Decorating the porch at the dacha. How to build a porch made of wood - a beautiful and functional addition to the entrance to the house. Design starting points

The porch is the first thing guests see and can be considered business card any home. The design of the porch creates an impression not only of the house, but also of its owner. And the neater and more attractive it looks, the better.

IN decorative purposes Sculptures, flowers, columns, and carved balusters are often used. But you need to take into account the general style. Let's say for a simple wooden house chic won't do stone porch, and, on the contrary, for a huge brick structure, a small porch made of wood will look ridiculous.

The main components of the structure are:

  • Steps;
  • Railing;
  • Visor;
  • Area.

Types of porches

There are many types of porches. They vary in size, materials from which they are made, additional elements and functionality.

First, let's look at the most common ones. It is suitable for small house or dachas. It's the easiest to build.

Brick porch will look organic next to a brick house. However, with proper decoration, this can be done for a wooden house and buildings sheathed with other materials.

Porch with columns Not suitable for every home. Firstly, because it is not easy to fit into general design. Secondly, not many materials are compatible in style with columns. The columns fit well into a building made of brick or stone.

Screened porch especially relevant for cold climates. It is more difficult to design than usual, but in its functionality this porch is superior to the main types.

Porch design

Before starting construction itself, it is necessary to at least have the entire construction plan in mind. But it’s better to draw it on paper and calculate all the dimensions, pay attention to all the nuances.

For the project it is important to provide:

  • Location of adjacent parts (doors, walkways);
  • Construction materials;
  • Tools;

An example of a project is shown in the figure. This porch consists of:

  1. supporting part;
  2. steps;
  3. handrail;
  4. side part in the form of a flower bed;
  5. canopy

The porch, as a rule, is made so that it is on the same level as the 1st floor of the house, but you need to take into account the margin for front door, which should be at least 5 cm from the porch area (since according to the technology fire safety The front door should open outwards).

When designing, you should take into account a canopy or a full roof for protection from precipitation. You definitely need to think about fencing, since winter period the steps often become icy. It will be dangerous to move along them without support at this time.

How to choose materials for a porch

When choosing materials for a porch, it is best to rely on what the main building is made of. As already mentioned, to wooden house wood is suitable, brick is suitable for brick. At the same time, it is possible to select compositions from different materials. But for this they need to be correctly assembled and adjusted. So, for example, a porch made from typical stair steps in a spacious stone house, and ceramic cladding will make such a structure original.

A wooden structure is the easiest to build, since it does not require much support, which means that you can do without a foundation. But this material also has obvious disadvantages - low strength.

Metal is quite suitable as an additional material. It is usually mounted on a concrete base.

Important! Do not forget about waterproofing; in humid and cold climates this plays a big role.

How to calculate the size of the porch

It would seem that you don’t have to worry too much about the size, but this is not so, because the porch must first of all be safe. And also convenient.

Door area. Let's start with an observation: to open a door, a person first approaches the door, turns, inserts the key, opens it, and then takes a step back. To do all these actions, you need a certain space to the left and right of the door, as well as in front of it.

Exist building codes, which regulate the dimensions of the porch. They differ depending on whether the door is single-leaf or double-leaf.

For the first, the depth should be at least one and a half meters, the width from one and a half to one meter and sixty centimeters. For the second, with the same depth, the width should be over two meters. Of course, one should not take these parameters as an ideal. It would be better if they were at least slightly exceeded. You should definitely take care of this if the porch is high.

Steps. Their width differs from structures inside buildings; external ones should be more comfortable and safe. It is recommended to make a tread of at least 30 centimeters.

Despite the fact that the number of steps is often small, their height, on the contrary, should be reduced compared to internal stairs. Good height in this case it ranges from 14 to 17 centimeters.

Railings and fences. If the porch is more than 3 steps high, then it is necessary to install fences on it. The standard size of the railing is suitable - 80-90 centimeters.

Light . Lighting is important during the construction of a porch, since this is a place of particular risk of injury. The same rule of 3 steps applies here, that is, if the staircase has 4 or more steps, then one lamp is not enough. You need to hang at least two so that they illuminate the porch from different sides. This is due to the fact that located above the door lighting fixture gives a large shadow, as a result of which the steps are not visible properly.

