Apartment under tension material. Soundproofing under a suspended ceiling in an apartment: price, options. Stretch ceilings with sound insulation

Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling hides defects in the ceiling, communications (electrical wiring, ventilation ducts) and soundproofing materials. Tensioners and suspension systems– this is a kind of decoration hiding mounting elements.

Advantages of this method:

  • Quick preparation of the ceiling for frameless installation of soundproofing panels;
  • Possibility of replacement old wiring without performing grooves;
  • Wide selection of suspended ceilings with sound insulation (additional sound insulation).

It should be said right away that soundproofing stretch ceiling or, as they are also called, acoustic - do not guarantee 100% sound insulation, but in combination with other soundproofing materials installed between the ceiling space, give positive effect.

The soundproofing effect of soundproofing stretch ceilings is achieved by the special properties of the fabric. The French company Barrisol produces microperforated fabrics noise absorbers, improving acoustics in the house. There are suspended ceilings soundproofing impact noises : clatter of steps, work household appliances, creating vibration waves.

The essence of such a system is isolate the transmission of sound vibrations from the main ceiling to the tension ceiling and the walls of the room. This task is performed by damper pads installed under the tension profile. Sound waves, when passing from one medium to another, are reflected, refracted, absorbed, and bend around obstacles. The energy of the sound wave is damped by the micropores of the fabric, where it turns into heat.

Sound waves are partially reflected from the canvas (2), but most are absorbed by micropores (3), which are applied in an amount of 250,000-300,000 per 1 m2. The diameter of the holes is 0.1 mm, the distance between them is 2 mm.

Part of the sound waves penetrates the canvas, where, upon transition to air environment they are refracted, partially extinguished, reflected from the main ceiling and finally extinguished by tension fabric. The hanging profile (1) is attached to the wall using sealing soundproofing adhesive and screwed with screws for strength. This soundproofing of a stretch ceiling effectively prevents the spread and absorption of noise, improving the acoustics in the room.

Damper suspension (1) only partially prevents the propagation of impact noise, which have a different nature of distribution: vibration from steps, the operation of household appliances is transmitted to the ceiling support (wall) and penetrates the room along the wall. This type of sound transmission is called structural.

Advice. To reduce these vibrations, the soundproofing of the ceiling in an apartment under a tension system is carried out by installing noise insulating materials that are attached to a special frame, or directly to the ceiling.

Soundproofing the ceiling under a suspended ceiling

The problem of noisy neighbors cannot always be solved with acoustic tension systems. The best decisionsoundproofing the ceiling under a suspended ceiling. This will provide protection from impact noise. Additional sound insulation of a stretch ceiling in the apartment is carried out by installing soundproofing mats mounted directly to the base of the floor. The picture shows the soundproofing of a suspended ceiling in an apartment. Selected acoustic system CLIPSO ACOUSTIC.

The kit includes: (1) – acoustic sheet, (2) acoustic mats covered with vapor barrier film, (4) – mounting plastic dowel umbrellas, (3) – wall profile.

Installation instructions for ceiling sound insulation under a suspended ceiling

Before attaching the soundproofing mats to the concrete slab, work is carried out to clean the old cladding and lay out communications (electrical, ventilation ducts).

Before installing wall profiles, mark the locations of the grooves (1) so as not to damage the wiring. Seal the gaps between the ceiling and the wall with polyurethane foam, this will create a damping soundproofing layer.

Installation of profiles is carried out by applying glue to the side adjacent to the wall.

After installing the profiles around the perimeter of the room, they begin installing sound insulation of the stretch ceiling using acoustic mats with a vapor barrier. In addition to vapor barrier functions, the film protects the ingress of small particles onto the canvas.

The acoustic panel is secured with 4-5 plastic dowels with wide heads. This is what the room looks like after installing soundproofing of the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling with soundproofing panels.

All that remains is to stretch the acoustic sheet. This is what the ceiling looks like after installing sound insulation under a suspended ceiling in an apartment.

This method of sound insulation is called frameless. Let's consider another method that is suitable for both soundproofing suspended ceilings and sound insulation suspended ceilings- This frame method. This method performs sound insulation and thermal insulation at the same time.

Soundproofing the ceiling under a suspended ceiling with frame manufacturing

The method is based on installing a frame, inside of which soundproofing material is placed. Before installing the frame, prepare the floor: old finishing clean, uneven areas and cracks are puttied. Then a damping soundproofing tape is glued along the perimeter of the wall.

