Corner table along the window. Table by the window in the interior of a children's room. With a tabletop located along the window

Two or more children is wonderful. But the older they get, the more acute issues arise related to their placement, the organization of their personal space, and it is especially important to properly equip the work area.

Even if the kids are still preschoolers, each of them needs to be allocated separate place. There they will be able to draw, sculpt, and study according to the first copybooks.

Problem limited space is solved by selecting the right desk, convenient for accommodating two children at the same time.

Requirements for desks

For children's furniture it is required a whole list requirements. This is not a whim: the harmonious development and health of the baby depend on many factors.

By placing a work area under the bed you can win several square meters for games


A table that is incorrectly selected in height will give your child scoliosis and stoop in just a few months. It is important that the parameters of the furniture correspond to the age and height of its user.

The ideal ratio of the height of the table, chair and height of the child is as follows: with a height of 110-120 cm, the most comfortable height the table is 52 cm, and the chair is 32 cm. These are the initial values ​​for choosing furniture that is acceptable from the point of view of orthopedics.

For tall guys, the dimensions of the table and chair are calculated according to the diagram: for every 10 cm of child growth over 120 cm, 5 cm is added to the base height of the table (52 cm), and initial height chair (32 cm) – 3 cm.

For a student with a height of 146 cm, the table needs a height of 67 cm (52 ​​+ 5 + 5 + 5), and a chair – 41 cm (32 + 3 + 3 + 3).

Correct posture while doing homework is the key to a healthy spine

The correctness of the relationship between the student’s height and the parameters of his workplace can be assessed visually. Sit your child down and see how his position meets the following requirements:

  1. when the legs are bent at a right angle: the foot should be firmly on the floor; the distance between the tabletop and the knee ranges from 10-15 cm; the edge of the table is at the level of the solar weaving;
  2. keeping his back straight and placing his elbow on the tabletop, the baby should calmly reach the outer corner of the eye with the tip of his middle finger;
  3. when a student stands near the table, his elbow should be 2-5 cm below the tabletop.

The optimal depth of the tabletop is 60 cm, if you plan to install a monitor, then at least 70 cm. Width working area– at least 1 m for each user.

If the difference in the ages of the children is large, and there is no opportunity to buy a table, the height of which could be adjusted individually for each person, organize a convenient seat. Install a height-adjustable chair and footrest.

Planting one behind the other is suitable for elongated rooms


If children have vision problems, the workplace should be organized near a window. And nothing else. The light should come from the left.

If it is impossible to organize space in this way for both children, make one “correct” zone, and periodically move the children.

In the off-season, when natural light not enough, use artificial ones. Lamps - separate for each - are installed on the very edge of the tabletop. Installation on walls is acceptable. It is important that the direction luminous flux could be easily adjusted. The light from the lamp should also fall from the left.

The light should fall from the left (for a right-handed person) and from the right (for a left-handed person)

Often the tabletop is mounted directly under the window sill or flush with it, which eliminates growing on the window indoor flowers: access to pots for watering, as well as to the doors to ensure ventilation, will be very difficult, and notebooks can be accidentally filled with water.

Before installing children's furniture, conduct a window inspection:

  • for the presence of cracks so that it does not show through;
  • on the quality of locking mechanisms, which must be childproof, but not limit ventilation options.

Sunlight will help relieve vision and reduce fatigue


Good furniture for a small children's room is compact, reliable and well designed.

A large table will not look massive if the tabletop is located not on supports made of chipboard or solid wood, but on a metal base. This solution is convenient both for eliminating the one-sided orientation of the work area and for cleaning the floor.

A tabletop intended for two children must be very durable - it will receive liters of paint, mountains of plasticine, chips and scratches. All destruction will be carried out at double the rate, with double the force! Violation of the integrity of the coating can lead to injury.

Kids and teenagers actively use the tabletop not only for studying, but also for games (photo)


There are two children, and each of them is individual, even if they are twins. Workplaces should be separated so that the guys do not interfere with each other:

  • zoning through storage systems, lamps, computer monitors;
  • an installed partition in the style of an office;
  • or it will be two different tables, placed side by side and separated by a cabinet.

