How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands - an easy way to install a treatment facility. We make a septic tank from Eurocubes with our own hands - assembly diagram and installation Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes diagram

When arriving at a country house or dacha, you want to be in comfortable conditions. It is already very difficult to imagine modern life without sewerage and water supply, which is why these communications are among the first to be brought into the house. A septic tank made from Eurocubes is a simple and affordable way to arrange a sewage drainage system with your own hands on a private plot.

Design features

This design of a septic tank resembles a classic cesspool or drainage pit, except that the wastewater has the ability to penetrate into the ground. Ready-made containers for human waste are reliable and durable, they are easy to install and can last for a long time without cleaning. If it is not possible to buy a ready-made system, you can make homemade septic tank of such a type. For example, use several PVC barrels located on the same level, but then you will have to independently calculate the size and location of the ventilation hole.

Photo - principle of operation

Advantages use of septic tanks made of plastic eurocubes:

  1. There is no possibility of contamination of groundwater with fecal residues;
  2. The system also performs surface drainage, there is no need to additionally equip the drainage system for the yard;
  3. This is a septic tank closed type, i.e., unpleasant odors will not penetrate outside;
  4. You can install as many outlets as you like, their number may depend on the number of sanitary facilities in the house or other individual characteristics the buildings;
  5. There are no problems with pumping water. The process is quick and does not require the services of professional companies. This is an excellent option for a summer residence, because septic tanks made from Eurocubes require virtually no maintenance.

But the system has certain flaws:

  1. The cleaning process is completed in 3 days - this is much longer than automated system. But on the other hand, cleaning is carried out by bacteria, which increases the safety of using the system;
  2. Plastic is a very malleable and fragile material that quickly responds to pressure. If the size of the cup pit is incorrectly calculated or the soil is floating, the septic tank may become deformed, move or even crack.

Such septic tanks are classified by size (volume), number of outlets and the material from which they are made. PVC, rubber and other types of plastic can be used as raw materials. With the choice of the required volume and number of bends, everything is a little more complicated. Specialists calculate the amount of water consumption.

Photo - barrel as a cube

On average, one adult consumes up to 180 liters per day. Water is purified in 3 days, therefore:

180 * 3 = 540 liters requires cleaning within 3 days, if more than 1 person lives in a family, then 540 must be multiplied by the number of residents. For example, suppose there are two adults and one child in the house:

540 * 2 = 1080 liters and a child half the size - 540. In general, the septic tank should, by minimum standards, hold more than 1500 liters. Eurocubes are made with a volume of 1000 liters, therefore, for such a sewerage system you will need two cubes. The same applies to the number of taps. It is necessary to calculate how much sanitary equipment is used and, based on the number of pipes, cut the required number of holes for them in the cube. It is worth noting that initially the container is supplied with only one hole, which is necessary for proper operation - pumping out wastewater and sludge.

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Initially, the site is marked out and a layout diagram of the septic tank is prepared. There are a number of requirements for choosing the location for its installation:

  1. Minimum distance from the facade of the house - 6 meters, and if there is a basement, then the calculation comes from the basement. In this case, the device must be located at least 50 meters from a lake or other water source;
  2. The ditch that is being prepared for the installation of a septic tank must be concreted. This will protect the entire system from earth pressure;
  3. The bottom of the trench is covered with crushed stone or sand cushion, which will protect the septic tank from being pushed to the surface of the earth during the spring thaw or rising groundwater. Its minimum size is 10 centimeters and another 10 cm of solution on top;
  4. Used in cold areas additional insulation. Most often, in addition to cement, the ditch is covered with clay.

The size of the trench should be 10 centimeters larger than the size of the cube, since the frame will still be poured and a small amount of earth will be filled in for shrinkage. The pit for Eurocubes is dug along with trenches for sewer pipes that will enter the septic tank. These actions must be carried out simultaneously, since the septic tank is installed in the ground with side inlet holes.

Photo – calculation

Owners of septic tanks made from Eurocubes should also have a diagram of the location of incoming sewer pipes ready. The installation rules for such systems indicate that the minimum distance between pipes is at least 30 centimeters. After preparing the installation site, the cubes for the well are processed.

Instructions and diagram on how to set up a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands without pumping out wastewater:

If you need to build a septic tank without concreting the pit ( a budget option), then it is recommended to use a metal mesh or frame to install the cubes. It can be easily done at home by welding reinforcement rods together with small increments.

Photo – Eurocubes in a grid

This completes the production of the septic tank. The system is covered and masked. Periodically it is necessary to check the amount of sludge and remove it. The septic tank needs to be cleaned at least once a year for irregular use and 2 times for constant use. In the first year, after 12 months, it is necessary to supplement the bacteriological filter with new aerobic microorganisms; subsequently, this is done once every 2 years.

One of the ways to ensure high-quality wastewater treatment in a private home or country house without extra expenses is to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands.

Design and features of Eurocubes

Eurocubes are convenient containers for storing and transporting various liquids, the shape of which is fully determined by the name. The material for the manufacture of Eurocubes is durable, non-toxic and resistant to chemical exposure plastic. The thickness of the walls allows them to withstand quite large loads - depending on the model, Eurocubes have a capacity of 800 to 1000 liters. The outer frame made of thick steel wire gives the products additional strength. From the outside it looks like plastic container confined in a tight cage. To drain the liquid, there is a hole with a short neck, closed with a screw cap.

As material for self-made treatment facilities Eurocube for a septic tank at the dacha or in a private house It has certain advantages:

  • complete impermeability to water, which avoids the entry of dirty wastewater from the septic tank into the ground,
  • light weight, making it possible for one person to complete all the work on installing a septic tank without the use of special equipment,
  • ease of making holes and installing pipes (inlet, outlet and connecting),
  • high speed of construction of a treatment plant,
  • ease of maintenance of the septic tank,
  • enough high efficiency septic tank, subject to proper installation.

Drawing of a septic tank made of two interconnected Eurocubes

Disadvantages According to owner reviews, septic tanks made from Eurocubes are:

  • low strength of plastic, increasing the risk of destruction in the cold season,
  • the need to secure containers, which, due to their low weight when unfilled, can “float” during a flood.

It should be taken into account that the disadvantages of Eurocubes as septic tanks are relative, that is, they can be largely eliminated in the process of preparation for construction and during installation work.

Operating principle of the treatment plant

If a septic tank is installed from Eurocubes, the scheme most often involves the presence of two series-connected containers. In order to fully utilize the volume of the second tank, it is usually placed slightly lower than the first. Slowly flowing from one Eurocube to another, the wastewater gets rid of large fractions that settle to the bottom.

