How to make cinder blocks at home composition. Making cinder blocks with your own hands. Technology for self-production of cinder blocks

Cinder blocks are inexpensive and provide good heat and sound insulation. Their production technology is simple, and the finished product does not need to be certified. Therefore, anyone can set up production with their own hands.

Cinder block manufacturing technology

The production of cinder block bricks is carried out in several stages.

Making a mixture of slag, cement and water. Suitable raw materials are crushed stone, broken brick, expanded clay, ash, sand. Depending on the available raw materials, the composition of the mixture can be different. It is important to maintain the correct proportion of dry and liquid components:

  • Option 1: mix cement, slag and water in a volume ratio of 1:9:0.5;
  • Option 2: mix cement, granulated slag, fine screenings and water in the ratio: 1:4:4:0.5.

In any case, the volume of water should be 2 times less than the volume of cement!

You can knead by hand, with a concrete mixer or mixer. The mixture should be semi-dry; it is advisable to add a plasticizing agent to it, which:

  • accelerates hardening ( useful property for small production areas);
  • increases density, reduces the likelihood of cracks;
  • increases labor productivity.

In small industries with small machines, you can knead the mixture manually, but this is a rather labor-intensive process.

Loading concrete mixture into forms. Standard sizes forms for vibrocompression 39 x 19 x 18.8 cm. Forms can be with void formers or solid. In the molds, the mixture is pressed with a punch under constant vibration. The duration of pressing varies from 10 to 90 seconds and depends on the capabilities of the machine. Reinforced equipment presses cinder blocks faster.

The forms are removed and the blocks are left until completely dry. After removing the molds, the blocks must retain their shape and not disintegrate during the evaporation of moisture. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the ratio of components when mixing a rigid concrete mixture. If you make the mixture too thin, the blocks will spread. If there is a lack of moisture, they will crumble.

The hardening stage lasts from 48 to 96 hours. Drying occurs at a positive temperature. But the products will finally harden only after 30 days in conditions high humidity. Low humidity during drying provokes cracking of the blocks. At higher temperatures, drying occurs faster. The ripening process is positively influenced by special components (relaxol, fulleron). In the presence of production capacity, the blocks are stacked by lifts into racks, where they are steamed.

Equipment for making cinder blocks

You can make cinder blocks with your own hands using the following machines and equipment:

  • universal vibration machine;
  • concrete mixer;
  • shovel;
  • construction trolley
  • vibrating sieve

Equipment for the production of cinder blocks for small production can be easily found in specialized stores. Eat inexpensive models MARS with lifting the matrices manually, using a lever or 1IKS. A small cinder block machine M310 with mechanized operations is good for more large productions, it produces up to 400 blocks per work shift. The Dragon and Comanche machines for cinder blocks provide even greater productivity - about 600 pieces per shift. Any of the mini-vibrating machines for making blocks with your own hands operates on a 220 V power supply.

Model Productivity for 8 hours of work, bl\shift Power, W Weight, kg Type
MZ-10 station wagon Up to 700 150 From 19 manual
1 X Up to 500 150 From 28 Mechanical-manual
MARS-2 Up to 650 200 From 55 Mechanical-manual
Comanche Reinforced Up to 1500 500 From 190 kg Mechanical-manual
Dragon-4 Until 2000 Up to 1000 From 250 semi-automatic

Table 1. Characteristics of vibration machines

If you want to make blocks with your own hands, the most acceptable models would be Dragon-4 or Comanche Reinforced. Although this is quite a significant investment, it will pay off. After all, the products are in steady demand in private construction. In addition to blocks, such equipment is intended for the production of paving slabs.

For your own construction with your own hands, the 1 IKS machine is more suitable than others. It takes up little space and is inexpensive, which is why it is called a mini-machine. Unlike more advanced models, only cinder blocks are made on it.