Vibrosil glue, onto which soundproofing tape is glued, together form a damping layer separating the ceiling panels and the wall. The damper (anti-vibration) suspension shown in the picture dampens floor vibrations. The hangers are attached to the concrete slab to the width of the soundproofing panels.

After installing the damper suspensions (1), profiles are screwed to them, between which noise insulating materials are placed.

Here (1) is an anti-vibration suspension. (2) – ceiling metallic profile. (3) – damper tape. After installing the profiles, soundproofing sheets “SCHUMANET” are laid between them. GKL is attached to the profiles with self-tapping screws.

GKL - (1), sound insulation - (2), trimming the visible part of the soundproofing tape - (3). The installation height of the profiles is adjustable horizontally. With this installation, the ceiling height will be shortened by 8-15 mm. Next comes Finishing work, primer, smoothing seams, putty, painting or wallpapering. If the height allows, then finishing is not performed. GKL is decorated with a stretch ceiling.

In a private house Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling is carried out by installing a frame of 50x50 mm bars between the floor beams or directly on old ceiling. For better insulation of the sleeping area, a single wooden frame as shown in the picture.

Vertical wooden racks(1) – board 50 x 100 mm, (2) – horizontal beam, (3) – ceiling lathing. The wooden fiber structure of the timber dampens impact noise. Then there are several soundproofing options:

  • Laying sound insulation into the sheathing and then covering the frame with gypsum board sheets;
  • Covering only the walls with gypsum fiber board sheets, followed by installation of a stretch ceiling;
  • Covering the frame only with gypsum board sheets, without installing soundproofing materials, since plasterboard sheets with a fibrous structure are themselves excellent soundproofing materials.

Instead of traditional gypsum fiber board, the sound insulation sheathing under the suspended ceiling is made with fiberboard sheets, PVC panels, wood siding, eurolining...

Advice. Do not forget that sound insulation, like thermal insulation, loses its specifications if the material gets wet. When soundproofing a stretch ceiling in an apartment with high humidity, take care of the vapor barrier.

Useful video

In the video, let's look at expert advice on what you can do to protect yourself from noise from above:

A soundproof stretch ceiling is only part of the solution to the problem of noisy neighbors. It is much easier to negotiate with neighbors about soundproofing the floor, especially when they are doing renovations. Arrange for a soundproofing underlay to be placed under the finished floor. If neighbors live under your apartment, then you must soundproof your floor yourself: lay a carpet, place shock-absorbing mats under household appliances.

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IN city ​​houses are difficult to achieve high-quality sound insulation. Residents are especially bothered by extraneous sounds panel houses, in which the requirements for sound insulation are, by definition, lower. In order to make their apartment comfortable and ensure silence, the owners have to take care of the soundproofing themselves. Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling is the easiest to install, since there are no additional strength requirements for the insulating layer.

Room with suspended ceilings

Types of sound insulation for suspended ceilings

Modern construction technology involves the use of metal-reinforced structures. Steel perfectly conducts any sounds, and vibration is transmitted to the entire structure. IN apartment buildings The main conductors of noise are floor panels. Stretch ceilings are a design that involves placing the canvas at a certain distance from the floor slab, thereby creating a gap of sufficient width for high-quality sound insulation.

Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling is the easiest thing to do, since no other type of ceiling allows such freedom in choosing insulating materials.

Mats of their mineral materials

Porous materials, which are also excellent insulators, are suitable for insulation work. Slab insulation materials, which are widely used in construction work, can serve as excellent sound insulators, since their fibers absorb sound waves. Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling is most often performed using this type of material.

Mineral materials based on fiberglass or basalt have a number of positive qualities:

  • resistant to combustion, does not melt, does not emit dangerous gases;
  • has a high absorption coefficient of sound waves;
  • repels insects, fungi and mold do not develop on it even if it gets wet.


Polystyrene foam is a lightweight and easy-to-use porous material that can be used to relieve residents of extraneous sounds and significantly insulate a room. Polystyrene foam is easy to use, it is light in weight, and is easily and quickly attached to the surface.

