How to choose material for photo wallpaper. Mural on the wall. Unusual options for decorating a room using photo wallpaper

Modern photo wallpapers can become bright accent and a stylish addition to any interior. They are used to refresh the look of a room, zone a room or visually enlarge the space. But in order to achieve the desired effect, it is important to avoid gross mistakes that apartment owners often make when choosing photo wallpaper. We talk about the most common ones.

1. Photo wallpaper does not match the overall style of the room

Photo wallpapers are chosen to suit the entire interior and must correspond to its general idea. For a kitchen in the Provence style, an image of a cozy European town will be perfect, but a panorama of New York will look strange. The image of snow-capped peaks is not suitable for a Victorian bedroom, but it will decorate a room decorated in eco style.

2. Color mismatch

Don't forget about color! It is quite possible to use the color block technique and choose wallpaper in a contrasting color if you are decorating a room in a high-tech, contemporary or boho style. For calmer and more classic interiors, choose photo wallpapers that harmonize with the primary colors of furniture and walls.

3. More than one image in a room

One wall decorated with photo wallpaper is quite enough: it’s bright style decision, attracting attention. The second image in the room is clearly too much. If you want to “cover” two walls at once, choose corner wallpaper with a panoramic pattern.

4. Bet on an image that is too small or too large

Photo wallpaper with a design that dazzles the eyes, overloads nervous system and look intrusive. Unfortunately, images at a scale of ten to one look no better: giant flowers or a greatly enlarged meadow with grass. Photo wallpapers on which objects are depicted on a more or less realistic scale look harmonious.

5. Incorrect zoning using photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is an excellent tool for zoning space. They emphasize the spirit of each area and give the room a special atmosphere. But you should avoid interior solutions in which photo wallpapers will be located on the border between zones: in this way, the division of space will be disrupted, and all the beauty of photo wallpapers will be lost.

6. Arrangement of furniture against the background of photo wallpapers

A wall decorated with photo wallpapers should not be filled with furniture, otherwise there is simply no point in them. This is especially important when choosing wallpaper with perspective. In small spaces, use narrow panoramic photo wallpapers - they will become an interesting accent in the interior and will not take up the entire wall.

7. Incorrect lighting

Pros do not recommend placing photo wallpaper on the wall opposite the window: possible glare will spoil the impression. Dark-colored photo wallpaper on the wall of the room on the shadow side is also not The best decision. But a darker pattern may be preferred to create coziness in a well-lit room. Photo wallpapers look beautiful with additional lighting located on the sides of the wall or nearby on the floor.

8. “Dynamic” photo wallpaper in the bedroom

In areas intended for recreation, it is better not to use photo wallpapers depicting skyscrapers or busy city streets. Such images can decorate a living room, hallway or study. For the bedroom, choose more calming images of nature.

When we create an interior, we think through every little detail, every detail, wanting everything in the room to be perfect. We all want “zest” in our interior or “cherry on the cake”. Such an object can be 3D wallpaper. How to choose photo wallpaper? What should you pay attention to? And how not to make mistakes without the help of designers?

Combining photo wallpaper with other wallpaper is a simple and interesting task, the main thing is to follow the basic rules. Photo wallpaper will look harmonious in any room in your home. All you need is to choose the right wallpaper for the general background, following a few rules:

    The design of the photo wallpaper should not stand out from the overall design

    The image on the wallpaper must be harmoniously selected and fit into the designated boundaries of the room

    Background wallpaper should match the photo, emphasize the design and not stand out from the general style of the room

Let's talk separately about each room and how it can be transformed using 3D wallpaper:

The first room of any apartment is the hallway; initially it is small and devoid of natural light sources. Therefore, it is better to choose light shades finishing materials. Photo wallpaper will give the hallway a unique uniqueness. For example, you can choose bright photo wallpaper, imitating the view from the window, you can choose wallpaper with a view of streets, cities or natural compositions.

It is necessary to select finishing materials for the bedroom with care. Give preference to calm tones. It is preferable to place photo wallpaper behind the bed, so the picture will not distract your attention when you want to relax. Floral and plant motifs of photo wallpapers, combined with ordinary background ones, look original.

