Penetrating mixture. Penetrating waterproofing for concrete: the optimal way to protect against moisture. Leading manufacturers of penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing has been known for a long time. Back in Soviet times, special compositions based on sodium methyl siliconate were used, which were used to impregnate the surfaces of concrete, stone and brickwork. As a result of a chemical reaction of the substance with carbon dioxide, an insoluble polymer gel was formed, which filled the pores of the material from the inside. The water resistance, strength and frost resistance of concrete or brickwork increased several times, and, accordingly, the service life of the material also increased. After all, it is the influence of moisture and adverse weather conditions that is the reason for the rapid destruction of any building made of concrete or brick. Previously, such waterproofing was practically not used in everyday life, for example, to protect the floor in the bathroom from possible leaks, as is done now.

IN Lately Penetrating waterproofing for the protection of foundations, swimming pools, bathrooms, basements and other structures that may be constantly exposed to the harmful effects of moisture is gaining increasing popularity in the professional environment. And there are very good reasons for this. Let's look at all the advantages of such waterproofing.

What are the advantages of penetrating waterproofing over rolled and mastic materials?

Foundation – essential element, the basis of any structure. And if it is not reliably protected from the effects of adverse factors, the service life of the building will be significantly reduced. Action groundwater on an unprotected concrete foundation can result in this period being reduced to several years. After which the house will gradually begin to collapse: humidity will reign in the rooms, cracks will begin to appear on the walls, and mold will grow in the dark corners. The proximity to woodlice and mold colonies can hardly be called pleasant, but these are still “flowers”. The impact of groundwater on the foundation can lead to the collapse of the building - this is really serious.

To avoid a sad scenario, at the stage of constructing the foundation, care should be taken to ensure its reliable waterproofing. Application of special roll coverings And bitumen mastics doesn't quite solve the problem.

Disadvantages of mastics and roll materials Compared to penetrating waterproofing:

  • Rolled and mastic materials protect the structure only from the application side;
  • Any defect or damage to the protective layer can lead to moisture penetration into the concrete surface;
  • The presence of seams in rolled insulation is its most vulnerable point, therefore the material has to be laid in two layers to cover the surfaces of the seams, and this significantly increases the consumption and cost of work;
  • If the groundwater level is high enough, the service life of rolled insulation may be reduced to three to five years;
  • The main disadvantage of mastic waterproofing is also its fragility;
  • If the work is carried out after the construction of the house, then the insulation of the coating and roll type require mandatory digging of the outer wall.

Penetrating foundation waterproofing easily solves all these issues. Why? Its action is based on a completely unique principle. The composition of dry building mixtures for waterproofing may vary, but usually it is cement mixture with the addition of quartz sand and chemicals that have the ability to penetrate deeply into the cellular structure of concrete. Where, during a chemical reaction, crystals are formed that densely fill the pores of the material from the inside. These crystals become part of the concrete structure, compacting it and preventing water from penetrating.

The main advantages of penetrating waterproofing:

  • At the construction stage, penetrating waterproofing of the foundation is ensured by adding a dry mixture such as Penetron Admix (or other brands) to the composition of the concrete being mixed. This changes the structure of concrete, turning it into a qualitatively different material. The foundation will be protected from the effects of groundwater throughout the entire thickness of the structure, regardless of its depth;
  • Such waterproofing lasts as long as the concrete “lives”, because the material itself becomes waterproof;
  • The crystals formed inside the cells have the ability to “self-heal”: if water does penetrate into the materials during operation, the formation of crystals resumes, and the concrete “heals” itself;
  • Construction deadlines or repair work are reduced because When using penetrating waterproofing, there is no need to thoroughly dry the concrete. The mixture must be applied to a wet surface, and the higher its humidity, the faster the chemical reactions involving the active components occur;
  • Concrete saves everything specifications: setting speed, breathability, mobility, frost resistance, and so on. It “breathes” and remains vapor permeable. Materials treated with penetrating waterproofing mixtures significantly change only their waterproof characteristics;
  • If waterproofing work is carried out after the completion of the construction phase, then this type of insulation will allow all the necessary manipulations to be carried out without digging up the foundation of the house. The structure can be processed from any side, including from the inside;
  • Penetrating waterproofing is effective in any direction of water movement and level of pressure;

Penetrating waterproofing of the entire surface of the masonry, all seams and joints prevents acidic and alkaline substances from penetrating into the thickness of concrete aggressive environments, microorganisms and fungi; protects materials from exposure to salt sea ​​water, ground and Wastewater with different contents of harmful components.

