The sales function of marketing is. Marketing functions



The course work examines the theoretical and practical foundations of the activity different forms direct marketing by the example of an enterprise - LLC "GZOTsM".
Structurally, the course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and annexes.
The introduction substantiates the choice of the topic, its relevance at a given moment in time, the object, the subject of research is determined, the goal is set, and the tasks are formulated to achieve the goal.
The first section reflects the theoretical foundations of the functioning of various forms of direct marketing at the enterprise, their application in the modern activities of the organization.
The second section of the work examines the practical aspects of the activity of the object of research LLC "GZOTsM" in the field of direct sales, presents a general description of the enterprise and an analysis of marketing activities, the structure and functioning of various forms of direct marketing in the activities of the enterprise.
In the third section, recommendations are formulated for improving various forms of direct marketing in the enterprise. Recommendations are given in the field of direct mail and televon marketing for LLC "GZOTsM".
Work is done in print using 18 sources, contains 4 tables, 4 figures.
1 Theoretical foundations of the formation of marketing structures in the organization
1.1 Functions and tasks of marketing in the enterprise
1.2 Concept of the organizational structure of marketing
1.3 The principles of building organizational structures in marketing
2 Analysis of the functioning of the marketing service at LLC "GZOTsM"
2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of LLC "GZOTsM"
2.2 Analysis of the marketing activities of LLC "GZOTsM"
2.3 Goals, functions and tasks of the sales department at LLC "GZOTsM"
3 Recommendations for improving the marketing activities of LLC "GZOTsM"
3.1 Recommendations and analysis to improve the market position of the enterprise
3.2 Recommendations for improving the ways of enterprise communication
3.3 Recommendations for recruiting marketing staff
List of sources used
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix B


The rapid development in Russia in recent years of market mechanisms and institutions at the macroeconomic level clearly enough indicates the optimal direction of action in microeconomics. As you know, it is the distortions at the microeconomic level that create negative trends at the macroeconomic level. Therefore, in order to implement a successful exit of the economy from the crisis, it is necessary to reform not only the general economic plan, but, first of all, at the enterprises themselves.
The formation of a marketing service at the enterprise is of no small importance.
This topic characterizes the place and role of the marketing services of the enterprise in the general management system; a list of functions performed by it, including when mastering new works, services or products; selection of personnel for sales, advertising; training and retraining of personnel of marketing services; methods of rationalizing activities 11 T.D.
At correct formation the marketing system is improving the functioning of all processes of the enterprise. At the same time, the return of working capital of enterprises is accelerated, business contacts are established between manufacturers and consumers of products, demand is growing, which is an objective basis for expanding production and increasing the efficiency of economic activity.
The purpose of the work is to research theoretical aspects organization of marketing activities at the enterprise, as well as practical directions for the formation of a marketing service.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following set of tasks:
1) analyze the functions and tasks of the marketing service at the enterprise;
2) consider the concept and principles of building organizational structures of marketing;
3) develop recommendations for improving the work of the marketing department at the enterprise;
4) offer solutions to improve the market position of the enterprise.
In this work, the object of research of marketing activities and its organizational system is the enterprise LLC "GZOTsM". The subject of study is the process of marketing management, organizational aspects of marketing activities in an organization. When writing this work, special literature was used, which contributed to the disclosure of the theoretical part of the material.
Marketing is one of the areas of experiential science, and special attention should be paid to the reality as perceived in experience. It is also necessary to understand how this experiential reality is obtained. One must be very careful not to allow arbitrary interpretation of reality, misusing the meaning of theory.
Production, marketing, circulation, purchase, consumption should not be considered separately from each other, but in interconnection as a single business system. The market, as a category of commodity economy, representing the sphere of commodity-money exchange and expressing the economic relations between the producer (seller) and Consumers (Buyers), personifying supply and demand, respectively, is the most important component of this marketing system.

1 Theoretical foundations of the formation of marketing structures in the organization

1.1 Functions and tasks of marketing in the enterprise

To solve a complex set of tasks of creating a product and promoting it to the consumer, marketing at an enterprise must perform the following functions: research functions - conducting market research, developing a marketing strategy, executive functions - carrying out activities that will stimulate the sale of an enterprise. The main functions of marketing in the enterprise are presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - The main functions of marketing in the enterprise

The distribution of tasks, rights and responsibilities in the marketing management system can be carried out in a rational way only if the place and role of marketing services are clearly defined in the enterprise.
The main task of the marketing service is to keep a course for the consumer, constantly monitor what he needs, as well as monitor the activities of competitors, determine their strengths and weaknesses and possible market actions.
As part of marketing at the enterprise, the following tasks are solved:
1) comprehensive market research;
2) identification of potential demand and unmet needs;
3) planning of product range and prices;
4) development of measures for the most complete satisfaction of existing demand;
5) planning and implementation of sales;
6) development of measures to improve management and organization of production.
Based on this, the marketing service should determine the improvement of marketing activities, develop and achieve the implementation of plans and programs of marketing activities; to bring marketing information to all other divisions of the enterprise. Thus, developers receive information from marketing services about product development, about the direction in which they need to improve their products, and what new ones to develop.
Manufacturers will find out what the range of products should be, what are the terms of product renewal. Departments related to pricing policy, based on information received from the marketing service, must be able to correctly determine prices. Personnel, respectively, solve the issues of dismissal and hiring, professional development, etc. At the same time, the marketing service must accurately represent the capabilities of the enterprise so that they are engaged in its development real life enterprises. The considered scheme is important as a base of marketing activities. Based on this basis, you can also compose job descriptions... This does not mean, of course, that the production and functional units of the enterprise cannot independently communicate with consumers, do not study the activities of competitors, etc. However, this activity is directed and coordinated: based on the interests of the enterprise, by the head of the marketing department, whose employees also conduct specific marketing research. Thus, marketing is the leading function that determines the technical, production policy of the enterprise, the style and nature of the management of all business activities. Marketing specialists must establish and communicate to each engineer, designer and production worker how the consumer wants to see this product, what price he is willing to pay, where and when this product will be required.
Marketing services have an impact on the implementation of all the most important functions of the enterprise (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Interaction of enterprise services

The coordination of the activities of the marketing department and the finance department should consist in joint work on calculating the costs and drawing up estimates, i.e. Marketing specialists are required to provide methods for calculating production costs and budgetary control, since they are responsible for the implementation of estimates and for controlling marketing costs. The marketing department is ultimately judged by the financial performance of the entire enterprise.
Interaction of the marketing department with the legal department. The specialists of the department should have the opportunity to receive quick and qualified advice from specialists on legal issues.
Coordination of the activities of the marketing department with the work of the personnel department. The heads of the marketing department are interested in attracting good specialists to the department, in whom there is an urgent need. Therefore, the personnel department must be informed about the requirements of candidates for these positions, for which, in principle, job descriptions are used.
The above methodological provisions for informing the organizational structures of an enterprise are the basis for the development and justification of organizational structures of marketing, i.e. departments that are responsible for organizing, planning, coordinating and conducting marketing policies at the enterprise.
When implementing marketing plans, there are many different deviations from the developed plans and programs, so the marketing service needs to constantly monitor the progress of the implementation of the measures laid down in the plan. The types of marketing control are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Types of marketing control
Control Responsibility for conducting Purpose Techniques and methods
Over the implementation of annual plans Senior and secondary management Certification in the achievement of the results. Analysis of sales opportunities, analysis of market share, analysis of the ratio of "costs of marketing and sales", observation of the attitude of customers to the firm.
Profitability Controller for Marketing Clarification of sources of income and expense. Profitability by goods, territories, market segments, trade channels, order volumes.
Strategic Senior Management, Marketing Audit. Are the best marketing opportunities being used and how effective. Marketing development.

The purpose of controlling annual plans is to confirm that the organization has actually achieved its sales targets, other indicators set in the annual plan.
Stages of monitoring the implementation of annual marketing plans include the following activities:
1) putting in the plan benchmarks broken down by month or quarter;
2) taking measurements of the indicators of the company's market activity;
3) identifying the causes of serious failures in the activities of the company;
4) taking measures to remedy the situation and eliminate the gap between goals and results.
Obviously, monitoring profitability allows the head of the enterprise to determine the need to expand, reduce or stop production of specific products and various marketing actions.
Strategic control implies a periodic review of all the goals and plans of the enterprise, its strategic approach to the market, using a marketing audit.

1.2 Concept of the organizational structure of marketing

The formation of marketing activities, or marketing, includes: building (improving) the organizational structure of marketing management; selection of marketing specialists with appropriate qualifications; distribution of tasks, rights and responsibilities in the marketing management system; creation of conditions for effective work of employees of marketing services (organization of their workplaces, provision of the necessary information, office equipment, etc.); organization of effective interaction of marketing services with other services of the organization.
It should be noted that the formation of a marketing service at an enterprise is not a formal separation of a special unit, but primarily a market reorientation in its activities, a transition from a traditional orientation towards production requirements to an orientation towards market requirements. As experience shows, the marketing service at the enterprise is not formed immediately, but in stages, gradually combining the main marketing functions, which are still scattered across different departments (market research, assortment formation, trade and pricing, advertising, etc.).
Achieving the goals of any enterprise depends mainly on three factors: the chosen strategy, the organizational structure and how this structure functions.
The organizational structure of the marketing service in the enterprise can be defined as the structure of the organization on the basis of which marketing management is carried out, in other words, it is a set of services, departments, divisions, which include employees engaged in one or another marketing activity.
The marketing structure is critical to a successful marketing concept. There is no one-size-fits-all scheme for the formation of a marketing service. it covers a wide range of works and functions that take place in the implementation and use of the market philosophy of the organization of entrepreneurship, the main principle of which is customer orientation - to study and satisfy his needs and desires.
For the implementation of the entire range of works and functions in the field of marketing, for their organization and coordination in business structures, they are created depending on the degree of integration and coverage of the marketing concept of the divisions of the enterprise of the group, departments, services and marketing management. Such formations serve as a connecting link between work (types of activity) and employees, the appropriate way of interaction of employees is established both within their division, and the forms of relations with adjacent divisions of the enterprise and the subjects of the defining environment. In this context, organizational education acts as a system of a certain organizational structure.
The organizational structure of the marketing service determines the existing (or projected) in the organization (service) the number of divisions, communications and relations between them, as well as the level of their integration into a single whole. It establishes the degree of isolation, departmentisation (organizational isolation) of its subdivisions (groups, departments), the level of their legal independence in obtaining the necessary information and making decisions. The structure, as it were, fixes the internal composition of the organization (service), fixes the quantitative and qualitative composition the formations included in it, their hierarchical subordination, the distribution of power and independence between them.
The choice of the organizational structure of a business unit depends on many factors. The most important factors are: the type of organization (enterprise) in which the unit is created; the type of strategy that the company adheres to; the level of the existing projected division of labor in the subdivision (service); the type of departmentization of the main functions and works; the presence and development of technological and functional ties with related divisions of the enterprise; the presence of connections with the external environment; existing standards of manageability and controllability; the level occupied in the management hierarchy; the degree of centralization and decentralization in decision making; the necessary level of differentiation and integration of this unit in the process of its interaction with related departments (groups) of the enterprise.
The organizational structure of the marketing service covers a certain number of departments, works and personnel. With an increase in the number of subordinates, the number of interpersonal communications increases, for example, between a manager and a subordinate. An excessive increase in the number of subordinates and the number of departments creates unfavorable conditions for the manageability of the organizational structure. In order to avoid unmanageability of the organizational structure, the scale of manageability and control of the organization is optimized. By achieving the optimal combination of the number of preferred and the levels of the hierarchy, the most rational organizational structure is formed.

