Projects for extensions to a wooden house. Wooden, brick, frame extensions. Construction of an extension to a wooden house: types of extensions, creation of projects, construction of a foundation and wiring of communications Make an extension to a one-story house

Over time, owners of private country houses and cottages with year-round use are faced with the need to increase usable area of your home. For example, one of the reasons may be the birth of a child or simply the desire for space, since the available area is too small. The frame extension in this case is seen as one of the best solutions. The features of the construction of such a structure and the procedure for its legalization will be discussed in this short article.

Features of the extension

The great advantage of a frame extension is the ability to pair it with a house built from any material, be it logs, bricks, blocks or bars.

The design features are presented in general form in the diagram below, however, they are almost completely identical to the nuances.

How to make a frame extension to a brick or wooden house?

To build with your own hands, you will need some set of tools. The figure below shows a typical version of such a set.

It is also advisable to have at least one assistant, since some work cannot be done alone, and working with someone is always more fun.

Pairing with the main house

Regardless of the difference in the magnitude of the load that the cottage and the extension exert on the ground, there is still a possibility that over time they will move relative to each other. For this reason, experts strongly do not recommend a rigid type of connection between an extension and an old house; it is more advisable to use a connection similar in principle to a tongue-and-groove connection. To install it, you need to attach two beams to the wall of a permanent building, and install a vertical beam between them, which is an element of the frame wall of the extension. This type of connection will ensure leveling of mutual movements. Of course, you can use a metal frame instead of wood, then all the embedded elements will also be metal. Or you need to use a bolt-on hinge.

However, the connection of the extension is not limited to just the walls; it is also important to connect the two roofs correctly. To do this, the rafters need to be connected at one end to the top frame frame, and at the other end they need to be fastened to the rafter system of the roof of the old house. The sheathing under the roof is mounted in such a way that the junction of the old and new roof is between the elements of the sheathing.

As a roofing material, you should only use one that has some degree of flexibility, e.g. soft tiles or corrugated sheeting with a wave height of no more than 10 mm. But slate or ceramic tiles are no longer suitable for these purposes.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Installation of the foundation

The first stage of construction - foundation work. Usually they arrange for an extension separate foundation, which needs to be connected to the base of the old house using special embedded fittings.

Of course, the most preferable option is the common foundation laid at the stage of construction of the first house, however, few of our compatriots look that far, which, however, in everyday life is quite understandable and understandable. When laying, it is necessary to ensure maximum identity not only in shape, but also in the depth of both structures.

If it is impossible to achieve full solidity, then a so-called expansion joint must be left between the two foundations so that when the soil moves in the spring, cracks do not form on the walls of the extension and at the very foundation.

Strapping is the second stage of building an extension. The thickness of the frame walls is usually 20 cm. Living rooms are rarely placed in extensions, which makes it possible to reduce the wall thickness to 10 cm. Therefore, the diameter of the timber for piping and the cross-section of the vertical posts will also be 10 cm.

The figure below shows a possible installation diagram bottom trim extensions:

When assembling the frame, the greatest attention should be paid to fastening the racks. The figure below explains its features.

The upper harness is fastened according to the same principle as the lower one. The side view is shown in the figure below.

5. Sheathing and insulation of the ceiling

The ceiling, like the walls inside, is best covered with clapboard. This is the most favorable option from a price and aesthetic point of view. Pine eurolining will last at least 30 years, and even more with proper care. To insulate the ceiling, in order to save money, you can use expanded clay, pouring it on top in a layer of 10–12 cm.

Possible variant installation of the rafter system is shown in the figure below:

The process of fastening the roofing material does not differ in any nuances, except for one thing: the upper part of the sheets should be under the roofing material of the main building. To do this, you may need to remove some of the fasteners. Approximate diagram roofing “pie” is shown in the figure below.

The ultimate goal of any construction work The goal is to create a durable structure in which living will be comfortable and cozy. The quality of the wall “pie” has the most direct and decisive influence on achieving this goal. During wall insulation frame house or extensions, you need to remember that properly installed vapor and wind insulation is the key to long service without loss performance characteristics any type of insulation. If you forget about this, the insulation will very quickly absorb moisture from environment and will become worthless.

If we consider the layers of the wall “pie” from the inside of the frame extension, then they should go in this order:

1. Internal lining,

2. Air gap(10–20 mm),

3. Vapor barrier,

4. A layer of insulation,

5. Windproofing,

6. Exterior finishing.

Traditional roofing felt or glassine can be used as wind protection.

The second option is more preferable, since it does not deform when exposed to high temperature environment. When installing vapor barrier membrane materials, you need to place their smooth surface towards the thermal insulation layer, and the fleecy surface towards the room. The fibers prevent condensation from forming on them, which prevents excessive wetting of the insulation.

Insulation of the building is one of the most important factors for a comfortable stay in it in the future. In fact, all the nuances concerning it completely coincide with the insulation features of full-fledged houses built using frame technology. For insulation, you can use a variety of materials, both traditional and more modern: ecowool, sawdust, basalt mineral slabs, extruded polystyrene foam and much more. In terms of speed and simplicity installation work Still, perhaps, mineral slab insulation is optimal.
Such insulation must be tightly laid between the frame racks in several layers, but without kinks or pinches, which over time can lead to the formation of “cold bridges.” An important feature during the work is the need to shift the joints between the slabs relative to each other in adjacent layers. This principle must be observed not only when insulating walls, but also ceilings and floors.