Design of a homemade vibration machine

vibrator table device: 1 - electric motor; 2 — weight for unbalancing; 3 - pulley

The vibrating machine device consists of a vibrator and a template matrix. There can be from one to a dozen templates, depending on the size homemade machine. The matrix can be anything convenient size, if you combine several forms and install them on an electric vibrator, you get a homemade small machine for making cinder blocks.

There are many options for drawings on the Internet.

drawing of molds for cinder blocks: 1 - matrix in development; 2, 3, 4 — pallets; 5, 6, 7 - the lower frame of the matrix is ​​made from a 25x25 corner; 8 — rail for fastening hollow cores; 9 - voidman; 10 — upper void plug; 11 — lower void plug

The matrix is ​​made with your own hands according to the drawing from metal sheet 3 mm thick. The shape is a box without a bottom; handles are provided to lift it. To make the lower surface smoother and neater, dry them on rubber mats treated with any detergent.

Another drawing of a matrix that is easy to make with your own hands.

A simple scheme that allows you to make cinder blocks with your own hands without a vibrating table. Ordinary hollow cores are used glass bottles. This form is filled with a solution with an increased amount of moisture. The peculiarity of this method is that the solution remains in the molds for a longer period of time—up to several hours. After which the mold is disassembled and the cinder blocks are dried in air.

Champagne bottles are most suitable as hollows. They have thick walls that do not burst when the solution dries.

Homemade forms are assembled from plywood or sheet metal, before pouring the concrete mixture from the inside, the mold is treated with technical oil.

There are two options for homemade mini-machines:

  • with vibrating table;
  • in the form of a form to which an engine with a shifted center of gravity is attached.

The second option makes it possible to produce blocks without turning over, in one go, so it is preferable for large production volumes.

Layer type machine diagram

A self-made mini-machine, it is powered by an electric motor installed outside. Vibration is caused by loads of different sizes that unbalance the body. To make the mold easier to remove, the voids are made in the shape of cones with a difference in diameters of up to 3 mm.

Required materials and tools:

  • angle grinder (grinder);
  • welding machine;
  • sheet of metal 2.5 - 3 mm thick;
  • corners 25x25;
  • void pipe;
  • 2 rigid springs;
  • asynchronous electric motor with a power of 120 - 180 W.

You can simply buy a lot of building materials on the market, or you can work hard and make it yourself. In the spring-autumn season, cinder blocks are especially popular for the construction of buildings. It is quite reliable and relatively cheap. It can be equally used for the construction of buildings of any type, for example: a garage, house or cottage. It is more economical to build a building from cinder block than from brick or wood, and the process will take much less time.

You can save both on the material and on the method of obtaining it. You can purchase cinder blocks in a specialized hardware store, Can i . Of course, the second option is more complicated, but much more profitable than the first. However, it all depends on how much time you have and how much space you have available.

If the volumes are impressive, then it would be best to purchase a cinder block, it will be much faster. However, in the case of a smaller-scale construction, for example, for the construction of a garage or bathhouse on your own site, you can make the building materials yourself. Ideally, if you still have waste from previous construction, then costs will be kept to a minimum.

Cinder block, like many materials for construction, is produced in standard factory sizes. Its length is 39 centimeters, width – 19 centimeters, and height 18.8 centimeters. The plant also plans to produce mini-blocks. They are used for partitions and have the following parameters: length - 39 centimeters, width - 12 centimeters, height - 18.8 centimeters.

You, as a cinder block manufacturer, can move away from standard parameters and make the material both larger and smaller. Here it is worth considering the fact that the weight of the material ranges from 17-25 kilograms, so if you make larger blocks, there is a chance that by the end of the day you simply will not be able to lift them.

The technical base of manufacturing plants widely uses the following equipment for the production of cinder blocks:

Specialized metal molds.
Vibrating table

They perform certain manipulations with the material, under the influence of which it acquires a familiar shape and density. With the help of vibrations, a certain multi-ton pressure is created on the concrete and it shrinks to form.

