Children's room in Scandinavian style - a guide to design and renovation. Curtain design in Scandinavian style: features, types, materials, colors Scandinavian interior with pink curtains

Every country and every people has its own traditions and customs, this also applies to interior design. Scandinavian curtains emphasize the individuality of the Swedish style, making it more colorful and rich. In this article we will talk about the features of the Scandinavian style in room design, and more specifically we will focus on the review of curtains. This direction is based on characteristic features lifestyle of local residents: austerity, conciseness, absence of excessive bright colors, severity and rationalism.

Characteristic features of the style

Northern residents, not accustomed to a gentle climate, are more careful about their natural resources, and therefore their homes are often dominated by natural materials both in finishing and in decor. In the Scandinavian interior you will find wooden floors, solid wood furniture, walls either covered with wallpaper or decorated decorative plaster. Animal skins are often used as carpets. Textiles are chosen exclusively from natural fabrics, this applies not only to curtains, but also to upholstery, rugs and other decorative elements.

Due to the lack of sunlight in Sweden, the Scandinavian style carries with it main task: fill the room with light and warmth as much as possible. To do this, it is necessary to use fabrics that transmit light well and warm, warming shades in curtains and other decor.

Scandinavia is not the sunniest country, and warm, bright days are a rarity and joy for local residents. To prevent their living spaces from causing melancholy and despondency, the designers, when developing this style, decided to use light as the main, leading color of the interior, and let dark colors occasionally remind of themselves in small details. And with the addition of yellow, orange and red, the interior will become even warmer and more comfortable. Strict and laconic does not mean monochromatic. Small floral prints, geometric patterns on both furniture and curtains are quite acceptable in style; they will add even more variety and taste to it.

Colors and fabrics for curtains

Curtains in Scandinavian style It is customary to sew from natural fabrics: cotton, linen, muslin, cambric, chintz. Scandinavians express their love for nature and naturalness through the material. Synthetic fibers will interfere with creating a unique and ideal interior that conveys all the features of northern life. In addition, only natural materials can create that truly warm and homely atmosphere that is not typical for artificial fibers.

Heavy fabrics for curtains such as velvet, satin and corduroy are not suitable for the Swedish style; they will burden the interior and fill a lot of space. But dense cambric in light colors may well decorate a window in a cozy Scandinavian bedroom.

The basic colors for the northern interior are:

White- a unique color that suits any design ideas. He gave a feeling of lightness and freedom, expands the walls when visual perception rooms.

Beigewarm shade derived from basic brown tone. The entire interior can be built on this palette, and bright details in the form of curtains will be accents that attract attention.

Grey- classic color for Scandinavian curtains. It carries rigor, conciseness and creates clear stylistic boundaries.

Shades of blue- despite the fact that this is a rather cold range, its use in the Scandinavian style is quite popular. For night curtains, in combination with white transparent curtains, you can use turquoise blackout curtains.

Menthol- transformative color daylight in soft shadows that warm the cold northern house. Such curtains will serve as an excellent decoration for windows in the living room in combination with bright little things.

Herbaceous green- truly natural color. On a cold winter day, such curtains will remind you of the rare spring sun and fresh grass.

As for the patterns on Scandinavian curtains, bright, splashy patterns have no place here. They mainly use small patterns in the form of flowers, abstractions, geometric and floral patterns.

Accessories for northern curtains

There are no accessories for Scandinavian curtains as such. There are several taboos that need to be eliminated when creating a strict and indifferent style.

  • Complete absence of ruffles, flounces, lush tie-backs and openwork fabrics.
  • If you really like lambrequins, you will have to limit yourself to only rigid models. Pretentious decorations are not welcome and are simply inappropriate in an interior with a laconic design.
  • Garters and cords imitating expensive items made of precious metals, complemented with glass beads, do not correspond to this style and will look completely ridiculous in curtains.

Scandinavian curtains do not require luxurious decorations; their main motto is simplicity, lightness and sophistication

It is better to make curtains simple in every sense: simple fabric with original colors, a simple straight cut, the absence of pretentious cluttered decorations - and Scandinavian curtains will turn out appropriate given style. It is better to pay more attention to artificial lighting if your bedroom or living room does not face sunny side. The style is also emphasized by decorations characteristic of the north in the form of wooden furniture, stairs, and animal skins.

