Bathroom finishing inexpensively. Self-adhesive film for walls in the bathroom: practical DIY repair. Floor covering

From the author: Welcome, dear reader. We are glad that you decided to visit our information and training portal. Not long ago I had to face the question: how to decorate the walls in the bathroom? I will note right away that for myself I chose ordinary tiles, but, no less, I had to immerse myself in studying this issue. My friend from the construction hypermarket spoke in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the generally accepted finishing methods. Today I will share this knowledge with you, dear reader.

We'll look at the most popular finishing methods so you can decide what's best for you. I would like to immediately warn you that the article is purely advisory in nature. This means that I will not convince you that some finishing method is better and some is worse. We will just look at what can be used to decorate the walls, and the choice, naturally, will be yours.

Here are the options the modern building materials market offers us:

  • painting walls with waterproof paint (pre-installation of gypsum board [plasterboard sheets] is possible);
  • tile;
  • wallpaper;
  • PVC tiles/PVC panels;
  • mosaic;
  • glass/mirror tiles;
  • decorative plaster.

As we can see, besides the well-known tiles, there are many options - and each of them is good in some way. Well, something bad, of course. Before we start talking about some in a specific way finishing the bathroom - let's devote one of the sections of our article to the basics. Literally. We will talk about how to prepare walls for almost any of the proposed finishing options.

Preparatory work

First, answer the question whether you will use plasterboard sheets to level the work surface. And in general, do you need perfectly straight walls and strictly 90° angles? If the answer is “no,” then the order of your actions will be as follows:

If you decide to use gypsum plasterboard, then, naturally, you will not have to level the walls with beacons/putty/primer. But (!) the use of a penetrating antiseptic is mandatory. And to strengthen the wall, if there is such a need, you can prime it. In addition, many penetrating primers have antiseptic properties. It won't be redundant.

Plasterboard sheets can be mounted in two ways. But more on that later. To begin with - one extremely important point: for the bathroom we will need not simple drywall, but moisture-resistant one. I think you yourself know why. Bathroom - room with special conditions operation, therefore, for both the ceiling and the walls we need plasterboard sheets that are not afraid of moisture. The material is marked in blue/light blue, and the surface of the sheet is covered with green cardboard. Other colors are rare, but this is not so important.

Is it possible to finish the walls/ceiling in the bathroom? regular drywall? Yes, you can. But it is not designed to survive in conditions of high humidity, so most likely the following will happen to it:

Not the most favorable prospect, is it? Here text comments will be unnecessary. Yes, it costs a little more than a regular one, but saving on building materials usually does not end well. Remind me, how many times does a stingy person pay there?

The advantages of decorating walls in the bathroom with moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard are obvious: the material is strong, durable, and allows you to achieve perfect flat surface and strictly right angles, is easy to install and makes it possible to implement any creative idea. You can design decorative (or functional) projections or recesses in the form of any geometric figure, under the gypsum board you can hide, say, a pipe (or other communications). GKL is an excellent material for finishing walls and ceilings both in the bathroom and in any room or on a balcony/loggia.

As we said, gypsum boards can be mounted in two ways:

  • the first one is on the frame. When using this method, you will have the opportunity to create any structure (even a three-level one) and hide communications;
  • the second is gluing the sheets to the wall. The only advantage of this method over the first is that such finishing will not take up a lot of usable space from the bathroom. Therefore, you should go this way if the room is very small.

After installing the gypsum board, we will have to prime/putty the walls. After this, you need to wait for it to dry and start creating. Such a surface can be painted, wallpapered, or tiles/mosaics can be laid on it. In a word, everything your soul desires and your creative imagination suggests.

Now is the time to consider various ways finishing of walls.

How to finish the surface of the walls

We will begin our short review, perhaps, with the “classics of the genre.” I think you've already guessed what we'll be talking about. Now we will look at perhaps the most popular finishing method, namely tiles.


This method has been used for a very long time and to this day. Tile is not going to become a thing of the past and lose ground, giving way to new products. As you know, they decorate not only bathrooms, but also work areas in kitchens, swimming pools, and showers.

This popularity is due to three simple factors:

  1. Strength/Durability. Even in the most aggressive operating conditions, tiles do not lose their properties and can last for decades.
  2. Hygiene. Dirt does not linger on the smooth surface of the tile (unless, of course, the case is completely neglected). And washing the tiled surface and cleaning it from dirt is not difficult.
  3. A wide selection of decor available on the modern building materials market. Go to the tile section of a building supermarket and you will find all sorts of decors - from the strict classic to the most whimsical. In short, for every taste, color and budget.

If you are new to the renovation and construction issue, then laying tiles with your own hands will be an extremely difficult task for you. You may even have to redo the work again. To prevent this from happening, seek help from qualified specialists.

Mistakes that can be made during installation will be very, very noticeable after the work is completed. Therefore, when laying tiles, you should use a level and special plastic guides in the form of a “+” symbol.

And most importantly, do not forget to prime the work surface before starting installation. Otherwise, there is a risk that over time the slabs will simply peel off and fall off.

Which tile to choose for the bathroom? Enough frequently asked question. In fact, any tile designed for wall mounting will do. You can even use the one designed for the floor - it is several times stronger, but at the same time, heavier than the one designed to be fixed on the wall.