Disadvantages of penetrating waterproofing

Alas, we have not yet come up with an ideal protection for concrete structures from the effects of water, which destroys the material from the inside. Despite all its wonderful characteristics, penetrating waterproofing also has disadvantages. Let's talk about them in more detail:

  • Penetrating materials cannot be used as the only shield against moisture. Protection must be comprehensive. Need additional processing seams and joints with special mixtures to prevent moisture from seeping through these vulnerable spots;
  • The cost of penetrating waterproofing is relatively expensive, current price now varies between 2-5 dollars for 1 square meter depending on the brand of the mixture;
  • Waterproofing both inside and outside the building requires difficult preparatory work, for example, concrete walls must be absolutely clean, well-moistened, smooth, treated acidic solutions. Waterproofing painted or plastered walls requires careful removal old paint, fragments of plaster. As well as degreasing, cleaning with sand or water pressure high pressure, processing iron brushes. There must be full access to the capillary system of concrete, otherwise waterproofing will be ineffective;
  • The walls must be free from cracks and damage, therefore such waterproofing is not used on old leached structures; small gaps and cracks are carefully sealed with cement mortar;
  • The concrete surface is thoroughly cleaned of mold, oil stains, soil and even dust;
  • Penetrating waterproofing is ineffective for walls made of aerated concrete and foam concrete, because the size of the cells in the structure of the materials is too large, and the crystals will not be able to tightly close them from the inside;
  • Penetrating mixtures are not effective on masonry surfaces because the brick lacks the element necessary for the chemical reaction. Only the surfaces of the seams can be treated with waterproofing mixtures, because V masonry mortar there are cement hydration products. The problem of waterproofing masonry is usually solved with the help of external protection, where roll and coating materials are used;
  • The solution for treating the floor wall must be used within half an hour, so it is prepared in small portions - in ready mixture water cannot be added;
  • Treated walls and floor surfaces must be well protected from drying out and exposure to low temperatures. The rooms must be warm, and the walls and floor surface are either covered with film or thoroughly moistened over the next two weeks.

Important! Penetrating waterproofing of brickwork is carried out only by qualified workers using special equipment.

As they say, there is no perfection in the world. But still, it is penetrating waterproofing that is the most reliable and effective means protection of any concrete structures industrial and household use: swimming pools, bathroom floors, foundations, basements, hydraulic structures, mines, tanks, piers, etc. And it remains so for many years.

Application area

Penetrating mixtures are used wherever protection of concrete structures from moisture is required: sewage and groundwater, sea water, etc. This protection has proven itself in various areas of construction. The chemicals that make up dry mixtures are safe for human health, which is why they are widely used for waterproofing wells and storage tanks. drinking water, swimming pools, bathroom premises.

The mixtures are effective when used even from inside buildings. For example, penetrating basement waterproofing is effective for protecting against groundwater, even without additional application to the foundation walls. This reduces the cost and duration of repair work, because the foundation does not need to be dug up and thoroughly dried, as is done in the case of using roll and mastic waterproofing systems.

The non-toxicity of the mixtures allows them to be used in residential premises: in the bathroom to protect walls and floors from the harmful effects of moisture, in residential premises ground floor, and so on.

Important! Any finishing work should be postponed while the crystallization process takes place. Apply any types of plaster, including gypsum, or other decorative finishing materials on surfaces treated with waterproofing compounds no earlier than 30 days later.

If you can't stand it right time before the beginning finishing works, the finish will be hopelessly damaged.

