Choosing a septic tank for your home. Septic tanks for a summer residence: which is better, prices, reviews. Deep biopurification systems

Selecting a septic tank for country house and trying to determine which one is better? We compared the price of non-volatile septic tanks 17 various types and did short description their features.

In this comparison we limited ourselves to only non-volatile septic tanks volume three or less cubic meters, which are designed to serve a home with permanent residence of up to five people. In total, the sample included 58 of the most popular models on the market.

Brief information:
Non-volatile septic tanks
– containers with one, two or a large number chambers where purification occurs Wastewater due to the active activity of anaerobic bacteria (without the participation of oxygen). Bacteria decompose organic waste producing gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen and others), water and mineral sediment.
: low price.
Disadvantages of non-volatile septic tanks: average degree of purification (50-80%), slow purification, the need for soil post-treatment of wastewater, the formation of a large amount of sludge and the need for its periodic pumping.

Local treatment facilities (volatile septic tanks) – septic tanks, where the main work is performed by more active aerobic bacteria, which require oxygen to function. It is delivered using small electric air pumps (aerators), while simultaneously mixing the activated sludge.
Advantages of non-volatile septic tanks: high degree of purification (up to 98%), faster wastewater treatment, extremely low sludge formation, no need for soil treatment.
Disadvantages of volatile septic tanks: high price, need to connect to the power grid and pay for energy consumption (50-250 rubles/month), periodic maintenance.

How do non-volatile septic tanks differ from each other?

Number of cameras

For septic tanks with a volume of less than 5 m3, SNiP allows only one chamber, but the best option is considered to have two or more chambers. Due to this, the quality of cleaning is partially improved.

Availability of biofilters

Biofilters mean special devices with a developed surface where microorganisms are fixed, increasing the degree and speed of waste processing. Usually, brush loading is used as biofilters (brushes made from synthetic materials) or various synthetic fabrics. Expanded clay backfill can also be used, through which the purified water flows by gravity.

Opportunities for modernization

Some models can be combined into chains, thereby increasing the volume of processed waste and increasing the degree of purification.
Some models have the potential for installing aeration units, which will make it possible to later turn them into treatment plants with a high degree of purification (up to 98%), which do not require periodic pumping.

How big should a septic tank be?

Calculating the volume of a septic tank is a separate task. What matters here is the temperature of the water in the septic tank, the concentration of suspended solids, the volume of wastewater and volley discharges, the processing speed and much more. It is generally accepted, including based on SNiP, that the average volume of daily water disposal per person is 200 liters. In this case, the wastewater must remain in the septic tank for at least three days. Therefore, the volume of the septic tank should be taken at a rate of at least 600 liters (0.6 m3) per permanent resident. And the more, the better.

Table of non-volatile septic tanks

We collected data on 58 popular septic tank models and placed them in one table, indicating the main characteristics and the price set by the manufacturer. Since septic tanks have a number of significant differences, below we have added a brief description of their main features so that everyone can choose the model that suits them best.

In short, it is better to take the septic tank that has more chambers, more filters and a larger volume, and at the same time has a minimum price. And it is by this that the table is sorted. The final choice is yours.

model sections volume production, l./day* (person) biofilter manufacturer's price, rub.
Microbe 450 2 450 150 (0-n.d.) No 9700
Microbe 600 2 600 200 (1-n.d.) No 12200
Microbe 750 2 750 250 (1-n.d.) No 13700
Microbe 900 2 900 300 (1-n.d.) No 14200
Microbe 1200 2 1200 450 (2-n.d.) No 16900
Tank-1 2 1200 600 (2-3) 1 19600
Tank Universal-1 n.d. 1000 400 (1-2) 1 19700
Microbe 1800 2 1800 800 (3-n.d.) No 19900
Ball 1100 1 1100 350 (1-2) 1 20280
Termit-Profi 1.2F 2 1200 400 (2-2) 1 22000
Tank Universal-1.5 n.d. 1500 600 (2-3) 1 23700
Triton-T 1 3 1000 n.d. (1-2) 1 24500
"Mole" horizontal 1.2 1 1170 n.d. (2-n.d.) 1 25000
Microbe 2400 2 2400 1000 (4-n.d.) No 26400
Tank-2 3 2000 800 (3-4) 1 26700
Termit-Standard 2F 2 2000 700 (3-4) 1 26700
Rostock Mini 2 1000 300 (1-2) 1 26800
Tank Universal-2 (2015) 3 2200 800 (3-6) 1 29700
Triton-ED 1800 2 1800 600 (3-3) No 29900
Triton-T 1.5 3 1500 n.d. (2-3) 1 30000
Termit-Standard 2.5F 2 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 30400
Termite-Transformer 1.5 4 1500 550 (2-3) 2 30500
Termit-Profi 2F 2 2000 700 (3-4) 1 31400
Triton-ED 2000 2 2000 700 (3-4) No 31500
Tank-2.5 3 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 31700
Purges 1800 2 1800 650 (3-4) 2 33490
Rostock Dachny 2 1500 450 (2-3) 1 33800
Purges 2000 2 2000 700 (3-4) 2 34280
Termit-Standard 3F 3 3000 1400 (5-6) 1 34900
Termit-Profi 2.5F 2 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 36400
Tank-3 3 3000 1200 (5-6) 1 36700
Cleanings 2500 2 2500 850 (4-5) 2 36840
Termite-Transformer 2.5 4 2500 1000 (4-5) 2 38000
Tank Universal-3 (2015) 3 3000 1200 (5-10) 1 38700
Triton-T 2 3 2000 n.d. (3-4) 1 39000
Clean B-5 3 1500 700 (2-4) 2 42000
Termit-Profi 3F 3 3000 1400 (5-6) 1 42100
Bioton B 2 3 2000 n.d. (3-4) 1 43000
Triton-ED 3500 2 3500 1200 (5-6) No 43500
"Mole" vertical 1.8 1 1800 n.d. (3-n.d.) 1 45000
Cleanings 3000 2 3000 1000 (5-6) 2 45400
Triton-T 2.5 3 2500 n.d. (4-5) 1 48000
Bioton B 2.5 3 2500 n.d. (4-6) 1 48500
Rostock Countryside 2 2400 880 (4-5) 1 49800
"Mole" vertical 1.8 2 1800 n.d. (3-n.d.) 1 50000
"Mole" vertical 2.4 1 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 53000
Bioton B 2 3 3000 n.d. (5-6) 1 53500
Flotenk-STA-1.5 2 1500 n.d. (2-n.d.) No 54900
FloTenk-YES 3 2 2800 n.d. (4-5) No 54900
"Mole" vertical 2.4 2 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 58000
Rostock Cottage 2 3000 1150 (5-6) 1 58800
Flotenk-STA-2 2 2000 n.d. (3-n.d.) No 59900
"Mole" vertical 3 1 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 62000
"Mole" vertical 2.4 3 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 63000
Clean B-7 3 2500 n.d. (4-6) 2 63700
"Mole" vertical 3 2 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 67000
Flotenk-STA-3 2 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) No 69900
"Mole" vertical 3 3 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 72000

