Table for a child. Children's tables and chairs Desk for a child 5 years old


One of essential principles development of the child is the arrangement of his workplace, where the student will be able to complete homework assignments, engage in creativity (drawing, modeling, appliqué) and favorite hobbies (embroidery, puzzles, construction sets). That is why caring parents This is how carefully they choose a desk for a child’s room.

What should you pay attention to?

Before you buy a ready-made study table or order custom size, you need to figure out what it should look like, what elements are best to equip it with, what shape and size are most suitable for children, and what furniture fittings exist to help arrange the workspace.

1. Height, slope and other parameters

For younger children school age You should purchase desks with an inclined tabletop. Height adjustment of the work chair is also important. This will help maintain your baby’s posture and teach him the correct position of his body, arms and legs while writing.

The maximum height of a desk for a schoolchild is 75 cm. The depth of the tabletop is not less than 55 cm. The minimum width is 100 cm. A tabletop that is one meter wide is quite acceptable for implementation. homework. But if you plan to install a computer and additional creative activities for the child, it is better to buy a structure equipped with a tabletop of approximately 60 x 130 cm or more.

The distance for the legs between the tables or legs should be at least 70 cm. A larger width is allowed, but a smaller one is undesirable, since the child will constantly experience discomfort and his movements will be constrained.

If you intend to hang additional shelves, cabinets and racks, then their height should not exceed 210 cm. It is important that children can freely reach the top shelf on their own without resorting to the help of parents and without putting themselves in danger using a stool.

2. Material

Most of modern models are made of laminated chipboard, since this material has an affordable price, decent quality and wide choice colors

The second place among the materials used is natural wood. Solid wood is more expensive, but at the same time it is absolutely environmentally friendly, easy to process, and can be restored. From natural material Various tabletop shapes can be made.

MDF is a wonderful alternative to both solid wood and chipboard. A work station made from this material is bright, beautiful, has rounded ends, and is environmentally friendly. The shape, color and size of such products can be absolutely any.

3. Functionality

Tip: it is recommended to equip drawers that are too wide with jumpers. In such an organizer you can conveniently place school little things - writing instruments, office supplies, notebooks, etc. For these purposes, you can use ready-made trays or partitions made of chipboard, fiberboard.

Hanging shelves. The distance between shelves should be from 30 cm (for textbooks) to 40 cm (for tall folders, encyclopedias, non-standard printed publications).

Tip: Although shelves without side bars look modern and attractive, they are not always suitable for storing books. Therefore, if you want to buy open shelves large enough - consider purchasing special supports that will prevent textbooks from falling off the shelves.

The range of furniture for a children's room is so wide that when choosing a decent option, you can get confused. Therefore, you should always take into account not only the wishes of the child and your requirements, but also the age of the student and his hobbies. Also important factors in the purchase are the dimensions of the room and the style of decoration of the room.

1. Corner desk

  • increased working surface;
  • the ability to install computer equipment without compromising the space for study;
  • ergonomic shape;
  • variability of filling with additional elements (shelves, racks, cabinets, wall cabinets).

2. Straight models

A rectangular tabletop is considered the most versatile. Such tables can always be installed under any wall, under a window, and even in the middle of the room (for example, if the room is located).

3. For two

Differ from ordinary products only because they are equipped. Often, such structures are made into corners, or they simply connect two tabletops, installing a cabinet with drawers in the middle.

4. Table-window sill

Often parents try to use every free centimeter in the room to make it as deep and wide as possible. work area to your baby. - a wonderful alternative.

  • the tabletop must be moisture resistant;
  • all open ends should be treated with sealant;
  • during installation it is better to use adjustable legs;
  • trimming the upper part of the structure must be done “in place” so that the tabletop fits clearly into the window opening;
  • It is not recommended to install closed cabinets in the battery area - it is best to limit yourself to a horizontal jumper or several open shelves.

It’s easy to make a window sill table yourself. The main thing is clear measurements, correctly selected material and furniture fittings.