Since foam plastic boards have a rigid shape, fastening can be carried out without the help of glue, only with the help of dowels. Due to its rigidity, the surface of the foam can be plastered or covered with additional layers of materials, which improves the quality of sound insulation. Despite all the advantages, noise insulation of the ceiling in apartments under a stretch ceiling made of foam plastic is rarely done, since it has a significant drawback - flammability. When exposed to fire, it instantly ignites and burns, releasing huge amounts of heat and toxic gases.

Attaching foam to the ceiling with glue

Acoustic foam rubber is a mat with a special surface shape. Cone-shaped protrusions and recesses themselves serve as effective sound absorbers, and in combination with a porous material, such as foam rubber, the effect of such mats becomes very noticeable. The profile height ranges from 2.5 to 10 centimeters, the pattern resembles an egg cassette.

Installation is carried out using a special adhesive composition, and the work does not require special training or physical strength. The only drawback of the material is flammability; foam rubber flares up instantly and when burned it melts and drops hot drops of polymer, which is why the use of foam rubber as an insulator is limited.

Roll sound insulation

A thin, durable and flexible polymer that is often already factory applied adhesive layer. Installation of such soundproofing occurs quickly; additional fastening with dowels is carried out with big step, which speeds up the process. The thickness of the rolled material is not large, so sound insulation can be done even in a limited space. The sound insulation of the ceiling from rolled materials in an apartment under a suspended ceiling is made on a mineral basis, and a polymer is used as a binder, so the insulator does not ignite immediately, burns very slowly, does not form droplets or acrid smoke, which makes it ideal from the point of view of fire safety.

Stages of installation of sound insulation

Depending on the type of soundproofing material, the installation method is selected. Rigid panels, such as polystyrene foam, are attached using special dowels, soft mats - basalt slabs - are mounted using wooden guides, and glue is most often used to attach roll insulators. Despite general recommendations in each specific case it is necessary to develop an individual method of work.

Fastening with polymer adhesives

For each type of material, special adhesive compositions, which provide high-quality grip, but do not destroy the sound insulation itself. Mineral boards and glass wool are amorphous materials, the only ones that are not destroyed by aggressive chemical compounds, so the composition of the adhesive is not particularly important for them. Polystyrene foam and foam rubber are corroded by acid, which may be contained in some compounds. Roll materials They are also planted only on glue recommended by the manufacturers.

Fastening with dowels

For sound insulation and insulation, a special fastening method is used - using mushroom dowels.

With this fastening method, the main thing is to correctly calculate the pitch. If the insulating material is light in weight and has a rigid shape, then dowels can be placed no more often than every 60 cm. It is better to fasten soft mineral boards more securely, reducing the step to 30 - 40 cm. Typically, such dowels are used in conjunction with glue, such fastening will be especially reliable.

What types of noise are there?

As a rule, neighbors upstairs disturb not only loud speech, music or the TV, but also sounds of a different nature. Footsteps, stomping, clattering noises from pets' claws, hitting the floor with a ball and other similar noises are considered shock noises. Unlike airborne ones, they have a different distribution pattern.

  • Airborne - collides with a wall or floor as an alien medium, which significantly absorbs it.
  • Impact occurs directly on the surface and spreads further along the concrete along all adjacent walls.

This type of sound wave propagation is called structural. Due to the different nature of percussion and air types, methods of dealing with them differ. What works for one type of noise may not work so well for another.

Why can I hear everything that is happening at my neighbors?

Today, during the design and subsequent construction of houses, a certain sound insulation index has already been established, which is determined by the massiveness of the floors. For example, the hollow-core 140 mm reinforced concrete slab airborne noise insulation index Rw=50 dB. In this case, it is assumed that an additional leveling screed will be made. With an added thickness of 4-6 cm, another Rw=2 dB is added.

As a result, we obtain the final index recommended by SNiP in Rw = 52 dB, specified in the current edition of the “Code of Rules for Noise Protection” (SP 51-13330-2011). This is quite enough not to hear a conversation in the usual tone, the volume of which is 40-45 dB. But in order to completely drown out loud conversations (70 dB), laughter and screams (75 dB), loud music or home theater (from 70 to 90 dB) - this is clearly no longer enough. It turns out that for acoustic comfort the initial Rw index of the structure must be increased by 15-20 dB.

There is also shock-type noise. Unfortunately, SNiP does not necessarily require the installation of floating screeds on the floor of neighbors. That's why we hear people walking in high heels, children running, or pets clicking their claws.