When making building materials with your own hands, wooden forms are often used. They may have different shape and structure, but in the end they all represent a container into which concrete is poured.

The use of a form is necessary so that the concrete solution sets and takes the form of a cinder block. Ready product It is quite difficult to remove from the mold, so they should be made in such a way that they can be disassembled and assembled. Thick film can be used as a bottom for the mold.

You can make holes, like in a factory cinder block, using ordinary bottles. They just need to be filled with water, otherwise they may float. The bottles must be pressed in certain places and secured to the mold. This will ensure the quality and reliability of the material. The void can also be formed using the remains of a pipe, round or square in shape, as well as wooden blocks.

Materials for making cinder block

Cinder block is a material that is made from the cheapest, and sometimes free, raw material, from slag. Also, waste of almost any nature can be used to make this material. Remains of bricks, small or large, sawdust from wood, materials remaining after the combustion of coal. All of them give the cinder block warmth and sound insulation properties.

Naturally, and probably everyone understands, that this material also consists of raw materials such as cement, water and sand. You can also use specialized additives; they will give the material special strength.

Required proportions

The proportions of concrete can be taken as the basis for making a cinder block, only slag will be used instead of crushed stone. For one bucket of cement we take three buckets of sand and one bucket of slag.
It is preferable to use M-500 grade cement for cinder blocks; you can also use M-400, but then the consumption will increase by 10-15%

Naturally, manufacturing plants use specialized equipment for production, which, unfortunately, is not available at home. Because of this, we replace high-tech vibrators with ordinary tapping on the shape. To do this, you can help yourself with a hammer. This must be done from the outside. Such manipulations are necessary to distribute concrete throughout the form and fill all voids with it. Tapping also removes excess air from future cinder blocks and provides high strength to the material.
The poured form must be left for a period of two to four days. After this time, the cinder blocks are removed from the mold.

To prevent the materials from becoming too dry during the drying period, they must be periodically moistened. To do this, use a spray bottle of water or cover the blocks with film. Use ready-made blocks possible only in a month. During this time they will acquire the necessary strength.
Making cinder blocks at home. Video

This completes the process of making cinder blocks. As you can see, it is quite simple, but very time-consuming. More information about DIY construction can be found at

Cinder block is a building material made from a special concrete mixture by vibrocompression. Buildings made from this material are warm, the construction process is quite simple and does not take much time. Thanks to this, cinder blocks have become very popular in private construction.

In addition, you can build a very profitable business on cinder blocks. To do this, you need to have a special recipe and production technology, and also try to automate the process of making cinder blocks with your own hands at home.

Cinder blocks can be either hollow or solid. Solid cinder blocks are most often used for external cladding and foundations, as they have excellent strength characteristics. In turn, hollow cinder blocks can provide good sound and heat insulation of walls. In addition, thanks to the voids, the consumption of raw materials can be significantly reduced, which will affect the cost of production. The strength characteristics fully satisfy all requirements.

Hollow blocks in which slag (cinder blocks), expanded clay ( expanded clay concrete blocks) or sawdust ( arbolite blocks). Such blocks have very good heat-insulating properties, which allows them to be used as insulation. Using in construction the above described thermal insulation blocks, you can make the walls of a building warmer without increasing their thickness. These blocks are significantly larger than the size of ordinary bricks, due to which construction works They are carried out much faster and easier, and mortar is saved during laying.

When using fillers, which are most often free, you can significantly reduce the thermal conductivity and cost of products, as well as increase their strength characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages

To the benefits given building material the following can be attributed:

  • It is possible to make cinder blocks with your own hands at home.
  • Exist various techniques. The material, in addition to autoclave treatment, can be dried by steam treatment or at room temperature.
  • The building will have minimal heat loss.
  • Short construction period and low cost. Walls are erected very quickly thanks to large sizes blocks. In addition, the consumption of the solution during construction is quite small, which saves time on its preparation.
  • By changing the proportions of the recipe when making cinder blocks, you can endow the products with certain properties that are necessary for their use.
  • You can produce products of any shape and size, which is very convenient. In addition, this can often make installation much easier.

