How to get rid of the smell of new furniture: useful tips. How to get rid of the smell of new furniture - effective tips for quickly eliminating unpleasant odors New furniture stinks what to do

The joy of buying new furniture is sometimes overshadowed by the unpleasant chemical odors that accompany products made from chipboard, laminated chipboard and leather. Almost 80% of the production of cabinet furniture is made from laminated chipboard, i.e. boards of coarse wood chips impregnated with formaldehyde-containing resins for binding, which are made by hot pressing and treated with a polymer film. In turn, the frame of upholstered furniture is mostly assembled from chipboard - particle boards, which are impregnated with formaldehyde resins and compressed wood shavings.

It is formaldehyde, which is contained in the substance that binds wood fibers, and emits that very unpleasant aroma that causes a person to:

  • headache;
  • nausea and, in rare cases, vomiting;
  • decreased concentration and performance.

Formaldehyde, among other things, is part of furniture varnish. It is not yet possible to eliminate this substance from production, but there are GOST standards that clearly regulate the maximum permissible concentration of resins in a product. It is worth noting that high-quality chipboard and laminated chipboard do not have a strong odor, and sometimes even smell like real wood.

An unpleasant odor can accompany any leather furniture that undergoes many stages of chemical treatment in production.

Ways to fight

If the aroma of new furniture is far from woody, do not despair. There are several ways to solve this problem: household chemicals and improvised means. Each of them has its own contraindications.

The speed of eliminating an unpleasant odor directly depends on the frequency of use of a particular method and the original source itself. Thus, leather upholstery can retain the smell for up to several months.

Fighting with specialized means

Purchasing industrial products and special equipment for purifying air from harmful and unpleasant odors is an expensive business, but it allows you to eliminate the chemical odor of new furniture much faster.

Such methods are suitable for people sensitive to odors, or for rooms where quick results are needed (for example, children's rooms).

Furniture edge

It is necessary to pay attention to how the ends of the furniture are processed before purchasing. But it happens that a product is ordered from an online store when there is no possibility of a thorough inspection.

Furniture publishing bad smell, probably has poorly processed or not processed ends at all. This problem can be solved by purchasing furniture edges and gluing the ends.


To remove unpleasant odors from new furniture, you can use a special device that works on the principle air filter- ozonizer.

By passing the air in the room through itself, the device filters harmful substances. But buying an ozonator - expensive pleasure, unjustified in most cases.

Liquid for removing unpleasant odors

A liquid product for eliminating odors from new furniture is very effective. It is sold in almost all stores household chemicals. Designed for use on objects made of chipboard, plastic and wood.

The product is diluted and applied to the surface of the furniture, setting in the form of a thin film that does not allow the smell to spread. Manufacturers do not recommend using the chemical liquid for allergy sufferers.

Available means

Almost every apartment has salt, tea and activated carbon, and lemons and oranges are much more affordable than buying specialized equipment. Conventional home remedies are just as good as store-bought ones in removing unpleasant odors.

The greatest efficiency is achieved by using several methods simultaneously.

Drying and airing

The first and most the right decision is an attempt to ventilate the room in the apartment where there is New furniture. It is necessary to pull out all the drawers and open the doors of cabinets, tables and bedside tables, and upholstered furniture spread out as much as possible. It is worth remembering that formaldehyde is a toxic substance, so being in the same room with such products should be minimized for a while.

There are times when furniture smells musty, which indicates a violation of the conditions of its storage in the warehouse. In this case, a heater is placed in the room for 3-4 hours, turned on at medium power. But you shouldn't post it heating device very close to the products to prevent them from drying out. It is also recommended to move upholstered furniture away from direct sunlight, as the upholstery may be damaged.


These are absorbent substances that absorb unpleasant odors or moisture. This category includes the following:

  1. Salt and tea. Bags of salt and tea bags placed in all drawers and cabinet shelves for several days, combined with constant ventilation, will help get rid of the smell of new furniture much faster.
  2. Activated carbon or ordinary charcoal. Paper or fabric bags of coal are placed inside cabinets, linen drawers and on shelves. In addition to unpleasant odors, it also absorbs excess moisture.