Problems can be solved by installing sound insulation in your apartment, which provides a total Rw index in the range from 65 to 72 dB.

How to make soundproofing from neighbors above?

The most popular complaint from residents of high-rise buildings is loud noises from upstairs neighbors. This problem can be solved in 2 ways: by making insulation inside your room or from the neighbor above. The second option will be much more effective, since with the correct implementation of floating floor technology it allows you to get rid of both impact and airborne noise.

If it is not possible to agree on installing a floating floor in the room above, then soundproofing the ceiling from neighbors may be enough to eliminate airborne noise. It is worth using suspended ceilings with sound insulation on a separate frame; acoustic sheets themselves are ineffective. They are designed to reduce echoes inside your room.

To combat airborne noise, thinner systems are sufficient, which practically do not reduce the height of the room. We present them as “Thin” and “Optima”.

Installation of a floating floor for neighbors

Frame structure in your apartment

If you are concerned about noise of impact origin, which is more characterized by indirect sound transmission along adjacent floors and walls, you will need to understand the channels of its propagation. It will be especially problematic if the upper residents have tiles or laminate on the floor without a floating screed or even a backing. In this case, the walls are an additional conductor of extraneous sounds. Therefore, in addition to soundproofing the ceiling, an apartment will most likely need to soundproof several walls.

The nature of indirect transmission of sound waves for different rooms is different. It depends on the types of enclosing structures, what materials they are made of, and how they are connected to each other. You can independently determine which walls transmit sounds from neighbors the strongest. For this purpose, especially loud sounds From the neighbors above, put your ear to all the walls in turn. Those walls where you can especially clearly hear what is happening above you also need to be insulated.

How to make soundproofing correctly?

Types of noise

To understand which design will be effective, you first need to understand the types of household noise. If we classify them according to the nature of their distribution, they are divided into two types.

Basic principles soundproofing under a suspended ceiling in an apartment

In acoustics there is the concept of the law of mass doubling. It follows from it that when the thickness of a homogeneous wall is doubled, the sound insulation coefficient will change by only 6 dB. You can deceive him by installing a structure consisting of dissimilar materials. For it to be effective, strict compliance with the following requirements is necessary:

  1. Availability of sound-absorbing materials.
    For this purpose, composite fibrous materials are used, which are located between the wall and the outer skin. Heterogeneous multidirectional fibers scatter the sound wave, converting its energy into heat.
  2. Availability of massive materials, which will perform the function of reflecting sound. These materials are made up of outer skin. It is the massiveness that is important here, not the thickness, since the sound reflection coefficient directly depends on the mass.
  3. Vibration decoupling of the structure from the wall, those. sound vibrations are full and should not be transmitted to soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials. This is a very important condition that is often not observed by ordinary repairmen. As a result, up to 50% of the soundproofing properties of the structure are lost.
  4. Sealing - this measure is necessary to cut off all channels of airborne noise penetration. To do this, it is necessary to seal all the cracks and cracks both on the surface of the ceiling itself, and all the seams when installing the soundproofing structure.

What materials are used?

For the device to be effective frame structure We will need the following components. Here is a comprehensive list of options from various brands that actually work; other materials may not be as effective or even useless.