Related article: DIY voltage stabilizer

The photo shows a diagram of how to make a septic tank from Eurocubes from two containers

Designing a septic tank from a Eurocube implies that treatment facilities of this type are energy-independent. They do not require air flow, which means there is no need to install a compressor. Septic tanks do not require operating costs. Settled sludge and difficult-to-decompose impurities are broken down by anaerobic (not requiring air) microorganisms. At the initial stage of operation, it is necessary to add bioactivators to homemade septic tanks made from Eurocubes without pumping to speed up the cleaning processes.

In this case, pumping out septic tank wastewater is not required: the clarified wastewater enters the filtration field, where it undergoes additional purification, and the accumulated sludge can be removed without the use of special equipment, for which it is recommended to provide a special closing hole. The frequency of removing sludge from the septic tank is approximately once every one to two years, in the autumn.

If, having made a septic tank for your dacha from Eurocubes with your own hands, you don’t want to do the pumping yourself, you always have the opportunity to call specialists with equipment for this.

The required volume of the septic tank is determined as follows: 200 liters of water per person per day are multiplied by the number of family members, and all this is also multiplied by 3. For example, for three people a septic tank with a volume of 1800 liters, that is, 1.8 cubic meters, will be enough.

Preparation for installation

Having figured out how to make a septic tank from Eurocubes and acquired the materials necessary for construction, you can begin preparatory work.

When choosing a place where you plan to install a septic tank from Eurocubes without pumping it yourself, you need to take into account that it should be located no closer than 5 m to the house and 30-50 m to the well/well.

Location of the septic tank on the site

The pit for installing the septic tank is dug with a reserve. The size of the gap between the walls of the tank and the walls of the pit depends on the features of the chosen design.

  • To protect the septic tank from freezing, polystyrene foam or other moisture-resistant heat insulator is often installed.
  • To increase strength, they practice filling the gap with concrete or installing a “box” of boards.

One of the simplest and most economical available options for a treatment facility for a home or cottage - a septic tank made from Eurocubes. Combined with good drainage, it will clean your drains effectively and run smoothly for years to come. Let's look at how to make a septic tank with your own hands from Eurocubes, in detail with calculations and step-by-step instructions.

Those who are faced with the problem of choosing a treatment facility often have a question: is it worth spending money on a septic tank when you can get by with a regular one? cesspool. It is possible, but it may not withstand large volumes of water from all sanitary facilities, and the aromas hovering around it are not always acceptable in a private area, especially in a small one. In addition, untreated household wastewater can pollute groundwater, then you can smell it or even have a slight taste at the nearest well, and this will not please the workers of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

With a septic tank, these problems can be avoided, but since the cost of industrial structures is quite high, homeowners have to look for an alternative. And the most acceptable option in terms of cost and ease of installation was a septic tank made from a Eurocube.

Construction and

A septic tank made from Eurocubes is a single sealed system that consists of one or more containers. The sewage system is connected to the first tank, and the wastewater enters the tank, where it is roughly cleaned.

The operating principle of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

The sewage settles and is divided into several fractions with different specific gravity, namely, sediment, gases and clarified water, which is located in the middle layers. Also, water purification is facilitated by microorganisms that feed on organic waste. To maintain them in the required quantity, special mixtures of bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are added to the container. Through an overflow pipe, water from the first container passes into the second, where it also settles and fermentes.

The wastewater clarified in the second tank is approximately 60% cleared of impurities. Next, the water goes into the drainage system, where it undergoes soil purification. As a result of fermentation, a certain amount of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide is released in the first and second chambers; they are removed through the ventilation pipe. The liquid is pumped out using a sewer truck through a cleaning pipe.

The main element of the treatment plant is the Eurocube

Eurocube is a plastic container made of polyethylene high density, the thickness of its wall varies between 1.5-2 mm. In the upper part of the cube there is a filler neck with a diameter of 150 mm, a polyethylene cap is installed on it, it can additionally be equipped with ventilation valve. There is a drain valve at the bottom of the container.

The operating principle of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

Each Eurocube is enclosed in a metal frame and mounted on a wooden, steel or plastic pallet. Like many other plastic containers, Eurocubes have their own standard sizes, so the question: which one to buy rarely arises. A container with a volume of 1000 liters is considered standard, its length is 1.2 m, width – 1 m, height 1.16 m, weight about 50 kg. The Eurocube is a practically ready-made tank and requires only minimal installation work, which is why sewage systems with a septic tank made of polyethylene tanks are becoming increasingly popular.

Norms and rules for the location of a septic tank on the site

The basic requirements for installing a septic tank are documented in the construction, sanitary standards and rules, these are the main documents defining the design of a treatment plant, taking into account adjacent buildings and the characteristics of the territory. Before installing treatment facilities in a private house or country house, it is necessary to prepare and approve the project in the relevant organization.

When building a septic tank, it is important to pay attention to some features of its installation in certain conditions.

Norms and rules for the location of the septic tank

  • The installation depth of the septic tank, regardless of its design, should not be less than the freezing limit of the soil; if the requirement is not feasible, the septic tank must be insulated.
  • The soil must have high permeability; sandy and sandy soils are considered optimal.
    gravel soils. In case of clay soil Construction of cesspools and installation of a pump will be required.
  • If there is not enough territory on a private plot
    for ground filtration, the construction of an aeration well will be required.
  • When placing a septic tank on the site, it is worth considering that, like cesspools, it will require pumping and you need to take care of the possibility
    equipment entrance.

Calculation of septic tank capacity

In order for the sewage system to be functional, and the installation of a new septic tank in a private house not to be in vain, you should calculate in advance the expected volume of wastewater, and, accordingly, the volume and number of containers.

According to SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures” per person, the volume of water consumed is about 150-200 liters per day.

Standard rate water consumption per person per day is 200 liters, even if in fact it is less, they take this number into account and multiply it by the number of people living in the house. The resulting figure is multiplied by 3. 3 days is the standard time during which the water in the septic tank is purified and partially drained. Now, to determine the volume of the tank in m3, the resulting amount is divided by 1000. Thus, for a family of 3 people, the volume of the septic tank should be 1.8-2 m3, that is, you will need 2 eurocubes. If there are guests in the house, it is recommended to total capacity add 200 liters.

Stages of installation of a septic tank from Eurocubes

Sewerage with a septic tank made from Eurocubes differs from other treatment facilities in that additional equipment will be required

Drainage and drainage system

s, but with correct installation such a design will be a reliable and durable solution in a private home or country house.

Before you start installation work, think over the design and location of the septic tank on the site, decide which one is best to install so that the sewage system in a private house is functional and coordinate the plan with the SES.

Preparing a pit for a septic tank.