Concerning color solutions, then there cannot be strict restrictions. Creative imagination cannot be limited. Here are a few general provisions, which designers use when designing bathroom interiors:

  • white color is an “immortal classic”. And don’t let this seem banal and “bland” to you. In fact, white tiles not only help to visually expand the space of a small bathroom, but also serve as a universal color solution. White walls go harmoniously with either a black, brown or gray floor/ceiling. The only subjective recommendation: do not choose completely snow-white tiles, as this may cause associations with a hospital or other public institution, which is not entirely appropriate in the bathroom of a residential building. Choose a different shade that suits your color characteristics will be closer to beige;
  • black color will visually reduce the space, so in small rooms it is better to avoid using it. But in a large, spacious bathroom, black tiles will look great. Just be prepared for the fact that soap stains or traces of dried drops of water that have fallen on the surface will be noticeable on the black;
  • brown - will create a feeling of comfort, warmth, security and reliability. Wood-like tiles will look very impressive. It can be used to decorate not only the surface of the walls, but also the floor;
  • blue/green colors - will create a feeling of lightness, cheerfulness and freshness, which will be very appropriate in the toilet/bathroom. But you should not use too bright, poisonous colors - they will have a depressing effect. It is best to choose sky blue or grass green shades;
  • As for bright, extraordinary colors, such as gold, turquoise or bright red, these should only be used in those places where you would like to emphasize. If the entire room is made in similar colors, there is a chance that the interior will look ridiculous.

If you have not yet decided what kind of tiles you would like to see on the walls of your bathroom, seek advice from a salesperson in the tile department at a hardware store. Most likely, they will tell you the solution that is best suited in your case.

I think we've said enough about tiles. Now let's move on to next option finishing.

Wall painting

There is no need to talk about color solutions in this section. We have already said everything above when we looked at the tiles. Despite the fact that painting walls is much simpler than laying tiles or even wallpapering, there are still some nuances that need to be taken into account so that the work goes smoothly, and the result pleases you for many years to come.

To begin with, we note that before painting the walls should be carefully prepared: treated with an antiseptic, primed, puttied, leveled (possibly with plasterboard), and only then begin painting work.

For such work, dispersed water-based paint is best suited. Why is that? - it's simple:

  • after drying, the surface becomes waterproof;
  • the paint does not have a strong odor, is safe for the health of people and animals, and does not cause allergic reactions;
  • the substance interacts ideally with almost any surface: be it plasterboard sheets or ordinary plaster.

Our portal contains a separate article about water-based paint, which describes in detail the process of working with water-based paint. If you have chosen for yourself this method finishing - I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the proposed material. Do not pay attention to the fact that the article is mostly about ceilings. The principle of painting walls is absolutely identical.


Yes, this method also exists. I've heard a common belief that wallpaper is inappropriate in the bathroom. And, to be honest, I myself hold this opinion. But, as promised at the beginning of the article, nothing will be imposed on you, the choice will always be yours.

The fact is that wallpapers are different. From sticking paper wallpaper In the bathroom, of course, it’s better to refuse, but you can think about the idea of ​​gluing a moisture-resistant cloth. Moisture-resistant wallpaper is marked with a special symbol similar to a triple tilde - “≋”. These are usually vinyl or acrylic types of wallpaper.

Keep in mind that for gluing moisture-resistant wallpaper you also need a special moisture-resistant glue.

The only place where it is not recommended to glue wallpaper is near the bathtub itself. The fact is that no matter how moisture-resistant the material is, it will not withstand regular exposure to moisture. This is what happens if you neglect this simple rule:

Therefore, it is best to perform it near the bathtub. finishing using another, more water-resistant material, and also properly seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall.

To properly eliminate this gap, you can use one of the proposed options:

  • cement mixture;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • silicone sealant;
  • plastic skirting board (even the one usually used for flooring);
  • border tape.

You can build a border from the same tiles or PVC - it all depends on what material you used to decorate the area around the bathtub. But sealing the gap between the wall and the bathtub is a vast topic that is worthy of consideration in a separate article, so we will not consider it now.

PVC finishing

No less popular method than the above. And for good reason. The material is accessible, easy to install, moisture-resistant and durable. What else is needed for complete happiness?

The process of installing PVC panels is similar to how to install drywall. That is, PVC panels are attached to the wall on a frame/sheathing. This does not require preliminary leveling of the walls. But (!) - the use of a penetrating antiseptic is mandatory. And one more thing: if you use a wooden frame for fastening, then the wood should also be treated with antifungal agents, since it is not as resistant to constant exposure to moisture as, say, the plastic from which the panels are made.

To make the ceiling of the room visually higher, place the panels strictly vertically. But so, there are no strict restrictions: they can be placed horizontally, and even diagonally, although in the latter case you will have to tinker.

The number of possible color options is truly impressive. You can choose panels of any shade, with any texture: from pure white to bright red or poisonous pink. Although, again, no one can cancel the rules of competent interior design.

Mosaic finishing

If you are looking for a way to inexpensively decorate your bathroom, then this is definitely not the place for you. This option cannot be called a budget option. The material itself (compared to tiles) is not cheap, and besides, creating a mosaic composition still requires special skills. A beginner can hardly cope here, so you will have to hire a qualified specialist.

If you decide to use mosaic in your bathroom, then, I assure you, this is a practical, durable and aesthetically attractive material that is in no way inferior to tiles. But it cannot be said that mosaic is better than tiles. Tiles come in different qualities - they can be glossy, that is, completely smooth, and textured, with a pronounced wood texture. And mosaics can be completely different: different shades, different quality. But be prepared for what really quality building materials they simply cannot be cheap.

Put it this way, mosaic is a more expensive alternative to “classic” tiles. Neither better/nor worse, just a different kind. And if you like this design option, great! You can create entire works of art from mosaics, but such compositions will look advantageous only if they are in harmony with the rest of the interior of the room.

