Installation of sliding interior doors - independent installation of a sliding door system. Do-it-yourself interior sliding doors: video, photo, installation Do-it-yourself sliding doors for furniture

How to do sliding doors? This question faces owners small apartments when renovating or wanting to have more free space in a small room. Such doors allow you to divide the space of the apartment into zones, maintaining the appearance of the integrity of the volume. To make them yourself, you need to know a little about the tool and have at least minimal knowledge of what it is.

Typical designs and their types

There are several types of doors that differ from each other in appearance, but the operating principle of their mechanism is almost the same.

The main elements of a sliding door are closing doors, guide rails and a carriage with rollers. The operation of the system is based on the following principle:

  • the mobile element is installed on the door leaf;
  • guides are usually fixed to the top of the doorway;
  • the rollers move along the rails and pull one (or several) sashes along with them.

IN different designs the number of mechanisms used can vary from 2 to 4 or more. It is possible to use several guides and door leaves, which are made of decorative panels and cover the mechanism. In this case, extensions, platbands or special fittings are used.

Types of sliding doors:

  • coupe;
  • cascade design;
  • harmonic;
  • structures that open along a radius.

Sliding doors can have from 1 to 4 leaves.

Sliding door mechanisms and fittings used

When creating such a design, it is necessary to select a carriage with rollers depending on the number of leaves, the material used for their installation and the type of door. These parameters are different when using, for example, MDF and glass sheet, both in weight and in the load created on the rollers. If you need to install a cascade structure, then you need to select rails with 2 gutters and attach 2 rollers to each sash. The same applies to the coupe and the accordion. Reliability of operation installed door largely depends on the guides and carriage mechanism. At heavy weight construction (material – tempered glass), you need to use 2 rails: one at the top and the other at the bottom of the opening.

Locks, handles and other fittings for a sliding door are hidden in its leaf. This is done so that the doors do not interfere with each other when moving and can be hidden in a niche. The locks are vertical latches. If you need to select accessories yourself (usually it comes with door panels), it is better to consult a specialist.

Sliding door installation options

Installation of such structures in rooms with a small area allows the use of modern design developments. They can be used with standard apartment sizes, and in country house. There are many options for installing a sliding door. Let's look at some of them.

Most often, a double-leaf structure is used to separate 2 residential areas. At the same time, the room looks like a single whole when the doors are moved apart and is divided into two parts when they are closed. The entire area of ​​the apartment is divided unevenly, for example, into an office (with the panels closed) and a living room.

Another option is to install the structure between the main residential block and a balcony or loggia (terrace in the house). Typically, glass doors are used in this case.

Another application of such devices is to separate storerooms or utility rooms from the main premises. To do this, you need to use sliding doors.

The most difficult to manufacture are structures that move apart along a radius. Their installation largely depends on the degree of bending of the door leaf and the guide. They are used in rooms with a rounded configuration and in showers.

Due to their inherent disadvantages, sliding doors cannot be used between the living room, bathroom, kitchen and toilet.

An easy way to make sliding doors yourself

If the type of structure that the owner wishes to install in the apartment has been determined, then it is necessary to purchase necessary materials and tools on construction market. Accessories can be purchased in specialized stores. The easiest way to start is by installing a single-leaf version of such a sliding door - this is the simplest and most commonly used design. At the same time, a person will acquire skills that will help him in the future independently cope with multi-leaf systems.

The technological process of work is as follows:

  1. First you need to make markings for the guide rail. This can be done in two ways. According to the first, measure the distance from the door to the floor with a tape measure. To the resulting number you need to add 1.5-2 cm to take into account the gap between them. You also need to add the height of the roller carriage and rails. After this, the obtained data is transferred to the wall with a pencil (felt-tip pen) and a line is drawn between the marks. The second method is similar to the first. The only difference is that the sash is placed against the doorway and marks are made along the upper edge. The height of the carriage mechanism and the rail are then added to these.
  2. Before installing the guide, you must ensure that the markings are accurate. horizontal plane. This is done using a level. If you skip this operation, then after complete installation sash structures can spontaneously move in any direction.
  3. Along the line drawn on the wall, install the rail so that it is under it. You can fix the guide different ways: directly to the wall with dowels or on metal brackets or nail it to a wooden beam. The rail must be installed with some clearance from the wall so that the opening sash cannot catch on the opening or platbands. The main thing is that the rails are correctly selected and the method of their installation does not lead to distortion. If they are mounted for compartments or similar structures that are made from floor to ceiling, then the guides must be fixed on both planes.
  4. To prevent the sash from falling during the first attempt to open it, the rail must be made twice as long as the opening. To this figure we must also add 40-50 mm for the spare wheel. This leads to covering a large area near the opening, but saves space in the room itself.
  5. Having finished installing the rails, they move on to the carriage with rollers. A fastening bolt is inserted inside it, and the entire mechanism is inserted into the guide. For this simple design with one sash, you need to use two rollers. When installing a cascade type or accordion, their number will increase significantly.
  6. On top part The shutters must be secured with brackets from the carriage. They are installed at a distance of 4 mm from the edges. When securing a glass structure, a different method is used. Its fasteners are made in the form of a metal gripper, the jaws of which clamp the material and are tightened with bolts. Due to the significant mass of this design, it is necessary to use two rails, top and bottom.
  7. Then the sash is put in place. They lift it and screw the screws into the brackets that were secured in advance. This work must be done together with an assistant who will support the canvas. Then they check the level of the suspension with a level, and if necessary, level it by tightening the screws.
  8. The mechanism is covered with a plank, and the opening and slopes are decorated with the help of platbands.
  9. Install the purchased fittings.