The length and width of the pit should correspond to the size of the septic tank assembly with a small margin of 15-20 cm around the entire perimeter. Thermal insulation and durable material will be placed in this gap to protect the septic tank from compression.

The required depth is determined taking into account the size of the Eurocube and the slope of the common pipeline. They also take into account the height of the concrete base for the septic tank and the fact that each subsequent container is installed 20-30 cm lower than the previous one, respectively, the bottom is screeded with a step, and fastening loops for the Eurocube are installed in the fresh solution.

Excavation and concreting of the base for a septic tank

Anchoring will protect the structure from displacement in the event of a groundwater breakthrough.

Important point: to prevent the septic tank from being squeezed out by groundwater in the spring, it must be secured to concrete base belts.

The next step excavation work will involve digging cesspool trenches for a filtration field or well. The work may vary depending on the selected method of soil purification.

Septic tank drainage system

Soil purification can be organized in several ways.

  • Filtration wells are a simple and inexpensive structure; they are a well, the bottom of which is made in the form of a filtration pad made of sand and gravel. But it is prohibited to install it on many types of soil: sandy loam, sand, cracked soil and loam. The productivity of the wells is small, and the installation must be coordinated with the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Fields of underground or above-ground filtration represent a kind of irrigation system through which processed septic tanks pass wastewater and fall into the soil. Set up a system of ceramic or plastic perforated pipes laid on the filtrate. At the end of each channel, a ventilation riser is installed to a height of up to 0.5 m.

Filtration systems for septic tanks

  • Filtration trenches are pits up to 1 meter deep, into which pipes more than 30 meters long are laid, through which water flows by gravity into the existing network or storm sewer.

Assembly and installation of a septic tank

The septic tank is assembled according to a pre-developed scheme, adhering to the basic rule - all connections must be absolutely sealed; builders do not have a consensus on which sealant is best to use.

Assembly begins by preparing the first container. From the top edge of the Eurocube, step 20 cm down and make a hole for the pipe that will connect treatment plant with an external sewerage system. On the opposite side of the cube, at a distance of 30 cm from the top, a second hole is made for overflow, through which the waste will flow into the second container.

Several holes are also made on the second Eurocube. The first is cut out for the overflow pipe, which will connect the container to the first tank. The height of the cut is calculated taking into account that the second tank will be located 20 cm below the first. On its opposite side, 15-20 cm below, a hole is made for the second overflow pipe; it will drain pre-purified wastewater to the filtration field.

On top of each tank it is necessary to arrange a hole for cleaning and ventilation duct. As a rule, only one hole is made at the top, and a pipe is fixed in it for cleaning, and the ventilation riser is brought out, using a ready-made hole in the filler neck. The pipe is selected of the appropriate diameter and raised to a height of up to 2 meters. Be sure to take into account the fact that ventilation tube should not be placed in a container below the overflow pipe.

Assembly and installation of a septic tank from Eurocubes

Advice! If the ventilation riser is made collapsible, then liquid can be pumped out of the septic tank through it in the future and no additional hole or pipe outlet will be required for cleaning

Septic tanks are connected to each other with steel elements at a distance of 15-20 cm. The structure can be insulated with mineral, basalt wool or polystyrene foam, do not forget about insulating pipes that are located above the freezing level of the soil.

Self-made and efficiently operating VOCs (local wastewater treatment plants) are of increased interest to users of our portal. For example, when the groundwater level is low, it is often used.

An attempt to implement this scheme on poorly draining, heaving soils, with high level groundwater problems can end badly. The rings can move during seasonal soil movement, and the tightness of the septic tank will be broken, and drainage well(which is installed without a bottom) or a filtration field will constantly flood. The use of purchased plastic treatment plants in a water-saturated “problem” area can also lead to the fact that when the soil heaves, the buried system is pushed out or compressed by the walls.

In this regard, an interesting scheme for implementing a surface septic tank from Eurocubes in the “swamp” of the user FORUMHOUSE with the nickname Globi.


I have a high groundwater level in my area. You can't make a regular septic tank. Having looked at the ordeals of my neighbor (for the second season after winter, he is trying to “drown” the constantly emerging VOCs), I decided to make a surface treatment system based on 2 Eurocubes.

The system attracted close attention from users who faced a similar problem of high groundwater level. But, having decided to build this scheme, you should immediately think about where to divert the runoff after the septic tank. Often, the problem of additional purification and further disposal of “black” water in a wetland, with insufficient absorption capacity of the soil, turns into a real “headache”.

How I solved this problem Globi, We will tell you a little later, but now we will describe the design of a surface septic tank. To assemble it we will need:

  • Eurocubes – 2 pcs.
  • Material for constructing an extension to the house in which the septic tank is installed: boards - 10 pcs. section 100x25 mm, sheets flat slate 1 cm thick.
  • Material for insulating the box – polystyrene foam (foam plastic) – 10 sheets.
  • Corrugated sheeting for the roof of a “house” for a septic tank.
  • Small things - sewer pipes, special sealing collars for septic tanks, tees, hardware.


Eurocubes cost me 3,500 rubles per piece. (at 2012 prices). I paid another 4,100 rubles for the material for the “sarcophagus”. Pipes and bends cost 3,500 rubles. + all sorts of little things and Construction Materials in the form of hollow concrete blocks, cement, metal mesh for reinforcing the base of a septic tank. I spent about 17 thousand rubles on everything.

The design of the extension can be changed in accordance with the size of the septic tank and the availability of certain building materials.

The main thing is when installing a surface septic tank, remember that all connection points plumbing equipment– toilet, sinks, bathtub – should be higher than the entry point into the container.

It is necessary to observe the required slope of the sewer pipes (2 cm per 1 linear meter, with a diameter of 110 mm). If the height of the first floor ceiling (from ground level to floor) does not allow the slope of the route to be maintained, then you will have to think about how to “throw” waste into the septic tank, for example, using a fecal pump.

The process of installing a septic tank is clearly visible in the following photographs.

We pour the base from concrete, and then we install the system, not forgetting to check it for leaks at the end of the assembly to make sure that after startup the septic tank will not “smell” when it is near the house. For this Globi I used a car compressor, having previously plugged the outlet with a standard plug, and placed a plug with a fitting from a hydraulic accumulator at the inlet.


I pumped for a long time until one of the plugs flew out with a loud bang. The system is sealed, foreign unpleasant odor must not be. Next, I will mount the ventilation pipe and think about how to ventilate the box itself so that overheating in the summer does not kill bacteria in the septic tank.

When checking containers for leaks under excess pressure, the main thing is not to get carried away with the process, otherwise the plastic cube may break.

To build a system, you need to understand the principle of its operation. According to the user, he thoroughly scoured the Internet to learn about the basic nuances of the functioning of a septic tank. The basis of the entire system is correct overflow, from one Eurocube to another, and further discharge of the runoff into the drainage.

