Variety of plants. Diversity of plants Various plants on earth



I.Updating previous knowledge:"A Minute of the Calendar"


Operational stage.

Conclusion: Plants are everywhere!

All plants on Earth represent a kingdom that is divided into departments, and those, in turn, into 5 large groups. These are: algae, mosses and lichens, ferns, conifers and flowering plants.


Riddles: There are hundred-meter snakes, Green and burgundy.


Teacher: Seaweed-

2. Mosses and lichens -

Riddles: 1. I am a swamp plant, They caulk the walls with me.

Teacher: Mosses and lichens


There are about 10 thousand species on the earth's surface. Many types of ferns are exotic and are specially bred.

Riddles 1. There is a beautiful grass in the forest. Leaves are like sails

Teacher: Fern

Physical exercises:

4. Conifers

Riddles 1. I have longer needles than a Christmas tree. I grow very straight in height.

Teacher: Conifers


Riddles: 1. There is a little curly hair standing in the forest - White shirt. Golden heart, What is it? (daisy) 2. It is very similar to an animal’s mouth, but only it is not dangerous to fall into. (snapdragon) 3. Stem - crooked, Leaf - mustachioed, Flower - fragrant, And the fruit is fluffy. (peas)

Teacher: Flower-


Plant kingdom:

Open the textbooks on pp. 57-59, look at the pictures, read the names of the plants. Which groups do they belong to:

Ecological traffic light


Gryaznova Veronika Vladimirovna, 18.04.2017

676 101

Development content

Subject: Diversity of plants on Earth.

Target: 1. Develop the ability to construct and defend your point of view based on observations. 2.Cultivate a sense of responsibility in transforming nature and preserving healthy image life. 3. Systematize knowledge about the diversity of plants on Earth.

Motivational stage. Checking d/z. Interesting material about plants.

I.Updating previous knowledge:"A Minute of the Calendar"

Tell us about the weather today.

Repetition. What is a horizon? What is a site plan? When is the horizon clearly visible? Which sides of the horizon do you know?

Operational stage.-Today we devote our lesson to plants. We will talk about their diversity, their richness flora and the places where they grow. Plants occupy a quarter of living nature. Outstanding artists and poets drew their inspiration from the fields and forests, among the trees and grasses. Their unique aromas, the fabulous rustle of grass, the mesmerizing singing of birds and the intoxicating air - all this pleases and excites us, inciting a person’s desire to live and live. About 20 thousand species of plants grow on the territory of our country. Most of them are herbs. The vegetation cover of our region is diverse and characterized by grass. On the right bank of the Urals grow: meadowsweet, buckthorn, fescue, feather grass and many others. etc.

Guys, tell me, where can we find plants? Let's create a cluster.

Conclusion: Plants are everywhere!

–All plants on Earth represent a kingdom that is divided into departments, and those, in turn, into 5 large groups. These are: algae, mosses and lichens, ferns, conifers and flowering plants.

1.Algae- lower plants. They live in humid natural environments, in

(student) swamps, ponds, near hot springs. They feed on living

water bodies, they purify the water. Brown, red algae and fucus are bred industrially for fertilizer and nutrition.

Puzzles: There are hundred-meter snakes, green and burgundy.

And for the captain at sea, they cause great grief.

2 . We entered the river barefoot, and suddenly we were wearing shoes. “Mermaid braids” They entangled our legs.

Teacher: Seaweed- They are unicellular and multicellular. Blue-green algae have special pigments that give them their special beautiful colour. Brown algae attach to the bottom of the seas. They live near the coast and are several tens of meters long. Red algae live in the seas. Contains red and blue dyes. Their significance is enormous. They are food for the animal world of rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. They are used in agriculture. Some species are eaten and made into medicine.

2. Mosses and lichens - complex plants without roots. Mosses live in damp areas, under trees, and in rock crevices. Lichens accept various shapes: resemble leaves, shrubs, bark. They live on tree trunks and on the stones of walls.

Puzzles: 1. I am a swamp plant, They caulk the walls with me.

2. Soft, not fluff, Green, not grass.

Teacher: Mosses and lichens- higher plants. Perennial. Tolerate great heat and very coldy. Typical representatives: cuckoo flax and sphagnum. They are found everywhere. Mosses absorb a large number of water, so the surface of the water becomes overgrown with it and becomes swampy. Moss grows slowly, up to 3 cm per year. The lower areas of the swamps darken, become compacted and turn into peat, a mineral that is used as fuel and fertilizer.