Installing a structure with a niche in the wall presents a certain difficulty. In order for the canvas to fit into it, you need to make an artificial partition from sheets of plasterboard. If you decide to install the rail on the floor, you need to make a groove in it. To do this you need to use a hammer drill.

Tools, devices and materials for work

  1. Door leaf made of MDF, chipboard, glass, wood, plastic.
  2. Special fittings.
  3. Staples.
  4. Guide rails.
  5. Fastening for the canvas.
  6. Carriage with rollers.
  7. Platbands, extensions, planks.
  8. Wooden beam.
  9. Metal brackets.
  10. Hammer.
  11. Building level.
  12. Screwdriver and pliers.
  13. Tape measure and pencil (felt-tip pen).

Self-assembly and installation of a sliding door is not very difficult. The most important thing when performing this work is to strictly follow the above technological chain and follow all recommendations. You need to correctly assess your strengths and financial opportunities and pick up quality material for construction. If necessary, consult a specialist who performs such work.

Making sliding doors with your own hands is quite simple: you need to understand how to install the structure and have the necessary tools.

About the advantages and disadvantages of sliding doors

Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the design, because your final decision may depend on this - choose sliding doors or leave regular ones.


  • saving space in the room;
  • the door will not close against drafts, which cannot be said about swing doors;
  • The doors are easy and simple to open. The only point that needs to be taken into account is that the roller mechanism should be kept clean and preventative maintenance should be carried out on time;
  • sliding doors can be automated. This is the main advantage of this type doors, which can be realized thanks to modern technologies;
  • almost complete absence of thresholds. Some door designs are equipped with lower guides, which can either protrude above the floor surface and act as a small threshold, or be “recessed” into the floor.

The disadvantages of sliding doors are:

  1. Reduced sound and heat insulation. Some models can increase these indicators thanks to the built-in special seal, when the doors go into a niche.
  2. As front door Sliding structures cannot be used, but installing such a door on a balcony or loggia that opens directly onto the street (in a country house) is allowed.
  3. Sliding door fittings and locks are expensive, unlike standard doors. In addition, the cost of the sliding door itself will also be significantly higher.
  4. When using some types of sliding doors, it will not be possible to place furniture or any bulky equipment nearby.

Types of sliding structures

There are several sliding door systems that differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in their design. The only thing that remains unchanged is the principle of operation.

The design of a sliding door is a system that consists of rollers (mechanism), guide strips and the door leaf itself.

The mechanism, consisting of rollers, is attached directly to the door. The rollers move along guides installed above the doorway.

Depending on the type of sliding door, the mechanism may have two, four or more rollers, several guides and the same number of door leaves. In addition, the sliding door has decorative panels, closing the mechanism, as well as door fittings, additions and platbands.

In this picture you can see existing structures sliding doors:

The main types of doors that are popular:

  • sliding (closet wardrobe principle);
  • cascade;
  • the doors move apart according to the “accordion” principle;
  • sliding structures consisting of one, two, three or more doors;
  • radius doors with a sliding mechanism.

Accordion door type

Let's take a look at several types of popular sliding doors, most of which you can make yourself.

  1. The standard design of a sliding door, which is designed to separate two rooms from each other: for example, a living room from a hallway. The doors have heat and sound insulating properties, and the presence of elegant fittings will add zest to the interior of the room. Often such sliding doors are called “French”.

  1. This door separates one functional room from another: for example, an office from a corridor. The main purpose of such a door is to enclose the room and create privacy. Therefore, a blind door is installed on modern fasteners, which provide a small gap between the wall and the door leaf. In this case, the handle may be superfluous, because it is easy to open and close over the edge of the door.

  1. Another option for a sliding door that is suitable for offices. The fittings and texture of the canvas are in harmony with the interior of the room.

  1. This door is made of thin materials(glass, acrylic), separates the sleeping area from other rooms.

  1. The lightweight design of the sliding door saves space and divides the room into functional zones.

  1. This is what a radius sliding door looks like. Designs can be single or double, and are also equipped automatic system opening.

Accessories and mechanism

Sliding doors require special fittings. The keys, and therefore the locks, will look different from those on an ordinary door with hinges. Distinctive feature handles is that they do not protrude on the door leaf, but are recessed into it. This is necessary so that the door fits freely into a special niche.

Locks on sliding doors are different, and if you compare them with regular ones, then in this case they will have a different mechanism - vertical latching.