Visor. What is it for? The first answer that comes to mind is to hide from the rain. But, besides this, it is also designed to protect the steps from precipitation, which is especially important in winter. Therefore, the canopy should be made wider than the porch. It is recommended that it be at least 30 centimeters longer than the porch on all sides.

Such a large canopy reduces the amount of light, especially if there are windows underneath it. To solve this problem, you can use polycarbonate for the purpose of constructing such a roof.

We build a porch for a house with our own hands

Let's consider the option of building a porch, the price of which most closely matches the quality. To do this, it is necessary to make a base from a conventional foundation, strengthening it with reinforcement and several layers of cement filled with mortar.

This porch can be finished with tiles, stone or any other suitable material.

Preparatory work

The construction of a porch, like any other object, begins with clearing the area and marking it. This is done in order to save time in the future. All necessary tool and material (rebar, sand and cement).

Concrete foundation

It’s easy to guess that it all starts with creating a foundation, under which the first step is to dig a pit (the depth is equal to the size of the foundation of the house itself). Then, according to the rules, you should fill in a bed of gravel and sand, and then pour in the concrete, installing the formwork.

Rules and regulations should be followed so that the porch does not have to be restored in the next few years.

For the foundation you will need broken brick, on top of which a mesh of ribbed reinforcement is installed. This will strengthen the foundation and secure it to the foundation of the main building. Next, you need to remove the reinforcement from the foundation of the building; the future threshold will be poured over it. After you have a finished “floor” for the base, you need to drive more vertical pieces of reinforcement into it, which we pour on top good solution cement.

Porch base

After the foundation is poured, it is time to move on to forming the base of the porch. Backfill brick is suitable for this purpose. They should lay out the base of the structure, taking into account the required dimensions. At this stage, do not forget about waterproofing, since brick is sensitive to high humidity. Both horizontal and vertical types of waterproofing are needed - the base is cut off from the porch, the entire base is treated with aquazol or a double layer of roofing material.

Laying steps

The time has come to lay the steps. A high-quality brick will come in handy here; it is not recommended to take a used one. In principle, almost any type of brick will do. It is placed on ordinary solution, in a way convenient for the builder. This stage should be approached with special care, because the steps are the main part of this structure.

Finishing and decoration

There is no big difference whether it is a wooden or brick porch, because the main thing is ease of use, high quality, reliability and durability. But the aesthetic component is also not in last place.

Therefore, it is necessary to decorate the porch of the house. To increase service life it is worth metal corner trim the edges of the steps.

For the integrity of the architectural ensemble, it is necessary to carry out coordinated color solutions. So, if the enclosing structures have forging elements, then it would be a good idea to use similar elements in the design of railings and pilasters for the canopy.

Various directions in porch decor

Examples beautiful design can be seen in the video

Classic. In this case, a gable canopy, turned railings and round balusters are required. Stone or tiles are suitable as cladding.

Castle style. Quite a massive structure, decorated with natural stone. For decorative purposes, you can use torch lamps, grilles, and heavy furniture.

Old Russian era. In Rus', the front entrance of a traditional wooden house was made high, on large heavy supports, and it was quite spacious. It was customary to use patterns and carved elements in large quantities as decorations.

Porch-patio. This structure looks like an open terrace adjacent to the house. There are benches, tables, and chairs on it. However, not in all cases a roof is placed over the structure.

European style. This design is characterized by restrained lines and regular features. As a rule, such a porch is a low structure. For cladding they take ceramic tiles or suitable variety stone

French style. The special feature here is “ french window" Although in fact this is a door made with an openwork lattice design. Flowers are used to complement hanging planters, wicker and wooden furniture.

Whatever porch design is chosen, it is important to remember to comply with construction technologies and the quality of materials. If these requirements are met, the porch will last a long time. And finally, I would like to post photos various designs porch for wooden, brick and other houses.