Pay attention to where the bedroom windows face. For sunny side It is better to choose cool tones. For the northern - warm shades wallpaper and finishing materials. For the southern and eastern sides of the apartment, wallpaper with three-dimensional patterns is suitable: sea, beach, park, forest.

The right materials for the living room will help create the atmosphere in the room. The urban style of designs with contrasting background wallpaper is considered fashionable today. An equally popular option is floral themes - vertical drawing colors and background wallpapers that match common interior and emphasizing the color scheme of the photo.

It is a great pleasure to choose wallpaper for a children's room. Pay attention, initially, to the colors and color saturation. Pastel shades are suitable for children: purple, yellow, blue, pink. And to go with them, choose wallpapers with your favorite cartoon characters, fairy-tale forests, cars, pirates, robots for boys and princesses, furry animals for girls.

How to choose the right picture?

When gluing photo wallpaper to walls or ceilings, you must adhere to general standards:

    Large elements and designs in dark colors visually make the room smaller, so it is better to refrain from hanging such photo wallpapers in the hallway or living room;

    Light photo wallpaper will help to visually expand the space and raise the ceiling, and panoramic images will create the illusion additional windows;

    Bright macro photographs look better in rooms with a minimum amount of furniture that will not obscure the picture;

    When buying 3D photo wallpaper, focus on the planned style of interior design, do not forget about it.

How to combine with other wallpapers?

    Bright photo wallpaper should decorate only one wall or ceiling. At the same time, fill the rest of the space with plain materials; you can use applique or other design things to organize the space.

3. Photo wallpaper allows you to combine contrasting colors and create an individual room. The contrast is suitable for living and dining rooms. See how photo wallpapers with red poppies will look great on khaki background materials, and photos of orchids will look interesting on a soft blue background.

By purchasing products from us, you are buying products made from environmentally friendly materials that will delight you and your loved ones for more than 10 years!

We often puzzle over how to make our home more interesting and original. But don’t forget: everything ingenious is simple. For example, you can choose photo wallpaper for wall decoration. It will perfectly decorate any interior, emphasizing its originality. You definitely need to think in advance and imagine what kind of wallpaper you want and where you are going to place it.

What is photo wallpaper

Previously, the word “photo wallpaper” was associated with some unnatural white birch trees or something similar. Thirty years ago, photo wallpapers were cheap sheets of paper that glared in the light. In times of general shortage, even this was considered a luxury. Then for some time they went into oblivion, and now they are again at the peak of popularity. Apart from their name, they have nothing in common with their predecessors. New photo wallpapers are realistic; quite often they can be embodied in 3D format, which creates the effect of being on the roof of a skyscraper or on the ocean shore. These wallpapers are made from high-quality and environmentally friendly materials.

Exist various sizes photo wallpaper. If wallpaper large sizes, then they are usually divided into separate panels. There are two, three, four panels - these are medium-sized wallpapers, and six to eight panels - these are large-sized wallpapers. IN Lately Photo wallpapers for doors are quite popular, they standard size- 86 by 220 cm.

It is very important to choose the right color for photo wallpaper. After all, wallpaper that is made in cool colors (for example, blue, blue, green, indigo) can visually increase the space of the room. But warm colors (orange, red, yellow) create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. They are ideal for rooms where there are problems with natural light.

When choosing photo wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. It is recommended to buy products only from leading manufacturers, because they monitor the quality of the wallpaper.

Types of bases for photo wallpaper

To make photo wallpaper, one of the bases can be used:

- paper. This base is the most common. It holds ink best. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and easy to use. The paper base can “breathe”. The advantages of using such a basis are affordable prices;

— fabric-based photo wallpaper;

- non-woven, vinyl base. All of these basics are certainly good, but they are significantly more expensive than the paper version.