3.Fern- higher vascular plant. Reproduces by spores. Throughout

There are about 10 thousand species on the earth's surface. Many types of ferns are exotic and are specially bred.

Puzzles 1. There is beautiful grass in the forest. Leaves are like sails

And you won’t see the beautiful grass in bloom in reality.

2. From the palm tree tops they grow at the edge. And in a rotten ravine - By a rotten snag.

Teacher: Fern- a group of higher spore plants. Grows in humid conditions shady places. They are mostly herbaceous and are only a few mm long, but in tropical areas they are found in the form of trees and reach 20 m. In our country they live: bracken and bladderwort. And this is- exotic fern“male shieldweed.”

Physical exercises:Gymnastics to improve hearing.

At the same time, massage the ears in a circular motion in one direction, then in the other. (10 times) -Massage your earlobes thoroughly.

4. Conifers- higher plants. Found throughout the Earth, adapted

to unfavorable conditions. There are more than 600 species. They have cones with seeds and pollen. Durable wood is used for construction and in the furniture industry.

Puzzles 1. I have longer needles than a Christmas tree. I grow very straight in height.

If I'm not at the edge, the branches are only at the top. (pine) 2. Both in winter and in summer She is dressed in a green fur coat. (spruce) 3. In the Crimea, above the sea, As if on patrol, They stand in columns, Always green, Wonderfully slender. (cypress)

Teacher: Conifers- are woody forms, less often shrubs. These are: spruce, pine, fir, cedar, cypress, larch, sequoia. Their needle-shaped leaves are called needles. There are also deciduous conifers, such as larch. Conifers have cones with seeds, from which vitamins and cedar oil are obtained. Coniferous forests are guardians of water and release a lot of oxygen. Silk, paper, and plastics are made from wood.

5.Floral- the most common higher plants. Meet them

possible in any part of the world, in any natural environment.

Puzzles: 1. There is a little curly hair standing in the forest - a white shirt. A golden heart, what is it? (daisy) 2. It is very similar to an animal’s mouth, but only it is not dangerous to fall into. (snapdragon) 3. The stem is crooked, the leaf is mustachioed, the flower is fragrant, and the fruit is fluffy. (peas)

Teacher: Flower- the most common group of plants, there are about 250 thousand species. Among them there are many trees, shrubs, and herbs. Found everywhere. Many flowering plants are cultivated and are used by humans as food and medicine. Wild ones are food for animals. Flowering plants dominate the plant world. And if you are delighted by some beautiful flower, know that the plant is probably a flowering plant.

* At the same time, a chain of blocks is built on the board. Children draw it in their notebooks.

Plant kingdom:

Formation of skills and abilities:

–Open the textbooks on pp. 57-59, look at the pictures, read the names of the plants. Which groups do they belong to:

Ecological traffic light. Is it possible to collect medicinal plants in the forest? Is it possible to destroy anthills? Is it possible to pick mushrooms in the forest? Is it possible to take bouquets of flowers from a field or meadow? Do coniferous trees need protection? Is it possible to take bird eggs, chicks and young animals out of the forest? When leaving the forest after a hike or excursion, do you need to pick up trash after yourself?

Reflection: What new did you learn? Do plants need to be protected?

Victoria Taibova
Abstract educational activities on the topic “Plant diversity” for children of senior preschool age

Summary of educational activities on the topic"Plant diversity" For children of senior preschool age(Integration educational areas : cognition, artistic creativity, communication.

Prepared and conducted by teacher Taibova Victoria Esedulakhovna

Target: clarify and systematize knowledge about plants; consolidate knowledge children about parts of plants and their purpose: root, stem, leaves, flowers, seeds. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints.

Cultivate a caring attitude plants.

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys.

Listen carefully to the melody and tell me where we are going today. The cassette is turned on ( "Sounds of Wildlife").

How did you guess? (On nature).

What two types is nature divided into? (Living and inanimate nature).

What is inanimate nature? (Sun, stars, air, water, stones).

What about living nature? (Plants, mushrooms, animals, people).

By what signs do we distinguish living from nonliving? (Feeding, reproduction, movement, breathing, dying).

Are living and inanimate nature related to each other? (Without heat and light, without air and water, living beings could not live).