When waste enters the septic tank, it is separated. Some of the solid waste immediately goes to the bottom or settles after some time, passing through settling. Then the liquid is poured into the next container. In this case, the liquid must be taken into the next tank from the previous cube so that the overflow is one third below the surface level of the water in the tank. This will allow you to cut off solid inclusions floating on the surface.


From classical scheme overflow I retreated. This allowed us to save on cleaning costs. In principle, they are not needed. Because The septic tank is not buried, you can disassemble everything and clean the pipes at any time.

For example, in this design, the entrance to the septic tank is cleaned directly from the house. There is an inspection hatch for this purpose. An overflow between the first and second containers is also available; just remove the wall (a sheet of slate screwed with screws) and disconnect the adapter to the ventilation pipe.

The exit from the septic tank is cleaned from the outside - plumbing cable through a tee.

You also need to ensure proper ventilation of the septic tank. For this purpose (it is taken out as high as possible, for example, to the ridge) there is also a supply pipe that ensures the flow of air into the system. Such a pipe is usually placed at the end of the filtration/aeration field, on the drainage pipe.

The drain pipe provides communication between the sewer system and the atmosphere, and also prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the house and the breakdown of water seals.

One of the main elements of the system is the drainage tunnel. The user made it from old bath, buried at a depth of 0.5 meters. He put it on concrete blocks(around the entire perimeter) to increase the volume of a homemade infiltrator - an inverted container without a bottom. The top of the bathtub is insulated with foam plastic and sprinkled with earth. The drainage is introduced through a hole in the bath.

An infiltrator is needed for post-treatment of wastewater.


Operation has shown that the drainage does not freeze.

Another question that worried many who decided to repeat this septic tank was whether it would freeze in winter.

Practice has shown that insulating the box with foam plastic 100 mm thick is sufficient for normal operation at subzero temperatures. It should be taken into account that the wall of the house towards which the containers are facing is warm. When bacteria are active (fermentation process), heat is generated. Additionally (just in case), the user put it below, with right side tank, electric heater with a power of 0.5 kW. During operation, even at -18 °C, the septic tank did not freeze, but A heater is really only needed in severe frosts.

To increase the efficiency of the cleaning system, Globi introduces a purchased bioactivator into it - microorganisms, flushing them down the toilet once a month.

Another question is whether the volume of 2 eurocubes is enough or is it better to supply 3 pieces.


The volume of the septic tank depends on the number of people living in the house. In addition, Eurocubes come in different sizes. Mine are 700 liters each. Effective volume – 550 liters each. Total - 1100 l. This, of course, falls slightly short of the recommended standards for 2 people, especially if there is a volley discharge, but in my house there are 2 bathrooms - with a composting toilet and a dry closet, and a shower with its own drainage. If necessary, over time it will be possible to supply 2 more Eurocubes. It's easy because... you won't have to dig anything.

Relax in country house, far from a noisy and dusty city, it’s good when all the appropriate conditions are created there for this. In the modern world, it is impossible to do without installing water supply and sewerage systems.

Some inhabitants of dachas and private buildings, due to the lack of centralized engineering and technical communication networks nearby, find a way out in the construction of ordinary drainage pits for sewage needs. This will not cost too much, but many problems arise during further operation.

Many of these problems can be avoided if you build a septic tank using Eurocubes. This is not difficult, and the service life of such a sewer structure is quite long.

Why Eurocube?

A Eurocube is a polyethylene container with a wall thickness of about two millimeters. On top of the cube is equipped with a filler neck (diameter 15 centimeters), closed plastic cover with valve for ventilation. A drain tap is installed at the bottom.

What are the benefits of using this type of septic tank:

  • Its installation requires a minimum of costs, since the Eurocube is a ready-made tank.
  • The spread of unpleasant odors is excluded.
  • The soil is not contaminated by the decomposition of human waste.
  • There is no need to often use the services of a vacuum cleaner, since such a septic tank is not cleaned very often, and besides, it is easy to do it yourself.
  • The service life is much longer than that of a cesspool.
  • Time to service this sewer device practically not required, it can’t break like that.

The operating principle of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

Such a septic tank is a single geometric system, which usually includes several containers, although for a small building with a small number of residents and seasonal use, one is enough.

Through the sewer drain pipe leaving the house, dirty water with waste enters the first container. There it undergoes rough purification, stratification of impurities, dividing them into fractions having different specific gravity.

Wastewater purification occurs due to special microorganisms that use organic waste for nutrition.

To ensure that there are enough of them, a special bacterial mixture is used, which is added to the septic tank.

Through the overflow pipe, the liquid moves to another container, continuing to settle and ferment.

The clarified waste, purified by 60 percent of impurities, then flows into the drainage, where it is further purified by soil.

How to make your own septic tank from Eurocubes

When installing a septic tank, you should be guided by construction and sanitary standards and regulations in order to correctly take into account nearby buildings and the features of the surrounding areas.

The following are points to consider during installation:

  • The septic tank must be installed at a depth below the soil freezing level. If this is not possible, it must be insulated.
  • The soil around the septic tank must have high permeability. Sandy and gravelly soil works well. If clay inclusions predominate, it is necessary to build a cesspool and install a pump.
  • If the soil has poor filtration, an aeration well is constructed.
  • The septic tank should be placed so that there is access to equipment for pumping.

Capacity calculation

Before starting all work, it is necessary to calculate the size of the expected drains in order to select the appropriate number of containers.

SNiPs regulating the construction of sewerage structures indicate that one person consumes from 150 to 200 liters during the day. This figure is multiplied by the number of family members, then by 3. The water purification cycle in the septic tank is designed for a three-day period.

Septic tank installation

First, dig a pit corresponding to the size of the Eurocubes, making a reserve of about 20 centimeters along the entire perimeter where it will be laid thermal insulation material. You can also install something strong here to counteract the compressive force.

The depth is determined based on the height of the container and the main slope. The installation of each subsequent Eurocube is carried out lower than the previous one by 25 - 30 centimeters. The height of the concrete pad under each container is also taken into account.

Drainage system

Soil water purification can be arranged in different ways.

  1. First way. Construction of filtration wells. This is done simply and inexpensively. The bottom of the dug well is made as a filtration sand or gravel bed. This method is not suitable for soil such as sand, sandy loam, or loam. Such an installation must be coordinated with the solar power plant; it is difficult to achieve high productivity from it.
  2. Second way. Construction of fields providing underground and above-ground filtration. This is a kind of irrigation system that passes wastewater processed by a septic tank before it goes into the soil. The system uses perforated ceramic or plastic pipes, which are placed on the filtrate. Ventilation risers about half a meter high are installed at the ends of the channels.
  3. Third way. Construction of filtration trenches, that is, meter-long pits up to thirty meters long, where pipes are laid. Drain water Due to gravity they end up in the storm drain.

