Illumination of plants with phytolamps. How to provide additional illumination for indoor plants, lamps for additional illumination of plants

The most unique and amazing property plants - the ability to create complex organic matter with the help of sunlight. No other has this property Living being on the planet! However, different plants unequal requirements for light, and they depend, first of all, on the origin of a particular species. Thus, Aloe Africanus, growing in the desert and accustomed to being under the scorching rays of the African sun, requires much more light than Aspidistra, a resident of the gloomy tropical forests of Indochina.

Groups of plants according to light needs

According to the amount of light required, indoor plants can be divided into: 2 main groups: photophilous And shade-tolerant, content with moderate lighting.

There is also an intermediate group - plants that prefer partial shade. This group includes only some species of light-loving or shade-tolerant genera. A striking example is Aglaonema, natural species of which grow in forests and are therefore shade-tolerant. However, variegated (“variegated”) varieties prefer diffused light, without which they may lose their original color.

ON THE PICTURE:Aglaonema variegated does not tolerate light deficiency as easily as species with monochromatic leaves

The first group includes desert plants - Sedum, cacti, Haworthia, Hoya, Gasteria, Coleus, Croton, Eucalyptus. The second group includes Ivy, Dracaena fragrant, Saxifraga, Monstera, Aspidistra, Begonia.

You can even determine which group a particular plant belongs to visually. Just take a close look at it. Thus, shade-tolerant species are dark green in color, their leaves are wide, matte, and sometimes quite dense. The shoots of such plants are long, most often thickened. Light-loving species, on the contrary, have light green, equilateral, narrow and shiny leaves, often hard and thin. The shoots are short, with hairs.

ON THE PICTURE:Kleinia loves to bathe in the sunshine

As for the so-called "shade-loving" species, then none flowering plant doesn't like shadows. But their “younger” brothers (although evolutionarily they are more like “grandfathers and grandmothers”) - mosses, lichens and ferns prefer shade, because exposure to light can cause burns. That's why shade-loving plants allocated to a separate, less common group with its own specific conditions of detention.

You can determine which group of plants your particular flower belongs to by visiting our Encyclopedia. The “Illumination” characteristic is indicated by a “sun” icon. Point it at it and you'll know how much light your plant needs.

What plants require additional lighting in winter?

The simplest answer to this question is: those that you want to achieve flowering and/or vigorous growth in winter. In winter, houseplants experience a lack of natural light. Even on the east-facing windows, which were bathed in sunlight in the summer, there is not enough light on short cloudy days.

Some types of flora adapt well to such conditions and even bloom in winter. These are the so-called plants short day that require no more than 8–10 hours of light per day for normal growth and development - Kalanchoe, Poinsettia, Chrysanthemum, Begonia, Gerbera, Azalea, Aster and others.

ON THE PICTURE: Some plants bloom even in low light, like this Echinopsis

But still, most species require a minimum of 10–12 hours of natural or bright artificial light. These include Campanula, Gardenia, Fuchsia, Oleander, Hibiscus, Gloxinia, Pelargonium, Viola, Delphinium, and almost all orchids.

So, when and in what cases is it necessary to add additional lighting? The answer to this question depends on several factors:
  • Placement relative to cardinal direction. Absolutely all plants on the north and west sides, as well as plants located in rooms with thick curtains or blinds, require an additional source of lighting.
  • Rest period. In winter, some plants need rest. Therefore, they take themselves on vacation, something akin to our summer vacation. If your flower is dormant, it is enough to illuminate it only from time to time to maintain natural growth and development. You can find out about the dormant period of your particular plant in our “Encyclopedia”.
  • Your personal preferences. Everything is simple here: if you, for example, Not want to collect a “rich harvest” of Saintpaulia in winter time, reduce the time you highlight your flower. And vice versa, if you want to admire the flowering, increase the portion of “sun rays”.
  • Needs of individual plant species. As we already wrote above, “variegated” plant varieties, for example, Aglaonema or Ficus benjamina variegata, will require additional lighting. Also, some decorative foliage plants without lighting lose their pattern or its shades. Almost all arrowroots (Arrowroot, Ctenantha, Stromantha and others) belong to such “picky” species.

How to add light to plants? Plant lamps

When choosing a lighting device, you should take into account not only the intensity, but also the spectrum of light radiation. It is known that plants do not absorb all rays, but only those in the blue and red spectrum. Orange-red and blue-violet rays are optimal. Orange-red light promotes seed germination and shoot growth, and blue-violet stimulates the development of green mass.