1.3 The principles of building organizational structures in marketing

Designing organizational structures of marketing (marketing services) is the activity of developing and embedding such structures in the management system of the enterprise.
The organizational structures of marketing services must meet certain requirements, the main ones of which are: a small number of links (the fewer links, the faster information is transmitted from the bottom up and orders of the director from top to bottom); simplicity of the marketing structure (facilitates easier adaptation of personnel to the enterprise); unity of purpose; the principle of unified subordination (there should be one leader); creating conditions for the development of integrated marketing at the enterprise; assistance to the company in the constant satisfaction of the needs of existing and potential buyers; ensuring the development of creativity and innovation of employees; guarantee of quick adaptation of manufactured products to market requirements; promotion of sales growth and cost reduction.
The peculiarities of production activities, the difference in production potentials, the difference in the size and structure of consumed resources, the volume of production and sales of products predetermine an individual approach to the development of organizational structures of marketing. However, the search for some kind of universal, standardized organizational structure of the marketing service seems inappropriate. As F. Kotler notes, "the ideal organizational structure for the marketing department has not yet been found."
Typically, even the same type of enterprise has different organizational structures. Rather, we can talk about the application of certain general principles of building organizational structures of marketing management, bearing in mind that their materialization can be carried out in quite different ways. Let us characterize, as briefly as possible, individual principles of building organizational structures of marketing management.
Any organizational structure of marketing management can be built on the basis of the following dimensions (one or more): functions, geographic areas of activity, products (goods) and consumer markets. Based on the foregoing, the following principles of organizing marketing units are distinguished: functional organization, geographic organization, product organization, market organization and various combinations of the listed principles.
Functional organization - is built on the principle of responsibility of an individual or a group of persons in a department for the implementation of a separate local or consolidated functional task of the department (marketing research, sales, advertising, etc.). Depending on the status of marketing services at the enterprise, they may be headed by a director, deputy director, head of the marketing department, head of the marketing group, etc.
The functional organization is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Functional organization

From the point of view of marketing, sales are one of its functions and the sales (sales) department can be part of the marketing service. However, in practice, the sales department, as a rule, is not included in the structure of marketing services, but forms an independent branch in the organizational structure of enterprise management. This emphasizes the particular importance of product sales and the dependence of the financial and economic situation of the enterprise on the efficiency of the sales services. At the same time, employees of sales services often, in contact with intermediaries and consumers, perform purely marketing functions, for example, collect information about the attitude of consumers to the company's products. Despite this, salespeople are mainly engaged in operational rather than analytical work.
In addition to solving specific marketing problems, important tasks of functional marketing services are to ensure the orientation of the enterprise's activities to use the principles, coordinate the work of all departments and services of the enterprise in this direction.
The functional organization of marketing services is the easiest to manage: each performer does not overlap with others in terms of responsibilities. The emergence of competition between individual functional areas will contribute to an increase in work efficiency on the one hand, and the struggle for private interest, and not for the general interest of the firm, on the other hand. The effectiveness of functional marketing services declines as the range of products manufactured and the number of sales markets expands.
This form of building a marketing service is practiced by small firms that produce one or a limited number of product names and sell products in a small market (in a market segment).
However, large manufacturers of unique equipment also use this form.
The functional organization of the marketing service is very effective with the uniformity and constancy of the production and sales functions of the enterprise, but when changing types of activities or when solving fundamentally new problems, a quick reaction to a changing market situation, it is less effective.
A geographic organization is an organizational structure for marketing management in which marketing professionals, primarily salespeople, are grouped by geographic area. Such an organization allows marketers to live within the service area, know their customers well and work effectively with minimal travel time and money. The geographic organization is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Graphical organization

The product (commodity) organization of the marketing department is based on the principle of marketing division into separate consolidated commodity groups. With a commodity organization, each product (commodity group) has its own manager, who is subordinate to employees who perform all the marketing functions necessary for a given product. The advantage of a commodity organization is that a product manager coordinates the entire marketing mix for that product and responds more quickly to emerging market problems.
This form of construction is used mainly in large enterprises, because it is comparatively expensive. A commodity-based organization is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Organization by commodity principle

Such a construction of a marketing service is effective for firms that have a wide range of products with the ability to sell them on a large number of homogeneous (identical) markets. The commodity structure is especially effective when: a) the requirements for packaging, sales, advertising for each product manufactured by the company differ significantly from each other; b) the volume of sales for each product is large enough to justify the cost of organizing a marketing service for that product.
A rather large drawback of the commodity organization is associated with the need for each employee of the department to perform a large set of duties for the assigned functions (development of a commodity strategy, product promotion, sales, sales promotion, advertising, etc.).
A market organization is a marketing management organizational structure in which individual market managers are responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies and plans for specific markets. Depending on the meaning that is put into the concept of the market, the organizational structure can be divided into subdivisions oriented either to specific consumers or to certain industries (the market of machine-building, construction and other enterprises).
Disadvantages of a market organization: a complex structure, a low degree of specialization of the work of service departments, the possibility of duplication of functions (for a segment organization), poor knowledge of the product (of the entire product range).
The advantages of a market organization: better coordination of services when entering the market, the ability to develop a comprehensive go-to-market program, a more reliable market forecast, taking into account its specifics.
In its original form, product and market organizational structures of marketing management are not applied. Combinations of these organizational principles are more often used, namely: functional-product (commodity), functional-market (regional), product-market (regional) and Functional-product-market (regional) marketing management structures.
Thus, there are many options for the formation of a marketing service in the enterprise, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing one or another option, you should remember two basic rules. The first rule is that the structure of the marketing service should be as simple as possible, the simpler the structure, all other things being equal, the more mobile its management and the higher the chances of success. The second rule is that the number of functions, the responsibility for the implementation of which can be invested in one specialist, is limited. The more goods he runs, the fewer functions he is able to handle, and vice versa.
In the practice of building marketing services, there is, although rarely, a matrix structure. It is not very effective.
The matrix structure, assuming a high degree of specification of individual services, creates preconditions for conflicting competencies in the management process at the points of intersection of their competences and requires a clear distribution of rights and responsibilities between individual links of the management system.
Such a structure can have enterprises operating in a diverse profile of markets, characterized by a high degree of centralization and control over operational activities in the general management system. In practice, for such enterprises, it is more efficient and expedient to break down the management apparatus into autonomous subdivisions and build management services like holding companies, which makes it possible to avoid excessive complication of the enterprise management system.

2 Analysis of the functioning of the marketing service at LLC "GZOTsM"

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of LLC "GZOTsM"

On the basis of the decision of the sole founder of the Fund "Support and Development of the Middle Class" in April 2008, it was decided to create a Limited Liability Company "Gaysky Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant". On 02.06.2008 Yevgeny Leonidovich Lozovator took over as General Director. In a short period of time, the structural divisions were staffed with managers, specialists, office workers and workers, at the existing production facilities, in accordance with the incoming orders, the first tons of finished products were produced.
The company is not the legal successor of another enterprise and its activities practically started from scratch, however, many representatives of the labor collective and production shops have a glorious history that cannot be ignored.
On the basis of the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU of July 20, 1967, order of the Minister of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy No. 280 and the planned assignment approved by the Deputy Minister of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, the Giprotsvetmet-obrabotka institute, the development of design documentation for a specialized workshop for the production of radiator tape has begun. In October 1975, the first stage of the shop for the production of radiator tape was put into operation at the "Gayskaya industrial site" and the first tons of products were manufactured. In 1979, a smelting shop was put into operation, in connection with the increasing demands of the automotive industry, in 1985 a copper-nickel rolling shop was put into operation.
Today the company employs those who were directly involved in these historical events.
Despite the short period of its activity, OOO GZOTsM has significant achievements that characterize it as a reliable and stable manufacturer of flat products.
This is how the Abner non-oxidizing annealing units were put into operation, which led to a significant increase in the quality of products and a decrease in the cost of manufacturing finished products. The plant is completely transferred to a new type of thermal convention - heating system industrial buildings and facilities using gas infrared emitters and the transition to their own process heat based on Teploveev. A thermal power plant was put into operation, which made it possible to ensure full thermal and energy autonomy of the enterprise.
The next stage in the development of the enterprise is the creation of a section for the production of copper tubes, rods and tires and a new type of production for the production of copper cathodes 1975. In October, at the "Gayskaya industrial site" of the Orsk non-ferrous metal processing plant, on the basis of the order of the Deputy Minister of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR No. 474 dated October 31, 1975, the first stage of the radiator tape workshop with a capacity of 15 thousand tons per year was commissioned. Since January 1, 1976, the Orsk ZOTsM shop, located at the "Gayskaya industrial site", became known as the rolling shop for the production of radiator tape No. 3 (order of the director of the Orsk ZOTsM No. 842 dated 12/31/1975).
"Gaysky non-ferrous metals processing plant" carries out production on a completely closed technological cycle- from raw materials to finished rolled products. The raw material is nickel cathodes, copper cathodes, brass and copper scrap, primary zinc. Copper roofing tape, absolutely meets the requirements of the European standard.
The products of GZOTsM LLC are used by machine-building plants for the production of components for cars, radiators, combines, tractors, radio engineering plants - for the production of starting equipment and relays, in the electrical industry - for the production of electrical converters, light bulbs, plug connectors, etc.
The Gaysky Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant, in its design version, was intended for the production of special flat-rolled products - radiator tapes for the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. But the nomenclature of production was expanded to the production of sheets, tapes, anodes and strips of copper, copper-nickel, nickel and brass alloys for various sectors of the national economy, including the electrical industry, the defense industry and general engineering.
The number of personnel working at the enterprise is 1000 people. The plant includes three main workshops.
Electric smelting shop No. 1. Produces ingots for the rolling production's own needs, supplies castings to consumers in the form of ingots, castings and ingots made of bronze and brass.
Copper-nickel rolling shop No. 2. Produces rolled products from alloys of nickel, copper, copper-nickel and brass in the form of sheets, tapes, anodes and strips, as well as a blank for the shop of a radiator tape.
Radiator tape shop No. 3. Produces precision rolled products from brass, copper and copper-nickel alloys.
The complex of auxiliary workshops and subdivisions of the plant includes:
1) mechanical repair shop No. 4;
2) power shop No. 5 with treatment facilities, a recycling water supply station and a compressor station;
3) OKS;
4) transport shop No. 7;
5) warehouse for finished products (shop No. 8);
6) central factory laboratory;
7) central laboratory of automation.
The organizational structure of the management of OOO GZOTsM is reflected in (Appendix A).
The structure of the sales department, the department that is responsible for the marketing activities of the enterprise, internal circuit management and staffing of the department are approved director general society, based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise.
The structure of the sales department is shown in the diagram shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - The structure of the sales department

Department management is an independent regulatory document in force in the Company, which is kept together with this Regulation. The staffing of the department is reflected in the staffing table of the Company.
The sales bureau is directly involved in organizing and conducting direct marketing companies. The main forms of direct marketing in an enterprise are: personal selling, direct mail and telemarketing. Also recently, it is actively planned to master Internet marketing in connection with the great development of Internet technologies.
The main goals of the company are: production and saturation of the Russian and foreign markets with its products, increasing and maintaining the quality of its products, social and labor security.
Over the last 3 years, the economic indicators at OOO GZOTsM have grown significantly. The volume of gross output increased by 1.23 times. Moreover, this indicator has not increased over the past three years.
The increase in the total volume of products is due to the partial modernization of production. And more stringent criteria for staff.
In connection with the increase in professional criteria for employees of the enterprise, albeit not significantly, but the salary increased by 2.34%.
Over the past three years, the indicators for the development of marketing technologies and methods have increased. In 2009, direct marketing sales grew 1.23 times. In 2010, the growth was 2.3 times. In 2012, the indicator increased 3 times compared to 2009. More and more, the sales department at the enterprise began to master other forms of direct marketing, such as direct mail and telemarketing. The site of LLC "GZOTsM" is being improved, according to which it is planned to accept orders in the next 3 years.
The growth of the company's net profit over the past 3 years did not show any particular prospects. Since the plant had debt obligations and was obliged to pay large sums. However, in general, one can trace the positive dynamics of OOO GZOTsM.