When purchasing a sliding door, as a rule, all necessary fittings supplied included. But it happens that you need to install a lock or an additional handle yourself, then it is better to consult with specialists to choose them correctly.

When you are faced with the task of making sliding doors, you need to think through everything before the smallest details. You can choose the fittings yourself or buy an assembled door. The roller mechanism should be selected based on how many sashes you will install and what material they will be made of. So, if a single-leaf door made of MDF is light in weight, then you can purchase a lightweight mechanism for its installation. And if you plan to install more massive versions of sliding doors (accordion type, cascade or compartment), then you need to install two rollers on each leaf and install guides with two gutters.

The reliability of sliding doors will depend on the guides and roller mechanism, therefore, when installing a heavy door, it is advisable to strengthen the structure and install two guides - at the top and bottom. Then we can talk about the stability and reliability of the massive door leaf.

How to make sliding doors with your own hands

Before you go to the construction supermarket and buy everything you need, you should have a diagram with you. On the drawing, indicate schematically the location of the sliding door.

The photo shows a drawing of sliding doors.

Consider installing a single leaf door. It's easy to install yourself.

Required tools and materials:

  • electric drill or hammer drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • wrench and hex key;
  • anchors, screws;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • door leaf;
  • guides;
  • door frame;
  • door handle and lock;
  • cashers;
  • wooden block (fifty by fifty centimeters) for spacers.


Before installing the canvas, you need to attach the lock and handle, as this will be inconvenient later.

For a sliding door, you need to choose recessed locks and handles. If your door leaf is made of heavy solid wood, then in the lower part you need to make grooves with a router to install the guide.

Preparation includes the following actions:

  • measure the height and width of the opening in several places. Take measurements of the wall thickness;
  • you must have a completely flat wall without recesses or protrusions. If they are present, they should be removed, because the fit of the sliding door depends on this;
  • A box should be installed inside the opening. If the door will go into the inside of the wall, then it is necessary to install a double frame with guides;
  • if you are installing a sliding door simple type(the sashes do not go inside the wall), then you need to install a regular door frame;
  • cut the vertical part of the box, taking into account its size in the horizontal part;
  • connect both parts of the box together using screws and insert into the doorway;
  • level the box using a building level and fix it in the wall;
  • install spacers and fill the existing gaps with foam.

Installation of fastening and roller mechanisms

Once the door frame is installed, you can insert the panel and mark the top point on the frame and in the doorway with a pencil. This is necessary in order to eliminate bias.

We fasten the guides:

  • take a building level and draw a line along top point. Measure seventy centimeters from it and mark another line. There will be guides in this place;
  • use dowels or self-tapping screws for fastening;
  • Install a guide rail at the bottom of the wooden beam, moving two to three millimeters away from the wall. Attach the top rail in the same way. If there is even a slight misalignment, the doors will close and open poorly.

To avoid any questions about how to make interior sliding doors, carefully study these recommendations.

How to install the roller mechanism and bottom guides:

  • First, attach the rollers to the door leaf, stepping back from the edge of the wall two to five centimeters. The same should be done at the other end of the door;
  • if your door leaf weighs more than 75 kg, then in this case you need to install three rollers;

  • let's check the operation of the mechanism: it is necessary to hang the doors and check how the door leaf lowers and rises, setting the desired height. There should be five to ten millimeters left from the edge of the door (bottom) to the floor;
  • close and open the doors - they should move freely;
  • Now you can tighten the corkscrew nuts;
  • then “brakes” for the rollers are inserted into the guides and secured;
  • Some models of sliding doors have lower guides, so it is necessary to make a groove at the bottom of the door leaf. His standard size- seventy by twenty millimeters;
  • attach the threshold with the lower guide to the floor;
  • adjust the height of the door and check how it opens and closes;
  • Now you can thoroughly attach the threshold to the floor using dowels.

Important! You shouldn’t skimp on the roller mechanism so you don’t have to change the rollers every six months.

Once the door is fully installed, all that remains is to install decorative trims to hide the top track.

How to make sliding doors, watch the video:

Few people want to have an apartment or house without interior doors. But almost everyone has thought about which doors between rooms are best to install. So that it’s both beautiful and functional, and doesn’t take up space.

This is exactly what sliding interior doors are - a slider (diverging, sliding, sliding to the side (into a wall, opening, pencil case) in one plane, i.e. doors that ride on rollers, slides on rails).

Sliding interior doors - pros and cons

From a constructive point of view, there are two types interior doors:

In this case, the door leaf is hung on awnings. Hinged doors are traditional and have proven themselves well. They give the room a rich look, but take up a lot of space, which leads to inconvenience in implementing interior solutions.

2. Sliding interior doors.

A modern solution that allows for more efficient use of room space.

Sliding doors are divided into two subtypes:

Built into the wall(in a pencil case) and working on the compartment principle.

Sliding doors hidden in the wall (sliding into the wall, recessed into the wall) have a mechanism that allows the door to be moved parallel to the wall.

The operating principle of sliding doors built into the wall is as follows: rollers are installed on the door leaf, and guides are installed on the doorway (the door will go into the wall) or above the doorway (the door will go behind the wall).