ON THE PICTURE: Plants and people “see” light differently. The human eye distinguishes yellow-green shades in sunlight and does not see blue and red at all. Plants, on the contrary, are sensitive to the blue and red regions of the spectrum and to a lesser extent to the yellow-green

Fluorescent, gas-discharge, LED, and incandescent lamps are used as artificial lighting sources. In this review article we will recommend the simplest and most available options: special phytolamps type T8 (regular tubular) Osram Fluora or its analogue Sylvania GroLux. Despite the low power (the maximum of these lamps is 58 watts with a length of more than 1.2 m), they provide excellent illumination even tropical plants. In particular, Gardenia blooms profusely in winter under the pink light of these lamps. If it is not possible to purchase them, we recommend the brightest fluorescent lamps from Philips or Osram. They are often T5 type - these are thinner tubular lamps for compact luminaires. They shine better than regular T8s.

Ask sellers to show you lamps with a color temperature of 5500–6500 Kelvin. Usually on packages this color temperature corresponds to the phrase Cool white("cold white"). Fluorescent lamps with markings Warm white(“warm white”) have more orange-red rays in their spectrum, which are also important for plants. Ideally, you combine one “cool white” light and one “warm white” light in one lamp.

But it is better not to use ordinary incandescent light bulbs with a tungsten filament for additional illumination. The light intensity of such devices is low, but at the same time they produce such an amount of heat that they simply burn the plants.

ON THE PICTURE: Phytolamp for additional illumination of plants Osram Fluora - good alternative natural light

Reflectors or reflectors play an important role in illuminating plants. Thanks to the reflective surface, they collect scattered light and direct it back to the plant, which greatly increases the efficiency of the lamps. Many modern lighting have built-in reflectors, but you can buy them separately or make them yourself from scrap materials. Metallized and white matte surfaces reflect the rays best, for example, food foil(but not the glossy, but the matte side), white fabric or white opaque polyethylene. But an ordinary mirror reflects only 40% of the rays needed by the plant, so it is better not to use ordinary mirrors.

How to organize additional lighting for a plant?

It is very important to place the lights correctly. The optimal position is when the light from the lamp falls on the plant at a right angle. Beginning gardeners often make the same mistake: they hang the lights too high, trying to cover as many plants as possible with light. As a result, none of them receives enough light.

The main illuminator is placed 20–25 cm from the upper leaves of the plant if it is light-loving, and 55–60 cm if it is shade-tolerant. When installing a lamp, remember that your flower will soon begin to grow, and it is better to provide options for adjusting the height of the lighting fixture in advance.

ON THE PICTURE: Ready solution with additional lighting for the kitchen or small garden, providing for adjustable lamp height

If your green pets “live” on a shelf or in a plant cabinet, you can use fluorescent tubes installed along the width of the shelf for additional lighting. Mirror self-adhesive glued to the sides is suitable as a reflector.

Mirrors on the side slopes of the window frame will help increase the intensity of natural light for window plants. Firstly, this little trick will allow you to extend daylight hours a little. And secondly, this technique will create the illusion that there are “more plants” on the window, which in itself is very beautiful (but do not forget that mirrors reflect less light needed by plants than ordinary white surfaces).

ON THE PICTURE: Arranging additional lighting in a room without windows. In the background there is reflective film for magnification. luminous flux

Windows and reflective surfaces should be regularly cleaned of dust and dirt, even if they appear clean on the outside. During the day, a thin layer of dust, often invisible to the eye, settles on them, which significantly reduces the intensity of natural light.

How to understand that a plant does not have enough light?

For experienced florist It is not difficult to determine that the plant does not have enough light. But what about someone who is just taking their first steps in growing flowers?

Insufficient or poor quality lighting has a detrimental effect on appearance plants. First of all, the natural color of the leaves changes: they become pale and small. Variegated plants lose their brightness and become simply green. The lower leaves turn yellow and fall off over time.

Plant growth slows down significantly, fewer and fewer new shoots and leaves appear. In many species, the distance between shoots increases. The sprouts look for a light source and are drawn to it, which leads to their elongation and bending.

ON THE PICTURE: The lack of light causes the shoots to stretch. This is especially noticeable in plants that prefer bright, intense light, such as Gardenia.

On flowering plants Fewer buds are formed, and the buds themselves are pale and sluggish. Often they fall off without having time to develop. It also happens that the plant does not bloom at all.