But cinder blocks, like any other material, have some disadvantages:

  • The environmental issue is quite pressing, especially with regard to products containing blast furnace slag.
  • Quite low frost resistance.
  • The material requires enhanced protection from moisture.
  • Cinder blocks are quite fragile and therefore not suitable for foundation installation. Even when erecting walls, it is necessary to take into account the load and height of the future building.


Most often, cinder blocks are used for the construction of low-rise buildings, but according to some data, cinder blocks can also be used to build a foundation if they contain “high” grade cement.

Cinder blocks can act as additional insulation during the construction of frame structures.

General requirements

High-quality cinder blocks can be made even in a garage, provided that you know the recipe and manufacturing technology. A standard cinder block has dimensions of 39x19x20 cm and three small holes.

In order for the cinder block to be of high quality and have the necessary strength, you will need:

  • vibropressing equipment;
  • high-quality cement (not lower than M400);
  • blast furnace slag;
  • coarse sand.

Slag is obtained during coal processing, that is, it is the most the best filler for blocks. But nowadays, due to the active use of gas, ash and slag have begun to be produced in much smaller volumes. Therefore, more and more often, slag is replaced with zitoconcrete, which has a higher cost.

This building material is now becoming more and more popular due to its low price and excellent sound and heat insulation. In addition, calculations show that when making cinder blocks with your own hands, for one block you will need 0.011 cubic meters of solution (if you use a 1:7 ratio), that is, a bag of cement will be enough for you to produce 36 blocks! This is simply a great result.

High-quality cinder blocks must have the most accurate geometry possible, since if there are various flaws and large irregularities on the surface of the blocks, you will have to spend a significant amount of money on the construction of the walls of your building. In order to get a perfectly flat cinder block, you must always fill the vibroform to the very edges, since otherwise the blocks will be crooked. It is advisable to fill the vibroform not even to the brim, but with a reserve, since then the concrete will be slightly shaken by vibration.

The production process is as follows: first, the vibrating mold is turned on for 5-15 seconds, after which it is necessary to evaluate the level of the solution in the mold. If it ends up below the edge of the mold, you will need to set the clamp and turn on the vibration again. You need to turn off the vibration when it hits the limiter. After this, you will need to simultaneously pull out the form and turn off the vibrator.
How to fill the form?

If desired, arrange independent production cinder blocks, it is necessary to remember that the ideal composition simply does not exist, since each master has his own unique recipe, depending on the slag present and suitable for specific needs. But there is a certain standard, according to which cinder blocks have the following composition: 1.5-3 parts water, 1.5 parts cement, the grade of which should not be lower than M400, 2 parts sand and 7 parts slag. As mentioned above, standard cinder block has dimensions of 39x19x20 cm, while in private construction dimensions of 40x20x20 cm can be used.

In addition to slag, other coal combustion waste, as well as broken bricks, gypsum, granite and stone screenings, perlite, processed sawdust, gravel and ash can be used as a filler for blocks. In order to achieve greater plasticity, you can add 5 grams of plasticizer per block during vibration casting. The plasticizer can significantly increase the strength of the block, eliminate cracks, and also increase its water resistance and frost resistance.

Be very careful with the amount of water, make sure that the blocks do not spread when removed. To be more confident, you can test the solution - if it comes together in your fist, but crumbles when dropped, then this is what you need!

The concrete that will be required for the construction of a small private bathhouse can be prepared manually yourself, and if you are planning to build a larger facility, then you will need an electric concrete mixer with a volume of about 0.2-0.5 cubic meters.