Essential oils

Open bubbles placed inside the products with essential oils or rags soaked in them will not eliminate the original source of the unpleasant odor in closets and on sofas, but will help smooth it out a little.

The use of essential oils should be approached with caution, as they may leave greasy spots on the upholstery of upholstered furniture. Also, due to their concentration and strong aromas, they very often cause allergic reactions.

Orange peels are excellent neutralizers for chemical fragrances in new furniture. Rubbing with slightly diluted lemon juice will not only get rid of the unpleasant odor, but will also please citrus lovers.

Ammonia and vinegar

Ammonia is most often used to eliminate the unpleasant odor of leather upholstery of chairs, sofas and ottomans. For the solution that will need to be used to wipe the leather product, you will need:

  • glass of water - 250 ml;
  • a teaspoon of ammonia;
  • Additionally, you can use vinegar or lemon juice in small quantities.

Use the solution with caution, first applying it to an inconspicuous area to test the reaction. If the color and structure of the upholstery material has not changed, the solution is applied to the entire surface.

Eliminating unpleasant odors is a process that does not take much time and effort. A significant part of success depends on integrated approach to this matter. It is worth using several methods at once, combining ventilation and essential oils with absorbents or treatment with special liquids.

How to eliminate the smell in the apartment from new furniture?

The varnish used to cover wooden furniture, also emits odor and releases harmful substances into the air. Air environment apartments become polluted, and this negatively affects people’s well-being.

Laminate can also be used in furniture production, decorative tiles, upholstery materials impregnated with special substances that allow furniture to maintain its impeccable appearance for a long time. This “chemical” not only smells, but can also cause allergic reactions, headaches, asthmatic attacks and other unhealthy reactions of the body. Children and the elderly are at risk.

To reduce the risk possible poisoning to zero, you need to buy certified furniture that meets established standards and has passed quality control. If a chip or other damage is found, the purchase should be returned to the store.

Use of specialized tools

Any furniture emits odors, be it a bedroom set or Kitchen Area, bookcase or transforming sofa. Helps remove the smell of new furniture modern device, capable of eliminating any, even the most corrosive aroma in a short time. It is called an ozonator.

The device generates ozone from the air, which is an odor neutralizer. It is enough to plug in the ozonizer and let it work for several hours. The windows and doors in the room must be closed.

The ozonizer will not only remove the unpleasant odor, but will also disinfect the air, while all harmful and toxic compounds will be neutralized.

The ozonizer has only one drawback - high cost. Not every family can purchase it to eliminate the smell of new furniture. On sale you can find a liquid to eliminate odors. According to the instructions, it is diluted with water and applied to hard surfaces wooden and plastic furniture, forming a film. Film coating will prevent spread unpleasant odors.

However, the liquid also has disadvantages:

  • it can only be used for products made of wood, chipboard and plastic;
  • People prone to allergic reactions are not recommended to use it.

We use available methods

There are quite available funds combat odors, especially since they exist in every home. For example, tea bags (black, green, herbal) or orange and lemon peels.

If an unpleasant odor comes from a new cabinet, bookshelves or bedside tables, you need to pull out all the drawers, open the doors and place bags of salt or tea bags in all compartments. Odor neutralization will take several days. And then it is recommended to ventilate the room well and wipe all surfaces with water adding a few drops lemon juice.

If the source of the smell is upholstered furniture, lay it out and place citrus peels around it. Another option is to place saucers with vinegar or use aromatic sachets.

It happens that new furniture smells musty. This suggests that it was stored in a room with high humidity. You can remove the smell in the following way: leave the furniture in a draft for a day, and then warm the room with a fireplace or other heater. However, these actions may not be enough. If the source of the unpleasant odor has penetrated deep into the upholstery, then the furniture must be cleaned or returned to the store using a warranty card. Moreover, the case will probably become deformed due to dampness in the near future.