Popular building mixtures for penetrating waterproofing


Penetrating waterproofing Penetron is a patented building mixture that has been used in construction around the world for more than 50 years. This is a special cement mixture containing quartz sand and active chemical components. Its market price is slightly higher than the average of competitors: the cost of 1 kg of dry mixture today is 4-5 dollars. And the consumption of dry mixture for processing concrete walls, floors, foundations of buildings is approximately 1 kg per square meter. In general, Penetron is not a cheap pleasure, although reviews say that it is worth the money. Of course, if you actually purchase a high-quality patented mixture, and not a cheap fake, which are often found on Russian market.

The brand's building mixtures are widely used for industrial and domestic purposes. In everyday life, excellent results are achieved by protecting swimming pools, basements, foundations and bathrooms.

You can learn more about Penetron by watching the video. The video clip describes in sufficient detail the principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing. Also from the video you can learn about the rules for applying the waterproofing mixture, the preparatory process before starting work, and all subsequent stages.

Important! It is better to purchase building mixtures of the Penetron family from reliable sellers, because it is this brand that most often becomes the object of counterfeiting.


The principle of operation of all waterproofing mixtures is the same: active substances penetrate the intracellular structure of concrete, where chemical reaction with calcium salts contained in it. Next, crystals grow, which tightly close the pores of the material, ensuring its waterproofness. Kristallizol operates on the same principle, and its composition also includes river or quartz sand, special cement and patented chemical substances, which the manufacturer prefers to keep secret. The Kristallizol mixture is applied in the same way to a moistened concrete surface.

Of course, all mixtures for penetrating insulation are certainly compared with Penetron, which is understandable - for quite a long time it simply did not have worthy analogues. However, reviews from professionals indicate that Crystallizol, which, by the way, is produced in Russia, is practically not inferior to the famous brand. And in some ways it even excels. For example, Penetron has no analogues of the plaster waterproofing mixture, which is used for the repair and restoration of destroyed concrete structures, and which the Russian Kristallizol can boast of. And, of course, a reasonable price. Mixtures of the Kristallizol group are produced in Russia, because they market price lower than that of Penetron. The cost of 1 kg of Crystallizol dry mixture today is approximately 1 dollar.

Crystallizol mixtures are used to protect any concrete structures exposed to permanent or temporary harmful effects of moisture. Good results provides protection for swimming pools, bathrooms, any water tanks, foundations, walls and floors in basements located below the groundwater level.

You can learn more about Kristallizol waterproofing materials from the video. In a fairly long video, they talk in detail and in an accessible way about the advantages of penetrating waterproofing of this brand.


Another popular and high quality Russian brand– “Lakhta”. They have a fairly wide range of dry construction compounds performing a variety of tasks. The operating principle of the Lakhta penetrating waterproofing composition is the same as that of Kristallizol or Penetron: active substances enter the concrete structure, a chemical reaction occurs, and the pores of the material are tightly closed by the crystals. The liquid mixture is also applied to a pre-moistened and carefully prepared surface.

The price offered by Lakhta is slightly lower than that of its foreign counterpart, but higher than that of the Russian Crystallisol. On average, today the cost of Lakhta waterproofing mixture is approximately 2-3 dollars per 1 kg. Reviews from ordinary consumers and construction professionals indicate that Lakhta’s properties are practically in no way inferior to its famous competitor.

Lakhta waterproofing mixtures are used to protect residential buildings and industrial facilities. Good results are obtained by using dry mixtures for waterproofing swimming pools, wells, bathroom floors and walls, balconies, basements and foundations.

You can learn how to properly prepare a waterproofing solution using the Lakhta mixture from this video. The video will also tell you how to properly prepare the concrete surface and in what proportions should you mix dry mortar and water, what consistency the liquid mixture should be, and other important nuances.


Another popular brand is Element. Dry building mixtures are produced by Element in the Russian city of Stavropol. The Element brand product line includes: water repellent, elastic waterproofing, penetrating waterproofing and liquid rubber to protect the roof from water. The element is distinguished by a fairly affordable price: on average, the cost of 1 kg of dry construction mixture Element on the Russian market is 1.5 dollars.