Possible mistakes

Completing and remodeling an existing structure is always more difficult than building from scratch, so it is worth paying attention once again to the process of constructing a frame extension.

The first and main thing is that many inexperienced builders rely on factory processing of all lumber. However, this is incorrect; before assembly, all frame elements must be thoroughly dried and treated with fire-retardant impregnations. Window frames and doors must be installed strictly level and secured to already installed ones vertical racks, that is, the dimensions of all openings must be calculated at the planning stage.

How to legalize an extension to a house?

When all the construction work on the construction of the frame extension is completed, many of our compatriots begin to think about the need to legitimize the resulting masterpiece of architecture. However, it is better to think about this before starting work, since the process of legalizing an unauthorized structure is a little more complicated, you will have to go to court, and besides, the result may not be in favor of the plaintiff and then you will have to demolish all the resulting beauty, and at your own expense. Of course, you can avoid going through the circles of bureaucratic hell and leave everything as it is, but this will entail the impossibility of selling, renting, bequeathing or donating the entire house, and not just an extension.

When applying to the courts, you will need a whole set of various documents, among which the most important are the following:

  • Certificate of ownership of the land plot;
  • Certificate of ownership of a residential building (dacha);
  • Certificate from the BTI;
  • Permission from the housing and communal services organization;
  • An extract from the house register about the number of registered citizens in the residential building;
  • Frame extension plan;
  • House project;
  • Control shooting of the extension on a scale of 1:500;
  • Consent of neighbors if the extension borders their site;
  • Epidemiological service report.

In some cases, you may need a photo of the site, residential premises and an extension to it.

The preparation of a statement of claim must be taken with full responsibility, since the process may be lost due to errors made in it. Most courts will provide you with an application form and help you fill it out.

After filing a claim, you need to wait for a response, which should be sent by mail. To make sure that the application has been accepted, you can call back after 10 working days and clarify the information. It should be borne in mind that judges have only 2 legal reasons for rejecting a claim: the presence of a court decision regarding the legalization of a given building or an incorrectly drawn up claim document. In the second option, you must submit a second application.

The municipality will become the defendant during the court hearing, and the owner of the house to which the extension has been made will, accordingly, be the plaintiff. If the court makes a decision in favor of the plaintiff, he will need to receive a payment receipt from Rosregistration for payment of the state duty and make the payment, after which the owner will be given all Required documents, legitimizing unauthorized construction.

As for other financial expenses, approximately 10,000 rubles will be spent on collecting all the necessary information (consultations with lawyers, etc.), the price of the state duty is currently 500 rubles, 20,000 rubles costs an entry in the Urban Development Cadastre, about 60,000 more rubles will be required by specialists for forensic construction and technical examination. Thus, in addition to direct construction costs, about 100,000 rubles will be needed for all bureaucratic delays.


Watch a video about how construction work was carried out on a frame extension to the house.

One of the advantages of living in the private sector is the opportunity self-construction in my own way own project– you can build a house of any size (naturally, within the available area of ​​the land) and then, if necessary, increase it in size. If the strength of the foundation allows, the house can be increased in height or, conversely, increased in length or width - so to speak, make an extension to it, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site, we will look at the materials and technologies that will allow us to independently solve the question of how to make an extension to the house? And we’ll start by studying materials, where we’ll figure out which materials are best used and under what circumstances.

How to make an extension to a house with your own hands photo

How to make an extension to a house: choosing materials

In general, there is one iron rule that is better not to break. It sounds like this: what the house is built from is what you need to make an extension to it from. At least that's how it used to be, when choice building materials and technology was limited to brick, other blocks and clay. Today, during advanced technological progress, things are a little different - there are technologies that make it possible to violate this rule, and rudely. Now it’s easy to wooden house you can attach a brick building, cover it with the same and get a solid-looking structure. In general, it is not at all necessary to become attached to the old building in terms of material.

Now, in more detail about the most popular materials, with which you can quite simply solve the question of how to make an extension to the house with your own hands?

  1. Blocks of various formats and bricks. There is no point in dividing them into separate subgroups, since the technology for using them is, in general, the same type - a foundation is erected, on which the walls of the extension are laid block by block, brick by brick. The only point that distinguishes this whole matter is the properties and qualities of the materials - this is important, and it is imperative to take them into account when choosing materials. Let's start with the classics - . Strong, durable material - considering it is quite expensive. Moreover, the brick is enough cold material, which will additionally have to be insulated, and this will add to the cost of the extension. In addition, this material requires a solid foundation. In this regard, it looks much more attractive - its price is a couple of times lower, the blocks are larger and the material itself is much warmer. Where the brick will need to be laid out in three rows, it is enough to lay the cinder block in two rows. Aerated concrete looks even more attractive - it is lightweight, and the question of how to properly build an extension to a house can be solved even on a shallow (0.5 meter) foundation. Moreover, it is a very warm and porous material, which, with a thickness of 200 mm, is capable of effectively retaining heat in rooms. After plastering, it acquires very decent strength, which makes the structure reliable. In principle, you can consider other block materials - for example, shell rock is often used; it has shown good results in terms of preserving heat in rooms (popularly called sawdust concrete).