* - declared cleaning performance of liters per day. The first number in brackets indicates the maximum number of permanent residents served, calculated using a method close to SNiP. The second number is the maximum number of people declared by the manufacturer.

Comparative description of septic tank models

Septic tank "Tank"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. The classic version of a septic tank made of polypropylene. At the outlet there is a biofilter with floating loading. The younger model is two-chamber. The rest are three-chamber.

Septic tank "Tank Universal"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. A modification of the previous septic tank, the volume of which can be increased by installing additional modules.

Septic tank "Microbe"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. An inexpensive series of compact two-chamber septic tanks with a relatively low degree of purification.

Septic tank "Triton-ED"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. The simplest vertical two-chamber septic tank with the ability to combine two modules to increase the volume and quality of cleaning.

Septic tank "Triton-T"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. Three-chamber model with built-in biofilter.

Septic tank "Flotenk-STA"

Manufacturer: "Flotenk". The simplest fiberglass two-chamber septic tank. Increased strength.

A septic tank is a local sewage system on a site. There are many varieties of systems and types.

This and simple designs, self-made, and treatment plants. This article should help you in choosing the best septic tank for a private home.

The main purpose is to collect, settle and purify wastewater. Used in places where there is no centralized system- in dacha areas, outside the city.

There are several parameters by which this component of the local sewage system is classified:

  • by the number of wells;
  • by material;
  • on constructive solutions.

Based on the number of wells, there are single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber wells. The materials used in production are steel, reinforced concrete, and plastic. Based on their design, they are classified into storage tanks, with soil purification, and with deep filtration.


Consists of one chamber or two interconnected wells. The waste that enters the hermetically sealed storage facility is divided into liquid and solid. Organic matter are broken down and the liquid settles. To prevent the chambers from overfilling, they should be pumped out periodically.

This option is considered not the most expensive. They are used in dachas where people live only during the season or on weekends. In this case, you can clean it once a year.

Important: storage systems should be used when not large quantities drains, for example, in dachas, otherwise the cost of their maintenance will be high.

In the construction of structures they use concrete rings and plastic containers.

With soil purification

In a house with permanent residence and the presence of running water, the best option would be to install an overflow structure. In it, the liquid not only settles, but is also further purified.

This type requires pumping less often. It is cleaned with your own hands every two to three years. To increase this period, special bacteria are used. As a result of their activities, the amount of denser waste is significantly reduced.

The only caveat to using this model is the soil type. It cannot be built on an area with clay soil and high groundwater level.

With biological treatment

The decomposition of waste in such a plant occurs in several stages and using various methods. First, liquid and solid waste fractions are separated. Then the denser ones settle to the bottom, and bioprocessing of organic matter occurs.

This model is more of a treatment station equipped with a compressor. It is quite expensive, but it neutralizes up to 95% of waste matter. Installed in areas located near a reservoir or with high groundwater level. During operation, it does not emit any odors.

The principle of operation of a septic tank is based on connection to electrical networks. If the power supply is unstable, the station will not be able to operate.

Anaerobic and aerobic

Some types of modern settling tanks use bacteria. During their life, they absorb waste and contribute to the natural purification of wastewater. According to the principle of operation they are:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Aerobic bacteria purify and clarify the liquid by 95-98%. At the exit from the aerobic system, it corresponds to those accepted for process water requirements. This liquid can be used to water the soil or fill a reservoir.

An anaerobic septic tank requires constant maintenance. Every two months it is necessary to add bioactivator to ensure wastewater treatment at the proper level. The advantages of using this type include the low cost of construction.

How to choose

In parallel with the construction of the house, a sewerage system is also being designed. Previously, they didn’t really care about this, and all the masses simply merged into cesspools.

Later they began to be replaced with septic tanks - containers for collecting wastewater from a residential building. To know which sump to choose, you should study all the factors that influence its location on the site.

Taking into account the type of soil

The type of soil on the site should be taken into account. Some of them are not suitable for use in clay rock, others are preferable to be installed in sandy soil.

You should follow a few simple rules in your work:

  • at location groundwater at a depth of one and a half meters it is difficult to prepare drainage for a three-section sump;
  • on sandy soil it is preferable to install a container with biological treatment. The liquid is directly discharged into the sand, where it is absorbed. Filtration drainage is arranged closer to the surface;
  • at a high position surface waters the option with deep biological treatment should be used. It is made heavier using improvised means or fixed.

Clay is an unstable material, which requires additional work in the installation of a sump. At the end of the frost, the structure of the clay changes, it thaws and pushes the structure out of the soil. Therefore, a septic tank in clay rock is equipped with additional metal fasteners during installation.

For containers used in clayey soils, two filtration fields are installed. To do this, two trenches are brought to the sump. In one there are, and in the other there is a layer of gravel, the height of which is up to 30 cm.

Seasonality and volume calculation

An important point when choosing the type of sump is the period of residence at the dacha or in your home. When installing a minimum set of plumbing fixtures, an inexpensive single-chamber storage option is quite suitable.