Logical conclusion

Despite the simplicity and low cost of decorating walls with bathroom paint, you need to know several shortcomings of the material.

  • Firstly, the walls require careful preparation: they should not have the slightest flaw, because after dyeing they are especially matte paint will be very noticeable.
  • Secondly, it is better not to use even moisture-resistant paint directly above sources of water: near a sink or bathtub. To ensure that the repair is durable and the created interior lasts for more than a year, it is better to combine finishes.

No. 3. Plaster

Naturally, not all plasters have the necessary decorative and performance properties. Which the material is suitable for finishing a bathroom?

  • sanitizing plaster, which has high strength characteristics, allows you to create a reliable waterproofing layer. It is easily applied to the surface, does not crack during operation, and can absorb excess moisture, normalizing the microclimate in the room. However, designers still recommend not using such plaster for finishing coating, but pay attention to the following types;
  • moisture-resistant decorative plasters allowing you to create a surface with a certain texture, pattern, relief, Venetian plasters;
  • often used when decorating a bathroom facade plasters . They contain synthetic substances that allow them to withstand all negative influences environment. Such a coating will certainly withstand splashes from a bath or shower, and at the same time will delight you with a nice appearance.

Don't forget about various decorative techniques. Yes, on finished layer Using a stencil, you can apply any design to the plaster that will decorate the room and give it a certain style.

No. 4. Wallpaper

Many perceive the idea quite critically. But if you choose the appropriate material and use it correctly, you can achieve an amazing effect. Among the advantages of decorating walls in the bathroom with wallpaper are::

  • the uniqueness of the created interior and a huge assortment of different colors;
  • saving money and time, because tiling the same area will be more expensive and time-consuming;
  • high maintainability of wallpaper;
  • This is a great option for those who like to change their decor often, because with wallpaper it’s very easy to change the interior.

Naturally, there are also disadvantages:

  • Not all wallpapers are suitable for use in the bathroom. Moisture-resistant materials have an icon with three waves on the packaging - this is exactly what we need;
  • wallpaper is not the most durable material and is very easy to damage;
  • even the most reliable and waterproof wallpaper not suitable for finishing areas above the bathtub or in the shower stall. Here it is better to use a different material and try to skillfully combine different types finishing.

Great for use in the bathroom , which are not afraid of moisture and can be painted, which do not form joints, and also and acrylic wallpaper.

No. 5. Drywall

To the main advantages gypsocraton should be attributed to:

  • low price;
  • light weight, which facilitates the installation process;
  • excellent performance qualities, because plasterboard increases sound and heat insulation in the room.

You only need to choose moisture-resistant drywall, and it is easy to recognize by the characteristic green color of the sheets. Among the minuses similar finishes can be noted:

  • the need to additionally decorate the created surface, since the green sheets of gypsum plasterboard do not look very attractive, to put it mildly;
  • the need to use additional components for installing gypsum plasterboard, which increases the cost of the structure.

No. 6. Plastic panels

Plastic panels, although not often used in bathroom decoration, can boast a lot of positive qualities:

  • this is one of the most budget-friendly options for finishing a bathroom;
  • the panels are easy to install;
  • can hide all communications and pipes;
  • durability;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • hygiene and moisture resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • , which imitates stone, wood or other coatings.

However, it is worth considering some disadvantages, inherent in plastic panels:

  • low mechanical strength;
  • flammability;
  • “condensation” collecting on the surface.

No. 7. A natural stone

This is one of the most expensive, but undoubtedly effective solutions. Often when decorating walls it is used marble- this is one of the safest natural stones, which does not accumulate high levels radiation. In addition, marble has a low moisture absorption coefficient, and its porous structure allows the material to “breathe” and thereby regulate the microclimate in the room.

But a material like marble also has some disadvantages. Firstly, it is very expensive, secondly, it requires constant careful care, and thirdly, this material does not resist acid-containing products well, so care becomes even more difficult. In addition, it is quite heavy material.

In addition to marble, it is actively used for wall cladding. limestone, sandstone, slate, granite and cobble.

No. 8. Fake diamond

Artificial stone has almost all the same advantages as natural stone, but lacks many of the disadvantages, which makes it an ideal and serious competitor to conventional ceramic tiles. Among the main advantages of artificial stone it is worth noting:

  • beautiful appearance and a huge range of materials that can imitate any type of natural stone. A variety of colors, textures and sizes allows you to create the interior of your dreams and select the ideal material for the conditions of a particular room;
  • high strength and resistance to mechanical stress;
  • absolute resistance to mold and mildew;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • hygiene and environmental safety;
  • although it's not the best cheap way decorate the bathroom walls, but still fake diamond it will cost many times cheaper than natural, and its installation will be much easier due to its lower weight.

Artificial stone is great for bathrooms, and it can be used to decorate even the wettest areas. Looks great decorative rock and when tiling the shower, because the very appearance of water flowing over the stone is quite natural and natural. In general, artificial stone is a huge scope for imagination in the field of interior design, but clad all the walls in the bathroom only with stone with special care so as not to turn the room into a dungeon or castle. Stone is often combined with other finishing materials.

No. 9. Self-adhesive film

Quite interesting and unusual option for finishing the bathroom. The film is waterproof, and the seams between the sheets are covered . The advantages include:

  • very low cost;
  • There is a sufficient selection of colors, so you can imitate the texture of wood, stone or any other material. There are also films that have a relief volumetric surface;
  • The material adheres easily and is quite easy to clean.