A porch for a private house refers to mandatory elements arrangement of any modern home. Since the aesthetic and functional design of the entrance becomes a “business card” and a reflection of the preferences of household members, the construction of this structure requires a competent approach, in particular to the selection suitable materials. The design of the porch of the house should create a feeling of integrity of the overall ensemble and enhance the attractiveness of the main building. In the article we’ll talk about how to make a porch for a house with your own hands and what nuances you should pay attention to in order to avoid serious mistakes.

Porch Construction Types

The general design of the porch is an open area combined with a staircase, directly in front of the front door. Additional elements - canopy, fences, walls and glazing can be made from a variety of materials and any shape if desired.

There are three main types of porch:

  1. Simple. Performed as a platform at the entrance. A staircase is required and such a porch is often supplemented with a canopy.
  2. Built-in. It is designed at the stage of preparing drawings of the entire house, therefore it has a common foundation with it and is built completely.
  3. Attached. It is constructed (added) after the construction of the main building.

Foundation for the porch

To prevent deformations due to temperature changes, a foundation must be built under the porch. Its type depends on the material planned to be used for construction, design and size.

If you plan to have a small porch, oriented only to provide a convenient entrance to the house, then it is enough to install a concrete pad.

Manufacturing technology: step-by-step instructions

The foundation for the porch of a private house is done with your own hands in several stages:

  • marking the territory;
  • installation of formwork;
  • knitting of reinforcement cage;
  • filling .

To construct the formwork, you can use edged boards or moisture-resistant plywood. For the first option, you will need boards lined on the inside with roofing felt, which has good water-repellent properties. To prevent excess mortar from leaking out, the boards must be placed tightly together.

When constructing an entrance from heavy blocks or bricks, you will need to create a more durable reinforced foundation. Such a solution is also necessary in the case of constructing a spacious porch, which involves the arrangement of a recreation area with the installation of furniture and other accessories.

Wooden porch

For independent performance the most universal material a tree is used for the porch. Pine, which is inexpensive and quite durable when making a protective paint layer, is often used. More expensive larch will provide high strength after impregnation.

Wooden structures allow you to decorate the entrance with elements of country, Provence, and classic styles. They are easily combined with stone, forged and wicker elements.

Concrete porch

Concrete is considered the most versatile, accessible and cheap material used for making porches. Created according to all rules monolithic design turns out to be durable and reliable. It maintains its integrity for many years and is easily restored.

An important advantage is that a concrete structure can be given any shape. When decorating, you can decorate concrete porch using a variety of decorative elements.

Finish similar structures clinker tiles, stone. They are plastered and painted. If the facade of the house is made of brick or wood, the concrete entrance is often left without external covering, emphasizing the overall static, balanced composition.

Metal porch

If you own welding equipment and have required material You can build a metal porch within one day.

This design looks ordinary, so elegant ones are often used as additional decor. forged elements. They significantly increase the overall cost of the building, but allow you to get an original luxurious accent.

Metal structures complement other materials from which the flooring and steps are made. Chipboards and wooden blocks are used. The final durable coating can be made from porcelain stoneware.

Porch made of stone, brick

Brick or stone masonry looks prestigious when constructing a porch. But these operations require specific skills, so if necessary, turn to specialists.

Construction takes quite a lot of time, but the end result will delight you for decades, while the external decor does not lose its charm and nobility.

Installing a canopy over the porch

The main functional role of the canopy (single or double slope, figured, domed, arched) erected over the porch is to protect it from any precipitation.

However, at the design stage the aesthetic component of this structural element should also be considered. This will add an additional decorative touch to the overall harmonious ensemble.

Materials used

  • Tree. It is not difficult to install, but requires mandatory impregnation against fire and additional application of several layers of varnish that protects against moisture.
  • Polycarbonate. Select options with a high degree of strength. You can use transparent or colored sheets, taking into account the overall color scheme of the facade of the house and the surrounding landscape.
  • Roof tiles. When choosing a tile roofing material, maintain harmony with general design roofs.
  • Metal tiles. This modern lightweight When installed, the material looks original, has different shades, and blends organically into the environment.
  • Profiled flooring. Thanks to the large sheet sizes and low weight, it is quickly installed. Long service life at a low price makes this material very popular.
  • Flexible tiles. It looks original and creates a feeling of aristocracy. Requires the construction of a continuous sheathing.

