In a dream, a guy meets my parents. What does a dream about dating mean? Dream Interpretation - Strange dream and terrible dream

If you dream about the parents of a guy who is already ex-boyfriend, this is a sign that they periodically remember you, comparing you with your son’s current chosen one. The groom's parents visit the girl in a dream only if there is strong concern for the future family life of their son. In a dream, they may tell you something, give advice, but the dream book advises you not to pay any attention to this: the situation in the family will depend only on you and your future husband.

As a rule, a dream in which the chosen one’s parents come to the girl - good sign, promising a happy marriage. If the parents dreamed of being happy and contented, it means that the future marriage will be harmonious and prosperous for both. If the situation is the opposite, that is, the guy’s mother and father are crying or unhappy, then this may portend family troubles. On the path to a happy and carefree life, you will have to overcome many obstacles.

In addition, this dream may mean that when achieving a cherished goal, financial problems may arise that relatives will help resolve. Some dreams of a person are a reflection of the reality around him. In some cases, girls are interested not only in what the guy’s parents dream about, but also in what his mother portends. Dream Interpretations interpret this vision differently:

Sometimes dreams about the parents of a loved one are frightening. These include dreams in which a guy’s mother or father dies. However, contrary to many expectations, this vision predicts maximum recovery vital energy sleeping.

Therefore, if a girl dreamed of her boyfriend’s parents, we can talk about the strength of the relationship and favorable prospects (up to the wedding). If the parents looked happy at the same time, then the young family will be strong. However, their dissatisfaction is a reason to think about whether it is worth taking such a responsible step or whether it is better to postpone making an important decision a little.

And as interpreters point out, often such manifestations of feelings are considered to be an omen of significant incidents. However, you should not worry if in a dream vision the groom’s parents dislike you. Remember the details of the dream and only after that interpret what you dream about meeting the guy’s parents.

A guy's parents in a dream often portend serious intentions young man, possible marriage for the dreamer, meeting high-ranking people. But in the dream book you can also find other meanings: a warning about a conflict or the end of this relationship. The details of the plot will tell you why he is dreaming.

Dream. in which your parents spend a pleasant time with you promises a pleasant turn of fate. For a girl, such a dream portends a successful marriage and loving husband. Meeting the parents of a guy or girl in a dream is a sign of new discoveries and have a nice meeting. Seeing your parents' house in a dream.

Why do you dream about a guy's parents? Interpretation of dreams. Most often, a young man introduces a girl to his parents if he has serious feelings for her and makes plans to start a family. but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams.

A guy cheated in a dream with a girlfriend, according to the dream book, which means that the young lady regrets the relationship and believes that love has come to an end, or she is not confident in her partner and wants to end the relationship. Parents.

I dreamed: my grandparents’ house, my grandparents, my ex-boyfriend’s parents were there. I went there and saw them. Then it was dark. And they immediately started talking only about this girl who called. He said that he didn’t need her, she was his She obeyed and she wanted an adult boyfriend. That’s why he’s with her. And he said that he wanted to introduce her to her parents. But after meeting me, he doesn’t know anymore. And that’s where the dream ended.

Good evening! At the beginning I burst into his house, then he saw me and smiled and I fell asleep in his separate room and he wanted me to stay and sleep, then in the morning his parents returned and they said that I was very beautiful

My boyfriend's parents came to visit us. The weather was very warm and sunny. My boyfriend was sleeping in the room, and I was lying separately on the bed in the living room

I've liked a guy for about a year. My relationship with him is unusual. He is a workaholic and is interested in girls. I recently asked a friend for advice on how best to build a relationship with him in order to make him like him more than he already does, and came to an excellent conclusion. Joyful, she went to bed. I dreamed about his father and mother. Especially dad. The guy himself was not in the dream.

The guy's parents dreamed of being happy and contented - which means the relationship will be harmonious. But if the parents are unhappy or cry, such a dream may foreshadow problems in the family. On the way to happy life obstacles will have to be overcome.

Why do you dream of angry or irritated parents - to the fact that in your friendship, and perhaps life together With a young man there will be many factors that will interfere with you. Only big and true love will be able to overcome them.