Despite its simplicity, it is qualitatively different from a cesspool. Sand or crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the storage tank. Thus, a filtration layer is formed that purifies wastewater with a 50% result.

For longer stays, you should purchase a compact two-chamber version. It consists of sections for settling and infiltration of wastewater. The use of this type of equipment is effective if the volume of drainage masses does not exceed its standard value.

Important: When purchasing a septic tank, carefully choose it technical characteristics. Particular attention should be paid to the number of residents it is designed for.

With permanent residence and sufficient quantity It’s better to buy a whole station consisting of two or three sections. It can be factory-made or constructed independently from reinforced concrete rings.

When constructing it, a single- or double-chamber storage tank and a filter section are combined. The settling tanks are made airtight, and the filtration septic tank has a drainage bottom made of sand and crushed stone. The liquid is pumped out from the storage sections using a vacuum cleaner, and the filter is changed every three years. This multi-chamber sedimentation tank purifies wastewater by 90%.

The volume of the device is calculated based on the average daily norm sewerage per person. This figure is 200 liters. Also, when calculating the capacity of the sump, the number of people living in the house and the possibility of accumulating a three-day supply are taken into account. For example, for a family of three people, the volume is calculated as follows: 200 * 3 people * 3 days - equal to 1800 liters.

If guests arrive, the resulting volume should be increased by two thirds: 1800 * 1.66 - equal to 3000 liters.

The recommended depth of settling tanks is 1.3-5 meters. Using these data, their cubic capacity is determined and selected required type. For wastewater volumes up to 1 cubic meter. use a single-chamber version, with a volume of up to 10 cubic meters. choose a two-chamber type if the volume of waste is more than 10 cubic meters. – three-chamber, with a drainage field.

A settling tank with a filtration field combines two or three wells. The drainage zone covers an area underground of at least 30 square meters. The distance from the field to the house is 30 meters.

If the groundwater level is high in the area, it is recommended to install a multi-section septic tank with a biofilter. This model includes four compartments: a settling tank, an anaerobic chamber where large wastes decompose, a separator containing a filter with microorganisms, and an aerobic septic tank with forced ventilation.

The performance of the proposed wastewater treatment plants meets a wide variety of needs. There are small options for sale for servicing a family of one or two people, and entire treatment complexes for servicing a holiday village.

Material for production

Most models of modern multi-chamber devices used in private homes are made from PVC. Products made from stainless steel and fiberglass are often found.

Main advantage plastic products– light weight. Their installation does not require the use of special construction equipment. On the other hand, this quality is also a disadvantage, since the container can float or be subject to mechanical impact from the soil. To protect the structure, concreting the walls of the pit and securing the septic tank with belts is used.

The choice of product material determines its service life and operational reliability:

  • Reinforced concrete rings used in the construction of settling tanks are not subject to destructive corrosion processes. To install them, you need to use special equipment.
  • Metal structures are durable and low cost. But perhaps these are the only advantages. Such types require additional waterproofing work. The inner walls are constantly in contact with active chemical material, which leads to destruction.
  • Fiberglass is a chemically neutral material, durable, lightweight and resistant to temperature changes.

For your information: Fiberglass products are the most practical to use and have a long service life.

For cleaning structures in country houses, factory-made or home-made settling tanks are used.

Options made with your own hands from scrap materials are only suitable for dachas with seasonal accommodation several people. For a home with permanent residence, it is better to use a purchased installation that guarantees long-term and safe waste disposal.

The use of a two-chamber device allows for primary wastewater treatment and safe disposal of purified water into the soil.


Trouble-free operation of a septic tank requires its maintenance. This work is carried out on our own or with the assistance of specialists.

Simple two-chamber structures, made by hand, are maintained by the home owners themselves. These works include pumping out solid fractions and sludge from the settling chamber, replacing microorganisms to decompose organic matter, and inspecting ventilation and overflow pipes.

The filter layer at the bottom of the leaking chamber should be replaced every three years. This should be done because the bottom becomes silted, which leads to a deterioration in its performance.

By performing these simple operations, you will extend the operation of your local sewage system for several years.

If your home is served by a multi-chamber treatment station, then its disassembly, filter cleaning, and membrane replacement should be carried out by qualified specialists.

Costs for local sewerage installation

The cheapest designs are sedimentation tanks or sewer tanks. If you dig a pit yourself, then the financial costs will only go to purchasing a container for wastewater. approximate price septic tanks with a volume of 1.4 to 5.0 thousand liters - 15.0-62.0 thousand rubles.

When installing local sewer The costs include not only the purchase of sedimentation tanks, but also the purchase of pipes, waterproofing, and the purchase of components for.

The cost, consisting of two or three reinforced concrete settling tanks with waterproofing and a cushion of sand and crushed stone, is about 42.0-47.0 thousand rubles. The price depends on the diameter of the rings, their number, and the choice of water purification method.

The used deep biological wastewater treatment plants are expensive. Arranged in the form of combined blocks, equipped with biofilters. They are made of reinforced concrete, plastic and metal. Price from 80.0 to 345.0 thousand rubles.

Popular models and principles of operation

  • two-chamber septic tank with drainage field. It allows you to make drains cleaner and use the services of a sewer cleaner less often. The drainage area occupies up to 30 square meters. areas underground. The distance from the house is at least 30 m;
  • multi-section settling tank with biofilter. Used when a family of 3–4 people permanently resides in country house and with high groundwater levels in the area.

The standard model consists of four sections: the settling tank itself, a chamber for breaking down coarse waste with anaerobic waste, a separator with microorganisms, and an aerobic septic tank that plays the role of a drainage field.

Designs can be found to meet a wide variety of user requirements. These could also be wastewater treatment plants. Rating:

  • "Triton". Compact in size three-chamber sump for a summer residence.

Available in models whose volume ranges from 2 to 40 cubic meters. Cleaning of coarse waste is carried out twice a year. The service life, if the rules are followed, is about 50 years.