  1. Soft fibreboard
  2. Plates basalt wool
  3. Acoustic GVL
  4. Acoustic gypsum board
  5. Ceiling profiles
  6. Vibration damping suspension
  7. Acoustic gypsum board
  8. Damper tape
Materials for soundproofing ceilings under suspended ceilings
Basalt wool slabs
The soundproofing properties of this material directly depend on its density; the higher it is, the better they are.
The optimal characteristics and cost are:
  • Rockwool Acoustic BATTS (45 kg/m³);
  • Rockwool Acoustic Ultrathin.
Same characteristics, but more expensive:
  • Schumanet (47 kg/m3);
  • Maxforte (45 kg/m³).
Cheaper but less dense materials:
  • Acousticsknauf (25 kg/m³);
  • TechnoNIKOL (25 kg/m³);
  • Isover (20 kg/m³);
  • Ursa (23 kg/m³).
Soft fiber board
More dense material, used to filter low-frequency noise, such as bass in loud music.
  • Isoplaat (230-270 kg/m³)
  • Steico (220-260 kg/m³)
  • Softboard (200-240 kg/m³)
Acoustic sealant
Required to seal all seams so that there are no channels left for sound.
  • Vibrosil;
  • Titebond Acoustical Sealant;
  • TichFix.
Acoustic gypsum board
Used as external cladding for finishing. Sheets of increased thickness are taken.
KNAUF sheet (GSP-A) - GOST 32614-2012 (EN 520:2009)
Gypsum building board, intended also for the installation of soundproofing interior partitions and sound insulation.
Acoustic GVL
Used as the first sound-reflecting layer. It has a higher massiveness than gypsum plasterboard.
KNAUF-superlist (GVL) – GOST R 51829-2001
Panels made from a composite mixture of gypsum and cellulose fibers.
Acoustic triplex
Heavy material, has a high sound reflecting coefficient due to its significant massiveness.
It consists of two layers of glued together moisture-resistant gypsum sheets GVLV in accordance with GOST R 51829-2001
Damper tape
Designed for vibration isolation of various layers of the structure between each other and from the floor surface.
  • Rockwool;
  • Valtec;
  • Vibrotek;
  • Knauf.
Vibration-isolated suspension
Suspensions with a rubber washer to reduce the transmission of vibrations to the structure.
Models that can be replaced with conventional hangers attached through a damper tape and save money. Plus 2 dB to Rw:
  • Knauf.
Vibration-damping suspension
The peculiarity of these suspensions is that there is no rigid connection between the holder and the mount. Fixation is made through a rubber gasket.
Models with excellent vibration isolation can significantly increase the vibration isolation of the structure.
  • Vibroflex.
Guide profiles
A fixing element of a frame structure, which is located around the perimeter.

Ceiling profiles
Sound-absorbing material is laid on it and sound-reflective cladding is attached.

Because This load-bearing element, it is important to use reliable solutions from trusted manufacturers. Knauf profiles are one of the best on the market.
The only working option for today is ZIPS panels. Has the following nuances:
  • As a rule, it is installed during repairs, because... requires wet work (plastering the wall before and after installation).
  • There is no complete vibration isolation, so the actual characteristics are lower than the rated values.
There are several models of ZIPS panels. Efficiency depends on the type of materials used and the thickness of their layer:
  • ZIPS Vector (ΔRw = 9 – 11 dB; 53 mm);
  • ZIPS III Ultra (ΔRw = 11–13 dB; 40 mm);
  • ZIPS Module (ΔRw = 12–14 dB; 83 mm);
  • ZIPS Cinema (ΔRw = 16–18 dB; 133 mm).

Frame sound insulation installation technology

To get a decent result in addition to correct selection materials, technology must be followed. What are the stages and nuances when installing a sandwich-type frame solution?

Surface preparation

Before you start installing the frame, you need to check the quality of the floor surface:

  • Are there any cracks, crevices or technical holes in it that can serve as channels for sound penetration into the room?
  • Are there any gaps between the floor slab and the wall partitions?

If defects are detected, it is necessary to eliminate them by carefully sealing the voids.

For this purpose it is used polyurethane foam. At large cracks Additional puttying may be required.

Installation of fasteners

The next step is the installation of a frame on which sound-absorbing materials will lie and sound-reflective cladding will be attached. The most important point, which is often omitted when self-installation, or when ordinary repair workers are involved, this is vibration isolation. This special technology fastening, which allows to minimize the transmission of vibrations from the ceiling to the soundproofing structure and canvas. There are several ways to solve this problem:

Frame assembly

The next step from steel profiles The frame is assembled directly.

  1. A frame of guide profiles is mounted around the perimeter in a vibration-isolated manner.
  2. Next, the hanging frame is assembled from steel ceiling profiles Knauf. They are mounted on standard suspensions insulated with vibration damping tape from the ceiling, or on vibration-damping mounts. The latter option turns out to be significantly more expensive, the resulting difference will be about 2 dB.
  3. When installing particularly heavy and massive insulation, a reinforced frame in the form of a mesh is assembled. Besides additional costs on profiles, there is also a need to use more fasteners.

Preparing profiles

Soundproofing is a set of measures, and the nuances matter. Simply collecting something and attaching it is not enough. These are the moments that are very often not paid attention to, but in vain.

Failure to comply with these requirements can reduce the effectiveness of sound insulation by half!