Have you ever thought about how long a person can live without food? And can this be called life? For flora light is the same as for you and me the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. Without light, plants die.

To prevent this from happening, give the plant sufficient quantity Sveta. And then you will enjoy the beauty of your mini-greenhouse at any time of the year.

  1. Illuminate indoor flower It's time if it suddenly stopped blooming, became faded and lethargic, and its leaves stretch to the window in search of light.
  2. This is especially true in winter, when the length of daylight hours is halved. At this time, even plants “living” on southern windows require an additional portion of rays.
  3. For additional illumination, use lamps with a cold glow - fluorescent, gas-discharge, LED.
  4. Remember: excess lighting is no less harmful than its deficiency. Try not to get carried away; 10–14 hours of additional light is enough for the plant to develop properly.
  5. Turn on the lamp 1-2 hours before dawn, and turn off 2 hours after dusk. The correct alternation of day and night is the key to the health of your indoor flowers.

In winter, when the length of daylight is not enough for the normal development of most plants, they must be additionally illuminated with special phytolamps, promptly changing the intensity of the glow and the frequency of lighting. To provide plants with an alternation of “day” and “night,” the lighting should not be constant. The optimal ratio of light and dark periods depends on the individual plant. Thus, some species prefer long days and short nights, while others vice versa. Great importance has the “quality” of lighting. Deciduous indoor plants, for example, monstera or philodendron, grow in the shade in nature, so the room is quite happy with the light of an ordinary incandescent light bulb. But vegetable crops are more demanding; they are accustomed to growing in bright sun and long days.

When lighting plants, there is another simple but valid rule: how larger plant, the more light it needs to grow.

-light must provide a certain spectrum of electromagnetic radiation;
- lighting should be periodic;
-the amount of light required depends on the crop and seasonality.

What to highlight and for how long?

In winter, early seedlings, forcing greens and indoor plants are illuminated.
Seedling. From the moment the seedlings emerge, the seedlings are illuminated without interruption for 3-4 days. Then 2-3 days are reduced to 16 hours a day, then to 14.
Thin phytolights are used to illuminate seedlings located on the windowsill. It is very convenient if such a lamp comes with its own set of fasteners. Most often they are attached directly to glass or to window frame using suction cups, hooks or double-sided tape.
Seedlings in large quantities can be grown entirely under artificial light in special cabinets with a built-in lighting system. They are suitable for any room, but when used in cold room or the basement of the plant will have to be heated. For such cases, there are ready-made greenhouses with lighting.
Houseplants. Lighting indoor plants in winter it is advisable to extend it by 4-5 hours. For this purpose, there are small lamps for illuminating one plant and huge complexes for greenhouses. To illuminate several plants at the same time, you can use a special tabletop phytolamp for indoor plants with an adjustable bracket. It is easy to move and looks like a regular lamp, suitable for home and office use. A small phytolamp can be
use in winter to provide additional light to a blooming orchid so that it can produce more buds.

Requirements for phytolamps

The design of phytolights should allow them to be adjusted and correct the direction of illumination, as well as the distance to the plant. Optimally, the light should be directed from top to bottom, like sunlight. Minimum distance to plants - 10 cm, maximum - 25-45 cm.
If the distance from the plant to the lamp is doubled, the light intensity will decrease fourfold. Therefore, when installing, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Which phytolamp to choose?

At the end of the last century, there were only incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps. The first ones do not fit the spectrum, and they also get very hot, the second ones are better: their emission spectrum is close to that of the sun, they are called “fluorescent lamps”. In addition, they are much more economical, although they are far from ideal.
Modern lighting devices operate in a narrow spectral range, which is most favorable for plant photosynthesis. It is known that the blue spectrum of radiation stimulates the growth of plants, the red one brings the beginning of their flowering closer and accelerates the ripening of fruits. Therefore, phytolamps for plants work in the red and blue spectral regions, while they do not have ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
Most often, blue and red luminescence are combined in the design of a phytolamp, but there are separate blue and red phytolamps: the former are used at the seedling stage, the latter in the flowering and fruiting phase.

For additional illumination of plants you can use:

  • incandescent lamps
  • fluorescent lamps
  • gas discharge lamps
  • induction lamps
  • LEDs.