During installation, the walls of the pit are concreted to securely secure the structure.

For small cottages with seasonal residence of one or two people, they use the two-chamber Triton-mini model.

  • "Tank". The septic tank is made of high-strength plastic.

The principle of operation is based on the gradual purification of wastewater using sedimentation and the use of biofilters. The main advantages include ease of installation, high level of purification, and low cost. Cleaning is carried out every five years.

  • "Topas". It is a volatile model, as it runs on electricity.

The wastewater undergoes purification in several stages: decomposition of large particles, reduction in the degree of their mineralization, mechanical removal of components. Allows you to purify wastewater by 98%, which is the most best indicator. Purified water is used to water the soil.

In order to pick up correct option, you should find out the requirements of its work and study the conditions of the site. Then compare the characteristics of models offered by different manufacturers.

Useful video

Detailed analysis:

Everything on the shelves:

Just look at any catalog of an online store offering septic tanks for a country house or cottage, and you will have to face challenging task choice. In fact, along with dealers in this area, there are enterprises that have only recently entered the market, or successful manufacturers that have been operating for a long time and have achieved success, but have decided to develop a new direction of their activity. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with what types of septic tanks are available for a summer residence and will compare them so that you can decide which is better.

Septic tanks for a summer residence: which one is better? What to consider when choosing them?

The model line of septic tanks is quite wide, which allows you to choose the best septic tank for your dacha that will suit individual requirements. When choosing this cleaning system For a country house, cottage or cottage, the following factors need to be taken into account:

  • The number of permanent residents (take into account possible guests).
  • Number of plumbing points (showers, toilets, Jacuzzis, bathtubs, sinks) and household appliances(dishwasher and washing machines), the volume of their waste.
  • Groundwater depth.
  • Soil type on site.
  • Option for discharging treated water (gravity or forced).

How to install a septic tank at the dacha:

  • Preparing the pit.
  • Arrangement of supply trenches for pipes and wires.
  • Installing a septic tank in a pit and sprinkling sand around it.
  • Filling the septic tank chambers with water.
  • The pipe cuts in, the power supply connection.
  • Commissioning works are being carried out.
  • The outer part of the septic tank is prepared taking into account the landscape design features on the territory.

The principle of operation of septic tanks

A septic tank is a structure that is used to treat wastewater. The design of its device implies the presence of a multi-chamber system. The first tank (sump) receives wastewater from the house through a pipeline. Bacterial decomposition of wastewater occurs in it. In some devices, usually industrial production, structures are installed here that are responsible for filtering contaminated water.

The decomposition of wastewater occurs under the influence of anaerobic or oxygen-free bacteria. They convert the liquid entering the settling tank into clarified water, gas and mineral insoluble sludge or sediment.

All anaerobic septic tanks include several chambers. In the first, wastewater treatment and partial filtration take place. In the second and in all the others, the purification process continues.

The gas formed as a result of wastewater decomposition is removed through ventilation pipe, and the water goes into the overflow hole into the second tank. In this case, anaerobic bacteria do not stop cleaning the wastewater. Then the clarified water flows into the next container or is supplied to the filtration fields. After soil filtration the liquid is absorbed into the soil. This structure belongs to anaerobic type systems or non-volatile septic tanks.

There are also a variety of devices that require electricity to operate. These are aerobic septic tanks with biological treatment. In such devices, wastewater treatment is carried out by aerobic microorganisms that simply cannot exist without oxygen. For this reason, the compressor automatically turns on after a certain time and supplies air inside the tanks. The process of wastewater decomposition in these installations occurs very quickly. The level of purification of contaminated waters is 98%.

The operating principle of an aerobic septic tank requires a constant flow of oxygen, since the bacteria contained in the activated sludge die and cleaning stops.

One of the most common structures is a storage septic tank. It is a single-chamber sealed device used to accumulate wastewater that is pumped out using a sewage disposal machine. Additionally, the tank is equipped with a filling level sensor. This option is the best for those who often appear in a country house, but for various reasons cannot be equipped effective area post-treatment of wastewater.

Septic tanks for a summer residence: which one is better?

  1. Non-volatile septic tanks.

Models that operate without electricity and are not tied to the presence of power grids are suitable for small country houses. In remote areas and gardening communities, there is a possibility of a power outage for a fairly long period, so it is worth deciding in advance on the equipment for small country houses. In remote areas and gardening communities there is a risk of power outages for a fairly long period, so it is worth choosing sewage equipment in advance.

Of course, users have a question about whether a septic tank is needed at all in the country if it is possible to equip a cesspool. We will not convince dacha owners, but simply remind them of aesthetics, sanitary requirements and basic amenities. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best non-volatile septic tanks.

  • "Tank".

The “Tank” septic tank is made of high-strength plastic, having a thickness of 10 to 17 mm with stiffening ribs. The design itself provides resistance to high loads that are formed under soil pressure in summer and winter period. The estimated service life of the product is at least five to ten years, subject to operating conditions. A conventional septic tank works on the principle of wastewater treatment through sedimentation or further biological decomposition of the material with a biofilter, which is characterized by high productivity. The infiltrator is responsible for distributing purified water that enters the ground.

The unique shape of the body protects the structure of the septic tank from being squeezed out by the soil, and the possibility of equipping it with a high neck allows them to be placed at the required depth. Special design, which includes block modules, allows you to assemble almost any volume of a septic tank, and overflow pipes act as connections.

The operating conditions of the septic tank imply its periodic cleaning of accumulated solid residue. With proper operation of the equipment and the use of bacterial colonies, the container should be cleaned every four to five years. But it is recommended to do this at least once a year. In the case of periodic use of a septic tank, during the winter, when sewerage drainage is not supposed to be treated, approximately a third of the water is removed from the tank.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank “Tank”

Price of septic tank "Tank"

It is worth noting that the price of this septic tank is more than affordable for many private home owners. This is one of the main advantages that causes great interest in the product. The price largely depends on its volume and therefore increases with increasing capacity.