Walking with a guy in a dream is interpreted by the dream book according to the place in which the walk takes place. To find out why such a dream occurs, you should pay attention to the situation. If a walk with a young man takes place on a green lawn, among many trees, it means that in reality the couple’s relationship can turn into new level and end in marriage.

If a guy leaves a girl in a dream, then you should pay attention to the reason for the separation. What such a dream means can be interpreted in several meanings. If the reason for the quarrel and separation was the betrayal of a young man, it means that the dreamer has reason to suspect him of infidelity or insincerity. If a girl cheated on a guy, then you should beware of gossip and gossip. The dream book advises you to watch your language and not talk about personal matters even with people you consider your friends.

In order to understand why your former chosen one often dreams, you should not only analyze the past, but also look to the future using a dream book. In addition, the details by which the direction and interpretation of the dream can be determined remain important. To find out why your ex-boyfriend is dreaming, you need to remember what meaning the meeting with ex-lover, as well as your feelings and response to the words and actions of the ex-chosen one.

Reconciliation with ex-boyfriend in a dream, the dream book interprets it as a subconscious feeling of guilt in front of an ex-boyfriend. This is the desire to leave past experiences behind and forget previous relationships. If the breakup was due to the girl’s fault or initiative, this dream can be interpreted as fear of making an important decision.

There is nothing wrong with this. You acted very wisely by talking to the guy’s mother. The mother, with her behavior, wants to make him unhappy forever. In principle, the mother repeats your mistake, only with unfavorable far-reaching consequences - the guy may never get married, become an alcoholic, etc. P. In this case, the guy will blame his mother for this all his life. Does she want such a future? Try to convey to her such a picture of the future. For my part, I wish you strong family happiness!

But there is one nuance. The fact is that our breakup was very painful for my boyfriend. For a long time he did not find a place for himself, he suffered mentally (through my fault:(), his close relatives also suffered with him: mom, dad, older sister. He was strictly punished that he would only be with me over their corpse. What I should no longer set foot in their house, etc.

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes.

Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news about some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news.

The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive.

If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failures and disappointments await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing your father sick is disappointing.

Talking to a deceased father means understanding something correctly.

Arguing with a deceased father means a decline in business.

Seeing a deceased mother means prosperity, a happy event.

Seeing a sick mother means trouble.

Seeing a mother's breast means heading towards the road.

A deceased mother warns against rash actions, and also announces significant changes for the better, dreams of before illness or death.

Mother and child in a dream - to longevity and great happiness.

Meeting your stepmother, even if you don’t actually have one, is a sign of sadness, annoyance, and trouble.

Talking to your stepmother in a dream means that soon an event will happen in your life as a result of which you will experience sadness, annoyance or unpleasant memories.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream is always a mystery that people have been trying to solve for a long time. During this time it has gathered a large number of different interpretations one or another event. So, for example, a dream in which the sleeper meets someone’s parents means that his expectations will soon be met.

What if you dream about meeting your parents?

When interpreting dreams, it is advised not only to pay attention to the key moment, but also consider the smallest details. So, for example, who met whose parents, under what circumstances and what it led to. So, why dream of meeting the parents of a guy or girl? Usually, for young people whose relationships are quite strong, such information promises only good things. Their deepest wishes will come true, and the immediate future in the relationship will be bright. If in a dream the acquaintance ended in a quarrel, this bad sign. It foreshadows the emergence of troubles on the “personal front”, misunderstandings between partners and even distrust. Therefore, after such a dream you will have to be more attentive and pay more attention to your soulmate.

What is important is that if a quarrel in a dream occurred due to the fault of one of the parents or their reaction was not entirely usual, it means that they will play an important role in love relationships young. The same applies to conducting a positive dating scenario.

In general, this dream can be interpreted from another point of view, divided into components: acquaintance and parents. The first is interpreted in dream books as a long and lasting friendship, the second - as internal state the sleeping person, his problems, achievements and doubts, but this is if you saw your loved ones. The appearance of the parents of a young man or girl in a dream promises a quick marriage that will be happy and long. If the action takes place in the father’s house, then the sleeper will receive good news from loved ones. When making acquaintances in a foreign territory, you should rely on your feelings, whether you like it here or not, whether there is hostility and fear. This will help to more accurately characterize future relationships. Where a person feels uncomfortable in a dream, he is unlikely to be happy in reality.