Wooden finishes and natural fabrics are what truly convey the entire northern atmosphere

Cut types

Suitable for Nordic style Various types curtains that meet the main style requirements: conciseness, rigor, simplicity and functionality. Everyone's favorite Roman and roller blinds are suitable for these parameters. They are easy to use and easy to maintain, easily fitting into any interior and area. Roman curtains and roller blinds are especially good for the kitchen, where practicality comes first. It is better to choose a color that is not too easily soiled - gray, purple. But if the window is located far from the food preparation area, then you can pay attention to yellow, cream and even white products.

The classic straight cut of Scandinavian style curtains is traditionally used in cozy bedrooms. Floor length, absence of unnecessary decorations, colors pleasing to the eye can create unique design, which will delight again and again and give only positive feelings. For a living room, curtains of this cut are an excellent option in combination with lifting curtains. The colors for the reception room are chosen neutral: gray, white in combination with black, it is possible to create bright accent in a brightly decorated living room.

Despite all its severity, the Scandinavian style has become popularly used for decorating children's rooms. By the way, this is an excellent option: choosing natural fabrics, reasonable colors, wooden furniture and storage systems we create the ideal environment for harmonious growth and child development. In terms of cut, absolutely any curtains will fit here. Roman blinds are leaders in children's bedrooms in terms of their practicality and safety. Classic floor-length ones are more suitable for adult children who know how to control their movements and express their creativity on paper or an easel.

The photos we have selected will allow you to more clearly imagine what the harsh Scandinavian style looks like in the interior.

This Wednesday, June 1, the whole world celebrated Children's Day - this is a good reason for Kvartblog to once again talk about children's rooms, their design and decor. We learned that the designers recently completed work on their first children's furniture collection. On this occasion, we asked designer Ruslan Maksutov what style is best to decorate a nursery and what techniques to use to make the room best suit the child’s needs.

Ruslan Maksutov Graduated from Moscow Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Environmental Design. In the profession since 2009. Leading furniture designer at Arthunter. Participant of the exhibition I Saloni WorldWide Moscow 2014 and 2015. In 2016, he participated in the “Dachny Answer” program on NTV.

Childhood doesn't need to be complicated. Everything complex will come on its own with adult life, so for a child’s room I recommend a simple and clear Scandinavian style.

3 arguments in favor of choosing a Scandinavian style for a nursery:

1. Style palette

Scandinavian motifs in a children's room are not only stylish, but also very correct from the point of view of the child's psyche: the baby should be surrounded only by fresh and light colors– they do not cause feelings of anxiety. Apricot, white, apple green, pale cornflower blue, delicate shades pink - these are the shades suggested by the classic Scandinavian children's room.

2. Materials

The child's room should contain as many natural materials as possible. Instead of plastic tables and stools, we recommend professionally treated wood. Products made from it are interior “vitamins”. In the Scandinavian style, a table can even be built from a tree stump, and it will look very cool. At the same time, natural natural forms in combination with muted colors have a beneficial effect on babies.

The decor that this style suggests (posters with prints of animals or fruits, flags, etc.) is very unobtrusive, so it will not bother or bother you; even if this happens, it is easy and, most importantly, not at all expensive to change.

The Scandinavian style seems to have been created specifically for children; every element of it is very natural. Any parent instinctively understands that it is better to choose light, fresh colors for the child. Everyone instinctively feels that only natural materials should surround a small treasure: wood, cardboard, paper, cotton.

5 designer tips for decorating a children's room in a Scandinavian style

Mink elements

Use “mink elements” to make your child feel protected. Have you noticed that dogs like to hide or sit under chairs or tables? Their instincts are well developed, and they know what they are doing: it is in such places that pets feel the least vulnerable and where they sleep soundly. The same approach applies to children. For example, in our collection we used houses at the head of the bed - this is not only decoration, but also a guarantee of worry-free sleep.

