What is a septic tank in a private house? Sewerage septic tank for a private house, what is it, types, choice. Construction of modern septic tanks for sewerage, what is it?

Country houses and country houses, as a rule, are located remotely from the centralized sewer network. Therefore, the issue of organizing a local treatment system is very relevant for many homeowners. Optimal solution problems - installation of a septic tank on the site.

However, it is difficult for an uninformed consumer to navigate the variety of offers. But, you must agree, the uninterrupted operation of equipment and sewage systems as a whole largely depends on the right choice.

To make your task easier, we have prepared detailed review By autonomous structures. Let's figure out what the structure of a septic tank is and general principle work cleaning system. We will also outline the features of the functioning, installation and operation of different septic tanks.

Based on the information provided, photo and video selection, you will be able to determine the optimal modification of the unit to suit your needs.

A septic tank is a local treatment plant designed to create a sewerage system independent from central networks.

The main tasks of the element are the temporary accumulation of wastewater and their subsequent filtration. Modern septic tanks have become an improved alternative to traditional cesspools.

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Not everyone has the opportunity to use central sewerage. Especially when it comes to private houses. Most of them must take care of the drainage coming from their home themselves.

Such consumers today enjoy the most convenient autonomous sewer device- septic tank. But nevertheless, many residents of the country still have a question: what is a septic tank?

The purpose of this article is to provide some clarification on this matter. To choose an option that suits the conditions, you should become familiar with both the operating principle of the septic tank, as well as its main varieties and their distinctive features.

Types of septic tanks

Video - choosing a sewerage system on your site

Main types of septic tanks

There are several classifications of these devices. For example, according to the cleaning method, there are the following devices:

  • accumulative;
  • with a ground filtration system;
  • with bioremediation.

Installations are distinguished by the material from which they are made:

  • plastic;
  • made of metal;
  • brick;
  • monolithic (reinforced concrete).

The installation method is as follows:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

Cameras in such installations can be located in two ways; this fact is the basis for another classification, according to which the following are distinguished:

  • underground;
  • superficial.

We can distinguish between non-volatile sewer units and those that require an electrical connection.

Features of popular varieties

The main indicator that determines the type of septic tank that needs to be installed is the volume of wastewater that needs daily disposal. The calculation of these figures depends on the number of people using the sewer system and the number of water intake points. For example, it is necessary to analyze whether there is washing machine, dishwasher, showers, baths and more.

A storage septic tank is essentially the same standard cesspool, only supplemented with some modifications. This is a container where all wastewater from the building and surrounding area is collected. After entering the container, the discharged water is separated. Some particles settle to the bottom, while fats and light elements float at the surface.

As an innovation and fundamental difference storage septic tank from a standard cesspool can be called the tightness of the device. Drainage can be removed from this container using sewage disposal equipment; at other times, it is completely safe there, and any leaks are excluded. Using such a device is not very convenient; the owner’s actions are limited by the need for regular, fairly frequent cleaning. However, consumers like the ease of installation, so many purchase it and are satisfied. For a summer residence, this is a completely acceptable option. After all, people are there quite rarely, so the wastewater is collected slowly.

Video of cesspool construction

When purchasing a storage device, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • take the maximum possible volume in order to clean the container less often;
  • the walls of the septic tank must have a decent level of strength, because when immersed in the ground, soil pressure can cause deformation of the container and, as a result, the appearance of a leak.

If the house is permanently inhabited, especially if the water supply is connected, an overflow septic tank is needed. In it, water accumulates and is purified. Of course, such a device is also emptied using a sewer truck. However, this has to be done much less frequently. As a rule, once every couple of years. Sometimes this is done once every 3 years.

The purchase of bacteriological compounds contributes to increasing the time between ordering sewer services. .

The main stages of the passage of wastewater in an overflow septic tank look like this.

  1. Effluent enters chamber No. 1. This is a settling tank, which is needed so that large and heavy particles sink to the bottom, and small ones move on.
  2. Water without large inclusions is poured into chamber No. 2. This is the place where aerobic bacteria work. Under their influence, all organic particles entering this zone decompose. As a result, no organic particles should remain.
  3. Water moves to filtration fields. At this point, the wastewater has been purified by approximately 60%. Further treatment of the drained water is carried out using the soil through which the water seeps.