Porch design ideas (photo)

The main design of the porch is usually planned immediately when designing the house. Later, ideas may arise for further modernization, increasing space, introducing new functional roles.

Architectural solution options

  1. Open porch. It is a platform arranged at the front door. A small canopy is usually built on top. For restrictions, you can install railings along the edges. The advantages include simple installation and quick construction. The downside is the lack of wind protection.
  2. Enclosed porch . This variation with side walls allows you to get an entrance to the house that is protected from external adverse influences. To preserve lighting, the side walls are glazed completely or in fragments. When calculating individual frames, it is taken into account that their width should not exceed 120 cm in order to withstand wind loads. The main frame of the walls is made of metal or wood.
  3. Tambour. A fairly spacious extension, covering the porch along with the steps on all sides and providing insulation of the walls, allows you to reliably protect the house from the penetration of cold. Inside there are usually places to store outerwear, shoes, and umbrellas.
  4. Double sided porch. When constructing such a structure, the stairs are located on both sides. When complemented with openwork forged railings, they create a respectable, finished look for the entire house.

Advice! A porch with a reliable canopy and glazed side walls allows you to equip a comfortable seating area. Just install coffee table, a few light armchairs and a cozy corner is created where you can pleasantly relax after a hard day at work.

If the porch area is small, measures to expand it are carried out in terms of an extension to it. In such a situation, they receive additional summer premises. By installing wicker furniture in it, you get a comfortable living room. To protect against insects open terrace tight mosquito net or decorated with light muslin.

More static ones will look organic on the veranda wooden sofas and armchairs, complemented soft pillows. Additional decor is provided by floor or wall planters with plants. Often, a dining area is placed on the porch, combined with a veranda.

In addition to the table and chairs, it contains compact shelving with closed fronts for necessary utensils and utensils. Plastic furniture is increasingly being used for this purpose. They are light, mobile, have a pleasant smooth texture and bright decor.

For furniture ensembles on metal legs, durable flooring. If the frame is forged, this brings an element of luxury to the surrounding space.

On a fairly spacious terrace, a barbecue area is often installed next to the dining area. It is important to choose non-combustible material for cladding walls and floors.

Having provided a sufficient height of the porch with a combined spacious terrace, a hanging swing is installed on it. Having made them in the form of a comfortable sofa or wicker chair, they complement not only the relaxation area, but also create a comfortable children's Corner. Sun loungers and hammocks will bring comfort.

When expanding the porch in the form of a veranda, it is necessary to install waterproofing under the floor or wall covering. After competent completion of all work, you receive extra room. This can be not only a living room or dining room, but also a bedroom or study.

After installing panoramic windows on an insulated veranda, you get excellent space for a home greenhouse. To enhance the perception of comfort, install a bookcase, banquettes or small armchairs. This is a nice corner to read or work on the computer.

Advice! For cool weather, a mobile electric fireplace can be connected to the porch. By choosing a model that imitates bursts of natural flame, they create a calming, romantic atmosphere.

The interior decoration of the porch is usually done in light colors, visually expanding limited space. Different materials are selected for cladding the platform, steps, part of the wall and the surface around the porch.

Finishing materials for cladding the porch

  1. Ceramic tile. Among the advantages note the variety of textures and color shades, which provides high decorativeness. Select products with a rough surface, which will prevent injury when moisture freezes on it. Frost-resistant, durable clinker tiles are often used. When laying out, certain skills are required, since it is necessary to maintain a constant thickness of the seams and efficiently prepare a smooth rough surface.
  2. Paving slabs. When facing the surfaces of the porch with paving slabs that are resistant to any weather conditions, it is possible to obtain a reliable, aesthetically pleasing, durable coating. The range of this material allows you to choose both plain, smooth, and embossed or patterned planes. By paving the path and the surface of the ground around the porch with the same material, you get a complete, sophisticated look.
  3. A natural stone. The porch, lined with natural stone, looks prestigious and very decorative. Granite finishing lasts up to a hundred years without losing its solid decorative effect. Aristocratic, elegant marble is becoming increasingly common. It is advisable to select such material for closed types porch. Be sure to strengthen the anti-slip pads.
  4. Porcelain tiles. Durable, solid porcelain tiles from the line with non-slip surfaces are not inferior to stone in terms of external decor. Its cost is lower, which determines its increasing popularity. It must be taken into account that to cut this hard material special equipment will be required. Before laying, carefully level the surfaces to be finished.