Texture of photo wallpaper

High-quality photo wallpapers are usually made using European paper base with vinyl covering and Japanese eco-friendly paints. There is a large assortment of different types with a variety of subjects. All that’s left to do is choose a structure. There are 14 types of texture in total. Let's get to know each of them:

— decorative plaster: photo wallpaper with this texture imitates painting on the wall. This texture is quite universal and will fit perfectly into any interior;

- coarse sand provides a matte texture that is ideal for architectural landscapes. Fits perfectly into a loft interior;

— sand is the ideal texture for the Art Nouveau style. He is able to delicately convey colors and turn their tones into pastels;

— plaster — the texture is quite coarse and uneven. It is ideal for vintage photos and antique frescoes;

- smooth surface is a texture with gloss. It is best used for panoramas and solid canvases, since joints may be noticeable when gluing;

- imitation of artistic canvas. This texture fits perfectly into different styles interior design - from minimalism to classics;

- painting - this texture ideally emphasizes picturesque paintings and can imitate oil painting. Pairs perfectly with classic interiors;

- linen - this texture must be combined with wood, rough textiles and bamboo wallpaper. It is ideal for art deco, ethno, Japanese and avant-garde styles;

- frost - the texture has small fibers, which makes the image matte. Frost goes well with calm and dim colors;

- geometric ornament - this texture has a pronounced relief and will decorate even the most modest and nondescript image;

- tiles - this texture goes well with high-tech, loft and art deco styles;

- wood bark - the texture suits wood, art deco, ethno and avant-garde;

- straw - texture can imitate natural material. It will fit perfectly into ethnic, country and Scandinavian styles;

— the coral texture imitates the pattern of a coral reef and goes well with the marine theme.

Advantages and disadvantages of photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is great finishing material, which has a lot of advantages. These include:

- great appearance. Such wallpaper can easily imitate any landscape, pattern or photograph. This creates coziness and comfort in any apartment;

— a rich assortment, as well as the ability to produce photo wallpapers to order;

— relative durability;

- relatively quick way gluing;

modern wallpaper moisture resistant;

— photo wallpaper - perfect option room zoning;

- quite low price;

- they meet the requirements fire safety;

— photo wallpapers are practically not affected by sunlight, so the wallpaper does not fade;

— photo wallpapers can be varnished, so maintenance is minimal.

Of course, the aesthetic properties of photo wallpaper are excellent, but even they have their drawbacks. Eg:

- photo wallpapers require perfectly smooth and flat surface. Only if this condition is met will they look impressive and last you a long time;

— despite the fact that the process of gluing such wallpaper does not require special preparation, it will still require your attention, perseverance, patience and effort;

— there are quite low-quality photo wallpapers that can peel off over time;

- it is important not to make a mistake with the design of the photo wallpaper, otherwise over time it will bring you complete irritation.

Application of photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers visually expand the space, so they are an ideal option for decorating walls in small apartments.

Photo wallpapers that are too bright and colorful should not be installed in rooms with a lot of furniture. Also, do not choose wallpaper with images of people. The best option is landscapes. In addition, they have a positive effect on psychological condition people, are able to relieve irritation, fatigue, anxiety and create coziness and comfort.

Photo wallpapers depicting flowers and plants, exotic landscapes, and antique city scenes are very popular. Fun and bright photo wallpapers depicting cartoon characters are ideal for children's rooms. For older children, wallpapers with a sports theme or on the theme of fashion and idols are suitable. For the bedroom it is better to choose wallpaper in soothing colors. But for the kitchen, choose photo wallpapers with images of fruits or delicious dishes.

Average cost of photo wallpaper in Moscow

You can purchase photo wallpapers in specialized online and regular brick-and-mortar stores. Their average cost is 1000-1200 rubles for a canvas measuring 175x115 cm, 1400-1500 rubles for a canvas 254x183 cm and 2000 rubles for a canvas 366x254 cm.

Tools and materials required for gluing photo wallpaper

So, to glue photo wallpaper we need:

- roulette;

- ruler or level;

- pencil;

— rollers and spatulas for smoothing wallpaper;

- stationery knife;

- brushes for applying glue;

- stepladder;

- clean, dry cloths or sponges (necessary for removing excess glue);

- a bucket for preparing glue;

— glue for heavy vinyl wallpaper with a paper base;

- photo wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper gluing technology

First of all, you need to prepare the walls. They must be perfectly even and smooth. Be sure to get rid of any remnants of the old coating. Eg, old paint must be removed with a spatula. If there are any obvious defects on the surface of the walls (pits, cracks), they must be corrected using putty. A deep penetration primer is required. After applying the primer, the walls should dry thoroughly. This required condition, because otherwise the photo wallpaper may come off. The finished surface must be clean, dry, smooth, free from stains of dirt, dust, grease, cracks and unevenness.