A clear definition of places to store each child’s belongings will help to avoid conflicts between teenagers. These must be individual:

  • shelves;
  • book stands;
  • storage systems for notebooks, albums, stationery items;
  • hooks for bags and backpacks;
  • cabinets or drawers in them.

Modern modifications for organizing the work area

Praise be to the designers and manufacturers of children's furniture who offer several types of desks designed for two children, among which you can find one that will satisfy the needs of both children and parents.

With a tabletop located along the window

A desk located along the window in one line represents:

  • a combination of two identical models installed in one line;
  • a single tabletop mounted on one base, possibly suspended.

This is an ideal solution if the window is wide enough and does not face north. This will ensure excellent lighting of the work area, and the guys will not interfere with each other during classes.

Positioning the table by the window

A desk is an integral part of a children's room. It is necessary as an attribute of personal space and a place for doing homework. It is best to place it near a window, because it is a source of natural light. This location is also a good option if you want to make the most of usable area rooms.

Location Features

Choosing a place for a desk is one of the important aspects of planning a children's room. Some parents prefer to place such furniture against the wall. This option is convenient because it work surface can be positioned a large number of wall shelves for books and stationery. This solution will ensure unloading of the table itself, but with this arrangement it significantly reduces free space rooms.

For a small bedroom the most a good decision There will be a location near the window. With this table you can replace the window sill and significantly increase the usable space. The children's room will have more space for games and relaxation.

Important points

Modern manufacturers children's furniture offer various options tables for both one and two children, since each needs their own place where school supplies and other personal items will be located. Remember that in addition to textbooks and notebooks, the child needs space for a briefcase. Good decision there will be special hooks or shelves under the table.

When placing your child’s workplace near a window, be sure to check all window fittings for serviceability:

  • there should be no blowing from the windows;
  • ventilation is required;
  • mechanisms must prevent accidental discovery windows

Next moment- these are batteries. Most often they are located in this part of the room. Take into account their location when installing furniture, try not to block heating areas, this will determine the temperature in the room during the cold season. If there are no other installation options, then use special protective partitions under the table so that the heating of the apartment does not interfere with the student going about his business.

If the bedroom is small, then you should not buy a table with shelves and drawers. This modification will visually load up the space near the window. To lighten the load, products that have thin metal legs or two flat wooden supports around the edges. This design simplifies cleaning under the furniture and leaves the right to choose a place to sit, which tables with side tables do not have.

For two children

When two children occupy one common room, necessary Special attention give space for studying. Both children should have the same space, number of shelves, lighting fixtures and enough space on the table to place all the necessary accessories and simultaneously perform homework.

Make sure that there is still room in the nursery for games and relaxation, as harmonious development personality is necessary comfortable stay and communication with friends. Choose furniture based on the personal needs of each child and taking into account the size of the room.

Installation options

Solid tabletop along the window. With this arrangement, children will sit as if at a school desk. It is worth taking care to separate the personal space of each child, especially if this furniture will be used for a boy and a girl at the same time. Often in such cases they use a cabinet between workstations, a table shelf for books or a transparent partition.

When choosing this option, pay special attention to the material of the countertop. It must be thick and strong enough, since this table experiences double load. Check with the manufacturer what materials are used in the production of the furniture you have chosen and whether they can withstand increased load. Also, the surface should be easy to maintain and easy to clean.

Corner table. The essence of the design is that the table is located in the letter L in one of the free corners. Schoolchildren will be sideways to each other and will not observe what is happening on their neighbor’s table. This arrangement will allow you not to be distracted by small things and will take up relatively little space. Shelves for books and other accessories can be placed in the corner above the furniture. At the same time, in this position, children can easily pass various objects to each other without leaving their chairs.

