Review of products for treating roof rafters. Procedure for processing the rafter system Wet rafters

The roof truss system is a wood material that is easily destroyed upon contact with moisture and quickly ignites in the event of a fire. How to treat rafters to extend their service life and prevent the formation of mold microflora. Which of the formulations available on the market is most effective? This depends on the type of wood and the prevailing climatic conditions. If it’s humid, you need protection from water; if it’s hot, you need to protect the wood from fire.

What should be the composition

Any product you decide to use for coverage rafter system, must meet the following requirements:

  • penetrate deeply into the structure of wood fibers;
  • do not contain copper sulfate, potassium bichromate, arsenic, chromium;
  • dissolves well in water, but does not wash off from the tree;
  • effectively protect floor beams and sheathing from mold, rot, fungus, and prevent fire.

After this, it is worth deciding what threatens the rafter system more – rot or fire. For humid climatic conditions, an antiseptic is chosen that will penetrate deeply into the wood, and after that it is additionally coated with a fire retardant. The fact is that wood can only be impregnated once. Strengthening the properties of wood to resist the formation of rot or fire depends on which composition is applied first.

What are the types of antiseptics?

Antiseptics for floor beams and sheathing may have additional decorative effect. The composition of the products includes alkyd resin, which gives the wood specific color. For the rafter system, water-soluble antiseptics are most often used. They have a number of advantages:

  • penetrate deep into the wood structure;
  • they are easy to apply to elements of the rafter system;
  • dry quickly and allow the wood to breathe;
  • form a moisture-proof film on the surface of the wood.

High-quality antiseptics must have antimicrobial (biocidal) and antifungal (fungicidal) properties, and also provide reliable protection from insects – insecticidal properties.

Water-soluble substances predominantly contain sodium fluoride and silicofluoride, a mixture of borax and boric acid, pentachlorophenol, a mixture of zinc chloride with sodium (potassium) chromium. The compositions are toxic only to microorganisms and are completely harmless to humans. There are also products soluble in oil, petroleum products and light solvents.

Methods of applying antiseptics

Impregnation (surface impregnation with an antiseptic) is performed by total immersion wooden elements into the composition or by applying the substance with a spray bottle / regular brush. Used for immersion special bath, trough or even a ditch, having previously lined the container plastic film.

The immersion time of the material depends on the specific antiseptic. Typically, the manufacturer indicates on the packaging 30-60 minutes for wood of small and medium sections. When immersing large trusses, for example for roofing from natural tiles, impregnation time is increased to four hours. After drying for 24 hours, all ends are treated wooden structures.

When treating with an antiseptic manually by spraying, spraying or painting, the efficiency of penetration of the composition deep into the wood is noticeably reduced. Although this method requires a small amount of antiseptic composition.

The coating is carried out in several layers with an application interval of about half an hour.

The most popular antiseptics

Has proven itself in practice modern remedy Senezh. This antiseptic can be used to treat the roof, wooden sheathing, floor beams. The composition is presented in the form of a ready-to-use solution on water based. Its advantages:

  • bioprotection for a period of 30-35 years;
  • type of composition – difficult to wash out;
  • chemical bond with wood;
  • penetrates deeply into the fiber structure without increasing hygroscopicity;
  • allows the tree to breathe;
  • has a decorative effect.

The recommended consumption is 250-300 g/m. cube when applied without immersion, 60-80 kg/m. cube when soaking. Senezh penetrates deeply into floor beams and other elements, forming a two-level protective barrier. Prevents the development of fungi and mold microorganisms, insects. The manufacturer produces various series of antiseptics - Ultra, Bio, Thor, Sauna for specific wooden structures.

Estonian-made Pinotex Impra is highly effective. Suitable for bioprotection of floor beams, sheathing, mauerlats, rafters. It is a water-based antiseptic with an alkyd binder. Deeply absorbed into the wood surface, provides good protection from rot, blue stains, mold.

The consumption of the substance ranges from 85 to 200 g per square meter, depending on the wood processing - sawn or planed. Pinotex Impra cannot be used for elements of the rafter system already affected by microorganisms, unlike the Senezh composition.