The main advantages of the overflow variety:

  • simple operating principle;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • the ability to not only collect wastewater, but also purify it;
    the opportunity to use the services of a sewer cleaner less often.

You cannot install a septic tank, which involves using soil as an element of final treatment, in areas where there is clay. It will interfere with the normal passage of waste. Puddles cannot be avoided. If groundwater is located close to the soil surface, such a septic tank should not be installed either. This is a serious obstacle to the formation of filter fields.

There are no other barriers to using these settings. They work well in most different conditions, even where groundwater can flood the installation.

The main advantage of septic tanks of the above type is the ability to drain wastewater directly into the ground or into a regular body of water, because they are practically clean.

Combined installations

Innovative installations treat wastewater in several ways:

  • through the use of bacteria;
  • through the use of chemicals;
  • ordinary settling.

These septic tanks work as follows.

  1. First comes the place where wastewater accumulates, the sump. Here heavy particles sink to the bottom.
  2. Next, it is supposed to be treated with aerobic bacteria to accelerate the decomposition processes of organic matter. For this purpose, the installations are equipped with aerators. Their function is to fill the drains with air to create bacteria optimal conditions activities.
  3. Chemical cleaning before draining. Its task is to neutralize water.

The biopurification system has several advantages over analogues:

  1. The septic tank can be installed anywhere, even if groundwater is a concern or the soil is severe types soil.
  2. High-quality wastewater treatment.
  3. No unpleasant fumes.
  4. The installation is put into operation very quickly - in a couple of days, because the manufacturer has already provided for everything in advance.
  5. The septic tank does not require constant monitoring and frequent intervention. The device is autonomous and works without service for a long time.
  6. The silt that settles to the bottom is removed every 5 years.

Among the disadvantages similar systems You can note the need for large investments when purchasing. However, not having to spend money on sewerage in the future is an opportunity to recoup the money spent. Another “minus” is the mandatory connection to electricity. If the power supply is interrupted, there will also be interruptions in the functionality of the sewer system. To better understand, it is worth studying.

Plastic septic tank

Each material that was used in the manufacture of the septic tank makes its own adjustments to the operation of the device. Most often, plastic or fiberglass is used to create cameras.

This choice is due to the following advantages:

  • the ability to create complete tightness;
  • light weight, allowing you to drive installation work without the participation of special equipment;
  • resistance to corrosion and other negative impacts environment.

It should be noted that low weight can play a negative role if you are at a high position. groundwater or during a flood. A lightweight septic tank simply floats up under the pressure of incoming water.

Advice! A plastic septic tank should be installed on a concrete pad, which will fix its position and avoid unpleasant consequences. For fastening, you can take nylon belts; they are attached to metal hooks mounted in the concrete base.

If you do not want to concrete the bottom, you can purchase a septic tank that has thickened walls, complemented by stiffening ribs.

Brick septic tank

For arrangement sewer installation from brick you will first need to carry out excavation– digging a hole that meets the parameters. Next, the base is poured there and the walls are laid out in one brick. No matter how well the masonry is done, it will not be possible to achieve tightness. Nevertheless, increased attention must be paid to waterproofing. To do this you need to do the following:

  • wipe the inner and outer side walls with mortar;
  • treat the outer part with mastic that can penetrate into the materials.

Advantages of brick structures:

  • no need to order special equipment;
  • the material can be bought anywhere.

Reinforced concrete septic tank

Septic tanks made of reinforced concrete have their own characteristics. Firstly, they can be made in two ways: monolithic or prefabricated. In the first case, formwork is installed in the pit, which is subsequently filled with mortar. For a prefabricated structure, reinforced concrete rings for wells are required. Secondly, reinforced concrete devices They are durable and can be used for many years. however, waterproofing must also be done carefully here. Special attention is given to the joints; without proper treatment of this area it is impossible to obtain a normally functioning device. After all, this is the main condition for uninterrupted operation cameras

Metal containers will sooner or later rust, so this method is not ideal option. After all, everyone strives to create a sewer system that will last for many years. A metal version won't last as long as you want. Of course. If you use stainless steel, corrosion problems will be solved. However, such an installation will be expensive.

If the dacha is used from time to time, you can get by with a simpler option. Many people make a septic tank themselves. Sometimes they take barrels for this; an installation made from plastic containers, especially from European cups. The total volume of the septic tank is calculated based on the number of people who will use the sewer. Usually they take about 200 liters. Filtration fields are formed near the septic tank. This is enough to drain waste from the sink and shower.