Mom's peace of mind for the coming sleep

The baby falls asleep, but the mother knows that he is only a little sleepy, so there is no need to rush to the kitchen. In this case, you need to think about where the mother will sit and watch over her treasure’s sleep. Be sure to choose and purchase for yourself comfortable armchair for such cases. By the way, if you take a rocking chair, it can become your assistant when rocking in your arms.

Toys have a place

A children's room, decorated in a Scandinavian style, is a room where parents can afford to take a little break from the stereotypes of adult life, putting toys together with their children not in a wooden chest of drawers with carved decor, but in a simple one. wooden box, or wool bags, or paper eco-bags. Don't be afraid to use these bags: they are specially treated and won't tear easily.

Educational furniture

Furniture for a children's room should be functional: you can combine different functions; the most interesting thing is to combine furniture with creativity - a cabinet with a slate effect will definitely not harm a Scandinavian children's room.

Budget solution

When everything around has simple shapes, it is very easy to complement the interior with homemade decor. Ruslan's advice: take the simplest Ikea chest of drawers (the main thing is that it is not varnished) and try to decorate it yourself. For example, like in the picture. All you need is masking tape and several acrylic paints. And this, by the way, is the idea for creating a new master class on Kvartblog!


Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

How to choose a room for a nursery

Having chosen a Scandinavian style for a nursery, you must first of all solve the problem of space and light - highlight the most spacious room with a large window, remove partitions. If necessary, you can demolish the wall between two cramped rooms, for which you will need to obtain permission from the BTI. Then you can start repairing.

Ceiling finishing

The low ceiling in a Scandinavian-style nursery should be whitewashed or painted light shade– soft blue, light pink, beige, depending on the color of the wall coverings.

A win-win option is a snow-white ceiling, which visually increases the height and expands the space.

  • You can use tension or suspended coverings without decorative elements.
  • In an apartment with high ceilings it is possible to mount a wooden ceiling structure with wide beams on which you can place the main and additional sources lighting.
  • The golden-brown wooden ceiling, coated with colorless varnish, looks impressive.
  • Often used in Northern Europe wood covering from bleached slats.

Tip: create a multi-tiered ceiling, which is popular today, in the nursery complex configuration It's not worth it because it goes against the style.

Flooring in a Scandinavian nursery

A Scandinavian-style children's room looks especially attractive if the design uses wood flooring, which differs:

  • long service life (up to 30 years);
  • excellent appearance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high wear resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high resistance to abrasion;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Parquet and solid board They are highly expensive, but in comparison with cheaper floor coverings they are significantly superior in quality and durability.

As flooring You can use a laminate that imitates wood species. Among the advantages of laminate flooring:

  • strength;
  • thermal insulation;
  • ease of installation;
  • wear resistance;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • service life more than 10 years.

A children's room in any country is always a zone increased activity, which often leads to damage to everything that is in it.

Class 22–23 laminate can withstand heavy mechanical loads, there will be no traces of paint or compote left on it, greasy stains, if they are immediately removed using detergents or solvent, dents from furniture, scratches from pets' claws. It is advisable to choose moisture-resistant varieties, since most of the samples on the market do not have this quality.

You should not skimp on the coating, as the cheapest types of laminate wear out quickly.

Floor colors

Having decided on the type of coating, you need to choose the right color.

  • For children's it is advisable to choose wood covering light colors - beige or cream.

Whitewashed boards are often used in Scandinavian interiors.

  • In the room with wooden ceiling Golden brown and walnut flooring looks impressive.
  • It is not customary to cover the floor with carpets, but for convenience you can cover part of the room with a carpet of neutral tones.

How to decorate the walls

The walls in a Scandinavian-style nursery can be painted or covered with plain white, light pink, light gray, soft blue, beige, light green, and golden yellow shades.

You can designate zones by painting the walls in different colors, decorate individual fragments with clapboard, and imitate brickwork.

The combination of light gray and white looks impressive wall coverings, in which white predominates. Subsequently, the children themselves will set accents by decorating the room with bright drawings, stickers, flags, and posters.