When building the porch of a house with their own hands, they also use other materials. This can be quite durable siding. Manufacturers offer a fairly wide color palette. You can choose a material that imitates wood, stone, brick.

Concrete surfaces are easily plastered. If desired, make a variety of relief textures, use options decorative plaster. Such smooth surfaces perfectly harmonize with additional decorative elements.

Subject to careful consideration of the form and materials used, functional role It is possible to obtain an exclusive organic design of the porch, which reliably protects the entrance to the house. When complemented with comfortable furniture, green plants, and decorative accessories, you get an original accent that decorates not only the building, but also the surrounding landscape.

The porch is an important part of the architecture of the house. It should be reliable, comfortable and beautiful. In this article we will talk about what the design of a porch in a private house can be, what its design can be, what material it can be lined with, how it should be combined with the exterior of the entire building as a whole.


Porch design options

There are many architectural solutions for the porch. It is advisable to decide what kind of design it will be at the design stage. It should harmonize well with the front facade of the cottage and stand on the same foundation.

Open porch

Porch open type- This is a platform with a small canopy over the door. May be with or without railings. Such a porch does not very reliably protect the approach to the house from wind and precipitation, but it does not require complex work and high costs during construction.


Enclosed porch

This is an option for a more secure porch. It is a platform that is completely covered with a canopy. Sometimes the canopy also covers the stairs. At the same time, the sides of the structure are closed with a railing structure.

This porch protects the front door. Puddles of water or snowdrifts will never form near it. Even in bad weather, under the porch canopy you can safely find the keys and open the door.



A porch designed as a completely enclosed extension is a traditional design option for the entrance area in Russian village houses. Previously, such a buffer zone was called a vestibule and could be quite spacious, like a modern veranda. But more often it was a small buffer room that protected the living part of the house from the street cold.

The porch-vestibule provides the house with minimal heat loss through the front door during heating season. IN summer period it allows you to keep your rooms comfortably cool. At the same time, it can serve as a hallway if it provides space for storing outdoor shoes and outerwear.


Porch on two sides

This is an open porch option that has two stairs running along the wall on both sides. This design of a porch with a canopy for a private house looks great against the backdrop of any cottage. If you decorate the entrance area on both sides with beautiful forged railings, it will give the house solidity and respectability. However, this option cannot be called very practical - at a fairly high cost, it does not provide entrance group reliable protection.



The entrance can be designed as a closed glazed veranda. This is an excellent option for combining a recreation area and an entrance portal. The veranda can be heated or “cold”. You can arrange a summer kitchen or, for example, a gallery in it. However, this architectural solution also has one significant drawback - a closed veranda, this is, in fact, an extension stretched along the main facade, and it blocks access to sunlight to the windows of the first floor.



A terrace is an area under a canopy, without enclosing walls. It may have railings or a continuous fence around the perimeter about a meter and a half high. This type of extension also blocks the windows of the first floor, but not as tightly as a closed porch.

A terrace that serves as a porch is a fairly popular way of arranging a country home in modern low-rise construction. It has several advantages:

    allows you to save space on the site;

    increases the functionality of the porch;

    provides the opportunity to arrange a full-fledged recreation area next to the house with summer kitchen;

    makes it possible to bring all necessary communications to the summer recreation area with minimal means.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular houses presented at the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


The porch can be built from different materials. Concrete, brick or a structure made of metal elements are used to arrange the base of the porch. Sometimes used building tree. The top of the base is lined with some decorative material. The choice of cladding depends on several important factors - the type of porch construction, the intended design of the entire building, the preferences of the owners and cost.