Two identical tables. This modification is good because there is a passage between the desks, which naturally divides the space. It also gives you free access to the window without having to stand on the furniture. Very important point the fact that the tables are the same and each child has an equal number of drawers and shelves for their personal belongings. Special attention should be paid to lighting, since the light will fall from different directions.

Two tables in the corners. A good option if the nursery is wide enough. Children have their backs facing the aisle and are kept at a distance. With their movements, they do not interfere with each other and everyone can do homework or creativity without distracting their neighbor. As with the option of identical tables along the window, the room has quick access to a source of fresh air.

Additional benefit is that you can use two corners for shelves, because different children have different hobbies. One will have flowers, figurines, photographs, and the other may have cars, flags and others necessary for the child things.

Requirements for choosing a workplace

The desk will be the place where the child will spend a lot of time during the entire period of schooling. It should be comfortable, functional, practical. Its installation should not take up all the space in the room; it is necessary to leave enough space for games and morning exercises.

A desk in a nursery by the window is an important work game Zone rooms. Schoolchildren, kindergarteners, and parents need it for evening book reading. The window is a natural source of light. It's good for the eyes. This arrangement of the desk saves space in the children's room. Use the freed up space differently.

To choose the right place for a desk, you should carefully examine the children's room, calculate the area, and decide on the size of the furniture elements. Many parents mistakenly assume that locating the work area by the window is a bad choice. Let me disagree with them. Here are a few arguments in favor of the design solution:

  • Put desk near the window. Save space in a small room.
  • Use a window sill as an extension of the work area along the window.
  • Saving energy on lighting during daylight hours, preserving the health of the child’s eyes.
  • A desk of any shape or size in a child’s room by the window is unusual option furniture arrangement. Emphasizes the individuality and peculiarity of the house.

When installing the tabletop in the right place, consider the size of the workspace and the availability of space for storing writing instruments. Choose universal models with built-in cabinets, shelves, and hooks.

Basic selection rules


The choice of material determines durability, strength of the working area, aesthetics, and resistance to external influences. Don't forget, the table is intended for children. Little naughty children spill paint and damage the surface during classes and games. If you want the tabletop to last a long time, be sure to ask for a product quality certificate and specify what material it is made of.

A good option would be natural wood covered protective layer, varnish, treated with special solutions.
Strong plastic, MDF is a strong, durable material. They will serve you for about 10-15 years.
Glass and chipboard are not worth choosing. They wear out quickly. Metal will not fit into the interior of a nursery.

Products made from natural wood are considered expensive, while products made from plastic are considered cheap.MDF is inexpensive, but a very durable material that is suitable for educational activities with children. Material and surface condition are inextricably linked.


Consider the age and height of the children. Long desks covering the entire wall near the window are suitable for two people. Of course, it will not be possible to choose the height of the table top individually for two or three students; you will have to buy chairs with an adjustable leg that can rise as the preschooler grows.

There should be plenty of legroom under the window. The ideal dimensions of the space under the table are considered to be 45 cm in length and at least 50 cm in width. A tilted tabletop is needed to maintain posture. They are made to order. The slope angle should be 30°. If the table is straight, buy a book stand.

For students primary school A small desk will do. She's the right height working space designed for one child. You will have to store the necessary supplies on shelves or in a closet. The desk has no additional cells. The height of the tabletop is selected individually.


The variety of forms is amazing. The best option for a small room it will be rectangular. You will get a comfortable workplace for 1-2 guys.

It is more convenient to install a desk along the window if it is corner. This is especially true for large families. Everyone will sit on their own side, with their backs to each other. But corner solution takes up more space.

Keep in mind that the distance between students at the same table should be equal, arrange the furniture so that there is enough space for everyone.

Semicircular, oval-shaped tabletops can be placed next to the window, but this option takes up a lot of space.


Think about the color of the classroom furniture and play area for preschoolers. The optimal colors for the work area are peach, green, and yellow. Don't use too dark shades.

The desk and chairs should be beautiful. Excessive decoration of furniture distracts from work and disperses attention. Buy sliding model countertops. They are compact and convenient.