Assembly and installation of a septic tank

The septic tank is assembled based on a pre-developed scheme. Each connection must be carefully sealed.

On the first Eurocube, twenty centimeters below the upper border, a round entrance is made into which a pipe is inserted, connecting the container with the external sewerage system. A round exit is made from the opposite end ten centimeters below the entrance, to pour wastewater into the next Eurocube.

The second Eurocube has an entrance from the first, not forgetting about the difference in the levels of the containers. From the other end of the cube they do round exit, where a second overflow pipe is inserted to drain treated wastewater to the filtration fields.

The upper surfaces of the tanks are equipped with holes for ventilation and cleaning. Both functions can be performed through one channel. The ventilation pipe is made two meters long. Its lower edge is located above the level of the overflow pipe.

Eurocubes are connected using steel elements at a distance of twenty centimeters. For insulation, mineral wool and polystyrene foam are used.

Norms and rules for installing a septic tank on the site

A septic tank can create serious problems if errors are made during its installation, if untreated wastewater ends up in ground aquifers.

SNiP standards when installing a septic tank should be strictly followed:

  • It is more expedient to use small hills for installing a septic tank, in order to avoid flooding and overflowing of Eurocubes with melt and rainwater.
  • It is necessary to take into account the groundwater level at the site in order to minimize the risk of flooding and floating of tanks during floods.

You should adhere to certain standards for distances on the site:

  • the septic tank is installed further than the five-meter line from the main building,
  • to the nearest standing body of water - a thirty-meter zone,
  • to the riverbed - ten meters,
  • to the drinking well - fifty meters.

Septic tank maintenance

For effective uninterrupted operation sewerage, it is necessary to ensure that the containers do not overfill, and also to carry out the following measures:

  • If it is necessary to pump liquid out of containers for prophylaxis, do this in autumn period when microorganisms are less biologically active. This allows you to reduce the pungency of the unpleasant odor.
  • When cleaning containers, do not forget to leave a little muddy substance in them to speed up the further activation of bacteria.
  • The driveway to the septic tank should not be littered so that the sewer truck can be used.
  • When using a drain in your home, do not throw anything down the toilet that could clog the pipes in the drainage system.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes

Relaxing in a country house, far from a noisy and dusty city, is good when all the appropriate conditions are created there.

Eurocube is a durable plastic container for airtight and reliable transportation or storage of liquids. Equipped with a mesh jacket made of galvanized steel, resistant to loads. Most of the autonomous waste treatment stations take the form of several containers designed for settling processes. Owners country houses We offer information on how to make a septic tank with your own hands from Eurocubes.

The advantage of using Eurocubes for sewage collection

Private households most often have to deal with the treatment and disposal of domestic wastewater on their own. The article will answer your question about how to inexpensively and effectively build a septic tank for your home and create a modern, environmentally friendly, effective option instead of a classic cesspool.

A septic tank is a well designed to receive and treat wastewater. Until recently, concrete rings were a popular material for manufacturing. This option does not satisfy many owners for a number of objective reasons:

  • construction cost,
  • low environmental friendliness,
  • labor intensity of maintenance.

Installing modern treatment systems, for example, “Topaz”, is also not a cheap pleasure. A budget option available to everyone is a septic tank made from Eurocubes, which has effective performance characteristics and is easy to maintain. For the construction of a modern cesspool, used containers are suitable; the cost of such containers is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than new products, and a large volume of 800 to 1000 liters is ideal for the intended construction.

Calculation of septic tank capacity

You need to start building your own septic tank by individually determining the container capacity. The calculation point is taken as the average daily water consumption of one person living in the house.

Example calculation for a family of 4 people:

  • Average water consumption per person is 200 liters. A family of four will use 800 liters per day.
  • The average duration of the wastewater settling period is three days.
  • Therefore, the total volume of containers for receiving is 2400 liters.
  • Taking into account unexpected water inflows, add a reserve and choose at your discretion 3 containers of 1 m3 or 2 containers of 1.25 m3.

Preparing a pit for sewerage

  • The first step is to select a location for the sewerage structure. It is planned at some distance from the water intake and the foundation of the house. The recommended minimum is 50 m from the water intake, 6 m from the base of the building and 3 m from the adjacent site. Excessive distance from buildings will lead to an undesirable deepening of the septic tank: the extra meters are reflected in losses in gravity flow pressure, the construction of inspection wells, and clogging in long pipes.
  • Next, the base of the pit is prepared. The length and width are taken according to the dimensions of the selected Eurocubes with a margin of 15-20 cm around the entire perimeter for laying thermal insulation. The depth of the sewer pit is selected taking into account the height of the Eurocubes and the slope of the common highway. The slope is taken in the ratio of 0.2 m per 1 m of pipeline. TO calculated value add 0.2 cm for concreting the bottom. Filling concrete mixture performed immediately after digging a pit. Fasteners for “anchors” are driven into the fresh solution. The Eurocube must be held in the finished bunker and not be squeezed out by groundwater.

  • The final stage is digging trenches. It is performed individually accessible ways. The main attention is paid to laying the drainage system. Eurocube acts as an intermediate, preliminary treatment plant. Final wastewater treatment occurs in soils, in pre-designated filtration areas. For these areas, a branched drainage system with a depth of at least 0.5 m is installed. The length of each branch is up to 20 m. Optimal quantity branches on loam for a wastewater volume of 800 liters is 2-3 channels.

Manufacturing. Assembly. Installation of a septic tank

A rational option for assembling a septic tank from Eurocubes is to connect 2 units of containers. Advantages of this choice:

  • Optimal number of connections between cameras.
  • Easy installation.
  • A small pit.
  • Easy choice of location for the pit.

It is necessary to prepare the following parts, equipment and accessories in advance:

  • 4 pieces of tees with a pipe diameter of 100-150mm.
  • Pipe sections of the appropriate diameter.
  • Tool for cutting thick plastic.
  • Metal welding machine.
  • Silicone or other sealant.
  • Drainage pipes, perforated, with a diameter of 50 mm. The quantity is determined individually according to the project.
  • A prepared platform, flat, rising 20 cm above the horizontal.
  • Ropes or cables for lowering the septic tank into the pit.
  • Compasses, calipers, chalk, centimeter, work gloves.

Work begins with sealing the drains. For a narrow neck of a Eurocube, which does not allow a tee to be placed inside the container, an incision is made along the diameter of the hole. Subsequently, the technological cut is sealed.