Manufacturing process

To get high-quality cinder blocks as a result, you need to follow these steps:

  • At the very beginning, you need to put a solution into the mold with a slide and turn on the vibrator for 3-5 seconds to precipitate the solution. If the solution is not enough, it should be reported. After this, you need to insert the clamp and start the vibrator again. When the clamp reaches the limiter, the formation of the block will be completed.
  • Next, you need to carefully remove the form, including the machine.
  • The finished blocks need to be dried for about 5-7 days, and they will reach complete hardening, being in heat and high humidity, only after a month.
  • You can carefully move the blocks without fear that they will break within a day, but you can store them together only after a week. If you added a plasticizer when creating the blocks, then they can be transported and stored in 6-8 hours.

Most often, finished cinder blocks are stored in pyramidal stacks, each of which can contain about a hundred blocks, with small spaces between each other for good drying. After a couple of months of drying, these blocks become suitable for construction.

Manufacturing of vibration machine

Making a cinder block machine

If your goal is to build one small building, for example, a bathhouse, then you can produce blocks in ordinary carrying boxes. If you are planning to build a larger object, then you will most likely need a machine that may not have a vibrating plate and may be homemade. Moreover, the production of blocks can drag you down and you may want to open own business, which will require you to automate the process. In addition, after building a bathhouse, you can build a good barn, beautiful gazebo or even a garage. If you have a hand-made vibrating machine at hand, you can use it to save a lot of time.

In order to make a machine for producing cinder blocks with your own hands, you will need:

  • fittings having a diameter of 12 mm;
  • sheet iron having a thickness of approximately 3 mm;
  • grinder and electric welding;
  • a high-speed engine with a power of approximately 0.5-0.7 kW, which must have two shafts.

When making cinder blocks with your own hands, the vibration time is only 5-15 seconds. Then the vibroform is removed and after a day the cinder blocks can be stored. Using simple home machine, you can produce approximately 50 cinder blocks per hour, which is a pretty good result.

Slag concrete has earned wide popularity in construction for the following reasons: has excellent heat and soundproofing properties, significantly speeds up construction; it can be made at home. If you decide to make a cinder block yourself, then you will need a recipe, a drawing of the machine (to automate production) and detailed instructions.

The slag concrete block is a rectangular parallelepiped measuring 390x190x188 mm and 3 small holes. But the main thing for high-quality building materials is the ingredients from which it consists. To create a durable cinder block with your own hands, you will need:

  • coarse sand;
  • blast furnace slag;
  • cement M400 or higher;
  • vibropress.

It is worth noting that slag is an ideal filler for blocks. However, in Lately its production has decreased significantly, so it can be replaced with expanded clay concrete. In this case, the production of cinder blocks will cost much more.

But even if you use all the above ingredients, the quality of the building material may be quite low. The fact is that for a cinder block the main thing is the correct geometric shape. The more serious the deviations from the standards, the more money will be spent on construction.

Mold for cinder blocks

To make it at home, it is best to use steel sheet 3-4 mm thick. The length of the mold is 390 mm, and the width and height are 190 mm each. To create 3 holes, 60 mm pipes are used, pre-treated with an angle grinder so that in the end they take the form of cones. Instead, you can install wooden blocks or bottles filled with water.

Regardless of what material was used to make the holes, it must be secured. This is what the jumpers are designed to do, connecting the two short sides. To make it easier to pour the solution, the mold for cinder blocks should have a neck. Ideally, the lid design is equipped with a clamping mechanism.

Cinder concrete recipe

First of all, it is worth noting that there is no universal technology for producing cinder blocks. The proportions of the solution are 7:2:2:2 (slag, sand, gravel, cement and water). You can also use ash, sawdust, gypsum, or broken bricks as a filler.

Of course, in small project You can make concrete for cinder blocks yourself. But if you need a large number of this building material, then it is necessary to automate the process using electric concrete mixer by 0.2-0.5 cubic meters.

How to make a vibration machine

During construction big project making cinder concrete with your own hands becomes a difficult and thankless job. In this case ideal option is a cinder block machine. To do this you need:

  • high-speed electric motor with 2 shafts with a power of 0.6 kW;
  • 3 mm iron sheet;
  • fittings with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • electric welding;
  • Bulgarian;
  • the pipe is 75 mm in diameter and approximately 1.5 meters long.