How to remove the specific aroma of leather furniture? The room must first be ventilated, while the sofa or armchairs must be unfolded. When the strong smell goes away, you need to place the same absorbent substances around the leather products: tea bags, bags of salt or citrus peels. You can place a container with ground coffee beans next to the sofa. However, be prepared for a long period, up to several months, of getting rid of the odor emitted by the skin.

And do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, then neither new nor old furniture will cause discomfort in the form of foreign odors.

Pleasant smells always lift your spirits; it’s not for nothing that people have been using perfumes, deodorants and eau de toilette for centuries.

We try to put some things in the closet and chest of drawers for safety. These pieces of furniture are in the bedroom, in the hallway, in the kitchen, and in the living room.

Clothes and other items stored in closets absorb odors and sometimes smell musty or have other unpleasant odors.

There are several ways to eliminate unpleasant smells in your closet.

In order for things to smell pleasant and the closet with clothes not to accumulate different aromas, it is necessary that it is always in order and free space. Therefore, it is necessary to follow some rules.

1. First things first Let's clean out the closet. To do this, take out all the things and sort them.

2. If necessary, wash items of clothing to prevent dirt from getting into the cabinet again. Never hang worn and uncleaned clothes in the closet, because even if there are no marks on them, microscopic parts of the skin and the smell from sweat will still remain on them after putting them on.

3. Wipe the cabinet with soapy water. To eliminate unpleasant odors, you can use cleaning additives that have fragrances or add vinegar. To prevent mold, be sure to dry the wardrobe before filling.

4. Before hanging clothes, you can hang aromatic sachets and... Small bags of lavender are sold in hardware stores; they create a pleasant scent for clothes and protect them from moths.

To prevent mold, soak a cotton pad with iodine and place it in a glass jar, and place it inside the cabinet. This simple method will keep your items fresh.

5. Clothes should be stored hung and straightened, so don’t let it fall off the hanger and lie on the bottom. Try to arrange clothes according to the season.

The one that will have to wait should be put in a separate section, and winter clothes, hats and suits should be put in a separate section. summer period hang in another closet, and should also be treated against mold and mustiness, not forgetting to provide the storage with a moth repellent.

6. When cleaning, pay attention to the closet with bed linen. The furniture needs to be washed, treated against mold and moths, dried, and to saturate things with a pleasant aroma, you can put a sachet bag or an empty bottle of your favorite perfume, after wrapping it in a handkerchief, and you will feel that your pillowcases smell completely different.

7. If you store things in a dressing room or closet, then let them hang at a sufficient distance from each other, and periodically leave the wardrobe doors open for ventilation.

The aromas of food and spices are always present in the kitchen. Because of large quantity humidity, in addition to the smell of cooking food, sometimes odors of dampness and mold can be found in cabinets.

IN kitchen cabinet and a pest periodically appears inside the bread bin, and if it smells unpleasant, this is the first sign that it’s time to take action

1. We need to start again with cleaning. Empty the shelves and wipe them with soapy water. Wipe with a dry towel and dry. Throw away unnecessary jars and put the rest back.

2. Cereal storage location requires particularly careful attention. To prevent food moths, store supplies in tightly closed containers.

You can put peeled garlic cloves or lemon slices between the jars. This folk remedies, which prevent the appearance of unexpected guests, but the main remedy for food moths is still cleanliness.

3. Hot water With laundry soap should always be at hand.

First you need to remove dirt, wash all surfaces with laundry soap, treat them with vinegar solution, then, if time permits, use aerosol means from insects.

Dry it and only after that, you can begin returning things to their rightful place.

4. When packing food supplies, inspect all the banks carefully. If there are traces of mold or moth larvae, then throw it away without regret. You can leave the rest, but check it periodically.

5. Special attention should be paid to place for storing bread. Since this is a living product, be sure to wipe the bread box every three days with a cloth soaked in a vinegar solution and, of course, dry it.

Do not leave crumbs and bread on the table; it must be put back in its place.

6. To make the housewife’s work easier, there is always plenty devices and related items. They also need to be kept clean and processed periodically.