What does it portend?

When meeting parents, Special attention paid to their facial expressions and behavior. So, if in a dream they are happy, smile and greet the sleeping person with joy, it means that in reality everything will be fine, the relationship between the young people will be harmonious and long-lasting, marriage will bring only happiness. Angry, angry or irritated parents foretell difficult relationships and problems between lovers in the future. This dream warns that on the path to happiness you will have to overcome more than one test. Distrust or indifference gives reason to think, is this the right person or is it worth taking a closer look? Sometimes a dream about meeting your parents, if they are not in a good mood, can foreshadow material difficulties on the way to the goal, which can be resolved with the help of loved ones.

It is important to remember that any dream is only a warning, not a final verdict. That’s why he dreamed, so that everything could be fixed or not look for problems where there are none. So, for example, meeting the parents of an ex in a dream may indicate that not everything has been decided between people, but that they are simply confused.

When interpreting any dream, one must hope for the best. Look for tips to correct mistakes or avoid making new ones. Still, for anyone, meeting the parents of a loved one is a serious step. In a dream, if you wish, you can replay everything, but in life it’s unlikely. In general, you need to think only about the good, and be confident in the happy outcome of any matter!

The article on the topic: "" provides current information on this issue for 2018.

If in a dream you dreamed of spontaneously meeting the parents of your significant other, then you should expect the successful completion of a certain business, the return of an old debt and the fulfillment of promises made. The dream book will explain why such an unexpected phenomenon occurs in dreams.

How to make a prediction?

Did you meet the girl’s parents in a dream? Remember all the nuances of what you saw. The dream book is confident that depending on the details of the vision, one can predict how a certain life period will end.

If the girl’s parents seemed nice and friendly, then in reality everything will turn out well. Did you dream that they were unhappy with the meeting? Probably, at this stage, fate decided to test you.

In a dream, did you try with all your might to avoid the girl’s mom or dad? You should pay attention to business and health - past problems will worsen again.

Help is needed?

Why do you dream of an unplanned meeting with a guy’s parents? The dream book believes that you need someone else's care and guardianship, or, on the contrary, someone needs your support.

I dreamed about it unexpected meeting with the guy's relatives? On the personal front, favorable changes are coming, improving existing alliances and family ties.

According to Miller

Miller's dream interpretation indicates that such a vision is especially favorable for a young girl. Meeting a guy's relatives in a dream literally means what awaits her imminent marriage and well-being.

Take your time!

Did you dream that you met your loved one’s relatives right on the street?

The dream book is sure that you are bored with your current situation and are trying to change it. The main thing is not to overdo it in your zeal and do not push away loved one.

Did you happen to see mom and dad in your loved one’s house in a dream? Get ready for truly monumental changes to occur.

Act more decisively!

Why dream of spontaneously meeting the groom’s parents? If in reality they do not yet suspect your existence, then in the future the dream book promises pleasant communication, mutual understanding and long friendship with them.

If a previously planned acquaintance with the groom’s parents in a dream occurred in extremely strange circumstances, then this means that some need to be careful in relationships and choose words in conversation.

Did you dream that you were re-acquainted with the groom’s relatives? You tend to think too long about making decisions, and this often moves you away from your goals.

Interpretation of behavior

The dream book warns that the interpretation of a dream must be done taking into account the behavior and mood of the characters.

  • Satisfied parents usually dream of harmony and understanding.
  • Sad ones mean good luck that you will miss.
  • Pale in black clothes - to bitter disappointment.
  • Thoughtful - to the need to control the situation and actions.

If in a dream there was an acquaintance with the already deceased relatives of a loved one, then the dream book believes that their souls looked from other world to look at you.

Let go of the past!

Why do you dream about meeting your ex’s parents? You will probably soon have to encounter an old acquaintance in the real world and get to know him from a completely different side.

Seeing your ex's parents in a dream means that you are not letting go of some memory from the past, and this is slowing down your life.