The penetrating waterproofing of this brand can be used for domestic and industrial purposes to protect concrete structures from the outside and inside. It is used for waterproofing balconies, basements, swimming pools, floors and walls in the bathroom. And also for the protection of tunnels, mines, reservoirs, hydraulic structures. And wherever it is necessary to preserve concrete structures under constant harmful effects ground and waste water, sea water, atmospheric precipitation.

To solve the pressing issue of restoring the waterproofing of basements and other long-used buried premises, traditional bitumen, lining and plaster waterproofing is used less and less. New materials have replaced outdated materials technical solutions, implemented using penetrating waterproofing.

Operating principle of penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing compounds include two groups of materials: special surface coatings with a penetrating effect and injection hydroactive solutions.

  • Part waterproofing coatings includes chemically active additives. Waterproofing compounds spread through the pores and capillaries of concrete with the formation of insoluble crystals.

During the operation of structures, when new contacts of water molecules with concrete occur, the chemical reaction resumes with the development of compaction deep into the structure.

  • Hydroactive injection compounds are used to eliminate leaks in building structures. Basically, these are one-component polyurethane fluids with low viscosity.

During contact with water, polyurethane compounds expand in volume. Spread occurs injection waterproofing throughout the entire structure. In this case, the water in the cavities is replaced with a waterproof polyurethane filler.

How penetrating waterproofing works - video

And this video will clearly show how penetrating insulation materials work:

Advantages of penetrating waterproofing

An important advantage waterproofing materials penetrating action is their environmental friendliness. These compounds provide waterproofness while maintaining vapor permeability. This property helps preserve performance characteristics building materials - concrete, brick, stone - and the health of people living in such a building.

The advantages of penetrating waterproofing include its ability to form a single whole with the building structure.

The use of penetrating waterproofing has a positive effect on the frost resistance and strength of concrete. This is due to the fact that with constant filtration of water through concrete, the components of the cement stone are washed out. With the loss of 20% calcium hydroxide, concrete loses up to 30% of its original strength. As a rule, such serious consequences are observed when long-term operation- about 40 years old. Usually there is a loss of strength - 2-5%. But not all waterproofing materials can eliminate even such a weakening of concrete in the depths of the structure. Restoring the strength characteristics of concrete and reinforced concrete structures helps to increase the frost resistance of the material.

The frost resistance of the waterproofing material itself does not matter, since it is a single whole with concrete.

“Eternal” methyl acrylate injection waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing based on methyl acrylate gel is quite widely used in foreign countries. This material belongs to the injection compositions that penetrate deeply into the thickness of the building material in order to increase its waterproofing characteristics.

The process of using methyl acrylate injection waterproofing is as follows:

  • In problem areas of concrete or brick walls, holes are drilled into which the gel is pumped.
  • After being introduced into the building material, methyl acrylate gel spreads deeper, displacing moisture and clogging pores. Over time, the gel becomes outer surface structure and completely covers it with a protective dense layer.

An additional advantage of methyl acrylate gel is its ability to penetrate into the depths of adjacent building structure areas, strengthening and protecting them.

The distinctive feature of this injection material is the high speed of its action. When sealing a leak in the basement using a gel injection, water stops seeping into the room within a few seconds.

To create a reliable protective layer in basement first, inject the gel into the most problem areas, and then plaster the walls with cement-sand mortar with gel additives.

Methyl acrylate gel is used for waterproofing basements and other underground structures, including the subway.

However, penetrating waterproofing compounds based on this gel have a significant disadvantage - the high cost of the work. The average consumer cannot do this waterproofing with his own hands, since it will require a special pumping unit. Such equipment is available only in fairly large construction organizations. But, on the other hand, the use of methyl acrylate gel injections will allow you to permanently get rid of problems with poor waterproofing.

Surface-applied Penetron system waterproofing materials

Penetron produces a wide range of penetrating materials, both for waterproofing coatings and for injection.