Naturally, there were some downsides:

  • It looks like cheap material. Even though from a distance the film may indeed resemble stone or wood, upon closer inspection it reveals its secret;

    No. 10. Several unusual solutions

    If you want to make the bathroom interior completely original, then you can take a closer look at the following solutions:

    In conclusion

    In pursuit of interesting interior solutions for decorating bathroom walls, do not forget about practical side question. The material must be strong and durable, moisture-resistant and hygienic. If you really want to use some original finish, then it is better to combine it with materials that have already proven themselves in such difficult conditions.

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    Decorating the walls in the bathroom: 6 ways to satisfy the sophisticated artistic taste of the district police chief

    September 2, 2016
    Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

    I recently received a new order for a bathroom renovation. I would not have told you about this case if it were not for the fact that the owner, who, by the way, heads the district police unit, had not decided on how to decorate the walls in the bathroom before concluding an agreement with me. That is, he, of course, said that it was possible to tile the surfaces, but asked me to help select alternative options for finishing the plumbing room.

    I told him in detail what materials there are for decorating walls in the bathroom, what their pros and cons are. I will describe in detail the finishing options that I offered him in this material, so that everyone interested can also choose something for themselves.

    Well, at the end I will tell you what wall covering my client chose. You might want to decorate the walls of your own bathroom with it yourself.

    Existing finishing materials

    First, I’ll tell you what materials can generally be used for the decorative design of sanitary facilities, and then together we’ll decide what’s best to decorate the bathroom with. I’ll warn you right away that there will be subjective assessments, so if you don’t agree with my opinion, you can express yours in the comments.

    So, in my practice, during renovations in bathrooms and toilets, I used the types of finishing materials that are listed in the diagram above. Not all options were given excellent result, and in each specific case you need to choose based on the area of ​​the bathroom, the presence of a window, height, installed plumbing equipment, and so on.

    Features of individual decorative materials

    I will tell you about the pros and cons of the most common options, and you are free to choose what to cover or cover the walls with yourself.

    Method 1 - Ceramic tiles

    1. Long service life. Despite significant temperature fluctuations and high air humidity, ceramic tile cladding will last you for several decades. If, of course, you glue it correctly.
    2. Antiseptic properties and hygiene. The tile has a smooth and dense surface without pores, so dust and dirt do not stick to it, and it can be washed without any effort, using ordinary household products. detergents.
    3. Aesthetics. In construction stores you can find such a wide variety of tiles that even the most experienced buyer in this matter can make his choice.

    Tiles come in different colors, sizes and textures. Can be done plain walls, lay out some kind of ornament and even a drawing (for example, from a mosaic).

    The same applies to cost. The price of tiles depends on many factors, so you can always choose affordable option. But here I advise you to pay attention to one nuance. To the costs of the material, you need to add the amount of remuneration for the workers who will line the walls.

    Of course, you can do everything yourself, but for this you need to have certain skills.

    As I already said at the beginning of the article, the customer of the renovation just wanted to move away from the classics in the form of tiles, so I won’t focus on this, moving on to the description alternative options wall decoration in the bathroom.

    Method 2 - Wallpaper

    So what can I say about the wallpaper? First of all, ordinary paper varieties will not work here. If you are looking for something to cover your bathroom with, you should immediately pay attention to moisture-resistant wallpaper that can withstand exposure to humid air well.

    Despite its apparent unusualness, this finishing material for a plumbing room it has certain advantages, although it is not without its disadvantages. So that you can objectively decide what you can use to cover your bathroom walls, I suggest comparing the pros and cons of the option under consideration.

    pros Minuses
    The wallpaper itself costs little, as does the work of covering the walls with it. Moreover, there is hardly a person in our country who has not glued wallpaper himself at least once in his life. That is, if you are looking for the most economical option, you don’t need to look further, you have found it. Paper, no matter how well it is protected, deteriorates when wet. Therefore, no matter how much your grandmother, who still has a large stock of wallpaper from the last renovation, would like it, I categorically do not recommend gluing it in the bathroom.
    The wallpaper is easy to stick and remove. Therefore, if your significant other is suddenly tired of the appearance of the bathroom, within one or two days you can radically change the design of the room. After gluing, glue may appear on the wallpaper, which increases in size under the influence of moisture. As a result, your brilliant design idea will be hopelessly damaged.
    The wide variety of options makes it easy to combine different wallpapers, which gives the room a truly unique touch. You can do the same with tiles, but in this case there is simply an unlimited field for imagination. Paper is a hygroscopic material. Therefore, if you cover the walls with such wallpaper, during operation they will absorb water vapor dissolved in the air, which will sooner or later cause them to collapse.

    But, if you are determined to use wallpaper to decorate your bathroom, I will give you some recommendations on how to glue the walls in it so that they look perfect and do not change their appearance during use.

    So, I suggested to my client (and I suggest you) to use the following wallpaper:

    1. Washable. Have protective covering, which does not allow water vapor to penetrate into the deep layers of paper. Such wallpaper does not increase in size or swell during use. They have a relatively long service life.

    Another advantage is ease of cleaning. Dust and dirt can be easily removed from the surface of the protective layer, and if it appears, mold and mildew can be removed. In this case, after processing, the pattern of the material remains intact.

    1. Vinyl. Ideal for finishing walls in rooms with high humidity levels. They withstand not only water vapor, but also direct contact with liquid (albeit short-term).