If the dacha or Vacation home has no connection to central sewer, the question arises about what a septic tank is and how to make it and install it on personal plot. Many homeowners would like to arrange it themselves. After all, wastewater disposal using a conventional cesspool is not effective enough and has a number of disadvantages.

You need to understand what a septic tank is and how it works. A septic tank is a small sewage system consisting of filters, a storage tank and a pipeline. A septic tank is a cleaning device Wastewater and their subsequent filtering. After this, the water becomes suitable for discharge into the soil or into a nearby body of water.

Depending on the design, septic tanks for sewerage in a private home differ in the method of cleaning incoming wastewater, productivity, durability, etc. An important indicator is the frequency of cleaning the structure itself using sewage equipment.

The storage septic tank is quite simple. In this design, wastewater comes from separate sewer pipes into the collector, and from there into a special container. Here, biological suspensions settle, which subsequently decompose under the influence of special microorganisms. The main volume of waste liquid in such a system seeps into the ground, which is a natural additional filter for water purification.

The most effective is a 3-chamber sewer septic tank with natural wastewater treatment. Cleaning tanks in such a treatment system can be arranged in different ways. Material for production storage tanks May be:

  • plastic;
  • stainless steel;

How does a septic tank work?

The principle of operation of a septic tank modern model, consisting of a pipeline and a treatment system, allows you to almost completely purify wastewater and discharge it into the ground without causing harm to the environment.

From the sewer pipes located in the house, used water flows into the 1st tank of the septic tank. Insoluble waste particles contained in the water sink to the bottom of the container. Additionally, under the influence of the fermentation reaction, dissolved in water binds organic matter and thus the wastewater undergoes primary treatment.

Then the water containing small impurities is poured by gravity into the 2nd tank. The purification process here takes place in the same way as in the 1st tank, taking into account the fact that the amount of impurities in the water is less, and therefore the biological purification process takes longer.

After repeated purification and clarification, the wastewater is poured into the 3rd tank. If it represents sealed container, water after settling for drainage pipes moves to the filtration area of ​​the earth. Distributed evenly over it, the wastewater passes through a specially equipped bed of crushed stone, sand or other bulk material. The purified water is then absorbed into the soil. If used as a 3rd tank drainage well, a cushion made of bulk material is placed in the bottom of a well, the walls of which can be lined with brick.

After clarification and settling, the water flows into the aeration field. Here it is filtered as it percolates through the soil. Additional cleaning is provided by bacteria and other microorganisms that live in upper layers soil.

Preliminary calculations

The defining moment when arranging a septic tank with your own hands is the correct calculation of the required dimensions of this device and compliance with technological requirements during its construction.

The key factor in determining the required size of septic tank treatment tanks is the volume of wastewater generated during use. plumbing fixtures within 3 days.

According to average statistics, when 1 person uses plumbing, approximately 600 liters of wastewater are generated within 3 days. By multiplying this number by the number of household members, and adding a little for insurance, you can get the value necessary to calculate the volume of the septic tank. It turns out that the required volume of a septic tank for a family of 3 people is about 2 m³. If for some reason it is difficult to install a treatment system of sufficient volume, the cleaning efficiency can be increased using special aerators - systems that saturate wastewater with oxygen.

Aeration septic tank

Aeration septic tank, what is it? At its core, this is a conventional 2- or 3-chamber wastewater sedimentation tank, the efficiency of which is increased through the use of aerators. IN aerobic septic tank The water passes through 2 or 3 containers, in which hard particles gradually settle. In the last chamber, the wastewater is purified using oxygen. The water supplied to the soil is almost pure and suitable for irrigation. It is possible to discharge such water into a nearby body of running water.

The disadvantages of such a septic tank include the need to purchase an aeration system, as well as installing power supply circuits for the aerator. Aerator consumption electric power small, but like anything electrical device, the aerator requires periodic inspection and maintenance.

Manufacturing of sewer system

A concrete septic tank can be made from concrete rings or in the form of a well or pit lined with concrete from the inside. This well or pit is usually divided by partitions into 2 or 3 compartments. In addition, it is necessary to equip an aeration section for secondary filtration of incoming wastewater.

A septic tank made of concrete rings is installed to a depth of no more than 4 m. The diameter of the concrete ring is from 70 to 200 cm. The ring weighs about 0.6 tons. For delivery of concrete rings to local area necessary truck. The ring can be rolled along the section to the site where the septic tank is being built.