In a dream, I met a friend, we were walking and suddenly my parents came out and I introduced them, they approved of our relationship.

What should happen if you dream of meeting a guy’s parents: dream book

If a girl dreams of meeting her boyfriend’s parents, she needs to look up the meaning of this in a dream book, preferably several. The meaning of the dream may be different character depending on many factors: whether this person is present in the dreamer’s life in reality, what kind of relationship he has with this person in general or in Lately, recent events, parents’ behavior in a dream, etc. Such a picture in the head makes it clear what should be done, what mistakes are made in life, what a person can expect in the near future. It is necessary to pay attention to all the details in a dream and in reality in order to decipher hidden signs with maximum accuracy.

In many dream books, meeting parents in a dream is interpreted as a possible beginning family life dreamer in the near future. If the guy’s family was hospitable, smiling, and friendly, then this promises a calm and happy marriage with the young man.

Provided that the couple is actually planning a meeting with the guy’s parents soon, the dream does not carry any meaning. Most likely, it is caused by excitement on a subconscious level.

If one of the parents is sad, not in the best mood, such a dream speaks of a dark streak in life. Don’t worry, as it is temporary, and after it a white streak will definitely come.

A dream where a guy's parents came home with a girl leads to pleasant events. If you dream of meeting the parents of a non-existent guy, you need to remember their words, as they indicate the dreamer’s mistakes and warn of troubles. If you approach the encryption of this dream wisely, you can avoid trouble.

Often the entire positive picture is spoiled by an insignificant, but not very pleasant detail that cannot get out of the dreamer’s head. There is no need to guess and worry in advance; you need to look through the dream book.

In the case when you dream of meeting a guy’s parents, dressed all in black, such a dream speaks of serious troubles, sudden changes V the worst side, promises disappointment. Unworthy behavior of the mother and father or a conversation that ended in a quarrel initiated by one of the parents means the emergence of misunderstandings and difficult relationships with the young man. IN real life these problems often arise due to the interference of the boyfriend's family in the affairs of the couple.

Angry, unkind parents indicate that the guy and the girl will have many obstacles and obstacles in life, which they will overcome if their love is sincere. Gypsy dream book warns that if her parents didn’t like the girl, then she shouldn’t make serious plans for her current boyfriend. This will not make a serious relationship.

Getting to know both parents shows the right path and gives advice for further actions. At the same time, they can warn about hidden dangers, wrong actions, and mean pressure on the dreamer’s will.

Miller's dream book interprets a dream in which the parents are not very friendly towards their son's chosen one, as quite pleasant: they will accept the girl into their family with joy. An unfamiliar young man appears in different cases: This can mean deception or the appearance of a nice person in your life.

If in a dream a girl is afraid of meeting a young man’s mother, then this reveals her inner complexes: the girl is not confident in herself, considers herself not attractive enough and an entertaining interlocutor.

Dreams in which a conversation with mom is very interesting, easy and exciting speak of good relations with friends, having fun, joyful chores, pleasant surprises, fulfillment of desires, etc.

When their mothers get to know each other, it indicates that the girl is afraid to make some important decision or choose a side. Young man's negative mother foreshadows financial difficulties, unfortunate events.

If in a dream a girl saw a picture of how she met her ex’s parents, this means that their relationship has not yet been completed. Something continues to unite them. A dream makes it possible to understand that something else needs to be decided.

This happens because the girl really misses the person and can’t get him out of her head. Perhaps the parents of the ex-boyfriend regret that their son broke up with such a girl, and want to do something to reconcile them, constantly reminding him of her.

If a girl dreams of meeting the parents of a person she likes, this speaks of her strong desire be close to him. She can't get him out of her head and constantly thinks up scenarios where they meet.

It often happens that on a subconscious level, a girl already gets acquainted with the parents of her loved one, whom she does not know in real life. All this suggests that the dreamer needs to be more decisive.

Details play an important role in deciphering a dream. These include the meeting place:

  • a chance meeting with the parents of a young man leads to surprises;
  • a cemetery or funeral site portends trouble;
  • cafe or restaurant - communication with influential people;
  • hiding together from bad weather means good luck in life;
  • a vacation with your parents at sea in a dream leads to travel in real life.