    I consider the main disadvantage of this material to be high cost. Typically, wallpaper is chosen to save on room decoration. But in this case it won’t be possible to do that. But in defense vinyl wallpaper I can say that they have a huge service life. In the coming years, you definitely won’t have to decide what to cover your bathroom walls with.

    1. Self-adhesive. These wallpapers, in truth, are a type of vinyl, but I decided to separate them into a separate block.

    They differ in the method of gluing. An adhesive composition has already been applied to their reverse surface. You just need to moisten the surface of the wallpaper with water, then press it onto the surface to be treated.

    1. Liquid. This wallpaper, on the contrary, is not wallpaper in the classical sense of the word. They are a dry powder, from which a kind of decorative plaster is then made, which is used to treat the walls.

    This material has a long service life, is resistant to moisture and is easy to clean. Moreover, I can say with confidence that with the help liquid wallpaper You can decorate your bathroom very effectively.

    1. Glass wallpaper. A unique type of finishing material that looks like wallpaper and adheres the same way, but is absolutely impervious to moisture. Therefore, they are simply ideal for furnishing a bathroom.

    Another huge plus is the ability to paint the surface on which the wallpaper is glued. That is, you can combine any colors, patterns, shapes, and so on. And the special texture of the wallpaper will only add sophistication to the interior of the sanitary room.

    By the way, changing the appearance of the bathroom is very simple. Take a brush or roller and repaint the walls. Your significant other who wants to feel like a designer will really like this.

    1. Photo wallpaper. Another way to inexpensively and effectively decorate a bathroom. I advise, as in all other cases, to choose moisture-resistant wallpaper that does not deteriorate from exposure to water or water vapor.

    As for gluing, there are no subtleties here. The main thing is to combine the canvases correctly so that the drawing looks solid.

    Whatever type of material you choose, you need to maintain a sense of proportion and select wallpaper to match the overall interior solution. Otherwise, you will end up with a kind of eclecticism that will cause confusion, not tenderness.

    Method 3 - Paint

    Another very simple, fast and inexpensive way to decorate walls in the bathroom is painting. As with wallpaper, you need to choose and buy moisture-resistant paints and varnishes. If this is not done, mold stains will soon appear on the treated surfaces.

    To avoid such troubles, I advise you to buy paint that contains fungicides - substances that prevent the formation and development of microorganisms on treated surfaces.

    Most often I had to use water-based paint for bathrooms. If it is applied correctly to thoroughly dried surfaces, it penetrates deeply into the mineral surface, after which it retains its characteristics and attractive appearance for a long time. However, it is necessary to choose a latex-based water-based emulsion, which is more durable, strong and can withstand moisture well.

    Construction stores offer a huge number of colors and shades. If for some reason you don’t find something suitable, you can contact specialists who will tint the paint using special equipment, adding the necessary pigments.

    Paint, among other things, allows you to significantly save on the finishing work itself. A pre-prepared surface can be painted with a brush or roller in a matter of hours.

    Additional benefits of using wall paints in bathrooms are:

    • high resistance to water vapor and splashes of water;
    • ease of surface care;
    • no abrasion during operation;
    • high hygiene.

    It is possible to beautifully paint the bathroom walls, as well as paste them with wallpaper, only if the surfaces of the room have been thoroughly plastered and puttied beforehand. Otherwise, all defects and other imperfections will be visible.

    Therefore, giving preference to the options listed above, immediately decide how to plaster gas silicate block, brick or monolithic concrete so that later you can easily hang wallpaper in the bathroom or paint the walls with water-based paint.

    Method 4 - Plastic panels

    IN Lately Plastic panels that can be used for finishing are becoming increasingly popular various rooms, including the bathroom.

    Structurally, this finishing material consists of rectangular sheets of plastic (reminiscent of wide lining), which are equipped with a system of tongues and grooves at the ends for tight joining to each other, as well as special perforations that facilitate installation.

    Panels can be painted specific color or have a pattern that imitates a mosaic. Some types of materials are decorated with three-dimensional images that allow you to effectively decorate your bathroom.

    This finishing material for bathrooms has the following advantages:

    1. Economical. The material itself is inexpensive, especially compared to tiles or, for example, wood panels. In addition, the process of installing polymer panels itself does not require any special qualifications from the master (as is the case with tiles).
    2. Easy to install. To install the panels you need wooden sheathing, with which you can easily level the walls. Therefore, you will not need to plaster or putty them, achieving a perfectly flat and smooth surface. I would say that paneling a bathroom is even easier than painting the walls.
    3. Long service life. Plastic perfectly withstands aggressive factors external environment, which are characteristic of the microclimate in the bathroom. At the same time, he not only preserves his specifications, but does not change the appearance.
    4. Waterproof. The polymer surface does not absorb water even in direct contact with liquid. Therefore, the humid air in the bathroom in no way affects the operation of the plastic panels.
    5. Wide variety of designs. You can find it in stores various panels: ranging from simply painted to models with flowers and animals. Therefore, the scope for your creativity will not be limited in any way.

    Now as for the shortcomings. I consider only one significant disadvantage: poor environmental friendliness. Still, polymers are not in the best possible way affect human health, releasing substances harmful to humans during operation.

    However, modern manufacturers are constantly working to improve panels and, perhaps, when you read this article, material that has minimal, if not zero, emissions of harmful substances is already being delivered to the store.