The product produced in Russia, Drevotex, is used to protect wood material from the formation of rot and mold. Main characteristics:

  • effectively protects floor beams and boards from exposure to atmospheric moisture;
  • the bio series is suitable for the prevention of healthy wood material, the anti-mold series is used for wood affected by focal microorganisms;
  • type of impregnation – difficult to wash out, allows the wood to “breathe”;
  • the bioprotection period of the rafter system with the complex agent Drevotex is about 30 years;
  • product consumption is 250-350 g/sq.m. m when brushing and 200 kg/m. cube when immersed.

The product can be applied to new wood or as a treatment for used wood. roofing structure.

When choosing antiseptic compounds for floor beams, sheathing boards and mauerlats, it is necessary to pay attention to the moisture content of the wood, since not all antiseptics are suitable for wood with a moisture content of more than 20 percent.

Application of fire retardants

Fire protection is designed to give wood material additional qualities - fire resistance, reduced flammability. If you decide that the likelihood of a fire is higher than the possibility of rotting truss structure, first of all, all wooden fragments of the roof should be treated with fire retardants.

They are classified into the first and second efficiency groups. The products of the first group provide fire protection for 5-7 years, so they are more effective. Most fire retardants are based on ammonium phosphates and sulfates, borax, boric acid and combinations of these substances.

All fire retardants are divided into:

  1. Impregnations are solutions of salts that are applied manually or by immersion.
  2. Coating fire retardants have a paste-like consistency.
  3. Varnishes are used for decorative purposes. Their use on the roof is unnecessary.
  4. Paints form a thin protective film on the surface.

Most often, to protect floor beams and rafters, impregnation is used, when the fire retardant will serve as the main protection, and coating, if the fire retardant is applied to the antiseptic. The methods of coating with fire protection are identical to the application of antiseptics. Available on the market big choice compositions of the first and second categories. Neomid is very popular.

Since the composition has received a lot of positive customer reviews, we can take a closer look at its properties.

Neomid 530 – fire protection

The product is suitable for any type of wood surface - sawn or planed floor beams, boards, rafters, sheathing. Main advantages:

  • fire protection for ten years;
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • does not contain toxic substances and formaldehyde;
  • does not interfere with further processing of wood;
  • does not change the hygroscopicity of the material;
  • supplied ready to use;
  • made on a water basis;
  • in terms of danger to humans, it occupies the same category as household chemicals, - not dangerous.

Neomid compositions are available in different series. Some products are designed to protect floor beams and other elements of the rafter system from insects, rot, blue stains, and are used as wood bleaches. Neomid 530 is an effective fire protection that is currently the most popular.

Before processing rafters, you need to choose the right protection priority. The composition that is applied first will be the main one. The second substance will perform an additional protective function.

How to properly get rid of mold on rafters Onduvilla roofing material is a reliable barrier to precipitation, but even under such a coating there are all the conditions for mold to appear. If you find fungus on wooden roof structures, you shouldn’t be discouraged - the devil is not as scary as he is painted to be. Getting rid of mold and preventing it from appearing in the future is not that difficult.


Mold spores accompany us everywhere. They are present in damp places, on dry surfaces and even in the air, so you shouldn't be surprised to notice dark or whitish spots of mold on your new rafters.

The roof reliably protects the rafter system from rain, and while waiting favorable conditions Fungal spores do not manifest themselves in any way. With the onset of heat and high humidity, they wake up, begin to multiply and activate the process of decay.

Getting rid of mold is not difficult, but if done too late, it may be necessary to replace weakened structural elements. It is equally important to take all necessary preventive measures.

Causes of mold

To activate fungal spores and mold development, four basic conditions must be met: the establishment of favorable temperature and humidity, the presence of oxygen and food. By eliminating at least one of these factors, you can prevent the appearance of rot.

Obviously, the main impetus for mold growth comes from increased humidity. Its appearance may be due to the following reasons:

Raw lumber was used to make the rafter system;

The structure got wet during construction, the installation of the air villa was carried out during rain, etc.;

There is no attic ventilation;

Insufficient ventilation roofing pie, as a result of which the insulation and rafters get wet;

There is no under-roof moisture protective film, as a result of which condensate flows onto the rafter system.

