the social network Twitter recently introduced a light version of itself - Twitter Lite, and also added a traffic saving mode to its application. As stated, thanks to it, the amount of traffic consumed is reduced by up to 70%, which is achieved by blurring the preview images.

We want to present you with some tips that will help reduce data usage by unnecessary applications and a few tricks that will reduce traffic consumption to a minimum. These hints work on Sony, Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola and other Android smartphones.

Install Opera Max

Opera Max is a must have app for those who have slow EDGE and GPRS internet. It compresses all your mobile traffic, which makes applications that require the Internet work noticeably faster. In addition, thanks to branded features, it saves up to 50% of traffic. On my Samsung Galaxy S5, this figure was about 42%!

Turn off automatic updates

Automatic updates consume the most bandwidth because your smartphone has a lot of programs installed and some of them are updated regularly by developers. So if you forget to turn off this option on your gadget, then the Internet will be used without your knowledge in the background.

To disable automatic updates, go to Google Play -> " Settings" -> "Auto update app" and select " Never" or " Only via WiFi" depending on what you need.

Data compression in browsers

Via Chrome browsers and Opera, which provide the ability to compress data, you can significantly reduce traffic consumption, since websites will load photos in compressed form, and the pages themselves will not execute all the JS code. This format reduces data consumption by up to 30%. Enabling this option in your browser settings will help you save traffic and not exceed your tariff limit.

To enable compression for Google Chrome go to " Settings" -> "Traffic control" -> "Reducing traffic" and move the slider to "Enable".

Data preloading and caching

On YouTube, for example, you can use the “watch later” feature. This allows you to download any content and video over WiFi to watch another time. Google Maps always helped us to walk around unfamiliar cities and crowded streets without any problems. You can preload a route or a map and view them without using the mobile Internet at any time when you need them on the road. This will save the number of megabytes, and also saves battery power.

Turn off automatic sync

Social apps and other note-taking apps use automatic sync, which allows you to use Mobile Internet, running in the background when you have an update or the program needs to sync data with your account. By turning off the automatic synchronization option, you minimize traffic consumption as much as possible, since applications will only be updated when you start them, for example, having a WiFi connection.

You can do this by going to Settings" -> "Data transfer"and uncheck the box" Auto sync".

Turn off mobile data and set a limit

Turn off mobile data when you don't need it - good way save precious megabytes, as all applications running in the background will automatically stop. If you are traveling, sleeping or attending an important meeting, turn off the Internet. You can set a limit on internet consumption. This setting will warn you as soon as you approach the Internet consumption limit.

This option is available in Settings" -> "Data transfer" - > "Set limit". Move the red slider up or down to set the desired limit.

You can also . After that, ads will no longer be shown in applications, and, accordingly, precious megabytes will not be spent on it.

These few are very simple steps can help you control your data usage and reduce your internet costs.

Hello friends, today on the phone I helped to solve one problem to my friend, we can say to a regular customer. He called and said that the Internet is very slow, and he has CDMA from Intertelecom and a tariff at which 1000 Mb is given per day. But that's not the point, he told me that the Internet is very slow, almost nothing comes off. Well, I immediately thought that the provider had some problems, anything can happen.

Problems with transferring large files

Virtually all companies transfer large files. These files consume respectively a large number of traffic. But the bottlenecks lurking in any network make it even slower transfers. A single-component congested network can quickly result in a significant loss of bandwidth.

Get a complete overview of bandwidth usage

The tool reads traffic data to complete the router and provides detailed statistics on what services and programs are using their bandwidth, and where they may be potential bottlenecks. This ensures that you can respond proactively to any throughput issues and fix them before they become serious.

But the last time I set up his computer, I set it so that he would not overspend the limit, and he told me that the quota had already been used up by 21 percent and was growing, although all browsers were closed and nothing was downloading. Then everything became clear, well, almost everything, some program uses the Internet, and uses it seriously.

It remains only to find this program, and block it, or delete it. Otherwise, this is completely chaos, browsers are closed, and the Internet is used. According to the client, there were no unnecessary programs on the notification panel, and the automatic one was checked.

“We can all work with peace of mind knowing that our systems are constantly monitored.”