Penetron compositions for application to the surface of the protected structure have a number of unique qualities:

  • These compositions are applied to a damp surface that does not require pre-drying, which significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of carrying out waterproofing works. Application is carried out with a brush (on smooth surfaces) or a spatula (on uneven surfaces).
  • Penetron system materials are easy to work with; you just need to follow the rules described in the instructions.
  • These materials can be used both internally and externally. outside structures, regardless of the direction in which the water is exposed.
  • The use of Penetron compositions makes it possible to significantly improve the waterproof grade of concrete, increase the strength and frost resistance characteristics of concrete and reinforced concrete elements.
  • In case of mechanical damage to the treated structure, the increased performance properties acquired by it are preserved. The use of compositions of this brand ensures the ability of concrete to “self-heal”.
  • Processing materials with this system allows you to permanently get rid of the problem of poor waterproofing
  • Concrete coated waterproofing layer Penetron, retain vapor permeability.
  • The material can be used for both existing and under construction structures of all degrees of crack resistance.
  • The use of waterproofing compounds of this group helps prevent corrosion destruction of reinforcement.
  • Waterproofing can be used even in conditions of high hydrostatic pressure.
  • The characteristics acquired by the building material due to Penetron treatment are preserved even under intense radiation exposure.
  • Waterproofing compounds of this group are approved for use in tanks for drinking water. They are non-toxic, non-flammable materials, explosion and radiation safe.

The shelf life of waterproofing materials in original packaging is 18 months.

Penetron is a dry construction mixture consisting of special grades of cement, quartz sand of a certain granulometric composition, and active chemical additives produced under the company's patent.

This waterproofing material has a wide range of applications:

  • Processing of monolithic and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Can be used on surfaces coated with cement-sand plaster mortar.
  • To cut off capillary suction, Penetron is used in combination with Penecrit. Also, a complex of these materials is used for waterproofing cracks, seams, abutments, joints, and places where communications enter.
  • Penetron together with Peneplug or Waterplug is used to combat pressure leaks.

Waterproofing materials of the Penetron system are able to protect the structure from the effects of groundwater and wastewater, salt water, alkaline and acidic compounds.

Application of Penetron waterproofing: video tutorial

If you are planning to use Penetron penetrating waterproofing, we recommend watching this video:

Reviews of penetrating waterproofing Penetron

Injection waterproofing system Penetron

The injection waterproofing of the Penetron line includes a complex of two-component resins PeneSplitSil. It contains two resins: slow- and fast-reacting.

The main purpose of using the injection complex is to stop the flow of water into the cavity of static and moving cracks, thereby protecting the reinforcement from corrosion.

In case of pressure leaks, PeneSplitSil is used in conjunction with PenePurF.

The waterproofing composition can be used in complexes with perforated hoses located in the seams of the structure during its construction, in brick and stone structures to eliminate capillary suction.

Features of PeneSplitSil waterproofing:

  • has good interaction with concrete, polymer materials, metal;
  • after polymerization, a highly elastic material is formed;
  • does not contain solvents;
  • work can be carried out at temperatures (+5) - (+35 0 C), and the operation of treated structures can be carried out in the range from (-50 0 C) to (+150 0 C).

Brands of penetrating waterproofing compounds presented on the domestic market

  • Comparison with Penetron is worthy of such penetrating compositions as Kalmatron, Aquatron, Lakhta. They are widely used for waterproofing hydraulic engineering facilities, swimming pools, wells, transport facilities, energy complexes, housing and industrial construction projects, and civil defense premises.
  • The compositions "Gidrotex-K", "Gidrotex-V", "Gidrotex-U" are waterproofing materials for interior and external waterproofing structures made of concrete and stone. "Gidrotex-V" is recommended for use in buried and semi-buried premises operating under conditions of constant infiltration of groundwater.
  • The Ceresit brand of compositions – CR 90 Crystaliser – has a penetrating effect. This material is used for waterproofing non-salted substrates made of mineral materials and not subject to deformation. Can be used in combination with elastic waterproofing tapes.
  • Penetrating hydrohit is a dry mixture used for waterproofing concrete and reinforced concrete. If it is necessary to eliminate a pressure leak, use the Hydrohit filling composition.