Types of lamps that can be used to illuminate seedlings and indoor plants

Incandescent lamps (LN)

They emit in the red-yellow part of the spectrum, are used only for decorative illumination of plants, and are not suitable as phytolamps. IN indoor floriculture Suitable for heating air in greenhouses and greenhouses.
Incandescent lamps marked Grow light are covered with a blue filter. Their benefits are rather conditional, but these are more suitable than ordinary ones. They have a short service life and they also heat up like regular LNs.

Fluorescent lamps (FL)

The luminescence spectrum is close to the optimal range required for plants. They come complete with special reflectors that help direct the light precisely to the plants. Also, the advantages of modern fluorescent lamps include reasonable price, greater light output and energy efficiency.
Suitable for short-term (3-4 weeks) illumination of indoor plants and seasonal illumination of seedlings. Attach at a distance of up to 15 cm for light-loving plants and 15-50 cm for those who prefer partial shade.

Gas discharge lamps

Used in large greenhouses, for lighting greenhouses and winter gardens. Installed in greenhouses metal halide lamps (MH) or sodium lamps high pressure(NLVD). The former emit a sufficient amount of blue light, although they have a peak emission in the area yellow color, suitable for the first growing season. The latter have a yellow glow and are suitable for the second phase (flowering and fruiting), the glow does not irritate the eyes, they are economical and durable. Sometimes plants growing only under low-pressure water supply look pale and unhealthy, although they bloom and bear fruit well. Therefore, NLVD is used as additional lighting in greenhouses with natural light. In addition, you can use NLVD with the addition of blue spectrum or MG with the addition of red.

Another important point NLVD applications: such lighting is quite attractive to insects or other pests.

All gas-discharge lamps require special ballasts: they cannot be plugged directly into an outlet.

Switchable or universal lamps with MG and NLVD lamps: when growing seedlings and during the vegetative period, the lamp works with the installed MG lamp; for the period of fruit ripening it is replaced with an LVD lamp.


They produce radiation exclusively in the phytoactive part of the spectrum: the spectral composition of the lamp is selected by a simple installation required quantity blue and red diodes. White LEDs are considered promising for use.
Have low electrical power and don't get warm.

Mixing red and blue light produces a pinkish-purple glow that is unpleasant to the eyes. Therefore, such lamps sometimes additionally use green LEDs to neutralize purple light that is unpleasant for the eyes.

Induction lamps

Color rendering is as close as possible to the spectrum of sunlight. They do not need to be combined with other light sources, do not flicker during operation and practically do not heat up. But they are very expensive to operate.

We thank Elena Kostrova for the photographs provided

All living things on earth are drawn to the light. Most plants are light-loving. With a lack of sunlight in cells, photosynthesis is disrupted, immunity to disease decreases, and growth slows down. This is especially true for seedlings vegetable crops. Without sufficient lighting, seedlings tend to stretch out and grow weak and unviable. In the future, full-fledged productive plants cannot be formed from them. Therefore, seedlings need to be illuminated.

For seedlings and young seedlings, the problem of lack of light is relevant for several reasons.

  1. For intensive growth, the seedling needs light. He draws energy from it.
  2. With a lack of light, the plant stem begins to stretch. Nutrients and moisture from the soil must travel a longer distance to reach the leaves. As a result, the leaves develop poorly and lose color and turgor.
  3. A plant weakened by a lack of light is vulnerable to microbes, pests, and fungal diseases.
  4. Stretched plants become deformed and break. They are more difficult to plant.
  5. Seedlings grown in insufficient light adapt less well to climatic conditions and open ground.

Few people in our climate can boast of full-wall windows, which February days the bright sun is shining. This is exactly what they could be ideal conditions for growing seedlings, but, alas. Neither in February, nor even in March there are many sunny days, and apartment windows let in a negligible amount of light.

Illumination of seedlings is a necessity. But you don't have to spend money on expensive equipment. You can build a backlight with your own hands. There are many various options how to organize additional lighting in the apartment during the period of growing seedlings.

Conventional incandescent lamps are not suitable for illuminating plants. Firstly, even the most powerful of them will not provide enough light, since its emission spectrum is insufficient. Secondly, these lamps get very hot, and even at long distance under such illumination the sprout will burn and die.

A plant can sense the entire light spectrum, but not all parts of the spectrum affect it equally.

Metal halide lighting

In the plant growing industry, metal halide lamps are used today for the production of seedlings using the traditional soil method and hydroponics. This is the best and the last word in agricultural lighting, which can simply be taken into account, since the price of these lamps is too high for the average summer resident. In addition, their installation requires special reflectors and regulators.