Mold Prevention

To prevent the appearance of mold, it is necessary to exclude conditions for the development of fungal spores. It’s pointless to fight warm temperatures, and oxygen access is expensive, so let’s focus on the two remaining factors:

1. The fungus develops when the wood moisture content is above 20%, so only well-dried lumber should be used for the manufacture of the rafter system.

The installed rafter system must be covered with a moisture-proof film.

The roof pie of an insulated roof must be well ventilated, for which the Onduvilla roof is equipped with ridge vents and, if necessary, roof fans.

Uninsulated must be equipped dormer windows, as well as air vents and exhaust ventilation with sufficient cross-sectional area.

2. The main condition for the life and development of mold is the presence of food. If in the absence of oxygen, low temperatures and humidity, the fungus “falls asleep”, then in the absence of food it dies.

To deprive the fungus of food, lumber must be treated with antiseptic agents.

What to do if mold has already appeared?

If mold has already appeared, you must:

1. Completely remove the affected wood. For this you can use wire brush, knife or other suitable tool.

The size of the treated area should exceed the affected area by 10-20 cm on each side.

2. Treat the cleaned area with any detergent containing chlorine and leave until completely dry.

Carrier supporting structure roofs includes and .

The rafter system - the frame, or the so-called roof skeleton - experiences various loads.

The loads are:

  • constant - the weight of the sheathing and the weight itself. It can be very serious significance, especially when using heavy materials for coverings such as ;
  • temporary - snow and wind. Calculated in accordance with the geographical location, taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof slope.

Materials for the truss structure:

  • reinforced concrete;
  • metal;
  • tree.

Metal or wood

The best lumber is produced in the northern regions with a harsh climate - dense, with excellent mechanical properties and without bugs and similar living creatures.

Moisture content of lumber

A cut tree has a moisture content of 50 percent or even more.

For use as elements of a rafter system, the figure should not exceed 18-22 percent.

Therefore, when purchasing wood, you should definitely pay attention to how well it is dried.

If the storage of timber is carried out correctly, then even a tree cut down when the sap flow has not yet finished will dry out naturally, you just need to ensure sufficient storage.

Rafters made of damp wood, drying out on the roof, crack and bend over time.

Deformation during drying is fraught with a violation of the geometry of the slope; the joints may separate, making the entire structure unstable.

Dry wood will not turn blue or blacken, and although it is believed that blue does not affect performance characteristics, yet the subconscious choice is made in favor of wood without such aesthetic flaws.

In case of using more damp wood, it is recommended to additionally secure the connecting nodes with bolts. To prevent the beams from sagging under their own weight, supports are installed under them.

Comprehensive protection

Additional metal elements may be used in the wooden skeleton of the roof - in this case, a gasket is required between the metal and the wood.

As you know, condensation forms on metal, which, when in contact with rafters, can lead to rotting of the wood.

Moisture-proof material should also be laid in places of contact with the brick - first of all, under the mauerlat.

Wood exposed to biological influences quickly deteriorates. Protecting it from fungi, mold, and wood-boring insects by impregnating it with antiseptics will significantly increase its productivity.

It is also extremely important to treat lumber with fire retardants, which can greatly increase fire safety.

Modern fire-bioprotective compounds can be of a combined type - capable of preventing both fire and biological destruction.

Choosing a breed

Wood must be strong and at the same time flexible. Ease of processing is also important.


  • pine. The resin content of the tree provides high resistance to decay. Pine timber is also popular due to such qualities as lightness, strength, and the straightness of the trunk is attractive to builders. Pine lumber has a low price compared to noble species;
  • larch - its excellent strength characteristics are comparable to oak, and the durability of elements made from larch is also excellent;
  • spruce - excellent for floor beams and rafters: dry spruce is no less durable than pine, but is less resistant to moisture.