The rollers move along the guides, freeing the doorway for passage.


They consist of small lamellas (wood or plastic), which, when moved, can significantly save space.

The principle of the device is interesting, but cheap options are not practical. Instructions for assembling and installing accordion doors are supplied by the manufacturer.

Material prepared for the website

Advantages of sliding doors:

  • unusual, non-standard solution;
  • absence of blind areas and problems with furniture placement;
  • safety. The owner of sliding doors is not in danger of hitting the corner of the door in an unlit room (however, you need to be careful, children can stick their fingers between the wall and the door);
  • such a door will not open with a draft.

Disadvantages of sliding doors:

  • high installation cost. But by doing the work yourself, the costs are kept to a minimum and are no higher than when installing swing doors;
  • poor insulation. The absence of obstacles to the penetration of noise, light, and odors can be eliminated by installing a felt gasket on the end of the door;
  • difficulty in caring for the pencil case, i.e. the place where the sliding door goes when hidden design. This problem can be solved in two ways. Using a vacuum cleaner with the attachment removed, remove debris from the pencil case. The second option, more radical, involves removing drywall from one side of the wall. It should be noted that in a residential building, the vacuum cleaner copes with the task perfectly;
  • difficulty of repair. When installing a sliding door yourself, you can buy several rollers in reserve to replace them if necessary.

Mechanism for sliding doors – sliding systems

As you can see, the main difference between sliding doors and swing doors is their functioning mechanism, which determines the door movement options.

Thus, sliding mechanism for interior doors it can be:

1. In-wall (hidden mechanism). As the name suggests, this mechanism allows the door to move inside the wall. The system of such doors should be implemented at the stage of wall construction, because a free space– pencil case for a sliding door. Consequently, the wall becomes thicker by the width of the pencil case. This somewhat reduces the usable area, but it frees up the walls, near which you can install furniture, hang pictures or place flowers.

2. External (open mechanism). This sliding door system can be installed at any time, because... does not require rebuilding the wall. In this case, the door moves along guides along the wall. Therefore, you need to leave free space on one or both sides of the wall (depending on the number of sashes and the direction of their movement).

It is worth noting that there are quite a lot of door movement options with an external mechanism (see diagram). This allows you to choose the best method for a specific room. Sliding doors consisting of four leaves deserve special attention. Here interior doors open towards the outside. This is especially important when you need to close a wide doorway or niche.

Guides for sliding doors

The last thing to consider before you start installing sliding doors is the guide rails (profiles) along which the door moves during operation. They can be placed on top or bottom, or on both sides.

  • top guides. The most popular way. They should be used when the door leaf is light in weight. The guides located at the top last longer and are less susceptible to breakage;
  • bottom guides. Rarely used on their own as they are easily deformed by simply being stepped on. In addition, the runners will need constant cleaning. And a door without an upper support will not slide smoothly;
  • combined. Used when doors are heavy or for smoother opening.

In this article we will look at how to install sliding interior doors with an external sliding mechanism.

1. Material

Knowing everything related to the types and mechanisms of door functioning, you can begin purchasing materials and preparing tools.

We will need:

  1. the door itself (leaf, frame, trim);
  2. accessories (guide profiles (runners), rollers, handles, locks);
  3. timber 50x30 for fastening the guide.
  4. hardware for fastening;
  5. level;
  6. roulette;
  7. hacksaw with fine teeth;
  8. drill;
  9. chisel.

Advice. When the door weighs more than 27 kg. you need to use 4 rollers; for lighter ones, two are enough.

To prevent handles and locks from deforming the wall and spoiling the wallpaper when moving apart, it is worth installing hidden options, i.e. the ones that crash into the door.

2. Preparation

At this stage, it becomes clear where exactly the door will be installed and in which direction it will open. If two sliding doors are installed side by side, then you need to consider the convenience of opening them.

Advice. Sliding doors can be hung on common long upper runners or hidden in one pencil case. In this case, the width of the pencil case should be sufficient.

Can be dismantled if necessary old door, and the doorway is brought into the desired state and the door frame is installed, taking into account the gap between the door and the finished floor.

Advice. For residential premises the gap should be 10 mm. If the finished floor has not yet been poured (laid), then you need to take into account the height of the screed, leveling and thickness flooring.

3. Interior doorway

  • We determine the dimensions of the doorway - the height and width of the door are measured.

Advice. It is better to take measurements at several points (top, middle, bottom). The door height is replaced in closed and open state. This is necessary to take into account possible unevenness on the floor.

  • The beam is installed. To do this, draw a straight line over the top edge of the box. The distance from the box to the line is equal to the width of the guide. The timber is attached exactly to the line. In this case, the middle of the beam should be located above the right side of the interior door frame if the door opens to the right.

Advice. The width of the beam must be sufficient so that after installing the platbands, the door can close freely.

  • Upper guide profiles for sliding doors are installed. The runners are installed on the timber and secured with hardware.

Advice. To check the correct installation of the runners, you need to run a roller over them. When sliding smoothly, you can begin further work. If problems arise, it is better to remove them immediately.