-Where it’s easier to breathe: in the city or in the forest? Why? (In the forest. Since plants produce oxygen) .

And today's lesson we will devote plants.

I have prepared a video for you in which you will see a great variety of plant species. Let's see now.

Guys, what do we all have in common? plants(stem, leaf, flower, root).

General structure. And what miscellaneous(Color, leaf shape.)

Well done!

What do you have plants and why they need it.

Root - the root breathes, the root holds plant in the ground how a pump sucks moisture and nutrients from the soil

Stem - breathes, conducts water from the root to other organs, holds plant(mechanical support)

Leaf – catches light, evaporates moisture, breathes.

Plants They cook their own food, unlike animals, and this kitchen is in the leaves. When exposed to light, the leaf absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

A flower breathes, a fruit emerges from it, which stores seeds for reproduction.

Didactic game:

"Magic Flower"

Children are given cards with models of this or that plants or a flower and details of it plant or flower. Children should collect a model given to him from parts. Children should be told that this game is for a limited time.

And now we will turn into plants and music we will grow.

"We plants»

1. we are small grains sown in the ground

2. the rain passed and we felt good

3. little by little we growing

4. the stem is already large

5. the breeze is blowing

6. and the leaves are swaying

Children imitate growth to music and words plants.

Well, now we will try to consolidate the acquired knowledge on a piece of paper with the help of paints.

Let's divide a piece of paper into two parts by drawing the boundary of the earth and sky.

Since any the plant has roots, then it’s probably better to start our drawing with the root, which will be located on the ground side. Root color plants can be gray, black, brown.

Then we will draw a stem that will grow from the root. We will place the leaves on the stem. The color of the stem and leaves can be different shades of green. If our the plant is a flower, then you need to finish drawing the flower petals.

There are many growing on Earth different types plants. Often they are different from each other in both appearance, and in structure. For example, among plants there are unicellular forms, and there are multicellular ones with an undifferentiated body, but most plants have organs and tissues. But even if plants have a similar internal structure, they can differ greatly in appearance. This is due to adaptation to specific habitats and ways of life.

Despite all the diversity of plants, unicellular forms are characteristic only of a number of algae. Other algae are multicellular. All algae (both unicellular and multicellular) belong to lower plants . This is due to the fact that algae do not have real organs and tissues. Although the representatives brown algae differentiation of the body into tissue can be noted.

All other groups of plants are considered higher. These are mosses, ferns, horsetails, mosses, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Each group has its own diversity of flora. It should be noted that in the process of evolution ( historical development life on Earth) certain groups dominated in certain periods. Thus, in the Carboniferous period (300 million years ago), forests consisting of tree ferns grew on land. The climate was humid and warm. When the climate began to become drier and colder, gymnosperms appeared, and subsequently more adapted to land living angiosperms. Today, ferns are represented mainly by herbaceous forms that live in the forest canopy.

Mosses, ferns, horsetails and mosses are called highest spore plants . They reproduce by spores. In their life cycle There are two stages - gametophyte and sporophyte. Gametophyte cells contain a single set of chromosomes, while sporophyte cells contain a double set. The life cycle of mosses is dominated by the gametophyte, while that of ferns is dominated by the sporophyte.

Gymnosperms and angiosperms (flowering) plants reproduce using seeds. They belong to the group seed plants . A seed, unlike a spore, contains a large reserve nutrients. In angiosperms, seeds develop in the ovary of a flower and, after maturation, are surrounded by a fruit. In gymnosperms, seeds usually develop in cones and lie bare on their scales.

Gymnosperms are mainly represented by trees. Among angiosperms there are many trees and grasses, as well as other life forms. In the process of evolution, herbaceous forms of flowering plants appeared later and, according to a number of characteristics, have a more complex structure compared to trees.

Today, the diversity of plants on Earth is mainly formed by angiosperms (flowering) plants. There are about 300,000 species. There are only about 1000 species of gymnosperms. There are more than 10,000 species of ferns, more than 25,000 bryophytes, about 20,000 lichens, and about 35,000 species of algae.

Despite all the diversity of plants, they have two common characteristics. The presence of both characteristics in an organism allows it to be classified as a plant. This:

    Receipt organic matter from inorganic ones through the process of photosynthesis, which occurs in the light. In other words, all plants are autotrophs.