  • oak - suitable for critical areas, for example, mauerlat is made from it. It is relatively easy to process, the main disadvantage is the price category;
  • aspen is strong and resilient, but most of it has a rotten core that is unsuitable for processing; it is very difficult to choose first-class aspen of proper quality;
  • Beech is a difficult wood to process, but durable and strong.

What should the variety be?

Various defects reduce the strength and bearing capacity rafters

A perfect trunk is smooth, without rot or other damage, with a minimum number of knots and cracks.

For the construction of a roof frame, grade 1 with a humidity of no more than 12 percent is best suited; the use of grades 2-3 is also allowed.

There should not be more than 3 small knots per meter of rafters.

A more expensive option compared to an array. It is recommended to purchase laminated veneer lumber only from a trusted manufacturer, as there have been cases of poor-quality material.

If purchased from a reputable supplier, such material has a number of undeniable advantages.

Its advantages:

  • not subject to deformation;
  • relatively light;
  • lasting. For comparison: the strength of rafters glued together from third-grade wood is the same as that of a solid massif of the first grade;
  • easy to assemble - ready-made elements can be assembled like a construction set;
  • does not sag over time, that is, fewer supports can be installed.

Standard sections of load-bearing elements:

  • for the Mauerlat, timber 100 by 100, 100 by 150, 150 by 150 mm is selected;
  • diagonal rafter legs, as a rule, have a cross-section of 100 by 200 mm;
  • purlins – 100 by 100, 100 by 150, 100 by 200 mm;
  • boards for, fillies, struts - 50 by 150 mm.

Ideally, beams and rafters should be planed, but this is not a necessary condition.

Cut timber will reduce costs many times over due to the reduction in waste.

To order ready-made elements, you need to know them exact dimensions and quantity. However, a reserve is needed in any case.

It is better to entrust the construction of the rafter system to specialists who are knowledgeable in this field and familiar with all the nuances of construction, or take their advice.

For example, an inexperienced installer will try to attach each element as firmly as possible, but too many nails will simply cause the boards to crack.

In order to top design the house was strong and reliable, it is necessary to provide the builders with high-quality material that meets all of the above requirements.

Treating rafters with special compounds that prevent biological destruction and reduce the risk of fire allows you to extend the service life of the rafter system.

Changing the properties of wood

For the construction of wooden structures, in particular, the rafter system of a house, wood of various species can be used, each of which has its own properties and degree of resistance to external influences. When choosing lumber, you need to pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • wood moisture level;
  • grade (presence of cracks, knots, etc.);
  • moisture resistance;
  • wood resistance to rot and pests.

To increase the material's resistance to biological degradation, it is necessary to treat by special means beams, rafters and other roof frame elements. At the same time, we must not forget about fire retardants, which give wood an unusual resistance to fire.

At the pre-construction stage, it is important to decide on the means that will be used for processing. Today on the construction market there is wide choose antiseptics, fire retardants and universal fire-bioprotective agents that need to be used to treat elements of the rafter system.

Selection of means and order of processing of the rafter system

Biological destruction refers to wood rotting (infestation by fungi and microorganisms) and the impact of pests on wood fibers (primarily wood-boring beetles). To protect the rafters from biological destruction, antiseptic treatment is necessary. If the wood is already damaged, it must be impregnated with a disinfectant. Otherwise, in a humid climate, the destruction of the rafter system will occur in a short time. The danger of fire always remains, and fire-retardant treatment of wooden elements is relevant when constructing a rafter system in regions with any climate.

When using an antiseptic and fire retardant, you need to choose the right order of application: one composition (the main one) should be an impregnation that penetrates deep into the wood, the second should be a coating that creates a top protective layer.

If the area is not arid, it is recommended that you first take care of protecting the rafters from rotting. High-quality impregnation with an antiseptic will create a reliable barrier for fungus and pests. And the coating is on fire protective agent will help reduce the risk of fire.

In regions with arid climates, you should worry about fire protection and impregnate beams and rafters with fire retardants. To prevent damage to wood by rot or bugs, bio is applied to the surface of wooden elements. protective composition.