2.2 Analysis of the marketing activities of LLC "GZOTsM"

As a result of the analysis of the market of non-ferrous metals in Russia, it was found out that the main competitor of OOO GZOTsM is UMMC. This company has great potential in the non-ferrous market and is considered a very reliable and productive company. On a national scale, a fierce struggle is being waged between LLC "GZOTsM" and "UMMC" for the sales market.
The sales staff proposed the necessary goals to improve product quality and therefore compete in the market.
Quality improvement targets for 2012:
1) purchase electronic crane scales with software for the division of the Company in the amount of 2 pieces, in order to confirm and enter into the 1C program the weighing results of incoming raw materials during incoming control and finished products;
2) master and implement the method for determining aluminum in non-ferrous metal alloys by atomic spectrometry;
3) put into operation a gas-piston thermal power plant with installed capacity 7.6 MW;
4) provide data output from the technographer T-160 v local area network to ensure traceability of casting parameters;
5) will master the device "Termodat", modification E3, installed on the annealing furnace SGZ No. 3 of the rolling shop, in order to create a database of annealing modes;
6) Master at least two types of new products.
As a result of the study, it was found that LLC "GZOTsM" is the oldest enterprise producing roofing copper in the territory of the former USSR. The technology for the production of roofing copper is fine-tuned to the smallest nuances.
Roofing copper, produced by the "Gaysky non-ferrous metal processing plant", is produced in accordance with GOST 1173, corresponds to the M1f brand. The main fundamental difference between copper grade M1f is: - there is no oxygen in its composition, and there is an increased content of phosphorus, which varies in fractions from 0.012% to 0.06%. This feature is reflected in the characteristics of materials in use made of this alloy: the patination process, the natural process of the formation of an oxide film on the surface, proceeds more evenly and more slowly.
Also, as a result of the Internet analysis, it was possible to find out that the plant's product is used not only by roofing companies in Russia, but also by companies from Austria, Germany and Italy, as LLC GZOTsM is the leading producer of roofing copper in the country.
The main activity of LLC "GZOTsM" is the production and sale of products from non-ferrous metals (except for precious ones). The main products are flat-rolled products made of copper, copper-nickel alloys, brass. Production range: sheets, strips, anodes, strips of copper, copper-nickel, copper-zinc and nickel alloys, bronze rods, cones, bushings. Copper roofing tape fully complies with the Euro-standard requirements.
The products of the "Gaiskiy Plant for the Processing of Non-Ferrous Metals" are used in mechanical engineering - for the production of components for cars and radiators, for the production of combines and tractors.
It is used in radio engineering - for the production of starting equipment and relays, in electrical engineering - for the production of electrical converters, light bulbs, plug connectors and others.
Features of advertising activities.
The types of advertising used by the company are mainly informative and persuasive advertising.
It is carried out by:
1) posting information about the company and its products in the media (print media, Internet sites, television). An example would be several banners that are used by a business to advertise their company. Banners are presented in (Appendix B). These banners can be characterized as outdoor and internet banners;
2) participation in industry international exhibitions;
3) providing information to the chamber of commerce and industry.
The general analysis of the advertising activity of LLC "GZOTsM" in 2009 - 2011 showed that advertising activity is weak and needs to be developed. LLC "GZOTsM" pays little attention to advertising, judging by the minimum advertising budget of the enterprise. A significant number of advertising projects are frozen at the development stage due to lack of funds. The management of LLC "GZOTsM" will not pay attention to the advertising activities of the enterprise. In the last 2012 alone, the company could actually take part in 4 exhibitions. But participation was not accepted in more than one. The reasoning came down to the lack of funds at the enterprise for these needs. Although behind such arguments there is a simple misunderstanding of the meaning of exhibitions. The management of GZOTsM LLC does not believe in the effectiveness of such events, and, therefore, does not consider it necessary to allocate funds for their implementation. To radically change the position of the company's management on this issue, it is necessary to prove the effectiveness of advertising techniques, showing the real benefit expressed in the number of new customers.
except specific purpose- conclusion of contracts for the sale of the company's products - marketing companies LLC "GZOTsM" is aimed at improving the image of the society, that is, creating a positive stable opinion of the client about the reputation, authority of the enterprise, the image and the product provided.
Depending on the development of demand in the market, “GZOTsM” LLC is characterized by the type of marketing - “supportive marketing”, it is used when the structure and level of demand for goods absolutely correspond to the structure and level of supply. An enterprise is also characterized by differentiated marketing, depending on the coverage of the market, which strives to capture a significant part of the market and at the same time put forward an offer of several varieties of the same product, which will, can satisfy the needs of many segments and differ in its consumer qualities... The advantages of this type are that the manufacturer can meet the needs of the client in his product. However, this type is difficult to implement.
The main tasks of LLC "GZOTsM" in the field of marketing:
1) product positioning on the market;
2) development and management of the marketing mix. Includes the improvement and development of goods and the setting of prices for goods, promotion of the sale of goods and the choice of methods of distribution of goods.
It is possible to analyze this enterprise in terms of its marketing complex by presenting the most successful product of GZOTsM LLC - roofing copper. Roofing copper produced by OOO GZOTsM is produced in accordance with GOST 1173 and corresponds to the M1f brand. The main difference between copper grade M1f is the absence of oxygen in its composition and an increased content of phosphorus, the proportion of which varies from 0.012% to 0.06%. This feature is reflected in the performance characteristics of materials made from this alloy: the patination process (the natural process of formation of an oxide film on the surface) is slower and more uniform.
The price of this product depends on:
1) on the size of the roofing copper sheet (long, wide);
2) on the quantity of the ordered volume of the product.
The distribution of this product is not limited to the Russian market only. The product is ordered not only by Russian roofing companies, but also by firms from Italy, Austria, Germany.
The company pays special attention to the promotion of this product. On the official website of LLC "GZOTsM" full information about this product, its characteristics, advantages. Roofing copper is promoted to a greater extent at exhibitions than other products of the enterprise. Most of the clients of GZOTsM LLC know the company precisely as a company that produces roofing copper. This is a consequence of the good promotion of the enterprise's product.
The main factors of the macro environment are, of course, economic factors. Due to the high interest rates on loans, the company has been putting itself in significant restrictions for a long time. The company is also affected by constant economic downturns in the economy of the country and in the world. The rise in inflation has a negative impact on the return on investment. However, the demand for the products of LLC "GZOTsM" is quite stable. The demographic environment also affects the enterprise. Due to the low population density in the city of Gaya and the lack of natural growth, since there is an outflow of young people from the city, the enterprise is faced with the problem of not renewing the labor force. Hacking the ecological environment, it can be noted that the enterprise is directly dependent on the availability of various ores. And, despite the fact that Gaysky GOK, a supplier of raw materials, regularly supplies raw materials to the enterprise, resource dependence itself cannot be characterized as a positive side.
The main factors of the micro - environment can be attributed. Increased demand for quality among the main clients of GZOTsM LLC. These customer needs need to be followed, otherwise there could be a huge loss of customers. OOO GZOTsM is very dependent on its main supplier of raw materials - OAO Gaysky GOK. This is a negative factor. It is also worth noting that the company has a difficult relationship with banks due to its negative credit history. This significantly affects the process of modernization of production.
The following marketing management concepts are characteristic of GZOTsM LLC:
1) the concept of product improvement. Based on the fact that customers show interest in the product with the highest quality, which has the best characteristics and properties. It follows from this that the company focuses its potential on the continuous improvement of the product;
2) the concept of intensifying commercial sales. Assumes that customers do not buy the goods of the enterprise in sufficient quantities if it does not make sufficient efforts in the field of promotion and sales. According to this concept, the company has developed techniques for identifying potential customers and the so-called “hard sale” of a product to them - the customer is actively influenced and actually forced to make a purchase. Also developed companies in the field of direct marketing;
3) the concept of improving production. Assumes that buyers are attracted to a product that is widely available and affordable. As a result, the management of the enterprise focuses its efforts on improving the efficiency of the distribution system and improving production;
4) marketing concept. The marketing concept is based on the idea of ​​meeting the needs and requirements of potential consumers. It appeared as a response to the complication and difficulty of marketing activities in the context of increasing production volumes.
Marketing strategy of GZOTsM LLC - differentiated marketing - is a strategy that implies activities in the market, in which the company operates in several segments simultaneously with specially designed products for them.
Exhibition events are the most costly part of marketing communications expenses at GZOTsM LLC.
On November 9, 2010 GZOTsM LLC took part in the 16th international industrial exhibition "Metal-Expo 2010". From November 15, 2011 to November 18, 2011, GZOTsM LLC took part in the seventeenth international industrial exhibition "Metal-Expo 2011".
It should also be noted that LLC "GZOTsM" was included in the National Register "Leading Industrial Foods of Russia - 2011".
On August 16, 2011 at LLC GZOTsM the certification process was completed in accordance with the audit and certification procedure TUV NORD CERT.
On February 17, 2011, autonomous gas-fired boilers were commissioned at the Gaysky Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant, which made it possible to reduce the cost of production and maintenance of production facilities. The launch of the power plants was attended by: Governor of the Orenburg Region Yuri Aleksandrovich Berg, Representative of the United Russia faction of the Legislative Assembly in the Orenburg Region N.I.Skripal, Head of the Gaysky District N.V. Lushnikov, Mayor of Gaya N.F. collection of the Orenburg region E. N. Malyushin. The LLC "GZOTsM" enterprise is a very significant object for the city of Gaya and for the Orenburg region as a whole.
Also, within the framework of this work, a SWOT analysis was carried out, the results of which can be found. (Appendix B)
Based on the studied material, we can conclude that LLC "GZOTsM" is actively involved in marketing activities. However, there are a significant number of mistakes that sales managers need to work on.