    How to make an extension to a house photo

  2. . Today, this is the most optimal option not only for extensions, but also for the construction of private houses in general - the essence of this technology is the production of wooden and metal frame followed by covering it like this sheet material, How . Insulation is placed inside the frame, which makes the structure very warm. By by and large, now this is the cheapest technology, which, among other things, boasts simplicity and a very fast pace of construction. The only thing that a frame extension cannot boast of is its durability. Although, who knows - with proper technology and proper care, it can last for about a century. We’ll talk a little further about how to make a frame extension to a house.

In addition to the options described above, you can consider the technology of building an extension using the monolithic concreting method. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use real heavy concrete for these purposes - the best option in this matter may be the so-called slag concrete. Slag houses are very warm in winter and cool in summer - they are durable and can last for a very long time.

How to properly make the foundation of an extension to a house: features

The main problem in making the foundation of an extension is connecting the new and old foundations. If it is done incorrectly or not done at all, then no matter how you join the walls of two separate buildings, a crack will still appear at the place where they join. Moreover, end-to-end, with all the ensuing consequences - heat loss, condensation formation and, as a consequence, the appearance of fungus and mold in this place. In general, it’s not very pleasant. That is why Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the following points.

In principle, these three nuances will be quite enough to reliably connect two foundations together. Alternatively, if, of course, you can get to the bottom of the base existing house, the extensions can be added a little under it.

How to make an extension to a brick house: nuances of joining walls

Dock to brick or any other block house frame structure not a problem at all - vertical beam wooden frame or the profile of the metal frame of the building is simply attached to the wall of the building using anchors and that’s it! There are practically no nuances here - except perhaps maintaining the vertical level of this beam and sealing the joint. The last operation is carried out either using polyurethane foam or using the so-called PSUL tape (pre-compressed sealing tape).

How to make an extension to a brick house photo

Another thing is joining a brick or block building with a similar house. Here things are somewhat more complicated, and you cannot do without special embedded parts or ligaments. It is possible to ensure a reliable connection of the walls without ligating the blocks only by driving iron embedded parts every 4-5 rows of blocks. Holes are drilled in the wall of the existing building (two, one on each side of the block at a distance of 3 cm from the edge) - reinforcement is driven into them, which should protrude from the wall of the house by at least 30 cm. When it fits new block, the cement will reliably connect the two walls into a single whole product. As an option, again, you can use a hammer drill to make potholes, which, when paired with reinforcement, will provide a reliable connection between the two block walls together.

How to make an extension to a wooden house photo

And in conclusion to the topic of how to make an extension to a house, a few words about connecting walls with a block or brick extension. This combination of buildings is also common, and it would be useful to know how they are connected. In fact, you will have to make a metal girth for the blocks - it is attached to the wall of a wooden house using powerful self-tapping screws and is some kind of channel, into which a block or brick wall fits neatly. By and large, this is the same option that is used to join wooden extension to a brick house, only exactly the opposite.

The construction of an extension can significantly expand the area of ​​a wooden house and make it more solid in appearance. Similar structures are assembled from the most different materials. This could be, for example, wood, brick or gas blocks. Of course, when constructing an extension, certain technologies must be followed. We’ll talk further about how such structures are assembled correctly.


When planning a structure such as an extension to a wooden house, first of all you should decide:

  • With material for walls, foundation and roof. A frame block or log structure is usually attached to a wooden building. Sometimes walls are made of brick or gas blocks. It is better to choose the roofing material for the extension that is the same as the roof of the building itself. In any case, you should try to ensure that the colors of the coating sheets are at least in harmony with each other. The foundation for the extension is chosen of the same type as the foundation of the building itself.
  • With the dimensions of the structure. The area of ​​the extension should not be more than 2/3 of the area of ​​the house. Otherwise, the building will look awkward and ugly. The house looks most harmonious when the area of ​​the new building is 1/3 of the old one.

The extension of a terrace to a wooden house, a veranda or a closed permanent structure is carried out in such a way that their roof is located just below the main roof. Of course, the angle between these two structures should not be negative. Otherwise, snow and water will accumulate at the junction.

Construction of the foundation

Marking for a structure such as an extension to a wooden house is done in the usual manner - using a level or the “Egyptian” triangle method. The foundation of the extension should be laid at the same depth as the foundation of the building itself. Rigid concrete strips of houses and extensions are usually not connected. Otherwise, when the new structure shrinks, cracks may appear at the joint. However, sometimes the foundation of an extension is still tied to an existing one. If cracks subsequently appear, they are simply covered with cement mortar.

The choice of type of interface depends mainly on the type of soil and wall material. If severe shrinkage is expected, it is better not to tie the foundations. The foundation for the extension is poured in the usual manner: with the device sand cushion, waterproofing and reinforcement.