You can antisepticize the rafter system using various means. There are special compositions that destroy the larvae of pests - wood-boring beetles, drugs are offered that successfully combat common black rot, etc. When buying an antiseptic, you need to make the right choice based on the specifics of specific conditions. It is impossible to mix different preparations, as their combined effect on wood fibers can be destructive.

Rafter processing

To ensure reliable protection of the wooden elements of the rafter system, it is not recommended to process the finished roof frame. In this case, the most problematic areas remain inaccessible: fastening points. Moisture can penetrate the joints and cause rotting of untreated wood. To eliminate this, you need to carefully process the rafters, beams and other parts of the structure before installing the rafter system.

It should be taken into account that impregnation with an antiseptic ready-made structures using a brush or spray is less effective than the dipping method, which can be applied to individual roof framing members.

Full treatment of rafters involves deep impregnation of the wood with an antiseptic. The maximum effect can be achieved only in production conditions, since for better penetration protective composition, the wood should be heated and the solution should be supplied under pressure. Processing directly on the construction site is of lower quality, but with a careful approach it also gives a good result.

To use the immersion method, it is necessary to build a container of the required dimensions, taking into account the length of the rafters and the width of the beam. For this purpose, a ditch of a certain depth is dug, or a long box is knocked together from boards. In both cases, the surface of the improvised container is lined with plastic film, which is secured to the sides. Next, pour a diluted antiseptic into the container (the concentration of the composition is indicated by the manufacturer) and alternately immerse the beams, rafters and other wooden parts. Each structural element must be kept in the solution for 2-3 minutes.

Rafters and other parts of the roof frame should be dried for about a day, placing them in such a way that all sides are ventilated.

The ends of the rafters, grooves and cuts need to be treated especially carefully, since these places near the rafters are the most vulnerable. For this purpose, the rafters, already impregnated by immersion, are additionally treated with an antiseptic in problem areas using a paint brush.

If you have to process beams, rafters and other structural elements using the surface application impregnation using a roller, spray or brush, the work must be carried out at least twice. Before the first and second treatments against pests and rot, the wooden parts must be completely dry..

Treatment of rafters should be carried out in the warm season. There is no point in treating frozen and damp wood - the fibers will not absorb the antiseptic. Antiseptic treatment should be carried out in compliance with safety precautions - protective equipment must be used. The compositions used can cause a chemical burn if they come into contact with unprotected skin.

After the antiseptic has penetrated into the wood fibers and the part has completely dried, it must be treated with a fire retardant. The coating composition is applied to the surface of the rafters with a paint brush or a soft paint brush, or you can use a small roller. The product is diluted in the concentration specified by the manufacturer.

Wooden rafters have been used in construction since ancient times. They have excellent performance characteristics and are easy to process. You should take care of the means for treating the rafters long before you begin assembling the roof frame.

Why do you need to treat rafters?

The fact that wood is susceptible to rot is well known. Microorganisms that appear in it destroy the fibers, as a result of which the material loses its quality characteristics.

The strength of the rafters is also determined by the type of wood. In the construction of roof structures, in most cases, they are used coniferous varieties wood that easily ignites due to its high resin content.

For a real assessment of the negative factors that can adversely affect the roofing structure, an analysis of the characteristics of a specific region is necessary. At high humidity climate, the main danger is the possible rotting of wooden elements. In hot climates, the first thing to think about is protecting the structure from fire.

Different breeds trees differ in their degree of susceptibility to rot. The application of special compounds can protect against both fungus and mold.

What product should be used to treat the rafters first, and which ones can be chosen as an addition? This issue must be resolved in advance, since it is impossible to impregnate the material twice: first with an antiseptic composition, then with an antipyretic one to protect it from flame. This issue is also resolved depending on the climate. The impregnation should be a basic composition that penetrates deep into the wood fiber. After this, coating is carried out with an additional composition.

What should I impregnate the material with?

So, impregnations can be antiseptic and antipyretic. You can purchase wood already processed, but in most cases it is still sawed directly on site, so new cuts need to be impregnated.