Children's furniture in Scandinavian style

In a Scandinavian-style nursery, compact, functional furniture is welcome:

  • low tables;
  • stools;
  • chairs;
  • wardrobes;
  • cabinets for bed linen;
  • baskets for toys;
  • bookshelves.

For sleeping, you can choose a comfortable loft bed with a ladder. Sleeping area located on the top of the structure and equipped with a safety bar to prevent the child from falling. The lower part can be equipped play area, workplace or a relaxation corner, placing there a comfortable chair and baskets with toys or an armchair with a floor lamp.

If the nursery is intended for two or three inhabitants, it would be appropriate bunk bed and a loft bed, which do not take up much space.


Due to the lack of sun and prolonged heavy rains, residents of Scandinavian countries are especially sensitive to bright natural light. The window opening in a Scandinavian-style nursery should be as large as possible without any parts blocking the light. If double-glazed windows are used, you should choose a frame with good thermal insulation, which is very important for a nursery. The color can be white, brownish or beige to highlight the contrast with the walls.

In Northern Europe, window openings are often not decorated with curtains. But if a room with a window without curtains seems uncomfortable, you can use light translucent curtains, tulle or blinds.

Decorating any room in the house requires a careful approach. The nursery needs to be decorated especially carefully. There are many nuances that are important to consider when developing a design. For example, it is better to place the rest and sleep area away from the door and window, and the play area in the warmest place in the room. It can be especially difficult to decide on the style of decorating a room. If the children are small, then there are practically no questions; in this case, the choice is up to the parents. If the children are older, then you can only be surprised at their visions of their room.

You can argue about the design styles of children's rooms for hours. Some people see them only as bright, colorful and spacious, while others claim that it is best for a child to be in a room with bright interior. It is impossible to say exactly which opponent is right. Dark colors, like light ones, influence the formation of a new personality in different ways.

A Scandinavian nursery is one of the options for decorating rooms for children over 6 years old. This design is recognized as one of the best in the world of interior design for children's rooms.

Others are not inferior to Scandinavian modern styles. Scientists have proven that when a certain atmosphere reigns in a children's room, a sense of beauty is developed in the child, and values ​​are formed correctly. Total, on design space You can count about fifty design styles that are suitable for a children's room.

Existing styles for decorating a children's room:

  • Classic style;
  • Provence;
  • Pirate style;
  • Jungle;
  • Sport style;
  • Cosmonautics;
  • Barbie style;
  • Harry Potter style;
  • Fairy tale theme.

If it is not possible to keep the entire room in some kind of a certain style, then you can simply fill the space with themes, and you will have interesting direction design.

Original children's room in Scandinavian style: special design differences

In order to understand in which direction to move when decorating a room in the Scandinavian style, you need to turn to geographical and historical knowledge. The harsh climate of the Scandinavian Peninsula leaves its mark on furniture and interior items.

A Scandinavian-style nursery is, as a rule, large, spacious, Light room, filled with accessories in the style of the northern regions of Norway, where it is rarely warm and sleighs with reindeers cut through the snow.

But not only the difficult life of remote regions can be brought into the interior of a children's room in the Scandinavian style. The traditions of the peoples of the peninsula are original and unique.

Distinctive features of a Scandinavian-style nursery:

  • Modesty and minimalism in the interior;
  • Light furniture, cabinets are mostly low and wide;
  • Light walls and white ceiling;
  • The floor should only be wooden; in extreme cases, lining is allowed;
  • The presence of decorative elements in the form of simulated yurts and snowballs must be present in the room;
  • Blinds or a calm, unpretentious canvas - curtains - are welcome on the windows;
  • Furniture should not be flashy, have a minimum of decor and maximum openness;
  • Rude wooden chair or an armchair will give the room an belonging to the harsh, harsh Scandinavian life;
  • The same effect will be from a rough homespun carpet on the floor;
  • A small, modest bed is perfect for this style.

It should be noted that the Swedish company IKEA successfully sells children's beds of the Küra model, designed in the Scandinavian style.