The next stage is checking the photo wallpaper. Be sure to lay out all the components on the floor, fold the whole picture and check if the picture fits together. A defect is considered: a discrepancy of more than 3 mm, the use of slightly different shades.

Then you can move on to the third stage - preparing the glue. Of course, if you purchased wallpaper on self-adhesive paper, then you do not need this step. So, to glue photo wallpaper you need glue for heavy vinyl wallpaper. Most often, such adhesives are sold ready-made, so you do not need to dilute them with water. Pasting of photo wallpapers is carried out at room temperature and humidity of about 40%.

And now, finally, you can begin the most important step - gluing the photo wallpaper. First, mark the wall. It is best to mark on the wall the place where the photo wallpaper will be placed if the picture is not on the entire wall. Use a regular pencil to mark. Consider the size of each fragment. Draw a grid on the wall to guide you when wallpapering.

Wallpapering should begin from the lower left corner. Apply glue to the wall in the place where you plan to attach the first fragment. You should not apply glue to the wallpaper itself. Carefully place the fragment along the marks and glue it, starting from the top. In order to avoid the appearance of bubbles and defects, use a special, non-sharp spatula or roller. Using these tools, make movements from the center to the edges, thereby expelling excess air and glue. Excess glue should be carefully removed with a cloth or sponge, possibly damp, but not wet. This must be done as soon as possible, since the glue can dry right on the surface of the photo wallpaper.

Photo wallpapers can be glued both overlapping and butt. The recommended method is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the wallpaper itself. Photo wallpapers that are glued end-to-end must be clearly aligned, and then the seam should be rolled with a roller so that it is minimally noticeable. Some wallpapers can be glued overlapping. After you glue the first sheet, you glue the second one, matching the second one. In this case, the edges overlap each other.

Ideal conditions for gluing photo wallpaper are 18-20 degrees. There should be no drafts. After you finish the pasting work, it is better not to heat or ventilate the room for at least 24 hours. But it is better to wait 48 hours.

If you purchased self-adhesive photo wallpaper, it is advisable to take an assistant. After removing the paper protection, you need to act as quickly as possible, since the adhesive layer dries quite quickly.

Protecting photo wallpaper with varnish

Of course, photo wallpaper is not the most reliable material. Therefore, to give it a cleaning effect and greater durability, you can coat them with varnish. You can use any varnish on water based. The varnish should be applied with a brush in several layers. It is best to apply 2-3 layers. At least 1 hour should pass between each application. After the first layer has dried, it can be rubbed with a soft brush. This is necessary in order to get a small, effective shine of the wallpaper.

Caring for photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper, like any finishing material, can get dirty over time. To remove pencil marks, use an eraser. And to remove dust, you can use a vacuum cleaner at minimum power. Large stains on vinyl or non-woven wallpaper can be removed with a sponge and soap solution. You should rinse from top to bottom, and after removing the contamination, you must thoroughly rinse off the foam.

Do not use active detergents, which contain bleaches and solvents, as they can damage the texture of photo wallpaper.

If there are traces of glue after pasting the walls, be sure to wash them off warm water. In order for photo wallpaper to last as long as possible, do not lean furniture against it and do not expose it to direct sunlight.

Original wall design: photo wallpaper

The choice of design and color scheme for the walls is incredibly important, because it shapes the overall style of the interior, the atmosphere of the room, the geometry and color scheme of the space, the appearance of the room as a whole and psychological perception. From design choice vertical surfaces depends on whether the room will seem spacious or cramped, cozy or inhospitable, cause positive emotions or irritate, encourage relaxation, communication or creativity and work. In addition, you always want to create something original, give the interior individuality and unique style.

Now there is a huge selection of wallpaper and surface decor options, but the former are not always original, and the latter often require large quantity financial and time costs. What to do if you want to quickly and easily update or create original wall decor?

We know how important the design of walls is in the interior, and we understand how important it is that their surface is beautiful and truly liked. Therefore, in this article we will offer you an interesting and practical option, photo wallpapers, and we will explain why our choice fell on them.