Rinse all colanders and mixers well, every part is dismountable household appliances Be sure to rinse and dry, then there will be no mustiness or mold in the kitchen.

It's always a pleasure to use new furniture, but sometimes after assembly you discover that it smells bad. And many people are concerned about the question of how to get rid of the smell of new furniture.

All chemical reagents, used in manufacturing, have a specific smell, and for some time the smell will be around, but this is fixable. To make the smell disappear faster, place saucers with table salt around the apartment; it absorbs odors perfectly.

You can use tea bags to remove the smell in your closet.

Place them on closet shelves, in dresser drawers, and in a few days the smell will be eliminated.

You now know why an unpleasant odor appears and what measures need to be taken to eliminate it.

After you have cleaned all storage sections and the entire apartment, you can leave flavorings in several places to add a delicious aroma.

Spray your favorite perfume on the lamps in your rooms. Once you turn them on, they will release a scent.

Place sachet bags in wardrobes, wardrobes and chests of drawers. Sprinkle vanilla or cinnamon in several places in the kitchen.

They will create a warm and delicious atmosphere. And in a few days you won’t recognize your apartment, it will be saturated with tenderness, and it will be pleasant to be at home.

Let them be delicious and pleasant aromas accompany you always!

To the question of what piece of furniture occupies the most important place in the living room, we can confidently answer - a sofa. Acquiring it is always an exciting and needy matter. special attention. And now, it flaunts in your living room, new and eye-catching. But for some reason it doesn't smell at all, and even stinks. Who is the culprit in this case and how can everything be corrected? After all, there is no desire to return the model you like back. In this article we will show you how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of a new sofa.

What causes the smell?

An unpleasant odor that emits new sofa, may indicate that it contains elements that may pose a hazard to human health. Let's consider the components of upholstered furniture and which of them may pose a health hazard:

  1. The basis. The base is a frame. Some of them may contain chipboard. Synthetic glue is used to hold this material together. It contains phenol-formaldehyde resin. It is very poisonous to the body. It is worth noting that carcinogenic substances can be released for 10 years. This can cause many diseases. If you place the sofa next to a heater or radiator, the fumes will only increase. Chipboard is not dangerous if it is laminated and coated with protective paint.

  1. Filler. The most common filler is polyurethane foam. One of its components is toluene. But it can only be dangerous when burned. Therefore, you should be especially careful when placing furniture and do not place it near sources of ignition. It is important to know that furniture made in China very often contains bags of dimethyl furmate. They are used as protection against mold. When placed in a dry and warm room, dimethyl furmate begins to dissolve, which can cause skin irritation.
  2. Upholstery. Toxic substances can also be hidden in the upholstery. This usually occurs when processing leather material. For example, when tanning leather, chromium compounds were used or when dyeing, a substance was used - analine, which has a pungent odor.

In addition to the quality of the chipboard, you should also pay attention to the ends of the product or chips that have shavings and resin that are visible. It is these details that act as the main causes of various harmful emissions, as well as the smell of new furniture. Toxic substances such as phenol and formaldehyde can be identified by their specific pungent odor. In addition to them, there are high chances that the release of such hazardous substances, such as ammonia, methanol, acetone and others. Air pollution with all these substances can negatively affect a person’s well-being, worsening his or her health. Ultimately, you can be exposed to mutagenic and carcinogenic effects.

The release of formaldehyde is most intense in the first months during use of the purchase. In addition, materials such as decorative tiles, laminate, varnishes and others are also used in the production of furniture. They, in turn, can release methanol, xylene, toluene and other substances. Symptoms of poisoning by toxic elements may include:

  • headache;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • pneumonia;
  • problems focusing;
  • worsening asthma symptoms;
  • allergic reactions;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In addition, formaldehyde leads to an increased chance of cancer.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of new furniture

We found out why an unpleasant odor can emanate from a sofa. Now let's figure out how to get rid of it. Experts believe that it is better to purchase new furniture when you can leave your home for a couple of days. Leaving open window, You can get rid of the smell of new furniture.