    I would like to devote a few words to the choice of colors and patterns. I have extensive experience in finishing bathrooms with panels, so although I do not have a designer’s education, I can still give some practical advice:

    1. Choose panels based on the area of ​​your plumbing room. If the bathroom is small, give preference light shades and small drawings. This visually expands the space.
    2. You can make the walls plain or combine several colors. If you bought non-white panels, make sure that their color matches the overall design style, as well as the color of the plumbing fixtures.
    3. I advise you to buy panels for the bathroom with a minimum of catchy flowers and decorations. Especially if they are embossed. Dirt often accumulates in the folds of the surface, and in case of poor ventilation, mold and mildew grow.

    By the way, plastic panels allow you to mask all utility lines without any problems. To do this, you need to make the lathing above or in front of the pipes. There is no need to resort to additional tricks.

    Method 5 - Decorative plaster

    Performance properties modern materials improving all the time. And if earlier I would not have advised you to use decorative plaster to decorate your bathroom, now I not only advise, but recommend. By the way, my client settled on this particular design option for the plumbing room.

    Modern decorative plaster compositions are made on the basis of acrylic with special additives, which makes the materials waterproof. They do not lose their color throughout the entire period of operation and can withstand significant temperature fluctuations in the air in the bathroom.

    In addition, I can name a few more significant advantages of this type of material:

    1. High coefficient of vapor permeability. Decorative plaster is capable of absorbing water vapor in the air and releasing it back. Therefore, unlike tiles, this finish is able to regulate the humidity in the room, creating a comfortable microclimate.

    For example, I like that in plaster-finished bathrooms the mirror does not fog up after taking a shower, even if you forget to turn on the exhaust fan.

    1. Easy to care for. Modern plaster for decorative wall decoration - this is not the delicate material with which I started working several years ago. Now the coating has excellent mechanical strength and is not damaged by chemicals contained in detergents.

    Moreover, after application, some compositions acquire antistatic properties, due to which they do not attract, but rather repel dust from the surface.

    1. Possibility of creating unique designs . Decorative plasters are not only beautiful in themselves, but can also imitate surfaces made of other materials, such as marble.

    In addition, if you have the appropriate abilities, you can paint a whole picture with this finishing material. But here everything depends only on the firmness of your hand and confidence in the impeccability of your artistic taste.

    If I have convinced you of the need to use this particular material, then you will learn how to plaster the walls in the bathroom, that is, what specific type of finish to choose.

    There are two large categories of plasters:

    1. Smooth. The most common in this group is the so-called Venetian plaster, which is most often used for finishing plumbing blocks. It has a glossy surface that does not allow water to accumulate on the surface.

    Venetian plaster imitates marble in its appearance, so it is unlikely that you will be able to make your bathtub unique with its help. You can only vary the colors and some effects. For example, I plastered the walls, making them look a little cracked.

    Also in my practice, I worked with plaster using pre-made stencils. With their help you can create paintings on the walls. But know that such a service is quite expensive, since the process takes a lot of time.

    1. Structural. After processing the walls, they form a certain ordered relief. You most likely know similar materials under the names “bark beetle” or “pebbles.”

    Before purchasing such plaster, it is important to know that the textured surface retains liquid. If it's not for long, nothing bad will happen. But if the plaster gets wet all the time, it can sometimes affect its appearance and strength.

    This plaster can be used to decorate walls in the bathroom, but its service life will be much shorter than the service life of a smooth composition.

    Finishing the conversation about this type of finishing material, I’ll give you a few more tips that once helped me:

    1. Plasters are sold dry building mixtures and ready-to-use formulations. Buy dry powders. Ready-made plaster cannot be thinned by adjusting the viscosity. This often makes it difficult to work on walls.
    2. If you buy material with coarse filler, do not mix it with a mixer mounted on a drill. In this case, you will have to achieve uniformity manually, using a trowel or spatula.
    3. I find plasters with decorative fillers of different sizes to be the most difficult to use. If you have no experience working with this material at all, it’s best to hire a specialist or choose a different finishing option.
    4. Do not buy water-soluble plasters. They are more environmentally friendly, but do not tolerate humid air well. If you had to plaster with this composition, after drying, treat the surface with protective wax.

    Method 6 - Wood

    Decorating a bathroom with wood is a very exotic and rare way to decorate a sanitary facility. And we are talking here not only about the high cost of the material, but also about its inability to withstand external destructive factors characteristic of the bathroom.

    Therefore, if you decide to use wood to decorate a room, I recommend following a few tips:

    1. It is necessary to select wood species with a minimum deformation coefficient. This means that the workpieces and cladding parts will practically not change their original dimensions under the influence of high temperature and humidity.
    2. It is advisable to buy panels or lining made of wood, which has high antiseptic properties. That is, mold and mildew will not develop on its surface. It is best if these are exotic plants, but you can take oak or hornbeam.

    In any case, you should not forget about treating surfaces with antiseptics. However, you should make sure that they do not cause harm to humans, otherwise all your efforts to create an eco-friendly bathroom will be nullified.

    1. When choosing a finishing material, you should check the humidity level. Only completely dried wood can be used. Otherwise, during operation it will be deformed, which will disrupt the harmony of the interior.

    Remember that wood gets wet differently in the same bathroom. For example, a section of walls located near a sink or toilet will get wet more often. Therefore, to design such areas, I recommend using:

    • beech elm or oak;
    • larch or cedar;
    • merabu or ebony;
    • bamboo.

    In all other zones, you can choose the type of wood yourself.

    Remember that no matter how you protect the wood, it will warp in humid air. Therefore, wall cladding should be laid with small gaps. It is better to generally use the tree in fragments.

    After installation, surfaces made of natural materials must be treated with varnish or paint. By the way, I recommend repeating the treatment every 5 years so that the wood lasts as well as possible.