5. Simple design with metal legs

A workspace for a schoolchild is not necessarily a full-fledged desk with a lot of drawers and shelves. Sometimes it is enough to buy or make it yourself basic design, which can then be supplemented with shelving, mobile cabinets, sliding stands for the system unit, and hanging shelves.

From a wide variety furniture fittings It is quite possible to use not only the usual round legs, but also square, oval, and also special metal supports.

6. Folding (folding) option

A worthy replacement for a full-fledged workplace that needs to be equipped in small room, V one-room apartment, on the loggia or on the balcony. The main advantages are small size, quick folding/unfolding, budget price, the possibility of self-production.

To auxiliary furniture that helps arrange workplace schoolchildren include:

1. Rack

Standard shelving is equipped with shelves for books, textbooks, magazines, and notebooks. They often have closed facades or glass doors.

2. Wall shelves

Usually these are 2-3 open shelves used for storing books, oversized collectibles, souvenirs, photographs and other things. The most important thing in suspended structures- shallow depth and light weight.

3. Shelves on the countertop

This design is stable and reliable, it can be used under a large number of books and other things. The only downside is that shelves installed directly on the work surface “take up” useful space. But if the lower part of the structure is not used for its intended purpose, the depth of the desk will remain the same.

4. Hanging cabinets with fronts

An excellent option for maintaining order in a student’s workplace. Partially covering the shelves with doors looks harmonious, helping to hide the chaos of children's things behind the facades.

5. Cabinets on wheels

Comfortable, multifunctional furniture, used for storing office supplies, extra bed for sitting and small coffee table. The mobile cabinet does not clutter up the space and can always be rolled away to the far corner of the room.

Another interesting life hack - soft upholstery the top of a mobile cabinet on wheels, which can be used as a chair.

A properly equipped student’s workplace is the first step to good study, to the ability to organize and plan. free time, to accustoming oneself to order in personal belongings. The independence of the child and his ability to live in the adult world depend on how parents were able to correctly, ergonomically and aesthetically attractively design a place to study.

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The need to install a convenient and comfortable table in a children's room is probably never disputed by anyone.

A table in a children's room is one of the important and mandatory pieces of furniture.

The purpose of a table in a child’s room is a place where he will play, draw, sculpt, do homework, and also often spend time near the laptop.

And this is far from a small amount of daily time spent by a child at the table.

Therefore, when choosing a table for a children’s room photo, parents need to pay attention not only to the external beauty and cost of the product, but also to the material of manufacture, size and configuration of the table.

Also, before purchasing furniture, you should clearly define the list of functions that a table should perform for a child.

Will it be used as a desk in a children's room for reading, doing schoolwork or creativity, or should the product contain various shelves, racks and cabinets for other purposes.

Nuances of choosing product material

All tables for children's rooms, in addition to size and functionality, differ in the material they are made of.

Among the main materials for children's furniture are:

  • array natural wood, the most expensive, but high-quality and environmentally friendly material. Among the woods, the most popular are beech and pine;
  • MDF, not cheap and quality material for a table, in addition, unlike natural wood, it reacts less to mechanical stress and moisture;
  • Chipboard, one of the most popular and reliable materials for the production of children's tables;
  • Laminated chipboard is the most inexpensive and not always safe material for a baby’s health. Therefore, when choosing a product made from chipboard, you should always inquire about the availability of a quality system certificate.

Glass and plastic parts are rarely used in children's tables; metal is used only for fastening and supporting devices of the product.

Color scheme for children's tables

The color palette used to decorate modern children's tables is very diverse. The choice of color depends on the baby's personal preferences.

It is important to take care of this, because the child will not only have to play happily behind it, but also do boring schoolwork.

Of course, ideally, the product in the children's room should be in harmony with other pieces of furniture.

Configurations and main product models

Children's desks and desks in most cases are purchased for several years and in any case should be comfortable and safe for the child's posture.

