How to insulate a slag house from the outside. Options for exterior finishing of a cinder block house. Installation on concrete base

The use of cinder blocks in the construction of structures is economically beneficial and the dimensions of the material elements allow achieving high speed of construction of the walls of the house. But its insufficient thermal insulation properties and the ability to lose strength under the influence critical temperatures forces thermal insulation, with the help of which the required level of durability of the structure will be achieved, and the ability of the structure to accumulate heat will be increased.

External insulation

We will begin to consider methods of insulating a cinder block house with external thermal insulation. Experienced specialists, whose field of activity is the insulation of buildings, claim that external finishing of cinder block walls with thermal insulation materials increases the ability to retain heat by 70%. Therefore, it is precisely this solution to the problem, which can reduce the thermal conductivity of the building frame, that will achieve a good result.

In most cases, the exterior of cinder block walls is finished with foam. The purchase of material implies a minimum level of costs (if you take into account the cost of polystyrene or penoplex), in addition, its thermal conductivity allows you to achieve a high thermal insulation effect.

Please note that if the ability of walls to pass air (breathe) is important to you, then better foam replace mineral wool.

External thermal insulation with such material has another great advantage - ease of work. It is enough to attach the foam to the wall surface using dowels. The length of the latter must be selected based on the thickness of the sheet. The length of each dowel should be equal to twice the width of the foam.

Insulation scheme with mineral wool or polystyrene foam on glue

It should be taken into account that insulation with foam plastic from the outside requires that each sheet fits as tightly as possible to the wall surface. If the latter has some unevenness, then you can simply use additional glue during installation, which will help compensate for this deficiency. If damage appears on the cinder block wall before insulation, the surface must be puttied.

Conventionally, the entire insulation process can be built in the following algorithm:

  • Leveling the surface (putty).
  • Fastening insulation sheets.
  • Installation of reinforcement mesh.
  • Second alignment.
  • Primer.
  • Preparation before painting – finishing with “Finish”.

Insulation with mineral wool under siding

If you plan to paint the walls after insulation, you should use acrylic or silicone plaster to level the surface.

Insulation of the outside of a cinder block house can be done with mineral wool, but this will require additional financial investments - it is difficult to prepare such a surface for painting, so this means covering the walls of the house with siding or other facing elements.

Internal insulation

If you listen to the opinion of experts, it is preferable to carry out all insulation processes outside the structure. But this possibility is not always present, and external insulation does not always allow achieving the desired level of energy efficiency of a building.

The inside of a cinder block house is insulated using the same polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

Using the first will simplify the work and allow you to achieve high thermal insulation performance of the walls. Except high efficiency it has disadvantages:

  • The thickness of the material will reduce the internal space of the rooms.
  • The very fact of its flammability and release during combustion harmful substances reduces the fire safety of the building.
  • Some substances contained in its composition must be kept away from the human environment.

As for mineral wool, it does not contain substances harmful to the body, and pests do not breed in it. The material is also characterized by low flammability, small thickness and cost-effectiveness. Its main disadvantage, which can be called an advantage, is the ability to let air through. If the walls of a house are covered on both sides with such insulation, the house will “breathe,” but the level of thermal insulation characteristics will decrease.

Installing polystyrene foam is no different from insulating walls outside. The mineral wool is secured with special staples. If we take into account the choice of the majority, then preference is given to the second option, which is environmentally friendly and economical.

How to choose the thickness of insulation?

The effectiveness of insulation depends not only on the selected material, but also on the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. In order to make an accurate calculation, you need to take into account the totality of the characteristics of the cinder block, insulation, as well as the climatic conditions of a particular region. Therefore, to simplify orientation, we present data based on the long-term experience of builders:

  • The optimal level of thermal insulation thickness throughout Russia is 10 cm.
  • In the southern regions, a layer of 5-7 cm is sufficient.

For a more accurate calculation, contact a specialist or ask for advice from local construction companies.

Insulation using a spray solution

In order to simplify thermal insulation process and achieve its high efficiency are being developed modern methods insulation. These include wall treatment special material– polyurethane foam. In addition to reducing the thermal conductivity of walls, it performs the function protective coating, which greatly simplifies and speeds up surface processing.