Video - comparison of the best ways to illuminate seedlings at home

Illumination with fluorescent lamps

This category of lamps has long been a “hit” among summer residents. Fluorescent lamps have low radiation, which makes it possible to provide additional lighting directly above the plants. The spectrum of fluorescent lamps completely replaces sunlight in the seating area. These lamps are inexpensive. It is easy to arrange lighting by simply hanging the lamps at the required distance and adjusting the distance as the seedlings grow. For fluorescent lamps long term operation - one set is enough for the entire season, during which the seedlings are indoors. These light sources do not consume a lot of energy and are economical, so they can be used to illuminate seedlings around the clock, if necessary.

LED lights

This is a new technology that is gradually gaining popularity, displacing its luminescent “colleagues”. Lighting seedlings must be both effective and budget-friendly. For many years, fluorescent lamps held the palm. But life does not stand still, and today LED lamps are recognized as the best, which are also used in the industrial cultivation of vegetables and fruits in hydroponics. Yes, LEDs are initially more expensive than fluorescent lamps, but their durability and low energy consumption make them leaders.

Today, not only LED lamps, but also strips and screens are increasingly used for lighting. This helps to “kill two birds with one stone” - create comfortable light conditions for plants and beautifully decorate the interior.

LEDs are convenient for plants because they completely cover the entire area that needs lighting. They stimulate the growth of healthy cells, normal development, give vitality plants.

Heating temperature LED devices low, long service life, high compactness, optimal light coverage area. They are energy saving and look modern and stylish.

Illumination with phytolamps

Phytolamps are also a new lighting trend, created specifically to be a source of useful light. This applies to all living things, from human body to vegetable. By appearance phytolamps resemble LED ones, but differ in spectrum indicators. Phytolamps have a pink-violet spectrum, which is an additional “bonus” for plants.

The heat transfer of phytolamps is even less than that of LEDs, therefore, if you choose between these two types of lighting, the second is preferable for seedlings. You can use them together, combining them - this gives a very good effect, helps to save money (since phytolamps are more expensive than LED ones, and if they are “diluted” with each other, it will not be so expensive). This type of lamp is also energy-saving, so when using them you save not only family budget, but also the energy resources of the planet.

Illumination with mercury lamps

Mercury lamps are famous for the spectrum closest to sunlight. They shine with white light, but it is much more useful to a person than the plant. If phytolamps with their pink-violet radiation can irritate the human eye and even cause headaches, White light It is pleasant to humans, but does not have much effect on plants.
Many people choose mercury lamps because they are still better than incandescent lamps.

Sodium lamp illumination

High pressure sodium lamps are today considered the most economical sources Sveta. They stand out from all known gas discharge lamps the highest light output, they have a minimal reduction in light flux with a maximum period of use. But these devices have the best color rendering and a bright yellow spectrum. It does not bring much benefit to plants and is irritating to people. Therefore, sodium lamps are used mainly in industry and for street lighting. In any case, if there is an irresistible desire to organize additional illumination of seedlings using sodium lamps, do not do this in residential premises.

Today, few people grow seedlings the “old-fashioned” way. Technology has advanced and provided gardeners with the opportunity to achieve greater efficiency when growing seedlings. healthy, strong seedlings– the key to good plant development in the future. Lighting for seedlings is what works for the result. If you have not yet provided additional lighting for your plants, please them and give them light. They will thank you with a generous harvest.

Video - illuminating seedlings at home

Seedling lamps are necessary if you need early seedlings or if you are growing seedlings of plants with a long growing season. And supplemental illumination of seedlings, even at home, really works wonders - you just need to know what to illuminate and how.

Without delving into the intricacies of physics and biology...

Light is necessary not only for animals, but also for plants - who would doubt it. And in winter, at the beginning of spring, there are still not enough sunny days - I want to organize lighting for the seedlings. It would seem that turning on the lamp is all in the bag. It turns out that not everything is so simple. Our ordinary lamp cannot replace sunlight - and not because it is dim, but because the composition of this light is inferior. The plant is sensitive to all components of the spectrum.

  • Orange, yellow, green spectra do not have a strong effect.
  • The blue spectrum inhibits the growth and elongation of stem cells, but stimulates their division - prevents the seedlings from stretching
  • Red light stimulates the growth of the root system, flowering and the formation and ripening of fruits.

And all of them together stimulate full growth and development. In ordinary paws necessary for plants there are simply no spectra. But especially for all plant lovers, there are many varieties of special lamps for seedlings. They emit the kind of light that seedlings need.