Frame structures

This is the most cheap look extension, characterized by good performance characteristics. Such structures are erected in just a few days and do not shrink at all. Even a not very experienced private builder can assemble a very convenient and aesthetic frame extension to a wooden house. The designs of such structures are incredibly diverse. If necessary, using this technology it will not be difficult to build an ordinary summer extension-veranda, an insulated residential structure, a workshop, a kitchen and even a boiler room.

Construction Features

The foundation is pre-conditioned for a month. When erected under frame walls Anchor bolts should be poured into it in increments of approximately 1.5 meters. The lower harness is attached to them. Its corners are usually connected using the “half-tree” method. A frame extension to a wooden house will be even more reliable if metal rods 40 cm long are poured into the corners of the foundation so that they protrude 20 cm above the surface. In this case, holes are drilled in the appropriate places in the framing beam.

The assembly of the frame begins with the installation of corner posts. Holes are drilled at their ends for the dowel rods. Next, intermediate posts are attached (in increments of 1.5 m). Fixation is usually done on galvanized steel corners. To ensure that the pillars do not deviate from the vertical during the construction process, they should be secured with temporary jibs. At the next stage, begin assembling the upper trim. They also attach it to the corners, and in the corners using the “half-tree” method.

They continue to build such a structure as a frame extension to a wooden house by fastening the logs to the beam of the bottom frame and covering the floor with edged boards. The floor beams are fixed to the top. After this, you can start covering the walls. First, on the room side, a vapor barrier membrane (with blocks) is attached to the frame pillars. Next is executed interior lining. Then insulation is installed between the pillars on the street side (if the extension is for winter). At the final stage, the structure is covered with waterproofing film and sheathed with clapboard, board or siding.

Construction of cobblestone walls

This extension to a wooden house looks beautiful and is durable. It is also not too difficult to erect, but it is more expensive than a frame one.

The lower crown of such an extension is laid on waterproofed foundation in the same way as tying a frame structure - that is, with fastening to anchors. Logs are fixed to it, and the floor is covered with boards. The walls are assembled in the usual manner. Corners can be connected using the “butt” or “half-tree” methods.

Expansion joint

The timber makes a very reliable extension to a wooden house. Projects may involve the construction of both open verandas and capital heated buildings from this material. However, in any case, one simple rule should be observed: you cannot immediately connect the walls of the extension to the house rigidly. The timber shrinks very strongly after construction. Therefore, an expansion joint should be installed at the junction of the walls. It's very easy to do. On both sides of the extension wall (from the indoors and outdoors) beams 100 x 100 or 50 x 50 mm are nailed to the house itself. All cracks are filled with some plastic material - for example, mastic or a special sealant.

If necessary - no less than two years after construction - an extension to a wooden house or any other, made of timber, can also be attached rigidly. In this case, either staples or special pads with screws are usually used.

Brick construction

Wooden outbuildings are, of course, beautiful structures and are simply ideal for a country residential building. However, many owners of cobblestone and log houses prefer to build more durable and permanent structures made of brick. Such an extension is assembled in the usual way with ligation of the seams, the thickness of which can be 1-1.5 cm.

Of course, you should also not make a rigid connection between the walls of the extension and the house. The brick structure has a very heavy weight and settles significantly. Therefore, the interface between the walls is simply arranged end-to-end with filling of the seam polyurethane foam or the same as in the first case between the bars.

Features of roof construction

Thus, the addition of a veranda to a wooden house or a more permanent structure is usually carried out without rigidly fastening the walls. The same rule should be followed when assembling the roof. The roof of the extension can have any shape, but most often a conventional lean-to structure is erected.

At the first stage, the ceiling is hemmed from edged boards or plywood. Next, any vapor or waterproofing material is laid on top of it. Then - insulation. After this, the resulting floor is covered with boards on top.

The rafters are attached on one side to top harness or Mauerlat. In this case, they are used metal corners or fastening “in a knot” with preliminary cutting of the mounting sockets. On the side of the house, you can either simply place a wide beam on the edge, or install it on racks. Waterproofing material (with a slight sag) is stretched onto the rafters and the sheathing is filled. Then the roofing sheets are attached. The joint between the roof of the extension and the wall of the building can be sealed with mastic or foamed.

  • The junction between the foundation of the extension and the base of the house, if they are not rigidly fastened, should be laid with a strip of roofing material.
  • All wooden elements of the building are pre-treated with an antiseptic against fungus and a composition that increases the fire resistance of the material.
  • It is best to build a cobblestone extension in the cold season. In winter, this material shrinks less.
  • When assembling an extension of any type, you should use only galvanized fasteners. This will extend the life of the entire structure.

The construction of extensions, as you can see from the article, is a completely simple matter. The most important thing is to comply with all required technologies. In this case, you will get a reliable, durable and convenient structure.

Without prior receipt permitting documentation Do-it-yourself extension to a house is an illegal increase in the area of ​​the home. It cannot be legitimized in fact if it violates the interests of neighbors, is built from materials that do not meet SNiP standards, and is located near underground utilities. The optimal solution is registration before the start of work with preliminary design by specialists.

Extension to the house – perfect solution to expand the available space in country house any type. It is important that all construction work can be completed independently.