Its peculiarity is that there are no fastening elements, which creates the effect of a continuous coating, without the presence of “weak points”: seams, dowel installation points, etc. The use of polyurethane foam is possible for the purpose of external and external thermal insulation.

It is worth noting that the sprayed surface will already have the most even structure for further processing, and the small thickness of the material will preserve inner space structures and will reduce the cost of purchasing external finishing elements.

The disadvantages include cost, but in some cases the use of sprayed thermal insulation will even be economically beneficial (if you take into account the additional characteristics of the material). The manufacturer also claims the durability of the coating (about 30 years), but the product is new and there is no actual confirmation of such statements yet.
When choosing a material for insulating a cinder block house, pay attention not only to the allocated budget, but also to the compliance of the material with the needs of a particular case. You should also not forget about the advice of experts and the level of harmful substances in some insulation materials. Always try to spend first external thermal insulation, and only then, if urgently necessary, insulate yourself from the inside.

IN lately A lot of information has appeared on the Internet on insulating houses with polystyrene foam. So I decided to share my experience of such construction and insulating walls with foam plastic. This method of wall insulation makes it possible to save on building materials when building walls. Since it is enough to build a not very thick wall of brick (25 cm) or cinder block, shell rock (20 cm) walls and then insulate the walls with polystyrene foam 50 mm thick and density 25 kgm3 (which replaces 50 cm of brickwork) and then plaster with an adhesive mixture of ceiresite ( Ceresit) followed by painting. External wall insulation with foam plastic does not require any special preparation.

1. Polystyrene foam 5 or more centimeters thick2. Solution glue mixture(Ceresit) for attaching tile insulation to outer surface enclosing structures; 3. Reinforced mesh from fiberglass4. Painting corners for corners and slopes5. Special dowels (umbrellas) for fastening foam plastic, about 5-6 pieces per m2 When I was building a house for three years, the question arose of how to make the walls so that I could spend a minimum on materials but at the same time, so that the house would be warm.

I consulted with friends and scoured the Internet and decided to build the walls of the house from shell rock and insulate them with polystyrene foam. After building the walls and roof, I began insulating the walls with foam plastic. To begin with, I determined the area and bought foam plastic with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of 25 kgm3. The most a big problem I had a problem choosing an adhesive, there were a lot of tips and recommendations, but I settled on the Ceresit CM 11 adhesive mixture, since it was the cheapest of all the recommended mixtures.

Although, realizing that the cheap ones are not the best, I still decided on Ceresit CM 11, which over the course of 2.5 years and 2 winters met my hopes.. So far, not a single sheet of foam plastic has fallen off and the plaster has not crumbled, although this winter was such that the walls were covered with ice after rain and wind and then sharp frost..

How to insulate a cinder block house with your own hands - Proraboff.rf

Most often, the developer thinks about thermal insulation of a house made of cinder blocks with his own hands after the object is erected. This is largely due to the fact that cinder blocks vary greatly in their thermal conductivity.

This indicator can be in the range of 0.35-0.6 W/(m K). Thus, it is very difficult to determine in advance how well cinder blocks can insulate the interior space.

Why does a cinder block house need insulation?

If we start from building codes, reflected in SNiP 02/23/2003, the normal thickness of walls made of cinder blocks can be considered only 1.5-2 m. But such thick walls are extremely expensive. Suffice it to say that for such a structure it will be necessary to build a massive and expensive foundation.

So that the walls of a house made of cinder blocks can retain heat in the home, the most the best option thermal insulation will be performed. Then you will be able to save money, provide conditions for a pleasant microclimate, and also make the house more aesthetically pleasing.

There are two fundamentally different options thermal insulation of the walls of a cinder block house. If you place the insulation on the inside, there will be a greater risk of condensation on the walls. This is due to the fact that the dew point will be between the insulation and the wall. As a result, the risk of condensation will increase significantly.

When placing insulation with outside You will be able to notice several advantages of a cinder block house at once. With this method, there is a saving of usable space, a reduction in the risk of condensation, and an improvement appearance the buildings. Usually the insulation is covered with a finishing cladding, which also protects the walls of the building. It follows from this that exactly external insulation is more suitable.