Photo wallpaper:effective solution

Photo wallpapers are now gaining new popularity as a stylish and economical solution for wall decor. This article will focus on them. The time of “grandmother’s” photo wallpapers on low-quality, easily torn paper with birch trees, simple ornaments and other simple subjects is a thing of the past. Now photo wallpapers are distinguished by a huge selection of themes, designs, styles and textures, as well as the highest quality of materials. From this article you will learn how to choose photo wallpaper for the wall depending on the room, the interior style of the room and, of course, your preferences and tastes; what material is better to choose and how to glue photo wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper in the interior

To buy photo wallpaper, first of all, you need to decide in which room or rooms you would like to place it: the purpose of the room will significantly narrow the search from a huge number of options.

So, let's start with the most colorful and fun room for the little ones, the nursery. Children's photo wallpapers, first of all, should be made of environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic material. Make sure that the wallpaper you choose meets all health safety requirements.

Decoretto company has own production photo wallpaper. We work under a French license, using innovative technologies and are fully responsible for the quality of materials that are absolutely safe for the body, so you can buy photo wallpapers without worrying about the health of your baby.

Children's photo wallpaper

Children's photo wallpapers can brightly and colorfully enliven the interior of a nursery, place magical animals or favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons and games there. One bright and cheerful wall with photo wallpaper or even part of it is enough to make the child feel cozy and joyful. After all, the interests of children change at an amazing speed, and after a few years a teenage girl may get tired of pink flowered wallpaper, and a boy may become interested in robots instead of cars. Agree that repainting one wall or part of a wall is much easier and faster than updating the wallpaper in the entire room.

In addition, photo wallpaper can effectively divide a child’s room into several functional zones or select one. So, a bright drawing with your favorite characters will separate play area, sleeping animals on the photo wallpaper above the bed will indicate a relaxation area, and a colorful map of the world near the table will highlight a place for studying and studying.

Photo wallpapers for boys are often chosen in blue and red shades; pirate, space, sports, and underwater themes are especially popular here, as well as cars, robots, airplanes, and various animals, such as dinosaurs or fairy-tale dragons.

Little princesses, as you know, adore fairies, ponies and sorceresses, so photo wallpapers for girls can be chosen in a gentle pink color, green and lilac colors are popular. The girl will surely be delighted with her favorite princesses from Disney fairy tales, cute animals or mysterious castles.

Thanks to this decorative solution, your little dreamers will find themselves in a wonderful world of magic and fairy tales, which will give them happiness, comfort and inspiration. Let your child feel like a brave knight, a brave traveler, a good fairy or a beautiful princess. Entering his room, the baby will plunge into a special world that belongs only to him, here he will happily play, learn, relax and grow!

Of course, the main rule when choosing photo wallpaper for a child’s room is that in no case should you neglect the interests and wishes of the child. Let the young artist choose his favorite picture or drawing for his room, and this creative process will turn into an exciting game.

Choosing photo wallpaper for the living room

Photo wallpapers in the living room are usually chosen in large format or on the entire wall. It is important to use a surface near which you do not plan to place furniture. When nothing interferes with the view of the wallpaper, they look more stylish and play not just a background role, but become central decorative element and look like a painting artfully placed in space! An exception here may be glass coffee table, low upholstered furniture, decorative figurines.

Almost any theme is appropriate for the living room; you can look at interesting ones or make custom photo wallpapers with absolutely any photo or design, without limiting yourself in any way.

Landscape images or panoramic views will help visually increase the space, horizontal lines“stretch out” the room, and vertical elements images, such as trees or flower stems, will visually increase the height of the ceiling.

The choice of plot depends on the existing interior style or what you want to get in the end. Modern city landscapes, lights of the night metropolis, traffic and urban motifs are perfect for interiors in the high-tech or loft style.

And those who are tired of the fast rhythm of cities and noisy bustle will like photo wallpapers with nature. Residents of megacities sorely miss greenery that is pleasant to the eye, which calms and gives a feeling of freshness and vigor. Try to fix this by decorating one of the walls with a luxurious landscape, or turning it into green oasis. Natural motifs are among the most relevant when choosing photo wallpapers. If you have a question why exactly they are, then just admire how impressive and stylish they look in interiors! Shady forests, endless mountains, lush waterfalls, sunny deserts, clear lakes and flowering meadows - all this can become part of your home!