Using the monitor's bandwidth is the key to better governance network. You will enjoy fast and full review anytime with our dashboards and apps. But how can a bandwidth test be done? Task 1: In order to test the maximum return on bandwidth, you will need to use your line at maximum capacity. This means there will be more resources for other data during the test. In other words, you are a cripple of the network.

To be honest, I didn’t even immediately know how to find out which program or process is secretly using the Internet, I haven’t met this before. But then I caught my eye installed antivirus ESET NOD32 Smart Security. And I thought that he also has a firewall, in which, most likely, you can see which program or process is loading the Internet connection. Moreover, the client also had ESET NOD32 Smart Security installed.

Task 2: To measure 100%, essentially two computers are needed, which will be directly located at the ends of the line, whose bandwidth is to be tested. Otherwise, you will simultaneously test all network devices that appear in the "test track.".

For these reasons, you cannot directly measure the throughput during the entire test, but you can test the line speed by generating short peak loads, for example by downloading a small file every few minutes to measure the download time.

After making sure that you can see in the antivirus which program uses Internet traffic, I advised you to do this (if you have the same problem, do it together :)):

Open ESET NOD32 Smart Security and go to the tab, then select "Network connections".

Tip: Are you new to monitoring and need support?

If the line is being used by others during the test, you will see jitter in the graph and the tests will fail with total available bandwidth. If there is no other traffic on the line, the graph should look like a very straight line. More detailed information about individual processes and how they can be used to improve network bandwidth efficiency.

Bandwidth monitoring

Sign up here for a free email consultation and can learn how best to use your resources. Tip: "Hey Matthias, what would you say to an administrator who wants to control their bandwidth?". Instead of trying to measure throughput against simulated additional loads, you should look around for the steps to do it anyway and then monitor them. For example, when performing backups, there is often a lot of pressure on bandwidth and can easily recognize the absence or bottlenecks. Finding the reasons why slow applications or other problems without a monitoring tool is a long and expensive process.

A list of programs and processes that use the Internet connection on your computer will appear. Opposite the name process/program the current outgoing and incoming speed will be displayed and how much data was sent and received from the Internet by a specific program / process. Close all browsers and take a close look at this table, you will see a program that uses the Internet on the sly, because only it will most likely have all the indicators distinguishable from 0 B / s.

You only get about twenty sensors to monitor bandwidth, and these sensors can be created automatically. This will allow you to plan ahead to provide higher throughput at certain points in time, such as when your site is in use. in great demand, or when users make heavy use of the app, or when an update is about to take place.

Quickly diagnose capacity

Is your bandwidth slowly reaching its limit? This will allow you to plan the acquisition of new resources in right time. By detecting and eliminating bandwidth hiders, you will increase the efficiency of your network. It will also benefit long-term savings.

The client noticed this harmful program immediately. It turned out that this is some kind of ZONA torrent client program. Here she calmly lay in autoload, started up with the computer, and as soon as the Internet appeared, she continued to download some films. Mercilessly and quietly, spending the already small limit of 1000 MB. And then 10 kopecks per 1 MB, which is not very cheap, and such programs can gobble up all the money from the account.

As a result, you will play an important role in improving employee performance as well as improving customer satisfaction. History always repeats itself: you won't make it to the end of the month with the mobile data speeds offered by most carriers. And this used to be, having one or two gigabytes of Internet, gave many opportunities to see mail or search information on the Internet.

The problem is not only that we use a lot of Internet on mobile. Most popular apps and websites in last years are gaining weight, mainly due to the greater presence of high-definition videos and images.

I advised you to immediately remove the program, if you do not know how to do this, then read the article. After removing this program, the Internet worked well, and was no longer used for no reason.

By the way, you can simply prohibit a specific program or process from using the Internet. Just right-click on the desired program and select “Temporarily disable network connection for the process”. In order to allow the use of the Internet, simply uncheck the box in the same way.

Disable automatic download

Also, it's not all text messages. But there are ways to limit unnecessary spending or get you to spend less without giving up. You don't need to upload this photo right now when you don't feel like seeing it. Applications configuration is the screen you should use in the first case to give a respite to your megabytes.

From the application options, you can stop the automatic download of photos and videos. There is also a "Lower Data Usage" option in case of using application calls that are made using the data rate. Every day they are more haunted by photos and videos.