Of course, this will require certain construction skills and knowledge of work technologies, but there is nothing particularly difficult about it. The help of specialists may be required at the design stage of the structure, as well as when connecting communications inside the structure. In addition, certain problems often arise when legitimizing an extension with regulatory authorities.

The attachment can perform a variety of functions.

Most often, an extension is built to form an additional room, summer kitchen, garage, veranda, terrace, canopy, porch. There are a huge number of options - everything will depend on personal requirements and wishes. Of course, building something will be very difficult from a technological point of view, but often all construction is done with one’s own hands.

The main thing here is to correctly construct the foundation, walls, roof, insulate and isolate the room from moisture, and also correctly attach the new foundation to the old one.

Types of extensions for country houses

Before starting any construction work, it is necessary to clearly determine the type of structure, because making an extension to a house is only possible if you have a clear plan and project. There are several of the most common types of extensions in our country:


This is the simplest and most inexpensive extension for a country house from all points of view. The main functional task of such a structure is to protect people and things located under the canopy from sunlight, rain and other precipitation. Under such a canopy it will be good to relax in the warm season and have lunch, or you can park your car.


An important advantage of installing a canopy is that the construction of a foundation is not required, because the foundation will be support pillars(made of metal, wood, concrete). The canopy frame is attached to these supports.

Summer room

To form summer room More capital construction will be required than in the case of a canopy. Such rooms are intended for relaxation in the warm season, gatherings, reading books, etc. Naturally, a foundation will be required.

It is recommended to use a columnar or strip base, depending on the type of building material and the dimensions of the room. To create walls, boards, foam concrete blocks, and frame panels are usually used. For better lighting walls and roof, wholly or partially, can be made of glass.

Summer room.

Such an extension usually has a pitched or gable roof. It is recommended to use the lightest roofing material. Installation thermal insulation materials, as a rule, is not carried out, because such premises are not used during the cold season.

Living room

Before adding a room to the house, it is necessary to complete all the required calculations and draw up a project. In this case, a thorough approach will be required, involving the construction of a foundation, capital construction of walls and roofs, installation of waterproofing and thermal insulation materials, and supply of all necessary communications.

Warm living room.

Particular attention is paid to insulating the premises, so that one could live here in winter without spending a lot of energy on heating.


As a rule, extensions are not intended to accommodate a kitchen. Such a structure must be capital, so it needs to be insulated as efficiently as possible.

Kitchen made of wood.

Such an extension can only be built correctly using a high-quality project created by professionals, because the kitchen needs all communications: sewerage, water supply, electricity, gas, ventilation system. This, of course, leads to serious financial costs, which not everyone is ready for.


Using an extension to create a garage is a very common trend in last years. A garage will require the construction of a strip or monolithic foundation, and for the construction of walls they are usually used foam concrete blocks or brick.

Two garages.

The roof, in most cases, is made of profiled sheets or metal tiles, slate or roofing felt. Mandatory communications for a garage are a ventilation system and heating.

Connection of an extension with a country house

Many people spend a long time choosing where to add a new room to their home, so that it would be easier to connect it with the main building. Here you have to choose from two options:

  • Independent building. If the area has difficult ground conditions (for example, heaving soils or a high level), then it is recommended to build an independent structure that will not be connected in any way to the main house. In this case, the extension and the main structure have no points of contact, so they do not depend on each other. In this case, the minimum possible distance is maintained between the two buildings, which is a technological gap that must be filled with thermal insulation and waterproofing materials.
  • Implementation of an extension to the structure of an old building. Such a solution involves a certain amount of labor, because construction will require compliance with all necessary technologies and carrying out many calculations and studies. First of all, you will need to properly build and insulate the foundation, which must be correctly connected to the base of the country house. This is usually done using reinforced rods. Approximately similar technology the walls and roof of the structures are connected.

Features of roof construction for an extension to a house

The roof of an extension to a house can have any shape - here again everything will depend on the requirements and wishes of the owners. At the same time, most often country homeowners choose a pitched roof because it is simple to implement, easy to insulate on your own, it combines well with other types of roofs that the main structure may have, and also removes precipitation well, preventing the entire structure from experiencing additional loads.

To ensure that rainfall from the roof of the extension drains normally, the design of the roof involves installing a roof slope of 20 degrees or more.

In addition, special attention must be paid to installing the roof of the extension under the roof of a country house. If everything is done correctly, the wall located between the extension and the country house will be protected from water entering through the joint between the two structures. In addition, the roof of the extension must be extremely harmoniously combined with the roofing material of the main building and fit harmoniously into the exterior of the building, without standing out from the general background.

During the design process, it is very important to correctly calculate the load that the roof structure will provide. The weight of rafters, roofing material and other structural elements used in constructing the roof should be taken into account.

It is important to understand that an extension to a house on screw piles or pillars is not designed for too heavy loads, unlike a monolithic or strip concrete foundation. You also need to insulate the roof (you can insulate it using any suitable thermal insulation materials, with which it is recommended to cover the top with waterproofing).

How to legalize construction?

Building an extension to an old or new country house is half the battle. Any additional premises erected on plot of land, it is necessary to document and obtain permission to carry out construction work from regulatory authorities.