    Plant cells contain nuclei, that is, plants are eukaryotic organisms. For example, cyanobacteria are capable of photosynthesis, but do not have nuclei, so they are classified not as plants, but as bacteria.

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Slide captions:

Diversity of plants on Earth mosses algae ferns flowering conifers

Mosses Mosses are very ancient representatives of the plant kingdom. Mosses grow only in places of high moisture. They participate in the formation of swamps, the creation of peat, and affect soil moisture.

Ferns These plants are often called living fossils. They need protection. Ferns help scientists understand how the diversity of the Earth's plant kingdom developed.


ALGAE Scientists believe that among the plants existing on Earth, the most ancient are blue-green algae. They are about three billion years old.

CONIFEROUS PLANTS They are distinguished by their special needle-shaped leaves - needles. The needles do not fall off all at once, like ordinary leaves, but gradually, over several years. Therefore coniferous trees all year round green.

U coniferous species Resin (resin), wood, and fruits (for example, pine nuts) are very valuable.

FLOWERING PLANTS Flowering plants now dominate the Earth. They are called so because they have flowers from which fruits with seeds are formed.

Flowering plants Flowering plants are the most numerous and widespread group of plants on Earth.

Plant diversity By 2004, scientists were able to classify about 290 thousand species, including 240 thousand flowering plants, 16 thousand mosses, 11 thousand ferns, 8 thousand green algae. Plants are found everywhere.

In the forest In the meadow In the pond In the mountains

In the desert In the steppe In cities In the house

Question No. 1 What plants are called “living fossils”? Ferns

Question No. 2 What type of plant do scientists consider the most ancient on earth? Seaweed

Question No. 3 What is “Zh I VITSA”? F and vitsa is resin coniferous trees.

Question No. 4 Do the needles of coniferous trees fall off? The needles fall off gradually over several years.

Question No. 5 What type of plant is now dominant on Earth? Flowering plants now dominate the Earth.


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Lesson plant diversity

Teacher's goals :

Educational: create conditions for familiarization with the diversity of groups of the plant kingdom; formation of ideas about a plant as a living organism.

Educational: promote the development of highlighting skills essential features, establish the causes and consequences of natural phenomena.

Educational: promote a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: crossword “Plants”; diagrams “Groups of plants”, “Signs of plant life”; test; illustrations medicinal plants, herbariums.

Lesson script

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

We love the forest at any time season,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly...

All this is called nature,

Let's always take care of her!

In the meadows there are sunny-colored daisies,

Such that it is brighter to live in the world...

All this is called nature,

Let's be friends with nature!

II. Checking homework.

What importance does soil have to us? Why should the soil be protected?

ToCan soil be classified as living or non-living nature?( V soil has components inanimate nature– clay, sand, air, water, salts, and living things – bacteria.)

III. Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

RLet's solve the crossword puzzle and determine the topic of our today's lesson.

Crossword "Plants"

1. It’s not fire, it burns.(Nettle.)

2. Little red nesting doll, little white heart.(Raspberries.)

3. What kind of tree stands -

There is no wind, but the leaf is shaking?(Aspen.)

4. The last smile of autumn.

Star in the flowerbed(Aster.)

5. Sticky buds, green leaves.

With white bark, they grow under the mountain.(Birch.)

6. The branch in the bunch is dressed up 7. Takes from my flower

Violet color. The bee has the most delicious honey.

It's on a hot summer day,(Linden.)

Bloomed in the garden...(lilac.) 8. The dress got lost

The buttons remain.(Rowan.)

Today in class we will talk about part of living nature -plants .

There is nothing more beautiful than flowers

Those who came to the palisades and dwellings.

They came from time immemorial,

To make life more sublime and purer.

(S. Krasikov.)

d The children recite the poem by heart:

They live slowlydtrees,

They've been standing still for a century,

Rooted inhI mean,

Stretching branches toWithto the sun.

They are not looking for anything

They don't ask for anything -

They only need so little:

Light, Earth, Water andVeter –

What you don't need to look for

Something that is given to everyone for free.

And alsodtrees need

So thaththe earth was beautiful

And they livedtrees,

Decorating ourhI mean:

The beauty of thin branches,

The beauty of mighty trunks,

Indescribable beauty

Your eternal kindness!..

(B. Zakhoder. Why trees don’t walk.)

IV. Update background knowledge. Introduction to the topic.


What is a plant?