Reviews of the “Tank” septic tank for a summer residence


“The septic tank filters perfectly, there are no comments. There were no problems with its installation, since everything was described in detail in the instructions. Convenient, environmentally friendly, economical. I leave positive feedback."

“I studied a lot of reviews, the opinions of buyers differ, but, as a rule, negative emotions arise only due to improper installation and operation of this septic tank.”

“The septic tank does not consume electricity and operates completely autonomously, but I would not take a very large volume, since unfavorable conditions for the development of bacteria may form.”

“Two years ago we installed a Tank-1 septic tank, from which we use water to water the garden. It’s very convenient, since there is no water source on our site, including technical water.”

  • "Triton".

Three chambers that are responsible for implementing the process of removing various suspended matter from contaminated water, anaerobic decomposition of biological material, as well as supplying purified wastewater to a special filtration site. This septic tank is produced in several versions, which gives you the opportunity to choose between models with a volume from 2 to 40 m3.

Once a year, or in case of intensive use twice a year, it is worth clearing the container of accumulated solid sediment. The service life of a plastic container is approximately 50 years. When installing equipment, it is necessary to provide an “anchor”, a monolithic concrete surface or concrete slab, which ensures good retention of the septic tank at the required level.

For small bathhouses and country houses, it is better to use the “Triton-mini” models, which are compact septic tanks for the summer, designed to receive wastewater of small volumes.

Table of characteristics of the Triton septic tank

Price for septic tank "Triton"

Despite the low cost, treatment plants are popular both for small dachas and for country cottages for permanent residence. The septic tank provides the necessary level of wastewater treatment.

Reviews of the Triton septic tank

“The summer before last I installed a Triton N-1 septic tank at my dacha. It works “excellently” and fully copes with its stated function.”

“Easy installation, low price, simple maintenance. The quality and cost are completely justified. My parents installed this septic tank last summer and were very pleased. The first cleaning went quickly, without unpleasant odors».

“I installed this septic tank for my parents at their dacha in the village. They have been using it for three years, my father is happy. An excellent option for a dacha where there is a small amount of drainage water.”

"At correct installation, with the Triton septic tank you are not afraid of either severe frosts or other typical problems. It's been two years since the septic tank was installed, and we're happy with everything. The guests who came to our dacha also seriously thought about installing such a septic tank.”

  • "Aqua-bio".

The septic tank is intended for a summer cottage, where you can create a filtration field or another type of soil purification of water drained from the tank. Simple system A septic system involves passing contaminated water through 5 chambers. Initially, sedimentation of solid suspensions occurs in 3 compartments of the tank, then in the remaining 2 chambers the processes of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter occur due to the development of colonies of anaerobes on the surface of a special load.

The main advantages of this septic tank are a large number of chambers, which increases the efficiency of wastewater treatment. As a result, you will not need to reconstruct the filtration fields, which will remain clean for a long time, which means you will not encounter additional costs during the operation of the septic tank. The tightness of the durable plastic housing eliminates the possibility of contaminated wastewater entering the soil.

The productivity of different models can vary from 600 to 1300 liters per day. The price of a septic tank for a summer residence depends on this indicator. A simple calculation allows you to decide on the most suitable model, but do not forget that such a septic tank is not suitable for areas where there is a high groundwater level.

Models of the Aqua-bio septic tank differ from each other in productivity and volume. Today, containers are produced with a volume of: 3600, 3000, 2500, 2000 liters. Accordingly, with productivity l/day: 1300, 1100, 900, 700.

Prices for septic tank "Aqua-bio"

If we talk about the cost of the Aqua septic tank, then, in comparison with similar solutions, such structures cannot be classified as budget ones. You can verify this by carefully studying the table below.

Reviews about the septic tank “Aqua-bio”

“Not disappointed, works reliably and stably. IN severe frost once it was “caught” by three centimeters of ice. We had to resort to insulating the lids.”

“I ordered it, installed it and have been using it for several years now. Everything is fine, I can confidently say that he is not afraid of even severe frosts.”

"Completed careful installation, we overwintered well, I leave a positive review and recommend this septic tank for the dacha.”

  1. Energy-dependent septic tanks.

They require a constant connection to electricity and can work on the principle of forced oxygen supply to the batteries, namely aerobic wastewater treatment. Such septic tank models are a real deep cleaning station, allowing you to bring it to the required level, when the discharge can be directed into storm sewers, reservoirs and ditches without any risk of disturbing the ecological balance. Among domestic septic tanks, it is worth highlighting the five most common models.

  • "Tver".

Such a septic tank belongs to local treatment facilities, where wastewater treatment occurs in a comprehensive manner. The device simultaneously uses several different technologies, which are combined into a single system and provide excellent results when used small area land plot.

It’s worth noting right away that this solution is energy-dependent and is adapted for use in houses intended for permanent residence. But it’s also great for a summer residence if simple conservation rules are followed.

The equipment contains a multi-chamber container and high-quality plastic. The first chamber acts as a settling tank, which retains most of the poorly soluble inclusions. Some of them will sink to the bottom, while the rest will float on the surface. Here anaerobic decomposition processes take place, continuing in the second chamber on biofilters. Then comes the aeration chamber, where the water is saturated with oxygen. This activates aerobic water purification by microorganisms. The liquid is further purified in several chambers, where it flows by gravity. In one of them there is a limestone charge, where it is associated with harmful products decomposition, namely with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.

The addition of chlorine-containing reagents can increase the efficiency of water disinfection.

Models are installed on different types soil, even if the dacha is located on former peat mines, which are characterized by increased aggressive environment. Durable plastic does not corrode, and an additional “anchor” pre-installed in the pit will not allow the container to “float”.

The main distinctive feature of the Tver septic tank is the reception of a large volume of wastewater. Therefore, if you need to drain the bathtub, then it will cope with this task without deteriorating the quality of the outlet water and without releasing untreated wastewater.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank "Tver"

Reviews and price of septic tank "Tver"

If you look at all the reviews about this product, you can come to a single conclusion: such a treatment plant in most cases fully satisfies the needs of everyone modern man. There were no complaints about difficulty during operation or cleaning. One cannot but rejoice that this septic tank is the development of our specialists. Moreover, its price is affordable, as you will see by studying the information in our table.