A hole is cut for the incoming pipe:

  • A distance of 20-30cm is marked on the side of each container.
  • The center of the circle is marked.
  • A contour is drawn along the diameter of the tee.
  • Cutting is in progress.
  • A piece of pipe is cut to the required size.
  • A tee is inserted into the hole and a pipe is connected to it.

Holes are cut to connect the Eurocubes to each other. A piece of pipe is cut out the right size and using tees the connection is made.

A hole for ventilation is cut out on the horizontal surface of each Eurocube; in the future, a ventilation pipe connected to a tee will be placed in this “window”. Each of the pipe inlet/outlet nodes is equipped with a tee and a pipe for ventilation. The result is a Eurocube with a pipe connected inside each container to a cleaning ventilation pipe via a tee.

The septic tank is assembled according to the following principle:

  • The first container is placed on a pedestal or mound so that it becomes 20 cm higher than the second. A hole is cut on the side 20 cm below the hole for the sewer. This operation is performed for rational use volume of the second European cube.
  • Both Eurocubes are connected by a pipe. Upon completion of pipe installation, the joints are carefully sealed. The use of sealant and preparation of the application site is carried out according to the instructions on the adhesive.
  • The upper seam along the neck is fastened with special rivets, treated with sealant, and a waterproofing layer is fused to guarantee it.
  • The structure is rigidly fixed with reinforcement and welded to the metal frame of the containers, eliminating the possibility of displacement of the Eurocubes relative to each other.
  • On the surface of the second Eurocube, a distance of 30 cm from top point and cut a hole for drainage pipe.

Pipe connections are sealed with high quality silicone or other special sealant.

The prepared septic tank is insulated. Polystyrene foam is used as an insulating material. The container is covered on the sides with pieces of PP and placed in a pit on the concrete bottom of the pit. The septic tank is secured with a cable threaded through loops.

The containers are filled with water to create the proper hardness. Eurocubes are filled with concrete to provide protection against compression by soil. Filling is done in portions, carefully so as not to damage the thin walls of the Eurocubes.

Can be used instead concrete mortar boards treated with an antiseptic composition, or covered with corrugated sheets.

Finally, the surface of the septic tank is covered with foam sheets or wooden flooring rolled up, covered with soil, leaving only ventilation and cleaning pipes on the surface.

Laying the drainage system

He does not produce a septic tank with his own hands. complete cleansing wastewater without a drainage system. Perforated pipes with a diameter of 5 cm are purchased for it. The drainage system is routed from the outlet pipe of the Eurocube and distributed over the entire aeration area. The pipes are covered with a 20 cm layer of soil or gravel to ensure effective distribution of water flow.

Installation of a septic tank with a high groundwater level

For soils with a high groundwater level, the septic tank is installed as described above. The difference is the reinforced “anchoring” of the structure in the pit. The cable selected is strong, resistant to mechanical stress, has a high bending characteristic, and is resistant to corrosion and rotting.

The aeration field is made in bulk, in the form of a slide. The hill is decorated with a rock garden to make it look like an alpine hill.

A third container is connected to the septic tank to create an additional filter block, or a small well is dug next to the septic tank. A pump with a float-type switch is installed in an additional compartment to pump wastewater into an aeration field located above the groundwater rise.

Turnkey septic tank

Handing over a turnkey septic tank to yourself means checking the pipe connections and their sealing. Ensure that the concrete is compacted or poured correctly. The concrete surface is smooth, without deep crevices. Perform a test run of the septic tank clean water. Check the effectiveness of the filtration field and drainage system.

Some practical advice for arranging a septic tank from Eurocubes

  • Use medium-diameter perforated pipes for the drainage system. Make sure that the surface of the new pipes does not have defects, sagging or strange inclusions.
  • Drainage pipes are backfilled with any soil, sand or soil mixture. But to protect pipes from silting, it is preferable to use crushed stone. It has high throughput and antiseptic properties.

  • On loamy soils, with a high groundwater level, use an additional septic tank protection agent. A well for filtration, a specialized biologically active mixture, an expanded drainage system.
  • Closely monitor the septic tank and drainage system during sudden temperature drops. At low temperatures, plastic becomes brittle, loses most of its thermal insulation properties, and water begins to stagnate and freeze. The septic system will fail. For preventive purposes, use mineral or basalt insulation and wrap pipes located close to the surface. Do not allow the septic tank to overflow, drain the drain once a day.
  • Carry out sanitary cleaning and disinfection of the septic tank annually. Remove sludge from Eurocubes, wash pipes and tees. It is recommended to carry out the cleaning procedure in the autumn. At this time, biological activity inside the containers begins to decrease, the release of microorganisms slows down or completely stops, and the unpleasant odor decreases.
  • Cleaning should begin by clearing the area under the ventilation and cleaning pipe from soil. Using improvised equipment, liquid, silty, and solid waste are extracted through the pipe opening. Use them as organic fertilizer.
  • Rinse the septic tank with water from a watering hose, pour boiling water over the joints and tees.
  • Assemble the structure. Apply sealant to exposed joints. Sprinkle with soil and tamp down.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes, made independently, will cost much less than a septic tank made from concrete rings. Concrete rings are less durable when used in aggressive environments. The plastic of the Eurocube can withstand the destructive activity of detergents. Acids and alkalis dissolved in wastewater do not corrode the surface.

Eurocubes are easier to maintain. They are washable and less limescaled inside. Severe frost with proper thermal insulation of containers, it will not lead to destruction of the material of the Eurocubes.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes, Construction portal

Eurocube is a durable plastic container for airtight and reliable transportation or storage of liquids. Equipped with a mesh jacket made of galvanized steel, resistant to

Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes

One of the simplest and most affordable options for a treatment facility for a home or cottage is a septic tank made from Eurocubes. Combined with good drainage, it will clean your drains effectively and run smoothly for years to come. Let's look at how to make a septic tank with your own hands from Eurocubes, in detail with calculations and step-by-step instructions.

Those who are faced with the problem of choosing a treatment facility often have a question: is it worth spending money on a septic tank when you can get by with a regular cesspool. It is possible, but it may not withstand large volumes of water from all sanitary facilities, and the aromas hovering around it are not always acceptable in a private area, especially in a small one. In addition, untreated household wastewater can pollute groundwater, then you can smell it or even have a slight taste at the nearest well, and this will not please the workers of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

With a septic tank, these problems can be avoided, but since the cost of industrial structures is quite high, homeowners have to look for an alternative. And the most acceptable option in terms of cost and ease of installation was a septic tank made from a Eurocube.

Design and operating principle of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

A septic tank made from Eurocubes is a single sealed system that consists of one or more containers. The sewage system is connected to the first tank, and the wastewater enters the tank, where it is roughly cleaned.