Video description

Options for beautiful porches made of different materials


Any porch can be wooden, from the simplest platform with a canopy to a wide terrace. The main thing is to choose the right wood. It must be durable and moisture resistant. This could be, for example, pine. But even the highest quality wood materials must be pre-treated protective composition. Otherwise, moisture, fungus and insects will destroy them very quickly. Wooden finishing of a porch in a private house has its advantages - it looks very aesthetically pleasing, it can be restored, and it is suitable for decorating houses in a wide variety of architectural styles.



During construction modern cottages Concrete entrance structures are often constructed that are not covered with finishing materials. A concrete porch can be complemented with wrought iron or wooden railings. The concrete base itself is sometimes coated with paint.

A concrete porch can be given any shape. It is reliable, durable, monolithic. Over time, it can be faced with tiles, brick or wood.



Natural stone has everything necessary qualities for the porch - it is strong, durable, moisture-resistant, beautiful. Therefore the stone is classic material for finishing the porch in a solid and respectable house. However, recently, instead of natural stone, its artificial counterpart is increasingly being used. Artificial stone has almost the same characteristics as natural stone, but at the same time it costs less and weighs less.



Finishing brick cladding is used mainly in the construction of brick cottages. This finishing option allows you to maintain the integrity of the home's design. A brick porch can take the form of a classic entrance or a wide terrace. Facing brick ideal for exterior finishing, as it has all the advantages of stone and can last for many years without requiring reconstruction.



In many cases, ceramic or paving slabs are used to decorate the porch. Typically, the porch area is lined with paving slabs, which have such characteristics as high abrasion resistance, attractive appearance and anti-slip coating.


Other materials

There are other options for arranging a porch. It can be faced with porcelain stoneware, siding or clinker tiles. Any cladding intended for external use is suitable. But it must be harmoniously combined with the cladding of the house and with the landscape design of the site.


A canopy or canopy over the porch is a necessary element. It protects the front door and threshold of the house. It does not need to be equipped only in cases where the function of the canopy is performed by the overhang of the roof of the building or the roof of the veranda. For example it could be cottage with a porch under one roof.


In all other cases, you need to consider a visor of a suitable shape and size. The canopy structure consists of a frame and cladding. The frame can be constructed from:

  • profiled pipe;

    metal strips;

    steel corner.

You can cover the frame with any material intended for covering the roofs of houses or gazebos. Such materials include:

    bitumen shingles;

    natural tiles;

    corrugated sheeting;

    metal tiles;

  • polycarbonate

The shape of the visor can be:

    single slope;

  • dome;


  • gable;


When arranging a canopy, it is very important to ensure quality connection with a wall. There should be no water from precipitation seeping between the canopy and the wall. To obtain an airtight fastening, a fender strip is usually used, matched to the tone of the wall finish or to the tone of the canopy covering.

Video description

Manufacturing and installation of a polycarbonate canopy

The shape and material of the canopy must correspond to the artistic design of the porch and the entire building as a whole. The easiest way is to make a single-pitched canopy. It suits any type of cottage. But they look much more interesting complex options awnings For example, if a polycarbonate coating is used, it is better to make a dome or arched canopy. If the house is made in the style of a village hut and has a traditional gable roof, it will look even more expressive if you make a gable canopy covered with the same material as the roof.

Porch design

The porch is the most expressive part of the exterior of the house. It largely determines the aesthetics of the entire home. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine the design of the porch. The shape of the porch, regardless of whether it is a small open area or a wide terrace, can be rectangular or round. It's about about the front line of the site. A rounded porch is more difficult to construct, but it gives the exterior of the house a more elegant and finished look.

Video description

Arrangement of a round brick porch

The combination of porch design and house design can be solved in two ways: different ways. The first is to maintain a single style, using one finishing material and a common artistic solution. The second option is to think over a contrasting combination in which the porch will become an accent element of the building’s architecture and its decoration.

With a contrasting combination, modern lightweight materials can be used to decorate the porch. For example, a porch canopy can be made of lightweight and practical polycarbonate. A metal porch for a house made of siding looks quite attractive. A porch made of wood or stone can be attached to a cottage with facades covered with plaster.