Detailed instructions for making the machine:

1. cut out a matrix sheet for 2 blocks - the result should be a box with identical compartments;

2. cut 6 pieces of pipe (the same length as the height of the cylinder);

3. give the cylinders a cone shape - cut them to the middle, crimp them with a vice and weld them on both sides;

4. install the cylinders in a row along the length of the block and connect (the location should correspond to the holes on the factory cinder block);

5. make cuts in the middle of each compartment;

6. weld with reverse side lugs;

7. Solder 4 bolts under the motor mounting holes on outside transverse wall;

8. Install an apron and blades on the solution loading side (along the edges of the machine);

9. polish the parts of the resulting unit;

10. make a press in the shape of a block body (the diameter of the cylinders should be 3-5 mm larger);

11. weld the handles to the press;

12. Paint the structure with a primer and install the motor on the machine.

To convert an electric motor, it is enough to weld bolts onto its shafts. In this case, the axes must coincide. To select the desired vibration amplitude and frequency, use the nuts.

Step by step guide

To make a block yourself, you need to go through four technological stages:

  • pouring the solution into the mold and turning on the vibrator for 3-5 seconds (this step must be repeated until the clamp settles on the stops);
  • starting the brick making press for 15 seconds and removing the mold (without turning off the machine);
  • drying the blocks (takes 5-7 days);
  • carrying cinder concrete for storage (usually this can only be done the next day, but if a plasticizer is used, the time is reduced to 6-8 hours).

There is no shortage of materials for construction - today you can buy everything. The prices, however, are such that any construction costs a pretty penny, so making building materials yourself is not a whim, but a necessity. IN last years brick has serious competitors: blocks made of gas silicate and foam concrete, porous ceramics, expanded clay, polystyrene. All these materials are made on production equipment, but one type of wall stone can be made at home - cinder block. We will tell you how to make a machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands.

Cinder block is fake diamond rectangular shape and strictly defined sizes. The type and size of the cinder block depend on the purpose. Most often, this is a block with technological voids (about 30% of the volume), providing relatively low weight and reducing the thermal conductivity of the material.

Depending on the purpose, cinder block can be:

  • hollow or monolithic;
  • whole or half;
  • private or facial;
  • load-bearing or partition.

Decorative (facial) cinder block can be different colors, surface with front side It can be chipped, torn, corrugated, polished. The material is usually used for construction decorative hedges

Several basic block sizes and weights:

  • ordinary standard 390x190x188 mm, weight 20 – 28 kg;
  • ordinary half 390x120x188 or 390x90x188 mm; weight 10 -14 kg;
  • partition 390Х120Х188 mm, weight 10 -15 kg.

Materials for the production of cinder block

The cinder block contains binder, filler and water. The block's name comes from blast furnace slag, which was once abundant and used as filler. Today, slag is rare, and the following is used as a filler for cinder blocks:

  • granite screening;
  • brick chips;
  • fine crushed stone;
  • river gravel;
  • sand;
  • crushed expanded clay;
  • clay;
  • wood sawdust.

The binder is cement grades 300 - 600. The grade of cement depends on the required strength of the block - the higher the grade, the denser the stone.

Characteristics of cinder block. Advantages of industrial production

There is no strictly defined recipe for making cinder block, so its characteristics are not constant. Depending on the filler, the cinder block has:

  • Density (750-1,450 kg/cm3).
  • Strength M30 – M150.
  • The void ratio is on average 0.3, not more than 0.4.
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.27 – 0.65 W/m2
  • Service life (depending on climatic conditions) 30 – 150 years.

Main difference industrial production cinder block - processing of molded stone in a steaming chamber. Within a day, at a temperature of 80–100 o C and humidity up to 100%, the material gains up to 70% of its maximum strength and can be immediately used in construction. The strength characteristics of a factory-made cinder block are approximately twice as high as those of a home-made cinder block. But the material made on a cinder block machine with your own hands is much cheaper and is also quite suitable for construction.