The sewage settles and is divided into several fractions with different specific gravity, namely, sediment, gases and clarified water, which is located in the middle layers. Also, water purification is facilitated by microorganisms that feed on organic waste. To maintain them in the required quantity, special mixtures of bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are added to the container. Through an overflow pipe, water from the first container passes into the second, where it also settles and fermentes.

The wastewater clarified in the second tank is approximately 60% cleared of impurities. Next, the water goes into the drainage system, where it undergoes soil purification. As a result of fermentation, a certain amount of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide is released in the first and second chambers; they are removed through the ventilation pipe. The liquid is pumped out using a sewer truck through a cleaning pipe.

The main element of the treatment plant is the Eurocube

Eurocube is a plastic container made of high-density polyethylene; its wall thickness varies between 1.5-2 mm. In the upper part of the cube there is a filler neck with a diameter of 150 mm; a polyethylene cap is installed on it; in addition, it can be equipped with a ventilation valve. There is a drain valve at the bottom of the container.

Each Eurocube is enclosed in a metal frame and mounted on a wooden, steel or plastic pallet. Like many other plastic containers, Eurocubes have their own standard sizes, so the question: which one to buy rarely arises. A container with a volume of 1000 liters is considered standard, its length is 1.2 m, width – 1 m, height 1.16 m, weight about 50 kg. The Eurocube is a practically ready-made tank and requires only minimal installation work, which is why sewage systems with a septic tank made of polyethylene tanks are becoming increasingly popular.

Norms and rules for the location of a septic tank on the site

The basic requirements for the installation of a septic tank are formalized in construction and sanitary norms and rules; these are the main documents that determine the construction of a treatment plant, taking into account adjacent buildings and the characteristics of the territory. Before installing treatment facilities in a private house or country house, it is necessary to prepare and approve the project in the relevant organization.

When building a septic tank, it is important to pay attention to some features of its installation in certain conditions.

  • The installation depth of the septic tank, regardless of its design, should not be less than the freezing limit of the soil; if the requirement is not feasible, the septic tank must be insulated.
  • The soil must have high permeability; sandy and sandy soils are considered optimal.

gravel soils. In the case of clay soil, the construction of cesspools and the installation of a pump will be required.

  • If there is not enough territory on a private plot

for ground filtration, the construction of an aeration well will be required.

  • When placing a septic tank on the site, it is worth considering that, like cesspools, it will require pumping and you need to take care of the possibility

Calculation of septic tank capacity

In order for the sewage system to be functional, and the installation of a new septic tank in a private house not to be in vain, you should calculate in advance the expected volume of wastewater, and, accordingly, the volume and number of containers.

According to SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures” per person, the volume of water consumed is about 150-200 liters per day.

The standard rate of water consumption per person per day is 200 liters, even if in fact it is less, they take this number into account and multiply it by the number of people living in the house. The resulting figure is multiplied by 3. 3 days is the standard time during which the water in the septic tank is purified and partially drained. Now, to determine the volume of the tank in m3, the resulting amount is divided by 1000. Thus, for a family of 3 people, the volume of the septic tank should be 1.8-2 m3, that is, you will need 2 eurocubes. If there are guests in the house, it is recommended to add 200 liters to the total capacity.

Stages of installation of a septic tank from Eurocubes

Sewerage with a septic tank made from Eurocubes differs from other treatment facilities in that additional equipment will be required

s, but with proper installation, such a design will be a reliable and durable solution in a private home or country house.

Before starting installation work, they think through the design and location of the septic tank on the site, decide which one is best to install so that the sewage system in a private house is functional and coordinate the plan with the SES.

Preparing a pit for a septic tank.

The length and width of the pit should correspond to the size of the septic tank assembly with a small margin of 15-20 cm around the entire perimeter. Thermal insulation and durable material will be placed in this gap to protect the septic tank from compression.

The required depth is determined taking into account the size of the Eurocube and the slope of the common pipeline. They also take into account the height of the concrete base for the septic tank and the fact that each subsequent container is installed 20-30 cm lower than the previous one, respectively, the bottom is screeded with a step, and fastening loops for the Eurocube are installed in the fresh solution.

Anchoring will protect the structure from displacement in the event of a groundwater breakthrough.

The next stage of excavation work will be digging cesspool trenches for a filtration field or well. The work may vary depending on the selected method of soil purification.

Septic tank drainage system

Soil purification can be organized in several ways.

  • Filtration wells are a simple and inexpensive structure; they are a well, the bottom of which is made in the form of a filtration pad made of sand and gravel. But it is prohibited to install it on many types of soil: sandy loam, sand, cracked soil and loam. The productivity of the wells is small, and the installation must be coordinated with the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Underground or above-ground filtration fields are a kind of irrigation system through which wastewater processed by a septic tank passes and enters the soil. Set up a system of ceramic or plastic perforated pipes laid on the filtrate. At the end of each channel, a ventilation riser is installed to a height of up to 0.5 m.

  • Filtration trenches are pits up to 1 meter deep, into which pipes more than 30 meters long are laid, through which water flows by gravity into the existing network or storm sewer.

Assembly and installation of a septic tank

The septic tank is assembled according to a pre-developed scheme, adhering to the basic rule - all connections must be absolutely sealed; builders do not have a consensus on which sealant is best to use.

Assembly begins by preparing the first container. From the upper edge of the Eurocube, step back 20 cm and make a hole for a pipe that will connect the treatment facility with the external sewage system. On the opposite side of the cube, at a distance of 30 cm from the top, a second hole is made for overflow, through which the waste will flow into the second container.

Several holes are also made on the second Eurocube. The first is cut out for the overflow pipe, which will connect the container to the first tank. The height of the cut is calculated taking into account that the second tank will be located 20 cm below the first. On its opposite side, 15-20 cm below, a hole is made for the second overflow pipe; it will drain pre-purified wastewater to the filtration field.

On top of each tank it is necessary to organize a cleaning hole and a ventilation duct. As a rule, only one hole is made at the top, and a pipe is fixed in it for cleaning, and the ventilation riser is brought out, using a ready-made hole in the filler neck. The pipe is selected of the appropriate diameter and raised to a height of up to 2 meters. Be sure to take into account the fact that the ventilation pipe should not be lowered into the container below the overflow pipe.

Advice! If the ventilation riser is made collapsible, then liquid can be pumped out of the septic tank through it in the future and no additional hole or pipe outlet will be required for cleaning

Septic tanks are connected to each other with steel elements at a distance of 15-20 cm. The structure can be insulated with mineral wool, basalt wool or polystyrene foam; do not forget about the insulation of pipes that are located above the freezing level of the soil.