2.3 Goals, functions and tasks of the sales department at LLC "GZOTsM"

The main goal of the sales department of LLC "GZOTsM" is to conduct a complex of marketing research and provide the management of the enterprise with the necessary information for making economic decisions, taking into account the real and potential needs of buyers and the production and marketing capabilities of the enterprise.
The main tasks of the sales department are:
1) Development of short, medium and long term marketing strategies. Orientation of developers and production to meet customer requirements for products.
2) Investigation of the consumer properties of manufactured products and the requirements imposed on them by buyers.
3) Research of factors that determine the structure and dynamics of consumer demand for the company's products, market conditions.
4) Study of the demand for the company's products and the development of long-term, medium-term and short-term forecasts of the demand for products.
5) Formation of demand and promotion of sales of the company's products.
6) Timely preparation and conclusion of contracts for the supply of finished products.
7) Ensuring the implementation of plans for the sale of products on time and according to the nomenclature in accordance with contracts.
8) Timely declaration and customs clearance of products received and supplied by the enterprise to foreign partners.
9) Conducting thematic excursions for delegations and groups in order to familiarize them with the activities of the enterprise, advertising modern serial and experimental products of the enterprise, achievements in the field of quality and advanced technologies, as well as the production capabilities of the enterprise and the workforce in different years.
10) Participation in events that create conditions for the implementation of the Quality Policy in the range of their functional responsibilities.
The main functions of the sales department at the LLC "GZOTsM"
1. Analysis and forecasting of the main conjuncture-forming factors of potential sales markets for the products manufactured by the enterprise:
1.1 Commercial and economic, including the economic situation and the financial condition of potential buyers, the real effective demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise and the ratio of supply and demand for specific types of products;
1.2 Scope of delivery, technical level and quality of competing products, its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with the company's products;
1.3 Availability of new sales markets and new consumers of the products manufactured by the enterprise.
2. Research of consumer properties of manufactured products and collection of information about customer satisfaction.
3. Identification of leading trends in the global production of products.
4. Analysis of the competitiveness of the company's products, comparing its consumer properties, prices, production costs with similar indicators of competing products manufactured by other enterprises.
5. Development of forecasts for effective demand for new and mass-produced products based on the study of the conjuncture and market capacity.
6. Collection, systematization and analysis of all commercial and economic information on the conjuncture of potential sales markets for the company's products; creation of an information and statistical data bank on marketing, including data on applications for the supply of products, their production, availability of stocks, the use of this data to accelerate the sale of products.
7. Determination of the geographical location of potential consumers of products.
8. Organization of feedback with consumers: studying the opinions of consumers and their proposals for improving the products; analysis of complaints and their impact on the sale of the company's products.
9. Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of competing products.
10. Development of an advertising strategy for each product and a plan for advertising events.
11. Organization of advertising by means of mass media (newspapers, television, radio); organization and preparation of articles and information for magazines, newspapers, radio; preparation of scripts for movie commercials, films.
12. Implementation of outdoor, light, electronic advertising, direct mail advertising (scheduled and one-time mailings of letters, parcels, parcels with information materials).
13. Development of proposals for the formation of corporate identity, the organization of advertising using branded products (posters, booklets, posters, express information).
14. Organization of participation of the enterprise in all-Russian, regional and industry exhibitions, fairs, sales exhibitions; preparation of the necessary documents and materials; organization of sales exhibitions, exhibitions at the enterprise.
15. Providing company representatives traveling to exhibitions, fairs, trade shows, advertising brochures and other advertising documentation.
16. Providing branding of advertising materials and tools for market research and demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise.
17. Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, its impact on product sales, consumer awareness of the company's products; determining the effectiveness of advertising; development of proposals for improving the organization of advertising.
18. Studying and using the best practices of advertising and stimulating demand in the country and abroad.
19. Analysis of the state of sales of the company's products, assessment of the efficiency of the distribution network, identification of products that do not have sufficient sales, determination of the reasons for this.
20. Development of proposals for the creation of fundamentally new products.
21. Development of proposals and recommendations for the production plan of the enterprise in terms of nomenclature and quantity, based on the results of studying market conditions and demand for specific types of products.
22. Development of proposals for organizing marketing for 1-2 years in order to ensure the delivery of the company's products to buyers in the required time frame and in sufficient quantity, timely information about its consumer properties, establishing direct contacts with consumers, actively participating in exhibitions and fairs, entering new markets.
23. Development of proposals to stimulate the sale of products that have no demand, by improving the quality and technical level, organizing additional advertising.
24. Preparation and conclusion of contracts with buyers, taking into account the regulations for the supply of products.
25. Implementation of the provision of contract analysis and coordination of this work, registration of contract analysis data.
27. Linking plans for launching into production and delivery of products with production services and workshops of the enterprise, in order to ensure the delivery of finished products in time and nomenclature in accordance with the concluded contracts; participation in the formation of annual, quarterly and monthly nomenclature plans for production and delivery of finished products to ensure deliveries on time and in the range in accordance with the concluded contracts.
In this chapter, the main functions, tasks and goals of the sales department of LLC "GZOTsM" were considered. The organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise were given.

3 Recommendations for improving the marketing activities of LLC "GZOTsM"

3.1 Recommendations and analysis to improve the market position of the enterprise

In management, the generally accepted methods for determining the market position and the relationship between the internal and external environment are the methods matrix analysis, allowing you to assess the opportunities and threats from the external environment, in particular competitors, and build the prospect of production activities, taking into account the development of the market. The analysis of the management mechanism must be supplemented with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. Table 2 shows the results of the assessment of the activities of LLC "GZOTsM" for 2012-2013.

Table 2 - Assessment of the significance of the strengths of LLC "GZOTsM"

score (0-10) Probability
during a year,
score (0-1)
Full competence in key issues 8 0.3
Good impression of customers about the company 9 0.5
Economies of scale 8 0.4
Ability to avoid (at least to some extent) strong pressure from competitors 9 0.7
Extensive experience 5 0.6
Excellent technological skills 8 0.8
Low costs due to savings 7 0.4
Good impression from partners 9 0.8

The highest marks were received by the enterprise in the direction of interaction with customers - 9 points, flexible policy with competitors - 9 points, as well as relationships with partners - 9 points.

Diagram 1 - the assessment in points of the strengths of JSC "GZOTsM" is presented.

Based on the results of the resulting assessment of the strengths of the enterprise, the most significant areas can be identified:
1. The criterion "Good impression on the part of partners" receives the maximum score according to the analysis data according to the total scores of 7.2 points;
2. In second place, the assessment according to the analysis is received by two criteria "Excellent technological skills" according to the total scores of 6.4 points and "Ability to avoid (at least to some extent) strong pressure from competitors", the total score of 6.3 points.
3. In third place, according to the analysis, the criterion "Good impression from partners" is given according to the total scores of 4.5 points.
4. The remaining criteria are, according to the analysis, from 2.1 to 3.0 points.
5. The minimum value on the part of the strengths of the enterprise is "Great experience" and "Low production costs due to savings" - that is, the state and the distribution of economic resources does not affect the results of the activities of LLC GZOTsM.
The assessment of the capabilities (potential) of GZOTsM LLC for 2012-2013 and the interaction of the enterprise with the external environment is presented in Table 3 and Diagram 2, which shows an analysis of the capabilities (potential) of the enterprise.

Table 3 - Assessment of the possibility (potential) of LLC "GZOTsM"
Assessed side Significance,
score (0-10) Probability of occurrence
throughout the year, score (0-1)
Vertical integration 9 0.2
Ability to serve additional customer groups or enter new market segments. 8 0.5
Investments from outside financial institutions 10 0,5
Weakening of the position of competitors' firms 8 0.3
Emergence of new technologies 6 0.5
Ways to expand the list of services to satisfy a larger number of consumers 7 0.7
Implementation of information technologies 8 0.7
Increasing the number of clients on the old
market segment 10 0.7

According to estimates, OOO GZOTsM has the following potential:
1. In the direction of "Increasing the number of clients in the old market segment" and "Investments from financial organizations" in the amount of 10 points - the company is considered as an attractive investment project that can increase the capacity of the existing market.
2. To implement the first position, an enterprise needs to implement "Vertical integration" with financial institutions (banks or investors) or enter a structural unit into an industry complex of suppliers or consumers of industrial products.
3. To build a long-term strategy, an enterprise needs to use the positions “Implementation of information technologies” - 8 points, and “Ability to serve additional groups of consumers or enter new market segments” - 8 points, and the direction “Ways to expand the list of services to satisfy a larger number of consumers ”- 7 points.

Diagram - The structure of the assessment in points of the capabilities of LLC "GZOTsM"

The influence of environmental factors on the production activity of the enterprise is carried out by assessing such areas as the development strategy, the state of the production cycle, the conformity of production technologies and the timeliness of the adopted management decisions on tracking the internal production situation. All of the above activities have the highest scores, that is, they are the most problematic.

Table 4 - Combination of environmental factors as an assessment of the weaknesses of LLC "GZOTsM"
Weaknesses of the enterprise Significance,
score (0-10) Probability
throughout the year, point (0-1) Result, total points
Lack of a clear strategic direction for development 9 0.8 7.2
Domestic production
problems 7 0.8 5.6
Low productivity due to lack of time for making management decisions 10 0.8 8.0
Lack of constant
staff of specialists 7 0.5 3.5
No ads
on the market about the company 6 0.5 3.0
Unsatisfactory marketing activity 4 0.6 2.4
Lack of money for financing necessary changes in strategy 8 0.6 4.8

So, the main disadvantage at the enterprise is “Low productivity due to lack of time for making managerial decisions” - 10 points, and “Lack of a clear strategic direction of development” - 9 points. The likelihood of occurrence of such events as "Lack of a clear strategic direction of development", "Low productivity due to lack of time for making management decisions", "Lack of money to finance the necessary changes in strategy" and "Internal production problems" is an indicator close to one - from 0.6 to 0.8 points.
Thus, according to expert estimates, the impact of the most serious impact from environmental factors can be expected for the above positions.

3.2 Recommendations for improving the methods of enterprise communication.

The existing system of marketing activities of employees at OOO GZOTsM, based on performance appraisals, demonstrates quite well the individual differences of the employees of the enterprise in the performance of their official duties. The considered scientific systems of motivation only make it possible to determine the behavior of workers in a certain production situation at the enterprise, which plays an important role in the selection of workers according to their personal characteristics, but does not help to effectively determine the pay or remuneration of an employee for his work. The systems of labor incentives determine the wages of workers, but do not help to make the earnings of workers dependent on their responsibility to work.
Recommendations of LLC "GZOTsM" in order to improve the efficiency of marketing activities:
1) strengthening the material interest and increasing the personal responsibility of employees for the fulfillment of established tasks;
2) improving the professionalism of employees in dealing with issues related to production (organization of training and advanced training);
3) the development of progressive forms of organization and remuneration (piece-rate bonus for workers);
4) saving all types of material resources, introducing advanced technology, new technology, mechanization and automation of production processes, increasing the technical level of production and labor productivity (revising the rates of consumption of materials, improving the rationing of labor costs). It seems advisable to carry out these activities next year.
I would also like to touch upon the issue of improving communication between GZOTsM LLC with the target audience. A special survey made it possible to identify the main types and methods of communication through which LLC "GZOTsM" positions itself on the market. The survey involved 30 people working in the management of the plant and the marketing department. Based on their responses, a table was compiled and a percentage calculation was made. The question that was asked to the participants: "By what means of communication do customers learn about the company?" and a list of possible answers was given. The research results are presented in table 5.

Table 5 - Survey results
Distribution media
Television 1
Special literature, coupons, retail space 10.5
Print advertising 14.5
Direct mail 15.5
Radio 0
Directories, directories 5.1
Public Relations 26.5
Specialized exhibitions 26.9
Street billboards and advertising on transport 0

Based on the conducted research, it can be revealed that the enterprise has certain specific communication channels. The main channels of communication are:

1) Specialized exhibitions (26.9%).
2) Public relations (26.5%).
3) Direct mail (15.5%).
4) Print ads (14.5).
5) Special literature, coupons, retail space (10.5).
In addition to improving the above communication channels, it is necessary to look for new ones. One of the leading, lately, ways of finding clients and positioning an enterprise on the market is Internet communication. This direction is very actively developing and even enterprises engaged in heavy industry already have a need for Internet advertising.
The main types of online advertising are:
1. Display advertising is a graphic advertisement that is placed on sites that are advertising platforms. Initially, display advertising was closer to traditional offline advertising, as its main tool was banners. However, now its possibilities are much wider. In addition to classic banners, videos and interactive banners are used. Display advertising is effective in building a sustainable brand image. This type of advertising requires a constant presence in the informational Internet space and its use brings an effect with a large number of impressions.
2. Contextual advertising - a type of advertising in which a person is shown advertisements that match the subject (context) of the site on which he is located, or the search query that he entered. The use of this type of site advertising is beneficial in that the customer pays only for the result - those visitors who went to his site on the posted ad.
A banner was developed to place display advertising on specialized trading platforms. (Appendix B).
To place contextual advertising in Yandex Direct and Google AdWords, an ad text was developed, which consists of three parts:
1. Title - “Copper roof. From the manufacturer".
2. The text of the announcement - “Always available. 100% quality assurance. Delivery across the Russian Federation ".
3. Link to the site - "".
These two tools will effectively help in the belt of customers via the Internet. One of the most significant advantages of Internet advertising, for example Yandex Direct, is that employees of the company's sales department can monitor the promotion of their own advertising company, measure response rates and analyze efficiency. Internet advertising is also a cheap means of communication.