Lamps for seedlings at home – which ones are better?

  • Incandescent lamps - emits a red-yellow spectrum, not beneficial to plants, but can be good design element when planning the interior. They connect to a regular cartridge.
  • Fluorescent lamps are lamps with a full spectrum, which is especially valuable for the growth and development of plants. When purchasing such a lamp, check how to connect it, as a special ballast is usually required. The installation height of fluorescent lamps above plants is 15-20 cm. B Lately became popular compact lamps with built-in ballast - they can simply be screwed into a regular cartridge. But they will not bring much benefit to the plants.
  • High pressure sodium lamps are more suitable for growing vegetables and flowers in later stages of cultivation. Improves the process of fruit formation, stimulates flowering. But during the period of growth and development of seedlings, it can provoke stretching of plants. Important! Such lamps cannot be plugged into a power outlet; they require a special connection.
  • LED lights for seedlings are one of the most optimal solutions for additional illumination of seedlings. Low energy consumption, the lamp itself does not overheat - it can be placed close to plants without any harmful consequences for them. At the same time, LEDs do not overheat the soil - the amount of watering is reduced, and the soil does not dry out too quickly. LEDs can be selected taking into account the stage of plant development. in the early stages of development there should be more blue light, less red-orange. When these two colors are mixed, we get purple - it is unpleasant to the human eye - but useful to plants.

Simple rules for growing seedlings

  • Additional illumination is carried out in compliance with the change of photoperiods: day-night. The schedule cannot be shifted in one direction or another abruptly - playing with light can have a bad effect on the plants.
  • Pay attention to the distance between the seedling lamp and the seedling itself.

The radiation intensity decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the distance to the light source.

Inverse square law

Therefore, if we move the lamp to a distance that is half that distance, the light intensity will increase fourfold.

  • South-facing windows and reflective screens will save energy and make additional illumination of seedlings more efficient
  • Each type of plant requires its own supplementary illumination regime and its own length of photoperiods (day-night). Vegetables require natural daylight. Some plants prefer partial shade.
  • Additional lighting of seedlings is especially necessary on cloudy days, as well as if the windows face north.

Is it always necessary to add additional lighting?

If the day for your seedlings lasts at least 12 hours, you don’t have to add more light! As simple way improve illumination - you can install reflective screens (foil, mirror, White list cardboard - they need to be installed near the boxes with seedlings on the side of the room). But do not forget that no lamp can replace sunlight, and if you can refuse to grow winter seedlings, it is better to postpone this event to March - April, when there is enough natural light.

With the onset of February, the issue of plants, or rather seedlings, is on the agenda for summer residents. You can choose a simpler version, buy it ready-made at the market. But problems with such seedlings will only begin for the summer resident. Because those seedlings are of the highest quality, which are grown personally by the summer resident.

Nurturing your “personal seedlings” is not easy and requires a lot of effort. Sometimes it is necessary to keep under constant control everything that affects a young plant: air, soil, fertilizing and light.

In all these concerns, lighting of seedlings is a very significant issue; seedlings need especially a lot of sunlight at the end winter period and early spring.
This is the problem that brings with it the need for artificial lighting sources in the apartment. Any lamp under which seedlings grow and develop normally will be a phytolamp.

Lamps for illumination of plants

Since illuminating plants with phytolamps will make the life of seedlings at home as comfortable as possible, then the question of the quality of the illumination lamps themselves will not be idle. Because there is a considerable difference between them. And not everything that shines and warms has the right to be called a phytolamp.
What exactly is its peculiarity? Not all commercially available light bulbs can meet the needs of plants. You must first consider which spectrum is “tastier”, which lamps are better.

Phytolamps for plants, video

Characteristics of lamps by color

The effect of any light on a plant leaf is enormous, because under the influence of light the plant feeds. What range of lighting for plants is important?

The absolute range of light waves of different lengths is provided by light coming from the Sun. But not all waves are important and necessary for green leaves.

This is what effect different wavelengths or different colour Sveta:

  1. Red affects the germination of grains, perfects growth, excites and activates the blooming of flowers;
  2. Blue regulates cell multiplication, promotes the emergence of strong sprouts due to improved accumulation and absorption of nutrients;
  3. Green and yellow are not actually absorbed by chlorophyll and are completely reflected, therefore becoming noticeable to humans, as a result of which we consider plants to be green.