If it is impossible to use heavy construction equipment, the installation of a drain well can be done by gradually immersing a concrete ring into the ground. Having installed the ring in the selected area, you need to gradually remove the soil inside the ring, while the ring will be lowered into the well. Gradually, the upper edge of the concrete ring will be level with the upper edge of the soil. Now you need to install the next ring on top of it. Align it and secure it using special spacers or reinforcement welded from the inside.

Upon reaching the required depth of the well, it is necessary to equip inside the rings concrete bottom. Concrete mortar The joints between the rings also need to be sealed. After that, dividing partitions are made and installed inside the drain well. You can also dig a pit required size, build formwork inside it and pour concrete. Then the formwork is removed.

Necessary components for a septic tank

To arrange effective system local sewerage- septic tank, you will need:

  • tanks made of plastic or stainless steel;
  • sewer pipes through which wastewater will pass;
  • hatches through which free access to each chamber will be provided;
  • pipes for arranging ventilation risers that serve to remove gases resulting from fermentation of wastewater;
  • a pump of a special device for removing purified water from the last chamber.

When arranging a septic tank without using ready-made tanks, you will need the following materials:

  • concrete mortar or concrete rings;
  • concrete plates;
  • boards for assembling formwork;
  • geotextiles for sealing;
  • crushed stone or other bulk materials for arranging the filter layer;
  • steel cable or tape.

To build a septic tank with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools and devices:

  • concrete mixing tank;
  • construction mixer or electric drill with a whisk attachment;
  • measuring container for measuring concrete mortar components;
  • construction tape;
  • shovels - shovel and bayonet;
  • construction scissors and/or a sharp knife;
  • plumb and level;
  • welding machine for welding pipes;
  • saw;
  • work clothes;
  • rags.

Construction of a septic tank from a finished tank

It is also necessary to dig a pit for a septic tank made from a Eurocube or other ready-made tank. The settling chambers are pre-connected to each other by overflows for the free passage of water. Then the entire structure is placed in the finished pit. Additionally, it is necessary to arrange the passage of water from the last container to the aeration area.

It is advisable to purchase chambers for a septic tank with corrugated walls. In this case, the required wall thickness should be about 0.7 cm.

To install the tank, you need to dig a pit. Its value is determined by the size of the purchased container. On each side you need to add another 20-25 cm.

When the hole is ready, you need to place it on the bottom concrete slab. Then the tank must be filled with water and placed at the bottom of the pit. The septic tank container is attached to the concrete slab with a special cable or steel tape. This will prevent the reservoir from being squeezed out onto the soil surface. You can pour a cement-sand mixture (ratio 1 x 10) into the hole or pour a solution prepared according to the usual recipe.

Septic tank from eurocubes

Eurocube is a special cube-shaped container designed for storing and/or transporting liquid and bulk materials. Since for the manufacture of such containers enough reliable material, they can be successfully used when installing septic tanks.

It is necessary to prepare a pit for a septic tank made from Eurocubes in a similar way. A concrete layer with a thickness of at least 20 cm is poured onto the bottom. Then a Eurocube is installed in the hole. The inlet and outlet pipes are mounted to it. Then water is poured in. The lid closes hermetically. After that free space the pit is filled with concrete solution.

Septic well

A septic tank in the form of a well is dug in the same way as a cesspool. Then it is connected to the filter container or to the filtration field.

The filter tank is constructed of reinforced concrete rings. A cushion of bulk material is placed at the bottom to filter wastewater.

It is necessary to arrange outlet openings in the walls of the filter container. The total area of ​​these holes should be 10% of the area of ​​the walls of the filter container. The average diameter of each hole is from 4 to 6 cm. A filter layer of bulk materials must be poured around the walls of the container.

Filtration section

To equip the filtration section, it is necessary to lay a distribution pipeline from the septic tank. Pipes with a diameter of 10 cm are laid with a slight slope.

An irrigation system made of pipes with a diameter of 10 cm is connected to the distribution pipeline. At the junction of the distribution and irrigation pipes, inspection wells are installed, or pipes are brought out to a height of up to 40 cm above the soil level.