An extension to a house with your own hands can be done in any way you like - no one will force you to invite builders, however, the country homeowner must present to the employees of the regulatory services a competently drawn up design of the building.

The procedure for completing all documentation for an extension to the old one country house usually takes from several months to a year.

An interesting point is that you can start collecting documents and obtaining a building permit after all the work is completed. This is permitted by current law.

At the same time, when reviewing documents, employees of the regulatory authority may have some complaints that will have to be corrected (for example, the location of the building relative to underground communications or the use of inappropriate building materials).

Let's consider buildings to the house and not extensions

A pergola is the simplest structure and an excellent place to relax.

BBQ - perfect place for receiving guests and celebrations.

Quite often it happens that the construction of a private house was carried out without the construction of outbuildings, but then the need for them arose. Modern house designs often assume only the utilitarian function of the house - people will live there. And what if the person will also conduct some kind of economic activity - no. In addition, sometimes there is an urgent need to increase the living space of the house. Extension made of foam blocks, brick extension, wooden - the creation of these structures will help solve this issue once and for all.

Types of extensions

The type of building is determined depending on what exactly should be in it. This could be a room, a toilet, a garage, a kitchen, or anything. By the way, in middle lane In Russia you can often find a structure in the form of a greenhouse in which you can grow fruits and vegetables even in winter.

Diagram of the garage-extension

Indeed, in this case, all the necessary engineering communications can be easily extended from the house. Of course, the construction of a structure must be approved, even if we are talking about wooden terraces or simply adding a veranda to the house.

Creating a project and choosing the location of the extension

Projects and construction of such structures involve the following stages:

As for the choice of materials, it is better to be guided by the following rule: it is necessary to create projects and build an extension from the same materials that the house itself consists of.

Construction of a frame house in section

For example, if you need to attach terraces to a wooden house, then it would be better if it was wooden. Of course, this rule cannot always be observed.

Let's say a person wants to raise chickens, he needs a high-quality, windproof, warm brick extension. In this case, this option should be preferred, despite the fact that the house is wooden.

Options for the location of extensions to a standard wooden house

Estimate calculation

Actually, drawing up the estimate itself is not so difficult, it is necessary to take into account the following:

An example of a veranda attached to a wooden house

Construction estimates should be drawn up immediately after the projects are ready, regardless of whether the terraces will be attached or just wooden ones utility blocks. This will avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Construction of the foundation and connection of the foundation

In Russia, bathhouses are often attached to wooden houses.

Even the construction of an ordinary terrace for a wooden house involves the creation of a new foundation for it. The option of lengthening the old foundation disappears immediately: it is impossible to do this, but connecting both foundations into a single whole later is not only possible, but also necessary.

For example, even for wooden terraces you will need to make exactly the same foundation as the main house. So, first you need to decide on the type of foundation itself.

General diagram of the gable structure of a frame house

Actually, there are 3 foundation options that can be used as a base for an extension:

  1. Monolithic;
  2. Columnar;
  3. Tape.

Columnar foundations are used extremely rarely in Russia, since they can only be installed on very hard soils such as mountains.

It can be used, for example, to build a gazebo, but such structures are usually not attached to the house, but placed next to it. By the way, for a gazebo, instead of a foundation, you can use old tires - this will be quite enough.

Layout diagram for an extension made of foam blocks

For permanent buildings and garages, reliable and durable foundation structures are needed. Mainly prefabricated and monolithic tapes or monolithic slab. When using pillars and screw piles, it is necessary to tie it with a grillage, and to protect the space under the floor, cover it with basement siding with insulation made of basalt mineral wool or other similar insulation materials. At the top of the foundation it is necessary horizontal waterproofing from roll waterproofing materials (glass insulation, waterproofing, rubemast or roofing felt).

A good option is a frame extension to the house. The frame is constructed from wooden blocks filled with insulation (for example, mineral wool boards) and lined with thick moisture-resistant plywood, OSB boards or other materials. The attached building can be constructed with window openings. The doorway is more conveniently internal, which allows passage into the attached part without going outside. But an entry device directly from the street is also acceptable.

The roof is most often constructed with a pitched roof. It is important to ensure that snow does not accumulate at the junction, so the roof is made with a slope angle of ≥ 25 degrees. The canopy is most often covered with sheets monolithic polycarbonate or ondulin.

The floor, depending on the purpose of the room, can be concrete (mainly in garages, workshops and storerooms), wood, lined with porcelain stoneware or tiles. “Warm floors” are often installed.

It is recommended to construct garage walls from non-combustible products (brick, concrete or lightweight concrete blocks) with a ceiling reinforced concrete slabs or corrugated sheets. It is imperative to provide a number of ventilation holes.

How to connect an extension to a house

Connecting an existing building with an extension is one of the most critical moments of construction. If construction technologies are not followed, cracks will inevitably form in the junctions, opening up to large cracks. This is caused by the difference effective loads and the complete absence or slowdown of settlement of the foundation of an old house.