How to insulate a house made of foam blocks?

Any a private house needs insulation, regardless of the material from which it is built. The question “How to insulate a house made of foam blocks?” You can hear it more and more often on construction forums and websites.

When insulating foam blocks with sandwich panels or XPS boards, you need to use special dowels to secure them. The joints of the slabs are carefully sealed to prevent moisture from entering the space between the slab and the foam block. The thickness of the layer of insulated material should be 1.2 - 1.4 times less than for insulation concrete walls the same thickness. When insulating with stone or mineral wool, you should not use waterproofing materials to ensure normal convection of moisture.

If the wall consists of two layers of foam blocks, between which there is a layer of insulation and waterproofing, then external insulation is not required. An exception may be rooms with a large window area or doorways, for example, garages and verandas.

Anyway, universal solutions does not exist, because everything depends on climatic conditions, the purpose of the building and its heating methods, the presence of a basement or semi-basement, external cladding walls and other factors. Accurate recommendations Only a specialist can give advice on insulating a house made of foam blocks.

Cinder block is universal material, which allows you to quickly build a large stone house. At the same time, these huge blocks are not suitable for every climate, so it is often necessary for such houses to insulate the walls from the outside. This material is made from the so-called slag concrete - a mixture of cement and slag crumbs, which is formed when iron is smelted from ore.

The slag itself is durable, porous, and the block itself contains sufficient quantity holes to ensure high-quality thermal insulation. Often due to a violation construction technologies the house does not meet the owner's expectations, so it is required to additional insulation. This is worth doing in any case, if only because it will result in significant savings on energy resources. This article will describe how to insulate a cinder block house, namely, the main steps, as well as materials and construction technologies.

Material selection

Let's look at the two main types of insulation that are most suitable for cinder block walls.

The first type is mineral wool or glass wool. Using this insulation, you can cover walls both outside and inside, and you can also use it to insulate floors in rooms on the basement side. It is stuffed either using special staples, or into a network of boxes, which are then sheathed on top with some material.

The most economical option external insulation of a cinder block house is polystyrene foam and plastering work followed by painting. If the walls made of cinder blocks have already survived more than one winter and are slightly crumbling and covered with cracks, then you should first begin to putty such irregularities. Then use dowels, which should be 2 times longer than the thickness of the foam, to attach it to the wall. The minimum density of foam is 10 cm, but 25 cm is better.

Today we will tell you how to insulate a cinder block bathhouse from the inside and why, contrary to the instructions of heating engineers, you have to do exactly interior work. Houses should be insulated from the street side using one of two methods. The cinder block is laid in one row; unlike brickwork, there is no air buffer zone, and as you know, air is the best heat insulator. The blocks are afraid of moisture and they are very cold, so you can’t do without insulation in tandem with special films.

Choosing material for cinder block walls

Without insulation, a cinder block house will be cold.

Before we talk about the method of insulating cinder block walls from the outside and inside, let’s decide on the materials:

  • mineral wool (mats or );
  • liquid thermal insulation (PPU, penoizol, );
  • expanded polystyrene (regular and extruded);
  • penofol.

Besides thermal insulation materials, special films are used. Before insulating a cinder block house, let’s look at the types of films (membranes) that are used to protect thermal insulation. There are three types in total:

  • wind barrier - does not blow through, allows moisture and steam to pass through;
  • waterproofing – protection from moisture, allows steam to escape from the thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier - does not let anything through.

It is important to lay membranes right side, otherwise they will not perform their tasks. In principle, the choice of thermal insulation largely depends on the conditions under which the thermal insulation will be used. For example, in a house or a bathhouse, because in the latter there is not only an increased level of humidity, but also a very high temperatures, especially in the steam room. It is very important that the thermal insulation withstands high temperatures and does not emit toxic substances.

Internal or external insulation

How to properly insulate a cinder block house: from the inside or the outside? We have discussed this issue more than once and once again we will repeat that, according to technology, thermal insulation should be attached from the street side. Only in this case, you do not risk, along with transferring the dew point to the inside of the wall, getting a result worse than before insulation. There are situations when you have to install thermal insulation inside, for example, in a steam room, because by insulating a cinder block bathhouse from the inside, you will protect the walls from moisture, which is also very important. Concrete blocks in conditions high humidity will last much less.