We can search for suitable employees both inside and outside the company.
Internal selection.
- The number of employees at the enterprise is preserved.
- The corporate culture and corporate spirit are increasing.
- Requires reorganization in other departments of the company.
- There may not be a suitable candidate.
External selection.
- You can make high demands on the characteristics of potential applicants for the position.
- Additional costs are required.
It is necessary to approach the selection of personnel professionally for the marketing department. Recommended qualities that an employee of the marketing department should have:
- Sociability.
- Ability to analyze quickly.
- Accuracy and organization.
- Assertiveness (reasonably and in moderation).
- Possession of analytical skills.
The qualities of a specialist in the marketing department must be taken into account when hiring another specialist. During the trial period, you need to build an adequate load on the new subordinate.
A separate aspect worth paying attention to is remuneration, as the most important part of building employee motivation.
Two main principles of remuneration must be observed:
1) the goals of the enterprise and the employee must be the same, that is, the increase in profits must be reflected in the wages of workers;
2) employees must be able to earn decent money in an honest way.
Typically, marketing employees receive a monthly salary (good salary) and an annual bonus (up to 20% of the size wages) for their work done. The condition is mandatory in the case when the results have improved.
Separately, it is necessary to note the question of the head of the marketing department. He develops marketing and sales strategies. He actively interacts with the sales department to provide support in matters of communication with consumers, advertising and distribution networks, as well as with the production department in order to assist in changing the range and introducing new types of products. The supervisor manages all the work related to market research, and further informs the higher level of the results achieved.
It is necessary to monitor the work of the head of the marketing department. It should perform the following functions:
- development of a marketing strategy; control over its implementation;
- organization of market research;
- preparation of estimates in the relevant area;
- preparation of advertising campaigns; control over their implementation;
- reports to the management on the position of the company in the market and on the actions of its closest competitors.
- reports to the management on the market position and buyers;
- organization of the work of the sales department, which is focused on identifying groups of buyers in accordance with the chosen strategy in relation to them, as well as types of goods and distribution channels;
- joint planning of sales goals with the head of the sales department;
- visiting exhibitions and trade fairs;
- development of a price policy.
In the process of writing a term paper, the conditions for the most effective work of the marketing department were identified.
Even the most qualified personnel will not be able to perform their duties efficiently without the right support. Here's what we're talking about:
- Telephone lines.
- PBX.
- Office space.
- Fax.
- Copier.
- Computers.
- Telephone operators.
- Secretaries.
- ACS.
The last three items are support personnel. Hiring such people is a must for a well-functioning enterprise. You can see the reasons for this in Table 6 below.

Table 6 - Reasons for hiring support personnel

Support staff Reasons for hiring
Telephone operator If you constantly ask your client to call back on another number, he may turn to your competitors. And the telephone operator will be able to connect him with the right employee.
Secretary The secretary accepts mail, messages, organizes business trips. Marketing employees don't have to waste their precious time on administrative work.
ACS Information is the basis for the development of strategic marketing and finance issues.

In the context of a constantly developing market and sales methods, it is necessary to constantly train the personnel of the marketing department, improve the qualifications of specialists.

For more effective work of marketers, it is necessary to conduct a seminar with them. It would be best to hire a top-notch marketing specialist who handles private seminars. Developed by rough plan this event, which the head of the sales department of LLC "GZOTsM", if desired, can use, correcting it or adding information of interest to him.
1. Course on finding new buyers.
- Methods for finding new buyers.
- How to choose the most suitable method.
- What are the requirements for employees in accordance with the chosen method.
- Conclusions and further instructions for action.
2. Course on product promotion and advertising.
- What, where and how to advertise?
- How to create effective advertising (preparing for an advertising campaign, responding to its results).
Summing up, we can say that the marketing department is a kind of buffer between the external and internal environment of the enterprise. It is necessary for a firm in order for it to have the opportunity to occupy the most advantageous position in the market in relation to competitors. The result of the work of the specialists of this division is an increase in the level of sales and, as a consequence, an increase in profits.
Improving the effectiveness of marketing activities can be very diverse and depend on the elaboration of the regulation system at the enterprise, the general management system and the characteristics of the enterprise itself. To improve the efficiency of marketing activities, it is necessary to introduce economic management methods, conditioned by economic incentives - they imply material motivation, that is, an orientation towards the fulfillment of certain indicators or tasks.
The goal of the course work is achieved, the tasks are completed.


In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize the results of our research on the organization of the marketing management system in the organization. In modern conditions, the organization of management of an industrial enterprise should take into account innovative technologies, computer and software. In our work, we tried to cover a wide range of problems associated with the study of the marketing activities of an industrial enterprise.
Marketing deals with the study of consumer behavior, which includes his needs and requirements.
Marketing is the totality of all types of entrepreneurial activity that ensures the promotion of goods and services from manufacturers to consumers, as well as the study of the position, preferences and attitudes of consumers and the systematic use of this information to create new consumer goods and services.
The marketing management system is the production and marketing activities of enterprises and firms, based on a comprehensive market analysis. It includes the study and forecasting of demand, prices, the organization of research and development work on the creation of new types of products, advertising, coordination of internal planning and financing, etc. In countries with developed market economies, there are specialized firms that provide marketing services.
The fundamental principle of marketing activities that distinguishes it from other types economic activity, is a two-pronged and complementary approach. This approach involves the integration of two activities comprehensive study structure, processes and patterns of consumer demand and active influence on the market, as well as existing demand, the formation of consumers and consumer preferences.
Various types of marketing are used in the activities of Russian industrial organizations:
- Distribution marketing is associated with the organization of the process of distribution and sales of products, transportation and installation of equipment, as well as advertising activities;
- functional marketing involves the creation of a system of organizational, technical and commercial functions of the organization related to the production and sale of products, market research, sales promotion, pricing policy. Functional marketing principles are used by most industrial enterprises in today's market conditions.
- management marketing is based not just on the implementation of individual functions that allow to take into account changes in the market environment, but presupposes the formation of a market concept for managing the creation, production and sale of products based on comprehensive information about the market. From the point of view of the degree of development and the ability to perform fundamental functions, management marketing is the most complete form of marketing. It is used primarily by large financial institutions.
For effective operation, an enterprise needs not only a strategy, but also a constant analysis of the existing strategy, an analysis of the degree of its compliance with the prevailing market conditions. Since without this, neither successful activity nor maintaining a stable competitive advantage is possible, which in modern market conditions is extremely important for any enterprise.
For LLC "GZOTsM" now it is a very difficult time, as it is on the verge of bankruptcy. That is why the company must do its best.
According to the results of the SWOT analysis, it was revealed that the company is competitive, capable of performing its work in connection with the demand for the products of LLC "GZOTsM" will be in demand in the market.
The main recommendations for improving marketing activities at GZOTsM LLC are:
1. Focus on achieving the final practical result of production and marketing activities.
2. Concentration of research, production and sales efforts on the decisive areas of marketing activities.
3. The focus of the enterprise is not on the momentary, but on the long-term result of marketing work.
4. Application in unity and interconnection of the strategy and tactics of active adaptation to the requirements of potential buyers with a simultaneous targeted impact on them.
5. Changing the organizational structure of the marketing service.
Implementation of marketing activities according to a specific plan:
1. Basic information about buyers.
2. Sales forecast
3. Opportunities and threats.
4. Marketing strategy.
The goal of the course work has been achieved. Tasks completed.

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12 Marketing for university students: textbook. allowance / under total. ed. S. V. Karpova. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2011 .-- 222 p. - (Cheat sheets). - Appendix: p. 216-221. - ISBN 978-5-222-18151-5.
13 Kibanov, A. Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialties "Organization Management", "Personnel Management" / A. Ya. Kibanov. - 2nd ed., Revised. and add. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2013 .-- ISBN 978-5-16-005112-3.
14 Sinyaeva, I. M. Marketing of trade: textbook. for university students / I. M. Sinyaeva, S. V. Zemlyak, V. V. Sinyaev. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2010 .-- 750 p. - Appendix: p. 731-749. - Bibliography: p. 725-730. - ISBN 978-5-394-00144-4
15 Mikhaleva, E.P. Marketing: lecture notes / E.P. Mikhaleva. - M.: Yurayt: Higher. education, 2010 .-- 224 p .: ill. - (Want to know everything). - Appendix: p. 212-220. - Bibliography: p. 221-222. - ISBN 978-5-9916-0504-5.
16 Marketing: general course: textbook. manual / ed. N. Ya. Kalyuzhnova, A. Ya. Yakobson. - 4th ed., Erased. - M .: Omega - L, 2010 .-- 477 p. : ill. - (Higher economic education) - ISBN 978-5-370-01493-2.
17 Kotler, F. Fundamentals of Marketing = Marketing Essentials: Krat. course: per. from English / F. Kotler. - M.: Williams, 2010 .-- 647 p. : ill. - Parallel. tit. l. English - Appendix: p. 622-642. - Item decree .: p. 643-646. - ISBN 978-5-8459-0376-1.

Appendix A

Organizational structure of management of LLC "GZOTsM"

Appendix B


Matrix SWOT-analysis (external and internal environment) LLC "GZOTsM"
Internal environment External environment
Features Threats
1 2 3 4
Growth of clients in old market segments Investments from financial institutions
Growth in the number of competitors Increase in the cost of raw materials
Expansion of product types
Increase in the cost of production
Reorganization of the management system The emergence of new technologies The need to develop development programs
Full competence in production
Implementation of information technologies Formation of demand for products Increase in the cost of production Transition to a new level of technology
Weakness Poor performance
Introduction of new technologies, management Introduction of new production technologies Changes in the exchange rate of foreign currencies Difficulty in compensating purchase prices
No development strategy No marketing strategy Mastering new types of products Increase in the share of costs due to rising prices for raw materials Additional time spent on resolving issues of retraining
Lack of funding for changes in strategy
Difficulty serving new consumer groups and entering new markets Establishing new points of sale Changing customer demand New competitors entering the market

Appendix B

Outdoor and internet banners GZOTsM LLC
Figure B.1 - Banner No. 1
Figure B.2 - Banner No. 2

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1.3. Marketing functions

Based on the fundamental methodology of marketing as a market concept of management and sales, we will try to find a universal approach to the definition and description of marketing functions, to bring them into a logically consistent system.

This approach consists in identifying four blocks of complex functions and a number of sub-functions in each of them. Structurally, they look like this.

Analytical function

1. Study of the market as such.

2. Study of consumers.

3. Studying the corporate structure.

4. Study of the product (commodity structure).

5. Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise.

Production function

1. Organization of production of new goods, development of new technologies.

2. Organization of material and technical supply.

3. Management of quality and competitiveness of finished products.

Sales function (sales function)

1. Organization of the distribution system.

2. Organization of the service.

3. Organization of the system of demand generation and sales promotion.

4. Pursuing a targeted product policy.

5. Pursuing a targeted pricing policy.

Control and monitoring function

1. Organization of strategic and operational planning at the enterprise.

2. Information support of marketing management.

3. Communicative subfunction of marketing (organization of the communication system at the enterprise).

4. Organization of marketing control (feedback, situational analysis).

Analytical function of marketing

Market research as such. Market is a form of economic exchange or a sphere of commodity circulation, limited by certain parameters (location, size, capacity). Types of markets: 1) world market (iron ore, cotton); 2) regional market (groups of countries: EU, Africa); 3) national market (Russian car market); 4) local market (separate region).