Connection of the attached part is carried out in the following two options:

  1. WITH expansion joint without direct contact of foundations, walls and roof. Recommended for problem soils (peat or clay). A gap is provided between the structures, which is later filled with elastic heat and waterproofing materials. It is permissible to lay a board treated with several layers of bitumen mastic. The resulting seam is covered with decorative inserts. It is imperative to eliminate the possibility of the formation of “snow bags” on the roof at the junction points.
  2. Inclusion of all constructs in working together. The new foundation is laid at the same depth as the existing one. It is used on bases made of soils that are not subject to heaving. The contacting surface of the old one is cleared of soil and waterproofing layer and a notch is made using a hammer drill. IN drilled holes The reinforcing bars are driven tightly and the holes are sealed. The resulting embedded parts are connected by welding to reinforcement cage foundation of the extension, and concreting is carried out with careful compaction of the mixture using an internal vibrator. Brick walls connected in the same way. The rods are placed every two rows in the seams of the new masonry. Wooden structures tightened with steel bolts or studs with double-sided threads, complete with wide washers, nuts and locknuts. To match the roof, it will be necessary to remove part of the roofing and jointly fasten the rafters and beams of the house and the extension with the addition of new additional nodes and racks. In some cases, it may be necessary to construct a common rafter system or replace it with longer elements.

The second option is more complex, labor-intensive and costly, although it cannot be guaranteed that the joints will not come apart over time.

Depending on the design, materials of the existing house and the purpose of the attached premises, the foundation type, material and thickness of the walls, rafter system and roofing materials for the new building are selected.

Before deciding how to build an extension, you need to provide for all possible nuances of future construction and guarantee to protect yourself from possible administrative sanctions.

Advantages of an extension compared to a free-standing building

  • Reducing the amount of work required to install utilities (electricity, water supply, heating, sewerage, ventilation).
  • Less material consumption and cost of construction, since at least one already existing wall is used.
  • Rational use of the territory without cluttering with additional buildings.
  • Additional insulation, preventing cold air from penetrating directly into the house and reducing heat loss.

Very often, you want to add a veranda or terrace to a finished house in order to increase the existing living space and simply transform the appearance of the residential property. In such cases, an extension to a wooden house is built, the designs of which can be very different depending on the size of the new object and the materials from which it will be built.

An extension to a wooden house of verandas and terraces can be erected different ways from the point of view of design features. Most often this is done in several ways:

  1. The extension is built on the side and has a single roof with the house.
  2. The extension is located on the side, but under a separate roof.
  3. The veranda is located on the second and higher floors or in the attic.

Of course, most often the extension is made on the side of the house. Option with common roof more convenient and more profitable, but for this it is important that it is possible to make a common roofing system with the house. As for the add-on, this process is not easy. So, first of all, it is important to take into account the capabilities of the foundation of the house, which may simply not withstand the load under the influence of the built-on terrace.

Which material to choose

A veranda extension to a wooden house can be built using different materials. Most often this is timber, logs or frame technology, since these options look harmonious against the background of the overall exterior of the cottage. But extensions made of brick or foam blocks are no less popular. Let us note right away that each of the options has its own nuances in terms of construction. Let us consider the features of construction from each material in more detail.

Timber extension

- the most common material. This is explained by the characteristics of the material itself:
  1. Its production is carried out in a factory, so the wood is of high quality.
  2. Thanks to special processing, the material is highly resistant to rotting and fungus.
  3. Environmental friendliness and naturalness are the main advantages of any type of timber.

But before making an extension, you need to solve a number of issues for yourself. The most important thing is the foundation of the future home. There are a huge number of options for creating it, but any foundation must be firmly “tied” to an existing building. Ideally, the extension needs the same foundation as the house. Therefore, it is important to study the condition of the soil, its type, and think about what the load from the extension will be. After this, the second question needs to be resolved: will the veranda be combined with the general perimeter of the house or will it be built as a separate structure. Combining structures is not easy, since it will shrink, and even experts will not answer what it will be.

Frame extension

From the frame is budget option, since significant investments in its construction are not required. In addition, the construction of a veranda or terrace itself will be much faster with minimal expenditure on materials. The construction of the structure is carried out on the basis of a frame consisting of wooden beam or metal profiles. The frame is erected along the entire perimeter of the future veranda.

Once the frame is ready, you can begin finishing the walls from the outside and inside. For this, chipboard or OSB boards are used, and between them it is necessary to lay insulating material - mineral wool, sawdust, expanded polystyrene.

Made of brick

A more labor-intensive process is adding a brick extension to a wooden house with your own hands. The solidity and durability of the future home, together with the veranda or terrace, can be ensured if you follow several rules:

When building a foundation, you can dig a trench around the entire perimeter of the extension, and its depth should correspond to the depth of the foundation, and its width should be at least 40 cm. The bottom of the foundation is covered with a layer of sand (20-30 cm thick), gravel or crushed stone is laid on top, and then it is necessary to shed all layers with water. The formwork is placed, which is then filled with the usual concrete composition. Ideally, it takes about a month for the foundation to dry. But since brick is one of the most expensive materials, and building with it is not easy, many refuse to use such a material.

An extension made of foam blocks to a wooden house enjoys in great demand for several reasons:

  1. The material is cheaper - this is the most important factor for most buyers.
  2. Construction with foam blocks does not require a strong foundation, since the material has an average density, which is less than that of brick.
  3. Due to their low density and the presence of air pores, foam blocks retain heat well in the room.
  4. Foam blocks have big sizes, so the extension will be built much faster.