This group includes substances of the first and second efficiency groups. They can provide a certain percentage of weight loss of the processed wood material (up to 9 and 30%). Regardless quality characteristics rafters require regular checking of their condition. In case of non-compliance with the standards, restoration work must be carried out.

Fire retardant materials are of the following types:

Impregnations– are solutions of salts, the application of which is carried out in three ways:

  • manual;
  • immersion method;
  • under pressure.

Coatings are mixtures of paste-like consistency.

Lucky used in cases where it is necessary to preserve the beautiful natural grain of wood.

Paints– when they are carried, an opaque thin film is formed on the surface.

It should be taken into account that fire retardant impregnations can be intended for both closed and open areas.


The classification of antiseptics is somewhat different. They are purely protective and can have a decorative effect.

Group protective antiseptics is divided into the following types:

  • easy to wash;
  • difficult to wash out;
  • washable.

Antiseptic compositions can be dissolved in oil, water, light solvents, and petroleum products. For construction, as a rule, water-soluble antiseptics are used. They have a number of advantages:

  • dry very quickly;
  • form a durable film on wood;
  • allow the wood to “breathe”.

The basis of antibacterial impregnations with a decorative effect are alkyd resins. As a result of appropriate processing, ordinary pine can turn into any tree valuable breed. The impregnation contains a solvent, which ensures good adhesion and penetration of substances to a sufficient depth.

Which composition to choose?

In non-arid areas, the tree suffers more from the effects of the fungus. Rafters are processed taking into account their initial condition. Mainly used aqueous solutions a certain means. But if the tree is already affected by fungus, it is necessary to use special disinfectant impregnations.

To protect wood from beetle larvae, special compounds must be used. It should be borne in mind that simultaneous treatment of rafters with several drugs is not entirely safe, since they can react with each other.

Today construction stores offer a large number of compositions, the use of which for impregnation rafter beams gives excellent result. Drevotex, Senezh, Rogneda, Olympus have proven themselves well. They are distinguished by their environmental safety, non-toxicity and durability of the results obtained.

Some of these formulations are produced in series that are intended for various types disinfection and various purposes:

  • from mold development;
  • from fungus;
  • from a beetle;
  • for processing the end parts of the building.

Complex processing makes it possible to fully protect the entire rafter system.

The consumption of the substance in industry is approximately three kilograms per cubic meter wood When used at home, there is no need for such large volumes. In these cases, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9. When applied in two layers, the consumption is no more than 200 ml ready-made product to process one square meter surfaces. However, this approach is not justified from a professional point of view: experts say that for reliable processing it is necessary to apply at least 5-8 layers.

Impregnation requirements

  • The wood impregnation agent must be completely soluble in water and not contain chromium and arsenic compounds.
  • It is very important that the impregnation does not wash off, since fixing the components of the product in the thickness of the wood is extremely necessary.
  • A high-quality and correctly selected composition should reliably protect wood from destructive biological factors: fungi, microorganisms, insects.
  • If necessary additional protection rafter systems from possible exposure to fire after installation is completed roofing An antipyretic is applied to it by spraying.

Basic methods of wood processing

Impregnation (or surface impregnation) of wood can be done in two main ways:

  • immersion in a protective composition;
  • spraying with a spray bottle and applying with a roller or brush.

Features of the immersion method

Wooden elements are immersed in a special bath with a protective agent. Treatment can be carried out with a cold solution, the temperature of which corresponds to the temperature environment, or hot - from 50 to 60 degrees.

The third method of impregnation is contrast. When using it, the wood is first immersed in hot impregnation, after which it is quickly transferred to cold impregnation of a similar concentration. The sudden cooling method enhances capillary suction. In a similar way, wood can be impregnated to a 20 percent moisture level.

Duration of the procedure

Previously, impregnation methods were divided into two types: long and short - the wood could be kept from several days in a cold solution to 15-120 minutes inside a hot one.

Today, wood processing has lost its relevance within a few days. Proposed construction market the newest means are much more different high efficiency compared to the means of the previous generation.

If it is necessary to process wood maximum depth special devices are used with which the impregnation process is carried out under pressure.