That's the way it is, friends. It's also good that it was a program that just downloaded movies, but it could also be a Trojan that would send information from your computer to intruders. Hope my advice personal experience useful to you. Good luck friends!

This application compresses traffic and improves speed

If we can't get out of the phone for a moment, the solution is to make the data we consume take up less. This is called compression and consists of all our navigation through a remote server, which transparently compacts it. You will almost imperceptibly sacrifice some quality of photos or videos, but you will notice that you consume less and everything goes faster. It costs nothing to see if the user experience really doesn't change too much and if it is able to reduce that mega-peak that leaves you up to two days from the start of a new billing period.

An urgent problem for owners of tariffs with a limit on the speed or amount of information (as well as USB modems) or "low-speed Internet". It seems that the Internet is there, but the speed is not enough even to open pages on the Internet. If you are used to it and put up with it, then you can continue to ignore it. But still, I think everyone will be interested in what programs or applications use Internet traffic.
By the way, sometimes in this way you can find out and see some unfamiliar process or application that you do not know, and this may be a virus or spyware that sends your data (or monitors your actions) and sends them to someone through the Internet.

Set boundaries

This panel, accessible from the settings, is very practical for measuring the consumption we produce during the days of the month and has set a warning to let us lower the piston before we run out of megad. The use of the Internet by telephone is becoming more common, and the plans of these operators do not always cover all the needs of the client. If you are left in the middle of the month without data on your mobile phone, you are faced with a dilemma: endure not using the data on your smartphone or buy an additional bonus.

You can find out what is eating your Internet traffic in several ways.

1) Through standard. But there is one big drawback here - only in Windows 8 it shows on the tab Processes in a collumn Network.

In other editions (versions) of "Windows" this is not. More precisely, there is, but there is not what you need.

2) Through and various firewalls that provide.
But here, too, there is a snag - not everyone gives such an opportunity, and there are also paid options. Although I use it and it suits me. Shows, by the way, that he uses the Internet too. Like all firewalls in principle.

But these bonds are not cheap at all. In fact, consumer associations have reported that they have asked the government to take action to make flat data rates available on mobile, or at least at lower prices.

But as long as that's not possible, if possible, there are a few things that can be done to keep the data plan alive long enough that it doesn't run out of connection or fail to reach the wallet. On the site, we have developed this guide to put together a few tips and tricks to extend the life of your data plan.

3) Through third-party special programs.
I consider this option to be the best and most effective, because it is suitable for all versions of the OS and you do not need to pay, because all programs are free.

The first program to receive universal recognition is TCPView from.

On the positive side, it does not require installation (portable) and takes up little space (284 kb). Of the negative in it, only that it does not have a Russian-language interface. But to understand it will not be difficult.

Beware of Updates

Application updates implement new features and fix bugs. Setting them is important but generates important data traffic. Other applications and widgets are constantly receiving information that is not always needed. For example, weather widgets are updated every few minutes to show temperature and precipitation always on the screen, although this is sometimes necessary.

App notifications are one of the most problematic features of smartphones. And that, while it appears that the phone is "receiving" data, messages, or signals, it is actually the one that is constantly "calling" the server to see if there are new features.

After running the file, the main window looks like this:

It immediately displays all the programs that use the Internet, with characteristics such as the port used, and others.
In addition, you can save this list to a text file, as well as customize the display.
When you right-click on a process, you can find out the process properties (Process Properties), end it (End Process), close the connection (Close Connection), copy (Copy) and find out what the system thinks about it (Whois ...) (it didn’t work for me )

Disabling notifications is one way to prevent this constant data leak. But it can be very difficult for you not to know anything about your social networks for several hours, or even that this measure is counterproductive if, in turn, you turn off notifications that you will manually check every 3 minutes. Therefore, you can also schedule notification updates. In this way, everyone, for example 15 minutes, receives notifications about various social networking, messaging or e-mail applications and thus limits data consumption.

The second program is NetWorx

It does everything the same as the previous program, namely, it monitors and shows which programs climb into the Internet. The most important and pleasant difference is that it is Russified and has many functions.

After installation and / or launch, the program is minimized to and when you right-click on the icon, the following menu appears:

Better if there is a mobile version

Web pages are becoming more interactive and complete. However