  • The lower runners (rails) are installed. To do this, you can choose one of several options:
  • a part of the subfloor (or parquet, laminate, tile) is selected and the lower guide is inserted there. The lower rollers will move along it;
  • the guide is installed directly on the floor (parquet, laminate), and in order not to destroy it, a threshold is installed;
  • installation of the guide knife. But, since the system of lower guides is rarely used, if necessary, a so-called packet knife is often installed. Its purpose is to hold the door and prevent it from deviating from the given direction of movement.

The threshold-free sliding door system allows the door to operate without destroying the floor covering (there is no need to lay rails). The mechanism works thanks to carriages with rollers on ball bearings, which move along guides with shock absorbers and a bottom liner. The upper guide is hidden behind a decorative trim, in the same color as the door.

4. Assembling sliding doors

We hang rollers (roller mechanism) on the upper end of the door.

At the bottom end, at a distance of 15 mm. Holes are drilled from both edges. A groove is selected between them along the entire length. Its width is 2 mm. exceeds the width of the knife. The depth is equal to the height of the knife and is usually 10-18 mm. The part of the end without a groove will act as a natural limiter for the door travel.

5. Installation of fittings for sliding doors

Installation includes installing handles and inserting a lock. This must be done carefully so as not to damage appearance doors. This procedure is often entrusted to specialists.

6. Installation of a sliding interior door

The door is installed in the guides. After the door has been moved, limiters (rubber shock absorbers) are inserted into the runners; they will not allow the door to “fall out” of the guides when opening and will soften the stop.

7. Decorative design of sliding doors

To make the doorway look beautiful, you need to close all structural elements. Platbands are used for this. They are installed on the door frame and top runners.

But this is not a prerequisite, because often structural elements are an integral part of the solution. For example, when using high-tech or modern style.

The installed door in section will have the appearance shown in the diagram (drawing).

Instructions for installing sliding interior doors video

8. Care and operation of sliding doors

To ensure that doors do not create problems during operation, you need to properly care for them. To do this you need:

  • avoid getting water on the door to prevent it from leaking (if the door is made of wood);
  • keep the guides clean. Debris that gets inside the guides will cause the door to be difficult to close;
  • close the door smoothly. Do not close the door with force, this will accelerate the wear of the rollers. In the worst case, the stopper may fall out and the door will “fly” out of the guides;
  • Check the condition of the fittings from time to time. It is easier to replace the rollers in time than to deform the guide profiles over time;


Correct installation of sliding doors between rooms and timely replacement of components is the key to the long-term functioning of any door.

In small rooms every meter usable area on account. This is why many homeowners are replacing swing doors for retractable ones. Installing sliding doors yourself is quite simple. However, the mechanism for such a design costs almost the same as the canvas. Such expenses are justified if it takes up too much space; in other cases it is better to install a swing model.

Sliding sliding doors have very low sound insulation, since they do not fit tightly to the wall. The noise of a structure installed in a pencil case is much better at hiding the noise. However, they do not reach the sound insulation level of a swing door.

Types of sliding doors

Sliding structures differ in the type of movable mechanism. On this basis, they are divided into rail and suspended. Each model has its own pros and cons.

Hanging type model on top rail

The suspension mechanism consists of square profile with a groove, inside of which there are two curved strips. The rollers attached to the product run along these slats. The guide is made of metal, as are the rollers. But they have rubber or plastic linings that provide a soft and quiet ride.

When installing a sliding interior door on a rail, no devices or mechanisms are installed on the floor. All the fasteners that are on the canvas are two rollers on top. They move along the groove due to special wheels. Such doors are considered one of the easiest to install. Installing a sliding door includes the following steps:

  • installation of profile rails;
  • installing rollers to the top of the door;
  • inserting the product into the rail groove;
  • installation of gate valves to limit rail movement;
  • inserting the lower roller into the groove and installing the door;
  • installation decorative overlay for fittings.

The door fastening itself is very simple; in addition to the rollers and rails themselves, the kit includes plugs and fasteners. A product with a top rail has extremely low sound insulation rates. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such structures in living rooms.

Sliding structures on rails

On sliding doors two mounting rails. Movable rollers are mounted at the top and bottom. This method of fastening makes the product very stable, so it can be shaken.

Note! The metal profile of the fasteners is constantly clogged with dust and debris, which complicates cleaning in the house.

Mounting options

Regardless of the type of fastener, the installation of sliding interior doors can be:

  • Kupeynaya. The rollers are installed above the door leaf in the opening. The guides should fit tightly in the groove.
  • Cassette. This option is considered the most labor-intensive and costly. A niche in the wall is equipped for the product, in which a guide is placed. When opened, the canvas is pushed into the wall. Such designs are the most effective at saving space.
  • Cascade. Similar designs are very popular in Asian countries. The model consists of 2-3 canvases. One is stationary, while the others ride on rails and move behind it.

If you plan to install sliding doors yourself, choose a compartment design. The models are easy to assemble and highly maintainable. The main feature that is necessary for installing an interior door with your own hands is a smooth opening.