Irrigation pipes are laid at least 1 m above the location of groundwater. In this case, the pipes should pass 80-120 cm below the soil freezing level. It is necessary to drill small holes (5 mm in diameter) in the irrigation pipes, directed into the depth of the soil at an angle of 60°. They are placed in a checkerboard pattern every 5 cm.

Before installing the pipes, it is necessary to pour and level the bulk materials for the filter. Required thickness layer - 2 cm, width - 2.5 cm. Pipes must be immersed bulk material by 0.5 diameter.

The ends of the irrigation pipes are equipped with risers, which must be placed 2 m above the soil level. The required diameter of the riser is 10 cm. Air will pass through the risers, providing aerobic treatment of wastewater.

Rules for installing a septic tank

Septic tank sewerage requires compliance with technical standards during installation. A sealed storage septic tank without an aeration section can be installed at a distance of at least 5 m from the house and other buildings. When creating a septic tank from 2 or 3 chambers, you should remember that each subsequent tank must be located lower than the previous tank. Below everything is a filtration field, when installing it, the septic tank must be removed from the house or open reservoir at least 30 m. In this case, the septic tank must be located at a distance of at least 50 m from the source of drinking or industrial water supply.

To equip each settling tank, 1.5-3 m² of area is required. The average size filter field for a family of 4 people - 30 m².

Geotextiles for sealing a septic tank can only be used of the thermally bonded type. Needle-punched geotextiles will quickly become overgrown with silt and become unusable.

There should be no buildings or vegetation on top of the filtration field. It is only allowed to arrange a flower bed or lawn, on which it is advisable to plant only lawn grass and small flower crops.

Few people are satisfied with the dubious comfort of an ordinary cesspool today. The need to often call vacuum cleaners with constant use is far from the only drawback. Septic tank sewerage is becoming increasingly popular - what it is should be considered in more detail. To summarize, we can say that such a system provides for the possibility of recycling waste. As a result, the degree of comfort increases and the risk of unpleasant situations such as odor, harmful substances into the soil, etc.

There are quite a lot of septic tanks, if you take into account the variety ready-made models from well-known manufacturers, designs, their varieties and choice of materials for independent production.

Depending on the number of cameras, the following options are possible:

  • single-chamber models (slightly different in efficiency from a cesspool; this design is more like a country sewer septic tank than a device for a permanent home),
  • two-chamber,
  • three-chamber.

In models with several chambers, wastewater treatment is carried out in two ways:

  • mechanical (deposition of impurities),
  • biological (decomposition of organic inclusions with the help of bacteria).

The more chambers, the higher the efficiency of the recycler, if, of course, the design and its performance are chosen correctly, and no violations were made during construction.

When figuring out what septic tanks are for sewage, people are often interested in how high the degree of wastewater treatment is when using them.

Additional parameters for the classification of septic tanks are the type of bacteria used to decompose organic matter and the energy dependence of the models. These characteristics are related to each other.

  • In more simple designs anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen work, so there is no need to install special compressors, just ventilation pipes to ensure normal operation of the device. Does not require additional devices (and therefore no connection to electrical network) autonomous sewerage A septic tank is convenient where there is instability in the power supply (voltage drops, blackouts, etc.).
  • More complex is the energy-dependent sewage system of a septic tank - what it is is easy to understand by imagining a complex installation with compressors, several cleaning methods (mechanical, biological) and additional devices (airlift, etc.). Not necessarily everything listed species equipment must be present in the design of one model. There are more or less complex options.

The photo shows a diagram of a deep biological treatment station

General principle of operation and nuances

In septic tanks, wastewater treatment occurs in stages.

  • In the first chamber, preliminary sedimentation of impurities and separation of wastewater into light and heavy fractions occurs.
  • The second chamber, like the first, is a place of active work of anaerobic bacteria, decomposing the organic matter remaining after the first chamber and turning it into a sludge mass. This decomposition has a number of advantages. Firstly, it eliminates the occurrence of putrefactive processes with the formation of strong unpleasant odor. Secondly, the resulting sludge occupies a smaller volume, so the septic tank has to be cleaned much less frequently than a regular cesspool.
  • In the third chamber, the remaining particles of inclusions are also deposited on the bottom (if the liquid is drained into a filtration field) or on the filter backfill (gravel, crushed stone, etc.) in chambers without a sealed bottom.

Liquid flows from chamber to chamber through holes in the upper part of each reservoir. This allows purified water from the upper layers to be delivered to each subsequent container.