Model name Dimensions L×W×H, mm Productivity, m3 per day Weight, kg approximate price
0.75P 2250×850×1670 0,75 120 67500 rub.
0.75PN 2600×850×1670 0,75 140 77,000 rub.
0.75RM 2250×850×1970 0,75 78,000 rub.
0.75PNM 2600×850×1970 0,75 170 88,000 rub.
1P 2500×1100×1670 1 150 86,000 rub.
1PN 3050×1100×1670 1 180 96,000 rub.
1RM 2500×1100×1970 1
1PNM 3000×1100×1970 1 210 100,000 rub.
1.5P 3500×1100×1670 1,5 250 107500 rub.
1.5PN 3850×1100×1670 1,5 280 119,000 rub.
1.5RM 3500×1100×1970 1,5 280 119,000 rub.
1.5PNM 3850×1100×1970 1,5 310 128,000 rub.
  • "Leader".

Such septic tanks use electricity to remove sediment from sedimentation tanks and to run an aerator, which saturates the water with oxygen for the development of aerobic microorganisms that eat organic matter. As you can see, this is a volatile solution. Thanks to an integrated approach and the presence of six chambers, the process requires the use of special bioadditives, and the system is highly resistant to temporary overloads of wastewater pollution.

Wastewater treatment is carried out according to the principle that discharge can be carried out in a convenient place: ditches, pond or drainage well. As you can see, there are no violations of standards for the discharge of pollutants; there is complete consistency with the ecology of the surrounding nature.

Local wastewater treatment occurs on the principle of passing through all stages of the tank with pumping out the activated sludge that has accumulated. The first chamber is used for the mechanical stage of purification - primary clarification of water and sedimentation of suspended particles. The manufacturer indicates that the effectiveness of this chamber is 2/3 of mineral contamination.

As for the second stage, a bioreactor is used here, in which anaerobic bacteria initiate fermentation (conversion of difficult-to-oxidize substances into simple ones for the oxidation process). Moreover, bacteria develop on a polymer fishing line that imitates algae. In subsequent blocks of the septic tank, namely in the third, fourth and fifth, wastewater is purified by aerobic bacteria. All conditions for life are provided for them, which are created using two aeration tanks with aerators.

The bacteria themselves multiply on the porous material, form entire colonies, turning into activated sludge. As a result of the victorious battle with the drains, the last stage of the septic tank emerges. Here the neutralization of phosphates occurs in an alkaline environment.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank “Leader”

Price for septic tank Leader

The cost of a septic tank with turnkey installation directly depends on its dimensions, power, weight, and connection to the sewerage system. Septic tanks also differ in price, which depends on the chosen model of the cleaning device.

Nowadays, the price for a Leader septic tank may differ, so below we will look not just at the price category, but also at different models septic tank

  • "Poplar".

The design of this septic tank allows it to be used in the following temperature range - from -30 to +40 0C. It works on the principle of passing sewage water through four compartments (two of them have aerators installed). Regular supply of oxygen to the contents has a positive effect on the development of bacteria, which are responsible for the decomposition of biomaterial. The required oxygen pressure is provided by compressors, and the process of circulating fluid between different compartments is carried out by airlifts.

When human waste is decomposed by bacteria, the wastewater enters the settling tank, where activated sludge is deposited, and the liquid is sent through a filter to the collection system. All pumps are located in a sealed compartment, as a result of which moisture on the contacts is completely excluded and ensured reliable protection equipment.

The body of the septic tank is made of polymers that do not corrode, and the average service life of a septic tank is approximately 50 years. As for deposits, they are removed independently or using a sewer machine.

Table of characteristics of the Topol septic tank

Septic tank “Topol”: reviews and prices

If installation work is carried out in strict accordance with all requirements, then no questions will arise during the operation of the Topol septic tank. We read numerous reviews of the operation of this treatment plant that we could find on the Internet, and came to the following conclusion: the reviews are mostly positive, without harsh criticism of the septic tank and its characteristics. The main thing is to choose an installation that is appropriate in terms of performance and install it correctly.

If we talk about prices, they are competitive, neither cheaper nor more expensive than other options. Of course, they grow as the volume and productivity of the container increases. In the table below you can see the average cost of a Topol installation of various capacities.

Model Price in rubles. Electricity consumption, kW/day Maximum one-time discharge in liters Daily processing, m 3 / day Number of conditional users
"Topol 3" 70,000 rub. 0,9 170 0,65 1-3
"Topol 3 PR" 76,000 rub. 1,2 170 0,65 1-3
"Topol 5" 80900 rub. 1,5 250 1,1 up to 5
"Topol 5 PR" 87900 rub. 1,2 / 1,5 250 1,1 up to 5
"Topol 5 Long" 103500 rub. 1,5 250 1,1 up to 5
"Topol 5 Long PR" 110800 rub. 1,5 250 1,1 up to 5
"Topol 8" 99800 rub. 1,6 / 1,9 470 1,9 6-8
"Topol 8 PR" 119,000 rub. 1,6 / 1,9 470 1,9 6-8
"Topol 8 Long" 115500 rub. 1,6 / 1,9 470 1,9 6-8
"Topol 8 Long PR" 120900 rub. 1,6 / 1,9 470 1,9 6-8
"Topol 10" 125,000 rub. 2,3 / 2,6 790 3,3 9-10
Topol 10 PR 135,000 rub. 2,3 / 2,6 790 3,3 9-10
"Topol 10 Long" 144,000 rub. 2,3 / 2,6 790 3,3 9-10
"Topol 10 Long PR" 153,000 rub. 2,3 / 2,6 790 3,3 9-10
  • "Topas".

Cleaning in the Topas septic tank sewer water carried out in several directions: the process of decomposition of organic materials, reducing the mineralization of wastewater, as well as cleaning from mechanical impurities. The operating principle of such a septic tank cannot be considered innovative, but be that as it may, it provides purified water (98%), which you can use for irrigation.