  1. If you plan to make a thin solution and place the slabs between the profiles, and not on top, you need to fill in the profiles before installing the frame mineral wool. There should be no hollow structures between the sound absorber slabs, otherwise the sound will quietly leak through them further.
  2. To ensure high vibration insulation, before making the sheathing, damper tape must be glued to the profiles so that the sheets of gypsum fiber or drywall do not come into direct contact with the surface of the profile.

Installation of sound-absorbing layer

After the frame is assembled, we begin laying sound-absorbing materials. It's about It is about installation; rigid fastening to the wall will be a critical mistake. It is also important to ensure that there are no cracks or gaps between the layers of mats.

If the sound absorber is laid carelessly, sound will easily find its way through joints and cracks.

To minimize the transmission of vibration to the sound insulation structure under a suspended ceiling, it is not recommended to glue or place sound absorbers on mushroom-type dowels. The optimal sound absorber in terms of characteristics and installation quality is stone wool pressed into slabs:

  1. Due to more high density, it disperses the sound wave better.
  2. Unlike ordinary cotton wool, it reliably holds its shape and does not fall apart during installation and subsequently under the influence of gravity.

Sheathing with sound-reflecting materials

After laying the noise-absorbing materials, they begin covering with a sound-reflecting layer. How to properly use one of the following materials or a combination of them.

  1. Plasterboard - convenient for finishing.
  2. Gypsum fiber board is a more massive panel that provides better sound reflection.
  3. Acoustically, triplex is the most massive of listed options, has a better sound reflection coefficient.

GKL and GVL sheets are screwed to the frame profiles in increments of 15 cm. When installing the panels, it is necessary to overlap them through special edges. It is necessary to ensure a tight connection without gaps.

Sealing seams and joints

The final stage is sealing the casing. All seams between the panels, as well as at the junction with the wall, are treated with a special acoustic sealant. The seams between the panels can also be simply puttied.

This leaves no channels for airborne noise to leak. At this point, the installation of sound insulation can be considered complete.

Installation of stretch ceiling

As a rule, if you order the installation of a stretch ceiling separately from sound insulation, during its installation the height of the room will decrease by another 4-5 cm. Our installers, using a special guide, stretch the canvas so that 10 times less height is required.

Only 4 mm added!

Additional benefit this method is that the fastening is not on the wall, which is a transmitter of indirect noise, but on a vibration-isolated frame. This results in a completely soundproofed and vibration-free suspended ceiling.

Installation technology for frameless sound insulation

Today there are many materials on the market that are positioned as frameless options, but out of all the variety, perhaps only ZIPS panels can give some effect. However, due to the installation and design features, due to the low vibration isolation, even its final sound insulation value will be lower than that of a frame solution.

Surface preparation

An important requirement for this solution to work effectively is surface leveling. On a surface that is not leveled and not previously plastered, it will not be possible to mount the panels hermetically so that there are no gaps left between them. As a result, taking into account the cost of plastering and additional work, this solution is more labor-intensive and more expensive.

Also, to prevent mold from forming on the surface under the ZIPS panels after plastering works must dry completely.

Thus, the soundproofing process can take several weeks. Due to the need to perform wet work, ZIPS panels are usually installed simultaneously with renovations in the apartment.

Fastening ZIPS panels and vibration isolation

A common mistake made by non-professional installers is failure to comply with technical requirements for vibration isolation. If these conditions are not met, the effectiveness of sound insulation will greatly decrease:

  1. Joints between ceiling covering and the walls must be taped with damping tape.
  2. Fastening with self-tapping screws must be done only through vibration units. Because used in vibration unit soft material, the self-tapping screw is screwed through the conical washer. The head of the screw must be recessed by 1-2 mm, but no more.
  3. The panels are joined through tongue-and-groove joints; there should be no cracks or gaps left. At the joints it is necessary to perform additional fixation with self-tapping screws (3x25 mm) in increments of 15 cm.
  4. The joints are additionally sealed with acoustic sealant.

Even if these rules are observed, one must be aware that the vibration isolation of ZIPS panels is still lower than that of the frame implementation.

Due to this factor, losses in Rw coefficient can be up to 5 dB.

GKL sheathing

Despite the presence in the panel of a layer that is responsible for the reflection of sound, the manufacturer in its technological recommendations indicates the need for additional sheathing with 12.5 mm thick sheets of plasterboard. This will further enhance the sound-reflecting properties of the structure. At this stage, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The junction of gypsum plasterboard sheets and zip-tips panels must be laid with damper tape.
  2. For fastening you will need 3.9x41 mm self-tapping screws with a pitch of 20 cm in one direction, and 40 cm in the other.
  3. When screwing in the screws, you need to make sure that they do not violate the integrity of the vibration units.