    Varnish can also be replaced with oil, which gives the wood excellent hydrophobic properties. However, the instructions for its use suggest that impregnation of surfaces must be repeated at least once a month.

    But a bathroom decorated with wood will be truly unique. I can count on one hand the times I have used this material for decoration.


    The choice of finishing materials is a subjective matter. I told you about the options that I like. You also learned how and with what to plaster the walls in the bathroom. If you are interested in surface finishing technology plastic panels, you can watch the video in this article.

    And if you have decorated your bathroom in some exotic way, I and my readers would be interested to know about it. In the comments to this material, you can tell what and how you did to create a masterpiece of home design.

    Repairs take a lot of effort and time, especially if you do it yourself, without involving professional craftsmen in finishing the work. But the biggest impact on homeowners’ budgets is bathroom remodeling, as quality materials, suitable for use in conditions of high humidity, are not cheap.

    When purchasing a new home, a significant financial burden falls on the family, so it would be rational to find a compromise finishing option that will ensure long-term use and a neat appearance. minimum costs. In this article we will tell you how to carry out budget bathroom renovations on your own.

    Material requirements

    Even budget finishing bathroom must meet tough building regulations, since the microclimate in this room has a number of features that lead to accelerated wear of materials. When considering the option of doing the renovation yourself, keep in mind that a bathroom is characterized by high humidity, insufficient ventilation and temperature changes. Therefore, the materials used to finish surfaces must have the following qualities:

    Note! Choosing an option inexpensive finishing, be sure to pay attention to the possibility self-installation material, since hiring professional craftsmen can double the cost of renovating a bathroom.

    Wall decoration

    Bathroom walls have the largest area among the surfaces to be finished, so their cladding accounts for most of the costs. When carrying out repairs yourself in order to reduce costs, you need to take into account that not all materials are suitable for use in rooms with high humidity. There are the following inexpensive ways wall finishing to protect against moisture:

    Important! If you want to save time in addition to money when renovating your bathroom, then the best option– . They can be easily installed even by an inexperienced craftsman without prior preparation of the wall surface or removal of old finishes.

    Floor finishing

    Finishing the bathroom floor is a fundamental task, the quality of which determines the safety and ease of use of the bathroom. Experienced craftsmen It is not recommended to skimp on surface waterproofing, as it helps to avoid problems with leaks and breakdowns household appliances. If an apartment from a secondary housing stock is being renovated, and the age of the house exceeds 20-25 years, when renovating the bathroom, you should open the old floor and update the waterproofing trough using rolled, coating or painting materials. As an inexpensive finishing coating, the following is used:

    Experienced craftsmen note that even with a tight budget, it is necessary to remove the old floor to the concrete base, organize a high-quality waterproofing trough, and then carefully level the surface using a screed.

    Bathroom renovation

    Traditionally, in Russian apartments there are more often bathtubs than showers. The cost of replacing a wash basin can be between a quarter and half of the cost of a budget bathroom renovation. Experienced craftsmen note that with a lack of financial opportunities It’s more rational not to purchase new expensive products, but to waste old ones cast iron models using one of the following methods:

    Note! Inexpensive, but effective procedure re-enamelling the bowl significantly improves the appearance of the product. Cast iron bathtubs with thick walls are considered the most repairable.

    Video instruction

    Thanks to the variety of finishing materials, it is now possible to realize any design idea in my apartment. When it comes to renovating a bathroom, the question arises, what materials to use to decorate its walls? There are many options. This could be ceramic tiles, mosaics, PVC panels, paint, porcelain tiles or even wallpaper. The choice depends only on financial capabilities and the intended design. Many interesting interior ideas with photos can be found on the Internet or you can come up with them yourself.

    Material selection

    The bathroom is a room with a high level of humidity. Therefore it is worth paying attention Special attention choice of finishing materials. They must be resistant to moisture, evaporation, some salts, as well as household chemicals. In addition, be of high quality, be in harmony with other finishing materials in the bathroom and correspond latest trends fashion. There are several of the most popular materials for wall decoration in the bathroom:

    • mirror tiles;

    The combination of paint and tiles in the bathroom interior

    • dye;
    • PVC panels;
    • agglomerate;
    • tree;
    • wallpaper;
    • drywall;
    • self-adhesive film.

    Preparing walls for finishing

    Attention! If on the walls old tiles, then it will have to be removed. To begin with, it is beaten with a hammer and then covered with a soil-concrete composition. This will make the tile come off easier.

    The abundance of materials on the market sometimes leads to a stupor. What to choose? Which material is better? A sales consultant or a sales consultant can answer these questions for a beginner. professional master. You can also rely on yourself and choose the material to suit your taste and budget.

    Ceramic tiles: traditional classics

    Tile is perhaps one of the most popular finishing materials. Its main advantage is durability. After all, the service life of ceramic tiles is correct masonry can be up to 60-80 years. Unfortunately, such a positive quality often remains unclaimed. Few people want to see the same tile every day for several decades.

    Ceramic tiles in the bathroom interior

    The advantages also include: resistance to biological and chemical compositions, scratches, cuts and lack of voids under the coating. But if you take into account all the disadvantages tiles, then it turns out that there are many more of them than advantages.

    1. The need for careful alignment of the walls.
    2. Price quality tiles very high.
    3. The tile cannot be repaired.
    4. Touching a cold tile while water procedures- the feeling is not pleasant.

    Attention! Intertile seams are another drawback of ceramic tiles. They collect moisture, dirt and soap solution residues, which subsequently leads to the appearance of mold and mildew. To avoid this problem you need to use high-quality grout.