The first stage of purification is carried out in the receiving stone, in which sedimentation of mechanical impurities occurs. Then the airlift pumps partially purified water into the aeration tank to resolve organic compounds as a result of the activity of bacteria (their colonies are in activated sludge). Suspended sludge entering with water has a deeper purification, which is deposited in the next compartment. The fully purified water will then be removed from the system and the sludge will be returned for later use.

Equipment servicing occurs when checking the operation of the compressor and diagnosing the septic tank.

Topas characteristics table

Model name Designed for number of people Dimensions, mm
  • "Ecopan".

The Ecopan septic tank was designed for use on heaving soils with a high clay content. The destructive effects of the soil are compensated by the two-layer design of the septic tank with a huge amount internal partitions between the first polymer layers. For light soils, it is better to use Ecopan L series. It is resistant to various mechanical damages, as it has a wall thickness of up to 8 mm.

The step-by-step cleaning process is carried out by six sections of the septic tank. In the first compartment, heavy and light suspensions are deposited, differing as they accumulate through the hatch provided by the manufacturers. Then follows the aerobic process, which takes place inside the next compartment. Brush loading ensures the rapid development of bacteria that decompose organic compounds. In the next chamber, oxygen is supplied to oxidize with a compress and deepen the decomposition process.

Sedimentation of suspensions and calming of mixtures is carried out in the next compartment, from where the sediment is pumped into the first chamber for subsequent removal. To purify wastewater to the required values, the penultimate compartment is used, in which colonies of organisms on a brush load bring about the decomposition of biomaterials, and limestone ensures a normal pH of the environment. Purified water from the last chamber is removed from the system by gravity or through a pump.

Table of characteristics of the Ecopan septic tank

Price for septic tank "Ekopan"

Septic tanks for dachas "Ekopan" are not too expensive - their prices are comparable to the cost of similar VOCs. Below we provide a table with the cost of the most popular models of local septic tanks.

Model of septic tank "Ekopan" Average price in rubles
L-2 63000
T-2 78000
L-2D 70000
T-2D 86000
L-3 70500
T-3 85000
L-3D 81000
T-3D 95000
L-5 90000
T-5 108000
L-5D 100000
T-5D 119000
L-7 116000
T-7 140000
L-7D 130000
T-7D 140000

When organizing drainage for a cottage, you can connect to the central sewer pipe of the village or arrange autonomous sewerage. The first option is not always possible and is often too expensive, so many people opt for creating their own system.

Today, the best option for autonomous collection of used liquid is septic tanks.

A septic tank is a local installation that is part of the sewer system. In fact, this is an improved, well-known, cesspool. Today they exist from the most ordinary storage systems, requiring periodic removal, to fully functional systems that carry out complete wastewater treatment.

Why is it better to install a septic tank at your dacha instead of a cesspool?

Several main advantages of autonomous wastewater treatment:

  1. Comparative ease of installation;
  2. Environmental friendliness;
  3. No large expenses or labor costs for installation and maintenance are required;
  4. Guarantee of a high level of wastewater treatment;
  5. Septic tanks can serve for many years, they are reliable and durable;
  6. It is possible to install in any region with any type of soil;
  7. A variety of systems allows you to choose the best option, both for small house, and for a spacious cottage where many people live;
  8. You can arrange them yourself by selecting suitable materials.

The advantages of using them are obvious. In addition, the level of soil contamination is significantly reduced.

Work principles

There are many types of septic tanks on the market, but they all operate using the same technology. These are containers consisting of several parts, where the process of waste purification takes place, for further discharge into a canal, ground, or for reuse for other economic needs. Each compartment undergoes a certain degree of cleaning:

  • physical, during which excess debris is removed;
  • settling stage;
  • decay of organic waste;
  • processing by anaerobic bacteria;
  • removal of accumulated gases;
  • clarification and filtration process.

All these steps allow wastewater to be purified to almost 98%. If deeper cleaning is required, you will have to resort to additional filtration through aeration fields.

Types of septic tanks

Experts distinguish several types into which septic tanks can be divided. This is the design of the unit, the principle of operation and the material of the tank.

Based on their operating principle, cleaners are divided into:

1. Cumulative

This is a completely energy-independent and most budget-friendly type of septic tank that you can construct yourself. The system is a reservoir into which all wastewater is drained and settled before pumping.

Advantages of storage systems:

  • relative low cost of installation;
  • autonomy, independence from electricity;
  • minimum maintenance budget;
  • suitable for installation in areas with elevated levels groundwater.


  • requires periodic pumping and cleaning;
  • not intended for large burst volumes of wastewater;
  • emit an unpleasant odor;
  • it is better to use such autonomous sewage systems on land with predominantly sandy composition;
  • There will be expenses for vacuum cleaners.

2. Anaerobic with filtration fields

This option allows you to save on pumping wastewater, but is not cheap. The system consists of a container divided into several compartments, where various stages of cleaning occur until the waste is completely processed. The outlet water is purified up to 75%, which means you don’t have to worry about soil contamination. But if there is a need for its further use, then cleaning with anaerobic fields will be required.

Almost all models of anaerobic septic tanks with filtration fields are built using waste-free processing technology - without pumping wastewater. They are the most effective and therefore the most expensive. So-called anaerobic bacteria make it possible to purify wastewater up to 98%. The process itself is fully automated and allows for the processing of large volumes of wastewater.

All filtration systems are divided into:

  • factory or handicraft production;
  • cumulative nature or options without pumping;
  • non-volatile or autonomous.

What does a septic tank consist of? What materials are they made of and how are they built?

For the manufacturing process of a septic tank, the following materials are used:


These are light and strong containers that are easy to install. And they are inexpensive. Have long term operation, which, if used properly, reaches 50 years. There are models both accumulative and with their own processing.

The small mass of plastic septic systems is also their disadvantage if a high groundwater level is found on the site. The container can literally float to the surface, so installation in such areas is not recommended. Or they are additionally fixed in the ground using concreting.