Classification of markets by types and groups of goods and services: 1) the market of manufactured goods; 2) the consumer goods market; 3) the service market.

Classification of markets on the basis of goods: 1) the market for specialized goods; 2) raw materials market; 3) the market for industrial goods; 4) consumer goods market; 5) the securities market.

Classification of markets by type of consumer: 1) mass market; 2) the middle market; 3) elite market; 4) urban-rural market.

Obviously, it is necessary to carry out analytical work in order to select from a variety of potential markets those that may be the most interesting and priority for the enterprise and its products, in which commercial success can be achieved with the least effort and cost.

Consumer research. In any market, as a rule, there are many consumers of various types of products. The definition of such groups, called in marketing terminology market segmentation (consumers). It is usually carried out according to the following criteria.

For industrial goods by:

· The size of the buying firms;

· The volume of purchases;

· Specifics (specialization) of the main production;

· The business reputation of the heads of the buying firms;

· The exactingness of the management of buying firms to the quality and technical level of the purchased products.

For goods, individual consumption by:

· Place of residence of the buyer (countryside, big city, small town or village);

· Age and gender;

· The level of individual (family) income;

· Educational qualification and social status in society;

· Reactions to new products (innovators, adapters, conservatives, retrogrades, etc.).

Study of the corporate structure of the market. In order to answer the question of which market participants and how they operate in the market of interest to us, which firms and organizations can assist an enterprise in promoting its products in selected markets, who and how can oppose commercial work, it is recommended to systematize and study market participants. relation. Research is usually carried out for three groups of firms.

1. Firms-counterparties (firms-buyers).

2. Firms-competitors.

3. Firms-intermediaries.

Counterparty firms are current and potential buyers of products that the company already supplies or intends to supply to this market.

Important information about the terms of transactions can be obtained by studying competing firms. The enterprise must borrow the strongest aspects of their activities. If, in the process of studying, shortcomings and omissions in the work of competitors in the market are found, this knowledge will make technical and commercial proposals more attractive to the buyer in comparison with the proposals of competitors.

The study of intermediary firms allows, on the basis of objective data, to choose the most effective commercial intermediary who is able to provide the company with support in commercial activities in the selected market.

In addition to the corporate structure, it is important to study the regulatory legal acts of state and other authorities that determine the regime of import into a country or region, and the rules for the operation of goods of interest to us.

Study of the commodity structure of the market. To find out how the need for products similar to the one that the company intends to supply in the selected market is satisfied, it is necessary to study the commodity structure of the market, the technical level and quality of goods circulating on the market, the system of commodity circulation and service of competitors, special requirements for goods, applicable standards, norms , technical safety rules. Ultimately, it is necessary to come to a conclusion about what products and approximately in what volume can be sold in the selected markets (segments).

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise. This analysis involves the study of the organizational structure of the enterprise from the point of view of its competitiveness in target markets; analysis of the intellectual potential of employees, their ability to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment; analysis of the creative capabilities of the team, the availability of innovators, assessment of the technological level of production, comparison with the capabilities of competitors; study of the market demand for high-quality, environmentally friendly and socially useful goods and technologies.

Production (creative) function of marketing.

Organization of production of new goods, development of new technologies.

Making decisions on the development and production of such goods that will be accepted by the market, i.e. demanded by consumers.

A well-conducted segmentation of consumers allows you to purposefully organize the production of competitive (for the selected market segment) goods in the quantities required by the market in compliance with the optimal shipping schedule. Particular attention is paid to the organization of production of "market novelty" goods, which either open up opportunities for consumers to satisfy a completely new need (these are the so-called pioneer goods), or raise the satisfaction of an already known need to a qualitatively new level, or allow a much wider circle of buyers to satisfy at a certain level, a known need. The production of goods of market novelty is a key factor of commercial success also because it allows an enterprise to occupy a monopoly position on the market for a certain period and receive a higher rate and mass of profit compared to the industry average.

Organization of material and technical supply. Procurement of the necessary material and technical resources.

The procurement system has a significant impact on overhead costs and thus on the cost of finished goods.

Quality management and competitiveness of finished products.

Departments of technical quality control (QCD) and quality control laboratories have been established at enterprises producing TVP, consumer goods.

Only a product that, at the time of development (creation) is focused on specific consumers, can meet quality requirements.

Sales function (sales function).

Organization of the distribution system. This subfunction of marketing includes everything that happens to the product in the period after its production and before the start of consumption. The distribution system provides the enterprise (and the consumer) with the creation of such conditions so that the goods are where they are needed, at the time when they are needed, in the quantities in which they are in demand and of the same quality (meaning safety during transportation), on which the consumer is counting.

In addition to freight forwarding services, the subfunction of commodity circulation includes the organization of an optimal warehouse economy and the creation of a distribution network, both wholesale and retail.

Service organization. A properly organized service that accompanies the product throughout its life cycle at the consumer, i.e. the equipment is always ready for highly efficient work.

The need for service stems primarily from the manufacturer's desire to form a stable market for its product. This activity is carried out according to the principle: "You buy and use our product - we do the rest." High-quality service of high-quality goods will inevitably increase the demand for any product, contribute to the commercial success of the enterprise, and increase its prestige.

Organization of a system of demand generation and sales promotion. FOSSTIS- comprehensive measures to generate demand and stimulate sales. It is a combination of two sets of measures that have fundamental differences, however, used in marketing practice only in aggregate. Formation of demand for goods ( FOS) Is a system that provides information to a potential buyer about the existence of a product, its consumer properties. STIS- a set of activities designed to promote the sale of goods. STIS is not directly related to the consumer properties of the offered goods, since these properties are assumed to be known to the purchaser through their own experience and advertising.

Pursuing a targeted product policy. Commodity policy - pursues the goal of producing such goods that can best satisfy the needs of the consumer, which he prefers to other similar ones, and which will be competitive in the market.

Pursuing a targeted pricing policy. A targeted pricing policy in marketing is that the company sets such prices for its products and so changes them depending on the market situation in order to ensure the achievement of the planned short-term and long-term goals (mastering a certain market share, obtaining the intended amount of profit) and solving operational tasks related to the sale of a product at a certain stage of its life cycle, the activities of competitors, etc.

Control and monitoring function.

Organization of strategic and operational planning at the enterprise. One of the main goals of marketing is to establish the highest possible planning and proportionality in the activities of the enterprise, especially within the framework of its long-term strategic goals. At the same time, the main management task of the enterprise management is to reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk in economic activity and to ensure the concentration of resources in the selected priority areas of development. The implementation of all marketing functions is almost impossible without thoughtful and comprehensive planning.

Marketing information support. The company, being interested in fast and accurate execution of orders and timely payment for shipped goods by customers, must constantly analyze and improve the internal information characterizing the progress of the cycle "order-manufacture-shipment-payment".

Communication support of marketing management. The communicative subfunction in marketing provides an enterprise with an active influence on the external and internal environment, and therefore it is organically linked to the formation of demand and sales promotion.

Enterprises should create special structural units (departments, bureaus, services). Their responsibilities include maintaining contact with the public, the market, buyers, government agencies, the press.

Control through situational analysis. Control is the final stage of the marketing management cycle, the final link in the decision-making and implementation process.

Control allows, not only to identify, but also to prevent various deviations, errors and shortcomings, to find new reserves and opportunities for development, adaptation to changing conditions of the external and internal environment. / Span>


Marketing functions

Marketing functions:


Food and production;


Management and control.

Analytical function of marketing Is the study and assessment:

1. the external environment of the organization; 2. the general state of the market and its components; 3. consumers and their target groups; 4.structure (share) of the market different manufacturers; 5.goods and commodity structure; 6.internal environment of the organization

The analytical function of the marketing of an enterprise in the printing industry is to research and analyze markets in accordance with its goals and capabilities. This means the need to rank the markets, i.e. determine the most priority ones, depending on the conditions for the sale of products, which the enterprise has, to reveal the preferences of consumers regarding the publication, prices, sales, communications.

For the print industry market, the following evaluation criteria are used:

effective demand for products; market volume; cultural and educational level and social environment; demographic environment; the presence of competing products on the market.

According to the above criteria and based on its own capabilities and goals, the enterprise selects the most promising and priority markets for its publications from a variety of potential markets, where commercial success can be achieved with the least effort and cost.

Product and production function of marketing - this is:

1. creation of new products; 2.organization of their production; 3. introduction of new (high) technologies; 4. and the competitiveness of products in the manufacturing sector

The production function of marketing is to organize the production of new goods, material and technical supply, to manage the competitiveness and quality of finished products.

Well-defined consumer segmentation allows you to purposefully organize the production of competitive (for the selected market segment) publications in the quantities required by the market in compliance with the optimal shipping schedule. Particular attention is paid to the organization of production of market novelty goods, which either open up opportunities for consumers to satisfy a completely new need, or raise the satisfaction of an already known need to a qualitatively new level, or allow a much wider circle of buyers to satisfy a known need at a certain level. The production of goods of market novelty is a key factor of commercial success also because it allows an enterprise to occupy a monopoly position on the market for a certain period and receive a rate and a mass of profit exceeding the industry average level.

The product is at the heart of all marketing activities, and if it fails to satisfy the wishes of consumers, then no amount of efforts to sell it will lead to positive commercial results. Most effective method Estimates of the "sellability" of a publication are trial sales in selected markets. The data obtained as a result of market testing and trial sales allows to make the necessary improvements and adapt it to specific market requirements before the publication of the publication begins.

Material and technical supply is the most important element in the implementation of production. Developed market relations practically exclude material and technical supply through distribution channels from centralized funds. An exception can only be the provision of raw materials, materials and components at fixed prices in the execution of government orders. In all other cases, the company meets its needs by purchasing the necessary material and technical resources under direct sales contracts, as well as using the possibilities of the wholesale market.

The quality and technical level of products are the most essential elements that determine their competitiveness. As for the organizational and commercial parameters of competitiveness, they are to one degree or another presented as components of the sales function of marketing (service, pricing policy, optimization of the product distribution system, etc.).

Sales marketing function(sales function) consists in organizing a system of commodity circulation, pursuing a targeted product and pricing policy, and organizing a service.

The distribution system provides the enterprise (and the consumer) with the creation of such conditions so that the goods are where they are needed, in the quantities in which they are in demand, and of the quality (meaning safety during transportation) that the consumer expects.

In addition to freight forwarding services, the system of commodity circulation includes the organization of optimal storage facilities and the creation of a sales network, both wholesale and retail.

The product policy of the enterprise is based on such principles, thanks to which the formation of the nomenclature and assortment of goods and the planned sales volumes are ensured efficiently from a commercial point of view. This task is solved primarily through positioning. Having selected a segment, creating a corresponding product, the company should penetrate this selected target segment with the lowest cost. Market positioning means providing a publication with an unmistakable, clearly distinct, desirable place in the market and in the minds of consumers. To this end, it is necessary to endow the publication with properties that would favorably distinguish it from others and demonstrate its advantages, both real properties and those that exist only in the minds of consumers.

The business must help the consumer notice and appreciate the benefits of the product through various marketing techniques.

Prices and pricing in commodity markets are an essential element of the marketing mix. Through prices, commercial results are realized, the effectiveness of the activities of all links of the production and sales structure of the enterprise, the organization of its marketing is determined. Ultimately, the prices that provide the enterprise with the planned profit indicate the competitiveness of its commodity structure, the entire range of goods, services and services in favor of buyers.