Another theme that has gained deserved popularity among photo wallpapers is the sea and ocean. Their enchanting blue gives joy, inspiration, a feeling of peace, relaxation and comfort. Photo wallpapers with the sea remind us of summer travels and adventures, helping to recreate a corner of summer that will warm and delight all year round. The Cote d'Azur with golden sand surrounded by tropical palm trees - this is the landscape that the residents of our northern strip miss so much. Open a window to the ocean right in the wall!

Who said that photo wallpapers are only suitable for modern, minimalist or eclectic interiors? Architecture, parks, forest and floral motifs are suitable for laconic classics, English style, Art Nouveau or Provence. Connoisseurs of classical art will also enjoy the paintings, which will look like genuine creations by the artist’s brush on the entire wall!

Floral motifs or panoramas of the streets of ancient Greek ruins and cities will look great in classical or Mediterranean style, choose wallpapers in soft pink, sand and pastel colors, which will create the impression of lightness and light.

If you want to add a little Asian tranquility and exoticism to your interior, then photo wallpapers with cherry blossoms, waterfalls, stones, Chinese gardens and architecture, bamboo forests and their cute inhabitants, pandas, will help you. Look how wonderful such a green oasis looks in the interior!

The decorative possibilities of photo wallpaper on the wall are endless! With their help, you can zone a room, visually increase the space of the room and the height of the ceilings. You can easily create a specific range of colors that you like, complement or highlight existing colors. So, in a living room with insufficient lighting, light photo wallpapers in warm colors are perfect: peach, golden, warm green, orange, ocher. They will make the interior warmer and brighter. But do not forget that it is precisely these shades that reduce space, while cold ones, on the contrary, increase it. In a living room with windows facing south, it would be quite appropriate to choose photo wallpapers in rich and noble dark shades: try chocolate, coffee, rich green and blue. This range in bright room will create the necessary comfort and compensate for excess light.

Photo wallpaper for the bedroom: creating an atmosphere

The choice of photo wallpaper for the bedroom should be taken into account special attention, since this room is intended for sleep and rest, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. The interior of the bedroom should be conducive to relaxation, peace and be as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Photo wallpaper in calm, restrained colors is exactly what this space needs: soft pink, white, soft lilac, light green, lavender, lilac, soft beige, ivory, bronze, sky blue, cornflower blue, peach , coral and other pastel colors.

Just look at these delicate bedroom interiors, in which you just want to take a little break from the hassle and bustle.

Try, if possible, not to use bright red, yellow, dark blue, gray, purple and other overly saturated colors of photo wallpaper on the wall. According to psychologists, purple and yellow stimulate brain activity and interfere with a quick, calm fall into sleep, and gray reduces sleep time by one hour in general. Perhaps you should consider using such photo wallpaper in the living room or in the office, where such psychological impact colors will be very helpful.

Plot and decorative solution images on photo wallpaper for the bedroom should in no case cause bright emotions. That is why most designers choose photo wallpapers with calming images for the interior of this room: a stream, a seashore, flora in all its manifestations, calm landscapes. catalog of photo wallpapers with photos, where everyone will find something cute and tender for the bedroom!

As we noted, the bedroom is a special place, hidden from strangers, where an intimate and gentle atmosphere of harmony, beauty and relaxation reigns. And what could be more tender and beautiful than flowers? Photo wallpapers with flowers are often used in bedroom interiors. Choose from an impressive variety of floral designs, the most delicate shades, harmonious compositions and landscape photographs with flowers.

A great idea for decoration is to complement the picture on the photo wallpaper with a fresh flower or ikebana! In these cases, Orchid and Sakura were chosen, which look very impressive in a harmonious ensemble, filling the space with Asian sophistication and grace.

“Tasty” and spectacular: photo wallpaper for the kitchen

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen can effectively transform the appearance of a space. Now it’s even more enjoyable to be here, create culinary masterpieces, and taste your favorite dishes! Choose “delicious” and juicy photo wallpapers with still lifes, fruits, coffee sketches or sweets!