Prices for materials for penetrating waterproofing

Look at the prices in this table to choose the product that has the best price-quality ratio for you:

The task of preserving the state's fixed assets is directly related to the health and well-being of people. One of the effective and reliable ways Its solution is the use of high-tech modern waterproofing materials with penetrating action.

Anyone who has anything to do with construction industry knows what waterproofing is and why it is needed. And this article is intended for those who are just starting to study information about building materials in order to build the house of their dreams.

On this page we will look at the answers to the following questions: What kind of “beast” is this - penetrating waterproofing, where is it used and why is it needed, and is it even necessary?

The answer is clear: If you want your building to be of high quality and to serve faithfully for many years, you cannot do without penetrating waterproofing.

Penetrating waterproofing - luxury or necessity

This building material serves to protect concrete structures, making them waterproof. An insoluble insulating substance penetrating into the upper porous layer of concrete displaces the liquid, filling the pores.

By adding waterproofing components to the composition of the solution, you can modify the material being processed:

  1. Corrosion protection;
  2. Restoration of technical and operational properties of old concrete;
  3. Protection against mold and mildew;
  4. The chemical resistance of the material is improved.

Penetrating is used not only on initial stage construction, it can be used when repairing or restoring a structure. Very often it is used when processing buildings that are already in use.

It can also be used for application from the inside - it withstands back pressure perfectly. The resulting crystals do not allow moisture to enter the concrete, but also do not block the passage of air; the concrete can “breathe.” The use of penetrating waterproofing when constructing a foundation protects it from the effects of an aggressive environment.

Video: Penetrating waterproofing "PENETRON"

Injection waterproofing - types

Injection or liquid is one of the varieties of penetrating. It also serves to protect surfaces from moisture. This material has excellent technical characteristics and is durable.

In addition to protecting the structure from moisture, injection insulation also perfectly retains heat and resists temperature changes and corrosion. The main types of injection insulation are liquid glass and liquid rubber.

Liquid rubber

Basic qualities liquid rubber:

  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Has excellent adhesion;
  • Easily restored;
  • Simple application process;
  • Highly elastic and flexible.

Liquid rubber is applied using special equipment; this does not require special training or knowledge; the most important thing is to distribute the material evenly. The surface after application remains flat and smooth without seams.

Liquid glass is a solution of potassium and sodium silicate.

Everyone is familiar with this type of injection insulation; in fact, it is nothing more than office glue. Liquid glass usually added directly to concrete, which significantly improves its characteristics:

  • Its moisture resistance improves;
  • Becomes stronger and harder;
  • Increases resistance to mechanical stress.

No special equipment is required to use it. The main thing is to maintain proportions when mixing concrete and liquid glass. It can also be used not only as an additive in concrete, but also in pure form. Liquid glass will reliably protect the structure from temperature changes, sunlight, wind, etc.

On a note! Liquid glass will protect the surface of the structure for 5 years. After which the procedure will have to be repeated.

Injection waterproofers, like all other types, are not without contraindications and have some recommendations for use. In order to provide reliable and durable protection to the structure, it is necessary that the work be performed at a high level.

Here are some basic rules:

  1. Cannot be applied to gypsum and limestone surfaces;
  2. If frost is expected in the near future (24 hours) or the temperature is not higher than 5 degrees, it is strictly prohibited to apply waterproofing;
  3. Do not treat icy or frost-covered surfaces;
  4. Liquid insulation is applied to the surface thoroughly, but without the formation of puddles or smudges.

Attention! Work on applying penetrating waterproofing should only be carried out with rubber gloves.

Penetrating waterproofing for foundations and masonry is necessary material during renovation or construction. The main thing to remember is that no matter what type of waterproofing you choose, you can only count on quality work if you adhere to all the rules and regulations.

Even the highest quality and most expensive material will not be able to protect the foundation and walls if the technological process was disrupted during application.