Service as an element of the sales function of marketing, providing the necessary range of services to the buyer, allows the formation of a stable market for the publication, expands the demand for it, contributes to the commercial success of an enterprise in the printing industry and the growth of its prestige.

- this is:

1.organization of marketing planning

2.information support marketing management

3. communication support of marketing

4.organization of marketing control

Control and monitoring function consists in establishing the maximum possible planning and proportionality in the activities of the enterprise, especially within the framework of its long-term strategic goals: information support of management; control through situational analysis. The main management task of the enterprise management is to reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk in economic activities and to ensure the concentration of resources on the selected priority areas of development. The implementation of all marketing functions is almost impossible without thoughtful and comprehensive planning and control.

In addition to factors external to the enterprise that determine the development different processes and the phenomena around the enterprise, there are internal factors, the consideration of which is necessary for the management of complex production systems in market conditions. Such important factors include the status and reporting on the order portfolio, sales volumes, the level of warehouse stocks, the financial position of the enterprise, etc. An enterprise, being interested in fast and accurate execution of orders and timely payment by buyers of shipped goods, must constantly analyze and improve internal information, characterizing the progress of the cycle "order - manufacture - shipment - payment".

Control is the final stage of the management cycle, the final link in the decision-making and implementation process. Control allows not only to identify, but also to prevent various deviations, errors and shortcomings, to find new reserves and opportunities for development, adaptation to the changing conditions of the external and internal environment.

Marketing complex - mix, its composition and definition of all components.

Marketing mix (complex, fluctuating marketing) - a combination of various tools for marketing activities.

The main tools for conducting marketing activities:

1) Product and assortment policy,

2) Policy of prices and conditions of sale,

3) Distribution policy and customer attraction policy,

This concept arose in the 60s in developed countries as a reaction to the emergence of unreliability factors in the economy after the Second World War (with the emergence of the re-production of goods, a sales problem arose, this entailed a risk factor: it is difficult to choose an option of action in the current situation due to the multiplicity the influence of factors of the external and internal environment). All this led to the need to create a marketing mix for ¯ risk due to the complexity of actions.

The main functions of the marketing mix program:

1) Linking with each other various elements marketing mechanism,

2) Optimization and combination of these elements,

3) Conducting marketing activities in time sequence.

Evaluation principles:

The combination of different tools should be such as to achieve:

1) Their optimal impact on financial households. activity,

2) Non-overlap,

3) Marketing effect.

The essence of the analysis of market opportunities. Market volume. Market conjuncture.

Market opportunity analysis includes identifying markets and evaluating marketing opportunities. Businesses need to be able to identify emerging market opportunities.

They receive most of their current income and profits from the sale of goods that they did not produce or sell.

Identifying markets. The company conducts market analysis based on the following approaches: 1) deeper market introduction; 2) expanding the boundaries of the market; 3) product development; 4) diversification. Let us consider the listed approaches using the example of a company that manufactures detergents.

Deeper market penetration is to ensure sales growth for an established group of buyers without making any changes to the product itself. The shampoo company will work with already produced goods in the developed markets, but to increase sales, it will use a decrease in the price of shampoo, an increase in advertising costs, and the distribution of shampoo through more stores. In fact, we are talking about competitively attracting consumers of shampoo of other brands, without losing their customers.

Expanding the boundaries of the market is the introduction of an already manufactured product to new markets. The company's shampoo manager is looking for new markets. To do this, it is necessary to explore demographically new markets (children, adolescents, youth, seniors) in order to encourage consumers to switch to branded shampoo and buy it more actively. A market survey of organizations (hairdressing salons, beauty parlors) should be done to see if they can be attracted as buyers. A survey of geographically new markets is needed to see if they can be exploited.

Product development is the offering of a new product to existing customers of an enterprise. The shampoo manager is looking for opportunities to offer new products to the firm's clients. You can master the production of branded shampoo in a new packaging or with a new aroma or the inclusion of new components, or in a new package. Brand new shampoos for different user groups or other hair care products (such as hair styling products) can be launched.

Diversification is a combination of offering new products and new markets. An enterprise can master or acquire completely new production facilities focused on new markets. It may try to master a new business - to open beauty salons. Many businesses are looking to identify new, enticing industries. Half of the secret to success is being able to penetrate promising areas of activity.

Assessment of marketing opportunities. It is not enough just to identify market opportunities; it is necessary to determine which ones are suitable for the enterprise. A firm's marketing opportunity is an attractive area of ​​marketing effort in which a particular firm can gain a competitive advantage. The marketing opportunity must match the goals and resources of the enterprise precisely.

The goals of the firm. Any enterprise pursues a range of goals. For example, if it is in the hair care business, it is likely to have the goal of achieving high margins and sales, increasing sales and winning customer loyalty. It is likely that these goals themselves exclude unprofessional engagement in other activities, for example, the production of computers.

Market conditions is a set of conditions under which activity in the market is currently taking place. It is characterized by a certain ratio of supply and demand for this type of labor. Three types of labor market conditions are possible: shortage of personnel, full employment (equilibrium), unemployment. In the economy of most countries, each of these types is simultaneously represented at the level of individual spheres and sectors of the economy, regions. The combination of many local situations creates a general picture that characterizes the labor market as a whole in the national economy (national economy).

The most important characteristics of the labor market situation are indicators that reflect the current ratio of supply and demand in quantitative (unemployment or shortage of personnel) and qualitative (structural, primarily professional and qualification) aspects.

The factors that determine the conjuncture of labor supply are the following: demographic; system and level of education; vocational training system; socio-economic; psychographic;


The factors of the conjuncture that affect the dynamics and structure of demand for labor include:

endowment with natural resources;

decline or rise in production;

structural changes in production and in the national economy;

changes in the relationship of ownership;

financial and budgetary and credit policy;

investment policy.

The study of the market situation is related to the current state of the market, and its main goal is to establish to what extent the activities of economic agents of the labor market affect the state of the labor market, its development in the near future and what measures should be taken to better meet the needs of participants labor relations... The results of the study of the conjuncture are intended for making operational decisions on the management of the formation, distribution (redistribution) of the labor force.

Market volume- one of the main objects of research in the marketing of labor, since this indicator demonstrates the fundamentally possible volume of labor consumption. Capacity is determined by the number of workers required or the amount of required labor intensity in a certain period of time. At each moment in time, the market has a quantitative and qualitative definiteness.

It is necessary to distinguish between two levels of capacity of the labor market: potential and real. The real capacity of the market is the first level. The potential level is determined by the labor needs of employers. The actual capacity of the labor market may not correspond to its potential capacity.

The capacity of the labor market is formed under the influence of many factors, each of which in certain situations can both stimulate the market and restrain its development, limiting its capacity. These factors include:

the existing set of jobs in the country;

investment potential, its reproductive structure;

structural changes in the national economy;

socio-economic factors.

Assessment of the competitiveness of the product.

Assessment of the competitiveness of a product - calculating the ability of a product to be more attractive to a consumer in comparison with other products of a similar type or purpose due to the better compliance of its quality and cost characteristics with the requirements of a particular market and consumer estimates.

Competition call rivalry in any field between individuals (competitors) interested in achieving the same goal.

Marketing competition is divided into several types:

§ Functional- competition of technical means designed to perform the same function;

§ Species- competition of goods intended for the same purpose, but with different parameters;

§ Subject- competition of identical goods;

§ Price competition used to penetrate the market with new products. Distinguish between direct and hidden price competition. In direct price competition, the firm broadly announces that the prices of its products will fall. In case of hidden price competition, the company introduces a new product with improved consumer properties to the market, and raises the price not proportionally to the increase in properties, but lower;

§ Non-price competition- providing the buyer with a large number of services, minimizing delivery times, reducing energy consumption, offsetting the delivered goods;

§ Unfair competition- dumping (sale of goods at prices below the nominal level), industrial espionage, luring away specialists who own trade secrets, issuing counterfeit goods, using other people's trademarks, spreading false information about competitors. This form of competition is destructive.

The competitiveness of a product is generally determined, as shown above, by three necessary elements:

The properties of this product,

The properties of competing products,

The characteristics of consumers.

M. Porter somewhat expands the list of components of the competitiveness of a product:<В любой отрасли экономики - неважно, действует она только на внутреннем рынке или на внешнем тоже, - суть конкуренции выражается пятью силами:

the threat of the emergence of new competitors;

the threat of the appearance of goods or services - substitutes;

the ability of suppliers of accessories, etc. to bargain;

the ability of buyers to bargain;

rivalry between existing competitors>.

A competitive product has some kind of competitive advantage.<Конкурентное преимущество делится на два основных вида: более низкие издержки и дифференциация товаров. Низкие издержки отражают способность фирмы разрабатывать, выпускать и продавать сравнимый товар с меньшими затратами, чем конкуренты:Дифференциация - это способность обеспечить покупателя уникальной и большей ценностью в виде нового качества товара, особых потребительских свойств или послепродажного обслуживания>... Developing this position, M. Porter determines the properties and reasons for the competitiveness of goods in international markets. Quite reasonably defining the decisive contribution to the competitiveness of a product by precisely these two components of competitive advantage, he still does not reveal the influence of the characteristics of consumers of a product on the assessment of its competitiveness.

It should be noted that in the overwhelming majority of works devoted to competition and competitiveness, only the properties of a given product and the properties of competing products are considered. Numerous calculation methods for determining the competitiveness of a product operate precisely with these groups of indicators - quality parameters (technical) and economic parameters. Let us consider in more detail these methods and determine the advantages and disadvantages of their use in the competitiveness system.

The choice of the comparison base largely determines the correctness of the competitiveness assessment result and the decisions taken in the future. The comparison base can be:

the need of buyers;

the size of the required beneficial effect;

competing product;

hypothetical sample;

group of analogs.

In the case when the base of comparison is the needs of buyers, the choice of the nomenclature and the establishment of the values ​​of the parameters of the needs of buyers, the evaluated and competing products, which the consumer uses when evaluating the products on the market, as well as the weight of these parameters in their general set.

When the value of the useful effect of the product necessary for the consumer, as well as the amount of funds that the consumer is ready to spend on the purchase and consumption of the product, is taken as the basis for comparison, the useful effect itself is allocated as a standard or the amount of funds.

If the product being assessed has a competitor, then the sample product models the need and acts as materialized requirements that the product to be assessed must satisfy.

The assessment of the competitiveness of a product is made by comparing the parameters of the analyzed products with the parameters of the comparison base. The comparison is carried out by groups of technical and economic parameters. When assessing, differential and complex assessment methods are used, the essence of which is summarized below.

A differential method for assessing competitiveness, based on the use of single parameters of the analyzed products and the comparison base and their comparison.

Market segmentation criteria and methods. Preparation of an analytical report on

the state of the market.

Market segment- a part of the market or a group of consumers, or goods, or manufacturing firms, or competitors that have one or more common characteristics.

Segmentation criteria:

a)for the consumer goods market:

geographical(country, region, city, village),

demographic(age, gender, family size, phase of the family life cycle),

socio-economic(profession, place of work, level of education, social stratum (level of wealth)),

- psychological(lifestyle (youth, sports, elite, ...), personal qualities, preferences, etc.),

behavioral signs(the duration of the adaptation process to a new product, the degree of randomness of the purchase, the status of a regular customer, the attitude towards the product or its manufacturer, the degree of need for the product, the basis of interest (quality of the product, service, low price), attitude towards advertising).

b)for the industrial goods market (this is the most attractive and largest market):

- territorial affiliation of enterprises,

- the scope of use of any products,

- the size of the client enterprises,

- the volume of goods turnover,

- the cost of delivery (installation of equipment), consulting services (which may include training of employees), etc.