You cannot place anything near the wall to which the base of the sliding door is moved, otherwise the movement of the door leaf will be disrupted. A significant disadvantage of the models is their low sound insulation. This is due to the fact that sliding doors are installed with a gap. Without it, the canvas will scratch against the wall.

Cassette structures provide the best access to room space. Inside the niche you can install soundproofing materials that will hide the noise. However, installation of such a model is possible only at the stage of repair or construction. In addition, a decorative wall is assembled for the rail, and this deprives the room of useful space.

Cascade products are a modification of compartment structures. The main difference is larger number guide rails. Installing such products is the most difficult, as high precision is required. Cascade structures are classified as premium for their complexity and aesthetics.

Installation Features

You can install sliding interior doors with your own hands even if you don’t have specific skills. Installation instructions are included with each product. By following it, you can complete all the work yourself. Below the assembly process is described in more detail than in the standard instructions.

Do-it-yourself sliding door installation

The opening, regardless of the fastener design, the place for the structure must meet the following characteristics:

  • Smooth surface on all planes. The walls of the opening should not have serious differences or flaws.
  • High load-bearing capacity.
  • Both the walls and the opening must be pre-finished with a leveling compound and decorative coating.

After aligning the opening, you can begin installation. The first step is to attach the rollers. Depending on the manufacturer and model, fasteners may have their own characteristics. To assemble some products you need to step back 15-20 cm from the edge, but most often the rollers are mounted right at the edge.

To begin with, markings are made on the canvas for fasteners.

Important! Make sure that the distance from the edge to the roller is the same on both sides.

At the marking site, drill holes 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the fastener with a drill. After the grooves are ready, the plates are fixed. Self-tapping screws are used as fastenings; their length must be at least 75 mm. The greater the weight of the canvas, the longer the fasteners. Special support holders are mounted into the plates, into which rollers are inserted. The fasteners on the sides of the canvas must be secured with plugs.

The rollers come with pins. The movable elements themselves are screwed onto them. If the model is not equipped with handles, they must be purchased separately. It is recommended to install the handles before installing the product in the opening. In a model without a groove, markings are made with a pencil and the material is removed along the contour with a carpentry tool. Fittings are attached to the resulting hole.

Note! Only submersible fittings are suitable for sliding doors.

When the canvas is ready, the rail is attached. The easiest way is to screw the guide to the block, and not directly into the opening. To do this, take a wooden plank of square or rectangular section with a side of 60 cm. The length of the block should be twice as large as the door itself and a margin of 5-10 cm. The rail is cut along the length of the block.

The guide is screwed to the block with self-tapping screws from 85 mm. The minimum number of fasteners is 4, the more often the better. The recommended step between screws is 10 cm, the same distance is made from the edge of the canvas to the first fastener.

Next you need to measure the height of the bar. The rail is threaded onto rollers of the canvas and the height is measured. Using this value, holes are made on the wall for attaching the guide rail. The canvas should not stand on the floor. A distance of 8-10 mm is left from the floor to the structure itself. If there are no coverings on the floor, the thickness of the floor finishing is added to the value.

The level is used to adjust the mark for mounting the bar. For this, fasteners from 12 cm are used, but anchor bolts are more reliable fasteners. IN concrete walls use dowels.

Markings for the guide are made with a thin drill or nail. After that, holes are drilled for dowels or screws and the timber is mounted. The final stage- insertion of sliding doors into the rail. After rolling up the structure, plugs are placed on the sides of the fittings; they protect the structure from slipping.

When the door is open, a flag roller is screwed onto the floor. It regulates the movement of the blade along the vertical axis.

Give design aesthetic appearance The installation of a decorative overlay on the mounting profile will allow. It is placed on finishing nails or self-tapping screws with decorative plugs. Screw the cover directly into the block.

For installation sliding design more materials and tools will be required. If you want to know how to install sliding cassette doors, watch detailed video instructions:

Almost any panel can be attached to a rail and a sliding door can be constructed. But for the system to function without failures, it is necessary to install high-quality fittings. Durable fasteners and rollers ensure long term door service. Therefore, there is no need to save on accessories.

The canvas itself can be made independently. The cheapest option is a frame made of timber with a body made of plywood or chipboard. A solid product made of solid or laminated wood looks most aesthetically pleasing in the interior. However, the assembly of such a product will cost more. Products made from particle boards are covered with a film or a laminating surface. Wooden panels can simply be sanded and coated with protective compounds.

It is very difficult to design a roller mechanism on your own. If you don’t have a special tool, including a cutter, you won’t be able to make the fittings yourself. It is much easier and cheaper to purchase a ready-made product.

IN modern houses and apartments increasingly in Lately installed instead of not very convenient ones swing structures compartment doors. They allow rational use of room space, enliven the interior, and are also the most suitable option for people with disabilities. In addition, they can be installed not only in doorway, but also any niche. You can do this yourself, thus saving a significant amount, the main thing is that you have time, materials and tools for such a useful and exciting process.