Installation of tension fabric over sound insulation

After covering the gypsum board, we get closed design. As is the case with frame option, it is better to install the tension fabric at the same time to reduce height losses. The best option for this there will be not a film version, but a fabric version. By choosing an “acoustic” stretch ceiling with a specially perforated surface, you can improve the acoustic performance of the room by reducing the spread of echoes from internal sounds.

  • Equipping the home with a decorative, durable coating that protects from flooding from above.
  • Ability to hide electrical wiring, mounted without cutting channels in concrete. You can also hide additional sound insulation.

Be careful! Isolating a room from unwanted sound effects is possible only with the help of specialized materials. Any soft, heterogeneous soundproofing material will contain sound, but its efficiency will be small. Large domestic and foreign companies specialize in the production of soundproofing panels.

There is a statement that sound insulation under a suspended ceiling is impossible. As part of the professional solution of problems of this kind, it is possible to absorb any frequencies and vibrations.

The most effective ceiling soundproofing

It's hard to name soundproofing panels, having maximum efficiency. Products from domestic manufacturer materials for sound insulation. A company specializing in the production of special soundproofing tiles and sheet mineral and polymer building materials, as well as the production of related installation elements.

EcoAcoustic soundproofing of the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling

It is an affordable sound-absorbing material for absorbing airborne noise. He has the following features and characteristics:

  • This soundproofing material is safe. It does not contain volatile fibers, which are dangerous for allergy sufferers. It is a product of polyester origin, which determines its safety for human health and life.
  • After installation of mineral fiber, it is ensured additional protection from moisture, rot and insects.
  • Provides a soundproofing effect and has good insulating characteristics.
  • Simple technology installation It is necessary to use pressure mushroom-shaped dowels; soundproofing adhesives and compounds are most often used. According to modern technologies good option is cutting with a wallpaper knife.
  • Sound absorption based on mineral fibers is very effective.
  • The soundproofing mat is cut using scissors without gloves.
  • Fire safety corresponds to a high level.
  • Thanks to modern technologies for the production of special acoustic fibers, a noise-insulating product without shrinkage was obtained.


Unique characteristics and sound insulation properties of a stretch ceiling in an apartment modern material SoundPro lets you listen to music without disturbing your neighbors. The soundproofing mat has high efficiency sound insulation:

  • This is a composite soundproofing of the ceiling in an apartment, consisting of two polymer sheets and a fiber filler. This increases installation possibilities and reduces layer thickness.
  • SoundPro provides a high noise absorption coefficient when installing a layer of 2-3 centimeters. Can also be used for finishing walls for installation of gypsum plasterboards and screeds.
  • The flexibility of the cut tapes makes it suitable for insulating noisy pipes.
  • Installation of the soundproofing layer is standard - using compounds and pressing mushroom-shaped dowels.

It is important! Indicators before and after installation of sound insulation depend not only on the panels, but also on the qualifications of the builders, as well as on soundproofing properties rooms.

Stretch ceilings with sound insulation, prices including installation

Stretch ceiling / Sound insulation Fabric width Manufacturer's canvases 1 sq. m. 20 sq. m. 30 sq. m. 40 sq. m. Minimum order value
White matte film / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 1950 rub. RUB 39,000 58500 rub. RUR 78,000 25,000 rub.
White satin film / Sound PRO 325 cm Germany 2600 rub. 52000 rub. RUR 78,000 RUB 104,000 30,000 rub.
White glossy film / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 1950 rub. RUB 39,000 58500 rub. RUR 78,000 25,000 rub.
Color film / Sound PRO 325 cm Germany 2750 rub. 55000 rub. 82500 rub. 110,000 rub. 33000 rub.
Photo printing on white matte film / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 4400 rub. 88000 rub. 132000 rub. RUB 184,000 50,000 rub.

The cost of installing a suspended ceiling with sound insulation in an apartment is formed as follows:

  • Area to be treated in square meters.
  • The cost of the material itself.
  • Complexity of work. The difficulty factor can be increased by large quantities equipment under the soundproofing of the apartment.