Children's room in Scandinavian style for a boy: design features

If your heirs so far have only one boy, or even two tomboys, decorating a nursery will not be difficult. For little children aged 4-5 years, this style will be just as appropriate as for a teenage boy.

A Scandinavian-style children's room has an excellent stylish design. Filling the room with elements that convey the life and traditions of the northern peoples across distance and years will help strengthen your child’s strong character and logical way of thinking.

A boy's room differs from a girl's room in the colors of the walls and decorative elements.

Basic decorative elements for a boy's room in a Scandinavian style:

  • Muted tones, close to blue or blue;
  • Decorative elements and posters depicting the symbols of the Vikings and victories;
  • Dummy hunting equipment;
  • Rougher furniture;
  • Rough canvas bags for toys;
  • Wicker baskets for shoes;
  • Ethnic designs on furniture and walls.

Availability of flowers national flag is very carefully introduced into the interior of the most expensive rooms of the house, and therefore true Scandinavians always have the symbols of the state bicolor or tricolor in their children's rooms.

Decorating a nursery in a Scandinavian style for a girl: the right approach

A room for a girl in a Scandinavian style will be different from a room for a boy. More gentle and reverent creatures need the same romantic and pleasant environment. If you really want your little daughter to get used to asceticism and minimalism from childhood, then try not to overdo it, and be sure to fill the room with warm and cozy tones.

A Scandinavian-style nursery for a girl is a fine line between militant Vikings and a cozy northern life, the difficult fate of a hunter wandering among the ice, and a warm home waiting for him with prey.

Bringing in white interior bright colors, you can achieve the corresponding effect. Having filled cold room With cozy paintings on the walls, you will create a light, relaxed northern design.

How you can equip a Scandinavian-style nursery for a girl:

  • Every girl's nursery is distinguished by the presence of a kitchen. A minimum number of kitchen utensils and a stove will be very appropriate.
  • Pink and yellow toys will make the room feel warm and cozy.
  • Children's wicker beds and strollers for dolls will appeal to the little northerner;
  • Books and pictures on the walls in bright colors will make the room inhabited and alive;
  • With the help of curtains with bright colors, you can bring warm feminine energy into the interior.

And yet, such a room is more suitable for a teenage girl than for a small, fragile forget-me-not.

Ideas for a Scandinavian-style nursery (video)

Scandinavian style is not very diverse. Due to the modest way of life of the northern peoples, there are not many decorative elements that can be used to decorate a room to give it a Scandinavian style. But there is still room for variation - the Scandinavian Peninsula is inhabited by four nationalities, each of which has its own traditions, customs and preferences. If you want to give the room brighter colors and contrast, then choose the Finnish style. If you are more inclined to romanticism and softness, then you should give preference to the Danish direction. Swedish interiors are distinguished by austerity, coldness and a more spartan lifestyle.

Scandinavian style is naturalness, simplicity, brightness and light. This style is gaining increasing popularity in interior design. Children's room in Scandinavian style – perfect solution, which will appeal to both parents and, most importantly, children. Despite the cleanliness of the interior, in such a children's room, disorder and painted walls are allowed. Let's look at how this is combined in the article.


Scandinavian style decoration is characterized by two main features: White color and natural materials. The same applies to the children's room.

The walls of a Scandinavian-style nursery are painted white, light blue or light gray, less often beige. Those. light cool shades are used. Ideal as a coating water-based paint, which is easy to wash or paint over with a new layer if the child’s creative impulses overcome the provided sketchbook.

Wallpaper is acceptable, but only smooth, imitating a painted surface.

The walls can also be finished wood panels or decorate with wood inserts.

New recent years began the use of chalk or slate walls for decoration. Such elements will fit perfectly into the Scandinavian style and will be interesting for the development of a child’s creative skills.

As for the Scandinavian-style ceiling, it is painted in the same way as the walls. Additional element wooden cross beams can serve. Or, if the walls are painted, then the ceiling is laid out with wooden panels, and vice versa. This contrast will expand design possibilities rooms.

The floor is wood. In a children's room this could be laminate or parquet board. A budget option- linoleum with imitation wooden surface. Color – natural or white. Again, let's return to children's pranks - if a child spills paint on the floor, then there is no need to worry, the indelible stain can be painted over.