Therefore, the most universal and optimal solution It is considered to be the purchase of such a model as a transforming table, which provides for adjustment of the height of the product and the angle of inclination of the tabletop.

Also, the convenience of a children's transforming product lies in the presence of rotating tabletops, various additional mobile modules, and various attached and folding additions.

Such additions can significantly increase the working area of ​​the table, and, if necessary, turn it into a small structure.

In addition, the following main table models are distinguished:

  • classic products with regular or rounded tabletops;
  • corner tables for the children's room;
  • models in the shape of “G” or “P”.

Classic children's tables are also often complemented by various add-ons, shelves and space for a PC system unit and can combine the functions of a desktop and computer desk in a children's room.

The choice of table also depends on the area of ​​the room and the features of its layout.

Children's table location

More recently, caring parents, trying to provide their child with maximum natural light, placed a table near the window in the children's room.

However, this table arrangement also has some disadvantages. In particular, low-quality window frames threaten with drafts, radiators central heating will be blocked by furniture and not allow heat to pass through.

But the top shelves and add-ons on the table will still interfere natural light working area.

Therefore, when choosing the optimal position for a child’s desk, you don’t have to rely on the location of the window in the room. The table can easily be equipped with a high-quality table lamp.

Other nuances of choosing a children's table

It is hardly advisable to choose a table made of natural wood for children. Kids will quickly test it for the durability and quality of the coating by decorating their workspace with felt-tip pens, paints or other creative supplies.

Also, child psychologists do not advise choosing trendy designer models tables.

And this is reasonable, because the children’s table is the child’s place to do certain work, his so-called area for creativity and work, therefore appearance This piece of furniture should put the baby in a working mood.

The basic rules when choosing a table remain the same: functionality, convenience and quality, which you should not skimp on.

After all, your child probably deserves a comfortable and safe desk in their children’s room for many years of study!

Photo of table ideas for a children's room

This article is intended primarily for parents, so that they can make the right choice in purchasing a desk for their child.

This article also contains a selection of tips and reviews of photos of a children's desk.

Features of choosing a table for a schoolchild

When choosing a desk for their child, many parents pay attention to the two most important points, this is the cost and size of the product. However, do not forget that the most important priority when choosing a children's desk is its convenience and practicality.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that a desk can perform not only its main function, but also an additional one - decorative, and just as it can harmoniously fit into the interior of a children's room.

Therefore, choosing a desk for a child’s room is far from the easiest task; this moment should be approached with full responsibility and attentiveness.

Correct seating at the table

From technical parameters and the characteristics of the table largely depend on the health of the child. For example, a child should have correct posture and position at a desk; in a sitting position, the load on the neck, spine and back should be evenly distributed. All these requirements must be met for every desk without exception.

However, when choosing a children's desk, parents need to pay attention to some technical characteristics of the table:

  • table height
  • table top length
  • tabletop width
  • table lighting
  • compactness and convenience

At the same time, most parents prefer a universal desk “transformable table” that can change their technical dimensions. This is certainly very convenient, since as the baby grows up, parents will not need to buy a new desk for their child again.

Such a table can serve a child almost until the child grows up.

Comfortable ergonomic chair

Having a good desk, it needs to be supplemented with another necessary element: good chair, on which the child will sit at the table. A chair, just like a table, must correspond to certain technical specifications and requirements.

Therefore, many parents buy their children large and easy chair believing that on such a chair their child will be able to have correct and healthy posture, but this is not the case. The fact is that a soft chair cannot fully support the correct posture of a child, and besides, the child’s bend in such a chair will not be even.

Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a regular, correct chair with a back that can match all the anatomical features of the child.

Child table material

Most parents prefer desks made from chipboard only because of its low cost. However, it must be remembered that this material contains toxic elements that can harm the health of the child.

At the same time, chipboard has a low service life, which means that in a few years you will again be looking for another desk for your child.

The most good material The desk is made from natural wood, but not all parents can buy such a desk. However, as an alternative, you can buy a table made of MDF; such a table will be slightly inferior in quality to a table made of natural wood, but its cost will be significantly less.