Required components

A sliding door, like any other structure, consists of special elements. In order to install it, you need to purchase components. Choice necessary details depends on the type of sliding system and the type of door leaf. The door leaf can be solid and consist of one material, or it can consist of several materials. Regardless of the materials used, any prefabricated leaf (sash) consists of profiles of different sizes and purposes. The frame has an upper, lower, two side and intermediate (the number depends on components) profiles.

The upper horizontal profile consists of two grooves. The lower part of the groove holds the material, and the upper part with a round groove is intended for screwing in a self-tapping screw holding the vertical door profile. The lower horizontal profile, like the upper one, consists of two grooves, but its lower part has longer side walls designed to hide the rollers.

The horizontal intermediate profile consists of two identical grooves. It is used as liaison between materials. Vertical profiles not only perform a supporting function and have a special groove to support the material, but also necessary to move the sash. This element is made in the form of a handle and has various modifications.

To move the sash you need a set of guides and rollers. To maintain the direction of movement of the sash, a pair of asymmetrical rollers are used, installed in the upper part of the sash and located at different ends of the frame. A pair of rollers are installed in the lower part in a similar way. They are the main driving force, they account for the weight of all the materials used.

Without guides, movement of the shutters is impossible. As a rule, there are two of them in a set: upper and lower. They differ in shape and purpose. The structure of the upper profile depends on the type of system. If an upper support sliding system is used, then a closed profile consisting of one groove is used. But most often it is used to install a compartment door lower support system and therefore the profile shape has a slightly different appearance.

It consists of two grooves of the same shape and depth. Thanks to him, the door moves in a given direction. The lower guide is designed for the movement of rollers and is a profile consisting of 3 grooves. Each pair of rollers has its own groove (narrow). The middle wide groove performs a dividing function.

To prevent the door from moving out of bounds, stoppers are used. Their shape depends on the type of sliding system. These elements are installed in the guides.


Exist different kinds materials used in the manufacture of sliding doors. For panel types of doors consisting of a whole sheet, one material is used. For composite (paneled) ones, as a rule, several types of materials are used that are placed in a frame a certain form. The cheapest and most affordable material is chipboard. It can be used to make either a whole canvas or a frame for other materials.

Doors with chipboard parts are not very suitable for installation in a children's room, since the composition contains resins that, due to their volatility, can cause harm to health. You should also not forget that chipboard is essentially pressed sawdust, so the edge of this material needs to be covered. Most often, chipboard is faced PVC film or veneer.

A safer material is MDF, since no resins are used in its production, wood particles are combined using paraffin or lignin. Canvases with figured contours can be made from it. Thanks to this property, it can be used both as a whole canvas and as a component element of a figured frame.

Door leaves are often made from solid wood. This material is expensive and requires special skill to work with. It is used as a whole canvas, and can also be used as a frame or individual panels with curly edges.

A good alternative to solid wood can be a material such as plywood. It is obtained by gluing veneer sheets, and for strength during gluing they are laid in a special way, the fibers of one sheet lie perpendicular to the fibers of the other sheet. The surface of plywood door panels is most often laminated, giving desired color and the structure of natural wood.

Unlike wood, plywood is easier to use and costs much less than solid wood. Recently, a material such as polycarbonate has been used as a door leaf. Lightweight and durable polycarbonate sheets can be used as an insert in combination with other materials and as a separate sheet. This material, in order to avoid the disappearance of transparency, It is recommended to cover it on all sides with profiles. It is a good alternative to glass.

Very often, mirror and glass are used as door panels. The mirror surface of the doors helps to visually expand the space of the room.

It perfectly reflects both natural and artificial light, so that the darkest corners of the room are always illuminated. Mirror and glass are usually secured on all sides with profiles. Both materials combine well with each other.

How to calculate the sizes yourself?

In order to make sliding doors with your own hands, you will need to take measurements. The width and height of the doors depends on the size of the opening in which they will be installed. Magnitude optimal width doors is in the range of 60-90 cm. It is possible to make doors with different widths; there is a slight spread, ranging from 50-110 cm.

When making a door leaf, it is better to adhere to the specified limit, and there are reasons for this. A width of less than 50 cm will have a bad effect on the movement of the door leaf, distortion and even falling out of the grooves is possible. An interior door with a width of 110 cm or more is very difficult to move, so this width is not used.

To calculate the required sash width, if you plan to install two sashes, you need to measure the opening and add the profile width to the resulting value, and then divide this number by the number of sashes, that is, 2. In a specific example, it looks like this. The width of the opening is 1800 mm, and the width of the profile that will be used as a handle is 24 mm. We calculate: 1800+24/2=912 mm.

The width of the profile and opening is chosen arbitrarily; when making calculations, you should rely on your measurements and the width of the profile you have chosen. If you plan to install three sashes in the opening, then the calculation of the width is done slightly differently. To the width of the opening you need to add the profile width multiplied by 2 and divide the resulting value by 3. As concrete example we take the same width of the opening and profile: 1800+24*2/3=616 mm.