Also, for any plants, the duration and power of light are important. And this power depends on the electrical power of the light bulb and the distance from it to the sprout. Determined by suites and special device, but at home it’s easier to find out because where the light spot is of maximum intensity, the most light-loving ones should be located there, and shadow-tolerant ones can be placed at its edges.

A suitable level of illumination for seedlings is 8000 lux. And the illumination power of 6000 lux is suitable for already mature bushes of cultivated plants.

Additional illumination is carried out either constantly or only in the morning and evening hours. And to determine the need for additional lighting, connect the light bulb. If the difference becomes noticeable, that there is more light in the room, then the seedlings need light. If there is no difference, then there is no need to add additional illumination.

A single phytolamp is suitable for illuminating plants that are grouped in small quantities in a small area.

“Phytopanel” is suitable for illuminating seedlings, which are a large continuous emerald mat in a large greenhouse.

Lamps, light bulbs and fixtures…

All types of lamps are divided either by the composition of the internal environment or by power. By medium there are gas, sodium, halogen, LEDs, and by power up to 50 watts or more than 50 watts. Here is the most complete list suitable lamps for an indoor vegetable garden and flower garden:

  • sodium “high pressure”;
  • luminescent LB and LBT;
  • phytolamp "Fluora";
  • LFU-30;
  • "Paulmann";
  • "Fitosvet-D" (with numbers up to 4).

To become a phytolamp, the lamp must “be able” to:

  1. have only red and blue spectrum;
  2. must only shine on the plant, and not heat it;
  3. should not illuminate while consuming a large number of electricity;
  4. the place under the lamp should be evenly illuminated;
  5. the stream of light itself should not vibrate.

More specifically about each...

The energy-saving type of lighting lamps has two key qualities. The first is low power consumption. Second, the light does not burn the leaves.

Fluorescent tubular lighting fixtures are compact, produce little heat, but the light flickers a lot.

LED phyto lamps that are easy to illuminate seedlings in an apartment are most ideal.

Incandescent lamps are the most unsuitable. The light emission spectrum does not meet the needs of plants and only contributes to the growth of seedlings, drying out the soil in pots and burning tender leaves.

LED phytolamps for plants

Some of the best are LED phytolamps for plants. IN LED lamps glasses use LEDs themselves on strips or in blocks and a special microcircuit special block electronic control and power.


  1. small amount of electricity consumed per unit of emitted light flux;
  2. The operating time is one of the longest, up to 50,000 hours of glow!;
  3. the effectiveness of light is maximum, the lighting is even, i.e. just what the seedlings need);
  4. lack of heat flow, and lamps can be placed close to the leaves themselves;
  5. ease of use (light bulbs with a regular base are screwed into ordinary sockets and they do not require additional devices);
  6. their environmental protection is great, because such phytolamps do not contain mercury and are recognized as the most “environmentally friendly”;
  7. the ability to regulate the lighting process, similar to the type of solar lighting;
  8. the light itself from such lamps does not blink;
  9. they don't explode;
  10. do not create a temperature capable of causing a fire;
  11. there is no harmful ultraviolet radiation in their range;
  12. phytolamps can operate in greenhouse environments with increased dampness, because their flasks are made with absolute tightness.

The, so to speak, disadvantage of LED lamps may include only their huge price, but with strict calculations it turns out that due to their advantages this disadvantage will be the smallest.

Types of LED lamps

  1. phytolamps with standard (E27) and unusual (E14, GU10, MR16) cartridges from 2W to 83 Watt hour with red and blue spectra;
  2. LED phytolamp strips 15W per hour (half a meter long) and 72W (five meters) with red and blue spectra;
  3. phytolamp lamps “straight-line T8” (30 cm and 120 cm short) from 8 to 14 Watts per hour of electricity consumption and with red and blue spectra;
  4. phytolamp spotlights with water resistance from 10W to 100W with red and blue spectra;
  5. phytolamp panels up to 46W (dimensions 31x31 cm) and up to 300 W with red and blue spectra;
  6. phytolamp panels for professional systems and greenhouse complexes with diodes with a power of 3W, 5W and 10W each and a total consumption of up to one kilowatt of electricity per panel, and with forced air cooling.

Phytolamps "Reflax", made in Russia, are the best.