So that the porch fits well into landscape design plot, you can make it as inconspicuous as possible. But if you decide to build a large or simply very expressive design porch, it is advisable to “support” it in some way decorative element in the landscape. For example, you can put a sculpture on the site, which in color and texture will echo the decoration of the porch. Or you can use the same lamps to illuminate the porch and paths on the site.

The surest way to connect the design of the porch and the yard is to use the same covering for the area in front of the entrance and for decoration garden paths. When thinking through options for paths and porches in a house, it is advisable to immediately provide for their combination in a single composition.


Porch design options







The porch of a house is an important functional and decorative part of the architecture of the house. It can be built in the form of a small platform with a canopy or a terrace attached to the house. For cladding the porch, the most various materials. A well-designed porch can become a real decoration of both the cottage itself and the area around it.

The high foundation of the house, in addition to certain advantages, makes it difficult for residents to get inside, so a porch with steps is a necessity and its arrangement should be approached with the utmost seriousness. After all, despite its apparent simplicity, this is a rather complex structure. However, knowing how it is built in one way or another, as well as having some skill with tools, will help you get the job done and build a great porch according to your preferences.

What types of porch are there?

In addition to its functional qualities, the porch near a private house also performs a decorative function, being, in fact, the “face” of the entire house and enclosing the entire architecture. Therefore, you should carefully think through the decor of the future structure in style in accordance with the rest of the structure, choosing the most suitable material for this. In the numerous photos presented, it is easy to see certain dependencies: therefore, we will use a simple rule that says that “it is better to see once” than to delve into the intricacies of design art.

In general, there are three main classification criteria:

  1. By device type.
  2. According to the building materials used.
  3. By the presence/absence of a canopy or canopy over the porch.

In principle, it is not so important for us to know how they differ from each other simple, attached And built-in porch (the first classification criterion): it is clear that the built-in is an integral part of the house and is designed together with it, and there is no need to particularly understand the other two - this is the work of professionals, our business is to build.

Of great practical interest to us is the second criterion, which distinguishes four types of porches depending on the material used:

  • wooden;
  • concrete;
  • metal;
  • brick/stone.

This is what we will deal with. All four types are good as a porch to a private house or country house, the only question is: a) price, b) specifically your processing skills and preferences for this or that material, c) the material from which the house is built. You shouldn’t, say, attach a concrete porch to a wooden house, while wooden porch Suitable for buildings built from any material. Yes, you can see for yourself in the pictures under what conditions it is better to build a porch from one material or another.

Therefore, let’s move directly to the issue of the design and technology of constructing each of the four types of porch, leaving for last the issues of arranging a canopy (canopy) for protection from precipitation and the hot sun.

Wooden porch

Let's start with a wooden porch, since wood is the most affordable material for most cottage or cottage owners. summer cottage. Unlike metal or brick and concrete, we all (or almost all) made all kinds of crafts from birch bars and planks in childhood and youth, so it’s quite possible to handle this material even with basic skills in handling a hacksaw and a hammer with nails. You will also need a square to accurately mark the corners (don’t be afraid of the calculations, here they will be elementary) and a simple pencil.

Several designs of wooden porch are available for independent execution, in particular, arrangement of steps. However, the most common and practical is based on the so-called. “stringer” (it is also sometimes called “string”). Kosour- this is a support beam with corner cuts, on the plane of which steps are attached. The proposed diagrams and photos show that most often a thick and wide board is used for stringers.

There can be a great variety of ideas for arranging a porch in a private house, but they must emphasize the integrity of the entire building.

Make a porch in country house possible, focusing on trends in architecture and design, as well as taking into account personal preferences. However, it is worth remembering that the design of the porch country house, like construction, must comply with certain rules.

Country house porch projects

One of the design features of the porch is its elevated location - at the level of the foundation of the entire house.

In order to level these two elements, a series of steps is used, which ends with a small platform or, conversely, a spacious one, connecting the staircase with front door.

Before building a porch for a country house, you need to clearly understand the future dimensions of the extension. If you do not correlate the dimensions of the porch with the dimensions of the entire house, then the extension will significantly disharmonize the architectural composition. A spacious terrace or veranda in a country house is suitable for buildings of impressive size. Therefore, it is better to stay small semicircular porch, if the country house is small.