Plants - These are the bodies of living nature. On Earth there are the most various plants by type, height, age. During the lesson we will talk about the diversity of plants in nature, and will help us with thisbotany – plant science.

Name the groups of plants known to you, give examples.

Fill indiagram:

What importance do plants have in human life?

What trees, shrubs, and herbs grow in our region?

Where do wild plants grow?(In the forest, in the mountains, on reservoirs, meadows.)

What plants are called cultivated?

Where do cultivated plants grow?(Field, garden, vegetable garden.)

Give examples of wild and cultivated plants.

Practical work (work in pairs).

Like any living organism, a plant has organs. Let's carry out practical work and learn to identify organs in plants. Take herbariums. We work in pairs. Help each other.

1. Identify the organ that strengthens the plant in the soil.(Root.)

2. A tree has one, but a bush has many.(Stem.)

3. When it grows, it turns green, when it flies, it turns yellow, when it falls, it turns black.(Sheet.)

4. Bright, fragrant...(flower) .

5. It can be tasty and juicy, but it can also be dry and hard.. (Fetus.)

6. A new plant grows from it.(Seed.)



1. Which of these plants is grown in gardens?

A)Pwheat; b) plum; c) tomato.

2. Which of these cultivated plants do people grow in their gardens?

A)Rfire; b) spruce; c) cucumbers.

3. Which of these cultivated plants do people grow in the fields?

A)dynya; b) oats; c) apple tree.

4. Which of these cultivated plants do people grow in melon fields?

A)Witheyelids; b) watermelons; c) potatoes.

5. What can you call fruits in one word? garden trees?

A)Ovegetables; b) fruits; c) root vegetables.

Answers: 1-b. 2-in. 3-b. 4-b. 5 B.

Peer review of work.

V. Learning new material.

1. Plant kingdom.

b Yeseda.

Why are plants considered living organisms?

What does a plant need to grow and develop?

We looked at plants that have all the organs, but it turns out that in nature there are also plants that do not have a fruit or flower or leaves. And some manage to exist even without a root. What kind of plants are these?

Let's take an amazing journey into the kingdom. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. The fairy-tale word “kingdom” is also scientific - this is how scientists call the plant world. Queen Flora rules the plant kingdom. Together with Flora, we will get acquainted with the inhabitants of her kingdom. Let's start with the simplest ones.


The teacher demonstrates the herbarium.

Seaweed - plants that live mainly in water. This is very amazing plants. They have no roots, no stems, no leaves, no flowers or fruits with seeds. They consist of identical cells - one or many. They live in the salty sea and in fresh water, can live on tree trunks, feeding on drops of rain and dew, and can also live in an aquarium. Did you guess it? Name these plants.

Some algae survive in very hot water(+80 °C), and there are also those that freeze into ice, and when they thaw they begin to move. Chlorella algae has even traveled to space on a spaceship. It releases oxygen more than other plants. Sea kale- This is an algae, kelp. It is rich in iodine, which strengthens the human body.

Some seaweed look like brown ribbons up to several tens of meters long. Algae never have leaves, stems or roots.

Mosses - small plants of simple structure, growing in damp places. Mosses have stems and leaves, but they do not have roots, flowers, or fruits with seeds. Mosses originate from algae; they can be found in damp, gloomy places, in swamps, in spruce forests, in crevices between stones.

Moss is not a flowering plant, but a capsule of spores that mosses use to reproduce.

Ferns - plants with large, feather-like leaves. Ferns have stems and roots, but do not have flowers or fruits with seeds. The leaves of the fern are large, their petioles are covered with brown scales, and the young leaves are curled like a snail. In hot countries, fern leaves grow upward like a branch for several years. It is not for nothing that fern leaves are called flat fronds. Coal formed from dead ferns.

Let us remember the holiday of Ivan Kupala that existed in Rus', when real and mythical flowers became the occasion for dancing, singing and funny jokes, as well as the search for the mysterious Perunov fireflower (Perun - the pagan god of lightning) - a fern flower, which, according to legend, bloomed only at the height of the summer equinox, on the night from the sixth to the seventh of July, and could reveal the secrets of underground treasures. However, see flowering plant it was very difficult, because the flower was guarded evil spirits and forest divas who brought various misfortunes upon people.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, bonfires were lit on high hills, fields were shrouded in thick smoke, cattle were fumigated, people jumped over the bright flames. All these were rites of purification and protection of the future harvest, all living things from dark forces.