The meaning of the dream largely depends on the day on which it occurred:

  • From Sunday to Monday. Dreams are not prophetic, but they give a person clues about what decisions he should make. Dreams on this night reflect the hidden feelings of a person.
  • From Monday to Tuesday. The dream will be prophetic provided that the dreamer remembers all the details. On this day they are filled with an extraordinary atmosphere and mystery. Sometimes a dream on Tuesday foreshadows something bad, but it all depends on the details and their interpretation. To achieve a lot on this day, you need to be very active.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday. Dreams are very rich in different locations, which quickly give way to one another, and people. They foreshadow new journeys. The details indicate how you should behave towards friends and family.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday. Dreams are related to career and financial regulations person. Things can go either downhill or straight, providing you with new people to meet. The dreamer can finally engage in activities related to his childhood dream, but he should be careful not to make mistakes and not lose financial resources. A dream can come true if the dreamer remembers it.
  • From Thursday to Friday. On this night, dreams tend to come true more often than others. They warn of approaching troubles that can be resolved with great difficulty. To avoid them, you need to live a quiet life for some time and not cause problems for yourself.
  • From Friday to Saturday. Dreams are fateful and indicate unpleasant events associated with loved ones. If you do good deeds, you can avoid all kinds of problems.
  • From Saturday to Sunday. Dreams help a person decide on his desires. It is recommended to remember all the details that can give clues in life.

Meeting a guy's parents in a dream can have different meanings, most often they are favorable for the girl. If the mom and dad of a loved one are positive about his chosen one, then there is no reason to worry: they will love her like their daughter.

If an acquaintance ends in contempt, a quarrel, or misunderstanding, then you should be careful and try to do everything possible to become a good daughter-in-law, whom the parents of your loved one will definitely love.

And a little about secrets.

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

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Dream Interpretation meeting a guy's parents

Dream Interpretation meeting a guy's parents

It’s worth clarifying if a girl or guy is going to have real acquaintance with the parents of your other half, then the dream has no meaning. This is not expected, or this event has already taken place a long time ago; of course, the dreamer will be interested to know why such a thing is dreamed about.

Why might you dream about meeting your parents?

In general, such a dream promises a quick legalization of your relationship. The guy's parents good mood, were friendly, then the marriage will be pleasant.

Dream book opinions about dating

If in a dream you met a guy’s parents

But if you dreamed of something unusual, some detail haunts you, it is advisable not to be tormented by guesses, but to leaf through the dream book, and preferably more than one.

Women's dream book

Parents are happy, friendly, smiling, this is what you dream about happy marriage, trust and mutual understanding will reign in your family.

Seeing a guy’s parents visiting you means changes in life, for the better.

I dreamed that the guy’s mom and dad were dressed all in black and were sad, in which case the dream book says that such a thing can mean serious troubles and disappointments.

Some of them feel bad or are bored - a temporary dark streak in life. But don't worry, it will pass soon.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • If you dream of meeting someone, expect to receive outside support soon.
  • Why meet only the groom's mother - to sadness, an unfortunate incident.

Wanderer's Dream Book

The father and mother of your boyfriend or girlfriend are advice, help, showing the right path. But at the same time, they can mean pressure on your will, a warning about danger, an indication of wrong actions.

If you dream of meeting non-existent parents, try to remember their words, they can be a direct indication of your mistakes, or warn about the direction from which trouble is coming.

Unpleasant acquaintance

Was the acquaintance successful?

If the first meeting with the mother, or both parents of the guy or girl ends in a quarrel, then the dream book promises the lovers the emergence of misunderstanding. Trust and love will disappear.

It is also worth paying attention to who initiated the quarrel. If the latter occurred due to the fault of the father or mother of the groom, or they did not behave with dignity, then troubles in the relationship will occur precisely at their instigation.

Why do you dream about angry or irritated parents? It means that in your friendship, and possibly your life together with a young man, there will be many factors that will interfere with you. Only great and true love can overcome them.

Why do you dream about meeting your parents?