Creating a porch project country house First of all, you need to measure the area in front of the facade of the house. If space allows, then you can build a porch-veranda in your country house or dacha. The veranda will not only serve as protection from precipitation, but will also become a place for relaxation in the fresh air for the whole family.

It is better to complement the porch-veranda of a country house with sliding glass doors which will save space. In this case, the glazing of the porch of a country house should be made of tempered glass without any special decoration, so as not to hide the view of your site.

If the space in front of the home has small area, then you can stop on the semicircular porch. Such an entrance to Vacation home It can be either completely open or supplemented with railings. Monochrome and the absence of impressive decor will look organic on such a small terrace, and will visually expand the space of the porch.

Advice! A semicircular porch or porch-veranda in front of the entrance to a country house can be made either closed or open. A closed porch will have an increased level of thermal insulation and protect the home from excessive noise. Glazing of the porch of a country house can be done using metal-plastic structures.

Porch construction

Before you build a porch for your house, you need to follow some rules. The main thing is the mandatory components of the structure: the supporting part of the porch, steps, handrails and canopy.

It is necessary to make a porch in a country house at the level of the first floor of the home. All projects for the porch of a country house are also united by the method of opening the door - outward, according to fire safety rules.

Fencing the porch with railings is one of the important conditions for the functionality of the extension. A high porch with a height of 1.5-2 m or more must be supplemented with railings - for the convenience of climbing the steps. A lower extension does not need to be supplemented with railings; sometimes they can serve more of a decorative function. The height of the railings traditionally ranges from 80 cm to 1 m.

One of the most important elements The porch devices are steps. The number of steps and their height are calculated from the rules of ergonomics. Usually the number of steps varies between 3 or 5, less often - 7 steps or more. The height of the steps is, on average, 15-20 cm, and the depth is 30-35 cm. This optimal parameters for comfortable climbing stairs.

Also, one of the features of the design of the porch of a country house is the choice of materials. So, to wooden house it is logical to attach a wooden porch, to a brick one - a brick one .

However, sometimes combinations are acceptable if they are correctly integrated into the overall design of a country house and porch. For this, various finishing materials are usually used to create a single concept.

As additional material metal is often used, serving as part of the porch structure on concrete base. When building a porch of a country house, it is imperative to take care of waterproofing the elements of the extension, since they will be significantly exposed to the influence of an unstable climate.

Advice! Before you build a porch to your house, make sure that the door can be opened even during heavy snowfalls. To do this, the platform needs to be made below the level of the front door by 3-4 cm. Sometimes it can be arranged at an angle of 3-5 degrees - for the outflow of rainwater, but usually this is not required for porches with a canopy.

First you need to dig a pit for the foundation of the future porch; the depth should correspond to the depth of the foundation of the house. Thanks to this, it is possible to combine the extension and the house into a single structure, preventing premature destruction. The remaining parameters in the design of the porch of a country house are chosen at personal discretion.

After laying the foundation, the base of the porch is built. For this purpose, brick is usually used, with which the base of the extension is laid out. required size. Then steps are inserted and railings or side walls are mounted. Depending on the method of decorating the porch of a country house, they are used facing stone, ceramic outdoor tiles and other materials.

Country house porch design

There can be many styles for decorating the porch of a country house, although the main ones are highlighted. Since the porch should be in harmony with the style of the main structure, the design of the porch will depend on this. Country houses are usually made in classic, ethno-style and modern minimalist style.

So, classic houses usually complemented by a porch-veranda or semicircular small porch, decorated with forged elements, lined decorative stone and with handrails in the form of a balustrade. Ethnic houses are complemented with wooden or brick views porches decorated with carved panels and metal decorative details.

To achieve unity in the design of the porch of a country house, you need to use a coordinated color scheme And identical materials finishing and decor. If the area around the house is fenced forged fence, or complemented by a gazebo with forged decorative grilles, then it is logical to install similar and even similar forged elements on the porch-veranda or semicircular porch of your country house. They can be used as railings or load-bearing elements, supporting the canopy of the extension.