Do not use air fresheners or other similar sprays. Otherwise, the result may be an oversaturation of the air with chemicals.

Let's move on to step by step instructions for odor removal:

  1. To begin with, it is recommended to remove away all unnecessary objects in the room where you are going to place the new sofa. It is better to clear the room for 2 weeks.
  2. If there are woolen carpets in the room, it is also recommended to remove them for a while, since this decorative item is known for its ability to absorb odors.
  3. We vacuum the entire room, and then move on to cleaning the sofa itself. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the inside and back of the furniture, as well as around the legs.

Weathering may take some time and may be more than a few days. It is recommended to open the window periodically; the air conditioner will not help in this case.

Ways to remove odor:

  1. After ventilation, you need to proceed to the use of sorbents. They must be of natural origin only. Aromatic herbal mixtures are suitable for this. You can use mint, lemon balm or thyme. They are placed in gauze bags, which are placed throughout the room, including the sofa. Sometimes tea bags are used to cover all the furniture. For better results, you can sprinkle a few tablespoons of ground coffee underneath.
  2. Use flavored sea ​​salt. It needs to be poured onto a dry sheet and placed on top of the sofa. This will help reduce the intensity of the odor.
  3. Sprinkle baking soda on the sofa and leave it for a while, preferably overnight. Then gently brush it off with a soft brush and vacuum the surface of the furniture.
  4. Soak a terry sheet with a solution of vinegar or water peroxide. Squeeze it thoroughly. It should be moist, not wet. Cover the sofa with it for a couple of hours.
  5. Mix coffee and vanilla. Sprinkle the mixture onto the sofa and leave for a couple of hours. Then remove with a vacuum cleaner.
  6. Buy a new invention called an ozonator. This way you can not only remove the unpleasant odor, but also clean the outer shell of the furniture from the harmful components that it emits. This option is not the cheapest, but it is famous for its effectiveness.

It takes about 3-4 days to completely remove the unpleasant odor. If new furniture begins to emit a shabby smell, then you shouldn’t even try to destroy it. And all because the reason for its appearance most likely lies in improper storage of furniture or the presence of errors that were made during its production.

Of course, such a smell can be eliminated using one of the methods listed above. But it would be better to return or exchange the purchased piece of furniture, as it may lose shape over time. You should have received a warranty card upon purchase. They need to be used. The presence of an old smell in new furniture indicates that it will not withstand use.

If you have pets at home, you can determine how safe the furniture is by their behavior. Animals are much more sensitive to odors. Therefore, if your cat spends long hours sleeping peacefully on the sofa, then you can relax.

If the odor does not disappear within several weeks, then measures must be taken, otherwise household members may become victims of poisoning.

Using our tips, you can enjoy not only the beauty of the interior, but also the pleasant aromas.

How to get rid of the smell of new furniture? Many have encountered an unpleasant odor from recently purchased furniture, which is difficult to eliminate. Not only does it not disappear for several days, but it can also cause painful conditions in the household. Headaches, nausea, dizziness, and allergic reactions may occur. All this provokes chemical substances, which are used to process components.

1 Odors on upholstered furniture

There is already such a beautiful and long-awaited sofa in the room. It fits perfectly into the interior, soft and comfortable, but emits a terrible smell. How to remove the smell of new furniture?

Ventilating a room with new furniture

First of all, you need to spread out the sofas and armchairs as much as possible. Open the windows and ventilate the room well. Remove all pillows and lay them out separately. It is necessary to weather for at least 12 hours. A day is best, ideally in an open space. After airing, start assembling the furniture; you need to carefully place bottles of essential oils or bags of aromatic herbs in the folds. Or place tea bags at the joints of furniture pieces. You can also place citrus peels around the sofa; they neutralize unpleasant odors well.

It’s a good idea to pour vinegar into a saucer and place it next to the items.