A dream is always a mystery that people have been trying to solve for a long time. During this time, a large number of different interpretations of this or that event have gathered. So, for example, a dream in which the sleeper meets someone’s parents means that his expectations will soon be met.

What if you dream about meeting your parents?

When interpreting dreams, it is advised not only to pay attention to the key point itself, but also to consider the smallest details. So, for example, who met whose parents, under what circumstances and what it led to. So, why dream of meeting the parents of a guy or girl? Usually, for young people whose relationships are quite strong, such information promises only good things. Their deepest wishes will come true, and the immediate future in the relationship will be bright. If in a dream the acquaintance ended in a quarrel, this is a bad sign. It foreshadows the emergence of troubles on the “personal front”, misunderstandings between partners and even distrust. Therefore, after such a dream you will have to be more attentive and pay more attention to your soulmate.

What is important is that if a quarrel in a dream occurred due to the fault of one of the parents or their reaction was not entirely usual, it means that they will play an important role in the love relationships of the young people. The same applies to conducting a positive dating scenario.

In general, this dream can be interpreted from another point of view, divided into components: acquaintance and parents. The first is interpreted in dream books as a long and lasting friendship, the second - as the internal state of the sleeping person, his problems, achievements and doubts, but this is if he saw his loved ones. The appearance of the parents of a young man or girl in a dream promises a quick marriage that will be happy and long. If the action takes place in the father’s house, then the sleeper will receive good news from loved ones. When making acquaintances in a foreign territory, you should rely on your feelings, whether you like it here or not, whether there is hostility and fear. This will help to more accurately characterize future relationships. Where a person feels uncomfortable in a dream, he is unlikely to be happy in reality.

What does it portend?

When meeting parents, special attention is paid to their facial expressions and behavior. So, if in a dream they are happy, smile and greet the sleeping person with joy, it means that in reality everything will be fine, the relationship between the young people will be harmonious and long-lasting, marriage will bring only happiness. Angry, angry or irritated parents foretell difficult relationships and problems between lovers in the future. This dream warns that on the path to happiness you will have to overcome more than one test. Distrust or indifference gives reason to think, is this the right person or is it worth taking a closer look? Sometimes a dream about meeting your parents, if they are not in a good mood, can foreshadow material difficulties on the way to the goal, which can be resolved with the help of loved ones.

It is important to remember that any dream is only a warning, not a final verdict. That’s why he dreamed, so that everything could be fixed or not look for problems where there are none. So, for example, meeting the parents of an ex in a dream may indicate that not everything has been decided between people, but that they are simply confused.

When interpreting any dream, one must hope for the best. Look for tips to correct mistakes or avoid making new ones. Still, for anyone, meeting the parents of a loved one is a serious step. In a dream, if you wish, you can replay everything, but in life it’s unlikely. In general, you need to think only about the good, and be confident in the happy outcome of any matter!

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Meeting a guy's parents from a dream book

Meeting a guy's parents is an exciting moment for every girl. And, according to dream books, in most cases such stories are predecessors real events. But don’t be alarmed if potential relatives didn’t like you in a dream. Recover the details of the dream in your memory and only then begin to interpret what such visions mean.

“Nice to meet you!”, or From joy to doubts

If you dreamed that your loved one introduces you to your father and mother, who welcome you into the family, this predicts an easy pastime in the company of pleasant people, the Eastern Dream Book assures.

And here are the interpretations for the young man offered Lunar dream book. Introducing your girlfriend to your mom and dad in a dream is a sign that you are ripe for a serious relationship. You are going to introduce a girl to your relatives, but she doesn’t want it - you have doubts about whether you made the right choice.

Terrible reception as a symbol of unpleasant events

Why do you dream of a vision in which your beloved met your “ancestors”, and they showed their disdain for her, Pastor Loff’s dream book will tell you. Relationship problems await you - your beloved will make you worry.

A young woman dreamed that she met potential fathers-in-law in the hope of a quick wedding, and they directly told her that she was “not in their court”? The Gypsy Dream Book will tell you why this is a dream: do not make far-reaching plans for this young man.

“What if it’s the other way around…”, or Don’t rush the time!