Manufacturers of impregnation products must accurately indicate the method and duration of wood treatment in the instructions for use.

Material moisture

The moisture level of the wood has a significant impact on the duration of impregnation and its quality. The higher the moisture content of the material, the better it will be saturated. If it is necessary to process wood above the degree of natural fiber saturation (in the case of pine, this figure is 28-29%), it is recommended to use more concentrated solutions or increase the length of time the wood is in a bath filled with the composition.

The immersion method is successfully practiced construction companies. The only limiting factor today is the parameters of the tank used for immersion, since the rafters are quite large structural elements.

Spraying, Spraying, Application Method

The distinctive properties of this method are simplicity and low cost. Its main advantage is the ability to impregnate ready-made structures. Disadvantages of this method:

  • in terms of efficiency, it is significantly inferior to the immersion method: the depth of penetration of the composition into the thickness of the wood is only a few millimeters;
  • the second significant disadvantage of spraying is that the hidden parts of an already erected structure cannot be processed properly.
  • When using a less concentrated solution or applying an insufficient number of layers (for example, to save money), it is not possible to achieve a sufficient level of protection for the wood, as a result of which it is subject to deterioration over time.
  • When using impregnation, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the amount of solution and method of its application. You cannot limit yourself to applying two or three layers of a substance if five or six are needed.

Processing of the rafter system

The technology used in industry to preheat wood is quite complex. In the process of immersing a tree in a cold solution, it quickly cools down, which leads to the formation of low blood pressure. This ensures more deep penetration disinfectant composition. The elements are kept inside the container for several hours. A similar operation is also carried out in autoclaves under conditions high blood pressure, after which excess chemicals are removed using a vacuum method. When carrying out the procedure in a factory environment, the composition penetrates to a depth of 15 mm.

Processing can also be carried out independently. Very often there is a need to carry it out in an already constructed building. In this case, the solution is applied using a brush or roller. This surface coating lasts approximately 2-8 years. Implementation deep impregnation in such cases it is only possible with the help special devices or under pressure.

It is for this reason that it is optimal to process parts before assembling the structure - by immersion.

Regardless of the chosen method the most important rules When processing rafters, care must be taken to handle the impregnating layer and maintain its integrity. Damage may be caused by being dropped from a significant height or coming into contact with sharp-edged instruments.

Universal remedies: to use or not to use?

Repeated processing and coating is a rather labor-intensive process. Of course, I would like to limit myself to a one-time treatment of the rafters with a universal solution, followed by drying and installation in place.

Similar impregnations are already commercially available. They contain not only an antiseptic component that protects against fungus and mold, but also an antipyretic in the form of a solution of certain salts, which protects the material from fire.

Despite its superficial appeal, this “universal” method has one significant drawback: when using it, it is not possible to determine whether the material has been properly impregnated or not. Once the layer has dried, processing can no longer be continued, since a protective film has already formed on the wood.

In addition, the duration of exposure to the additives included in the product can vary significantly. For example, the effect of antiseptics lasts 2 years, and antipyretics – 10 years. In this case, the wood will be protected from fire, but fungus will appear in it or rot will begin. In this case, re-impregnation with the solution is impossible, since the protective film is still preserved. Conclusion: it is better to abandon the dubious versatility and choose a method that provides high-quality processing.


  • Treatment of rafters is necessary to protect them from rotting and exposure to flame.
  • With high humidity, the main danger is possible rotting of wooden elements. In hot climates, the first thing to think about is protecting the structure from fire.
  • Fire retardants are produced in the form of impregnations, coatings, varnishes, and paints.
  • Antiseptics are purely protective and can have a decorative effect.
  • Simultaneous treatment of rafters with several drugs is unsafe, since they can react with each other.
  • Surface impregnation of wood is carried out by immersion in a protective composition or by spraying with a spray bottle and applying with a roller or brush.
  • The higher the moisture content of the material, the better it is impregnated.
  • When using impregnation, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the amount of solution and method of its application.
  • Offered to consumers universal means cannot provide adequate protection for rafter elements.

Find out how to prepare wood impregnation with your own hands from the video.