How to properly organize your workspace along the window

A well-equipped workplace for schoolchildren and younger children is the key to success in school. Parents should set themselves several goals:

  • Keep your child healthy.
    First graders do homework for several hours every day. Poor furniture, uncomfortable tables and chairs spoil your posture and blur your vision. Environmental friendliness and quality workmanship are what you need to pay attention to first.
  • Make the workplace as bright as possible.
    Natural light from a window is great for the eyes and well-being of a young schoolchild, but additional lighting measures will not hurt. You should hang light transparent tulle on the window, you can use easily lifted blinds and lighting fixtures.
  • Choose multifunctional furniture.
    An excellent choice would be corner table or models with cabinets. Built-in shelves and shelving will make the space more functional. The child will not be distracted to get a book from a box at the other end of the room.
  • Take care of the radiator.
    A table near a window can block the heat source. Choose a model without a back cover to ensure the battery operates normally.
  • Check windows for cracks.
    The window can become a source of cold. Make sure that the doors close tightly and that there are no gaps for cold air to enter. winter time of the year.

Proper arrangement of the workspace seems difficult only at first glance. Entrust your child with the choice of table model and color, then he will be much more willing to study and study.

Advantages and disadvantages

The option of placing a desk near a window opening has many advantages:

  • Rational use of space.
  • Maximum illumination of the work area naturally.
  • Original interior of a children's room.
  • Possibility of using the window sill as an additional work area.
  • A large selection of models for installation in this way.

Opponents of this method of arranging furniture in a nursery highlight several disadvantages:

  • Abundant sun, which will interfere with the process of completing tasks.

The problem is easily solved with dark curtains and blinds.

  • Inability to reach the window.
  • Window sill clutter.
  • Heat exchange disturbance (radiator is blocked).

The disadvantages are easily outweighed by the advantages of this method of arranging furniture.

Summing up

Each of us can come up with a lot of options for the location of a desk in a children's room. The optimal, original option is when the desk is in the children's room by the window. Many desk options can be found in the store .

To choose a table and install it correctly, use the valuable advice of experienced designers.

  • For first-graders of average height, buy a teenage table and a chair with an adjustable leg. This way you optimize costs.
  • Computers are afraid of direct sunlight. The equipment can be placed on the edge to avoid breakage; part of the window can be covered with a thick curtain.
  • In a room where the table is opposite a window opening, do not use long curtains. They interfere with the student's legs. An excellent option would be Roman, roll models.
  • Try to order or buy a table top with a slope. The student’s posture and vision will be healthy.

Feel free to install work areas near the windows, because this makes the room cozy, comfortable and original.


Just 50 years ago, parents did not even think about placing a schoolchild’s desk near a window. Folding desks were placed wherever there was space, but today a work area for a child can be organized even in a one-room apartment.

The location near the window performs several functions at once:

  1. Saves space in the room, especially if the table is corner or.
  2. The walls near the window can be used to place shelves rather than flowerpots.
  3. Protects baby's vision: Sunlight prevents vision problems.

Cabinets are rarely installed near the window - they block the light. The sleeping area also has no place near the window if there is light coming from the window. cold air. But this is a great area to place a desk (or even two).

We offer you a selection of photos that will help you choose and ergonomically place a desk for a schoolchild.

An unusual model that combines two learning spaces and a storage system. You can install a computer near the wall, and make the area near the window a learning area.

A British style room with a school desk located near the window.

The function of a working area is performed by a wide window sill - this technique allows you to save both space and money.

A small desk with a simple design does not take up much space. The downside is the lack of a storage system.

A long corner model that can combine a study area, an area for working with a computer, and a storage system for textbooks and notebooks. On the window there is translucent tulle with tiebacks, which will not distract the child and interfere with learning.

Desk for two children

In our country, one room is often shared by two or even three children, each of whom needs. In this case, each child should have his own corner where he can store textbooks, do homework, or just draw. If children have shared drawers, conflicts cannot be avoided, but two separate lockers or.