The only negative is the need to protect the material from environmental factors. For these purposes, foam blocks are often finished with siding or faced with brick.

Deciding on the location and size

Before building a terrace or veranda, you must first decide on their location in relation to the house. For example, for cozy breakfasts on the terrace, it is better to place it on the east side, since there will be more sun here in the morning. But if, on the contrary, you need shade, you should look for the most shaded place on the site. The dimensions need to be thought out so that the extension looks harmonious against the background of the overall structure.

Second: foundation

The foundation for a veranda needs to be well thought out. Depending on the materials from which it will be built, the base can simply be in the form of compacted soil, or it can be built from concrete. It can be erected from foundation blocks and slabs, corner posts, which are fixed in the ground and carefully concreted. The foundation necessarily requires waterproofing using, for example, hot bitumen or cold mastic. At the very last stage, the base is backfilled.

Do you dream of increasing your living space, but don’t know which extension to choose? Beautiful and functional extension allows you to make your home more spacious by adding the necessary square meters. To find the veranda option that meets your expectations and the architecture of the place, use photo ideas for house extensions.

How to make an extension to a house?

If you have a private house, then in most cases you can always increase your living space thanks to an extension. Do you want a custom porch tailored to your needs? Consider the following photos of home facades to make your dream come true.

Based on the budget allocated for the extension

Extending your home can be expensive, depending on the project you're considering. However, it is always possible to find a solution for all levels of funding, even within the minimum budget. For more or less well-endowed projects, it would be better to prefer installing a veranda for the construction of a large extension. Attic development projects are in the middle of the price range, provided they do not have to deal with too many structural issues such as access etc. Finally, largest projects extensions, under the supervision of the architect, are in the high price range.

Choosing the right option

Construction of a veranda requires organization. You should definitely ask the experts what is allowed or not allowed in your home, consult regarding the extension, voicing your desires - an additional room all year round, a relaxation area, a kitchen, a spa, etc. Be sure to follow the technical or regulatory details that need to be taken into account . You will have a clear idea of ​​what kind of extension can be built by forecasting the family budget.

Lots of possibilities

Home extension or extension: a solution to expand space without a huge investment. Create a new bedroom, study, new kitchen or living room to reorganize your home. Modern architects work for most extension projects. But be careful as any expansion project, be it simply adding a room, installing a veranda or implementing an elevation, must be carried out in compliance with certain rules.

Extension to a private house: several solutions

You can expand the area of ​​the house thanks to an extension, which can be separate from common rooms, acting as a separate corridor, or to complement the living space.

Side room extension

This is the preferred solution for owners of fairly spacious land. A side room extension allows you to add volume to your home with priority to create or change area, providing a connection between two rooms (old and new). You can then let your imagination run wild when choosing the style of new construction.

Entrance corridor

If you maintain separation of the extension from the main living environment in the house, then the veranda will be in the form of a cozy corridor, which is especially useful in winter due to the warmth from the street. Being a less used room on winter evenings, you need to heat this type of extension to a minimum.

Living room addition

Unless you separate the veranda from the existing enclosure, for example by knocking down a wall to create a larger space, heating will need to be provided, even with good insulation. The design of the veranda also depends on the destination. An attached room can complement the kitchen or living room.

Functional extension to the house

The use and placement of the porch will also affect the overall layout of the house. In some cases you may need to change some existing rooms to make the extension more functional. Consider photo examples that allow you to consider several options for verandas for living and relaxing, both open and closed. Both options will help create bright and comfortable spaces that make everyday life easier. The original extension of the house optimizes the living comfort of all family members.

Closed extension

The closed type of extension perfectly serves as an additional room, if you take care of its interior design and insulation. Such an addition will not only harmoniously decorate the facade of the house, but will also increase the comfort of the living interior space.

Open veranda

If you want to beautifully decorate the entrance to the house, increasing the porch area, creating a comfortable seating area on outdoors V summer time years, then a non-glazed extension will help you with this. The veranda can be arranged garden furniture, where you will enjoy the peace and tranquility of the surrounding garden. Such extensions are especially popular for country houses and country houses.

Verandas are the easiest option for expanding a house

Building a deck is a relatively easy way to change the square footage of your home. Pouring out cement board, and the porch becomes ready for assembly by the contractor. The wall to which the veranda adjoins must be reinforced, since it is load-bearing. Modern extension is a high-class structure with ornaments, pediments, whose charm will certainly attract everyone. You can choose both standard versions of the veranda and unusual ones, connecting the room with the living room or dining room. For good comfort, underfloor heating, blinds and year-round maintenance are necessary.

Expanding your home with an extension is a solution that will bring additional value to your home in case of resale, but will also allow you to improve your living conditions. To carry out this work, it is necessary to select the most suitable project, remembering to comply with the necessary administrative procedures and other urban planning restrictions. An extension to a house is a fairly commonly used solution for expanding living space. If the architecture of the building and the area of ​​the landscape allow for such an addition, then be sure to take this chance.