In addition, insulating a cinder block house from the outside is necessarily accompanied by a calculation of the thickness of the insulation. In each case, this indicator will be different, the result is affected by:

  • region of your residence;
  • wall thickness.

During the construction of walls, the blocks are placed on edge or laid flat, and in one row. It turns out that there is no air buffer zone, as with brickwork. Practice has shown that even if you choose the largest blocks, such buildings cannot do without additional thermal insulation.

How to insulate cinder block walls from the inside

The steam room in the bathhouse is insulated from the inside.

Internal insulation of a cinder block house is not recommended, unless, for example, you can use special paint with ceramic hollow spheres or penofol as additional thermal insulation. As independent materials they are ineffective. Thermal insulation of cinder block walls from the inside is practiced in steam saunas, when it is additionally necessary to protect the walls from moisture. In this case, the main thing is to prevent moisture from the steam room from getting into the insulation layer. Naturally, you can only use mineral wool. Work method:

  • on inside the walls in the steam room are erected with a wooden frame;
  • Mineral wool, preferably basalt, is placed between the guides;
  • foil insulation is spread over the sheathing - it is very effective for saunas, as it blocks infrared radiation and does not allow steam to pass through;
  • a second tier of sheathing is installed on top of the foam foam;
  • A wooden lining is attached to the second tier.

Mineral wool needs to be laid in two layers and ensure that the joints do not coincide. Minimum layer insulation 10 cm. The main thing is not to forget to glue the joints of the penofol with special (not stationery) tape. Also, one should not neglect the ventilation gap between penofol and wooden clapboard. Without it, reflective insulation simply will not work, and besides, the condensation on the foam foam must evaporate. Penofol foil often has small holes that are invisible to the eye. Therefore, to be on the safe side, you need to lay a vapor barrier membrane under the penofol.

External insulation method

Wet façade technique.

External insulation of a cinder block wall is performed using two methods:

  • wet facade;
  • ventilated facade.

Before you insulate a cinder block house from the outside, you should decide on a methodology to make it easier for you to figure out what will be more profitable. Wet facade- This is the application of plaster directly on top of the insulation. This method is possible using mineral wool or polystyrene foam (regular and extruded). The density of wool must be at least 50 kg/m. cube, foam plastic not less than 25 kg/m. cube, a larger error is welcome.

How to insulate a cinder block house from the outside using the wet facade method:

  • the wall must be smooth and primed;
  • The thermal insulation is glued to the wall and fixed with dowels;
  • a layer of putty is applied, a reinforcing mesh is embedded in it, a special plastic corner is used at the corners;
  • a second layer of putty is applied on top;
  • the surface is primed and painted.

Mineral wool is glued to universal dry construction adhesive, which must be diluted with water, and can also be used to putty. Polystyrene foam, in addition to such glue, can be attached to adhesive foam - similar to mounting foam, but intended for polystyrene foam boards.

If the insulation is laid in two layers, then the slabs of each layer must be secured with dowels, because they will be subject to the load not only from the weight of the thermal insulation, but also from two layers of putty. Naturally, all seams are foamed and they should not match. Do not ignore slopes; cold air enters the room through them.

Ventilated façade technique.

The ventilated façade technique involves constructing a structure from the outside, where the thermal insulation layer will be blown through. This is necessary to remove all possible condensation and for cooling, which is convenient in the hot summer. The technique can be used:

  • mineral wool;
  • polystyrene foam with its derivatives;
  • liquid thermal insulation;
  • ecowool.

First, the first level of sheathing is erected, then the thermal insulation stage. Mineral wool and foam plastic are glued, and ecowool, polyurethane foam and penoizol are sprayed onto the wall using a compressor. Afterwards, any film is laid, which should first of all be a wind barrier, and if it still does not allow moisture to pass through, this is only a plus. The next level of sheathing is built on top of the film, which is necessary so that there is a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation and the finishing. In the buffer air zone, flows always circulate from bottom to top, like an exhaust hood. Considering this fact, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the degree of flammability of the materials used. Should choose , which we already wrote about once.