The smell of new, just unpacked furniture

If upholstered furniture smells damp and musty, this means that the room (warehouse) in which the products were stored was damp, poorly ventilated, and had high humidity. First you need to air it out in a draft. Then close the windows and the door to the room. It is good to warm it up with a heater aimed at the furniture. Usually the dampness goes away after 3 hours of warming up to medium temperature. High temperatures and prolonged heating may cause some parts of the product to dry out. It is dangerous to expose upholstered furniture to direct sunlight; the upholstery may lose color. If the smell of dampness does not disappear for a long time, it is better to resort to dry cleaning services, since mold may be present in the deep layers of the sofa or armchairs and fungus may multiply. And this is dangerous for human health and the life of the furniture.

May have a stronger odor leather furniture. It is repeatedly treated with various chemicals. An ammonia solution will help eliminate the pungent aroma. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. ammonia. Wipe the furniture with a cloth soaked in the solution. You can also add a little vinegar or lemon juice to this mixture. Several procedures will permanently remove the chemical smell from the furniture. It is also worth periodically ventilating the room. It wouldn’t hurt to place it nearby ground coffee, bags of herbs, bottles of oils.

Bars of anti-odor soap from a new leather sofa

A piece of soap with your favorite scent will perfectly freshen the air and eliminate the unpleasant smell of new leather items. It is enough to spread it on leather upholstery.

2 How to remove odor from furniture

How to get rid of the smell of new laminated chipboard furniture? There are several ways. You need to try them all. But first you need to find the source of the chemical, unpleasant odor. Most likely, it will be the varnish that is used to paint chipboard. This varnish contains life-threatening chemicals, especially for furniture in a child's room. This is not safe for children, so it is better to temporarily move the child from the room with a new set, wardrobe or bed to a safe one.

Bubbles with essential aromatic oils

You need to start with ventilation, open the windows in the room wide open. Open all drawers, doors, shelves. Wipe the inside of the furniture with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice. Ventilate everything and keep it open for several days. You can lay out bags or bags with aromatic herbs, bottles with essential aromatic oils. Ground coffee and the peels of oranges and lemons clean the air well.

They also use sorbents that absorb odors. You can lay out bags or containers with salt, soda, crush tablets activated carbon. Disposable bags of green or black tea also absorb odors well and purify the air; they must be new. Afterwards, you can no longer brew it; you must immediately throw it in the trash. Place all this in many places, on every shelf, in every drawer.

In any case, it will take several days to remove the smell; there will be no immediate results. It takes a little patience and time to finally use your newly purchased furniture.

3 Special product

Specialized stores have a special furniture product that helps fight strong odors from recent purchases. Such funds sufficient quantity, and their price is affordable.

It should be used only in accordance with the instructions. First, the substance is dissolved with water in certain proportions indicated on the label. Hands must be protected with gloves. The solution is applied with a rag, sponge or roller, whichever is more convenient. Do not touch the upholstery material. Then you need to wait time for the product to dry, it is indicated on the packaging. The active substances of the drug form a thin layer on the surface of the product. protective film, which does not allow the chemical odors of new clothes to escape.

Special anti-odor product for new furniture

There are some caveats:

  • this remedy is not suitable for people prone to allergic reactions;
  • Can only be used on products made of chipboard, plastic, solid wood.

4 Air purification device

The ideal method for purifying the air from extraneous pungent odors is an ozonizer. This is the latest achievement modern technologies. Allows you to qualitatively clean the air in the room from caustic, harmful and dangerous substances in a very short time. It is known that ozone is an excellent neutralizer of any odor. This device generates it from atmospheric air. In addition, the device promotes air disinfection, binds and destroys dangerous chemical compounds.

Air purifier

The ozonizer is placed near an object that emits a heavy, repulsive aroma. The room must be closed. The device is turned on and left for several hours.

The only drawback of such a device is its not affordable price. Very few people can afford to purchase an ozonizer. You can try to do without it using the above methods.

5 Precautions

Wear gloves when using the vinegar solution. And first check the reaction of the product materials to vinegar or other processing substances in an inconspicuous place to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Allergy sufferers should be careful with new furniture. The fumes can cause an attack. In addition, products used to treat furniture against unpleasant odors can have a negative impact on the health of such people.