How to make cinder block at home

The principle of cinder block production is simple - it is pouring concrete mixture into the formwork:

  • To prepare the working mixture, mix cement, fillers and water. Fillers are pre-screened to remove large and foreign fragments. The volume of water should not be too large so that the mixture has a semi-dry consistency (in professional slang - “prance”). An example of a typical proportion for a high-strength cinder block: filler - 7 parts, coarse sand - 2 parts, medium-fraction gravel or granite screenings - 2 parts, one and a half parts cement, and 3 water.
  • The mold (matrix) is loaded with the working mixture and compacted as much as possible by vibrocompression or stuffing. After compaction, the mixture is added to the required volume and re-compacted.
  • The formed block is carefully released from the mold.
  • Dry cinder block in natural conditions. After 24 hours, the blocks can be carefully moved from the molding site to the storage site; after 5–7 days, the blocks will be ready for use in construction. The use of a plasticizer allows for faster hardening - after 6–8 hours the cinder block can be moved to a warehouse. Blocks acquire maximum strength in a month, preferable conditions are heat and humidity.

Equipment for the production of cinder block

The main advantage of cinder block production is wide choose technical equipment. You can choose and make your own machine for the home production of cinder blocks.

For the most simple production cinder block needed:

  • materials;
  • cinder block matrix for molding;
  • ventilated indoor space with a flat floor.

The level of mechanization depends on the wishes of the manufacturer and required quantity blocks. I offer three production options:

1. A small volume of blocks for your own needs can be made manually using a simple matrix, which can be easily made from a wooden board.

This is what the further process of making a cinder block looks like

2. The process can be facilitated by using the simplest machine for cinder blocks at home - a matrix for one block with vibration. Turning on the vibrator for a few seconds after filling the matrix and after adding the mixture to the full volume will speed up the process and reduce labor costs.

Instructions for making the machine and its drawing can be found on the Internet. Machine operation

3. A machine for making cinder blocks with two matrices allows you to significantly simplify production and produce material not only for yourself, but also for sale.

The cinder block machine is simple and can be made at home. To make your own machine you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • angle grinder, also known as “grinder”;
  • ruler and chalk for marking.

The main parts of the machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands:

  • Matrix

Molding boxes with guides and apron.

  • Press

Two pipe handles, two walls made of 3 mm sheet metal and four clamping planes.

Two bases, two guides, crossbars and four wheels without brakes.

  • Lever arm

Three pipes, lugs and two rods.

To visualize how to make a machine and see the drawings, I recommend watching two videos:

  • The video in 3D format tells in detail about the design of the machine and the principle of operation.
  • the video gives the full specification of the machine for making cinder blocks, general drawing and drawings of each individual element.

You can see the operation of a cinder block production machine here (VIDEO 5)

What can you build from cinder block?

The production of cinder blocks did not begin yesterday - in regions where there is an abundance of coal slag, this building material has been used for a long time. While the advantages of cinder blocks are well known (low cost and ease of manufacture), the disadvantages are often kept silent. The disadvantages of this material include:

  • Environmental unsafety

If industrial slag is used in the production of a cinder block, it is likely that the material will have increased levels of radiation. Be sure to use a dosimeter when choosing a material.

  • Instability to high humidity.

A cinder block wall must be insulated from natural moisture. Plastering a cinder block is not easy due to poor adhesion of the solution to the slag.

  • Limited strength.
  • Unpresentable appearance

Another reason to do cladding.

The use of cinder block is limited - it is suitable for construction:

  • outbuildings (sheds, garages, utility rooms);
  • one-story industrial buildings;
  • baths (with careful waterproofing);
  • fences and fences;
  • summer cottages;
  • extensions, etc.

Machine for making cinder blocks updated: November 10, 2016 by: Artyom