This is a durable, reliable type of storage device that is not subject to corrosion and is resistant to influence. environment. The best option when a high groundwater level is detected at the site.

Because of heavy weight, for installation concrete septic tanks needed special equipment. However, you can erect such structures yourself - in several stages, gradually pouring concrete to the desired height.


Metal septic tanks are inexpensive. They are universal containers, due to their minimal weight, they can be installed even at high groundwater levels.

The downside is that they are short-lived and have a short service life. The material is quickly destroyed by corrosion and the activity of anaerobic bacteria.

How to choose the right septic tank for your home? And how much does it cost?

Choosing a suitable septic tank for a summer house or cottage can be quite a difficult task. In the absence of special knowledge, it is better to take the advice of a specialist in order to avoid system failure and other problems in the future.

What you can do yourself is to calculate the required volume. The following formula is used for this:

septic tank volume = 200 l (average daily water consumption per person) x 3

It should be noted that the formula does not take into account the additional use of water for various household needs, such as: watering lawns, gardens, car washing, functioning of a swimming pool, fountains, etc. Therefore, the resulting amount is multiplied again by 3. For example, when living in a house of 3- x person, we get:

3 x 200 x 3 = 1,800 liters per day

As we see, in this case, to organize an autonomous sewer system, it may be sufficient to install a small septic tank without plunging into the nuances of large sewer systems.

Which septic tanks are best suited for houses and cottages for permanent residence?

Choosing an autonomous sewer system for a cottage where it is planned permanent residence people, we again proceed from the number of days and volumes of water consumed by residents.

Practice shows that for a family with an average income, a 2-3 section storage device in combination with a septic tank filter will be sufficient to provide sewerage at home. For example, a 3-section system, in which 2 compartments are storage tanks, and the 3rd is equipped without a bottom, with a backfill of crushed stone or a sand cushion for discharging purified water.

When organizing this type of autonomous system, it is important to take into account that the pillow is changed every 2-3 years, and the septic tank purifies the water by approximately 90%.

The best septic tanks for country houses for seasonal use

If residents rarely visit their home or dacha, or even live in it only for summer season, then there is no need for a complex, high-performance sewer system. In this case, country property owners most often purchase single-chamber, compact drives. Unlike cesspools, they are equipped with crushed stone and sand filters and purify wastewater up to 50%.

If visits to the house occur more often, experts recommend choosing two-chamber septic tanks equipped with settling and filtration compartments. Typically, such septic tanks come complete with activated sludge, which contains bacteria and processing waste. The housing material is most often made of frost-resistant plastic, and installation similar system you can do it yourself.

What to look for when choosing a septic tank?

Autonomous sewer systems are selected individually for each specific home. This takes into account:

  1. Period of continuous use of the house. If residents rarely live in a cottage, then there is no point in spending family budget to use expensive systems, and the installation itself will be unprofitable. In addition, not all systems are suitable for periodic use and do not allow periods of downtime;
  2. Plot size, groundwater level and soil composition. You need to carefully read the operating conditions of septic tanks. Installation of many of them is impossible on a site with high level groundwater, some do not require location in limited areas, and conventional storage tanks are best placed in the presence of sandy soil;
  3. Performance. The daily volume of wastewater discharge influences the choice of septic tank performance;
  4. Budget. Is the most important factor of choice. If it is limited to a small amount, then single-chamber or double-chamber installations are recommended, without the use of additional high-tech equipment.

It is important to know that it is better not to skimp on the quality and cost of a septic tank. Since this will directly affect the comfort of living of residents in a private house.

Rating of septic tanks for a country house

There are many models of devices and filtration systems on the modern market; the septic tank rating list is formed based on data on the number of sales and user opinions. The most popular systems are Ecopan, Breeze, Graf and others.


Purifier with biofilter, consisting of 6 compartments. The container is made of durable waterproof polymer. There are options for normal soils and areas with high groundwater levels.


Ideal for a home where up to 3-5 people live permanently throughout the year. The reservoir with a filter is made of plastic and is divided into 2 sections: in the first, the wastewater is settled, and in the second, it undergoes bacterial treatment. On final stage, when draining into the ground, the water undergoes additional purification.


A line of proposals where the main reservoir, depending on the intensity and amount of liquid used, is a multi-chamber anaerobic septic tank. After the final stage of treatment, the water is 70% purified, so additional purification is required using drainage fields.


High-performance septic tank equipped with a compressor. It is selected individually, depending on the number of residents and the daily volume of wastewater.

The device prevents the occurrence of unpleasant odors and is placed in close proximity to the house. Purified water is suitable for disposal into a ditch.


This septic tank fully lives up to its name. This is a compact, two-chamber water purification system with a capacity of 750 liters, suitable for regular use in private houses and cottages where up to 2 people live. Requires pumping approximately every 3 years.


A properly organized drainage system and an optimally selected septic tank will be the key to a comfortable life for everyone who is used to living in their own private home, cottage or dacha.

Modern models allow you to create a comfortable, autonomous, and, most importantly, reliable system sewer system that will work efficiently for many years without repairs or additional costs.

Installation of a septic tank – practical way solving the problem of wastewater disposal during the construction of a local sewerage system. But, you must admit, it is sometimes not easy to make a choice among the variety of ready-made designs.

To simplify the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main types treatment facilities and popular models from leading manufacturers. We will tell you which septic tank to choose based on the characteristics of its operation, and outline the main parameters of the device that must be taken into account when purchasing.

For a better understanding of the issue, we have supplemented the information with photographs. various models recyclers, as well as diagrams for their installation.

A septic tank is a waterproof structure consisting of one or more sections or divided into two or three compartments or chambers. But any sewage treatment plant has its own characteristics.

Therefore, in order to choose a recycler wisely, it is necessary to analyze the types of equipment on the market, understand the principle of their operation and determine for yourself the feasibility of using a particular model.

Types of materials used

Septic tanks, which are the main element of local sewerage, are classified according to different criteria.

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