The Russian market is characterized by strong monopolization (the “trace” of the administrative-planned economy): very large enterprises that specialize in certain segments (mass segmentation) still operate on the market - these are automobile plants, large bakery plants, Sberbank, etc. .Small enterprises work either by the 1st or 2nd method, which does not require large caps. investments, ensures maximum profit, guarantees sales (for example, private bakeries, small banks, etc.).

Segmentation methods.

1. By behavior in the market - a way of dividing the market into groups of consumers, taking into account the reason for making a purchase, the status of the buyer, the intensity of consumption and attitude to the product.

2. By product - a method of dividing the products by functional and technical parameters. This is a derived view from 1 since selection of segments by individual parameters prod. product is a different form of consideration for the needs and preferences of consumers.

3. According to customer firms and forms of procurement - a method of dividing the market of the medium-in pr-va, taking into account the specific. problems of customers in the area of ​​procurement of a medium-in pr-va, relationships with buyers and the terms of payment for methods of calculating the centralization or decentralization of transactions for the purchase of a medium-in pr-va.

4. According to the main competitors - a method of dividing by manufacturing firms of similar products or substitute products, while as factors isp. kind of needs, satisfying products of competing firms.

The process of dividing consumers into groups based on differences in needs, characteristics and / or behavior is called market segmentation.

Market segment - a group of consumers who react in the same way to the same product (a set of incentives). The segment must meet 3 basic requirements:

§ consumer behavior in the segment should be more uniform;

§ segments should be clearly marked apart;

§ the size of the segment should be. large so that the company can recoup the costs.

Segmenting principles:

· Geographical principle (region, district, city (in size), population density (city, countryside), climate (northern, southern));

· Psychographic principle (social class; lifestyle - traditionalists, lovers of life, aesthetes; personality type - authoritarian nature, ambitious, addicted);

Behavioral principle (reason for making a purchase - an ordinary purchase, a special case; sought benefits - quality, service, economy; user status - weak consumer, moderate, active consumer; degree of commitment - medium, strong, absolute; degree of readiness of the buyer to perceive the product - knowledgeable, interested, intending to buy; attitude to the product - positive, indifferent, negative, hostile);

Demographic principle (age; gender; family size; stage of the life cycle - young single people, young family without children, elderly spouses with children, single; income level; occupation; education; religious beliefs - Catholic, Jewish; race; nationality).

Preparation of an analytical report on the state of the market.

The analytical report is based on the results of marketing research. The structure of the report should correspond to the requirements of the customer. It usually has three components:

1) Introductory: title page, research agreement, memorandum, table of contents, list of illustrations and annotation.

2) The main part: introduction, characteristics of research methods, discussion of the results obtained, statement of limitations, conclusions and recommendations.

3) Final: applications, graphs, questionnaires.

Buying Behavior Factors.

The behavior of buyers in the market, the nature of purchases is determined by their characteristics, namely personal, cultural, social and psychological factors... Most of these are factors beyond the control of the seller.

Personality factors include age, family life cycle stage, occupation, economic status, lifestyle, personality type and self-concept. Family life cycle- a set of individual stages that a family goes through in its development from the moment of its creation. Each person is a person, which causes relatively unchanged responses to influences from the external environment over a long period of time. Personality type characterized by such traits as confidence, independence, aggressiveness, sociality, adaptability, inertia, etc. Self-presentation- complex mental representations of a person about himself, about his own "I". For example, if someone thinks of themselves as a creative and active person, they will look for a product that meets these characteristics.

Cultural factors include culture, subculture and social class membership. Under culture is understood as a set of basic values, concepts, desires and behavior, perceived by a member of society from the family and other social institutions. Subculture- a group of people with common system values ​​based on shared life experiences and situations, for example, national, religious, regional groups. into membership groups, reference groups, family, social roles and status. Membership group- a group to which certain individuals belong and which directly influences their behavior, for example, family, colleagues, friends. Reference group - a group that has a direct (i.e., through personal contact) or indirect influence on the relationship or behavior of a person. Under social role means certain types of activities that are expected to be carried out by the individual in relation to the people around him. For example, the same person can play the roles of son, father, and director. Depending on what role a person plays at the moment, his purchasing behavior depends. Status- This is the position of the individual in society. For example, the status of the director, the status of the father. Status expresses the general assessment given to an individual by society. In his purchasing behavior, the individual is guided by the status he occupies. This applies to clothing, food, and much more.

Psychological factors include motivation, perception, learning, belief and attitude. The motivation process is based on a motive (or impulse) - a need that has become so urgent that it makes a person look for ways and means of its satisfaction. A motivated person is ready for action, and the nature of his action depends on how he perceives the situation. Thus, perception Is the process by which a person selects incoming information to create a meaningful picture of the world around him. Assimilation- These are certain changes that occur in human behavior under the influence of his accumulated experience. Belief- a mental characteristic of a person of something. Attitude- a person's assessment of an object or idea, formed on the basis of available knowledge.

Product positioning on the market. Target and positioning factor.

Positioning of goods on the market- technology for determining the position of the product in certain market segments. The position of the product in this case is considered as the prevailing idea of ​​a certain group of consumers about the most important characteristics of the product, which is or will be located in one of the market segments. This opinion of the consumer is always relative, since there are competitors' products on the market. The purpose of positioning is the study of the prevailing or emerging opinion, analysis of the assessments of buyers or their group regarding the parameters of the product in order to optimize them in accordance with the wishes and requirements of consumers and, accordingly, create, through marketing activities, such a position of the product that will provide the product specific advantages in this segment of the target market.

To effectively position products, it is necessary to study the most important characteristics of supply and demand. Establish a possible priority of factors that are significant for consumers in this market, guided by which they make a purchase decision. The determining factors can be the price of the product, the level of quality, reliability, energy intensity, design and other indicators of the competitiveness of the product.

In practice, product positions are determined using positioning maps, which are a two-dimensional matrix of different pairs of characteristics, for example, the quality-price function, for the products of competing firms. Obviously, each of the producer firms will strive to occupy a place in the upper quadrants in terms of quality and closer to the axis of average prices. For the chosen position, the firm must develop measures for the development and production of the selected product.

When constructing positioning maps, different pairs of characteristics of the investigated products can be taken. For example, washing modes and washing temperature; or the washing temperature and washing powder consumption - for washing machines.

To consolidate positions in the market among competitive firms, differentiation of products is carried out. As noted above, differentiation can take different directions. You can carry out product, price, service, personnel and image differentiation. Any differentiation is designed to provide such an offer of the firm or its main factors of production and image, which would exceed the corresponding indicators of competing organizations. In practice, differentiation can be carried out both in one direction and in their complex, that is, in several directions at the same time.

Correctly organized market positioning is a prerequisite for effective development of a marketing mix and plan.

Product and its commercial characteristics. Brand and brand policy.

A commodity is a product of labor intended for exchange.

A commodity is a product of labor capable of satisfying a specific human need and intended to be exchanged through a “buy and sell” market transaction.

A product is something that satisfies the need of its buyer

Each product is interesting to the buyer with the opportunities and benefits that he receives when purchasing it (for example, a drill is interesting with the ability to provide holes of a certain diameter, cosmetics - with the possibility of improving the appearance).

Commercial characteristics of the product:

1. According to its design, a product is a combination of consumer properties and benefits that its buyer acquires.

2. According to its real embodiment, the product includes quality and properties, design and packaging, as well as its price.

3. A reinforced product can also include a set of additional characteristics: where and how it is sold, purchase benefits, quality assurance, delivery services, after-sales services.

Competitiveness of a product is the ability of a product to be sold on the market in the presence of competitive products.

Testing is a method for assessing the quality and competitiveness of a product: 1 Laboratory (to check the technological quality). 2 Expert (for checking consumer properties). 3 Survey (compliance of quality with consumer needs).

Distinguish between hidden and explicit, one-time and periodic testing.

Test result - certification.

Quality certificate - a document certifying the conformity of a product to the state. standards.

Logo - the original outline of the name of the company, product.

Trade image - a personalized brand of a product, including the name of the owner of the company or the creator of the product.


· Individual trade mark.

· One for the group.

The main functions of marketing

- key rules, directions of the firm's work, which reflect the essence of the approach from the position of marketing to building and running a business.

Marketing- one of the main economic functions of the company. Being such in a large number of firms - manufacturers, marketing, in addition, performs functions that reveal creative potential.

An important task of the enterprise for conducting profitable commercial activities on the market is the implementation in full of the complex of basic marketing functions. Marketing activity implies large financial costs of such organization's resources as material and labor, therefore, various specialists and organizations outside the company, as well as internal services of the company, can be involved in the performance of marketing functions.

The main marketing functions can be presented as follows:

1) Analytical function- Assessment in the organization of its external environment (mainly market) and the study of the internal. It includes the study of the market itself: the study of its current state and dynamics, the study of the behavioral aspect of suppliers and the study of consumer behavior, the study of intermediaries and the competitive environment, consumer research, the study of the internal environment, the study of the structure of the company, the study of goods. The market separately is analyzed in order to select from a huge number of potential markets that are more priority and attractive for a particular company, as well as its products, in other words, such markets in which it is possible to achieve commercial success with minimal costs and effort.

2) Production function marketing - the formation of production of a new product, the formation of supply, regulation of production quality. The product-production function is the production of new technologies and the creation of new goods that will best meet the requirements of the consumer. It also implies the provision of material and technical production, management of the competitiveness of finished products and quality. Marketing influences production, making it more flexible, which will be able to produce competitive goods that will meet technical and economic parameters and have low costs.

3) Sales function marketing - the marketing system allows you to create such conditions for the sale of goods so that they are always in the right place at the right time, in the right quantity and the required quality. It implies the device of the system of commodity circulation, the formation of a sales stimulation system and the formation of demand, the formation of service, the organization of commodity and pricing policy. It includes what happens to the goods during the period of time after they have been produced and before the moment of consumption. The system of product dilution provides the buyer and the company with sufficient conditions for the goods to be where they are needed, at the time when they are needed, in the required quantity, and of the quality that the consumer will count on (safety during transportation).

4) Control function and control implies the creation of the maximum possible proportional and planned activity of the enterprise, especially within the framework of long-term strategic goals. Along with this, the main management task of the organization's leadership is to minimize the amount of uncertainty and risk in economic activities and to ensure the concentration of resources in certain priority areas (control over the implementation of long-term plans).

Today, 80 to 90% of large organizations in the United States and Canada have marketing services that perform all marketing functions. Only 50-60% of medium-sized and only 20-30% of small companies have these services inside them, which implement all the marketing functions in a complex. As a result, the bulk of organizations to perform certain marketing functions resort to the services of intermediaries (wholesale and retail trade), as well as special marketing organizations (research organizations, marketing agencies, service companies). In the end, this allows companies to reduce costs relative to the costs of implementing direct marketing, ensure an acceptable quality of execution of the necessary marketing activities and ensure a prompt and timely exit with products or services to the broadest market.

At the production stage, the marketing service takes part in the formation of the production project, control and analysis of product quality assurance. In combination with the planning and economic and financial departments, economically profitable limits of prices, costs, tariffs are determined.

In conclusion, we would like to note that in our time, a holistic management concept and marketing as an integrated system have replaced the marketing management function. A shift towards integrated marketing means adhering to goals to maximize the organization's benefits from meeting customer needs at every stage of the product life cycle and every aspect of the organization. And also marketing functions can be viewed as a cyclical process - the alternate execution of marketing analysis, production research, sales and analysis of final results.

Call us by phone and you will receive a detailed free consultation on developing a marketing plan and you can also ask us your questions!

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