In addition, a homemade septic tank must be protected from compression. To do this, it is filled with water and the gap between the system and the pit wall is concreted. A simpler and cheaper version of protection is also practiced; a box is made around the perimeter of the structure from boards soaked in an antiseptic, and the earth filled between the septic tank and the walls of the pit is carefully compacted.

Septic tank maintenance

In order for the septic tank, and therefore the sewage system in the house, to work smoothly, it is important to prevent the containers from overflowing and to follow some simple rules.

  • If you need to download contents to

For preventive purposes, it is better to do this in the fall, at this time the biological activity of microorganisms is lower and the unpleasant odor is not so pungent.

  • When evacuating the contents of a septic tank, some of the accumulated sludge is left at the bottom,

to ensure further normal filling of the chambers with active bacteria.

  • The contents of the septic tank are being pumped out

sewage disposal equipment, so you should take care of the entrance in advance.

  • If you additionally introduce special mixtures of bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, pumping

will be needed less often.

  • After installing a septic tank, it is strictly not recommended to flush rags, matches, napkins, hygiene products and even toilet paper into the sewer.

DIY septic tank from Eurocubes video

Let's look at how to make a septic tank with your own hands from Eurocubes, in detail with calculations and step-by-step instructions.

How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands - detailed photo installation instructions

Holidays at the dacha are pleasant only if all the benefits of civilization are present there. For modern people, the presence of running water and sewerage is one of the criteria for comfort. And if in apartment buildings There are no problems with this, but in the private sector residents have to look for a way out of this situation. Sometimes, wanting to save money, people equip a regular drainage pit. In this case, apart from the low cost of construction, there are no other positive aspects. It is much better to build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands, which will serve you for more than a year. Moreover, this is one of the most simple ways arrangement of sewerage in a country house.

What are the advantages of a septic tank over other structures?

  • preventing the spread of unpleasant odors;
  • absence of soil contamination by human waste products;
  • there is no need for the services of vacuum cleaners; cleaning a septic tank is done quite rarely and can be done independently;
  • A septic tank will last much longer than a cesspool.

Choosing the right container volume

The size of the septic tank is selected depending on the number of drains. Their volume is determined depending on the period of operation and the number of residents in the house. For temporary use in summer period a small volume design is suitable, and year-round use A septic tank involves daily discharge of wastewater.

Their volume is determined by the number of people living in the house. It is assumed that the daily water consumption per person is 200 liters. Based on this value, the daily water consumption for all residents is determined. The volume of the septic tank chamber should be three times larger than this figure. It is advisable to choose a septic tank with a slightly larger volume, taking into account the unexpected increase in wastewater.

Where on the property should the septic tank be located?

The sewerage structure must be located away from the water intake site. The minimum distance is 50 meters. When installing a septic tank, you must move at least 6 meters away from the foundation of the building, but you should not build it too far from the building either.

Layout of the septic tank in relation to other objects

Since the sewerage system must have a sufficient slope, every extra meter leads to a decrease in the installation level of the septic tank. In addition, in a long pipeline there is a high probability of blockages. To eliminate them, you will have to build inspection wells. Also, the septic tank should not be located closer than 3 meters to the neighboring area.

Preparing the pit and base for installation

To build a septic tank from Eurocubes, the first step is to prepare a pit for containers and a trench for sewer pipes. The size of the pit for the septic tank is taken based on the volume of the installed chambers plus 15 centimeters on each side. The depth of the pit depends on the size of the Eurocubes and the slope of the sewer line, which must be at least 2 centimeters per meter of pipeline.

The bottom of the pit is filled about fifteen centimeters with concrete. During this process, you need to make loops to “anchor” the cubes so that they are not squeezed out by groundwater. A trench is dug from the house to the septic tank installation site. The trench should slope towards the septic tank.

Preparation of Eurocubes for further installation

Before starting work, containers must be prepared. At this stage, the drain in the lower part of the container is sealed, and holes are made in the Eurocubes themselves for inlet and outlet pipes and ventilation.

The drain at the bottom of the Eurocube must be sealed to prevent leakage

To prepare 2 Eurocubes for use as sewerage, you will need four tees and pipe sections (d=10-15 cm). To insert the tee, a cut is made around the neck in the shape of the letter P and the edge is bent.

In order to insert the tee into the container, you need to make a cut. Its size must be sufficient for the passage of the tee

In the first cube you need to make a hole for the pipe coming from the house. A piece of pipe of the required length is cut, inserted into the resulting hole and connected to the tee.

This hole is supplied sewage pipe from home. When connecting pipes, do not forget to check the presence of rubber bands

The tee is inserted into the container and connected to the inlet pipe

For ventilation, a hole is cut above the tee and a piece of pipe (d=5 cm) is inserted. On the other side of the container, an outlet hole is made, which should be located below the inlet. The same hole is made in another Eurocube, but taking into account that the cube will be located 20 cm lower than the first. This is necessary for full use of the volume of the second container. Tees must be connected to the pipe connecting both tanks, with ventilation outlets installed on top of them.

On both sides of the pipe connecting the tanks, it is necessary to connect tees and install ventilation outlets

A hole is also made for a drainage pipe leading to the aeration field. After all pipes have been installed, the joints should be treated with sealant.

All connections must be carefully treated with sealant

The seam around the neck is fastened with rivets and also treated with sealant. A waterproofing layer is fused on top.

A waterproofing layer is fused to the cutout around the neck

To ensure that the containers do not move relative to each other, they must be securely fastened to each other. To do this, the frames of the Eurocubes are welded together. For more durable fastening, reinforcement is used.

After the Eurocubes are firmly fastened together they are ready for installation

Installation of Eurocubes in the pit

The prepared Eurocubes are installed in the pit and attached to the prepared loops with a cable. Where soils tend to swell, it is necessary to protect containers. To do this, you can lay corrugated sheets or antiseptic-treated boards on all sides, or fill the distance between the soil and the walls of the cubes with concrete. In this case, the frame of the containers will serve as additional reinforcement. Before pouring concrete, the containers must be filled with water, and the process itself must be carried out gradually and very carefully.

Note! The walls of the Eurocube are very thin, so the process of pouring concrete requires extreme caution.

Using polystyrene foam, the walls of the containers and the top are insulated. The entire structure is covered with wood or concrete.

The walls and top of the Eurocubes are insulated with foam plastic. This will help prevent the septic tank from freezing in cold weather.

In any case, such a homemade septic tank made from Eurocubes does not completely clean the wastewater. Therefore, for complete cleaning, it is best to equip a drainage field. Only in this case sewer system will be completed.

How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands - installation rules

We make a septic tank from Eurocubes with our own hands. Consistent description of the process. We install a homemade septic tank from Eurocubes.