When organizing such places ideal solution will be the placement of the schoolchildren's study area near the window. Modern furniture manufacturers offer a lot of solutions that allow you to install not only a table, but also cabinets for it. The area above the workspace is reserved for lamps and hanging shelves.

In this pencil-shaped room there are three workplaces at once: two near the window and one near the wall. Each of the children has their own corner.

Table shape

When choosing, first of all you need to rely on the shape of the room in which the child will live. There may be several solutions:

  1. A long table, the surface of which stretches along the entire window sill from wall to wall.
  2. Corner model suitable for non- large rooms irregular shape.
  3. An oval table is the prerogative of large rooms where there is no need to save space.

They help free up space in the room for a closet, bed or equipment. But if, then it is recommended to place a loft bed in the room, and a work area under it.

If you choose a two-tier design for a girl’s room, pay attention to the fact that they will help make the nursery’s interior bright and unusual.

In a child's room with a work area near the window, it is better to use short curtains. In the photo above - roller blinds"day Night". They can be adjusted according to the height and degree of illumination of the room.

And in this room there are Roman blinds - also an excellent option that will not interfere with the task.

A cabinet with storage drawers can serve as a chair. For the comfort of the child, it can be equipped with a seat cushion.


Furniture that is too bright and exposed to direct sunlight reduces your ability to concentrate. Therefore, it is better for a child to purchase furniture in neutral shades:

  • peach;
  • cream;
  • light brown;
  • white;
  • tea rose shade;
  • mint;
  • models from natural wood.

Let's sum it up

If you are choosing a table that you will install next to a window in the future, then pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose models that are height adjustable, which will save you from having to buy new table in 1-2 years.
  2. For a child under 10 years old, it is better to purchase two tables, one of which will be used for classes, and the second for working at the computer.
  3. If the surface has a slight slope, it will be much easier for the student to complete his homework.
  4. Choose multifunctional models. The learning process will be easier and more enjoyable if necessary books and the notebooks will always be within reach of the child’s outstretched arm when he does his homework while sitting at the table.
  5. If your workplace is near a window, do not use long curtains. The best option for a child's room, depending on the style of the interior, there will be Roman, roller or Austrian curtains.
  6. Direction plays an important role. If the child is right-handed, the lighting should be on the left side, and if the child is left-handed, vice versa.
  7. Select the model of the chair together with the table so as not to provoke the development of scoliosis in the child. In addition, an uncomfortable or too low chair can cause blurred vision.

We hope that our tips will help you create beautiful interior children's room and successfully position the student's work area near the window.

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The location of the desk by the window in the children's room is not at all stylish design solution, but showing concern for the child’s vision. If the workplace gets sufficient quantity daylight, the eyes do not get so tired during long exercises.

Advantages of a table by the window

Artificial lighting never can't compare with daylight according to its benefits for the human body:

  • natural light has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • promotes the production of vitamin D;
  • maintains clear and healthy vision;
  • gives a charge of positive energy.

Lighting plays a big role in the development of visual perception of a growing organism. And new trends in design allow you to combine business with pleasure. For example, combine a desk with a window sill. Modern window units perfectly retain heat and protect from extraneous noise from the street. This means that a study table instead of a window sill along the window will not only be comfortable and well-lit, but also a safe place to study.

What should you pay attention to?

A few rules that need to be taken into account when creating a tabletop near a window.

  • If the windows face sunny side, you need to purchase blinds or curtains to adjust the light intensity.
  • When thinking about a table under the window, you need to take into account heating battery under him. So that it does not interfere with moving the furniture close to the window.
  • Installing a tabletop instead of purchasing a window sill and a desk separately will help you save space and money.
  • The table should not be too wide so that it is convenient to open window sashes to ventilate the room.

The table by the window in the nursery can be equipped with shelves for books and drawers for stationery. The large tabletop will allow you to place everything you need on it. board games and exciting learning about new and unknown things.