Table functionality

Equally important when choosing a desk is its functionality and practicality. In other words, this is an addition to the table of various additional elements: various drawers, shelves, racks.

It is necessary to clearly think through the purpose and application of each element, and use them rationally.

Types of desks for children

All desks have different shape and parameters, and this greatly contributes to the child’s comfortable position at the table, as well as rational use room space.

Classic rectangular table

This type of desk is considered the most common, having the appearance of a school desk. At the same time, its technical dimensions and dimensions are small; such a table can be placed in almost any room.

Computer desk

It is clear that a table of this type is intended more for studying on a computer than for doing schoolwork.

However, there are models computer desks With additional functions, for example, a special pull-out panel for writing, various shelves for books and textbooks. Such a versatile table can become a good and comfortable study place for a child.

Corner table

This desk option is the most popular among many parents. It can fit well and harmoniously into absolutely any room, without taking up much space.

Thanks to the large number of different shelves and its configuration, such a table can be equipped not only with school supplies, but you can also install a monitor and a system unit, you can also install a small TV.

Table transformer

The model of this table has unusual feature, this is the ability to adjust all the main dimensions of the table as the child grows older.

This is in a good way save money, since the service life of such a table can be much longer than when the child finishes school.

Loft bed

In this case, space is saved due to the fact that the bed is located at the top while the place for studying school lessons located below.

This option is most relevant for parents who have two school-age children.

Photo of a children's desk in the interior

If you decide to buy a children's desk, you can either purchase finished model from a furniture store, or give preference to custom-made according to individual sketches. Prime-M Company, official dealer Mr.Doors, produces furniture items taking into account the wishes of the client and
planning features.

Comfort, functionality and stylish design

We offer to buy a children's desk suitable for a schoolchild. When taking measurements, attention is paid to the anatomical features of the child. While doing homework, the child will be accommodated with maximum comfort, without the risk of spoiling his eyesight and posture. All custom-made furniture will be made in the same style direction.

By contacting us in Moscow, you can order a children's desk, design features which provides space for a laptop or desktop computer with a retractable keyboard stand. It will be possible to think through drawers, shelves for textbooks and office supplies, and a spacious work area. When you decide to buy a desk, you can choose original design and arrange a workplace for a schoolchild in suitable style. We are attentive to your wishes, so the result will please you.

Why do they contact us?

Every parent, when arranging a room for their beloved child, wants to achieve the most comfortable and safe result. Special attention V this process It is worth paying attention to choosing a desk at which the child will spend a fairly large amount of time. Exactly from correct selection Both the child’s performance and his health depend.

A children's room with a table must be comfortable and reliable for its little owner.

Requirements for writing desks

The body of young children is very sensitive to different kinds substances. Often, from low-quality materials, children develop allergic reactions. Therefore, when choosing a table for a room, be sure to carefully pay attention to its quality and safety.

The selection criteria are determined by the following parameters:

  • quality indicators of the materials from which the furniture is made - products must be non-toxic and harmless;
  • structural strength - this is important for the safety of the child; the table top and legs are chosen to be strong so that the product is stable;
  • the model should not have sharp corners that could damage or injure the child;
  • Countertop coatings are subject to special control. Here you should pay attention to the content in paint coatings formaldehyde and other harmful substances;
  • All surfaces of the product must be smooth, without joints or curvature:
  • The material of the fittings is selected to be durable and safe.

In addition to functional and design indicators, it is important to choose the right color scheme products. According to psychologists, preference should be given to calm and light shades, which will not have a stimulating effect on the child’s psyche.

It is also important to choose the correct size of the model. The physiological development of a growing organism depends on this indicator. The height of the structure is selected based on the height of the child. The tabletop in the correct version is at the level of the child’s elbow when he is standing near the structure.