Acceptable here bright shades and contrasting color combinations. It is useful to know that cold tones help reduce appetite, while warm tones, on the contrary, increase it. Of course, not only culinary themes in photo wallpaper designs will look good in the kitchen space. You can choose magnificent wallpapers in the Mediterranean style, landscapes, floral photo wallpaper, photos in Provence style or vintage drawings. Take a look and see for yourself that these ideas for kitchen photo wallpaper look no less stylish!

Whatever room you want to decorate with photo wallpaper, and whatever image you choose, it will look especially harmonious and stylish if its color scheme is reflected in other elements of the interior: decor, walls or furniture. Try choosing a picture based on the existing colors. What color is your furniture or textiles? Is it possible to find something suitable for a beautiful color combination? Maybe it’s worth purchasing a few pillows or dishes to match the color of your walls?

Mural on the wall: choose the material

Now that you have decided on the room and the design, you need to choose the material. There are several main types of wallpaper, the basis for which differs most high quality:

Vinyl Photo wallpapers, unlike paper wallpapers, adhere securely to the surface and are easy to wash and clean from dirt. Any detergents and chemicals will not affect the shape and appearance of your photo wallpaper. They are designed to last, are of high quality and wear-resistant, and can withstand moisture and ultraviolet rays.

Non-woven Photo wallpapers have even greater strength and increased moisture resistance, they are environmentally friendly, which is why you should opt for them if you plan to decorate a nursery, kitchen or bedroom. The unique advantage of these photo wallpapers is the presence of pores that allow air to pass through. This avoids moisture accumulation and fungus formation.

Fabric Wallpaper will be an excellent choice for the living room, bedroom and study. They are quite durable and of high quality, and their texture allows you to decorate the interior with exquisite patterns and designs that look very interesting on the fabric. This option would not be the best for a nursery, kitchen or hallway, since the fabric surface quickly accumulates dust, but does not always withstand moisture and cleaning agents.

In the MasterDecoretto photo wallpaper online store you can find high-quality products that will retain their beautiful original appearance over time and bright colors. For you, we offer a large one with unusual patterned embossing, which gives the image on the photo wallpaper realism and volume. Texture wallpaper may be similar to Venetian plaster, stone or clay surface, which will give extraordinary charm and color to your interior.

Pasting photo wallpapers

You can try to paste the photo wallpaper yourself. However, in the absence of the necessary experience, you risk doing it carelessly or incorrectly. At best, the wallpaper will not look the way you would like and how it was originally intended: original and good idea for the interior it is very easy to distort with poor quality execution. In the worst case, you will ruin the purchased photo wallpaper or it will begin to peel off from the surface over time. Therefore, we recommend entrusting this responsible work to professionals. Buying photo wallpaper in the MasterDecoretto online store means getting a ready-made beautiful wall absolutely free! You just need to order photo wallpapers, we will do the rest for you! When ordering any wallpaper you receive for free:

  • visit of a specialist to measure the area to be pasted and evaluate the surface;
  • wall preparation (putty, plaster);
  • turnkey photo wallpaper installation services.

You won't need any additional expenses for glue and other materials, there is no need to waste time searching for a reliable craftsman. All MasterDecoretto specialists are true professionals in their field who have passed certification in wallpapering and knowledgeable features all materials and surfaces. That is why we confidently give a 100% guarantee on the work performed!

Trust your taste

Choose images and photos to create unique photo wallpapers! We will make custom photo wallpapers of any size and shape with the image you like. If you have not found the ideal option for your interior, designers will listen to your wishes and help you find a picture in photo banks, check its quality and optimize it for printing. Your order will be processed within two business days!

The most important thing when choosing photo wallpaper is the ability to trust your taste! No one knows better than you how to stylishly decorate your space. If you find an image that gives positive emotions, inspires and just likes it, then rest assured, this is exactly what you need!

When purchasing photo wallpaper, it is important to choose: the type of base, printing method and texture.