Criterias of choice

Even if you have carefully studied the septic tank: what it is and how it works, such information is not enough to the right choice finished model or carrying out calculations during construction. It is also necessary to evaluate the operating conditions.

For maximum efficiency work, a purchased or self-built model must meet the following operating conditions:

  • Performance. The total volume of chambers, regardless of their number, should not be less than the average daily water consumption of all family members (about 200 liters per person), multiplied by 3.
  • Soil type and location of groundwater. Models with a filter bottom are not recommended for highly located groundwater or when it rises significantly during a flood, as well as for clay soils and loams with low drainage capacity.
  • Power supply quality. In the event of interruptions and instability of network parameters, volatile equipment will require expensive additional equipment, including the installation of a generator and stabilizer, otherwise the system will not work correctly, and the equipment may quickly fail.

Read about how to do it in separate material site.

If you are interested in how it is made or at the dacha, then you can read about it in another article. In some cases it may also be relevant.

And you will find about choosing a pump for a well.

Buy or build?

Before evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of purchased and self-made structures, it is important to consider that not every septic tank in a private house can be built with your own hands. Treatment stations (WTP) with the maximum degree of wastewater treatment and the possibility of using the resulting liquid for irrigation can only be factory-made. The complexity of their design does not allow DIY construction.

Advantages of purchasing a ready-made septic tank

  1. Save time. It is enough to carry out excavation work and, if necessary, arrange a foundation, after which you can install the product and connect it to the system.
  2. Parameter accuracy. Geometric parameters, performance and others performance characteristics finished models and design features are carefully calculated, and the accuracy of the calculations is proven by practice, so disruption of the operating mode due to an error is excluded.

Disadvantages of acquisition

  1. A finished septic tank will cost more than Construction Materials and components for DIY production.
  2. Standard sizes impose some restrictions in terms of the way the structure is placed on the site.

Benefits of self-building

Disadvantages of making it yourself

  1. Construction will take some time. The production time depends on the selected material, for example, the use of concrete rings or plastic Eurocubes increases productivity, choice brickwork or building a structure made of poured concrete will increase the production time.
  2. You must have certain skills and experience in this field.

Popular models



Volatile and quite expensive models. The degree of purification is up to 93-98%. Does not require cleaning with vacuum cleaners. Other advantages are high strength characteristics, no need complex training soil before installation. There are modifications with different performance.


monolithic design with a plastic case, divided into 2 sections. The first stage is primary filtration of wastewater, the second is additional purification of sludge. To prevent “suspension” (sludge rising from the bottom) when liquid flows, a flow damper is installed. The model is capable of removing up to 70-80% of impurities; mesh and sorption filtration methods are used.

Having understood what a septic tank is and how it works, you can proceed to determining the parameters and performance characteristics required for a particular object. When evaluating and comparing options ( self-production, acquisition), materials for manufacturing, method of water drainage and other features, the cost of the project and the economic feasibility of certain expenses are also taken into account. For example, the installation of expensive VOCs is justified in the sewerage systems of houses with permanent residence, but for a summer residence a simpler and cheap design, up to the storage tank.

The majority of residential suburban areas are not equipped with a centralized sewerage system.

A septic tank is a closed container of a certain volume in which sewage is stored and processed.

Types of drives

Brick and concrete storage tanks

Brick and concrete septic tanks set up on their own. According to the principle of operation, they are no different from purchased containers. But installation can cause a number of difficulties.

For a storage device made independently, it is paramount to choose the correct installation location, taking into account groundwater, distance from residential building, distance from green spaces and sources drinking water. Plus, be sure to completely seal the structure, which is not as easy to do on your own as it might seem.

For these reasons, many owners prefer purchased ones.

If you choose what material to install a sewer tank from, then plastic is definitely the leader. Unlike metal, it is not subject to corrosion, is much lighter, which makes installation easier, is in no way inferior in strength and has more for a long time services.

Sewer septic tanks are storage, with soil filtration and with bio-treatment.

Installed horizontally or vertically, underground or on the surface.

Let's look at several types of septic tanks.

Single chamber septic tank

Single chamber septic tank
. One of the easiest to maintain and install. It is a container to which waste pipes from the home are connected. Life waste enters the storage tank, solid and heavy particles settle to the bottom, gradually forming sludge. Must be cleaned systematically. Usually installed underground.