Table for two children in one nursery

A place by the window is ideal for a work area for two children living in the same nursery. The spacious table can be divided into two halves, each of which will have shelves for individual use. Thus, each young resident in the room will get his own work corner. During classes, children will not interfere with each other, and the material will be learned much easier. A desk built into a window niche instead of a window sill cannot be purchased at a furniture store. Such designs are made exclusively to order according to individual measurements. Most often, a long corner model is ordered, combining educational and computer zone and has places to store everything you need for classes.

The window in front of the table does not need to be blocked by curtains. Otherwise, the meaning of placing the table near the window is lost. Maximum - translucent tulle with tiebacks or light Roman curtains rising in daytime for access of light into the room. Models built into the window sill can be of absolutely any design. Everyone decides individually what parameters and materials to use to make the table.


When thinking about a custom-made table model, first of all you need to take into account the shape and area of ​​the room where one or two children live.

There are several standard but interesting solutions.

  • A long tabletop extending along the length of the window sill or occupying the entire space of the wall along the window.
  • Model corner type, profitable in small rooms irregular shape.
  • Oval desk. A stylish move for spacious premises, in which there is no need to save square meters.

The corner arrangement of the table allows you to add a convenient pencil case for books and souvenirs to the design. It is also often equipped with a wardrobe and shelves for equipment. Schoolchildren will find shelves for a printer, keyboard and system unit useful. For kids - drawers on wheels for storing and sorting toys.

Design and colors

Having decided on the design, it’s time to choose the color of the fronts of the future table. For girls and boys there are many separate ready-made solutions. But you can take the initiative and create a unique object for studying by the window. Where it will be most convenient and pleasant for your child to do all his business.

Girls are most often happy with tender, pastel shades or bright patterns on the facades and glass of cabinets and drawers in the table. Preferably peach, white, mint, cream, pink and turquoise colors. Or the compatibility of these colors in one set of furniture. Models made of natural wood, not painted in any of the listed colors, are also often chosen when arranging a desk in a girls’ room.

Natural wood has a unique natural pattern and does not require additional decor. In addition, you can add elegance to a girl’s set not only with the help of color, but also with beautiful fittings and decorative elements. Frosted glass in the door of a bookcase it looks beautiful using the sandblasting technique, decorated with a delicate pattern or intricate ornament. Handles on drawers in the shape of flowers or similar embossing on the front are a great step that any little princess or growing schoolgirl will appreciate.

Boys also prefer natural colors wooden facades or bright rich shades of olive, blue, blue, orange and gray. Their tables often resemble pirate ships And space rockets. And older children opt for minimalist forms and calm, discreet shades. By adding a comfortable chair to such a workspace, you can easily organize your teenager’s favorite place to spend his free time. When planning the design of a table in a children's room, in any case, it is necessary to take into account the child's opinion and his hobbies. Then he will study with pleasure and benefit.

Before you go to the store for a table or order it from a craftsman, in addition to the quality of the product, you need to take into account such data as the child’s gender, age, height and preferences. The color scheme also matters furniture facades and countertops. Colors can influence a child's psyche. Which shade predominates in the space will directly affect the child’s mood and academic performance.

Children's table staffed according to the age of the student. Preferred for preschoolers simple models in the form of a table top and several drawers and shelves for books and board games. The school work area is given maximum attention. Every 10 cm of space is carefully planned. After all, they can usefully accommodate a lot of the necessary elements for a growing person. When decorating a work area, the presence of green color will benefit your studies. Especially if it's soft shades green. Experts also recommend, if possible, placing a desk in the north-eastern part of the room. It is believed that the sector of knowledge and wisdom is located in this area.

For the same reasons, it is better that the child does not face a blank wall during classes. A table opposite a window or balcony is an excellent option for gaining knowledge without psychological barriers and obstacles for admission positive energy from outside space. A corner study table by the window will save space and make it possible to rationally position it at arm's length bookshelves and drawers for necessary supplies. Design ideas on the design of the school area will be an excellent incentive for learning new things in the world of science and the world around us.