The height of the sash can be calculated as follows. We measure the height of the opening and subtract 40-45 mm from the resulting value. The length of the side profiles is equal to the height of the sashes. The length of the horizontal profiles depends on the purchased handles located on each side of the sash, or rather on their width. To calculate the length of the profiles, you need to subtract twice the width of the handle from the width of the sash; the resulting value is the length of the horizontal profile.

Now you can start calculating the filling width. To make the calculations more clear, you can use the obtained values. Correct width filling is calculated as follows: 912 (616) -24*2=864 (568) mm. From the width of the sash, subtract twice the width of the profile (handles are installed on both sides of the sash).

We calculate the height of the sash in a similar way, namely, from the height value we subtract the width of the upper and then the lower profile and as a result we obtain the required number. This height calculation is suitable if the canvas is solid and does not require seals. If seals are used, then twice the width of the seal is subtracted from the resulting value, since it is located both at the top and bottom of the canvas.

As a rule, silicone rubber is used as a seal; its thickness is 1 mm, and the double value is 2 mm. Clearly this calculation can be represented as follows: height 2500-10-38-2=2450 mm. Where 10 is the width of the upper profile, and 38 is the width of the lower profile.

If the door is made from component parts, the thickness of the intermediate profile must be taken into account. How many profiles - so many quantities will have to be taken into account.

How to make it yourself at home?

Making sliding doors with your own hands is a rather labor-intensive process, but nothing is impossible, the main thing is to take into account some details.

Rectangular sliding doors

First of all, you need to decide on the filling of the door. Easiest to work with chipboard panels and plywood, but you can also choose solid wood, MDF board (preferably with an untreated surface). It’s easier to buy a ready-made canvas of the required size, but you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare the tools that will be required in the future when installing the assembled structure and some additional materials.

You will need: drill, saw for processing ends, sanding machine or sandpaper, special film for covering the surface and varnish (for wood).

First, the prepared material is cut to required sizes, and the ends are ground. A coating in the form of film or veneer is applied to the MDF board. Then holes for the handles are cut out in it, and mounting points for the roller mechanism are also prepared. The surface is cleaned of dust contamination. The wooden canvas is treated with an impregnation that prevents rotting processes, and then covered with a layer of varnish.

To make the door leaf lighter, you can cut holes in the workpiece in the shape of a rectangle or square. Insert into them a suitable size of glass, mirror or more. light plywood. First, a figure is drawn on the canvas, and then the middle is cut out using a jigsaw. This must be done carefully, starting from the corner of the marked figure.

The ends of the resulting hole are treated with a special tape, which is fixed to the material using an iron. The selected inserts are held in place using a bead. You can assemble a door leaf from profiles and different materials. It is necessary to purchase ready-made profiles and materials for insertion, which are assembled in a certain order.

All profiles are cut according to pre-calculated dimensions strictly at an angle of 90C.

Through holes must be made in the vertical handle profiles. In the upper part, to secure the upper roller, 2 holes are drilled, at a distance of 7 mm from the edge, the diameter of one is larger than the diameter of the other.

This is done so that the self-tapping screw easily passes through the larger hole and is fixed in the lower part. Then 4 holes are drilled. The first pair of holes is made after an indentation of 7 mm, and the second after an indentation from the edge of 42 mm. Now you can start assembling all the fillings. A silicone sealant without overlap is placed on the glass and mirror inserts around the perimeter. On the safety mirrors with reverse side you need to stick the film. The prepared components are inserted into the profiles.

To ensure a firm fit of the material when connecting the inserts to the profiles, use a rubber mallet. We attach vertical handle profiles to the assembled canvas and tighten the structure with fasteners. First, we tighten it in the upper part, to do this we take the roller and fix it with a screw in the vertical profile.

In the lower part, we first fix the profile through the far hole, tightening it until it stops, and then attach the lower rollers to the profile. To do this, insert the plate with the roller inside the lower profile and move it towards the vertical post.

There is a hole in the roller plate; it must be aligned with the hole in the vertical profile and tightened using a hexagon, while pressing the roller. The door leaf is ready for installation.

Radius sliding doors

Making radius sliding doors is much more difficult than conventional doors. rectangular shape. Unlike ordinary doors, they have smoothed corners. The canvas can be of various shapes and curvature. Used to move on the surface aluminum profile. Door leaves can be made of tempered glass, plastic and other materials. It will not be possible to make such a canvas at home, so it is better to order ready-made doors and all the components for them.

Step-by-step instruction

You can install sliding doors anywhere. Most often they are used to equip a dressing room. It must be remembered that the installation of the structure must be carried out after repair. After assembling the door leaves, you can install the guides. You need to start from the top guide. It is usually mounted on a foundation beam or directly on the ceiling. The guide should be located at a distance of at least 10 cm from the shelves.

To install the bottom guide you need laser level or a plumb line, but you can do without them. We lay the lower profile on the surface without fastening and insert the door leaf first into the upper guide, and then into the lower profile, having previously installed stoppers in it. Having fixed the blade in a strictly vertical position, you can screw the lower profile. Now you can insert the second blade. We glue a strip on the sides of both doors to soften the blows. The doors are ready for use.