Also, when sitting at the table, the baby should have enough space to place his legs. Knee joints cannot rest against the tabletop, and legs should not dangle in the air without support. It is considered optimal to have dimensions of 45 cm in depth and 50 cm in width.

It’s good if the child takes a direct part in choosing desk furniture. Choosing for yourself the best option, the baby will be able to spend time with it with pleasure.

Selecting furniture by age

Depending on age and psychological development baby, the model and characteristics of the desk furniture will be different.

Preschool age. Your child will need his first desk at the age of two, when he needs to draw, sculpt, and assemble construction sets. The types of preschool tables are represented by play tables - for spending time with toys and guests, and preparatory tables - reminiscent of a small desk. The main selection criteria: lightness, safety and friendly appearance.

Children of primary school age. For older first-graders, a comfortable table is chosen to make doing homework comfortable. Selection criteria: height of the structure, shape of the product (if there is enough space, it is better to purchase rectangular specimens), availability of places to store school supplies.

For high school students, the desk is not only a place to write homework, but also the area where the computer will be located. Therefore, the model chosen is spacious, with shelves and a cabinet. The external design of the product should be interesting and stylish.

The main selection characteristics for a teenager or student are the functionality and external qualities of the product.

Types of furniture groups for writing

Modern manufacturers present their consumers with a huge selection of furniture configurations. Judging by the numerous photos of tables for children's rooms, the products differ in shape, placement method and design parameters.

Corner table for a children's room - it can be placed in any corner of the room that is not occupied by anything. Often such items are supplemented with shelves and cabinets in which all the necessary things and books will be stored. This option is perfect for a small apartment.

Working surface rectangular shape– a comfortable and roomy model with shelves and a bedside table.

Furniture items with adjustable legs and table top - this model will grow with the baby, so it is an economical purchase.

Transforming specimens are good because they can be used in disassembled form only if necessary. The rest of the time they take up little space, saving useful space for other things.

A set with a couple of places to work, represented by a table in a children's room for two. Such models can be corner, adjacent or located opposite each other.

A computer table is usually only suitable for working at a monitor. Some models have an additional retractable surface, but this is not always convenient for writing.

Modular design in the form of a table and a bed. In the presented type, the workplace is located at the bottom of the structure, and the sleeping area is at the top. Additions include cabinets and shelves.

Places for arranging desk furniture groups

Proper placement of your writing table is the key to good health. It is this factor that affects the development of vision, as well as work productivity.

The advantages of this method of placement are:

  • saving space and energy indoors;
  • natural light source;
  • the opportunity to relax while watching the scenery outside the window;

The downside is the high brightness of solar flows. In addition, drafts with this arrangement are contraindicated. And during the heated period, it is not recommended for a child to sit at such a table for a long time, because the circulation of oxygen near the radiator is minimal, which can cause a headache.

However, there is still a solution. You can reduce the brightness of solar flows by placing the right curtains on the windows. Decorative dampers are also installed on heating radiators. Sometimes these may be back wall table

A window sill table in a children's room looks very stylish. Plus of this type the fact that this model allows you to save square meters area. However, it will no longer be possible to place it on the window flower pots and long window curtains.

Placing a writing table along the wall is a classic. Its shape here can be either rectangular or angular. The positive point in this case is that it becomes possible to place many shelves for storing things on the wall surface. The disadvantages of wall placement include the lack of lighting, which is compensated by installing a high-quality lamp.

Modular corner system, which includes a writing area and a sitting area, is a great option for saving space in the room. However, over time, a small table will become too small for a growing student, so you will still have to purchase a larger model.

When it comes to materials for making desk furniture, there are several options. The cheapest is plastic. As a rule, small specimens up to 45 cm high are made from it.

The most reliable and durable is natural wood. However, the cost of such furniture will be quite high. The optimal ratio of price and quality are items made from chipboard.

In addition to quality work surface, it is also important to choose a comfortable chair for your child. It’s worth stopping your gaze on soft specimens that can maintain the correct curve of the back and shape your posture.

Photo of tables in a children's room