For a young man to see in a dream how his bride meets his mother and father and declares that it is not she who should worry, but they, is a sign that the chosen one is not quite ready for serious relationship, so don’t rush things.

But if, on the eve of meeting the guy’s parents, a girl sees a similar plot, then this indicates her doubts about the feelings of her fiancé. And if in a dream she meets the relatives of her future spouse while she is pregnant, then this is a sign that she is not completely frank with her chosen one.

Meeting point

A significant role in the interpretation of a dream about meeting a guy’s parents is played by the place where the fateful meeting took place. Here's what some of them dream about:

  • met in a cafe or restaurant - to new useful connections;
  • you see in a dream that you are relaxing together by the sea - to a pleasant journey;
  • met by chance meeting on the street - to surprises;
  • dreamed that you were hiding from bad weather or danger with them - good luck;
  • collided in a cemetery or at a wake - to trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpretations that Miller’s dream book offers differ from other interpreters. If you woke up in the morning and remembered that you dreamed of meeting a guy’s parents, which was not very friendly, then this means that in a real situation everything will go smoothly - they will gladly accept you into their family.

It’s worse if in a dream you “chirped” sweetly with your future spouse’s mom and dad. According to the doctor of psychology, this means that in reality you will not pass the “casting” for the role of the wife of their beloved boy.

Dream Interpretation meeting a guy's parents

Did you dream of a sudden meeting with the mom and dad of your loved one? Expect that soon the business you started will be completed successfully, or your debts will be returned to you. The interpreter will give an answer as to why you dream about meeting your parents.

How to interpret a vision correctly?

In a dream, did you meet your loved one’s relatives? Keep in your memory all the details of what you were able to examine. The dream book believes, based on the nuances of a dream vision, it is possible to predict how a certain stage in life will end.

If the young lady’s relatives were nice and friendly, then in reality everything will turn out just fine. Did you dream that they were not satisfied with something? Perhaps at this moment fate is teaching you a lesson in education.

In a dream, did you try with all your might to prevent a meeting with the parents of your chosen one? You need to take care of your health - past illnesses will make themselves felt again.

Need help?

Why do you dream of an unscheduled meeting with a young man’s parents? The dream book believes that you need outside care and supervision, or, on the contrary, one of your friends needs help.

Did you dream of a sudden meeting with a guy’s “ancestors”? Positive changes are coming in your personal life, stabilization of truly strong alliances.

According to Miller

The dream book explains that sleep is good for a young lady. A date with a guy’s parents in her night dreams means that a quick marriage and a prosperous life await her.

Do not hurry!

Did you dream of meeting your beloved’s relatives on the open spaces?

The dream book believes that you are tired of your current situation and want to change it. It's important not to overdo it in your pursuit.

Were you lucky enough to see your lover’s mom and dad at the same time in a dream? Be prepared, dramatic changes await you soon.

Be more decisive!

Why dream of an unexpected meeting with the parents of your future husband? If in reality they have not yet heard of you, then in the future the dream book prophesies sweet communication, understanding and many years of friendly relations.

How does the dream book explain the acquaintance of the betrothed's parents in night dreams, which happened under an unusual set of circumstances? In the near future, you need to monitor your statements regarding other people.

Did you dream about how you met the parents of your chosen one for the second time? You always think for a long time before making a decision, and this often takes you away from what you planned.

Explanation of behavior

The dream book warns that the interpretation of a dream is necessary taking into account the behavior and mood of the main characters in the dream.

  • Satisfied relatives often dream of harmonious relationships and mutual understanding.
  • Sad ones - to success, which you will miss through your fingers.
  • Pale relatives in things of dark tones - to disappointment.
  • In your thoughts - soon you will need to control a lot.

If in your night dreams you had a chance to meet the deceased ancestors of the groom? The dream book believes that their souls came from the other world to meet you.

Forget about the past!

Why do you dream about meeting the parents of your former chosen one? Perhaps very soon in reality you will meet an old friend and look at him completely differently.

In night dreams, seeing the relatives of your ex-boyfriend means that you cannot let go of past memories, and this prevents your current life from moving on.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...