There is another option for using a single-chamber drive. Bacteria (anaerobic, aerobic and bioactivators) are used to process waste. The required amount of bacteria is added to the storage tank, which increases the rate of decay and filters the liquid.


The use of aerobic bacteria requires the installation of a compressor, since aerobes only work in the presence of oxygen.

It is also worth noting that after processing by aerobes, the partially purified liquid can be used as technical liquid, and the resulting sludge can be used as fertilizer. But after anaerobic treatment, the sludge must be disposed of.
Reservoirs operating on this principle are more practical than a cesspool. You can clean them yourself or call a vacuum cleaner, but definitely much less often.

Double-chamber sewer storage tanks

This type of installation can be called a good cleaning system. The container itself is divided into two parts or consists of two independent containers connected to each other by a pipe at a certain angle.
In the first tank, large particles settle and sink to the bottom; the settled, semi-purified water flows into the adjacent tank where additional cleaning occurs.

A septic tank may have more chambers, it all depends on the wishes and needs of the owner.

Everything else happens the same as in a single-chamber tank.

Thanks to the use of bacteria, septic tanks are cleaned much less frequently.

To avoid the issue of storing or discharging purified liquid sewer systems equipped with ground filtration.

Underground drainage filters or filtration fields are installed next to the septic tank. At the outlet of the storage tank, a pipe is installed through which the liquid enters the drains, where complete purification of the water is carried out and its subsequent discharge into the ground.

Drainage septic tanks

The container is always installed in the ground. The walls of the tank are perforated. The top of the system is completely sealed. The bottom is missing. The storage tank is lowered into the pit onto a natural filter cushion (flooring made of crushed stone, sand and gravel). They wrap it in geofabric and cover it in a circle with gravel mixed with sand at a distance of 0.5 m. The wastewater enters the storage tank, heavy and large particles settle; through the holes, the settled liquid goes into the soil after passing through a natural filter.

The option is budget and is not designed for a large number of drains. Not suitable for permanent residences.

Autonomous systems

First of all, it is worth noting that this installation is not a septic tank, but consumers classify the unit as a type of septic tank and manufacturers have no choice but to come to terms with this fact.

This device is installed underground. Has two or more cameras. Wastewater treatment is carried out using aerobes. The device is equipped with a compressor to enrich the wastewater with oxygen, which is necessary for aerobic colonies. At the outlet of the unit, 98-99% purified water is obtained. It can be used for watering. Cleaning this system once twice a year. The quantity of contents is maximum 10 buckets. You can remove the sludge yourself without difficulty.

If desired, a drainage filter is installed and purified water is discharged into it.

The autonomous installation has one drawback - energy dependence. If the power is turned off, the bacteria will die after 4 hours, and a new colony will have to be planted.

Let's sum it up

Septic tank- This is part of the sewer system.

Equipped independently or purchased ready-made.

It can be equipped with a cleaning and filtration system or simply cumulative.

Used for recycling waste different types bacteria or natural filter.

They can be autonomous and subject to regular cleaning.

Installed on the surface and underground.

Often used combined option installations. Two-chamber septic tank and drainage filter.

Comparative characteristics


septic tank

Septic tank with biological treatment Autonomous system Combined installation
There is an odor

Installation with special features

Regular calls for vacuum cleaners

Limited salvo release

No unpleasant odor

No installation restrictions

Cleaning the system 2-4 times a year

When using bacteria requires additional equipment(compressor for aerobes and gas storage tank for anaerobes)

Requires disposal of partially purified liquid

After anaerobic bacteria, sludge is not suitable for use.

No smell

Fully automated system cleaning

Minimum amount of waste to be cleaned

At the outlet, the water is 98-99% purified and suitable for use.

Salvo release depends on model

Full energy dependence

No smell

Complete wastewater treatment

No additional equipment required

Clean the system once or twice a year.

How to choose the right septic tank

  1. For temporary or permanent residence. Temporary housing is not needed autonomous system or complex installation. Wonderful a septic tank will do drainage type.
  2. Septic tank volume. It’s easy to calculate on your own, multiply the number of people living by 200 liters (that’s how much water one tenant uses, according to statistics), and triple the resulting figure.
  3. Material of manufacture.
  4. Additional equipment (depending on the type of cleaning)
  5. Groundwater level and location of the septic tank.
  6. Availability of quality certificates from the seller.

For autonomous installations, there are only two selection criteria - volume and material capabilities.