Brief summary

Before you insulate a cinder block house from the inside, remember the parting words of heating engineers: “ Good result provides only external insulation.” Work inside is carried out only if it is necessary to protect the walls from the destructive effects of moisture, for example, in a steam room. In houses internal thermal insulation maybe as an addition to the outside, nothing more. From the street side, a house can be insulated using two methods: wet and ventilated facade. Before work, always consider which layer of thermal insulation is needed specifically in your case.

It is gaining momentum in Russia individual construction. From large quantity building materials many people choose cinder block. A house made of this material can be built in a short time and, most importantly, costs little money. The disadvantage of cinder block is its loose, porous structure. As a result, under the influence of temperature changes and moisture, it crumbles. To avoid this, a cinder block house is subject to internal and exterior decoration. In this article we will tell you how to insulate a cinder block house.

When choosing a cinder block for building a private house, be sure to ask what kind of filler the manufacturer uses. The strength of the material depends on the size of the fractions; the smaller they are, the stronger the cinder block. But even this does not negate the mandatory insulation of a cinder block house.

Insulation of a cinder block house

When preparing to build a house, select in advance the material with which you will insulate the structure. To use any insulation, lay a wide base. This will give you the opportunity to work with any material, which can then be hidden under the finishing brick.

If you could not foresee this, then the only way out is to decorate the walls with plaster or install siding on them. Do not forget that when using these materials, thermal insulation must be made from sheets of foam plastic or fiber insulation.

Experienced craftsmen claim that exterior finishing, done according to all the rules, guarantees economic effect in 70%, so in some cases interior decoration not required.

Note! If you are insulating a cinder block house immediately after its construction, then you should not neglect installing a vapor barrier layer indoors. Moreover, they need to insulate not only the walls, but also the ceiling.

Install a vapor barrier layer and insulation on the outside of the ceiling. To do this, use polystyrene foam or mineral wool. The finishing of the external walls of the house does not require the installation of vapor barriers.

Note! If you built a house with a basement or basement, then their walls and ceilings also require the installation of vapor barrier and insulation layers.

Mineral wool is attached to the walls using plastic or wooden slats.

Painting or siding

The most democratic and cheapest option for insulating a cinder block house from the outside is installing foam plastic slabs, finishing it with plaster and then painting it. If you are dealing with an old house, then you need to do renovation work. Seal all cracks and uneven areas. Then you insulate the walls with foam plastic. Secure them with dowels 2 times larger than the thickness of the foam sheet.

More modern insulation material is expanded polystyrene, made from the same raw materials as polystyrene foam. The effect is produced by a different production technology. Both of these materials have the same thermal conductivity, but polystyrene foam has much lower water absorption. When insulating with this material, there is no need to install a vapor barrier layer.

Stages of work on insulating a cinder block house:

  1. Wall plastering work.
  2. Foam fastening.
  3. Installation of reinforced mesh.
  4. Leveling, priming and finishing walls
  5. Painting.
Note! If your project involves painting the walls, then most likely you will need to use acrylic or silicone plaster, but the latter will cost you much more.

The advantage of acrylic plaster is that it is applied in color. Mineral plaster needs to be painted after application. Painting will have to be repeated every 3 years. Colored plaster It will last you a very long time; usually it is painted when you want to change the color of the house.

If you have financial opportunities Insulate the house with mineral wool, which is then covered with siding.

Spray insulation

Insulation of the house is done in order to minimize heat loss. Manufacturers do not stop and are constantly searching for new insulation materials. One of these new insulation materials is polyurethane foam. You can use it in the form of insulating spray or filling.

The mixture, consisting of two components, is sprayed using special equipment and a gun. As a result, you will have a coating without seams; cold air will not be able to penetrate through it at the joints of the cinder blocks.

With polyurethane foam you can make external and internal insulation. In addition, the material, in addition to insulation, provides walls with a vapor barrier, increases the reliability of structures and protects wooden parts from rot. Polyurethane foam insulation, according to manufacturers, has a service life of 30 years.