Carpet is absolutely not suitable for the Scandinavian style, so if you want your children not to freeze on the floor, then think about installing a heated floor in advance. On the other hand, if installing a heated floor is impossible for some reason, then you can put a bright rug on the floor of a Scandinavian nursery. It will fit harmoniously into the interior and will not disrupt, but rather emphasize, the style of the room.


To clearly see Scandinavian-style furniture, just look through IKEA catalogs.

The furniture is simple, without fancy elements and made from natural materials. solid wood(beech, pine, spruce). The wood pattern, as a rule, remains intact, but it is also possible to paint it with varnishes to saturate the wood image or with paints, usually white.

Natural materials are used for furniture upholstery: leather, linen, cotton, etc.

Some elements, such as headboards, are made of metal.

The shape of the furniture is simple with rounded corners. Can be decorated with fine carvings.

The main thing in beds is practicality; models that grow with children are often used.

Wardrobes and cabinets are present in the children's room, but do not clutter them up.

A large number of shelves is welcome in the Scandinavian style. These can be either closed or open shelves. The more there are, the better. For example, you can hang one of the walls open shelves on which toys, children's books, and accessories will be stored.

For a child's room, it is also worth providing space for a wigwam tent. Simple form and the use of wood and linen fabrics in the design will fit perfectly into a Scandinavian interior.

Windows and lighting

Another feature of the Scandinavian style is big windows, no curtains, many reflective surfaces (mirrors, metal, etc.). This is due to the fact that in Scandinavian countries there is a lack of sun, so they try to preserve sunlight as much as possible accessible ways. How can this be applied in a nursery? Especially in conditions if you live in the southern regions with an abundance of sun, from which in the hot season you even want to hide.

So, if direct sunlight does not hit the nursery, then leave the room without curtains. Placed on the windowsill indoor flowers, toys, plant a large doll.

If the room sometimes needs to be shaded, for example, in the summer or in the morning, so that the children do not wake up at dawn, then the Scandinavian style allows for some options. For curtains you can choose lightweight material, for example, muslin or muslin, light colors. If you want to hang a thick curtain, then choose it to match the walls so that when pulled back, it blends into the interior. Or you can close the windows roller blinds or blinds. Most of the time, keep the blinds open and the curtains pulled to the sides, gathered in beautiful shape, and use them only as needed.

From mirrors and glass surfaces For safety reasons, refuse them in the nursery, even though they are an attribute of the Scandinavian style.

Artificial lighting should be plentiful. Lamps in the Scandinavian style are used in a wide variety - from simple, inconspicuous to elaborate futuristic. Here you can rely on your taste or the taste of your child. For example, you and your child can build a lampshade for a chandelier from textiles or tree branches.

Decor in a Scandinavian nursery

If shades of white are used in Scandinavian style decoration, then preference is given to bright details in the decor. The brighter and crazier the color, the better. They look especially good in a Scandinavian style nursery. bright colors: red, blue, crimson, yellow, etc. Toys can serve as such elements in a nursery. They can be placed - on window sills, in drawers, on shelves, in the middle of the room. The most amazing thing is that such a bright mess in a nursery decorated in a Scandinavian style does not seem like a mess at all. Everything looks harmonious.

You can put fluffy carpets or knitted rugs on the floor self made. Scattered pillows or poufs will complement all this.

Hang photographs of loved ones, children's drawings, abstract paintings, bright prints, flags, cardboard or textile crafts, stickers in the shape of clouds and animals, etc. on the walls. But choose not all of the above, but only a few accessories, otherwise the decorations will overload the room, and there will be nothing left of the Scandinavian style.

To store toys, you can use bright boxes made of textiles or cardboard, wooden chests, and wicker baskets.

Indoor flowers would be appropriate on the windowsills.

The advantage of the Scandinavian style for a nursery is that there are no restrictions on decor. Here you can trust your taste, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Decor should not fill the room, but decorate it. Remember, Scandinavian style preserves the freshness and spaciousness of the room.

Children's room in Scandinavian style