There are a number of types, differing in radiation range and power consumption:

"DNaZ"– have a built-in shiny reflector at their disposal and this is the most best option for seedlings. A reflective screen increases the abundance of light and concentrates it on the plants (the seedlings on the windowsill are illuminated with 1 or 2 lamps);

"DNaT"stand out from the previous ones by the lack of a built-in reflector (for every 100 cm of window sill length there is one such lamp of 65-70 W).

"DRiZ" do not have a full spectrum, needed by the plant, which is why it is useful to use a combination with DNAZ and DNAT.

Advantages of sodium lamps
: high efficiency of light suitable for photosynthesis, stable, non-flickering light, long service life.
And their orange-yellowish “glow” does not get on the nerves, as a result of which the bulbs of this variety are allowed to be used in living rooms.
Their shortcomings: prohibitive price, the need to install a stabilizing unit.

Sodium metal halide lamps
Pros: effective, pleasant warm light, economical in electricity consumption and easy to use.
Imperfections: have a sharp lack of indigo color in the spectrum.

Luminescent LB or LBT people only give “ cold light", are not very suitable for plants, do not burn leaves, and can be hung 25cm from them.
Their disadvantages are the low power of the luminous flux, as a result of which several units are installed above a row. And the main flaw is the small amount of red light.

Fluorescent light bulbs "LD"" and "LDC" for use in homes is not recommended, because their spectrum has an overwhelming effect on plants.

Index " color temperature”, which is marked with the letter “K”, must be more than 4,500 units on the package with a fluorescent lamp. What does it mean? The higher this indicator, the greater the amount of blue color in the spectrum. The 4,500 mark is comparable to the sun. That is why it is so important to concentrate attention on this parameter of the lamp. A small indicator is of little use. And so Fluorescent Lamp can only be used for general illumination, but not as a “phytolamp”.

Pros of “pink phytolamps”: efficiency, effectiveness, compactness, survivability, environmental friendliness and their explosion and fire safety.
Flaws: phytolamps emit a purple-pinkish glow, which is unnatural for human perception and is hard on the eyes when working with them for a long time, which can cause headache. As a result, it is not recommended to use them without an external mirror screen in living rooms.

Incandescent lamp
Using conventional incandescent lamps is unhelpful and even wasteful. Firstly, only 5% light, and 95% heat. Secondly, their emission spectrum does not meet the needs of plants. These lamps promote the growth of seedlings, dry out the soil and burn the leaves.

"Phytolamps" or "phyto-luminescent" lamps

On sale you can find:

  • “Fluora”, produced by the German company “Osram” and consumes 18 W per hour (to illuminate seedlings on a windowsill, a pair of lamps are needed for each meter of its length);
  • “LFU-30”, manufactured in the Russian Federation, with a power of up to 35W (one light bulb will illuminate a table area with dimensions of 0.45×0.66 m);
  • “mirror” production of the Enrich company with a power of up to 60W. (they emit the least irritating light for human eyes, are short-lived and intensively warm up the leaves of the seedlings);
  • “Paulmann” of various powers up to 100 W (they stand out from other phytolamps in that they almost do not heat the air, do not cause overheating of plant leaves, and have a long service life);
  • “Fitosvet-D” with a power of up to 100 W (different numbers after “D” mean different lengths of the lamp and the number of watts, which depend on its length).

Whose lamps are better

Who produces phytolamps for indoor plants? LED light bulbs are produced by the German company “Paulmann”, “Secret Jardin” comes from Belgium, “Hesi” will be from Holland, there are light bulbs for seedlings of the brands “Sylvania”, “Philips”, “GROW SPOT”, “LED”, “OSRAM FLUORA” , “Optima”, “Uniel” are known, all of them made in China, among the Russian manufacturers we can mention “ECOLIGHT”, “Yug-Service” (their lamps “Fito-M”, “Fitosvet”) and “Focus”.

Where to find them

Buy only special lamps for illuminating flowers and seedlings; and only that type of spectrum of light from the lamp that the plant needs, according to the signs that were outlined above in the article provided. Where to buy phytolamps? You can and should first go around local seed and flower stores, then lamp and chandelier stores, and if this is not there either, then order through online stores that have consultants.

All current phytolamps significantly simplify the cultivation of seedlings and indoor vegetables and “guarantee” that they will receive that part of the range, and the intensity of the light flux and duration of illumination that the seedlings need.

By providing flowers, vegetables, and seedlings with everything they need to grow and bloom, you can not only get pleasure from it, but also an excellent harvest.

Good seedlings and a rich harvest of indoor vegetables!

Seedling lamp test, video