Types of photo wallpaper:
Paper - the cheapest and cannot be washed. Paper wallpapers are divided into 2 types. These are simplex and duplex. Simplex wallpaper consists of one layer of paper, and duplex wallpaper consists of two. Paper wallpaper, as well as non-woven and textile wallpaper, is the most environmentally friendly because it allows the walls to breathe.
Non-woven - behave well when shrinking walls. If small cracks appear, they will remain invisible under the wallpaper, which will not tear and will retain its appearance.
Velor- again it can be paper or non-woven. A velor pattern is applied to this layer by spraying. A pattern is glued onto the base and covered in a special way with short threads of natural or artificial origin. As a result, the fiber remains only in the areas of the pattern on which the paste was located; the fabric is removed from other areas.
Vinyl- durable and moisture resistant. Very practical to use. They are easy to clean, washable, do not fade and can last quite a long time. If you prepare the walls well before gluing the wallpaper and glue the wallpaper carefully enough, the joints will be almost invisible, creating the feeling of a solid canvas.
On canvas- the most expensive. Top layer Such wallpaper is a fabric that is applied to a non-woven or paper base. To produce such wallpaper, viscose, silk, linen, and fabric fibers of natural or artificial origin are used as the top layer. Such wallpaper needs careful care. They are dry clean only and cannot be washed. There are collections where textile wallpaper is coated with a water-repellent layer.

Fiberglass - not used in residential premises.

Three main types of photo wallpaper printing:
UV printing(hereinafter referred to as UV) allows you to obtain bright photo wallpapers with a rich and fade-resistant image. UV printing technology involves the use of UV-curable ink: when exposed to UV radiation, the ink polymerizes, turning into a solid state and remaining on the surface of the paper. The ink is not absorbed into the material itself, which allows you to maintain the primary brightness of the colors.
Printing with eco-solvent inks -. The ink contains pigment and solvent. Photo wallpapers printed with this ink usually cost less. The main disadvantage of such printing is that the coating of the canvas upon leaving the printing house will have a specific smell, which can be evaporated, but not in one day. But these photo wallpapers are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, do not wear out, and can be washed.
Printing using latex ink - The ink contains pigment and water with a polymer - latex. The ink in this type of photo wallpaper hardens immediately upon release after printing. Latex wallpaper is resistant to fading and external influences. They have no smell. This the best option to order wallpaper for a children's room. They are UV resistant, do not wear out, and can also be washed.

Types of print texture:

"Smooth" - wallpaper with an almost smooth surface, with a moderate glossy sheen. This type is also distinguished from textured wallpaper by the result of pasting the walls: the joint between the sheets that form the Rusinka can be noticeable if the sticker is sloppy. Therefore, it is recommended to buy smooth photo wallpapers consisting of a small number of parts. According to the standard, the covering for one wall is divided into 8 sections.

"Decorative plaster"− These are wall and ceiling paper coverings that imitate painting on the base. This type of wallpaper can be called universal material, because they will look equally good on it various topics: starting from architectural subjects, and ending with images of objects of art (especially antiquity). Floral motifs - images of flowers, trees, herbs - look great on such a textured canvas. These photo wallpapers are recommended for covering children's rooms.

"Coarse sand"- matte wallpaper (there is a variety - “Sand” texture with a smaller textured element). This type of base is best used when printing elements of architectural landscapes (the texture gives roughness, which masonry, asphalt or paving stones will look better). Recommended for prints of architectural, automotive themes, as well as photographs of animals and wildlife.

"Canvas" - embossing identical to painting canvas. “Canvas” is considered one of the most interesting textures in the series. It is characterized by calm but rich tones. When joining, the seam between the canvases is almost invisible. Recommended for use for prints on themes of art, architecture, nature, as well as for popular images - a map of the world, flowers and plants.

"Linen" - imitation of natural linen fabric. This texture will go well with rough textiles, wood, bamboo wallpaper, etc. An ideal material for transferring images of plant themes and exotic motifs.

"Rime" - oh again under the print of this type consists of small fibers, the material resembling frost or paper for painting with watercolors. This texture will give any image a matte look.

"Painting" - for photo wallpapers on the theme of art, nature, any patterns you like, as well as for depicting flowers and plants, abstractions on the walls and ceilings of the room.

"Tree bark" - suitable for images on art, architecture, geographical maps, as well as for floral and floral print, with them you can also print wallpaper that expands the space of rooms - pictures with perspective.