    Mosaic: stylish, fashionable and expensive

    Mosaic tiles are an excellent option for finishing a bathroom. It is made from moisture-resistant and temperature-resistant materials. For example, marble, onyx, jasper or granite. Metal mosaic looks expensive and stylish, but is used infrequently, because caring for it is quite burdensome.

    Decorating the walls and floors of the bathroom with mosaics

    Mosaic tiles are a strong, reliable and durable material. In addition, the mosaic is resistant to fading and is impact resistant. It can be mounted on any surface, be it a wall, floor or the frame of a font.

    Advice. If the surface has a rough surface, then the mosaic will correct this defect by masking the wall.

    With this finishing material you can realize all your design fantasies. But it should be noted that mosaic tiles have many disadvantages. It's hard to believe? But this is true. Despite the attractive photos of bathroom design projects, mosaics are fraught with their drawbacks.

    Natural stone mosaic

    1. Price. Indeed, the price of this material is very high. This is especially true for mosaics made of natural stone. The ceramic analogue is a little cheaper.
    2. Installing tiles requires special skill and skill.
    3. The services of a mosaic installation professional are not cheap. This is in case you can’t do the work yourself.

    But if we ignore the price component of the tiles and the costs of its installation, the result will please you for a long time.

    PVC panels: budget option

    When choosing PVC panels, many people pay attention to their price. This is an inexpensive and accessible finishing material. Its positive qualities include:

    • low price;
    • possibility of self-installation;

    PVC panels for bathroom

    • simplicity of installation stages;
    • absence of “wet” steps in installing panels.

    Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that PVC panels are not classified as environmentally friendly clean materials. Choice color range small, despite the wide variety of materials.

    Porcelain tiles: replacement for tiles?

    Porcelain tile appeared on the market as a finishing material about three decades ago and began to actively gain popularity. He is superior in many ways ceramic tiles, but its cost is much higher.

    Porcelain tiles on bathroom walls

    Porcelain tiles stronger than tiles, it is resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion. Meanwhile it can imitate the finishing natural stone and looks very expensive. The material has practically no disadvantages. Porcelain tiles are moisture-resistant and are not afraid of temperature changes, which is ideal for finishing a bathroom.

    Painting the walls

    Painting the walls in the bathroom is another finishing option. He has positive sides, but is not without its drawbacks. The advantages of using paint include:

    1. Economical. Using even expensive paint will not greatly deplete your budget.
    2. Ease of execution.
    3. Opportunity self-finishing.
    4. A variety of colors, which makes it possible to combine shades.

    Matte paint on bathroom walls

    The disadvantages of painting bathroom walls are as follows:

    • if the top layer is damaged, there is a high probability of mold appearing;
    • in a poorly ventilated room, such finishing will not last long;
    • the need for careful preparation of walls before painting;
    • the need to frequently update the paint layer.

    Other options for finishing bathroom walls

    Moisture-resistant wallpaper

    Wallpaper in the bathroom: nonsense or reality? Thanks to new wallpaper manufacturing technology, you can purchase any options for decorating a room. They are made of moisture-resistant composition. However, experts do not recommend gluing wallpaper in places where the wall is in constant contact with water.

    Advice. For gluing wallpaper will do a wall that does not have constant contact with water. It is advisable not to be located on it.


    Drywall itself is not a finishing material. His the main task– level the surface of the walls. Owners of small bathrooms will have to abandon the use of this material due to the fact that it hides space.

    Advice. When choosing drywall as a finishing material, it is preferable to purchase moisture-resistant boards.

    Decorative plaster

    Decorative plaster in the bathroom will last quite a long time, provided that all the rules for its application are followed. Otherwise, it will begin to crumble. The undeniable advantage of plaster is its vapor permeability, i.e. the material absorbs evaporated moisture, as a result of which the mirror does not fog up.

    Decorative plaster

    The disadvantages, perhaps, include the high cost. In general, the material is reliable, aesthetic and environmentally friendly.

    Use of wood in decoration

    Glued or veneered boards, solid wood or lining are the most popular options for finishing bathroom walls with wood.

    Attention! It is not advisable to use an array. It is suitable for decorative inserts.

    Few tree species are suitable for finishing bathroom walls. Oak, ash and elm are the three main species often used during renovations. A significant drawback of this option is that before installing the wood, it must be coated with an antifungal compound.

    Decorating bathroom walls with wood

    Agglomerate – artificial stone

    New material in the building materials market. Externally, the agglomerate resembles ceramic tiles. But unlike it, it is stronger and more resistant to mechanical stress. It's easier to post. A significant disadvantage is the price of the agglomerate, as well as artificial components. During long-term storage, the agglomerate may become deformed.

    Mirror tiles

    Mirror tiles in the bathroom look stylish and unusual. Many people know the fact that mirrors visually enlarge the space, so tiles are perfect for small rooms. It is easy to install.

    Mirror tiles

    Meanwhile, caring for such tiles will cause a lot of trouble. Smears from detergents, darkening of glass, high price, instability to mechanical stress - these are the main disadvantages that scare away consumers.


    Self-adhesive filma budget option. Despite the variety of colors, moisture resistance, ease of gluing and maintenance, the film will require careful preparation of the walls in the bathroom.

    Decorating the walls in the bathroom is an important stage in the design of the room. There are a lot of options and materials. Ceramic or mirror tiles, mosaics, drywall, wallpaper, plaster and much more. You will definitely choose the right finishing material for your bathroom.

    Decorating the walls in the bathroom: video

    Walls in the bathroom: photo