After that, everyone started having fun. The youth collected flowers, sang songs, and danced around the fires. The bravest ones swam in the mysterious river at night. The girls used wreaths floating along the river to tell fortunes.

Coniferous plants - plants that have needle-shaped leaves - needles. Conifers do not have flowers or fruits. Their seeds ripen in cones. TO coniferous plants include spruce, pine, larch, juniper and others. All conifers produce resin. It quickly appears in places where the trunk or branch is damaged and heals wounds. The resin is called “resin”. The leaves-needles do not fall off in the winter.

Flowering plants - plants that have roots and shoots. Flowers, fruits with seeds. This is the largest group.

Each flower is a star that has fallen from the sky. There is nothing more beautiful and tender on earth than flowers. Look(demonstrates) .

Flowers have always been loved by people. They gave each other flowers, thereby expressing their feelings: love, respect, gratitude, reverence.

Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness,

And, generously giving tenderness to people,

They bloom, warming hearts,

Like little warm fires.

(K. Genet.)

Can plants grow on rocks?(Yes, but only special ones. These are lichens , similar to green and orange spots.)

Physical education minute (see lesson 13, p. 87)

2. Plants in human life.


What importance do plants have in human life?(Students' answers.)

The teacher reads a poem and demonstrates a herbarium of medicinal plants:

Consider and remember these flowers,

They have so much warmth and earthly


Everything, man, that surrounds you,

Loves and heals you, protects you.

Don't trample the plantain leaf,

Heal an abrasion or a wound with it.

You're sick and the pharmacy is closed.

The jar of raspberry mama is open.

This is jam, it's also medicine,

The disease's insidiousness quickly disappears.

Mint will help on winter days,

In the summer, dry it and save it.

IN winter cold make tea,

Drink it and sleep until dawn.

Here is St. John's wort and chamomile next to it.

The flowers look at you with a tender gaze.

You, man, understand them,

Use them, don't abuse them.

(N.D. Kovalenko.)

Which medicinal herbs used for colds? ( w alpheus, thyme, basil, raspberry leaves and berries, etc.)

What medicinal herbs help in treating wounds?( h istotel, plantain, nettle decoction.)

Teacher's story about how the science of plants - botany - appeared.

Since ancient times, man, collecting and then cultivating plants, learned their useful and harmful properties. When excavating ancient buildings, archaeologists found seeds of various cereals, flax, poppy, peas, garden and many other plants. Already scientists Ancient Greece began to describe plants and make lists of them. This is how plant science came into being -botany , which received its name from Greek word"botane" - "grass".

For thousands of years people gathered in the forests edible fruits and berries, mushrooms, medicinal herbs, went fishing and hunting - and all this without harming nature. And now - as if they forgot that they are children of nature, children of the Earth! Imagine what will happen to us if we destroy all the forests: we will deprive ourselves of the most beautiful thing - communication with nature.

Despite the fact that on globe there are a lot of plants, a large number of them die. Many of them are listed in the Red Book and are protected. Which ones are you familiar with? Keep them safe!

VI. Repetition and consolidation of learned material.

What does "living organism" mean?(It breathes, eats, develops, reproduces, dies.)

Are the same conditions needed for different plants?( O students' answers.)

Toapusta, cucumbers, wheat - moisture-loving; cactus, wormwood, camel thorn - drought-resistant; lily of the valley, horsetail, fern are shade-tolerant; pine, cotton, grapes, coltsfoot - light-loving; moss, wormwood, spruce, birch - cold-loving; lemon, watermelon, melon, grapes are heat-loving.

What plants are called flowering plants?

What organs do all flowering plants have?

VII. Lesson summary.

Why is city greening important for people?

Why is it good for your health to take walks in the forest?

Around which plants is the air considered the healthiest?

Why and for what purpose was the Red Book of Plants created?

How many types of trees are there?

What did you learn that was useful for you in class today?

Will this knowledge be useful to you in life?

Have you expanded your knowledge base?

Did you enjoy the lesson?

I think you are convinced that the kingdom of Flora is diverse.Flora – translated into Russian means “plants”.

Homework: workbook, tasks no.3,4 , With.41 ; prepare a story (orally) about interesting plant on the topics: “My favorite flower”, “What I grew in the country, in the garden”, or draw favorite plant; textbook, p. 69–73.